educational software written originally in MS BASIC for Macintosh in the late 1980's
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Stephen MacKenzie cb12a1e195
all text files
2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
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ALL ABOUT AFRICA all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
ARITHEORY all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
ASIA all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
AUSTRALIA all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
AUTHORS all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
AUTHORTEST all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
CCA all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
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EXACTA all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
FLASHCARDS all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
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HISTORY all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
LOGIC all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
MAP 1 all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
MEMORIA all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
PAC-NW all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
PARTES all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
PARTIBUS all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
SENTS5 all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
SENLAT all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
STH. AM all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
STUFF all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
SUB all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
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VOC7 all text files 2019-05-10 12:10:54 -07:00
AFRICA_FIXED.BAS added better comments 2019-04-16 14:16:17 -07:00
AFRICA.BAS trimmed lines 2019-04-15 09:31:29 -07:00 Update 2019-04-16 14:17:41 -07:00


The best BASIC compiler found so far is the one from

You need to set the screen mode. SCREEN 11 on the first line.

Mouse input needs to be refactored, mouse handling is more complex now. I added a subroutine that gets the CHX, CHY, and B params.

Mouse x,y coordinates need to be recalculated due to resolution differences. Added sub GetCoords that prints the coords as you click:

REM To get coordinates, comment next line (GetXY), then uncomment the line after that (GetCoords)

REM Be sure to restore for normal use. Uncomment out GetXY, comment out GetCoords

557 GetXY CHX, CHY

REM 560 GetCoords ' use this to run in a loop to determine mouse coordinates

Replaced delay loops with sleep calls. 5 second delay, or press any key to advance (after music finishes).Need to flush keys afterwards _KEYCLEAR.

Code references labels not in this source file, e.g. 5000 to 20000, perhaps meant to end program

WAVE keyword does not seem to be supported, see line 114 (label 349)

Mr. C (orginal author) says that much of the graphics was generated by the MacPaint program.