2021-09-24 13:30:58 -07:00

316 lines
11 KiB

import logging
from settings import *
import rascsi_interface_pb2 as proto
def get_server_info():
command = proto.PbCommand()
command.operation = proto.PbOperation.SERVER_INFO
data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString())
result = proto.PbResult()
version = str(result.server_info.major_version) + "." +\
str(result.server_info.minor_version) + "." +\
log_levels = result.server_info.log_levels
current_log_level = result.server_info.current_log_level
reserved_ids = list(result.server_info.reserved_ids)
return {"status": result.status, "version": version, "log_levels": log_levels, "current_log_level": current_log_level, "reserved_ids": reserved_ids}
def get_network_info():
command = proto.PbCommand()
command.operation = proto.PbOperation.NETWORK_INTERFACES_INFO
data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString())
result = proto.PbResult()
ifs = result.network_interfaces_info.name
return {"status": result.status, "ifs": ifs}
def validate_scsi_id(scsi_id):
from re import match
if match("[0-7]", str(scsi_id)) != None:
return {"status": True, "msg": "Valid SCSI ID."}
return {"status": False, "msg": "Invalid SCSI ID. Should be a number between 0-7"}
def get_valid_scsi_ids(devices, reserved_ids):
occupied_ids = []
for d in devices:
# Make it possible to insert images on top of a
# removable media device currently without an image attached
if d["device_type"] != "-" and "No Media" not in d["status"]:
# Combine lists and remove duplicates
invalid_ids = list(set(reserved_ids + occupied_ids))
valid_ids = list(range(8))
for id in invalid_ids:
# May reach this state if the RaSCSI Web UI thinks an ID
# is reserved but RaSCSI has not actually reserved it.
logging.warning(f"SCSI ID {id} flagged as both valid and invalid. Try restarting the RaSCSI Web UI.")
return valid_ids
# TODO: This can probably be deprecated and use list_devices instead
def get_type(scsi_id):
device = proto.PbDeviceDefinition()
device.id = int(scsi_id)
command = proto.PbCommand()
command.operation = proto.PbOperation.DEVICES_INFO
data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString())
result = proto.PbResult()
# Assuming that only one PbDevice object is present in the response
result_type = proto.PbDeviceType.Name(result.device_info.devices[0].type)
return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg, "device_type": result_type}
return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg, "device_type": None}
def attach_image(scsi_id, **kwargs):
command = proto.PbCommand()
devices = proto.PbDeviceDefinition()
devices.id = int(scsi_id)
if "device_type" in kwargs.keys():
devices.type = proto.PbDeviceType.Value(str(kwargs["device_type"]))
if "unit" in kwargs.keys():
devices.unit = kwargs["unit"]
if "image" in kwargs.keys():
if kwargs["image"] not in [None, ""]:
devices.params["file"] = kwargs["image"]
# Handling the inserting of media into an attached removable type device
currently_attached = get_type(scsi_id)["device_type"]
device_type = kwargs.get("device_type", None)
if device_type in REMOVABLE_DEVICE_TYPES and currently_attached in REMOVABLE_DEVICE_TYPES:
if currently_attached != device_type:
return {"status": False, "msg": f"Cannot insert an image for {device_type} into a {currently_attached} device."}
command.operation = proto.PbOperation.INSERT
# Handling attaching a new device
command.operation = proto.PbOperation.ATTACH
if "interfaces" in kwargs.keys():
if kwargs["interfaces"] not in [None, ""]:
devices.params["interfaces"] = kwargs["interfaces"]
if "vendor" in kwargs.keys():
if kwargs["vendor"] not in [None, ""]:
devices.vendor = kwargs["vendor"]
if "product" in kwargs.keys():
if kwargs["product"] not in [None, ""]:
devices.product = kwargs["product"]
if "revision" in kwargs.keys():
if kwargs["revision"] not in [None, ""]:
devices.revision = kwargs["revision"]
if "block_size" in kwargs.keys():
if kwargs["block_size"] not in [None, ""]:
devices.block_size = int(kwargs["block_size"])
data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString())
result = proto.PbResult()
return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg}
def detach_by_id(scsi_id):
devices = proto.PbDeviceDefinition()
devices.id = int(scsi_id)
command = proto.PbCommand()
command.operation = proto.PbOperation.DETACH
data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString())
result = proto.PbResult()
return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg}
def detach_all():
command = proto.PbCommand()
command.operation = proto.PbOperation.DETACH_ALL
data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString())
result = proto.PbResult()
return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg}
def eject_by_id(scsi_id):
devices = proto.PbDeviceDefinition()
devices.id = int(scsi_id)
command = proto.PbCommand()
command.operation = proto.PbOperation.EJECT
data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString())
result = proto.PbResult()
return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg}
def list_devices(scsi_id=None):
from os import path
command = proto.PbCommand()
command.operation = proto.PbOperation.DEVICES_INFO
# If method is called with scsi_id parameter, return the info on those devices
# Otherwise, return the info on all attached devices
if scsi_id != None:
device = proto.PbDeviceDefinition()
device.id = int(scsi_id)
data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString())
result = proto.PbResult()
device_list = []
n = 0
if len(result.device_info.devices) == 0:
return {"status": False, "device_list": []}
while n < len(result.device_info.devices):
did = result.device_info.devices[n].id
dun = result.device_info.devices[n].unit
dtype = proto.PbDeviceType.Name(result.device_info.devices[n].type)
dstat = result.device_info.devices[n].status
dprop = result.device_info.devices[n].properties
# Building the status string
# TODO: This formatting should probably be moved elsewhere
dstat_msg = []
if dprop.read_only == True:
if dstat.protected == True and dprop.protectable == True:
if dstat.removed == True and dprop.removable == True:
dstat_msg.append("No Media")
if dstat.locked == True and dprop.lockable == True:
dpath = result.device_info.devices[n].file.name
dfile = path.basename(dpath)
dparam = result.device_info.devices[n].params
dven = result.device_info.devices[n].vendor
dprod = result.device_info.devices[n].product
drev = result.device_info.devices[n].revision
dblock = result.device_info.devices[n].block_size
device_list.append({"id": did, "un": dun, "device_type": dtype, \
"status": ", ".join(dstat_msg), "image": dpath, "file": dfile, "params": dparam,\
"vendor": dven, "product": dprod, "revision": drev, "block_size": dblock})
n += 1
return {"status": True, "device_list": device_list}
def sort_and_format_devices(devices):
occupied_ids = []
for d in devices:
formatted_devices = devices
# Add padding devices and sort the list
for id in range(8):
if id not in occupied_ids:
formatted_devices.append({"id": id, "device_type": "-", \
"status": "-", "file": "-", "product": "-"})
# Sort list of devices by id
formatted_devices.sort(key=lambda dic: str(dic["id"]))
return formatted_devices
def set_log_level(log_level):
'''Sends a command to the server to change the log level. Takes target log level as an argument.'''
command = proto.PbCommand()
command.operation = proto.PbOperation.LOG_LEVEL
command.params["level"] = str(log_level)
data = send_pb_command(command.SerializeToString())
result = proto.PbResult()
return {"status": result.status, "msg": result.msg}
def send_pb_command(payload):
# Host and port number where rascsi is listening for socket connections
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 6868
counter = 0
tries = 100
error_msg = ""
import socket
while counter < tries:
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
return send_over_socket(s, payload)
except socket.error as error:
counter += 1
logging.warning("The RaSCSI service is not responding - attempt " + \
str(counter) + "/" + str(tries))
error_msg = str(error)
# After failing all attempts, throw a 404 error
from flask import abort
abort(404, "Failed to connect to RaSCSI at " + str(HOST) + ":" + str(PORT) + \
" with error: " + error_msg + ". Is the RaSCSI service running?")
def send_over_socket(s, payload):
from struct import pack, unpack
# Prepending a little endian 32bit header with the message size
s.send(pack("<i", len(payload)))
# Receive the first 4 bytes to get the response header
response = s.recv(4)
if len(response) >= 4:
# Extracting the response header to get the length of the response message
response_length = unpack("<i", response)[0]
# Reading in chunks, to handle a case where the response message is very large
chunks = []
bytes_recvd = 0
while bytes_recvd < response_length:
chunk = s.recv(min(response_length - bytes_recvd, 2048))
if chunk == b'':
from flask import abort
logging.error("Read an empty chunk from the socket. Socket connection may have dropped unexpectedly. Check if RaSCSI has crashed.")
abort(503, "Lost connection to RaSCSI. Please go back and try again. If the issue persists, please report a bug.")
bytes_recvd = bytes_recvd + len(chunk)
response_message = b''.join(chunks)
return response_message
from flask import abort
logging.error("The response from RaSCSI did not contain a protobuf header.")
abort(500, "Did not get a valid response from RaSCSI. Please go back and try again. If the issue persists, please report a bug.")