2021-10-29 10:04:15 -04:00

801 lines
43 KiB

Release 14.7 Trace (nt)
Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt\unwrapped\trce.exe -intstyle ise -v 3 -s 2 -n
3 -fastpaths -xml WarpLC.twx WarpLC.ncd -o WarpLC.twr WarpLC.pcf -ucf PLL.ucf
Design file: WarpLC.ncd
Physical constraint file: WarpLC.pcf
Device,package,speed: xc6slx9,ftg256,C,-2 (PRODUCTION 1.23 2013-10-13)
Report level: verbose report
Environment Variable Effect
-------------------- ------
NONE No environment variables were set
INFO:Timing:3412 - To improve timing, see the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).
INFO:Timing:2752 - To get complete path coverage, use the unconstrained paths
option. All paths that are not constrained will be reported in the
unconstrained paths section(s) of the report.
INFO:Timing:3339 - The clock-to-out numbers in this timing report are based on
a 50 Ohm transmission line loading model. For the details of this model,
and for more information on accounting for different loading conditions,
please see the device datasheet.
Timing constraint: NET "instance_name/clkin1" PERIOD = 20 ns HIGH 50%;
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).
0 paths analyzed, 0 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
0 timing errors detected. (0 component switching limit errors)
Minimum period is 5.000ns.
Component Switching Limit Checks: NET "instance_name/clkin1" PERIOD = 20 ns HIGH 50%;
Slack: 15.000ns (period - (min low pulse limit / (low pulse / period)))
Period: 20.000ns
Low pulse: 10.000ns
Low pulse limit: 2.500ns (Tdcmpw_CLKIN_50_100)
Physical resource: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV/CLKIN1
Logical resource: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV/CLKIN1
Location pin: PLL_ADV_X0Y1.CLKIN2
Clock network: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV_ML_NEW_DIVCLK
Slack: 15.000ns (period - (min high pulse limit / (high pulse / period)))
Period: 20.000ns
High pulse: 10.000ns
High pulse limit: 2.500ns (Tdcmpw_CLKIN_50_100)
Physical resource: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV/CLKIN1
Logical resource: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV/CLKIN1
Location pin: PLL_ADV_X0Y1.CLKIN2
Clock network: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV_ML_NEW_DIVCLK
Slack: 17.780ns (period - min period limit)
Period: 20.000ns
Min period limit: 2.220ns (450.450MHz) (Tpllper_CLKIN(Finmax))
Physical resource: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV/CLKIN1
Logical resource: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV/CLKIN1
Location pin: PLL_ADV_X0Y1.CLKIN2
Clock network: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV_ML_NEW_DIVCLK
Timing constraint: PERIOD analysis for net "instance_name/clkfbout" derived
from NET "instance_name/clkin1" PERIOD = 20 ns HIGH 50%; duty cycle corrected
to 20 nS HIGH 10 nS
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).
0 paths analyzed, 0 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
0 timing errors detected. (0 component switching limit errors)
Minimum period is 2.666ns.
Component Switching Limit Checks: PERIOD analysis for net "instance_name/clkfbout" derived from
NET "instance_name/clkin1" PERIOD = 20 ns HIGH 50%;
duty cycle corrected to 20 nS HIGH 10 nS
Slack: 17.334ns (period - min period limit)
Period: 20.000ns
Min period limit: 2.666ns (375.094MHz) (Tbcper_I)
Physical resource: instance_name/clkfbout_bufg/I0
Logical resource: instance_name/clkfbout_bufg/I0
Location pin: BUFGMUX_X2Y3.I0
Clock network: instance_name/clkfbout
Slack: 17.751ns (period - min period limit)
Period: 20.000ns
Min period limit: 2.249ns (444.642MHz) (Tockper)
Physical resource: CLKFB_OUT_OBUF/CLK0
Logical resource: instance_name/clkfbout_oddr/CK0
Location pin: OLOGIC_X0Y50.CLK0
Clock network: instance_name/clkfb_bufg_out
Slack: 17.780ns (period - min period limit)
Period: 20.000ns
Min period limit: 2.220ns (450.450MHz) (Tpllper_CLKFB)
Physical resource: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV/CLKFBOUT
Logical resource: instance_name/pll_base_inst/PLL_ADV/CLKFBOUT
Location pin: PLL_ADV_X0Y1.CLKFBOUT
Clock network: instance_name/clkfbout
Timing constraint: PERIOD analysis for net "instance_name/clkout1" derived from
NET "instance_name/clkin1" PERIOD = 20 ns HIGH 50%; divided by 2.00 to 10 nS
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).
3 paths analyzed, 3 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component switching limit errors)
Minimum period is 7.082ns.
Paths for end point FPUCLK (OLOGIC_X6Y2.D1), 1 path
Slack (setup path): 1.459ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: CPUCLKr1 (FF)
Destination: FPUCLK (FF)
Requirement: 5.000ns
Data Path Delay: 3.914ns (Levels of Logic = 0)
Clock Path Skew: 0.521ns (1.178 - 0.657)
Source Clock: CPUCLKi falling at 5.000ns
Destination Clock: CPUCLKi rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: CPUCLKr1 to FPUCLK
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X5Y28.AQ Tcko 0.430 CPUCLKr1
OLOGIC_X6Y2.D1 net (fanout=2) 2.306 CPUCLKr1
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 3.914ns (1.608ns logic, 2.306ns route)
(41.1% logic, 58.9% route)
Paths for end point CPUCLK (OLOGIC_X0Y46.D1), 1 path
Slack (setup path): 1.562ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: CPUCLKr1 (FF)
Destination: CPUCLK (FF)
Requirement: 5.000ns
Data Path Delay: 3.815ns (Levels of Logic = 0)
Clock Path Skew: 0.525ns (1.275 - 0.750)
Source Clock: CPUCLKi falling at 5.000ns
Destination Clock: CPUCLKi rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: CPUCLKr1 to CPUCLK
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X5Y28.AQ Tcko 0.430 CPUCLKr1
OLOGIC_X0Y46.D1 net (fanout=2) 2.207 CPUCLKr1
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 3.815ns (1.608ns logic, 2.207ns route)
(42.1% logic, 57.9% route)
Paths for end point CPUCLKr1 (SLICE_X5Y28.AX), 1 path
Slack (setup path): 2.862ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: CPUCLKr0 (FF)
Destination: CPUCLKr1 (FF)
Requirement: 5.000ns
Data Path Delay: 1.209ns (Levels of Logic = 0)
Clock Path Skew: -0.661ns (1.489 - 2.150)
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 0.000ns
Destination Clock: CPUCLKi falling at 5.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.268ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.268ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.120ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: CPUCLKr0 to CPUCLKr1
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X4Y28.AQ Tcko 0.525 CPUCLKr0
SLICE_X5Y28.AX net (fanout=2) 0.570 CPUCLKr0
SLICE_X5Y28.CLK Tdick 0.114 CPUCLKr1
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 1.209ns (0.639ns logic, 0.570ns route)
(52.9% logic, 47.1% route)
Hold Paths: PERIOD analysis for net "instance_name/clkout1" derived from
NET "instance_name/clkin1" PERIOD = 20 ns HIGH 50%;
divided by 2.00 to 10 nS
Paths for end point CPUCLKr1 (SLICE_X5Y28.AX), 1 path
Slack (hold path): 4.848ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
Source: CPUCLKr0 (FF)
Destination: CPUCLKr1 (FF)
Requirement: 5.000ns
Data Path Delay: 0.441ns (Levels of Logic = 0)
Clock Path Skew: 0.325ns (1.035 - 0.710)
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Destination Clock: CPUCLKi falling at 5.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.268ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.268ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.120ns
Minimum Data Path at Fast Process Corner: CPUCLKr0 to CPUCLKr1
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X4Y28.AQ Tcko 0.234 CPUCLKr0
SLICE_X5Y28.AX net (fanout=2) 0.148 CPUCLKr0
SLICE_X5Y28.CLK Tckdi (-Th) -0.059 CPUCLKr1
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 0.441ns (0.293ns logic, 0.148ns route)
(66.4% logic, 33.6% route)
Paths for end point CPUCLK (OLOGIC_X0Y46.D1), 1 path
Slack (hold path): 6.414ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
Source: CPUCLKr1 (FF)
Destination: CPUCLK (FF)
Requirement: 5.000ns
Data Path Delay: 1.812ns (Levels of Logic = 0)
Clock Path Skew: 0.250ns (0.604 - 0.354)
Source Clock: CPUCLKi falling at 15.000ns
Destination Clock: CPUCLKi rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Minimum Data Path at Fast Process Corner: CPUCLKr1 to CPUCLK
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X5Y28.AQ Tcko 0.198 CPUCLKr1
OLOGIC_X0Y46.D1 net (fanout=2) 1.204 CPUCLKr1
OLOGIC_X0Y46.CLK0 Tockd (-Th) -0.410 CPUCLK_OBUF
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 1.812ns (0.608ns logic, 1.204ns route)
(33.6% logic, 66.4% route)
Paths for end point FPUCLK (OLOGIC_X6Y2.D1), 1 path
Slack (hold path): 6.438ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
Source: CPUCLKr1 (FF)
Destination: FPUCLK (FF)
Requirement: 5.000ns
Data Path Delay: 1.825ns (Levels of Logic = 0)
Clock Path Skew: 0.239ns (0.566 - 0.327)
Source Clock: CPUCLKi falling at 15.000ns
Destination Clock: CPUCLKi rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Minimum Data Path at Fast Process Corner: CPUCLKr1 to FPUCLK
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X5Y28.AQ Tcko 0.198 CPUCLKr1
OLOGIC_X6Y2.D1 net (fanout=2) 1.217 CPUCLKr1
OLOGIC_X6Y2.CLK0 Tockd (-Th) -0.410 FPUCLK_OBUF
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 1.825ns (0.608ns logic, 1.217ns route)
(33.3% logic, 66.7% route)
Component Switching Limit Checks: PERIOD analysis for net "instance_name/clkout1" derived from
NET "instance_name/clkin1" PERIOD = 20 ns HIGH 50%;
divided by 2.00 to 10 nS
Slack: 7.334ns (period - min period limit)
Period: 10.000ns
Min period limit: 2.666ns (375.094MHz) (Tbcper_I)
Physical resource: instance_name/clkout2_buf/I0
Logical resource: instance_name/clkout2_buf/I0
Location pin: BUFGMUX_X3Y13.I0
Clock network: instance_name/clkout1
Slack: 7.751ns (period - min period limit)
Period: 10.000ns
Min period limit: 2.249ns (444.642MHz) (Tockper)
Physical resource: CPUCLK_OBUF/CLK0
Logical resource: CPUCLK/CK0
Location pin: OLOGIC_X0Y46.CLK0
Clock network: CPUCLKi
Slack: 7.751ns (period - min period limit)
Period: 10.000ns
Min period limit: 2.249ns (444.642MHz) (Tockper)
Physical resource: FPUCLK_OBUF/CLK0
Logical resource: FPUCLK/CK0
Location pin: OLOGIC_X6Y2.CLK0
Clock network: CPUCLKi
Timing constraint: PERIOD analysis for net "instance_name/clkout0" derived from
NET "instance_name/clkin1" PERIOD = 20 ns HIGH 50%; divided by 2.00 to 10 nS
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).
54 paths analyzed, 5 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component switching limit errors)
Minimum period is 4.697ns.
Paths for end point CPU_nSTERM (SLICE_X0Y39.B3), 30 paths
Slack (setup path): 5.303ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: LastA_6 (FF)
Destination: CPU_nSTERM (FF)
Requirement: 10.000ns
Data Path Delay: 4.515ns (Levels of Logic = 4)
Clock Path Skew: -0.034ns (0.720 - 0.754)
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 0.000ns
Destination Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: LastA_6 to CPU_nSTERM
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X2Y21.AQ Tcko 0.476 LastA<9>
SLICE_X0Y21.B2 net (fanout=1) 1.201 LastA<6>
SLICE_X0Y21.COUT Topcyb 0.483 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o_cy<3>
SLICE_X0Y22.CIN net (fanout=1) 0.003 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o_cy<3>
SLICE_X0Y22.COUT Tbyp 0.093 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y23.CIN net (fanout=1) 0.003 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y23.BMUX Tcinb 0.286 LastAWR<15>
SLICE_X0Y39.B3 net (fanout=2) 1.631 FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 4.515ns (1.677ns logic, 2.838ns route)
(37.1% logic, 62.9% route)
Slack (setup path): 5.534ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: LastA_21 (FF)
Destination: CPU_nSTERM (FF)
Requirement: 10.000ns
Data Path Delay: 4.289ns (Levels of Logic = 3)
Clock Path Skew: -0.029ns (0.720 - 0.749)
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 0.000ns
Destination Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: LastA_21 to CPU_nSTERM
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X2Y24.DQ Tcko 0.476 LastA<21>
SLICE_X0Y22.C2 net (fanout=1) 1.226 LastA<21>
SLICE_X0Y22.COUT Topcyc 0.328 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y23.CIN net (fanout=1) 0.003 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y23.BMUX Tcinb 0.286 LastAWR<15>
SLICE_X0Y39.B3 net (fanout=2) 1.631 FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 4.289ns (1.429ns logic, 2.860ns route)
(33.3% logic, 66.7% route)
Slack (setup path): 5.624ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: LastA_18 (FF)
Destination: CPU_nSTERM (FF)
Requirement: 10.000ns
Data Path Delay: 4.199ns (Levels of Logic = 3)
Clock Path Skew: -0.029ns (0.720 - 0.749)
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 0.000ns
Destination Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: LastA_18 to CPU_nSTERM
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X2Y24.AQ Tcko 0.476 LastA<21>
SLICE_X0Y22.B1 net (fanout=1) 0.981 LastA<18>
SLICE_X0Y22.COUT Topcyb 0.483 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y23.CIN net (fanout=1) 0.003 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y23.BMUX Tcinb 0.286 LastAWR<15>
SLICE_X0Y39.B3 net (fanout=2) 1.631 FSB_A[31]_LastA[31]_equal_4_o
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 4.199ns (1.584ns logic, 2.615ns route)
(37.7% logic, 62.3% route)
Paths for end point CPU_nSTERM (SLICE_X0Y39.B4), 21 paths
Slack (setup path): 5.724ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: LastAWR_11 (FF)
Destination: CPU_nSTERM (FF)
Requirement: 10.000ns
Data Path Delay: 4.099ns (Levels of Logic = 4)
Clock Path Skew: -0.029ns (0.720 - 0.749)
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 0.000ns
Destination Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: LastAWR_11 to CPU_nSTERM
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X1Y24.AQ Tcko 0.430 LastAWR<14>
SLICE_X0Y24.A2 net (fanout=1) 1.231 LastAWR<11>
SLICE_X0Y24.COUT Topcya 0.474 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o_cy<3>
SLICE_X0Y25.CIN net (fanout=1) 0.003 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o_cy<3>
SLICE_X0Y25.COUT Tbyp 0.093 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y26.CIN net (fanout=1) 0.003 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y26.AMUX Tcina 0.230 LastAWR<19>
SLICE_X0Y39.B4 net (fanout=2) 1.296 FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 4.099ns (1.566ns logic, 2.533ns route)
(38.2% logic, 61.8% route)
Slack (setup path): 5.878ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: LastAWR_23 (FF)
Destination: CPU_nSTERM (FF)
Requirement: 10.000ns
Data Path Delay: 3.943ns (Levels of Logic = 3)
Clock Path Skew: -0.031ns (0.720 - 0.751)
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 0.000ns
Destination Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: LastAWR_23 to CPU_nSTERM
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X1Y25.AQ Tcko 0.430 LastAWR<26>
SLICE_X0Y25.A2 net (fanout=1) 1.171 LastAWR<23>
SLICE_X0Y25.COUT Topcya 0.474 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y26.CIN net (fanout=1) 0.003 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y26.AMUX Tcina 0.230 LastAWR<19>
SLICE_X0Y39.B4 net (fanout=2) 1.296 FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 3.943ns (1.473ns logic, 2.470ns route)
(37.4% logic, 62.6% route)
Slack (setup path): 6.107ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: LastAWR_16 (FF)
Destination: CPU_nSTERM (FF)
Requirement: 10.000ns
Data Path Delay: 3.716ns (Levels of Logic = 4)
Clock Path Skew: -0.029ns (0.720 - 0.749)
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 0.000ns
Destination Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: LastAWR_16 to CPU_nSTERM
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X0Y23.CQ Tcko 0.525 LastAWR<15>
SLICE_X0Y24.B2 net (fanout=1) 0.744 LastAWR<16>
SLICE_X0Y24.COUT Topcyb 0.483 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o_cy<3>
SLICE_X0Y25.CIN net (fanout=1) 0.003 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o_cy<3>
SLICE_X0Y25.COUT Tbyp 0.093 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y26.CIN net (fanout=1) 0.003 Mcompar_FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o_cy<7>
SLICE_X0Y26.AMUX Tcina 0.230 LastAWR<19>
SLICE_X0Y39.B4 net (fanout=2) 1.296 FSB_A[31]_GND_1_o_equal_5_o
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 3.716ns (1.670ns logic, 2.046ns route)
(44.9% logic, 55.1% route)
Paths for end point nRESOE (SLICE_X0Y56.D6), 1 path
Slack (setup path): 8.834ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: nRESOE (FF)
Destination: nRESOE (FF)
Requirement: 10.000ns
Data Path Delay: 1.018ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
Clock Path Skew: 0.000ns
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 0.000ns
Destination Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.148ns ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.287ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: nRESOE to nRESOE
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X0Y56.D6 net (fanout=2) 0.154 nRESOE_OBUF
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 1.018ns (0.864ns logic, 0.154ns route)
(84.9% logic, 15.1% route)
Hold Paths: PERIOD analysis for net "instance_name/clkout0" derived from
NET "instance_name/clkin1" PERIOD = 20 ns HIGH 50%;
divided by 2.00 to 10 nS
Paths for end point LE (SLICE_X10Y2.A6), 1 path
Slack (hold path): 0.414ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
Source: LE (FF)
Destination: LE (FF)
Requirement: 0.000ns
Data Path Delay: 0.414ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
Clock Path Skew: 0.000ns
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Destination Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.000ns
Minimum Data Path at Fast Process Corner: LE to LE
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X10Y2.AQ Tcko 0.200 LE
SLICE_X10Y2.A6 net (fanout=2) 0.024 LE
SLICE_X10Y2.CLK Tah (-Th) -0.190 LE
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 0.414ns (0.390ns logic, 0.024ns route)
(94.2% logic, 5.8% route)
Paths for end point nRESOE (SLICE_X0Y56.D6), 1 path
Slack (hold path): 0.456ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
Source: nRESOE (FF)
Destination: nRESOE (FF)
Requirement: 0.000ns
Data Path Delay: 0.456ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
Clock Path Skew: 0.000ns
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Destination Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.000ns
Minimum Data Path at Fast Process Corner: nRESOE to nRESOE
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X0Y56.D6 net (fanout=2) 0.025 nRESOE_OBUF
SLICE_X0Y56.CLK Tah (-Th) -0.197 nRESOE_OBUF
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 0.456ns (0.431ns logic, 0.025ns route)
(94.5% logic, 5.5% route)
Paths for end point CPUCLKr0 (SLICE_X4Y28.A6), 1 path
Slack (hold path): 0.456ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
Source: CPUCLKr0 (FF)
Destination: CPUCLKr0 (FF)
Requirement: 0.000ns
Data Path Delay: 0.456ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
Clock Path Skew: 0.000ns
Source Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Destination Clock: FSBCLK rising at 10.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.000ns
Minimum Data Path at Fast Process Corner: CPUCLKr0 to CPUCLKr0
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X4Y28.AQ Tcko 0.234 CPUCLKr0
SLICE_X4Y28.A6 net (fanout=2) 0.025 CPUCLKr0
SLICE_X4Y28.CLK Tah (-Th) -0.197 CPUCLKr0
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 0.456ns (0.431ns logic, 0.025ns route)
(94.5% logic, 5.5% route)
Component Switching Limit Checks: PERIOD analysis for net "instance_name/clkout0" derived from
NET "instance_name/clkin1" PERIOD = 20 ns HIGH 50%;
divided by 2.00 to 10 nS
Slack: 7.334ns (period - min period limit)
Period: 10.000ns
Min period limit: 2.666ns (375.094MHz) (Tbcper_I)
Physical resource: instance_name/clkout1_buf/I0
Logical resource: instance_name/clkout1_buf/I0
Location pin: BUFGMUX_X2Y2.I0
Clock network: instance_name/clkout0
Slack: 7.751ns (period - min period limit)
Period: 10.000ns
Min period limit: 2.249ns (444.642MHz) (Tockper)
Physical resource: CPU_nBERR_OBUF/CLK0
Logical resource: CPU_nBERR/CK0
Location pin: OLOGIC_X0Y49.CLK0
Clock network: FSBCLK
Slack: 7.751ns (period - min period limit)
Period: 10.000ns
Min period limit: 2.249ns (444.642MHz) (Tockper)
Physical resource: RAM_CLK01_OBUF/CLK0
Logical resource: RAM_CLK01_ODDR_inst/CK0
Location pin: OLOGIC_X0Y51.CLK0
Clock network: FSBCLK
Derived Constraint Report
Derived Constraints for instance_name/clkin1
| | Period | Actual Period | Timing Errors | Paths Analyzed |
| Constraint | Requirement |-------------+-------------|-------------+-------------|-------------+-------------|
| | | Direct | Derivative | Direct | Derivative | Direct | Derivative |
|instance_name/clkin1 | 20.000ns| 5.000ns| 14.164ns| 0| 0| 0| 57|
| instance_name/clkfbout | 20.000ns| 2.666ns| N/A| 0| 0| 0| 0|
| instance_name/clkout1 | 10.000ns| 7.082ns| N/A| 0| 0| 3| 0|
| instance_name/clkout0 | 10.000ns| 4.697ns| N/A| 0| 0| 54| 0|
All constraints were met.
Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Clock to Setup on destination clock CLKIN
| Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
CLKIN | 4.697| 3.541| 2.138| |
Timing summary:
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0 (Setup/Max: 0, Hold: 0)
Constraints cover 57 paths, 0 nets, and 93 connections
Design statistics:
Minimum period: 7.082ns{1} (Maximum frequency: 141.203MHz)
1) The minimum period statistic assumes all single cycle delays.
Analysis completed Fri Oct 29 10:03:09 2021
Trace Settings:
Trace Settings
Peak Memory Usage: 168 MB