
266 lines
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; File: backlightpatch.a
; Contains: patches backlight
; Copyright: <09> 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <3> 10/28/91 SAM Rolled in Regatta file.
; Regatta Change History:
; <4> 8/19/91 SAM (ag) removed code to patch rom driver (not needed any more).
; <3> 8/8/91 SAM Changed the InstallProc conditional so that it only installs on
; original portables only.
; <2> 8/8/91 SAM (ag) Changed something. It's not clear what, exactly.
; <1> 5/15/91 SAM Split off from TERRORProj.
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
include 'ATalkEqu.a'
include 'UniversalEqu.a'
; BklightInstall - install and open the backlight driver if available
SignatureReg equ $FC0200 ; address of backlight signature
SignatureAruba equ $A5 ; signature for aruba backlight
SignatureUpgrd equ $A3 ; signature for upgrade backlight
SignatureAsahi equ $AD ; signature for asahi backlight
DriverID equ -16511 ; id of driver resource
DriverType equ 'DRVR' ; resource type of driver
ROMs Portable
BklightInstall InstallProc (Portable)
TestFor hwCbPwrMgr
beq.s @exit ; if not power manager, exit
lea #'.Backlight',A1 ; load pointer to driver name
; is there a driver to patch ???
; bsr OpenDRVR ; attempt to open backlight driver (a1/d0)
; beq patchDriver
; should we install a driver from the system file ???
move.l #DriverType,d1 ; load resource type in d1
move.w #DriverID,d2 ; load resource id in d2
move.l #SignatureReg,a0 ; point a0 to signature register
cmpi.b #SignatureAruba,(a0) ; check for aruba signature
beq.s installDriver
cmpi.b #SignatureUpgrd,(a0) ; check for upgrade signature
beq.s installDriver
cmpi.b #SignatureAsahi,(a0) ; check for derringer signature
beq.s installDriver
@exit rts ; no backlight, exit
; installDriver - get the backlight driver from the system file. install and open the
; driver in the first available slot after entry 48
; input
; a1 - pointer to pascal name string
; d1 - Resource Type
; d2 - Resource ID
; output
; none
; usage
; d a0 - utable ptr/dce pointer
; d a1 - Handle to resource
; d a2 - pointer to pascal name string
; d d0 - Resource Type
; d1 - Resource Type
; d2 - Resource ID
installDriver move.l a1,a2 ; move name ptr to a2 for safe keeping
bsr.s GetDetachRes ; get and detach resource (d1,d1/a1)
beq.s @exit ; exit if no handle
bsr.s FirstEntryFree ; get ref num of first free entry (/d0,d1)
_DrvrInstall ; create dce (d0/d0)
tst.l d0 ; test for error
bne.s @releaseDrvr ; ... exit if error
move.l UTableBase,a0 ; point to utable array
move.l (a0,d1),a0 ; get handle to dce in a3
move.l (a0),a0 ; get pointer to dce
move.l a1,dCtlDriver(a0) ; load driver
move.l (a1),a1 ; get pointer to driver
move.w drvrFlags(a1),dCtlFlags(a0) ; copy data to dce
move.w drvrDelay(a1),dCtlDelay(a0)
move.w drvrEMask(a1),dCtlEMask(a0)
move.w drvrMenu(a1),dCtlMenu(a0)
bset.b #dNeedLock,dCtlFlags+1(a0) ; set the handle bit
@openDrvr move.l a2,a1 ; load pointer to driver name
bsr.s OpenDRVR ; open the driver (a1/)
@exit rts
@releaseDrvr move.l a1,a0 ; move handle to a0
_disposHandle ; release the memory
; FirstEntryFree - Find the first free entry
; input
; none
; output
; d0.l - driver ref num
; d1.l - offset in table
; usage
; a0 - pointer to unit table base
; d0 - table address offset
StartEntry equ (48-1) ; this avoids appletalk area
FirstEntryFree move.l a0,-(SP) ; save a0
@findEntry move.l UTableBase,a0 ; point to utable array
move.l #(StartEntry*4),d0 ; start at entry (48-1)
@testEntry addq.l #4,d0 ; increment to next entry
tst.l 0(a0,d0) ; test entry
bne.s @testEntry ; if != 0, next entry
@calcRefnum move.l d0,d1
lsr.l #2,d0 ; divide by 4 to get entry number
addq.l #1,d0 ; add 1 (refnum is -(entry number + 1)
neg.l d0 ; negate to get reference number
move.l (SP)+,a0 ; restore a0
; GetDetachRes - Gets and detaches a resource.
; input
; d1 Resource Type
; d2 Resource ID
; output
; a1 Handle to resource
; usage
; d a1 - Handle to resource
; d d0 - Resource Type
; d1 - Resource Type
; d2 - Resource ID
SUBQ.L #4, SP ; For return address
MOVE.L D1, -(SP) ; Resource type
MOVE.W D2, -(SP) ; Resource ID
MOVE.L (SP), A1 ; Get resource handle to return
MOVE.L A1,D0 ; Set result code
; OpenDRVR - routine used to open a driver
; input
; a1 - pointer to driver name
; output
; d0.l - refnum/ioResult of open
; usage
; a0 - pointer to iopb
; a1 - pointer to driver name
OpenRegs reg A0-A3/D1-D2
OpenDRVR MOVEM.L OpenRegs,-(SP)
SUB.W #ioQElSize,SP ; Allocate IO stack frame
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; set a0 to point to the pb
MOVE.L A1,ioVNPtr(A0) ; load pointer to name
MOVE.B #fsCurPerm,ioPermssn(A0); set permission (not used)
MOVE.W ioRefNum(A0),D0 ; return ioRefNum (D0.W:HI)
SWAP D0 ; move ioRefNum HI
MOVE.W ioResult(A0),D0 ; return result (D0.W:LO)
ADD.W #ioQElSize,SP ; Release stack frame
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes based on errors
MOVEM.L (SP)+,OpenRegs
RTS ; Sucess returned in status
; NewBKLTHeader - new header for backlight driver
BacklightOpen ROMBind (IIci,$e63f2) ; <r8> djw
BacklightPrime ROMBind (IIci,$e63f6) ; <r8> djw
BacklightControl ROMBind (IIci,$e63fa) ; <r8> djw
BacklightStatus ROMBind (IIci,$e63fe) ; <r8> djw
BacklightClose ROMBind (IIci,$e6402) ; <r8> djw
dc.w $4e00 ; write,ctl,status,needslock
dc.w 0,0,0
dc.w OpenPatch-NewBKLTHeader ; open
dc.w PrimePatch-NewBKLTHeader ; prime
dc.w CtlPatch-NewBKLTHeader ; control
dc.w StatusPatch-NewBKLTHeader ; status
dc.w ClosePatch-NewBKLTHeader ; close
DC.B '.Backlight'
align 2
; Entry points back into rom
OpenPatch jmpROM BacklightOpen ; open the driver
PrimePatch jmpROM BacklightPrime
CtlPatch jmpROM BacklightControl ; continue in rom
StatusPatch jmpROM BacklightStatus
ClosePatch jmpROM BacklightClose