John Calhoun 806b9b47db First check-in.
This project was originally compiled with THINK C for the Macintosh.
The project file is a THINK C project file. Then there is the assembly
static library (SMS) that is linked in to provide fast, 4-channel sound
(written by Patrick Buckland). Resource files, a balloon file for
“balloon help” when it was a thing…. Good luck to anyone trying to
bring this beast back to life.
2016-01-27 20:50:55 -08:00

1 line
15 KiB
Executable File

/*== ==*/
/*== Universal Utility Routines ==*/
/*== ==*/
/*======================================================== Includes */
#include "UnivUtilities.h"
/*======================================================== Local Variables */
short wasMenuBarHeight;
/*======================================================== Functions */
/*======================================================== CenterDialog */
void CenterDialog (short dialogID)
DialogTHndl dlogHandle;
Rect scrnRect, dlogBounds;
short hPos, vPos;
Byte wasState;
scrnRect = screenBits.bounds; += MBarHeight;
dlogHandle = (DialogTHndl)GetResource('DLOG', dialogID);
if (dlogHandle != kNilPointer)
wasState = HGetState((Handle)dlogHandle);
dlogBounds = (**dlogHandle).boundsRect;
OffsetRect(&dlogBounds, -dlogBounds.left,;
hPos = ((scrnRect.right - scrnRect.left) - dlogBounds.right) / 2;
vPos = ((scrnRect.bottom - - dlogBounds.bottom) / 3;
OffsetRect(&dlogBounds, hPos, vPos + MBarHeight);
(**dlogHandle).boundsRect = dlogBounds;
HSetState((Handle)dlogHandle, wasState);
/*======================================================== CenterAlert */
void CenterAlert (short alertID)
AlertTHndl alertHandle;
Rect scrnRect, alertRect;
short horiOff, vertOff;
Byte wasState;
scrnRect = screenBits.bounds; += MBarHeight;
alertHandle = (AlertTHndl)GetResource('ALRT', alertID);
if (alertHandle != kNilPointer)
wasState = HGetState((Handle)alertHandle);
alertRect = (**alertHandle).boundsRect;
OffsetRect(&alertRect, -alertRect.left,;
horiOff = ((scrnRect.right - scrnRect.left) - alertRect.right) / 2;
vertOff = ((scrnRect.bottom - - alertRect.bottom) / 3;
OffsetRect(&alertRect, horiOff, vertOff + MBarHeight);
(**alertHandle).boundsRect = alertRect;
HSetState((Handle)alertHandle, wasState);
/*======================================================== FlashDialogButton */
void FlashDialogButton (DialogPtr theDialog, short itemNumber)
Rect itemRect;
Handle itemHandle;
long dummyLong;
short itemType;
GetDItem(theDialog, itemNumber, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect);
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)itemHandle, inButton);
Delay(8, &dummyLong);
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)itemHandle, 0);
/*======================================================== DrawDefaultButton */
void DrawDefaultButton (DialogPtr theDialog, short itemNumber)
Rect itemRect;
Handle itemHandle;
short itemType;
GetDItem(theDialog, itemNumber, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect);
InsetRect(&itemRect, -4, -4);
PenSize(3, 3);
FrameRoundRect(&itemRect, 19, 19);
/*======================================================== SetDialogString */
void SetDialogString (DialogPtr theDialog, short item, StringPtr theString)
Rect itemRect;
Handle itemHandle;
short itemType;
GetDItem(theDialog, item, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect);
SetIText(itemHandle, theString);
/*======================================================== SetDialogNumToStr */
void SetDialogNumToStr (DialogPtr theDialog, short item, long theNumber)
Str255 theString;
Rect itemRect;
Handle itemHandle;
short itemType;
NumToString(theNumber, theString);
GetDItem(theDialog, item, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect);
SetIText(itemHandle, theString);
/*======================================================== SelectFromRadioGroup */
void SelectFromRadioGroup (DialogPtr theDialog, short setItem, short fromItem, short toItem)
Rect iRect;
Handle iHandle;
short iType, i;
for (i = fromItem; i <= toItem; i++)
GetDItem(theDialog, i, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect);
SetCtlValue((ControlHandle)iHandle, (short)FALSE);
GetDItem(theDialog, setItem, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect);
SetCtlValue((ControlHandle)iHandle, (short)TRUE);
/*======================================================== EnableControl */
void EnableControl(DialogPtr theDialog, short whichItem)
Rect iRect;
Handle iHandle;
short iType;
GetDItem(theDialog, whichItem, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect);
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)iHandle, kActive);
/*======================================================== DisableControl */
void DisableControl(DialogPtr theDialog, short whichItem)
Rect iRect;
Handle iHandle;
short iType;
GetDItem(theDialog, whichItem, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect);
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)iHandle, kInactive);
/*======================================================== LocalToGlobalRect */
void LocalToGlobalRect (Rect *theRect)
Point upperLeftPt;
upperLeftPt.h = 0;
upperLeftPt.v = 0;
OffsetRect(theRect, upperLeftPt.h, upperLeftPt.v);
/*======================================================== GlobalToLocalRect */
void GlobalToLocalRect (Rect *theRect)
Point upperLeftPt;
upperLeftPt.h = 0;
upperLeftPt.v = 0;
OffsetRect(theRect, upperLeftPt.h, upperLeftPt.v);
/*======================================================== ZoomOutDialogRect */
void ZoomOutDialogRect (short dialogID)
#define kSteps 20
#define kZoomDelay 1
DialogTHndl dlogHandle;
GrafPtr wasPort;
WindowPtr windowInFront;
Rect dlogBounds, zoomRect;
long dummyLong;
Byte wasState;
short wideStep, highStep, i;
windowInFront = FrontWindow();
dlogHandle = (DialogTHndl)GetResource('DLOG', dialogID);
if (dlogHandle != kNilPointer)
wasState = HGetState((Handle)dlogHandle);
dlogBounds = (**dlogHandle).boundsRect;
HSetState((Handle)dlogHandle, wasState);
wideStep = ((dlogBounds.right - dlogBounds.left) / 2) / kSteps;
highStep = ((dlogBounds.bottom - / 2) / kSteps;
SetRect(&zoomRect, dlogBounds.left + (wideStep * kSteps), + (highStep * kSteps),
dlogBounds.right - (wideStep * kSteps),
dlogBounds.bottom - (highStep * kSteps));
for (i = 0; i < kSteps; i++)
Delay(kZoomDelay, &dummyLong);
InsetRect(&zoomRect, -wideStep, -highStep);
/*======================================================== PasStringCopy */
void PasStringCopy (StringPtr p1, StringPtr p2)
register short stringLength;
stringLength = *p2++ = *p1++;
while (--stringLength >= 0)
*p2++ = *p1++;
/*======================================================== PasStringCopyNum */
void PasStringCopyNum (StringPtr p1, StringPtr p2, short charsToCopy)
short charsCopied;
if (charsToCopy > *p1)
charsToCopy = *p1;
*p2 = charsToCopy;
charsCopied = charsToCopy + 1;
while (--charsCopied >= 0)
*p2++ = *p1++;
/*======================================================== PasStringConcat */
void PasStringConcat (StringPtr p1, StringPtr p2)
short wasLength, addedLength, i;
wasLength = *p1;
if (wasLength > 255)
wasLength = 255;
addedLength = *p2;
if ((wasLength + addedLength) > 255)
addedLength = 255 - wasLength;
*p1 = wasLength + addedLength;
for (i = 0; i < wasLength; i++)
for (i = 0; i < addedLength; i++)
*p1++ = *p2++;
/*======================================================== RandomInt */
short RandomInt (short range)
register long rawResult;
rawResult = Random();
if (rawResult < 0)
rawResult *= -1;
return (rawResult * (long)range / 32768);
/*======================================================== RandomCoin */
Boolean RandomCoin (void)
register long rawResult;
rawResult = Random() & 0x00000001;
return ((Boolean)rawResult);
/*======================================================== DeathError */
void DeathError (short errorNumber)
short dummyInt;
Str255 errTitle, errMessage, errNumberString, errExtra;
if (errorNumber > 1)
GetIndString((StringPtr)&errTitle, rErrTitleID, errorNumber);
GetIndString((StringPtr)&errMessage, rErrMssgID, errorNumber);
GetIndString((StringPtr)&errTitle, rErrTitleID, 1);
GetIndString((StringPtr)&errMessage, rErrMssgID, 1);
NumToString((long)errorNumber, (StringPtr)&errNumberString);
ParamText((StringPtr)&errTitle, (StringPtr)&errMessage,
(StringPtr)&errNumberString, "\p");
dummyInt = Alert(rDeathAlertID, kNilPointer);
/*======================================================== MinorError */
void MinorError (short errorNumber)
short dummyInt;
Str255 errMessage;
GetIndString((StringPtr)&errMessage, rMinorErrMssgID, errorNumber);
ParamText((StringPtr)&errMessage, (StringPtr)"\p", (StringPtr)"\p", (StringPtr)"\p");
dummyInt = Alert(rMinorAlertID, kNilPointer);
/*======================================================== SimpleMessage */
void SimpleMessage (void)
/*======================================================== KeyIsDown */
Boolean KeyIsDown (short keyCodeOffset)
KeyMap theKeyMap;
Boolean isSet;
isSet = (BitTst(&theKeyMap, keyCodeOffset) != 0);
/*======================================================== CommandKeyIsDown */
Boolean CommandKeyIsDown (void)
KeyMap theKeyMap;
Boolean isSet;
isSet = (BitTst(&theKeyMap, kCommandKeyMap) != 0);
/*======================================================== OptionKeyIsDown */
Boolean OptionKeyIsDown (void)
KeyMap theKeyMap;
Boolean isSet;
isSet = (BitTst(&theKeyMap, kOptionKeyMap) != 0);
/*======================================================== CommandPeriodDown */
Boolean CommandPeriodDown (void)
KeyMap theKeyMap;
Boolean isSet;
isSet = (BitTst(&theKeyMap, kCommandKeyMap) != 0) &&
(BitTst(&theKeyMap, kPeriodKeyMap) != 0);
/*======================================================== RectFromWindow */
void RectFromWindow (Rect *boundsRect, WindowPtr theWindow)
Point tempPt;
if (theWindow != kNilPointer)
*boundsRect = (*theWindow).portRect;
SetPt(&tempPt, 0, 0);
OffsetRect(&(*boundsRect), tempPt.h, tempPt.v);
(*boundsRect).top -= 10;
SetRect(boundsRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
/*======================================================== GetRect */
OSErr GetRect (Rect *theRect, short rectID)
Handle theRectHandle;
char wasState;
theRectHandle = GetResource('RECT', rectID); /* get a 'RECT' type resource */
if (theRectHandle != kNilPointer) /* be it there? */
wasState = HGetState(theRectHandle);
HLock(theRectHandle); /* lock it! */
BlockMove(*theRectHandle, theRect, 8); /* move data into a rect struct */
HSetState(theRectHandle, wasState);
return (MemError());
else /* return the non-rect */
SetRect(theRect, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* and this is a non-rect */
return (ResError());
/*======================================================== ShowMenuBar */
void ShowMenuBar (WindowPtr theWindow)
if (GetMBarHeight() == 0)
MBarHeight = wasMenuBarHeight;
/*======================================================== HideMenuBar */
void HideMenuBar (WindowPtr theWindow)
if (GetMBarHeight() != 0)
wasMenuBarHeight = GetMBarHeight();
MBarHeight = 0;
/*======================================================== USSecsToDateString */
void USSecsToDateString (long theSecs, StringPtr theDate)
Str255 theDay, theMonth, theYear;
DateTimeRec theDateRec;
Secs2Date(theSecs, &theDateRec);
NumToString((long)(, theDay);
NumToString((long)(theDateRec.month), theMonth);
NumToString((long)(theDateRec.year % 100), theYear);
PasStringConcat(theMonth, "\p/");
PasStringConcat(theMonth, theDay);
PasStringConcat(theMonth, "\p/");
PasStringConcat(theMonth, theYear);
PasStringCopy((StringPtr)theMonth, (StringPtr)theDate);
/*======================================================== IntlSecsToDateString */
void IntlSecsToDateString (long theSecs, StringPtr theDate)
Str255 theDay, theMonth, theYear;
DateTimeRec theDateRec;
Secs2Date(theSecs, &theDateRec);
NumToString((long)(, theDay);
NumToString((long)(theDateRec.month), theMonth);
NumToString((long)(theDateRec.year % 100), theYear);
PasStringConcat(theDay, "\p/");
PasStringConcat(theDay, theMonth);
PasStringConcat(theDay, "\p/");
PasStringConcat(theDay, theYear);
PasStringCopy((StringPtr)theDay, (StringPtr)theDate);
/*======================================================== HoldIt */
void HoldIt (short ticksToWait)
long dummyLong;
Delay(ticksToWait, &dummyLong);
/*======================================================== GetOrigin */
void GetOrigin (Point *theOrigin)
theOrigin->h = 0;
theOrigin->v = 0;
theOrigin->h *= -1;
theOrigin->v *= -1;
/*======================================================== SetMouse */
void SetMouse (Point newMouse)
#define MTemp 0x828 /* Low-level interrupt mouse location [long] */
#define RawMouse 0x82C /* un-jerked mouse coordinates [long] */
#define CrsrNew 0x8CE /* Cursor changed? [byte] */
long longPoint;
long *pointPtr;
short *shortPtr;
BlockMove(&newMouse, &longPoint, 4);
pointPtr = (long *)RawMouse;
*pointPtr = longPoint;
pointPtr = (long *)MTemp;
*pointPtr = longPoint;
shortPtr = (short *)CrsrNew;
*shortPtr = 0xFFFF;
/*======================================================== ForcePointInRect */
Boolean ForcePointInRect(Point *thePoint, Rect *theBounds)
Boolean pointMoved = FALSE;
if (thePoint->h < theBounds->left)
thePoint->h = theBounds->left;
pointMoved = TRUE;
else if (thePoint->h > theBounds->right)
thePoint->h = theBounds->right;
pointMoved = TRUE;
if (thePoint->v < theBounds->top)
thePoint->v = theBounds->top;
pointMoved = TRUE;
else if (thePoint->v > theBounds->bottom)
thePoint->v = theBounds->bottom;
pointMoved = TRUE;
return (pointMoved);
/*======================================================== GetChooserName */
void GetChooserName (StringPtr thisName)
#define kChooserStringID -16096
PasStringCopy(*GetString(kChooserStringID), thisName);
if (thisName == kNilPointer)
thisName[0] = 0;