Elliot Nunn 5b0f0cc134 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-12-26 10:02:57 +08:00

312 lines
10 KiB

/*EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file ÒBootGlobals.hÓ
** 1.0 PWD 10/30/1989 Adding to EASE
extern void myListener(); /* These are asm lang. code */
extern QElemPtr DeQReqBuf(QHdr *quePtr,QElemPtr aptr);
extern void processQueue();
extern void processVBL();
extern void delayMilSec(short);
extern void readUserRecord();
extern void sendUserRecord();
extern void closeUserRecord();
extern void readImage();
extern void writeImage();
extern void closeImage();
extern void writeUserRecord();
extern void sendUpdateReply();
typedef char block[disksector];
typedef struct
char serverName[34]; /* server name to boot off of */
char serverZone[34]; /* and the zone it lives in */
char serverVol[34]; /* and the volume name */
short serverAuthMeth; /* authentication method to use (none, clear txt, rand) */
int sysDirID, /* the dir id of the blessed folder there */
userDirID; /* and of the user folder */
// This defines the portion of a user record which should
// be stored on disk by the boot server.
typedef struct
long finderInfo[8]; // blessed folder dir id, startup folder dir id etc...
char bootBlocks[135]; // see Inside Mac V-135
// This defines a user record.
// Some of these fields can be determined on the fly by the boot server,
// while others are stored on disk by the boot server
typedef struct
char serverName[serverNameLength]; // server name to boot off of
char serverZone[zoneNameLength]; // and the zone it lives in
char serverVol[volNameLength]; // the volume name
short serverAuthMeth; // authentication method to use (none, clear txt, rand)
long sharedSysDirID; // dir id of shared system folder
long userDirID; // dir id of the user's private system folder
store storeage // fields to be stored on disk for the user
// This defines the user-record reply sent to workstations.
typedef struct
char Command; /* record reply command */
char pversion; /* version of boot protocol spoken by requestor */
short osID; /* type and version of os */
long userData; /* time stamp goes here */
short blockSize; /* number of bytes per block */
short imageID; /* image ID */
short result; /* error codes */
long imageSize; /* size of image in blocks */
userRecord userRec; /* the user's "boot blocks" */
// This defines the user-record-update reply sent to workstations.
typedef struct
char Command; /* record update command */
char pversion; /* version of boot protocol spoken by requestor */
short result; /* results of update */
long userData; /* stamp goes here */
// This defines the image reply sent to workstations.
typedef struct
char Command; /* type of request this is */
char pversion; /* version of this protocol */
short imageID; /* ? */
short blockNum; /* block number of this image */
block data; /* the actual block of data */
typedef struct
char Command; /* type of request this is */
char pversion; /* version of this protocol */
short imageID; /* ? */
short result; /* error field */
typedef struct
short osID; /* type and version of os */
long userData; /* time stamp goes here */
char userName[userNameLength]; /* key to finding thier record */
}urr; // User Record Req
typedef struct
short imageID; /* the image being requested */
char section; /* "section" of the image the bitmap refers to */
char flags; /* bit 0 means to send entire image */
short replyDelay; /* minimum needed inter-packet delay in milliseconds */
char bitmap[bitmapsize]; /* bitmap of the section of the image requested */
Boolean done; /* true when bitmap clear */
Boolean ORflag; /* used by server when replying: notes if bitmap has been ORed */
unsigned short lastblk; /* " ": an index used to tell what blk was last sent */
}bir; // Boot Image Req
typedef struct
short osID; /* type and version of os */
long userData; /* time stamp goes here */
char userName[userNameLength]; /* key to finding thier record */
userRecord userRec; /* the user's "boot blocks" */
}uru; // user record update request
// This defines the structure of queue element that are designed to hold
// all request (of all boot protocol types) received from workstations.
typedef struct
QElem *qLink; /* all request are placed in a queue */
short qType; /* not used */
unsigned short netnum; /* the network this request comes from */
unsigned char node; /* the node this request comes from */
char Command; /* type of request this is */
char pversion; /* version of boot protocol spoken by requestor */
char filler;
urr urr; /* user record request */
bir bir; /* boot image request */
uru uru; /* user record update request */
typedef struct {
short os;
short version;
short imageSize;
short delay;
// An array of the following will keep info about
// each os we support handy.
typedef struct
long imageSize; /* # of blocks in the image */
short fileRefNum, /* images kept open at all times, store file ref num here */
imageVersion, /* version of this image */
delay; /* server suggested minimum inter-packet delay */
// An linked-list of the following will keep info about
// each os we support handy.
typedef struct
long link; /* for the linked list */
long imageSize; /* # of blocks in the image */
short fileRefNum, /* images kept open at all times, store file ref num here */
imageVersion, /* version of this image */
delay; /* server suggested minimum inter-packet delay */
typedef struct
long Next; /* this is just a portion of the tStatRec Record taken */
long Filler0; /* from the AppleShare file server code. Server needs */
short VersionID; /* it to get a ptr to the server name string. */
short MaxVolCount;
long Last;
short numSessions;
short currReqs;
StringPtr SrvrNamePtr; /* we need this when we register ourselves */
} serverinfo;
// we define our own vbl record so that we can carry
// around a ptr to our server globals
typedef struct
VBLTask standard; // this is the normal vbl record
Ptr globalsPtr; // here we will carry a ptr to our globals
Global variables.
typedef struct
requestBuf *gbufptr;
requestBuf *gcurrentReqPtr; // all asynch calls use this to get at current request buffer
QHdr gFreeLst; // a queue of free buffers
QHdr gUserRecReq; // a queue of user-record requests
QHdr gImageReq; // a queue of boot-image request
QHdr gUserUpdateReq; // a queue of user-record-update requests
short gintlevel; // flag to control asynch processing (keep only one outstanding at a time)
UserRecReply gmyUserRecReply;
ImageReply gmyImageReply;
UserUpdateReply gmyUserUpdateReply;
ImageDone gmyImageDone;
ParamBlockRec gPBrec; // this is for making asynch file calls (8 bytes)
MPPParamBlock gmyddpWrite; // for ddp write
AddrBlock gmydestAddr; // ditto
char gmyheader[18]; // ditto
char gmywds[600]; // ditto
HParamBlockRec gmyHPB;
MPPPBPtr gddppbptr;
MPPPBPtr gnamepbptr;
OSErr gerrCode;
short gmyNode;
short gmyNet;
short gworkLoad;
myVBLTask *gVBL; // ptr to VBLTask in the system heap
long gsleepstart;
EntityPtr gntePtr;
ProcPtr gioprocessQueue;
#if false
ProcPtr gioprocessVBL;
ProcPtr gioimageDone;
ProcPtr gioreadUserRecord;
ProcPtr giosendUserRecord;
ProcPtr giocloseUserRecord;
ProcPtr gioopenImage;
ProcPtr gioreadImage;
ProcPtr giowriteImage;
ProcPtr giocloseImage;
SysEnvRec gworld;
oosDataRec gosData[osMax];
osDataRec gosData // root of linked list
Boolean gDoneFlag; // TRUE when File/Quit choosen
TEHandle gTextH; // The TextEdit handle
Boolean gHaltFlag; // true if halted, false otherwise
Boolean gWindFlag; // true if showing, false otherwise
char gafname[200];
} Globals,*GlobalsPtr;
extern GlobalsPtr GetGPtr(); // returns ptr to above Globals
Global variables.
#define bufptr GetGPtr()->gbufptr
#define intlevel GetGPtr()->gintlevel
#define myHPB GetGPtr()->gmyHPB
#define myHPBptr GetGPtr()->gmyHPBptr
#define ddppbptr GetGPtr()->gddppbptr
#define namepbptr GetGPtr()->gnamepbptr
#define FreeLst GetGPtr()->gFreeLst
#define UserRecReq GetGPtr()->gUserRecReq
#define ImageReq GetGPtr()->gImageReq
#define UserUpdateReq GetGPtr()->gUserUpdateReq
#define errCode GetGPtr()->gerrCode
#define PBrec GetGPtr()->gPBrec
#define myddpWrite GetGPtr()->gmyddpWrite
#define myUserRecReply GetGPtr()->gmyUserRecReply
#define myImageReply GetGPtr()->gmyImageReply
#define myImageDone GetGPtr()->gmyImageDone
#define myUserUpdateReply GetGPtr()->gmyUserUpdateReply
#define mydestAddr GetGPtr()->gmydestAddr
#define myheader GetGPtr()->gmyheader
#define mywds GetGPtr()->gmywds
#define currentReqPtr GetGPtr()->gcurrentReqPtr
#define ioprocessQueue GetGPtr()->gioprocessQueue
#define ioprocessVBL GetGPtr()->gioprocessVBL
#define ioimageDone GetGPtr()->gioimageDone
#define myNode GetGPtr()->gmyNode
#define myNet GetGPtr()->gmyNet
#define workLoad GetGPtr()->gworkLoad
#define VBL GetGPtr()->gVBL
#define sleepstart GetGPtr()->gsleepstart
#define ntePtr GetGPtr()->gntePtr
#define ioreadUserRecord GetGPtr()->gioreadUserRecord
#define iosendUserRecord GetGPtr()->giosendUserRecord
#define iocloseUserRecord GetGPtr()->giocloseUserRecord
#define world GetGPtr()->gworld
#define ioopenImage GetGPtr()->gioopenImage
#define ioreadImage GetGPtr()->gioreadImage
#define iowriteImage GetGPtr()->giowriteImage
#define iocloseImage GetGPtr()->giocloseImage
#define osData GetGPtr()->gosData
#define DoneFlag GetGPtr()->gDoneFlag
#define TextH GetGPtr()->gTextH
#define HaltFlag GetGPtr()->gHaltFlag
#define WindFlag GetGPtr()->gWindFlag
#define afname GetGPtr()->gafname