2022-03-19 12:36:25 +01:00

3.8 KiB

TashTwenty Tiny

This is a dual PCB design, using mostly through hole components (with the exeption of the SD connector). It's designed this way to be period correct and easy to build for people who don't like soldering SMT components

This folder contains the source KiKad files for the main board. Please check the DB19_IDC20 subfolder for the DB19 to IDC20 adapter.

BOM (main board)

Here is the BOM for the main board. Part number are what was tested on prototypes board but you may find alternatives easily, especially resistors and sockets

Reference(s) Value Quantity Notes Part number
C1, C2 2.2uF 2 radial electrolytic capacitors 4x1.5mm Jamicon SHR2R2M1HC07M
C3, C4 100nF 2 ceramic capacitor 5.08mm Weltron 453358
D1 Green 1 5mm green LED Kingbright L-53SGD
D2 Yellow+Red 1 5mm dual color common cathode LED Kingbright L-59EYW
J1 SD Card 1 SD Card connector TE 2041021-1
J2 IDC20 1 IDC 2x10 Header BLK 10120560
Q1 BC337 1 NPN BJT Transistor BC337
R10, R11 330Ω 2 standard 0.25W carbon film resistor TRU TC-CFR0W4J0331
R1, R3, R5, R8 1200Ω 4 standard 0.25W carbon film resistor TRU TC-CFR0W4J0122
R2, R4, R6 2200Ω 3 standard 0.25W carbon film resistor TRU TC-CFR0W4J0222
R7, R9, R12, R13, R14 10kΩ 5 standard 0.25W carbon film resistor TRU TC-CFR0W4J0103
U1 PIC16F1825 1 PIC 8-bit Microcontroller (DIP-14) PIC16F1825-I/P
U2 74ACT08 1 Quad TTL 2-Input AND Gate SN74ACT08N
U3 3.3V LDO 1 MCP1700-3302E/TO


Reference(s) Value Quantity Notes Part number
J1 - 1 1x2 header + jumper or wire -
U1, U2 socket 2 DIP-14 socket TRU 14-LC-TT
Case ABS 1 Instrument Case, ABS 2.6x2.6" HM 1593K(TBU

Using sockets is recommended because it will allow you to reclaim the gates and microcontroler if your board is broken. J1 is reserver for future use, you may want to use a wire for it. (or a resistor leg)

BOM (adapter board)

Reference(s) Value Quantity Notes Part number
J1 IDC20 1 IDC 2x10 Header BLK 10120560
J2 DB19 1 DB19 wire male connector Good luck.

Here is a mouser link (without the case):


Building is straightworfard. It's recommended to start with the SD Card connector, then components, and headers + sockets last.