2020-05-11 02:35:08 +08:00

341 lines
12 KiB

/* Synchronous 8-bit replica of 3.5 inch floppy disk drive.
Differences from the true floppy interace at the Mac's DB-19 port:
True interface has a writeReq control line, only 1-bit readData and writeData, and no clk.
True interface does not have newByteReady signal. Instead the IWM must watch the data in bit and synchronize with it to
determine the timing and framing of bytes.
/* Disk register (read):
State-control lines Register
CA2 CA1 CA0 SEL addressed Information in register
0 0 0 0 DIRTN Head step direction (0=toward track 79, 1=toward track 0)
0 0 0 1 CSTIN Disk in place (0=disk is inserted)
0 0 1 0 STEP Drive head stepping (setting to 0 performs a step, returns to 1 when step is complete)
0 0 1 1 WRTPRT Disk locked (0=locked)
0 1 0 0 MOTORON Drive motor running (0=on, 1=off)
0 1 0 1 TKO Head at track 0 (0=at track 0)
0 1 1 0 SWITCHED Disk switched (1=yes?)
0 1 1 1 TACH Tachometer (produces 60 pulses for each rotation of the drive motor)
1 0 0 0 RDDATA0 Read data, lower head, side 0
1 0 0 1 RDDATA1 Read data, upper head, side 1
1 0 1 0 SUPERDR Drive is a Superdrive (0=no, 1=yes)
1 1 0 0 SIDES Single- or double-sided drive (0=single side, 1=double side)
1 1 0 1 READY 0 = yes
1 1 1 0 INSTALLED 0 = yes
1 1 1 1 DRVIN 400K/800K: Drive installed (0=drive is present), Superdrive: Inserted disk capacity (0=HD, 1=DD)
Disk registers (write):
Control lines Register
CA1 CA0 SEL addressed Register function
0 0 0 DIRTN Set stepping direction (0=toward track 79, 1=toward track 0)
0 0 1 SWITCHED Reset disk switched flag (writing 1 sets switch flag to 0)
0 1 0 STEP Step the drive head one track (setting to 0 performs a step, returns to 1 when step is complete)
1 0 0 MOTORON Turn on/off drive motor (0=on, 1=off)
1 1 0 EJECT Eject the disk (writing 1 ejects the disk)
`define DRIVE_REG_DIRTN 0 /* R/W: step direction (0=toward track 79, 1=toward track 0) */
`define DRIVE_REG_CSTIN 1 /* R: disk in place (1 = no disk) */
/* W: ?? reset disk switch flag ? */
`define DRIVE_REG_STEP 2 /* R: drive head is stepping (1 = complete) */
/* W: 0 = step drive head */
`define DRIVE_REG_WRTPRT 3 /* R: 0 = disk is write-protected */
`define DRIVE_REG_MOTORON 4 /* R/W: 0 = motor on */
`define DRIVE_REG_TK0 5 /* R: 0 = head at track 0 */
`define DRIVE_REG_EJECT 6 /* R: disk switched (1=yes?)*/
/* W: 1 = eject the disk */
`define DRIVE_REG_TACH 7 /* R: tach-o-meter */
`define DRIVE_REG_RDDATA0 8 /* R: activate lower head: side 0 */
`define DRIVE_REG_RDDATA1 9 /* R: activate upper head: side 1 */
`define DRIVE_REG_SUPERDR 10 /* R: drive is a superdrive (0=no, 1=yes) */
`define DRIVE_REG_SIDES 12 /* R: number of sides (0=single, 1=dbl) */
`define DRIVE_REG_READY 13 /* R: drive ready (head loaded) (0=ready) */
`define DRIVE_REG_INSTALLED 14 /* R: drive present (0 = yes ??) */
`define DRIVE_REG_DRVIN 15 /* R: 400K/800k: drive present (0=yes, 1=no), Superdrive: disk capacity (0=HD, 1=DD) */
module floppy
input clk,
input cep,
input cen,
input _reset,
input ca0, // PH0
input ca1, // PH1
input ca2, // PH2
input SEL, // HDSEL from VIA
input lstrb, // aka PH3
input _enable,
input [7:0] writeData,
output [7:0] readData,
input advanceDriveHead, // prevents overrun when debugging, does not exist on a real Mac!
output reg newByteReady,
input insertDisk,
input diskSides,
output diskEject,
output motor,
output act,
output [21:0] dskReadAddr,
input dskReadAck,
input [7:0] dskReadData
assign motor = ~driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_MOTORON];
assign act = lstrbEdge;
reg [15:0] driveRegs;
reg [6:0] driveTrack;
reg driveSide;
reg [7:0] diskDataIn; // incoming byte from the floppy disk
// read drive registers
wire [15:0] driveRegsAsRead = {
1'b0, // DRVIN = yes
1'b0, // INSTALLED = yes
1'b0, // READY = yes
1'b1, // SIDES = double-sided drive
1'b0, // UNUSED
1'b0, // SUPERDR
1'b0, // RDDATA1
1'b0, // RDDATA0
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_TACH], // TACH: 60 pules for each rotation of the drive motor
1'b0, // disk switched?
~(driveTrack == 7'h00), // TK0: track 0 indicator
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_MOTORON], // motor on
1'b0, // WRTPRT = locked
1'b1, // STEP = complete
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_CSTIN], // disk in drive
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_DIRTN] // step direction
reg dskReadAckD;
always @(posedge clk) if(cen) dskReadAckD <= dskReadAck;
// latch incoming data
reg [7:0] dskReadDataLatch;
always @(posedge clk) if(cep && dskReadAckD) dskReadDataLatch <= dskReadData;
wire [7:0] dskReadDataEnc;
reg old_newByteReady;
always @(posedge clk) old_newByteReady <= newByteReady;
// include track encoder
floppy_track_encoder enc
.clk ( clk ),
.ready ( ~old_newByteReady & newByteReady ),
.rst ( !_reset ),
.side ( driveSide ),
.sides ( doubleSidedDisk ),
.track ( driveTrack ),
.addr ( dskReadAddr ),
.idata ( dskReadDataLatch ),
.odata ( dskReadDataEnc )
// TODO: auto-detect doubleSidedDisk from image file size
wire doubleSidedDisk = diskSides;
wire [3:0] driveReadAddr = {ca2,ca1,ca0,SEL};
// a byte is read or written every 128 clocks (2 us per bit * 8 bits = 16 us, @ 8 MHz = 128 clocks)
// The CPU must poll for data at least this often, or else an overrun will occur.
reg [6:0] diskDataByteTimer;
reg [7:0] diskImageData;
reg readyToAdvanceHead;
always @(posedge clk or negedge _reset) begin
if (_reset == 0) begin
driveSide <= 0;
diskImageData <= 8'h00;
diskDataIn <= 8'hFF;
diskDataByteTimer <= 0;
readyToAdvanceHead <= 1;
newByteReady <= 1'b0;
else begin
if(cep) begin
// at time 0, latch a new byte and advance the drive head
if (diskDataByteTimer == 0 && readyToAdvanceHead && diskImageData != 0) begin
diskDataIn <= diskImageData;
newByteReady <= 1;
diskDataByteTimer <= 1; // make timer run again
// clear diskImageData after it's used, so we can tell when we get a new one from the disk
diskImageData <= 0;
// for debugging, don't advance the head until the IWM says it's ready
readyToAdvanceHead <= 1'b1; // TEMP: treat IWM as always ready
// extraRomReadAck comes every hsync which is every 21us. The iwm data rates
// is 8MHZ/128 = 16us
else begin
// a timer governs when the next disk byte will become available
diskDataByteTimer <= diskDataByteTimer + 1'b1;
newByteReady <= 1'b0;
if (dskReadAck) begin
// whenever ACK is received, store the data from the current diskImageAddr
diskImageData <= dskReadDataEnc; // xyz
if (advanceDriveHead) begin
readyToAdvanceHead <= 1'b1;
// switch drive sides if DRIVE_REG_RDDATA0 or DRIVE_REG_RDDATA1 are read
// TODO: we don't know if this is a true read, since we don't know if IWM is selected or
// could be bad if we use this test to flush a cache of encoded disk data
if (driveReadAddr == `DRIVE_REG_RDDATA0 && lstrb == 1'b0)
driveSide <= 0;
if (driveReadAddr == `DRIVE_REG_RDDATA1 && lstrb == 1'b0)
driveSide <= 1;
// create a signal on the falling edge of lstrb
reg lstrbPrev;
always @(posedge clk) if(cep) lstrbPrev <= lstrb;
wire lstrbEdge = lstrb == 1'b0 && lstrbPrev == 1'b1;
assign readData = (driveReadAddr == `DRIVE_REG_RDDATA0 || driveReadAddr == `DRIVE_REG_RDDATA1) ? diskDataIn :
{ driveRegsAsRead[driveReadAddr], 7'h00 };
// write drive registers
wire [2:0] driveWriteAddr = {ca1,ca0,SEL};
// DRIVE_REG_DIRTN 0 /* R/W: step direction (0=toward track 79, 1=toward track 0) */
always @(posedge clk or negedge _reset) begin
if (_reset == 1'b0) begin
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_DIRTN] <= 1'b0;
else if(cep && _enable == 1'b0 && lstrbEdge == 1'b1 && driveWriteAddr == `DRIVE_REG_DIRTN) begin
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_DIRTN] <= ca2;
// DRIVE_REG_CSTIN 1 /* R: disk in place (1 = no disk) */
/* W: ?? reset disk switch flag ? */
// disk in drive indicators
reg [23:0] ejectIndicatorTimer;
assign diskEject = (ejectIndicatorTimer != 0);
always @(posedge clk or negedge _reset) begin
if (_reset == 1'b0) begin
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_CSTIN] <= 1'b1;
ejectIndicatorTimer <= 24'd0;
else if(cep) begin
if (_enable == 1'b0 && lstrbEdge == 1'b1 && driveWriteAddr == `DRIVE_REG_EJECT && ca2 == 1'b1) begin
// eject the disk
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_CSTIN] <= 1'b1;
ejectIndicatorTimer <= 24'hFFFFFF;
else if (insertDisk) begin
// insert a disk
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_CSTIN] <= 1'b0;
else begin
if (ejectIndicatorTimer != 0)
ejectIndicatorTimer <= ejectIndicatorTimer - 1'b1;
//`define DRIVE_REG_STEP 2 /* R: drive head stepping (1 = complete) */
/* W: 0 = step drive head */
always @(posedge clk or negedge _reset) begin
if (_reset == 1'b0) begin
driveTrack <= 0;
else if(cep && _enable == 1'b0 && lstrbEdge == 1'b1 && driveWriteAddr == `DRIVE_REG_STEP && ca2 == 1'b0) begin
if (driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_DIRTN] == 1'b0 && driveTrack != 7'h4F) begin
driveTrack <= driveTrack + 1'b1;
if (driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_DIRTN] == 1'b1 && driveTrack != 0) begin
driveTrack <= driveTrack - 1'b1;
// DRIVE_REG_MOTORON 4 /* R/W: 0 = motor on */
always @(posedge clk or negedge _reset) begin
if (_reset == 1'b0) begin
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_MOTORON] <= 1'b1;
else if (cep && _enable == 1'b0 && lstrbEdge == 1'b1 && driveWriteAddr == `DRIVE_REG_MOTORON) begin
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_MOTORON] <= ca2;
// DRIVE_REG_TACH 7 Tachometer (produces 60 pulses for each rotation of the drive motor)
/* Data from MESS, sonydriv.c:
Tracks RPM Timing Value
00-15: 500 timing value $117B (acceptable range {1135-11E9})
16-31: 550 timing value $???? (acceptable range {12C6-138A})
32-47: 600 timing value $???? (acceptable range {14A7-157F})
48-63: 675 timing value $???? (acceptable range {16F2-17E2})
64-79: 750 timing value $???? (acceptable range {19D0-1ADE})
Experimentally determined toggle rates for Plus Too with 8.125 MHz CPU clock:
TACH Half Period Clocks Resulting Timing Value
9996 $117B (4475)
9122 $1328 (4904)
8292 $1513 (5395)
7463 $176A (5994)
6634 $1A56 (6742)
reg [13:0] driveTachTimer;
reg [13:0] driveTachPeriod;
always @(*) begin
case (driveTrack[6:4])
0: // tracks 0-15
driveTachPeriod <= 9996;
1: // tracks 16-31
driveTachPeriod <= 9122;
2: // tracks 32-47
driveTachPeriod <= 8292;
3: // tracks 48-63
driveTachPeriod <= 7463;
default: // tracks 64-79
driveTachPeriod <= 6634;
always @(posedge clk or negedge _reset) begin
if (_reset == 1'b0) begin
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_TACH] <= 1'b0;
driveTachTimer <= 0;
else if(cep) begin
if (driveTachTimer == driveTachPeriod) begin
driveTachTimer <= 0;
driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_TACH] <= ~driveRegs[`DRIVE_REG_TACH];
else begin
driveTachTimer <= driveTachTimer + 1'b1;