Renamed "pbook" firmware to "v4". Original "green" boards now under "v3".
Add external LED support for v4 firmware.
Added --reset to scsi2sd-config
bootloaderhost can now reset the board.
Includes updates to the bootloderhost utility to compare the USB device release
number against an expected firmware filename to prevent loading the Powerbook
firmware on the normal board, and vice-versa.
- A USB Bootloader is now used. Use either the bootloader host supplied
with PSoC Creator 3.0, or else the standalone app included with
Cypress AN73503. You have 2 seconds between connecting the USB cable
and hitting the "program" button.
- The bootloaderhost program included in this repository doesn't quite
work yet. When functional it should simplify firmware updates on Linux
and Mac OSX
- Fixed an error in the parts spreadsheet which had a 22k resistor for
USB termination instead of a 22 Ohm resistor.
- Updated parts spreadsheet with part number of PSoC actually used