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Raw Normal View History

Created: Tuesday, July 30, 1991 at 11:01 AM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1991
All rights reserved
This file is used in these builds: Mac32 BigBang Sys606
Change History (most recent first):
<6> 7/30/91 JL Updated Copyright. Change #defines to enums. Reformatted structs
to match database.
<5> 1/27/91 LN Checked in Database generate file from DSG.
<4> 03/07/90 JAL Changed records for C Plus Plus support.
1.0 CVC 11/02/1989 First time add the file to CInclude
To Do:
#ifndef __ADSP__
#define __ADSP__
#ifndef __APPLETALK__
#include <AppleTalk.h>
enum {
/* driver control ioResults */
errRefNum = -1280, /* bad connection refNum */
errAborted = -1279, /* control call was aborted */
errState = -1278, /* bad connection state for this operation */
errOpening = -1277, /* open connection request failed */
errAttention = -1276, /* attention message too long */
errFwdReset = -1275, /* read terminated by forward reset */
errDSPQueueSize = -1274, /* DSP Read/Write Queue Too small */
errOpenDenied = -1273, /* open connection request was denied */
/*driver control csCodes*/
dspInit = 255, /* create a new connection end */
dspRemove = 254, /* remove a connection end */
dspOpen = 253, /* open a connection */
dspClose = 252, /* close a connection */
dspCLInit = 251, /* create a connection listener */
dspCLRemove = 250, /* remove a connection listener */
dspCLListen = 249, /* post a listener request */
dspCLDeny = 248, /* deny an open connection request */
dspStatus = 247, /* get status of connection end */
dspRead = 246, /* read data from the connection */
dspWrite = 245, /* write data on the connection */
dspAttention = 244 /* send an attention message */
enum {
dspOptions = 243, /* set connection end options */
dspReset = 242, /* forward reset the connection */
dspNewCID = 241, /* generate a cid for a connection end */
/* connection opening modes */
ocRequest = 1, /* request a connection with remote */
ocPassive = 2, /* wait for a connection request from remote */
ocAccept = 3, /* accept request as delivered by listener */
ocEstablish = 4, /* consider connection to be open */
/* connection end states */
sListening = 1, /* for connection listeners */
sPassive = 2, /* waiting for a connection request from remote */
sOpening = 3, /* requesting a connection with remote */
sOpen = 4, /* connection is open */
sClosing = 5, /* connection is being torn down */
sClosed = 6, /* connection end state is closed */
/* client event flags */
eClosed = 0x80, /* received connection closed advice */
eTearDown = 0x40, /* connection closed due to broken connection */
eAttention = 0x20, /* received attention message */
eFwdReset = 0x10, /* received forward reset advice */
/* miscellaneous constants */
attnBufSize = 570, /* size of client attention buffer */
minDSPQueueSize = 100 /* Minimum size of receive or send Queue */
/* connection control block */
struct TRCCB {
unsigned char *ccbLink; /* link to next ccb */
unsigned short refNum; /* user reference number */
unsigned short state; /* state of the connection end */
unsigned char userFlags; /* flags for unsolicited connection events */
unsigned char localSocket; /* socket number of this connection end */
AddrBlock remoteAddress; /* internet address of remote end */
unsigned short attnCode; /* attention code received */
unsigned short attnSize; /* size of received attention data */
unsigned char *attnPtr; /* ptr to received attention data */
unsigned char reserved[220]; /* for adsp internal use */
typedef struct TRCCB TRCCB;
typedef TRCCB *TPCCB;
/* init connection end parameters */
struct TRinitParams {
TPCCB ccbPtr; /* pointer to connection control block */
ProcPtr userRoutine; /* client routine to call on event */
unsigned short sendQSize; /* size of send queue (0..64K bytes) */
unsigned char *sendQueue; /* client passed send queue buffer */
unsigned short recvQSize; /* size of receive queue (0..64K bytes) */
unsigned char *recvQueue; /* client passed receive queue buffer */
unsigned char *attnPtr; /* client passed receive attention buffer */
unsigned char localSocket; /* local socket number */
typedef struct TRinitParams TRinitParams;
/* open connection parameters */
struct TRopenParams {
unsigned short localCID; /* local connection id */
unsigned short remoteCID; /* remote connection id */
AddrBlock remoteAddress; /* address of remote end */
AddrBlock filterAddress; /* address filter */
unsigned long sendSeq; /* local send sequence number */
unsigned short sendWindow; /* send window size */
unsigned long recvSeq; /* receive sequence number */
unsigned long attnSendSeq; /* attention send sequence number */
unsigned long attnRecvSeq; /* attention receive sequence number */
unsigned char ocMode; /* open connection mode */
unsigned char ocInterval; /* open connection request retry interval */
unsigned char ocMaximum; /* open connection request retry maximum */
typedef struct TRopenParams TRopenParams;
/* close connection parameters */
struct TRcloseParams {
unsigned char abort; /* abort connection immediately if non-zero */
typedef struct TRcloseParams TRcloseParams;
/* client status parameter block */
struct TRstatusParams {
TPCCB ccbPtr; /* pointer to ccb */
unsigned short sendQPending; /* pending bytes in send queue */
unsigned short sendQFree; /* available buffer space in send queue */
unsigned short recvQPending; /* pending bytes in receive queue */
unsigned short recvQFree; /* available buffer space in receive queue */
typedef struct TRstatusParams TRstatusParams;
/* read/write parameter block */
struct TRioParams {
unsigned short reqCount; /* requested number of bytes */
unsigned short actCount; /* actual number of bytes */
unsigned char *dataPtr; /* pointer to data buffer */
unsigned char eom; /* indicates logical end of message */
unsigned char flush; /* send data now */
typedef struct TRioParams TRioParams;
/* attention parameter block */
struct TRattnParams {
unsigned short attnCode; /* client attention code */
unsigned short attnSize; /* size of attention data */
unsigned char *attnData; /* pointer to attention data */
unsigned char attnInterval; /* retransmit timer in 10-tick intervals */
typedef struct TRattnParams TRattnParams;
/* client send option parameter block */
struct TRoptionParams {
unsigned short sendBlocking; /* quantum for data packets */
unsigned char sendTimer; /* send timer in 10-tick intervals */
unsigned char rtmtTimer; /* retransmit timer in 10-tick intervals */
unsigned char badSeqMax; /* threshold for sending retransmit advice */
unsigned char useCheckSum; /* use ddp packet checksum */
typedef struct TRoptionParams TRoptionParams;
/* new cid parameters */
struct TRnewcidParams {
unsigned short newcid; /* new connection id returned */
typedef struct TRnewcidParams TRnewcidParams;
/* ADSP CntrlParam ioQElement , driver control call parameter block*/
struct DSPParamBlock {
struct QElem *qLink;
short qType;
short ioTrap;
Ptr ioCmdAddr;
ProcPtr ioCompletion;
OSErr ioResult;
char *ioNamePtr;
short ioVRefNum;
short ioCRefNum; /* adsp driver refNum */
short csCode; /* adsp driver control code */
long qStatus; /* adsp internal use */
short ccbRefNum;
TRinitParams initParams; /*dspInit, dspCLInit*/
TRopenParams openParams; /*dspOpen, dspCLListen, dspCLDeny*/
TRcloseParams closeParams; /*dspClose, dspRemove*/
TRioParams ioParams; /*dspRead, dspWrite*/
TRattnParams attnParams; /*dspAttention*/
TRstatusParams statusParams; /*dspStatus*/
TRoptionParams optionParams; /*dspOptions*/
TRnewcidParams newCIDParams; /*dspNewCID*/
} u;
typedef struct DSPParamBlock DSPParamBlock;
typedef DSPParamBlock *DSPPBPtr;