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2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// Macintosh Plus
// Port to MiSTer
2019-07-11 22:22:16 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Sorgelig
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
module emu
//Master input clock
input CLK_50M,
//Async reset from top-level module.
//Can be used as initial reset.
input RESET,
//Must be passed to hps_io module
2019-07-11 22:22:16 +00:00
inout [45:0] HPS_BUS,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
//Base video clock. Usually equals to CLK_SYS.
output CLK_VIDEO,
//Multiple resolutions are supported using different CE_PIXEL rates.
//Must be based on CLK_VIDEO
output CE_PIXEL,
//Video aspect ratio for HDMI. Most retro systems have ratio 4:3.
output [7:0] VIDEO_ARX,
output [7:0] VIDEO_ARY,
output [7:0] VGA_R,
output [7:0] VGA_G,
output [7:0] VGA_B,
output VGA_HS,
output VGA_VS,
output VGA_DE, // = ~(VBlank | HBlank)
2019-03-08 21:31:23 +00:00
output VGA_F1,
output [1:0] VGA_SL,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
output LED_USER, // 1 - ON, 0 - OFF.
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
// b[1]: 0 - LED status is system status OR'd with b[0]
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// 1 - LED status is controled solely by b[0]
// hint: supply 2'b00 to let the system control the LED.
output [1:0] LED_POWER,
output [1:0] LED_DISK,
2019-09-27 17:11:21 +00:00
// I/O board button press simulation (active high)
// b[1]: user button
// b[0]: osd button
output [1:0] BUTTONS,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
output [15:0] AUDIO_L,
output [15:0] AUDIO_R,
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
output AUDIO_S, // 1 - signed audio samples, 0 - unsigned
output [1:0] AUDIO_MIX, // 0 - no mix, 1 - 25%, 2 - 50%, 3 - 100% (mono)
2019-07-11 22:22:16 +00:00
inout [3:0] ADC_BUS,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2019-09-27 17:11:21 +00:00
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
output SD_SCK,
output SD_MOSI,
input SD_MISO,
output SD_CS,
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
input SD_CD,
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
//High latency DDR3 RAM interface
//Use for non-critical time purposes
output DDRAM_CLK,
output [7:0] DDRAM_BURSTCNT,
output [28:0] DDRAM_ADDR,
input [63:0] DDRAM_DOUT,
output DDRAM_RD,
output [63:0] DDRAM_DIN,
output [7:0] DDRAM_BE,
output DDRAM_WE,
//SDRAM interface with lower latency
output SDRAM_CLK,
output SDRAM_CKE,
output [12:0] SDRAM_A,
output [1:0] SDRAM_BA,
inout [15:0] SDRAM_DQ,
output SDRAM_DQML,
output SDRAM_DQMH,
output SDRAM_nCS,
output SDRAM_nCAS,
output SDRAM_nRAS,
2019-03-08 21:31:23 +00:00
output SDRAM_nWE,
input UART_CTS,
output UART_RTS,
input UART_RXD,
output UART_TXD,
output UART_DTR,
input UART_DSR,
// Open-drain User port.
// 0 - D+/RX
// 1 - D-/TX
2019-09-27 17:11:21 +00:00
// 2..6 - USR2..USR6
2019-03-08 21:31:23 +00:00
// Set USER_OUT to 1 to read from USER_IN.
2019-09-27 17:11:21 +00:00
input [6:0] USER_IN,
output [6:0] USER_OUT,
2019-03-08 21:31:23 +00:00
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2019-07-11 22:22:16 +00:00
assign ADC_BUS = 'Z;
2019-03-08 21:31:23 +00:00
assign USER_OUT = '1;
assign {UART_RTS, UART_TXD, UART_DTR} = 0;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
assign {SD_SCK, SD_MOSI, SD_CS} = 'Z;
assign LED_USER = dio_download || (disk_act ^ |diskMotor);
assign LED_DISK = 0;
assign LED_POWER = 0;
2019-09-27 17:11:21 +00:00
assign BUTTONS = 0;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
assign VIDEO_ARX = status[8] ? 8'd16 : 8'd4;
assign VIDEO_ARY = status[8] ? 8'd9 : 8'd3;
`include "build_id.v"
localparam CONF_STR = {
"F0,DSK,Mount Pri Floppy;",
"F1,DSK,Mount Sec Floppy;",
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2020-01-21 16:56:01 +00:00
"S0,VHD,Mount HDD-0(#2);",
"S1,VHD,Mount HDD-1(#6);",
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
"O8,Aspect ratio,4:3,16:9;",
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
2019-03-08 21:31:23 +00:00
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
//////////////////// CLOCKS ///////////////////
wire clk_sys;
wire pll_locked;
pll pll
wire cep = (stage == 0);
wire cen = (stage == 4);
wire cel = (stage == 7);
wire cepix = !stage[1:0];
reg [2:0] stage;
always @(negedge clk_sys) stage <= stage + 1'd1;
// interconnects
// CPU
wire _cpuReset, _cpuResetOut, _cpuUDS, _cpuLDS, _cpuRW;
wire [2:0] _cpuIPL;
wire [7:0] cpuAddrHi;
wire [23:0] cpuAddr;
wire [15:0] cpuDataOut;
wire _romOE;
wire _ramOE, _ramWE;
wire _memoryUDS, _memoryLDS;
wire videoBusControl;
wire dioBusControl;
wire cpuBusControl;
wire [21:0] memoryAddr;
wire [15:0] memoryDataOut;
// peripherals
wire memoryOverlayOn, selectSCSI, selectSCC, selectIWM, selectVIA;
wire [15:0] dataControllerDataOut;
// audio
wire snd_alt;
wire loadSound;
// floppy disk image interface
wire dskReadAckInt;
wire [21:0] dskReadAddrInt;
wire dskReadAckExt;
wire [21:0] dskReadAddrExt;
wire [1:0] diskMotor, diskAct, diskEject;
// the status register is controlled by the on screen display (OSD)
wire [31:0] status;
wire [1:0] buttons;
wire [1:0] img_mounted;
wire [15:0] sd_req_type;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
wire [31:0] sd_lba;
wire [1:0] sd_rd;
wire [1:0] sd_wr;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
wire sd_ack;
wire [8:0] sd_buff_addr;
wire [7:0] sd_buff_dout;
wire [7:0] sd_buff_din;
wire sd_buff_wr;
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
reg ioctl_wr;
wire ioctl_write;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
reg ioctl_wait = 0;
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
wire [10:0] ps2_key;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
wire [24:0] ps2_mouse;
wire capslock;
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
wire [24:0] ioctl_addr;
wire [7:0] ioctl_data;
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg [7:0] temp;
ioctl_wr <= 0;
if(ioctl_write) begin
if(~ioctl_addr[0]) temp <= ioctl_data;
else begin
dio_data <= {temp, ioctl_data};
ioctl_wr <= 1;
2020-01-21 16:56:01 +00:00
hps_io #(.STRLEN($size(CONF_STR)>>3), .VDNUM(2)) hps_io
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
.ps2_kbd_led_status({2'b00, capslock}),
wire [1:0] cpu_busstate;
wire cpu_clkena = cep && (cpuBusControl || (cpu_busstate == 2'b01));
reg [15:0] cpuDataIn;
always @(posedge clk_sys) if(cel && cpuBusControl && ~cpu_busstate[0] && _cpuRW) cpuDataIn <= dataControllerDataOut;
TG68KdotC_Kernel #(0,0,0,0,0,0) m68k
.clk ( clk_sys ),
.nReset ( _cpuReset ),
.clkena_in ( cpu_clkena ),
.data_in ( cpuDataIn ),
.IPL ( _cpuIPL ),
.IPL_autovector ( 1'b1 ),
.berr ( 1'b0 ),
.clr_berr ( 1'b0 ),
.CPU ( 2'b00 ), // 00=68000
.addr ( {cpuAddrHi, cpuAddr} ),
.data_write ( cpuDataOut ),
.nUDS ( _cpuUDS ),
.nLDS ( _cpuLDS ),
.nWr ( _cpuRW ),
.busstate ( cpu_busstate ), // 00-> fetch code 10->read data 11->write data 01->no memaccess
.nResetOut ( _cpuResetOut ),
.FC ( )
assign VGA_R = {8{pixelOut}};
assign VGA_G = {8{pixelOut}};
assign VGA_B = {8{pixelOut}};
assign CLK_VIDEO = clk_sys;
assign CE_PIXEL = cepix;
2019-03-08 21:31:23 +00:00
assign VGA_F1 = 0;
assign VGA_SL = 0;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
wire screenWrite;
always @(*) begin
0: screenWrite = ~_ramWE && &memoryAddr[16:15]; // 01A700 (018000)
1: screenWrite = ~_ramWE && &memoryAddr[18:15]; // 07A700 (078000)
2: screenWrite = ~_ramWE && &memoryAddr[19:15]; // 0FA700 (0F8000)
3: screenWrite = ~_ramWE && &memoryAddr[21:15]; // 3FA700 (3F8000)
wire pixelOut, _hblank, _vblank;
video video
.wr({~_cpuUDS & screenWrite, ~_cpuLDS & screenWrite}),
wire [10:0] audio;
assign AUDIO_L = {audio[10:0], 5'b00000};
assign AUDIO_R = {audio[10:0], 5'b00000};
assign AUDIO_S = 0;
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
assign AUDIO_MIX = 0;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
wire status_turbo = status[5];
wire status_reset = status[6];
wire [1:0] status_mem = status[10:9]; // 128KB, 512KB, 1MB, 4MB
reg [1:0] configRAMSize= 3;
reg n_reset = 0;
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg [15:0] rst_cnt;
// various sources can reset the mac
if(!pll_locked || status[0] || status_reset || buttons[1] || RESET || ~_cpuResetOut) begin
rst_cnt <= '1;
n_reset <= 0;
end else if(rst_cnt) begin
if(cen) rst_cnt <= rst_cnt - 1'd1;
configRAMSize <= status_mem + 1'd1;
end else n_reset <= 1;
addrController_top ac0
.configROMSize(1), // 128KB
dataController_top dc0
.cpuAddrRegMid(cpuAddr[6:4]), // for SCSI
// peripherals
// video
// floppy disk interface
.insertDisk({dsk_ext_ins, dsk_int_ins}),
.diskSides({dsk_ext_ds, dsk_int_ds}),
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// block device interface for scsi disk
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
reg disk_act;
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
integer timeout = 0;
if(timeout) begin
timeout <= timeout - 1;
disk_act <= 1;
end else begin
disk_act <= 0;
if(|diskAct) timeout <= 1000000;
//////////////////////// DOWNLOADING ///////////////////////////
// include ROM download helper
wire dio_download;
reg dio_write;
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
wire [23:0] dio_addr = ioctl_addr[24:1];
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
wire [7:0] dio_index;
2018-03-05 17:40:43 +00:00
reg [15:0] dio_data;
2017-10-22 01:22:56 +00:00
// good floppy image sizes are 819200 bytes and 409600 bytes
reg dsk_int_ds, dsk_ext_ds; // double sided image inserted
reg dsk_int_ss, dsk_ext_ss; // single sided image inserted
// any known type of disk image inserted?
wire dsk_int_ins = dsk_int_ds || dsk_int_ss;
wire dsk_ext_ins = dsk_ext_ds || dsk_ext_ss;
// at the end of a download latch file size
// diskEject is set by macos on eject
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg old_down;
old_down <= dio_download;
if(old_down && ~dio_download && dio_index == 1) begin
dsk_int_ds <= (dio_addr == 409600); // double sides disk, addr counts words, not bytes
dsk_int_ss <= (dio_addr == 204800); // single sided disk
if(diskEject[0]) begin
dsk_int_ds <= 0;
dsk_int_ss <= 0;
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg old_down;
old_down <= dio_download;
if(old_down && ~dio_download && dio_index == 2) begin
dsk_ext_ds <= (dio_addr == 409600); // double sided disk, addr counts words, not bytes
dsk_ext_ss <= (dio_addr == 204800); // single sided disk
if(diskEject[1]) begin
dsk_ext_ds <= 0;
dsk_ext_ss <= 0;
// disk images are being stored right after os rom at word offset 0x80000 and 0x100000
wire [20:0] dio_a =
(dio_index == 0)?dio_addr[20:0]: // os rom
(dio_index == 1)?{21'h80000 + dio_addr[20:0]}: // first dsk image at 512k word addr
{21'h100000 + dio_addr[20:0]}; // second dsk image at 1M word addr
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg old_cyc = 0;
old_cyc <= dioBusControl;
if(ioctl_wr) ioctl_wait <= 1;
if(~dioBusControl) dio_write <= ioctl_wait;
if(old_cyc & ~dioBusControl & dio_write) ioctl_wait <= 0;
// sdram used for ram/rom maps directly into 68k address space
wire download_cycle = dio_download && dioBusControl;
////////////////////////// SDRAM /////////////////////////////////
wire [24:0] sdram_addr = download_cycle ? { 4'b0001, dio_a[20:0] } : { 3'b000, ~_romOE, memoryAddr[21:1] };
wire [15:0] sdram_din = download_cycle ? dio_data : memoryDataOut;
wire [1:0] sdram_ds = download_cycle ? 2'b11 : { !_memoryUDS, !_memoryLDS };
wire sdram_we = download_cycle ? dio_write : !_ramWE;
wire sdram_oe = download_cycle ? 1'b0 : (!_ramOE || !_romOE);
wire [15:0] sdram_do = download_cycle ? 16'hffff : (dskReadAckInt || dskReadAckExt) ? extra_rom_data_demux : sdram_out;
// "extra rom" is used to hold the disk image. It's expected to be byte wide and
// we thus need to properly demultiplex the word returned from sdram in that case
wire [15:0] extra_rom_data_demux = memoryAddr[0]? {sdram_out[7:0],sdram_out[7:0]}:{sdram_out[15:8],sdram_out[15:8]};
wire [15:0] sdram_out;
assign SDRAM_CKE = 1;
sdram sdram
// system interface
.init ( !pll_locked ),
.clk ( clk_sys ),
.sync ( cep ),
// interface to the MT48LC16M16 chip
.sd_data ( SDRAM_DQ ),
.sd_addr ( SDRAM_A ),
.sd_dqm ( {SDRAM_DQMH, SDRAM_DQML} ),
.sd_cs ( SDRAM_nCS ),
.sd_ba ( SDRAM_BA ),
.sd_we ( SDRAM_nWE ),
.sd_ras ( SDRAM_nRAS ),
.sd_cas ( SDRAM_nCAS ),
// cpu/chipset interface
// map rom to sdram word address $200000 - $20ffff
.din ( sdram_din ),
.addr ( sdram_addr ),
.ds ( sdram_ds ),
.we ( sdram_we ),
.oe ( sdram_oe ),
.dout ( sdram_out )
//////////////////////// TURBO HANDLING //////////////////////////
// cannot boot from SCSI if turbo enabled
// delay the turbo.
reg real_turbo = 0;
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg old_ack;
integer ack_cnt = 0;
old_ack <= sd_ack;
if(old_ack && ~sd_ack && ack_cnt) ack_cnt <= ack_cnt - 1'd1;
//Cancel delay if FDD is accesed.
if(diskMotor) ack_cnt <= 0;
if(!ack_cnt && dioBusControl) real_turbo <= status_turbo;
if(~n_reset) begin
real_turbo <= 0;
ack_cnt <= 20;