Elliot Nunn 5b0f0cc134 Bring in CubeE sources
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2017-12-26 10:02:57 +08:00

337 lines
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; File: MaceEqu.a
; Contains: Equates for accessing the Ethernet Media Access
; Controller (MACE)
; Written by: Mark A. Law
; Copyright: © 1991-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: Mac32
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM6> 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
; <LW4> 5/1/93 mal #1082434 Added records for new GetMem & FreeMem rtns.
; <LW3> 3/21/93 mal Versioned record for MACE 'ecfg' rsrc.
; <LW2> 1/27/93 mal Added MACEecfg rsrc support.
; <SM5> 12/4/92 mal Removed OFLO bit from recv pkt status.
; <SM4> 11/19/92 mal Added equ for yet another bit AMD didn't tell us about.
; <SM3> 10/30/92 mal MaceInitParms record change.
; <SM2> 10/13/92 mal -changed status thats passed to RecvRtn to lw
; <1> 10/6/92 GDW New location for ROMLink tool.
; <SM2> 6/22/92 mal Changes to support PSC2's (EVT2) Ethernet DMA receive model.
; <P4> 4/30/92 mal Expanded MaceInitParms record.
; <P3> 4/27/92 mal Added MaceInit parameters record.
; <P2> 3/23/92 mal Added MACE MAC config reg bit defines
; ---------------------------------------------------------
; MACE Registers
; ---------------------------------------------------------
MACERegBase EQU $50F1C000 ; Mace Reg Base on Cyclone
MACE_RX_FIFO DS.W 1 ;RD RXData -Read Status first
ORG *+$e
ORG *+$e
ORG *+$f
ORG *+$f
ORG *+$f
MACE_RX_FRM_CNTRL DS.B 1 ;RD/WR 00 = Not_AutoStripPad
ORG *+$f
MACE_RX_FRM_STAT DS.B 1 ;RD Read 4x to get RX Status of packet
ORG *+$f
MACE_FIFO_FRM_CNT DS.B 1 ;RD Number of frames in FIFO
ORG *+$f
MACE_INT DS.B 1 ;RD_1 Interupt Source bits
ORG *+$f
MACE_INT_MSK DS.B 1 ;RD/WR Interupt Enables
ORG *+$f
MACE_POLL DS.B 1 ;RD Yet another status location
ORG *+$f
MACE_BIU_CNFG DS.B 1 ;RD/WR 20 = normal mode 01 = Soft Reset
ORG *+$f
ORG *+$f
ORG *+$f
MACE_PLS_CNFG DS.B 1 ;RD/WR 0=Normal Mode
ORG *+$f
MACE_PHY_CNFG DS.B 1 ;RD/WR Reserved,Dude.
ORG *+$f
ORG *+$f
ORG *+$f
MACE_ADDR_CNFG DS.B 1 ;RD/WR 04=Phy_Addr, 02=Log_Addr
ORG *+$1f
MACE_LOG_ADDR DS.B 1 ;Load with 6 Zeros
ORG *+$f
MACE_PHY_ADDR DS.B 1 ;Load with Address
ORG *+$2f
ORG *+$4f
; MACE Interrupt Reg. & Int. Reg. Mask Bit defines
; MACE Int. Reg - Read/Clear; MACE Int. Mask Reg. - Read/Write
BABL EQU 6 ; Babble, Xmit timeout error
CERR EQU 5 ; Signal Quality Error (SQE), xmit
RCVCO EQU 4 ; Receive Collision Cnt Overflow
MPCO EQU 2 ; Missed Pkt Cnt Overflow
RCVINT EQU 1 ; Rcv int
XMTINT EQU 0 ; Xmit int
; mask to disable all MACE ints
MaceIntMask EQU (1<<BABL)+(1<<CERR)+(1<<RCVCO)+(1<<MPCO)+(1<<RCVINT)+(1<<XMTINT)
OurIntsMask EQU (1<<RCVINT) ; ignore recv ints
; MACE Transmit Frame Status Reg. Bit defines
; Note: ONE and MORE are swapped prior to CURIO B0 MACE
XMTSV EQU 7 ; transmit status field valid when 1
UFLO EQU 6 ; underflow - xmit fifo
LCOL EQU 5 ; late collision
MORE EQU 4 ; more than 1 retry needed to xmit
ONE EQU 3 ; exactly 1 retry needed to xmit
DEFER EQU 2 ; transmission defered at least once
LCAR EQU 1 ; loss of carrier
RTRY EQU 0 ; retry
; MACE Transmit Frame Control Reg. Bit defines (byte)
DRTRY EQU 7 ; disable retry
DXMTFCS EQU 3 ; disable xmit fcs
APADXMT EQU 0 ; enable xmt autopad
; -forces generation of fcs
; MACE Receive Frame Control Reg. Bit defines (byte)
ASTRIPRCV EQU 0 ; enable rcv autopad stripping
; -forces stripping of fcs
; MACE Receive Status Reg. Bit defines (long)
; Receive Message Byte Count (byte0)
; Bits 7-0 : Recv Message Byte Count bits 7-0
; Receive Status (byte1)
; Bits 3-0 : Recv Message Byte Count bits 11-8
; Bits 7-4 : Recv Message Status bits
RcvOFLO EQU 7 ; receive fifo overflow
RcvCLSN EQU 6 ; late collision during recv
RcvFRAM EQU 5 ; frame error, non-integer # of bytes
RcvFCS EQU 4 ; frame check sequence error
; Receive Runt Packet Count (byte2)
; -number of runts recv'd since last successfully recv'd pkt
; -maxs at 255
; Receive Collision Count (byte3)
; -number of collisions since last successfully recv'd pkt
; -maxs at 255
; MACE Bus Interface Unit Reg. Bit defines (byte)
BSWAP EQU 7 ; byte swap mode, 0-Intel, 1-Motorola
; Transmit start point Bits 5-4
XMSTP EQU 4 ; bit shift offset
MACERESET EQU 0 ; software reset
; Transmit start point equates
; -controls when preamble xmit starts
XMTS4 EQU $00 ; start when 4 bytes in FIFO
XMTS16 EQU $10 ; start when 16 bytes in FIFO
XMTS64 EQU $20 ; start when 64 bytes in FIFO
XMTS112 EQU $30 ; start when 112 bytes in FIFO
; MACE FIFO Configuration Reg. Bit defines (byte)
; -fifo water mark changes ignored until fw reset bit set
; Transmit FIFO water mark Bits 7-6
XMTFW EQU 6 ; bit shift offset
; Receive FIFO water mark Bits 5-4
RCVFW EQU 4 ; bit shift offset
XMTFWR EQU 3 ; xmit fifo water mark reset
RCVFWR EQU 2 ; recv fifo water mark reset
XMTBRST EQU 1 ; xmit burst
RCVBRST EQU 0 ; recv burst
; FIFO watermark equates
RFW16 EQU $00 ; 16 byte recv FIFO watermark
RFW32 EQU $10 ; 32 byte recv FIFO watermark
RFW64 EQU $20 ; 64 byte recv FIFO watermark
TFW16 EQU $00 ; 16 byte xmit FIFO watermark
TFW32 EQU $40 ; 32 byte xmit FIFO watermark
TFW64 EQU $80 ; 64 byte xmit FIFO watermark
; MACE MAC Configuration Reg. Bit defines (byte)
PROMISC EQU 7 ; promiscuous mode, recv all valid frames
DXMT2PD EQU 6 ; disable xmit 2-part deferral algorithm
EMBA EQU 5 ; enable modified back-off algorithm
ENXMT EQU 1 ; enable xmit
ENRCV EQU 0 ; enable recv
; MACE Physical Layer Signaling Reg. Bit defines (byte)
XMTSEL EQU 3 ; xmit mode select
; Port Select Bits 2-1
PORTSEL EQU 1 ; bit shift offset
ENSTS EQU 0 ; enable optional I/O function status
; MACE Internal Address Configuration Reg. Bit defines (byte)
ADDRCHG EQU 7 ; address change enable
PHYADDR EQU 2 ; physical address select
LOGADDR EQU 1 ; logical address select
; MACE User Test Reg. Bit defines (byte)
;¥¥¥¥¥ WARNING: DO NOT EVER SET BIT 7 or you'll fry the MACE!!!! ¥¥¥¥¥
; Bit 6 (disable) is set during MACE init to disallow an erroneous and/or
; malicious setting of RTRE.
RTRE EQU 7 ; reserved test register enable
RTRD EQU 6 ; reserved test register disable
RPA EQU 5 ; runt packet accept
FCOLL EQU 4 ; force a collision, use with loopback
RCVFCSE EQU 3 ; receive fcs enable, use with loopback
; Loopback control Bits 2-1, %XX0 ¥¥¥ NOT FOR BIT SHIFTS!
NOLPB EQU %000 ; disable loopback mode
EXTLPB EQU %010 ; external loopback mode
INTLPB EQU %100 ; internal loopback, no MENDEC
MENDECLPB EQU %110 ; internal loopback, with MENDEC
; Misc. equates
MondoPkt EQU 2000 ; Value > max pkt, used for Recv DMA cnt
CntRegMask EQU $0001ffff ; Ignore upper 15 bits
nobuff EQU -2 ; no xmit buffer available
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Network Statistics
NetStats RECORD 0 ; network management stats.
TxOK DS.L 1 ; frames transmitted OK
sCollFrame DS.L 1 ; single collision frames
mCollFrame DS.L 1 ; multiple collision frames
CollFrame DS.L 1 ; collision frames
DefTx DS.L 1 ; deferred transmissions
LateColl DS.L 1 ; late collisions
ExcessColl DS.L 1 ; excessive collisions
ExcessDef DS.L 1 ; excessive defferals
InMACTxErr DS.L 1 ; internal MAC transmit errors
RxOK DS.L 1 ; frames received OK
MultiRxOK DS.L 1 ; multicast frames recd OK
BroadRxOK DS.L 1 ; broadcast frames recd OK
FCSerr DS.L 1 ; frame check sequence errors
FAerr DS.L 1 ; frame alignment errors
MPerr DS.L 1 ; missed packet errors
Size EQU *
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ General Equates
TalliesPerSec EQU 5000000 ; number of timer ticks/second
TxMaxRetries EQU 4 ; max attempts to retry aborted xmits
Max_Tx_Packets EQU 16 ; maximum # of chained Tx packets
Min_Pkt_Size EQU 60 ; minimum packet size
Min_Rx_Buffs EQU 2 ; minimum # of recv descriptors/buffers
Max_Pkt_Size EQU 1518 ; maximum packet size (inc. CRC)
EOL_Bit EQU 0 ; end-of-link bit
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ For GetMemory call
memsize DS.l 1 ; requested size
memoptions DS.l 1 ; requested options
memhndl DS.l 1 ; handle to memory mgr block
memhndla DS.l 1 ; handle to 4 or 8k aligned memory
memhndlasz DS.l 1 ; ptr to 4 or 8k aligned memory size
GetMemSz EQU *
Locked EQU 0 ; want locked memory
Contig EQU 1 ; want contiguous memory
CacheOff EQU 2 ; want non-cacheable memory
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ For FreeMemory call
FreeMem RECORD 0
memoptions DS.l 1 ; requested options
memptr DS.l 1 ; ptr to memory mgr block
memptra DS.l 1 ; ptr to 4 or 8k aligned memory
memptrasz DS.l 1 ; 4 or 8k aligned memory size
FreeMemSz EQU *
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Initialization Parameters
RecvRtn DS.l 1 ; address of Ethernet receive routine
RecvPrms DS.l 1 ; parms to pass @ receive
XmitRtn DS.l 1 ; address of Ethernet xmit complete routine
XmitPrms DS.l 1 ; parms to pass @ xmit complete
MACECfgPtr DS.l 1 ; ptr to MACE config record
Dot3NetStats DS.l 1 ; ptr to 802.3 statistics array
LAPMIBNetStats DS.l 1 ; ptr to LAP MIB statistics array
EnetAddr DS.l 1 ; ptr to ethernet address
FastMoveRtn DS.l 1 ; ->proc to move memory FAST
IPSize EQU *
;¥¥¥¥ Parms passed to .ENET "RecvRtn"
RcvParms RECORD {A6Link}
Size EQU * ; no local vars
A6Link DS.l 2 ; saved A6 and return addr
Parm DS.l 1 ; parm passed to MaceInit
Buff DS.l 1 ; ptr to Mace's buffer containing pkt
Pkt DS.l 1 ; ptr to packet data
Len DS.w 1 ; pkt length
Stat DS.l 1 ; pkt status
; Stat definition:
; Byte 0: Receive Runt Packet Count (Bits 31-24)
; -number of runts recv'd since last successfully recv'd pkt
; -maxs at 255
; Byte 1: Receive Collision Count (Bits 23-16)
; -number of collisions since last successfully recv'd pkt
; -maxs at 255
; Byte 2-3: Receive Status (Bits 15-0)
; Bits 15-7,3-0 : reserved, read as 0's
; Bits 6-4 : Recv Message Status bits
; RcvCLSN EQU 6 ; late collision during recv
; RcvFRAM EQU 5 ; frame error, non-integer # of bytes
; RcvFCS EQU 4 ; frame check sequence error
ParmsSz EQU * - Parm ; len of passed parms
Configrsrc EQU 'ecfg' ; rsrc type for MACE config data rsrc
; Mace Configuration Record
MACECfg RECORD 0 ; Config values from config rsrc
MACECfgVers DS.w 1 ; record version
MACEBase DS.l 1 ; Base address of MACE
EnetPROM DS.l 1 ; base address of Address Prom
XmitFrmCtl DS.b 1 ; MACE transmit frame control register value
RecvFrmCtl DS.b 1 ; MACE receive frame control register value
FIFOCfgCtl DS.b 1 ; MACE xmit/recv fifo config control register value
MACCfgCtl DS.b 1 ; MACE MAC config control register value
; The following are optional values; ignored if zero
EnetAddr DS.b 6 ; Alternate Ethernet Address, overrides Address PROM
XmitBuffs DS.w 1 ; Alternate number of transmit buffers
RecvBuffs DS.w 1 ; Alternate number of receive buffers
RecvChains DS.w 1 ; Alternate number of receive "chains"
CfgSize EQU *