Update sys.

This commit is contained in:
sorgelig 2019-09-28 01:11:21 +08:00
parent a33c7d5bed
commit 1d4a67559e
12 changed files with 684 additions and 255 deletions

View File

@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ module emu
// hint: supply 2'b00 to let the system control the LED.
output [1:0] LED_POWER,
output [1:0] LED_DISK,
// I/O board button press simulation (active high)
// b[1]: user button
// b[0]: osd button
output [1:0] BUTTONS,
output [15:0] AUDIO_L,
output [15:0] AUDIO_R,
@ -67,7 +72,7 @@ module emu
inout [3:0] ADC_BUS,
output SD_SCK,
output SD_MOSI,
input SD_MISO,
@ -110,10 +115,10 @@ module emu
// Open-drain User port.
// 0 - D+/RX
// 1 - D-/TX
// 2..5 - USR1..USR4
// 2..6 - USR2..USR6
// Set USER_OUT to 1 to read from USER_IN.
input [5:0] USER_IN,
output [5:0] USER_OUT,
input [6:0] USER_IN,
output [6:0] USER_OUT,
@ -127,6 +132,7 @@ assign {SD_SCK, SD_MOSI, SD_CS} = 'Z;
assign LED_USER = dio_download || (disk_act ^ |diskMotor);
assign LED_DISK = 0;
assign LED_POWER = 0;
assign BUTTONS = 0;
assign VIDEO_ARX = status[8] ? 8'd16 : 8'd4;
assign VIDEO_ARY = status[8] ? 8'd9 : 8'd3;

View File

@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
module hdmi_config
// Host Side
input iCLK,
input iRST_N,
input iCLK,
input iRST_N,
input dvi_mode,
input audio_96k,
input hdmi_limited,
input [1:0] limited,
input ypbpr,
output reg done,
// I2C Side
@ -26,13 +28,17 @@ i2c #(50_000_000, 20_000) i2c_av
.I2C_DATA({8'h72,init_data[LUT_INDEX]}), // DATA:[SLAVE_ADDR,SUB_ADDR,DATA]. 0x72 is the Slave Address of the ADV7513 chip!
.START(mI2C_GO), // START transfer
.END(mI2C_END), // END transfer
.I2C_ADDR('h39), // 0x39 is the Slave Address of the ADV7513 chip!
.I2C_WDATA1(init_data[LUT_INDEX][15:8]), // SUB_ADDR
.I2C_WDATA2(init_data[LUT_INDEX][7:0]), // DATA
.START(mI2C_GO), // START transfer
.END(mI2C_END), // END transfer
////////////////////// Config Control ////////////////////////////
@ -105,34 +111,32 @@ wire [15:0] init_data[82] =
{8'h17, 8'b01100010}, // Aspect ratio 16:9 [1]=1, 4:3 [1]=0
{8'h18, hdmi_limited, // CSC enable [7]. 0 - Off. 1 - On.
7'h0D}, // CSC Scaling Factors and Coefficients for RGB Full->Limited.
{8'h19, 8'hBC}, // Taken from table in ADV7513 Programming Guide.
{8'h1A, 8'h00}, // CSC Channel A.
{8'h1B, 8'h00},
{8'h1C, 8'h00},
{8'h1D, 8'h00},
{8'h1E, 8'h01},
{8'h18, ypbpr ? 8'h88 : limited[0] ? 8'h8D : limited[1] ? 8'h8E : 8'h00}, // CSC Scaling Factors and Coefficients for RGB Full->Limited.
{8'h19, ypbpr ? 8'h2E : limited[0] ? 8'hBC : 8'hFE}, // Taken from table in ADV7513 Programming Guide.
{8'h1A, ypbpr ? 8'h18 : 8'h00}, // CSC Channel A.
{8'h1B, ypbpr ? 8'h93 : 8'h00},
{8'h1C, ypbpr ? 8'h1F : 8'h00},
{8'h1D, ypbpr ? 8'h3F : 8'h00},
{8'h1E, ypbpr ? 8'h08 : 8'h01},
{8'h1F, 8'h00},
{8'h20, 8'h00}, // CSC Channel B.
{8'h21, 8'h00},
{8'h22, 8'h0D},
{8'h23, 8'hBC},
{8'h24, 8'h00},
{8'h25, 8'h00},
{8'h26, 8'h01},
{8'h20, ypbpr ? 8'h03 : 8'h00}, // CSC Channel B.
{8'h21, ypbpr ? 8'h67 : 8'h00},
{8'h22, ypbpr ? 8'h0B : limited[0] ? 8'h0D : 8'h0E},
{8'h23, ypbpr ? 8'h71 : limited[0] ? 8'hBC : 8'hFE},
{8'h24, ypbpr ? 8'h01 : 8'h00},
{8'h25, ypbpr ? 8'h28 : 8'h00},
{8'h26, ypbpr ? 8'h00 : 8'h01},
{8'h27, 8'h00},
{8'h28, 8'h00}, // CSC Channel C.
{8'h29, 8'h00},
{8'h2A, 8'h00},
{8'h2B, 8'h00},
{8'h2C, 8'h0D},
{8'h2D, 8'hBC},
{8'h2E, 8'h01},
{8'h28, ypbpr ? 8'h1E : 8'h00}, // CSC Channel C.
{8'h29, ypbpr ? 8'h21 : 8'h00},
{8'h2A, ypbpr ? 8'h19 : 8'h00},
{8'h2B, ypbpr ? 8'hB2 : 8'h00},
{8'h2C, ypbpr ? 8'h08 : limited[0] ? 8'h0D : 8'h0E},
{8'h2D, ypbpr ? 8'h2D : limited[0] ? 8'hBC : 8'hFE},
{8'h2E, ypbpr ? 8'h08 : 8'h01},
{8'h2F, 8'h00},
{8'h3B, 8'b0000_0000}, // Pixel repetition [6:5] b00 AUTO. [4:3] b00 x1 mult of input clock. [2:1] b00 x1 pixel rep to send to HDMI Rx.
@ -152,7 +156,7 @@ wire [15:0] init_data[82] =
{8'h57, 1'b0, // [7] IT Content. 0 - No. 1 - Yes (type set in register h59).
3'b000, // [6:4] Color space (ignored for RGB)
hdmi_limited ? 2'b01 : 2'b10, // [3:2] RGB Quantization range
(ypbpr | limited) ? 2'b01 : 2'b10, // [3:2] RGB Quantization range
2'b00}, // [1:0] Non-Uniform Scaled: 00 - None. 01 - Horiz. 10 - Vert. 11 - Both.

View File

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
// hps_io.v
// mist_io-like module for MiSTer
// Copyright (c) 2014 Till Harbaum <till@harbaum.org>
// Copyright (c) 2017,2018 Sorgelig
// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Alexey Melnikov
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
@ -83,16 +81,21 @@ module hps_io #(parameter STRLEN=0, PS2DIV=0, WIDE=0, VDNUM=1, PS2WE=0)
output reg [DW:0] sd_buff_dout,
input [DW:0] sd_buff_din,
output reg sd_buff_wr,
input [15:0] sd_req_type,
// ARM -> FPGA download
output reg ioctl_download = 0, // signal indicating an active download
output reg [7:0] ioctl_index, // menu index used to upload the file
output reg ioctl_wr,
output reg [24:0] ioctl_addr, // in WIDE mode address will be incremented by 2
output reg [26:0] ioctl_addr, // in WIDE mode address will be incremented by 2
output reg [DW:0] ioctl_dout,
output reg [31:0] ioctl_file_ext,
input ioctl_wait,
// [15]: 0 - unset, 1 - set. [1:0]: 0 - none, 1 - 32MB, 2 - 64MB, 3 - 128MB
// [14]: debug mode: [8]: 1 - phase up, 0 - phase down. [7:0]: amount of shift.
output reg [15:0] sdram_sz,
// RTC MSM6242B layout
output reg [64:0] RTC,
@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ always @(posedge clk_vid) begin
if(old_vs & ~vs) begin
vid_int <= {vid_int[0],f1};
if(~f1) begin
if(~f1) begin
if(hcnt && vcnt) begin
old_vmode <= new_vmode;
@ -390,6 +393,7 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
1: io_dout <= sd_cmd;
2: io_dout <= sd_lba[15:0];
3: io_dout <= sd_lba[31:16];
4: io_dout <= sd_req_type;
// send SD config IO -> FPGA
@ -486,6 +490,9 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
//menu mask
'h2E: if(byte_cnt == 1) io_dout <= status_menumask;
//sdram size set
'h31: if(byte_cnt == 1) sdram_sz <= io_din;
@ -571,7 +578,7 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg [15:0] cmd;
reg [2:0] cnt;
reg has_cmd;
reg [24:0] addr;
reg [26:0] addr;
reg wr;
ioctl_wr <= wr;
@ -769,3 +776,91 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
// Phase shift helper module for better 64MB/128MB modules support.
// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexey Melnikov
module phase_shift #(parameter M32MB=0, M64MB=0, M128MB=0)
input reset,
input clk,
input pll_locked,
output reg phase_en,
output reg updn,
input phase_done,
input [15:0] sdram_sz,
output reg ready
localparam ph32 = ($signed(M32MB ) >= 0) ? M32MB : (0 - M32MB);
localparam ph64 = ($signed(M64MB ) >= 0) ? M64MB : (0 - M64MB);
localparam ph128 = ($signed(M128MB) >= 0) ? M128MB : (0 - M128MB);
localparam up32 = ($signed(M32MB ) >= 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
localparam up64 = ($signed(M64MB ) >= 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
localparam up128 = ($signed(M128MB) >= 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
reg [2:0] state = 0;
reg [7:0] cnt;
reg [8:0] ph;
if(reset) begin
state <= 0;
ready <= 0;
else begin
0: begin
ready <= 0;
if(pll_locked) state <= state + 1'd1;
1: if(sdram_sz[15]) begin
cnt <= 0;
if(sdram_sz[14]) ph <= sdram_sz[8:0];
else begin
0: ph <= 0;
1: ph <= {up32[0],ph32[7:0]};
2: ph <= {up64[0],ph64[7:0]};
3: ph <= {up128[0],ph128[7:0]};
state <= state + 1'd1;
2: if(ph[7:0]) begin
ph[7:0] <= ph[7:0] - 1'd1;
updn <= ph[8];
state <= state + 1'd1;
else begin
state <= 6;
3: begin
phase_en <= 1;
state <= state + 1'd1;
4: if(~phase_done) begin
phase_en <= 0;
state <= state + 1'd1;
5: if(phase_done) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1'd1;
if(cnt == ph[7:0]) state <= state + 1'd1;
else state <= 3;
6: begin
ready <= 1;
if(!sdram_sz[15]) state <= 0;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ module i2c
input CLK,
input START,
input [23:0] I2C_DATA,
input READ,
input [6:0] I2C_ADDR,
input I2C_WLEN, // 0 - one byte, 1 - two bytes
input [7:0] I2C_WDATA1,
input [7:0] I2C_WDATA2,
output [7:0] I2C_RDATA,
output reg END = 1,
output reg ACK = 0,
@ -18,51 +23,73 @@ module i2c
parameter CLK_Freq = 50_000_000; // 50 MHz
parameter I2C_Freq = 400_000; // 400 KHz
reg I2C_CLOCK;
always@(negedge CLK) begin
integer mI2C_CLK_DIV = 0;
if(mI2C_CLK_DIV < (CLK_Freq/I2C_Freq)) begin
mI2C_CLK_DIV <= mI2C_CLK_DIV + 1;
end else begin
mI2C_CLK_DIV <= 0;
localparam I2C_FreqX2 = I2C_Freq*2;
reg I2C_CLOCK;
reg [31:0] cnt;
wire [31:0] cnt_next = cnt + I2C_FreqX2;
always @(posedge CLK) begin
cnt <= cnt_next;
if(cnt_next >= CLK_Freq) begin
cnt <= cnt_next - CLK_Freq;
assign I2C_SCL = SCLK | I2C_CLOCK;
assign I2C_SDA = SDO ? 1'bz : 1'b0;
assign I2C_SDA = SDO[3] ? 1'bz : 1'b0;
reg SCLK = 1, SDO = 1;
reg SCLK = 1;
reg [3:0] SDO = 4'b1111;
reg [0:7] rdata;
assign I2C_RDATA = rdata;
always @(posedge CLK) begin
reg old_clk;
reg old_st;
reg rd,len;
reg [5:0] SD_COUNTER = 'b111111;
reg [0:31] SD;
old_clk <= I2C_CLOCK;
old_st <= START;
// delay to make sure SDA changed while SCL is stabilized at low
if(old_clk && ~I2C_CLOCK && ~SD_COUNTER[5]) SDO[0] <= SD[SD_COUNTER[4:0]];
SDO[3:1] <= SDO[2:0];
if(~old_st && START) begin
SCLK <= 1;
SDO <= 1;
SDO <= 4'b1111;
ACK <= 0;
END <= 0;
SD <= {2'b10, I2C_DATA[23:16], 1'b1, I2C_DATA[15:8], 1'b1, I2C_DATA[7:0], 4'b1011};
rd <= READ;
len <= I2C_WLEN;
if(READ) SD <= {2'b10, I2C_ADDR, 1'b1, 1'b1, 8'b11111111, 1'b0, 3'b011, 9'b111111111};
else SD <= {2'b10, I2C_ADDR, 1'b0, 1'b1, I2C_WDATA1, 1'b1, I2C_WDATA2, 4'b1011};
end else begin
if(~old_clk && I2C_CLOCK && ~&SD_COUNTER) begin
01: SCLK <= 0;
10,19,28: ACK <= ACK | I2C_SDA;
29: SCLK <= 1;
32: END <= 1;
01: SCLK <= 0;
10: ACK <= ACK | I2C_SDA;
19: if(~rd) begin
if(~len) SD_COUNTER <= 29;
20: if(rd) SCLK <= 1;
23: if(rd) END <= 1;
28: if(~rd) ACK <= ACK | I2C_SDA;
29: if(~rd) SCLK <= 1;
32: if(~rd) END <= 1;
if(old_clk && ~I2C_CLOCK && ~SD_COUNTER[5]) SDO <= SD[SD_COUNTER[4:0]];
if(SD_COUNTER >= 11 && SD_COUNTER <= 18) rdata[SD_COUNTER[4:0]-11] <= I2C_SDA;

sys/mcp23009.sv Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
// MCP23009
// (C) 2019 Alexey Melnikov
module mcp23009
input clk,
output reg [2:0] btn,
input [2:0] led,
output reg sd_cd,
output scl,
inout sda
reg start = 0;
wire ready;
wire error;
reg rw;
wire [7:0] dout;
reg [15:0] din;
i2c #(50_000_000, 500_000) i2c
always@(posedge clk) begin
reg [3:0] idx = 0;
reg [1:0] state = 0;
reg [15:0] timeout = 0;
if(~&timeout) begin
timeout <= timeout + 1'd1;
start <= 0;
state <= 0;
idx <= 0;
btn <= 0;
rw <= 0;
sd_cd <= 1;
else begin
if(~&init_data[idx]) begin
0: begin
start <= 1;
state <= 1;
din <= init_data[idx];
1: if(~ready) state <= 2;
2: begin
start <= 0;
if(ready) begin
state <= 0;
if(!error) idx <= idx + 1'd1;
else begin
0: begin
start <= 1;
state <= 1;
din <= {8'h09,5'b00000,led};
1: if(~ready) state <= 2;
2: begin
start <= 0;
if(ready) begin
state <= 0;
rw <= 0;
if(!error) begin
if(rw) {sd_cd, btn} <= {dout[7], dout[5:3]};
rw <= ~rw;
wire [15:0] init_data[12] =

View File

@ -4,16 +4,20 @@
module osd
input clk_sys,
input io_osd,
input io_strobe,
input [15:0] io_din,
input clk_video,
input [23:0] din,
output [23:0] dout,
input de_in,
input vs_in,
input hs_in,
output [23:0] dout,
output reg de_out,
output reg vs_out,
output reg hs_out,
output reg osd_status
@ -143,6 +147,7 @@ always @(posedge clk_video) begin
reg [21:0] osd_hcnt;
reg osd_de1,osd_de2;
reg [1:0] osd_en;
reg f1;
if(ce_pix) begin
@ -168,28 +173,31 @@ always @(posedge clk_video) begin
if(h_cnt > {dsp_width, 2'b00}) begin
v_cnt <= 1;
f1 <= ~f1; // skip every other frame for interlace compatibility.
if(~f1) begin
osd_en <= (osd_en << 1) | osd_enable;
if(~osd_enable) osd_en <= 0;
osd_en <= (osd_en << 1) | osd_enable;
if(~osd_enable) osd_en <= 0;
if(v_cnt_below320) begin
multiscan <= 0;
v_osd_start <= info ? infoy : v_osd_start_320;
else if(v_cnt_below640) begin
multiscan <= 1;
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy<<1) : v_osd_start_640;
else if(v_cnt_below960) begin
multiscan <= 2;
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy + (infoy << 1)) : v_osd_start_960;
else begin
multiscan <= 3;
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy<<2) : v_osd_start_other;
if(v_cnt_below320) begin
multiscan <= 0;
v_osd_start <= info ? infoy : v_osd_start_320;
else if(v_cnt_below640) begin
multiscan <= 1;
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy<<1) : v_osd_start_640;
else if(v_cnt_below960) begin
multiscan <= 2;
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy + (infoy << 1)) : v_osd_start_960;
else begin
multiscan <= 3;
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy<<2) : v_osd_start_other;
osd_div <= osd_div + 1'd1;
if(osd_div == multiscan) begin
osd_div <= 0;
@ -208,19 +216,30 @@ end
reg [23:0] rdout;
assign dout = rdout;
reg [23:0] osd_rdout, normal_rdout;
reg osd_mux;
reg de_dly;
always @(posedge clk_video) begin
normal_rdout <= din;
osd_rdout <= {{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[2], din[23:19]},// 23:16
{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[1], din[15:11]},// 15:8
{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[0], din[7:3]}}; // 7:0
reg [23:0] ordout1, nrdout1, rdout2, rdout3;
reg de1,de2,de3;
reg osd_mux;
reg vs1,vs2,vs3;
reg hs1,hs2,hs3;
nrdout1 <= din;
ordout1 <= {{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[2], din[23:19]},// 23:16
{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[1], din[15:11]},// 15:8
{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[0], din[7:3]}}; // 7:0
osd_mux <= ~osd_de[2];
rdout <= osd_mux ? normal_rdout : osd_rdout;
de_dly <= de_in;
de_out <= de_dly;
rdout2 <= osd_mux ? nrdout1 : ordout1;
rdout3 <= rdout2;
de1 <= de_in; de2 <= de1; de3 <= de2;
hs1 <= hs_in; hs2 <= hs1; hs3 <= hs2;
vs1 <= vs_in; vs2 <= vs1; vs3 <= vs2;
rdout <= rdout3;
de_out <= de3;
hs_out <= hs3;
vs_out <= vs3;

View File

@ -1,52 +1,67 @@
module scanlines #(parameter v2=0)
input clk,
input clk,
input [1:0] scanlines,
input [23:0] din,
input hs_in,vs_in,
input de_in,
output reg [23:0] dout,
input hs,vs
output reg hs_out,vs_out,
output reg de_out
reg [1:0] scanline;
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg old_hs, old_vs;
old_hs <= hs;
old_vs <= vs;
old_hs <= hs_in;
old_vs <= vs_in;
if(old_hs && ~hs) begin
if(old_hs && ~hs_in) begin
if(v2) begin
scanline <= scanline + 1'd1;
if (scanline == scanlines) scanline <= 0;
else scanline <= scanline ^ scanlines;
if(old_vs && ~vs) scanline <= 0;
if(old_vs && ~vs_in) scanline <= 0;
wire [7:0] r,g,b;
assign {r,g,b} = din;
reg [23:0] d;
always @(*) begin
1: // reduce 25% = 1/2 + 1/4
dout = {{1'b0, r[7:1]} + {2'b00, r[7:2]},
{1'b0, g[7:1]} + {2'b00, g[7:2]},
{1'b0, b[7:1]} + {2'b00, b[7:2]}};
d = {{1'b0, r[7:1]} + {2'b00, r[7:2]},
{1'b0, g[7:1]} + {2'b00, g[7:2]},
{1'b0, b[7:1]} + {2'b00, b[7:2]}};
2: // reduce 50% = 1/2
dout = {{1'b0, r[7:1]},
{1'b0, g[7:1]},
{1'b0, b[7:1]}};
d = {{1'b0, r[7:1]},
{1'b0, g[7:1]},
{1'b0, b[7:1]}};
3: // reduce 75% = 1/4
dout = {{2'b00, r[7:2]},
{2'b00, g[7:2]},
{2'b00, b[7:2]}};
d = {{2'b00, r[7:2]},
{2'b00, g[7:2]},
{2'b00, b[7:2]}};
default: dout = {r,g,b};
default: d = {r,g,b};
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg [23:0] dout1, dout2;
reg de1,de2,vs1,vs2,hs1,hs2;
dout <= dout2; dout2 <= dout1; dout1 <= d;
vs_out <= vs2; vs2 <= vs1; vs1 <= vs_in;
hs_out <= hs2; hs2 <= hs1; hs1 <= hs_in;
de_out <= de2; de2 <= de1; de1 <= de_in;

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) a
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) ltc2308.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sigma_delta_dac.v ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) hdmi_config.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) mcp23009.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sysmem.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sd_card.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) hps_io.v ]

View File

@ -19,16 +19,23 @@ set_location_assignment PIN_AD4 -to ADC_SDO
set_location_assignment PIN_AG9 -to ARDUINO_IO[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_U14 -to ARDUINO_IO[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_U13 -to ARDUINO_IO[5]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ARDUINO_IO[*]
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to ARDUINO_IO[*]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to ARDUINO_IO[*]
set_location_assignment PIN_U14 -to IO_SCL
set_location_assignment PIN_AG9 -to IO_SDA
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to IO_S*
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to IO_S*
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to IO_S*
set_location_assignment PIN_AF17 -to USER_IO[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF15 -to USER_IO[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG16 -to USER_IO[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH11 -to USER_IO[3]
@ -43,9 +50,7 @@ set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to USER_IO
set_location_assignment PIN_AH7 -to SDCD_SPDIF
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to SDCD_SPDIF
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SDCD_SPDIF
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SDCD_SPDIF
@ -67,7 +72,6 @@ set_location_assignment PIN_AD17 -to SDRAM_A[11]
set_location_assignment PIN_D12 -to SDRAM_A[12]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y17 -to SDRAM_BA[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB25 -to SDRAM_BA[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_E8 -to SDRAM_DQ[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_V12 -to SDRAM_DQ[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_D11 -to SDRAM_DQ[2]
@ -86,10 +90,8 @@ set_location_assignment PIN_AF4 -to SDRAM_DQ[14]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH3 -to SDRAM_DQ[15]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG13 -to SDRAM_DQML
set_location_assignment PIN_AF13 -to SDRAM_DQMH
set_location_assignment PIN_AD20 -to SDRAM_CLK
set_location_assignment PIN_AG10 -to SDRAM_CKE
set_location_assignment PIN_AA19 -to SDRAM_nWE
set_location_assignment PIN_AA18 -to SDRAM_nCAS
set_location_assignment PIN_Y18 -to SDRAM_nCS
@ -106,18 +108,15 @@ set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_ENABLE_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_DQ[*]
set_instance_assignment -name ALLOW_SYNCH_CTRL_USAGE OFF -to *|SDRAM_*
# I/O #2
set_location_assignment PIN_AG8 -to BTNLED[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH8 -to BTNLED[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF17 -to BTNLED[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE15 -to BTNLED[3]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to BTNLED[*]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to BTNLED[*]
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_ENABLE_REGISTER ON -to BTNLED[*]
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to BTNLED[*]
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to BTNLED[*]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE15 -to SD_SPI_CS
set_location_assignment PIN_AH8 -to SD_SPI_MISO
set_location_assignment PIN_AG8 -to SD_SPI_CLK
set_location_assignment PIN_U13 -to SD_SPI_MOSI
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to SD_SPI*
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SD_SPI*
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SD_SPI*
@ -246,6 +245,7 @@ set_location_assignment PIN_W20 -to SW[3]
set_instance_assignment -name HPS_LOCATION HPSINTERFACEPERIPHERALSPIMASTER_X52_Y72_N111 -entity sys_top -to spi
set_instance_assignment -name HPS_LOCATION HPSINTERFACEPERIPHERALUART_X52_Y67_N111 -entity sys_top -to uart
set_location_assignment FRACTIONALPLL_X89_Y1_N0 -to emu:emu|pll:pll|pll_0002:pll_inst|altera_pll:altera_pll_i|altera_cyclonev_pll:cyclonev_pll|altera_cyclonev_pll_base:fpll_0|fpll
set_global_assignment -name PRE_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE "quartus_sh:sys/build_id.tcl"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ create_clock -period "50.0 MHz" [get_ports FPGA_CLK1_50]
create_clock -period "50.0 MHz" [get_ports FPGA_CLK2_50]
create_clock -period "50.0 MHz" [get_ports FPGA_CLK3_50]
create_clock -period "100.0 MHz" [get_pins -compatibility_mode *|h2f_user0_clk]
create_clock -period 10.0 [get_pins -compatibility_mode spi|sclk_out] -name spi_sck
create_clock -period "100.0 MHz" [get_pins -compatibility_mode spi|sclk_out] -name spi_sck
@ -14,25 +14,24 @@ create_generated_clock -source [get_pins -compatibility_mode {pll_hdmi|pll_hdmi_
# Decouple different clock groups (to simplify routing)
set_clock_groups -asynchronous \
set_clock_groups -exclusive \
-group [get_clocks { *|pll|pll_inst|altera_pll_i|*[*].*|divclk}] \
-group [get_clocks { pll_hdmi|pll_hdmi_inst|altera_pll_i|*[0].*|divclk}] \
-group [get_clocks { *|h2f_user0_clk}] \
-group [get_clocks { FPGA_CLK1_50 FPGA_CLK2_50 FPGA_CLK3_50}]
-group [get_clocks { FPGA_CLK1_50 }] \
-group [get_clocks { FPGA_CLK2_50 }] \
-group [get_clocks { FPGA_CLK3_50 }]
set_output_delay -max -clock HDMI_CLK 2.0ns [get_ports {HDMI_TX_D[*] HDMI_TX_DE HDMI_TX_HS HDMI_TX_VS}]
set_output_delay -min -clock HDMI_CLK -1.5ns [get_ports {HDMI_TX_D[*] HDMI_TX_DE HDMI_TX_HS HDMI_TX_VS}]
set_output_delay -max -clock HDMI_CLK 4.0ns [get_ports {HDMI_TX_D[*] HDMI_TX_DE HDMI_TX_HS HDMI_TX_VS}]
set_output_delay -min -clock HDMI_CLK 3.0ns [get_ports {HDMI_TX_D[*] HDMI_TX_DE HDMI_TX_HS HDMI_TX_VS}]
set_false_path -from {*} -to [get_registers {wcalc[*] hcalc[*]}]
# Put constraints on input ports
set_false_path -from [get_ports {KEY*}] -to *
set_false_path -from [get_ports {BTN_*}] -to *
# Put constraints on output ports
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {LED_*}]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {VGA_*}]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {AUDIO_SPDIF}]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {AUDIO_L}]
set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports {AUDIO_R}]
set_false_path -from [get_ports {KEY*}]
set_false_path -from [get_ports {BTN_*}]
set_false_path -to [get_ports {LED_*}]
set_false_path -to [get_ports {VGA_*}]
set_false_path -to [get_ports {AUDIO_SPDIF}]
set_false_path -to [get_ports {AUDIO_L}]
set_false_path -to [get_ports {AUDIO_R}]
set_false_path -to {cfg[*]}
set_false_path -from {cfg[*]}
set_false_path -to {wcalc[*] hcalc[*]}

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// MiSTer hardware abstraction module
// (c)2017-2019 Sorgelig
// (c)2017-2019 Alexey Melnikov
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@ -96,8 +96,14 @@ module sys_top
////////// I/O ALT /////////
inout [3:0] BTNLED,
output SD_SPI_CS,
input SD_SPI_MISO,
output SD_SPI_CLK,
output SD_SPI_MOSI,
output IO_SCL,
inout IO_SDA,
////////// ADC //////////////
output ADC_SCK,
@ -115,21 +121,30 @@ module sys_top
output [7:0] LED,
///////// USER IO ///////////
inout [5:0] USER_IO
inout [6:0] USER_IO
////////////////////// Secondary SD ///////////////////////////////////
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
wire sd_miso;
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
assign SDIO_DAT[2:1]= 2'bZZ;
assign SDIO_DAT[3] = SW[3] ? 1'bZ : SD_CS;
assign SDIO_CLK = SW[3] ? 1'bZ : SD_CLK;
assign SDIO_CMD = SW[3] ? 1'bZ : SD_MOSI;
assign SD_MISO = SW[3] ? 1'b1 : SDIO_DAT[0];
assign sd_miso = SW[3] ? 1'b1 : SDIO_DAT[0];
assign SD_SPI_CS = mcp_sdcd ? ((~VGA_EN & sog & ~cs1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bZ) : SD_CS;
assign sd_miso = 1'b1;
assign SD_SPI_CS = mcp_sdcd ? 1'bZ : SD_CS;
assign SD_SPI_CLK = mcp_sdcd ? 1'bZ : SD_CLK;
assign SD_SPI_MOSI = mcp_sdcd ? 1'bZ : SD_MOSI;
assign SD_MISO = mcp_sdcd ? sd_miso : SD_SPI_MISO;
////////////////////// LEDs/Buttons ///////////////////////////////////
reg [7:0] led_overtake = 0;
@ -149,33 +164,27 @@ wire led_locked;
//LEDs on main board
assign LED = (led_overtake & led_state) | (~led_overtake & {1'b0,led_locked,1'b0, ~led_p, 1'b0, ~led_d, 1'b0, ~led_u});
reg [3:0] btnled = 3'bZZZ;
reg btn_r = 0, btn_o = 0, btn_u = 0;
always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) begin
reg [12:0] cnt;
wire btn_r, btn_o, btn_u;
assign {btn_r,btn_o,btn_u} = {mcp_btn[1],mcp_btn[2],mcp_btn[0]};
assign {btn_r,btn_o,btn_u} = ~{BTN_RESET,BTN_OSD,BTN_USER} | {mcp_btn[1],mcp_btn[2],mcp_btn[0]};
if(SW[3]) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1'd1;
if(~&cnt[12:8]) btnled <= ~{1'b0,led_p,led_d,led_u};
else begin
if(~cnt[7]) btnled <= 0;
else btnled <= 4'b0ZZZ;
if(&cnt) {btn_r,btn_o,btn_u} <= ~BTNLED[2:0];
else begin
cnt <= 0;
{btn_r,btn_o,btn_u} <= 0;
btnled <= 4'bZZZZ;
{btn_r,btn_o,btn_u} <= ~{BTN_RESET,BTN_OSD,BTN_USER};
btnled <= {(~VGA_EN & sog & ~(vs1 ^ hs1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'bZ, 3'bZZZ};
wire [2:0] mcp_btn;
wire mcp_sdcd;
mcp23009 mcp23009
.led({led_p, led_d, led_u}),
assign BTNLED = btnled;
reg btn_user, btn_osd;
always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) begin
@ -197,12 +206,11 @@ always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) begin
///////////////////////// HPS I/O /////////////////////////////////////
// gp_in[31] = 0 - quick flag that FPGA is initialized (HPS reads 1 when FPGA is not in user mode)
// used to avoid lockups while JTAG loading
wire [31:0] gp_in = {1'b0, btn_user, btn_osd, 9'd0, io_ver, io_ack, io_wide, io_dout};
wire [31:0] gp_in = {1'b0, btn_user | btn[1], btn_osd | btn[0], SW[3], 8'd0, io_ver, io_ack, io_wide, io_dout};
wire [31:0] gp_out;
wire [1:0] io_ver = 1; // 0 - standard MiST I/O (for quick porting of complex MiST cores). 1 - optimized HPS I/O. 2,3 - reserved for future.
@ -238,7 +246,11 @@ always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
gp_outd <= gp_out;
wire [7:0] core_type = 'hA4; // A4 - generic core.
wire [7:0] core_type = 'hA8; // generic core, dual SDRAM.
wire [7:0] core_type = 'hA4; // generic core.
// HPS will not communicate to core if magic is different
wire [31:0] core_magic = {24'h5CA623, core_type};
@ -252,17 +264,18 @@ cyclonev_hps_interface_mpu_general_purpose h2f_gp
reg [15:0] cfg;
reg cfg_got = 0;
reg cfg_set = 0;
wire hdmi_limited = cfg[8];
wire dvi_mode = cfg[7];
wire audio_96k = cfg[6];
reg cfg_got = 0;
reg cfg_set = 0;
wire [1:0] hdmi_limited = {cfg[11],cfg[8]};
wire direct_video = cfg[10];
wire dvi_mode = cfg[7];
wire audio_96k = cfg[6];
wire csync_en = cfg[3];
wire ypbpr_en = cfg[5];
wire io_osd_vga = io_ss1 & ~io_ss2;
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
wire sog = cfg[9];
wire ypbpr_en = cfg[5];
wire csync = cfg[3];
wire vga_scaler= cfg[2];
wire io_osd_vga= io_ss1 & ~io_ss2;
wire sog = cfg[9];
wire vga_scaler = cfg[2];
reg cfg_custom_t = 0;
@ -431,7 +444,7 @@ always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) begin
wire clk_100m;
wire clk_hdmi = ~HDMI_TX_CLK; // Internal HDMI clock, inverted in relation to external clock
wire clk_hdmi = ~hdmi_clk_out; // Internal HDMI clock, inverted in relation to external clock
wire clk_audio = FPGA_CLK3_50;
wire clk_pal = FPGA_CLK3_50;
@ -496,6 +509,9 @@ wire [127:0] vbuf_writedata;
wire [15:0] vbuf_byteenable;
wire vbuf_write;
wire [23:0] hdmi_data;
wire hdmi_vs, hdmi_hs, hdmi_de;
@ -513,10 +529,10 @@ ascal
.i_r (r_out),
.i_g (g_out),
.i_b (b_out),
.i_hs (hs),
.i_vs (vs),
.i_hs (hs_fix),
.i_vs (vs_fix),
.i_fl (f1),
.i_de (de),
.i_de (de_emu),
.iauto (1),
.himin (0),
.himax (0),
@ -528,8 +544,8 @@ ascal
.o_r (hdmi_data[23:16]),
.o_g (hdmi_data[15:8]),
.o_b (hdmi_data[7:0]),
.o_hs (HDMI_TX_HS),
.o_vs (HDMI_TX_VS),
.o_hs (hdmi_hs),
.o_vs (hdmi_vs),
.o_de (hdmi_de),
.o_lltune (lltune),
.htotal (WIDTH + HFP + HBP + HS),
@ -687,13 +703,14 @@ fbpal fbpal
///////////////////////// HDMI output /////////////////////////////////
wire hdmi_clk_out;
pll_hdmi pll_hdmi
//1920x1080@60 PCLK=148.5MHz CEA
@ -772,24 +789,30 @@ hdmi_config hdmi_config
.ypbpr(ypbpr_en & direct_video)
wire [23:0] hdmi_data;
wire [23:0] hdmi_data_sl;
wire hdmi_de;
wire hdmi_de_sl, hdmi_vs_sl, hdmi_hs_sl;
scanlines #(1) HDMI_scanlines
wire [23:0] hdmi_data_osd;
wire hdmi_de_osd, hdmi_vs_osd, hdmi_hs_osd;
osd hdmi_osd
@ -800,59 +823,128 @@ osd hdmi_osd
reg [23:0] dv_data;
reg dv_hs, dv_vs, dv_de;
always @(negedge clk_vid) begin
reg [23:0] dv_d1, dv_d2;
reg dv_de1, dv_de2, dv_hs1, dv_hs2, dv_vs1, dv_vs2;
reg [12:0] vsz, vcnt;
reg old_hs, old_vs;
reg vde;
reg [3:0] hss;
if(ce_pix) begin
hss <= (hss << 1) | vga_hs_osd;
old_hs <= vga_hs_osd;
if(~old_hs && vga_hs_osd) begin
old_vs <= vga_vs_osd;
if(~&vcnt) vcnt <= vcnt + 1'd1;
if(~old_vs & vga_vs_osd & ~f1) vsz <= vcnt;
if(old_vs & ~vga_vs_osd) vcnt <= 0;
if(vcnt == 1) vde <= 1;
if(vcnt == vsz - 3) vde <= 0;
dv_de1 <= !{hss,vga_hs_osd} && vde;
dv_hs1 <= csync_en ? vga_cs_osd : vga_hs_osd;
dv_vs1 <= vga_vs_osd;
dv_d1 <= vga_data_osd;
dv_d2 <= dv_d1;
dv_de2 <= dv_de1;
dv_hs2 <= dv_hs1;
dv_vs2 <= dv_vs1;
dv_data<= dv_d2;
dv_de <= dv_de2;
dv_hs <= dv_hs2;
dv_vs <= dv_vs2;
assign HDMI_TX_CLK = direct_video ? clk_vid : hdmi_clk_out;
assign HDMI_TX_HS = direct_video ? dv_hs : hdmi_hs_osd;
assign HDMI_TX_VS = direct_video ? dv_vs : hdmi_vs_osd;
assign HDMI_TX_DE = direct_video ? dv_de : hdmi_de_osd;
assign HDMI_TX_D = direct_video ? dv_data : hdmi_data_osd;
///////////////////////// VGA output //////////////////////////////////
wire [23:0] vga_data_sl;
wire vga_de_sl, vga_vs_sl, vga_hs_sl;
scanlines #(0) VGA_scanlines
.din(de_emu ? {r_out, g_out, b_out} : 24'd0),
wire [23:0] vga_data_osd;
wire vga_vs_osd, vga_hs_osd;
osd vga_osd
wire vga_cs_osd;
csync csync_vga(clk_vid, vga_hs_osd, vga_vs_osd, vga_cs_osd);
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
wire [23:0] vga_data_sl;
scanlines #(0) VGA_scanlines
.din(de ? {r_out, g_out, b_out} : 24'd0),
osd vga_osd
wire [23:0] vga_q;
wire [23:0] vga_o;
vga_out vga_out
.din(vga_scaler ? {24{HDMI_TX_DE}} & HDMI_TX_D : vga_q)
.din(vga_scaler ? {24{hdmi_de_osd}} & hdmi_data_osd : vga_data_osd)
wire vs1 = vga_scaler ? HDMI_TX_VS : vs;
wire hs1 = vga_scaler ? HDMI_TX_HS : hs;
wire hdmi_cs_osd;
csync csync_hdmi(clk_hdmi, hdmi_hs_osd, hdmi_vs_osd, hdmi_cs_osd);
assign VGA_VS = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 1'bZ : csync ? 1'b1 : ~vs1;
assign VGA_HS = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 1'bZ : csync ? ~(vs1 ^ hs1) : ~hs1;
wire vs1 = vga_scaler ? hdmi_vs_osd : vga_vs_osd;
wire hs1 = vga_scaler ? hdmi_hs_osd : vga_hs_osd;
wire cs1 = vga_scaler ? hdmi_cs_osd : vga_cs_osd;
assign VGA_VS = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 1'bZ : csync_en ? 1'b1 : ~vs1;
assign VGA_HS = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 1'bZ : csync_en ? ~cs1 : ~hs1;
assign VGA_R = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[23:18];
assign VGA_G = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[15:10];
assign VGA_B = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[7:2];
@ -860,7 +952,7 @@ osd hdmi_osd
///////////////////////// Audio output ////////////////////////////////
assign SDCD_SPDIF =(SW[3] & spdif) ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ;
assign SDCD_SPDIF =(SW[3] & ~spdif) ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ;
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
wire anl,anr;
@ -962,6 +1054,7 @@ assign USER_IO[2] = !(SW[1] ? HDMI_I2S : user_out[2]) ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ;
assign USER_IO[3] = !user_out[3] ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ;
assign USER_IO[4] = !(SW[1] ? HDMI_SCLK : user_out[4]) ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ;
assign USER_IO[5] = !(SW[1] ? HDMI_LRCLK : user_out[5]) ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ;
assign USER_IO[6] = !user_out[6] ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ;
assign user_in[0] = USER_IO[0];
assign user_in[1] = USER_IO[1];
@ -969,6 +1062,7 @@ assign user_in[2] = SW[1] | USER_IO[2];
assign user_in[3] = USER_IO[3];
assign user_in[4] = SW[1] | USER_IO[4];
assign user_in[5] = SW[1] | USER_IO[5];
assign user_in[6] = USER_IO[6];
/////////////////// User module connection ////////////////////////////
@ -977,7 +1071,7 @@ wire [15:0] audio_ls, audio_rs;
wire audio_s;
wire [1:0] audio_mix;
wire [7:0] r_out, g_out, b_out;
wire vs, hs, de, f1;
wire vs_fix, hs_fix, de_emu, f1;
wire [1:0] scanlines;
wire clk_sys, clk_vid, ce_pix;
@ -995,10 +1089,11 @@ wire ram_write;
wire led_user;
wire [1:0] led_power;
wire [1:0] led_disk;
wire [1:0] btn;
wire vs_emu, hs_emu;
sync_fix sync_v(clk_vid, vs_emu, vs);
sync_fix sync_h(clk_vid, hs_emu, hs);
sync_fix sync_v(clk_vid, vs_emu, vs_fix);
sync_fix sync_h(clk_vid, hs_emu, hs_fix);
wire uart_dtr;
wire uart_dsr;
@ -1008,13 +1103,13 @@ wire uart_rxd;
wire uart_txd;
wire osd_status;
wire [5:0] user_out, user_in;
wire [6:0] user_out, user_in;
emu emu
.HPS_BUS({f1, HDMI_TX_VS, clk_100m, clk_vid, ce_pix, de, hs, vs, io_wait, clk_sys, io_fpga, io_uio, io_strobe, io_wide, io_din, io_dout}),
.HPS_BUS({f1, HDMI_TX_VS, clk_100m, clk_vid, ce_pix, de_emu, hs_fix, vs_fix, io_wait, clk_sys, io_fpga, io_uio, io_strobe, io_wide, io_din, io_dout}),
@ -1024,13 +1119,14 @@ emu emu
@ -1075,12 +1171,16 @@ emu emu
.SD_CD(SW[0] ? VGA_HS : SW[3] ? 1'b1 : SDCD_SPDIF ),
.SD_CD(mcp_sdcd & (SW[0] ? VGA_HS : (SW[3] | SDCD_SPDIF))),
@ -1178,3 +1278,45 @@ always @(posedge clk) begin
// CSync generation
// Shifts HSync left by 1 HSync period during VSync
module csync
input clk,
input hsync,
input vsync,
output csync
assign csync = (csync_vs ^ csync_hs);
reg csync_hs, csync_vs;
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg prev_hs;
reg [15:0] h_cnt, line_len, hs_len;
// Count line/Hsync length
h_cnt <= h_cnt + 1'd1;
prev_hs <= hsync;
if (prev_hs ^ hsync) begin
h_cnt <= 0;
if (hsync) begin
line_len <= h_cnt - hs_len;
csync_hs <= 0;
else hs_len <= h_cnt;
if (~vsync) csync_hs <= hsync;
else if(h_cnt == line_len) csync_hs <= 1;
csync_vs <= vsync;

View File

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ module video_cleaner
input HBlank,
input VBlank,
//optional de
input DE_in,
// video output signals
output reg [7:0] VGA_R,
output reg [7:0] VGA_G,
@ -33,7 +36,10 @@ module video_cleaner
// optional aligned blank
output reg HBlank_out,
output reg VBlank_out
output reg VBlank_out,
// optional aligned de
output reg DE_out
wire hs, vs;
@ -49,11 +55,13 @@ always @(posedge clk_vid) begin
if(ce_pix) begin
HBlank_out <= hbl;
VGA_VS <= vs;
VGA_HS <= hs;
if(~VGA_HS & hs) VGA_VS <= vs;
VGA_R <= R;
VGA_G <= G;
VGA_B <= B;
DE_out <= DE_in;
if(HBlank_out & ~hbl) VBlank_out <= vbl;