
407 lines
9.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-01-22 00:55:46 +08:00
// Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Sorgelig
// DW:
// 6 : 2R 2G 2B
// 8 : 3R 3G 2B
// 9 : 3R 3G 3B
// 12 : 4R 4G 4B
// 24 : 8R 8G 8B
module arcade_video #(parameter WIDTH=320, HEIGHT=240, DW=8, GAMMA=1)
input clk_video,
input ce_pix,
input[DW-1:0] RGB_in,
input HBlank,
input VBlank,
input HSync,
input VSync,
output VGA_CLK,
output VGA_CE,
output [7:0] VGA_R,
output [7:0] VGA_G,
output [7:0] VGA_B,
output VGA_HS,
output VGA_VS,
output VGA_DE,
output HDMI_CLK,
output HDMI_CE,
output [7:0] HDMI_R,
output [7:0] HDMI_G,
output [7:0] HDMI_B,
output HDMI_HS,
output HDMI_VS,
output HDMI_DE,
output [1:0] HDMI_SL,
input [2:0] fx,
input forced_scandoubler,
input no_rotate,
input rotate_ccw,
inout [21:0] gamma_bus
wire [7:0] R,G,B;
wire [DW-1:0] RGB_fix;
arcade_vga #(DW) vga
wire [DW-1:0] RGB_out;
wire rhs,rvs,rhblank,rvblank;
screen_rotate #(WIDTH,HEIGHT,DW,4) rotator
.ce_out(CE | (~scandoubler & ~gamma_bus[19])),
if(DW == 6) begin
wire [3:0] Rr = {RGB_out[5:4],RGB_out[5:4]};
wire [3:0] Gr = {RGB_out[3:2],RGB_out[3:2]};
wire [3:0] Br = {RGB_out[1:0],RGB_out[1:0]};
else if(DW == 8) begin
wire [3:0] Rr = {RGB_out[7:5],RGB_out[7]};
wire [3:0] Gr = {RGB_out[4:2],RGB_out[4]};
wire [3:0] Br = {RGB_out[1:0],RGB_out[1:0]};
else if(DW == 9) begin
wire [3:0] Rr = {RGB_out[8:6],RGB_out[8]};
wire [3:0] Gr = {RGB_out[5:3],RGB_out[5]};
wire [3:0] Br = {RGB_out[2:0],RGB_out[2]};
else if(DW == 12) begin
wire [3:0] Rr = RGB_out[11:8];
wire [3:0] Gr = RGB_out[7:4];
wire [3:0] Br = RGB_out[3:0];
else begin // 24
wire [7:0] Rr = RGB_out[23:16];
wire [7:0] Gr = RGB_out[15:8];
wire [7:0] Br = RGB_out[7:0];
assign HDMI_CLK = VGA_CLK;
assign HDMI_SL = sl[1:0];
wire [2:0] sl = fx ? fx - 1'd1 : 3'd0;
wire scandoubler = fx || forced_scandoubler;
video_mixer #(.LINE_LENGTH(WIDTH+4), .HALF_DEPTH(DW!=24), .GAMMA(GAMMA)) video_mixer
.ce_pix(CE | (~scandoubler & ~gamma_bus[19] & ~no_rotate)),
.R(no_rotate ? ((DW!=24) ? R[7:4] : R) : Rr),
.G(no_rotate ? ((DW!=24) ? G[7:4] : G) : Gr),
.B(no_rotate ? ((DW!=24) ? B[7:4] : B) : Br),
.HSync (no_rotate ? HS : rhs),
.VSync (no_rotate ? VS : rvs),
.HBlank(no_rotate ? HBL : rhblank),
.VBlank(no_rotate ? VBL : rvblank),
assign VGA_CE = no_rotate ? HDMI_CE : CE;
assign VGA_R = no_rotate ? HDMI_R : R;
assign VGA_G = no_rotate ? HDMI_G : G;
assign VGA_B = no_rotate ? HDMI_B : B;
assign VGA_HS = no_rotate ? HDMI_HS : HS;
assign VGA_VS = no_rotate ? HDMI_VS : VS;
assign VGA_DE = no_rotate ? HDMI_DE : ~(HBL | VBL);
module arcade_vga #(parameter DW)
input clk_video,
input ce_pix,
input [DW-1:0] RGB_in,
input HBlank,
input VBlank,
input HSync,
input VSync,
output[DW-1:0] RGB_out,
output VGA_CLK,
output reg VGA_CE,
output [7:0] VGA_R,
output [7:0] VGA_G,
output [7:0] VGA_B,
output reg VGA_HS,
output reg VGA_VS,
output reg VGA_HBL,
output reg VGA_VBL
assign VGA_CLK = clk_video;
wire hs_fix,vs_fix;
sync_fix sync_v(VGA_CLK, HSync, hs_fix);
sync_fix sync_h(VGA_CLK, VSync, vs_fix);
reg [DW-1:0] RGB_fix;
always @(posedge VGA_CLK) begin
reg old_ce;
old_ce <= ce_pix;
VGA_CE <= 0;
if(~old_ce & ce_pix) begin
VGA_CE <= 1;
VGA_HS <= hs_fix;
if(~VGA_HS & hs_fix) VGA_VS <= vs_fix;
RGB_fix <= RGB_in;
VGA_HBL <= HBlank;
if(VGA_HBL & ~HBlank) VGA_VBL <= VBlank;
assign RGB_out = RGB_fix;
if(DW == 6) begin
assign VGA_R = {RGB_fix[5:4],RGB_fix[5:4],RGB_fix[5:4],RGB_fix[5:4]};
assign VGA_G = {RGB_fix[3:2],RGB_fix[3:2],RGB_fix[3:2],RGB_fix[3:2]};
assign VGA_B = {RGB_fix[1:0],RGB_fix[1:0],RGB_fix[1:0],RGB_fix[1:0]};
else if(DW == 8) begin
assign VGA_R = {RGB_fix[7:5],RGB_fix[7:5],RGB_fix[7:6]};
assign VGA_G = {RGB_fix[4:2],RGB_fix[4:2],RGB_fix[4:3]};
assign VGA_B = {RGB_fix[1:0],RGB_fix[1:0],RGB_fix[1:0],RGB_fix[1:0]};
else if(DW == 9) begin
assign VGA_R = {RGB_fix[8:6],RGB_fix[8:6],RGB_fix[8:7]};
assign VGA_G = {RGB_fix[5:3],RGB_fix[5:3],RGB_fix[5:4]};
assign VGA_B = {RGB_fix[2:0],RGB_fix[2:0],RGB_fix[2:1]};
else if(DW == 12) begin
assign VGA_R = {RGB_fix[11:8],RGB_fix[11:8]};
assign VGA_G = {RGB_fix[7:4],RGB_fix[7:4]};
assign VGA_B = {RGB_fix[3:0],RGB_fix[3:0]};
else begin // 24
assign VGA_R = RGB_fix[23:16];
assign VGA_G = RGB_fix[15:8];
assign VGA_B = RGB_fix[7:0];
// Screen +90/-90 deg. rotation
// Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Sorgelig
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// Output timings are incompatible with any TV/VGA mode.
// The output is supposed to be send to scaler input.
module screen_rotate #(parameter WIDTH=320, HEIGHT=240, DEPTH=8, MARGIN=4)
input clk,
input ce,
input ccw,
input [DEPTH-1:0] video_in,
input hblank,
input vblank,
input ce_out,
output [DEPTH-1:0] video_out,
output reg hsync,
output reg vsync,
output reg hblank_out,
output reg vblank_out
localparam bufsize = WIDTH*HEIGHT;
localparam memsize = bufsize*2;
localparam aw = $clog2(memsize); // resolutions up to ~ 512x256
reg [aw-1:0] addr_in, addr_out;
reg we_in;
reg buff = 0;
(* ramstyle="no_rw_check" *) reg [DEPTH-1:0] ram[memsize];
always @ (posedge clk) if (en_we) ram[addr_in] <= video_in;
always @ (posedge clk) out <= ram[addr_out];
reg [DEPTH-1:0] out;
reg [DEPTH-1:0] vout;
assign video_out = vout;
wire en_we = ce & ~blank & en_x & en_y;
wire en_x = (xpos<WIDTH);
wire en_y = (ypos<HEIGHT);
integer xpos, ypos;
wire blank = hblank | vblank;
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg old_blank, old_vblank;
reg [aw-1:0] addr_row;
if(en_we) begin
addr_in <= ccw ? addr_in-HEIGHT[aw-1:0] : addr_in+HEIGHT[aw-1:0];
xpos <= xpos + 1;
old_blank <= blank;
old_vblank <= vblank;
if(~old_blank & blank) begin
xpos <= 0;
ypos <= ypos + 1;
addr_in <= ccw ? addr_row + 1'd1 : addr_row - 1'd1;
addr_row <= ccw ? addr_row + 1'd1 : addr_row - 1'd1;
if(~old_vblank & vblank) begin
if(buff) begin
addr_in <= ccw ? bufsize[aw-1:0]-HEIGHT[aw-1:0] : HEIGHT[aw-1:0]-1'd1;
addr_row <= ccw ? bufsize[aw-1:0]-HEIGHT[aw-1:0] : HEIGHT[aw-1:0]-1'd1;
end else begin
addr_in <= ccw ? bufsize[aw-1:0]+bufsize[aw-1:0]-HEIGHT[aw-1:0] : bufsize[aw-1:0]+HEIGHT[aw-1:0]-1'd1;
addr_row <= ccw ? bufsize[aw-1:0]+bufsize[aw-1:0]-HEIGHT[aw-1:0] : bufsize[aw-1:0]+HEIGHT[aw-1:0]-1'd1;
buff <= ~buff;
ypos <= 0;
xpos <= 0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg old_buff;
reg hs;
reg ced;
integer vbcnt;
integer xposo, yposo, xposd, yposd;
ced <= 0;
if(ce_out) begin
ced <= 1;
xposd <= xposo;
yposd <= yposo;
if(xposo == (HEIGHT + 8)) hsync <= 1;
if(xposo == (HEIGHT + 10)) hsync <= 0;
if((yposo>=MARGIN) && (yposo<WIDTH+MARGIN)) begin
if(xposo < HEIGHT) addr_out <= addr_out + 1'd1;
xposo <= xposo + 1;
if(xposo > (HEIGHT + 16)) begin
xposo <= 0;
if(yposo >= (WIDTH+MARGIN+MARGIN)) begin
vblank_out <= 1;
vbcnt <= vbcnt + 1;
if(vbcnt == 10 ) vsync <= 1;
if(vbcnt == 12) vsync <= 0;
else yposo <= yposo + 1;
old_buff <= buff;
if(old_buff != buff) begin
addr_out <= buff ? {aw{1'b0}} : bufsize[aw-1:0];
yposo <= 0;
vsync <= 0;
vbcnt <= 0;
vblank_out <= 0;
if(ced) begin
if((yposd<MARGIN) || (yposd>=WIDTH+MARGIN)) begin
vout <= 0;
end else begin
vout <= out;
if(xposd == 0) hblank_out <= 0;
if(xposd == HEIGHT) hblank_out <= 1;