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2014-05-16 18:28:35 +00:00
-- Copyright: Matthias Heinrichs 2014
-- Free for non-comercial use
-- No warranty just for fun
-- I you want to earn money with this code, ask me first!
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity BUS68030 is
AS_030: inout std_logic ;
AS_000: inout std_logic ;
DS_030: inout std_logic ;
UDS_000: inout std_logic;
LDS_000: inout std_logic;
SIZE: inout std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 );
A: inout std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 );
2014-05-16 18:18:55 +00:00
nEXP_SPACE: in std_logic ;
BERR: inout std_logic ;
BG_030: in std_logic ;
BG_000: out std_logic ;
BGACK_030: out std_logic ;
BGACK_000: in std_logic ;
CLK_030: in std_logic ;
CLK_000: in std_logic ;
CLK_OSZI: in std_logic ;
CLK_DIV_OUT: out std_logic ;
CLK_EXP: out std_logic ;
FPU_CS: out std_logic ;
IPL_030: out std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 );
IPL: in std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 );
DSACK: inout std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 );
DTACK: inout std_logic ;
AVEC: out std_logic ;
AVEC_EXP: inout std_logic ; --this is a "free pin"
E: out std_logic ;
VPA: in std_logic ;
VMA: out std_logic ;
RST: in std_logic ;
RESET: out std_logic ;
RW: in std_logic ;
-- D: inout std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 28 );
FC: in std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 );
AMIGA_BUS_ENABLE: out std_logic ;
AMIGA_BUS_DATA_DIR: out std_logic ;
AMIGA_BUS_ENABLE_LOW: out std_logic;
CIIN: out std_logic
end BUS68030;
architecture Behavioral of BUS68030 is
subtype ESTATE is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
constant E1 : ESTATE := "0110";
constant E2 : ESTATE := "0111";
constant E3 : ESTATE := "0100";
constant E4 : ESTATE := "0101";
constant E5 : ESTATE := "0010";
constant E6 : ESTATE := "0011";
constant E7 : ESTATE := "1010";
constant E8 : ESTATE := "1011";
constant E9 : ESTATE := "1100";
constant E10 : ESTATE := "1111";
-- Illegal states
constant E20 : ESTATE := "0000";
constant E4a : ESTATE := "0001";
constant E21 : ESTATE := "1000";
constant E22 : ESTATE := "1001";
constant E23 : ESTATE := "1101";
constant E24 : ESTATE := "1110";
signal cpu_est : ESTATE := E20;
signal cpu_est_d : ESTATE := E20;
subtype AMIGA_STATE is std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
constant IDLE_P : AMIGA_STATE := "000";
constant IDLE_N : AMIGA_STATE := "001";
constant AS_SET_P : AMIGA_STATE := "010";
constant AS_SET_N : AMIGA_STATE := "011";
constant SAMPLE_DTACK_P: AMIGA_STATE := "100";
constant DATA_FETCH_N: AMIGA_STATE := "101";
constant DATA_FETCH_P : AMIGA_STATE := "110";
constant END_CYCLE_N : AMIGA_STATE := "111";
--signal Dout:STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "0000";
signal AS_000_INT:STD_LOGIC:= '1';
signal AS_030_000_SYNC:STD_LOGIC:= '1';
signal BGACK_030_INT:STD_LOGIC:= '1';
signal DTACK_SYNC:STD_LOGIC:= '1';
signal DTACK_DMA:STD_LOGIC:= '1';
signal FPU_CS_INT:STD_LOGIC:= '1';
signal VPA_D: STD_LOGIC:='1';
signal VPA_SYNC: STD_LOGIC:='1';
signal VMA_INT: STD_LOGIC:='1';
signal UDS_000_INT: STD_LOGIC:='1';
signal LDS_000_INT: STD_LOGIC:='1';
signal DSACK_INT: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 ) := "11";
2014-05-24 14:03:26 +00:00
signal CLK_CNT_P: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 ) := "00";
signal CLK_CNT_N: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 ) := "00";
signal CLK_REF: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 ) := "10";
signal CLK_OUT_PRE: STD_LOGIC:='1';
signal CLK_OUT_INT: STD_LOGIC:='1';
signal CLK_030_D: STD_LOGIC:='1';
2014-05-16 18:18:55 +00:00
signal CLK_000_D0: STD_LOGIC := '1';
signal CLK_000_D1: STD_LOGIC := '1';
signal CLK_000_D2: STD_LOGIC := '1';
signal CLK_000_D3: STD_LOGIC := '1';
signal CLK_000_D4: STD_LOGIC := '1';
signal CLK_000_D5: STD_LOGIC := '1';
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
signal CLK_000_D6: STD_LOGIC := '1';
--the clocks
2014-05-24 14:03:26 +00:00
neg_clk: process(RST, CLK_OSZI)
if(RST = '0' ) then
CLK_CNT_N <= "00";
elsif(falling_edge(CLK_OSZI)) then
--clk generation : up to now just half the clock
if(CLK_CNT_N = "10") then
CLK_CNT_N <= "00";
end if;
end if;
end process neg_clk;
--the clocks
clk: process(RST, CLK_OSZI)
2014-05-24 14:03:26 +00:00
if(RST = '0' ) then
CLK_CNT_P <= "00";
RESET <= '0';
CLK_OUT_PRE <= '0';
CLK_OUT_INT <= '0';
cpu_est <= E20;
cpu_est_d <= E20;
VPA_D <= '1';
CLK_000_D0 <= '1';
CLK_000_D1 <= '1';
CLK_000_D2 <= '1';
CLK_000_D3 <= '1';
CLK_000_D4 <= '1';
CLK_000_D5 <= '1';
CLK_000_D6 <= '1';
elsif(rising_edge(CLK_OSZI)) then
--reset buffer
2014-05-24 14:03:26 +00:00
RESET <= '1';
--clk generation : up to now just half the clock
2014-05-24 14:03:26 +00:00
if(CLK_CNT_P = "10") then
CLK_CNT_P <= "00";
2014-05-24 14:03:26 +00:00
end if;
if(CLK_CNT_P ="00" or CLK_CNT_N ="00")then --33MHz Clock
CLK_OUT_PRE <= '0';
CLK_OUT_PRE <= '1';
end if;
-- the external clock to the processor is generated here
CLK_OUT_INT <= CLK_OUT_PRE; --this way we know the clock of the next state: Its like looking in the future, cool!
--delayed Clocks for edge detection
2014-05-16 18:18:55 +00:00
CLK_000_D0 <= CLK_000;
CLK_000_D1 <= CLK_000_D0;
CLK_000_D2 <= CLK_000_D1;
CLK_000_D3 <= CLK_000_D2;
CLK_000_D4 <= CLK_000_D3;
CLK_000_D5 <= CLK_000_D4;
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
CLK_000_D6 <= CLK_000_D5;
-- e-clock
2014-05-16 18:18:55 +00:00
if(CLK_000_D1 = '0' and CLK_000_D0 = '1') then
case (cpu_est) is
when E1 => cpu_est <= E2 ;
when E2 => cpu_est <= E3 ;
when E3 => cpu_est <= E4;
when E4 => cpu_est <= E5 ;
when E5 => cpu_est <= E6 ;
when E6 => cpu_est <= E7 ;
when E7 => cpu_est <= E8 ;
when E8 => cpu_est <= E9 ;
when E9 => cpu_est <= E10;
when E10 => cpu_est <= E1 ;
-- Illegal states
when E4a => cpu_est <= E5 ;
when E20 => cpu_est <= E10;
when E21 => cpu_est <= E10;
when E22 => cpu_est <= E9 ;
when E23 => cpu_est <= E9 ;
when E24 => cpu_est <= E10;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
cpu_est_d <= cpu_est;
end if;
end process clk;
--the state process
state_machine: process(RST, CLK_OSZI)
if(RST = '0' ) then
2014-05-19 05:35:45 +00:00
AS_000_INT <= '1';
AS_030_000_SYNC <= '1';
UDS_000_INT <= '1';
LDS_000_INT <= '1';
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
CLK_REF <= "00";
2014-05-19 05:35:45 +00:00
VMA_INT <= '1';
FPU_CS_INT <= '1';
BG_000 <= '1';
BGACK_030_INT <= '1';
2014-05-19 05:35:45 +00:00
DSACK_INT <= "11";
DTACK_DMA <= '1';
DTACK_SYNC <= '1';
VPA_SYNC <= '1';
IPL_030 <= "111";
elsif(rising_edge(CLK_OSZI)) then
--bgack is simple: assert as soon as Amiga asserts but hold bg_ack for one amiga-clock
if(BGACK_000='0') then
BGACK_030_INT <= '0';
2014-05-16 18:18:55 +00:00
elsif (BGACK_000='1' AND CLK_000_D1='0' and CLK_000_D0='1') then -- BGACK_000 is high here!
BGACK_030_INT <= '1'; --hold this signal high until 7m clock goes high
end if;
--bus grant only in idle state
if(BG_030= '1')then
BG_000 <= '1';
2014-05-24 14:03:26 +00:00
elsif( BG_030= '0' AND (SM_AMIGA = IDLE_P)
and nEXP_SPACE = '0' and AS_030='1'
and CLK_000_D0='1' AND CLK_000_D1='0') then --bus granted no local access and no AS_030 running!
BG_000 <= '0';
2014-05-24 14:03:26 +00:00
BG_000 <= '1';
end if;
--interrupt buffering to avoid ghost interrupts
2014-05-16 18:18:55 +00:00
if(CLK_000_D1='0' and CLK_000_D0='1')then
end if;
-- as030-sampling and FPU-Select
if(AS_030 ='1') then -- "async" reset of various signals
AS_030_000_SYNC <= '1';
FPU_CS_INT <= '1';
2014-05-19 05:35:45 +00:00
DSACK_INT <="11";
AS_000_INT <= '1';
UDS_000_INT <= '1';
LDS_000_INT <= '1';
DTACK_SYNC <= '1';
VPA_SYNC <= '1';
elsif( CLK_030 = '1' AND --68030 has a valid AS on high clocks
AS_030 = '0') then
if(FC(1)='1' and FC(0)='1' and A(19)='0' and A(18)='0' and A(17)='1' and A(16)='0' AND BGACK_000='1') then
FPU_CS_INT <= '0';
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
if(nEXP_SPACE ='1' and SM_AMIGA = IDLE_P )then
2014-05-16 18:18:55 +00:00
AS_030_000_SYNC <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- VMA generation
2014-05-16 18:18:55 +00:00
if(CLK_000_D0='0' AND VPA_D='0' AND cpu_est = E4)then --assert
VMA_INT <= '0';
2014-05-16 18:18:55 +00:00
elsif(CLK_000_D0='1' AND AS_000_INT='1' AND cpu_est=E1)then --deassert
VMA_INT <= '1';
end if;
--Amiga statemachine
case (SM_AMIGA) is
when IDLE_P => --68000:S0 wait for a falling edge
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
if( CLK_000_D2='0' and CLK_000_D3= '1' and AS_030_000_SYNC = '0')then
SM_AMIGA<=IDLE_N; --go to s1
end if;
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
when IDLE_N => --68000:S1 place Adress on bus and wait for rising edge, on a rising CLK_000 look for a amiga adressrobe
if(nEXP_SPACE ='1')then
2014-05-19 05:35:45 +00:00
AMIGA_BUS_ENABLE <= '0' ;--for now: allways on for amiga
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
else -- if this a delayed expansion space detection, aboard this cycle!
2014-05-19 05:35:45 +00:00
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
AS_030_000_SYNC <= '1';
SM_AMIGA <= IDLE_P; --aboard
2014-05-19 05:35:45 +00:00
end if;
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
if(CLK_000_D0='1')then --go to s2
SM_AMIGA <= AS_SET_P; --as for amiga set!
end if;
when AS_SET_P => --68000:S2 Amiga cycle starts here: since AS is asserted during transition to this state we simply wait here
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
AS_000_INT <= '0';
if (RW='1' and DS_030 = '0') then --read: set udl/lds
if(A(0)='0') then
UDS_000_INT <= '0';
UDS_000_INT <= '1';
end if;
if((A(0)='1' OR SIZE(0)='0' OR SIZE(1)='1')) then
LDS_000_INT <= '0';
LDS_000_INT <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if(CLK_000_D0='0')then --go to s3
end if;
when AS_SET_N => --68000:S3: nothing happens here; on a transition to s4: assert uds/lds on write
2014-05-19 05:35:45 +00:00
if (RW='0' and DS_030 = '0') then --write: set udl/lds earlier than in the specs. this does not seem to harm anything and is saver, than sampling uds/lds too late
if(A(0)='0') then
UDS_000_INT <= '0';
UDS_000_INT <= '1';
end if;
if((A(0)='1' OR SIZE(0)='0' OR SIZE(1)='1')) then
LDS_000_INT <= '0';
LDS_000_INT <= '1';
end if;
2014-05-19 05:35:45 +00:00
end if;
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
if(CLK_000_D0='1')then --go to s4
end if;
when SAMPLE_DTACK_P=> --68000:S4 wait for dtack or VMA
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
if(CLK_000_D0='0' )then --go to s5
if(DTACK_SYNC = '0' OR VPA_SYNC ='0')then
end if;
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
elsif(CLK_000_D0='1' )then -- high clock: sample DTACK
if(VPA_D = '1' AND DTACK='0') then
DTACK_SYNC <= '0';
2014-05-15 20:19:03 +00:00
elsif(VPA_D='0' AND cpu_est=E9 AND VMA_INT='0') then --vpa/vma cycle: sync VPA on E9: one 7M-clock to latch!
VPA_SYNC <= '0';
end if;
end if;
when DATA_FETCH_N=> --68000:S5 nothing happens here just wait for positive clock
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
if(CLK_000_D0='1')then --go to s6
end if;
when DATA_FETCH_P => --68000:S6: READ: here comes the data on the bus!
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
if( CLK_000_D4 ='1' AND CLK_000_D5 = '0' ) then --go to s7 next 030-clock is high: dsack is sampled at the falling edge
2014-05-15 20:19:03 +00:00
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
AS_030_000_SYNC <= '1'; --cycle end
elsif( CLK_000_D0 ='0') then --go to s7 next 030-clock is high: dsack is sampled at the falling edge
2014-05-15 20:19:03 +00:00
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
--AS_030_000_SYNC <= '1'; --cycle end
end if;
2014-05-24 13:17:08 +00:00
when END_CYCLE_N =>--68000:S7: Latch/Store data. Wait here for new cycle and go to IDLE on high clock
if(CLK_000_D0='1' and AS_000_INT = '1' )then --go to s0
end if;
end case;
--dma stuff
--DTACK for DMA cycles
if(AS_000_INT ='0' AND DSACK(1) ='0') then
DTACK_DMA <= '0';
DTACK_DMA <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process state_machine;
--output clock assignment
2014-05-15 20:51:43 +00:00
AVEC_EXP <= 'Z' when FPU_CS_INT ='1' else '0';
--dtack for dma
DTACK <= 'Z' when BGACK_030_INT ='1' else
--if no copro is installed:
BERR <= 'Z' when FPU_CS_INT ='1' else '0';
--cache inhibit: For now: disable
CIIN <= '1' WHEN A(31 downto 20) = x"00F" ELSE
--'1' WHEN A(31 downto 16) = x"00E0" ELSE
'Z' WHEN not(A(31 downto 24) = x"00") ELSE
--bus buffers
AMIGA_BUS_ENABLE_LOW <= '1'; --for now: allways off
--e and VMA
E <= cpu_est(3);
AVEC <= '1';
--as and uds/lds
2014-05-24 14:03:26 +00:00
AS_000 <= 'Z' when BGACK_030_INT ='0' else
UDS_000 <= 'Z' when BGACK_030_INT ='0' else -- output on cpu cycle
LDS_000 <= 'Z' when BGACK_030_INT ='0' else -- output on cpu cycle
2014-05-16 18:18:55 +00:00
DSACK <= "ZZ" when nEXP_SPACE = '0' else -- output on amiga cycle
BGACK_030 <= BGACK_030_INT;
-- signal assignment
--DS_030 <= "ZZ";
--DS_030 <= "ZZ" when BGACK_030_INT ='1' else -- output on dma cycle
-- DS_030_INT;
--A(1) <= 'Z';
--A(0) <= 'Z';
--A[1 downto 0] <= "ZZ" when BGACK_030_INT ='1' else -- output on dma cycle
-- A_INT;
--SIZE <= "ZZ";
--SIZE <= "ZZ" when BGACK_030_INT ='1' else -- output on dma cycle
end Behavioral;