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; File: SCSIMgr96BIOS.a
; Contains: SCSI Mgr for the BIOS based 53c96
; Written by: James Blair
; Copyright: © 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM1> 2/5/93 CSS Checkin from Horror.
; <H3> 10/17/92 jab Added changes to allow messaging to work successfully.
; <H2> 10/5/92 jab Fixed bug that was allowing MSG signal to remain in fake status
; byte.
; <1> 9/6/92 jab first checked in
MACHINE MC68020 ; '020-level
BLANKS ON ; assembler accepts spaces & tabs in operand field
STRING ASIS ; generate string as specified
PRINT OFF ; do not send subsequent lines to the listing file
; don't print includes
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' ; from StandardEqu.a and for building ROMs
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' ; for TestFor
PRINT ON ; do send subsequent lines to the listing files
EXPORT DoSCSISelAtn_S96_BIOS, CyclePhase_96_BIOS ;
EXPORT Unimplemented_96_BIOS
IMPORT Xfer1Byte, WaitForSCSIIntrp, WaitForIntNoTime
WITH scsiPB, scsiPrivPB ; access record without explicit qualification
WITH scsiGlobalRecord, dcInstr
; A SCSI Function request handler. SCSI's are invoked by params on
; stack followed by a routine selector Int, and return address.
; NOTE: SCSIMgr is a Toolbox trap & follows Pascal calling conventions.
; A4 is set up by StdEntry and contains a pointer to the SCSI Manager global
; area in the system heap.
SCSIMgr_96_BIOS: ; "Normal" 680x0 CPU's with "SCSIGlobals" lomem
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get the return address
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; function selector (word)
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push the return address
cmp.w #numSelectors,d0 ; valid selector?
bhs.s Unimplemented_96_BIOS ; Sorry, Charlie
link a6,#LocalSize ; locals for bus error stuff
movem.l a2-a5/d2-d7,-(sp) ; save registers
movea.l SCSIGlobals,a4 ; get pointer to SCSI Manager globals
move.l base5380(a4),a3 ;
moveq.l #0,zeroReg
moveq.l #0,d4 ; needed by read/write
move.w d0,d1 ; save a copy of selector
move.l 0(a4,d0.w*4),a0 ; indexed addressing
jmp (a0) ; and go there
movem.l (sp)+, a2-a5/d2-d7 ; restore these guys
unlk a6
move.l (sp)+, a0 ; get return address
add.w d0, sp ; fixup the stack
jmp (a0)
; Common code when exiting old SCSI Mgr after an error
; Uses : d0, a0
move.b zeroReg, G_State(a4) ; clear out SCSI Mgr semaphore
; (from ClearState proc, SCSIMgrNew.a)
rts ;
; Unimplemented selector (or out of range)
moveq.l #dsCoreErr, d0 ; unimplemented core routine
_SysError ; sorry, Charlie
@1 bra.s @1 ; not safe to continue
; (8)
; Get SCSI bus status.
; A bit-to-bit bus and status register mapping is not possible from the 53C80 to 53C96.
; Consequently, we fake the status and return what we think the status should be.
; Also note that we OR the two SCSI bus stati(?) because only 2 situations are possbile:
; 1) One bus is active and the other idle 2) both buses are idle.
; The following list is the status bit map:
; signal names in parenthesis are the closest c96 status bit equivalents
; 53c80 Status Bit 53c96 Status Bits
; DBP n/a
; SEL n/a
; I/O I/O
; C/D C/D
; REQ n/a (1 if scBusy)
; BSY n/a (1 if scBusy)
; RST n/a
; ACK n/a
; ATN n/a
; BSY ERR n/a
; PHS MAT n/a
; PRT ERR n/a
; END DMA n/a
; G_FakeStat contains fake bit values that different procs of the SCSI manager
; have set or cleared. The values in it reflect the best-guessed status of the
; bus as determined by the SCSI manager.
; Uses: d0, d1, d2
; Return Codes:
; noErr
and.w #$FFE2, G_FakeStat(a4) ; clear phase bits first, except SEL <H2>
move.l a3, -(sp) ; save a3
clr.l d1 ;
move.l base539x0(a4), a3 ; load ptr for SBus0
move.b rSTA(a3), d1 ; read this bus' status
TestFor SCSI96_2Exists ; do we have a 2nd SCSI96 chip?
beq.s @noSCSI96 ; bra. if no 2nd SCSI96
move.l base539x1(a4), a3 ; load ptr for SBus1
or.b rSTA(a3), d1 ; OR this bus' status
@noSCSI96 ;
move.l (sp)+, a3 ; restore a3
andi.b #iPhaseMsk, d1 ; mask off the rest to get phase bits
lsl.b #2, d1 ; position the MSG-CD-IO bits
or.w d1, G_FakeStat(a4) ;
moveq.l #aBSY+aSEL, D0 ; what are Busy and Sel signals set to?
and.w G_FakeStat(a4), D0
cmp.w #aBSY, D0 ; if Busy but no Sel,
bne.s @1 ;
or.w #aREQ, G_FakeStat(a4) ; set REQ also
bra.s @2
and.w #$FFFF-aREQ, G_FakeStat(a4) ; else, clear REQ
move.w G_FakeStat(a4), 8(a6) ; 8(a6) <- Bus and Status
bra.s NoByteExit ; 9(a6) <- Current SCSI Bus Status
; (8)
; If we have two scsi buses, hard reset both since the interface does not provide a
; way for the client to specify a target bus in a dual-SCSI bus system.
; Uses: a0, a3, d0, d2, d3
; Return Codes:
; noErr
move.l a3, -(sp) ; save a3
movea.l jvResetBus(a4), a0 ; get address of SCSI reset routine
move.l base539x0(a4), a3 ; load ptr for SBus0
jsr (a0) ; reset SCSI bus and kill all requests
TestFor SCSI96_2Exists ; do we have a second SCSI96 chip?
beq.s @noSCSI96 ; bra. if no 2nd SCSI96
movea.l jvResetBus(a4), a0 ; get address of SCSI reset routine
move.l base539x1(a4), a3 ; load ptr for SBus1
jsr (a0) ; reset SCSI bus and kill all requests
@noSCSI96 ;
move.l (sp)+, a3 ; restore a3
move.l #0, G_FakeStat(a4) ; clear fake status
move.w zeroReg, 8(a6) ; always returns 0 status
bsr.s ExitCleanup ; clean up to leave
moveq.l #0, d2 ; clear upper word
move.w TimeDBRA, d2 ; get # of DBRAs per mS
lsl.l #8, d2 ; multiply by É
lsl.l #1, d2 ; É512
move.l d2, d3 ; ...a 512mS wait
swap d3
dbra d2, @1 ; d2 low word of counter
dbra d3, @1 ; d3 high word
moveq.l #0, d0 ; no arguments to clean up
bra.w StdExit
CommonSelErrXit ; common Select error exit
clr.w (sp) ; set failed fake status
move.l d0, -(sp) ; save d0
bsr.w ExitCleanup ; clean up to leave
move.l (sp)+, d0 ; restore d0
move.l #scsiSelect, d6 ; load proc ID
bsr.w Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
move.w (sp)+, G_FakeStat(a4) ; save new fake status
move.w d0, 10(a6) ; return the result
moveq.l #2, d0 ; stack cleanup
bra.w StdExit ; special exit
; (8)
; SCSI arbitration is now an integrated operation with SELECT
; in the 5394/5396. It is here only for backward compatibility. We will fake
; an asserted BSY & SEL signals just in case the user above decides to perform
; a SCSIStat.
; IMPORTANT: SCSIMgr clients MUST still call SCSIGet before SCSISelect. This will be enforced in
; SCSISelect. G_State will be used as a flag to indicate that SCSIGet was called.
; Uses: d0, d1, d2, d3
; Return Codes:
; noErr
bset.b #scBusy, G_State(a4) ; set to SCSI busy state
bne.s @isBusy ; if nonzero, SCSI Mgr is in use
move.w #aBSY+aSEL, G_FakeStat(a4) ; Set to a fake successful arb status
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; no error
@exit ;
move.w d0, 8(a6) ; return code
bra.s NoByteExit
@isBusy ;
moveq.l #scMgrBusyErr ,d0 ; SCSI Mgr is busy
bra.s @exit ; bail out in order to avoid deadlock
; (8) (10)
; Select the target on the bus. Returns 0 for success, or error.
; Selection can be done with or without the ATN line.
; Single SCSI BUS Select Proc
bset.b #scBusy, G_State(a4) ; set SCSI busy state here too for those who bypass SCSIGet
move.w G_FakeStat(a4), -(sp) ; save fake status
move.w #aBSY, (sp) ; assume successful selection, set fake status
moveq.l #0, d0 ; clear upper bits
move.w 8(a6), d0 ; get the target's ID
cmp.w #scsiSelAtn, d1 ; select with ATN?
bne.s @noATN ; no ATN
bset.l #16, d0 ; use ATN
ori.w #aATN, (sp) ; assume successful select w/ATN, set fake status
move.l d6, G_TargetID(a4) ; remember destination ID & ATN bit
move.l pdma5380(a4), a0 ; pdma5380 contains DREQ regr address
bsr.w Select_96_BIOS ; try it
bne.s CommonSelErrXit ; branch if error
move.w (sp)+, G_FakeStat(a4) ; save new fake status
move.l a0, G_SCSIDREQ(a4) ; save SCSI DREQ regr
move.w d0, 10(a6) ; return the result
moveq.l #2, d0 ; stack cleanup
bra.w StdExit
; (10) (8) (14)
; Send the target the given command.
; Return Codes:
; noErr, scPhaseErr, scCommErr
move.l 10(a6), a2 ; get command buffer address
move.w 8(a6), d2 ; get the length
bsr.w SendCMD_96_BIOS ; send it
bne.s @err ; bra. if error
@exit ;
move.w d0, 14(a6) ; return the result
moveq.l #6, d0
bra.w StdExit
move.l d0, -(sp) ; save d0
move.l (sp)+, d0 ; restore d0
move.l #scsiCmd, d6 ; load proc ID
bsr.w Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
bra.s @exit ;
; SCSIRead, SCSIRBlind, SCSIWrite, SCSIWBlind
; Called by: Toolbox Trap Dispatcher
; Calls: Transfer, primitive data transfer routines
; On entry: a3 - SCSI read base address
; a4 - pointer to SCSI Manager globals
; Internal: a1 - TIB scan pointer
; Function: Performs TIB interpretation, and data transfers.
moveq.l #scsiWriteFast, d4 ; select the fast write routine
bra.s dataCommon_96 ; continue
moveq.l #scsiWriteSlow, d4 ; select the slow write routine
bra.s dataCommon_96 ; continue
moveq.l #scsiReadFast, d4 ; select the fast read routine
bra.s startRead_96 ; continue
moveq.l #scsiReadSlow, d4 ; select the slow read routine
move.l 8(a6), a1 ; get the TIB pointer
bra.s @exec ; tighten loop by branching first
bset.l #scsiCompBit, d4 ; add offset to use the compare routines
; FALL THROUGH to @c_inc ; continue
movea.l jvTransfer(a4), a0 ; get the address of the transfer routine
jsr (a0) ; go to the transfer routine
bne.s @data_end ; if error, bail out
add.l d1, scParam1(a1) ; increment the pointer
bclr.l #scsiCompBit, d4 ; remove offset for the compare routines
; FALL THROUGH to @next_cmd ; continue
@c_nop ; also NOP, just skip the command
add.w #scSize, a1 ; point to the next TIB instruction
; FALL THROUGH to @exec
move.w scOpcode(a1), d1 ; get the function opcode
move.l scParam1(a1), a2 ; get the generic address
move.l scParam2(a1), d2 ; get the generic count
cmp.w #maxOpcode, d1 ; valid opcode ?
bhi.s @c_badop ; return err if not
add.w d1,d1 ; index times two
jmp @JmpTable(d1.w) ; jump into table
@JmpTable ;
bra.s @c_badop ; 0 is not a valid opcode
bra.s @c_inc ; 1
bra.s @c_noinc ; 2
bra.s @c_add ; 3
bra.s @c_move ; 4
bra.s @c_loop ; 5
bra.s @c_nop ; 6
bra.s @c_stop ; 7
bra.s @c_compare ; 8
moveq.l #scBadparmsErr, d0 ; bad opcode
bra.s @data_end
@c_noinc ; NOINC addr,count
movea.l jvTransfer(a4), a0 ; get the address of the transfer routine
jsr (a0) ; go to the transfer routine
bne.s @data_end ; if error, exit
bra.s @next_cmd ; else process next command
@c_add ; ADD addr,data
add.l d2, (a2) ; the count added to the where
bra.s @next_cmd ; process the next command
@c_move ; MOVE addr1,addr2
move.l d2, a0 ; get the destination address
move.l (a2), (a0) ; simple enough
bra.s @next_cmd ; process the next command
@c_loop ; LOOP relative addr,count
tst.l d2 ; check for zero loop count
beq.s @next_cmd ; if count is already zero, quit loop
subq.l #1, d2 ; drop the count
move.l d2, scParam2(a1) ; put the count back for next time
beq.s @next_cmd ; if count exhausted, don't loop
add.l a2, a1 ; modify the command pointer
bra.s @exec ; and process the next command
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; indicate no error
; FALL THROUGH to @data_end ; <C846>
;--- Flush the cache line that contains location 8 (because of MOVE16 bug)
movem.l D0-D2, -(sp)
moveq.l #9, D0 ; FlushCacheRange HWPriv selector
move.l #8, A0 ; starting address of flush range
move.l #4, A1 ; length of range
movem.l (sp)+, D0-D2 ; restore regs
;--- exit and return result
move.w d0, 12(a6) ; return the result
moveq.l #4, d0 ; stack cleanup
bra.w StdExit
; FUNCTION SCSIComplete(VAR Stat, Message: INTEGER; wait:LongInt): INTEGER;
; (16) (12) (8) (20)
; Complete the SCSI command by:
; 1) Sending command complete sequence byte to get status & msg bytes from target
; 2) Sending message accepted command to complete the cycle
; Return Codes:
; noErr, scCommErr, scPhaseErr, scComplPhaseErr
move.w zeroReg, -(sp) ; assume no_error return value
bclr.b #PendBusFree,G_State96(a4) ; <H3>
bne.s @completeDone ; <H3>
move.l Ticks, d4 ; get current time
add.l 8(a6), d4 ; add count to start ticks
jsr HandleSelInProg_BIOS
bne.w @phaseErr
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; get phase bits
cmpi.b #iStatus, d3 ; are we in status phase?
bne.w @phaseErr ;
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO, make sure it's empty <H3>
move.b #cCmdComp, rCMD(a3) ; load cmd complete code
bsr.l WaitForSCSIIntrp ; Wait for intrp w/ timeout
; on exit d5 = rF0S|rINT|0|rSTA
beq.w @noStatus ; Branch if timedout
clr.l d2
move.b rFFO(a3), d2 ; read status byte from FIFO
move.l 16(a6), a1 ; get the Status ptr
move.w d2, (a1) ; return status byte
move.b rFFO(a3), d2 ; read msg byte from FIFO
move.l 12(a6), a1 ; get the Message ptr
move.w d2,(a1) ; return the msg byte
move.b #cMsgAcep, rCMD(a3) ; load msg accepted code which de-asserts *ACK
bsr.l WaitForSCSIIntrp ; Wait for intrp w/ timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
beq.w @badAcpt ; Branch if timedout
move.l #0, G_FakeStat(a4) ; clear fake status
move.w (sp)+, 20(a6) ; return error
bsr.w ExitCleanup ; clean up to leave
moveq.l #12, d0 ; stack cleanup
bra.w StdExit ;
@phaseErr ; only called for Complete phase errors
move.w #scPhaseErr, (sp) ; phase Err but try getting us to status phase
jsr ([jvCyclePhase,a4]) ; get us to status phase if possible
beq.s @1 ; if cyclephz has no error, keep old one
move.w d0, (sp) ; else save this new error in (sp)
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; get phase bits
cmpi.b #iStatus, d3 ; are we in status phase?
beq.w @inPhase ; yes - go get the data
cmp.l Ticks, d4 ; got the time, pal?
bhi.w @chkStatus ; bra. & check phase if we still have time...
; btst.b #FCIntPend, G_State96(a4) ; timed out; were we waiting for a slow peripheral?
; beq.s @completeDone ; no - exit with whatever status we've got
@noStatus ;
move.w #scCommErr, (sp) ; return status
move.l (sp), d0 ; load error
move.l #scsiComplete, d6 ; load proc ID
bsr.w Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
bra.s @completeDone ;
; (8) (12)
; Receive a message from the target.
; Return Codes:
; noErr, scCommErr, scPhaseErr
DoSCSIMsgIn_96_BIOS ; SCSIMsgIn added
bsr.w GetMsg_96_BIOS
bne.s @err ; bra. if error
move.l 8(a6), a1 ; get the Message ptr
move.w d2, (a1) ; return the Message byte
move.w d0, 12(a6) ; return error
moveq.l #4, d0 ; stack cleanup
bra.w StdExit
move.l #scsiMsgIn, d6 ; load proc ID
bsr.w Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
bra.s @exit ;
; (8) (10)
; Send a message to the target.
; Return Codes:
; noErr, scCommErr, scPhaseErr
DoSCSIMsgOut_96_BIOS ; SCSIMsgOut added
move.w 8(a6), d2 ; get the Message in d2
bsr SendMsg_96_BIOS
bne.s @err ;
move.w d0, 10(a6) ; return error
moveq.l #2, d0 ; stack cleanup
bra.w StdExit
move.l #scsiMsgIn, d6 ; load proc ID
bsr.w Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
bra.s @exit
; Select Device.
; In the 5396, arbitration, selection and command-send operations are integrated operations.
; We need the target id and the actual command descriptor block in order to exploit the
; capabilities of the chip. Unfortunately, the old SCSI manager was structured for separate
; such operations. This proc is an attempt to remain compatible to that type of operation.
; Our goal is to select a target and report the success or failure of that operation.
; This is accomplished by:
; 1) Loading transfer count, TC, with one in order to activate the select process
; 2) Using DMA mode in order to allow us to send the actual CDB during DoSCSICmd proc.
; Upon exit, we should be in transfer phase waiting for the client to perform either a
; command send or msg-out--if select w/ ATN. The c96 would be ready and waiting for the
; CDB or message byte because we told it to expect at least 1 byte of data.
; Select w/ ATN asserts the ATTENTION line during selection process. This allows the
; client to perform a 1 byte msg-out via SCSIMsgOut. The ATN line is deasserted
; prior to sending the msg byte.
; --> A0 = DAFB register address for this c96 (for reading DREQ state)
; d0.w --> Target ID
; d0.b16 --> If bit 16 of d0 is set, then ATN is asserted during selection.
; This is useful for telling the target that we
; want to send it a message before the command phase.
; Uses: d0, d1, d2, d3
; Set up chip for select process (flush FIFO, init dest ID)
move.b d0, rDID(a3) ; load select bus ID w/ target ID
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO, make sure it's empty
btst.l #16, d0 ; is this a Sel w/Atn?
bne.s @withAtn
; If Select w/o Atn then set up for 1 DMA byte (last byte of command block) and start process
move.b zeroReg, rXCM(a3) ; tell chip that we will be sending 1
move.b #1, rXCL(a3) ; DMA byte (in command phase)
move.b #cDMASelWOAtn, rCMD(a3) ; issue Select w/o Atn cmd
bset.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; flag=expect to see a COMMAND phase next
bra.s @2
; If Select w/Atn then set up for 2 DMA bytes (msg_out byte + last byte of command block)
move.b zeroReg, rXCM(a3) ; tell chip that we will be sending 2
move.b #1, rXCL(a3) ; DMA bytes (1 in msg_out, 1 in command)
move.b #cDMASelWAtn, rCMD(a3) ; issue Select w/ Atn cmd <H3>
bset.b #NeedMsgOut, G_State96(a4) ; flag=expect to see a MESSAGE_OUT phase next
bset.b #SelInProg, G_State96(a4) ; set flag->select is in prog, expect intrpt
; Set up >512mS timeout for select operation to get somewhere (probably more like 2 seconds)
moveq.l #0, d1 ; clear upper word
move.w TimeSCSIDB, d1 ; get # of DBRAs
lsl.l #8, d1 ; multiply by 256
lsl.l #1, d1 ; multiply by 2
move.l d1, d2 ; ...a 512mS wait for overall watchdog
swap d2
moveq.l #-1,d3 ; for debug - last four rSTA reads
moveq.l #-1,d4 ; for debug - last four rSQS reads
; We have told the chip to start it, now we wait for an indication that it has completed a
; selection. Several things can happen:
; - the target at the requested ID may not exist or may not respond to the select. In
; this case we will receive a Disconnect interrupt from the chip.
; - the target may select OK but go into something other than Command phz (if Sel w/o Atn)
; or Message_Out phz (if Sel w/Atn). Here we will see a Function Complete/Bus Service
; interrupt.
; - the target may select OK and go into the expected phz - the SUCCESS case. When this
; happens, the chip will assert DREQ because it wants the Command (or Msg_Out) byte.
; - the bus may be hung and the chip is unable to arbitrate. We detect this by timing
; out on the whole process.
; So basically, this is a 3-way wait for:
; 1) DREQ asserted
; 2) interrupt
; 3) loop timed out
; Check for a REQ from the target (within valid phase)
move.l (a0), d5 ; read DAFB regr (a0=DAFB register addr)
move.b G_bitDREQ(a4),d0 ; load DREQ bit position
btst.l d0, d5 ; DREQ ?
bne.s @gotDREQ ; yes: then we have a REQ for Msg_Out or Cmd byte
; Check for an int - either Disconnected (fld select) or Bus Service/Func. Cmplt (good select)
lsl.l #8,d3 ; shift old rSTA reads up a byte
move.b rSTA(a3),d3
move.b d3,d0
btst.l #bINT,d0 ; check for intrp bit ie. timeout or weird phase
dbne d1, @waitLoop ; if intrp then non-normal select op so exit.
dbne d2, @waitLoop ; loop until count exhausted or intrp detected
; count is up or intrp detected so we're outta' here
beq @timedOut
; If we got an interrupt, it means that the select command is complete. Either the target did
; not respond (i.e. didn't exist) or it was selected but went to an unexpected phase.
@gotINT ; else we got an interrupt
move.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; read status for debug
move.b rINT(a3), d1 ; clear intrp bit
move.b d3, lastSTAread(a4) ; store in case anybody wants to knowÉ
move.b d1, lastINTread(a4) ; Éwhat kind of INT we got
bclr.b #FCIntPend, G_State96(a4) ; clear the FC Int pend flag
bclr.b #SelInProg, G_State96(a4) ; and clear the SelectInProgress flag
bclr.b #NeedMsgOut, G_State96(a4) ; and Message_Out
bclr.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; and Command expected flags
; Was it a disconnect interrupt? (i.e. a failed select?)
btst.l #bDSC,d1 ; (i.e. timed-out then bus free)
beq @goodSEL ; no - assume it is a good select then
@badSEL ;
moveq.l #scCommErr, d2 ; select timeout
bra.s @exit
moveq.l #scArbNBErr, d2 ; select timeout
bra @exit ; branch if our watchdog timed out
moveq.l #noErr, d2 ; successful selection
move.l d2, d0
; Check for non-zero sequence value - means select has completed and
;@1 lsl.l #8,d4 ; shift old rSQS reads up a byte
; move.b rSQS(a3), d4 ; determine where we are in select sequence
; move.b d4,d0 ; make copy for checking
; and.b #iSQSMsk, d0 ; did we get somewhere in the sequence?
; beq.s @zeroSSV ; i.e. a non-zero seq.step value
; If we have a non-zero phase value and non-zero sequence, then we had a good select
; lsl.l #8,d3 ; shift old rSTA reads up a byte
; move.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; get phase value
; move.b d3,d0
; and.b #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; look for info xfer phz (i.e. non zero)
; bne.s @goodSEL ; bra if not in bus-free (we have a data_out hole here)
; Send Command. # bytes in d2. Command block pointer is in a2.
; d0 - <-- error (if any)
; d2 - --> number of command bytes
; d5 - <-- xxxx|xxxx|xxxx|rSTA
; a2 - ptr to command block
; a3 - SCSI read base address
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; The command descriptor block is sent using both pseudo-DMA and non-pDMA. The non-pDMA
; send appears as preloaded data in the FIFO. The last byte is send via pDMA to satisfy
; the transfer count and DMA-mode of the c96. See SELECT proc.
; Reminder: Check this routine to make sure it still works with
; Tape Backup 40SC drive. See note in SCSIMgrOld.a, SendCMD routine.
; Uses: d0, d1, d3, d5
; Error Codes:
; scPhaseErr, scCommErr
; STILL NEEDS: If somehow we end up here but did not have NeedCmdSent but we are actually in Cmd Phase,
; we should probably go ahead and do it anyway - just do the transfer with all rFFO (no rDMA).
btst.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; are we expecting a command phase here?
beq @notExpected ; no - handle it without DMA
move.b #iCommand, d1 ; set up wait for command phase
jsr Wt4DREQorInt_BIOS ; yes - wait till target REQs or screws up
beq @gotInt ; if Int then we're not in Command phase
; else, we are, so send the bytes
; <H3> thru next <H3>
bclr.b #SelMsgOut,G_State96(a4) ; should we wait for interrupt if we came from MsgOut ?
beq.s @sendBytes
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO, make sure it's empty
move.b zeroReg, rXCM(a3) ; tell chip that we will be sending 1
move.b #1, rXCL(a3) ; DMA byte (in command phase)
move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(a3) ; issue Select w/o Atn cmd
; <H3> from prev <H3>
ori.b #SlowCableMode,rCF1(a3) ; set Slow cable mode for the command bytes
subq.l #1, d2 ; adjust for DMA of last byte
bra.s @btmLoadFIFO ; bra to dbra for zero case (1 byte CDB)
@loadFIFO ; loading the FIFO w/o pseudo-DMA will simulate
move.b (a2)+, rFFO(a3) ; preloading of the FIFO...we then pDMA the
@btmLoadFIFO ;
dbra d2, @loadFIFO ; last byte in order to satisfy the c96's DMA
; circuitry & get us that intrp.
btst.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; were we expecting a command phase here?
beq.s @skipDMA
; Wait for either FIFO empty or a phase change
moveq.l #iFOFMsk, d1 ; use mask to get FIFO flag field
and.b rFOS(a3), d1 ; how many bytes left in FIFO?
beq.s @lastCmdByte ; if none, send the last command byte
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d1 ;
and.b rSTA(a3), d1 ; are we in command phase?
cmp.b #iCommand, d1 ;
beq.s @wt4EmptyOrPhz ; yes - loop again
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d1 ;
and.b rSTA(a3), d1 ; get phase bits before sending last byte
move.b (a2)+, rDMA(a3) ; Use psuedo DMA to load last byte
bclr.b #NeedCmdSent,G_State96(a4) ; no longer need command sent and,
bset.b #FCIntPend,G_State96(a4) ; now we can expect a FunctionCmplt interrupt
cmp.b #iCommand, d1 ; were we in command phz b4 last byte?
bne.s @phaseErr ; no - then we had a phase error
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; get phase value
cmpi.b #iCommand, d3 ; are we in command phase?
beq.s @cmdHack ; bra. if we're still in cmd phase
; we no longer waste a wait here for the FC interrupt but instead do it in a data
; phase or in SCSIComplete with a call to HandleSelInProg.
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; no error
@cmdExit ; At this point, we're out of cmd phase
and.b #$FF-SlowCableMode,rCF1(a3) ; turn-off Slow cable mode
tst.w d0 ;
; This is a hack for the Tape Backup 40SC drive. 40SC asserts an extra REQ on
; 10-byte commands, which appears as a request for an 11th byte (that's what
; the SCSI standard says!) On very fast CPU's, this extra REQ hangs over to
; the next phase of the transaction, causing a phase error, and causes the
; transaction to fail. This delay code will wait at most 256ms
; for a phase change before continuing.
; NOTE: On the c96, this code is probably worthless since the chip will fill
; any additional bytes (for any additional REQs) after the DREQ is fulfilled
; whether we wait for it or not. (See state diagram in Emulex lit.)
move.l zeroReg, d0 ; clear upper word
move.w TimeSCSIDB, d0 ; get SCSI DBRA's ms timing constant
lsl.l #8, d0 ; wait at least 256ms for the tape drive
move.l d0, d2 ; set up d2 as high word
swap d2 ;
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; get phase value
cmpi.b #iCommand, d3 ; are we in command phase?
dbne.w d0, @hack ; loop until not cmd phase or timeout
dbne.w d2, @hack ; high word of timeout
bra.s @cmdOk
; We got our select_process complete interrupt - set our state reflecting that
bclr.b #SelMsgOut,G_State96(a4) ; should we wait for interrupt if we came from MsgOut ? <H3>
bclr.b #FCIntPend, G_State96(a4) ; clear the FC Int pend flag
bclr.b #SelInProg, G_State96(a4) ; and clear the SelectInProgress flag
bclr.b #NeedMsgOut, G_State96(a4) ; and Message_Out
bclr.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; and Command expected flags
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; flush the FIFO of unused Command bytes
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; phase error
move.l #scsiCmd, d6 ; load proc ID
bsr.w Error_BIOS ; call Error proc - for debug
bra.s @cmdExit ;
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; get phase value
cmpi.b #iCommand, d3 ; are we in command phase?
bne.w @phaseErr ; bra. on phase err
addq.l #1, d2 ; adjust for DMA of last byte
bra.w @sendBytes
; GetMsg - get a message byte from target and return in d2
; Uses: d0, d2, d3
; Return Codes:
; noErr, scCommErr, scPhaseErr
; <H3> thru next <H3>
bclr.b #NeedCmdSent,G_State96(a4) ; yes - we took care of MsgOut, now we need to send command
beq.s @getMsg
bclr.b #SelMsgOut,G_State96(a4) ; should we wait for interrupt if we came from MsgOut ?
bne.s @contMsgIn ; 1 - no
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
move.b #cFlshFFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO, make sure it's empty
@getMsg ; <H3> from last <H3>
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; get phase value
cmpi.b #iMsgIn, d3 ; are we in MsgIn phase already?
bne.s @phaseErr ;
move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load Transfer cmd byte in CMD regr
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/ timeout <H3>
; on exit d5 = xxxx|rSQS|rSTA|rINT
;; beq.s @timedOut ; Branch if timedout <H3>
move.b rFFO(a3), d2 ; xfer fifo msg byte into d2 w/ *ACK still asserted
; now, unconditionally accept the message byte
move.b #cMsgAcep, rCMD(a3) ; load msg accepted code which de-asserts *ACK
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/ timeout <H3> thru next <H3>
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
;; beq.s @timedOut ; Branch if timedout
btst.l #bDSC+16,d5 ; was there a disconnected interrupt?
beq.s @notFree ;
bclr.b #FCIntPend, G_State96(a4) ; clear the FC Int pend flag
bclr.b #NeedMsgOut, G_State96(a4) ; and Message_Out
bset.b #PendBusFree,G_State96(a4)
bclr.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; and Command expected flags
move.b zeroReg, G_State(a4) ; clear fake
move.l zeroReg, G_FakeStat(a4) ; clear fake
bclr.b #SelMsgOut,G_State96(a4) ; <H3> from last <H3>
moveq.l #noErr, d0
moveq.l #scCommErr, d0 ; comm error
bra.s @badGetMsg
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0
move.l #0, G_FakeStat(a4) ; Set to a fake stat
tst.l d0 ; set the condition code
; SendMsg - Send a message byte to the target (in d2 on entry)
; This proc assumes that the ATTENTION line has been asserted via SEL w/ ATN.
; Note that only 1 msg byte can be sent via this method.
; Entry:
; --> d2 message byte to send
; --> a3 base address of 53c96
; Exit:
; <-- d0 result code
; Uses: d0, d1, d3
; Error Codes:
; noErr, scCommErr, scPhaseErr
btst.b #NeedMsgOut,G_State96(a4) ; did we send a Select w/ATN?
beq.w @unexpected ; no - just phase err out of here then
move.b #iMsgOut, d1 ; set up wait for message phase
jsr Wt4DREQorInt_BIOS
beq.w @gotInt ; if we got an interrupt, something's wrong
move.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; get phase value
and.b #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
cmpi.b #iMsgOut, d3 ; are we in MsgOut phase already?
bne.w @phaseErr ;
@inPhase ; We probably got here from Select w/ATN which means
; ATN is deasserted prior to transfer of msg byte
btst.l #bIDENT,d2 ; <H3> thru next <H3>
bne.s @useFIFO ; if we are sending x80 then we don't want
; to flush the fifo with the dma write
move.b d2, rDMA(a3) ; xfer msg byte
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
btst.l #bDSC+16,d5 ; was there a disconnected interrupt?
beq.s @moreMsg ;
bclr.b #FCIntPend, G_State96(a4) ; clear the FC Int pend flag
bclr.b #SelInProg, G_State96(a4) ; and clear the SelectInProgress flag
bclr.b #NeedMsgOut, G_State96(a4) ; and Message_Out
bclr.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; and Command expected flags
bset.b #PendBusFree,G_State96(a4)
move.b zeroReg, G_State(a4) ; clear fake
move.l zeroReg, G_FakeStat(a4) ; clear fake
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; no error
tst.w d0 ; return results in status register
andi.b #$BF,d2 ; get rid of disconnect priviledge
move.b d2, rFFO(a3) ; xfer msg byte
bset.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; and Command expected flags
bclr.b #PendBusFree,G_State96(a4)
bra.s @noErr
; if we have reached here then we have successfully sent our msg byte out and the
; drive is either going into Cmd phase or MsgIn phase (rejecting the message)
bset.b #SelMsgOut,G_State96(a4) ;
bclr.b #NeedMsgOut,G_State96(a4) ;
move.b d5,d3
and.b #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
cmpi.b #iCommand,d3
bne.s @setMsgIn
bset.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; and Command expected flags
bclr.b #PendBusFree,G_State96(a4)
bra.s @noErr
@setMsgIn ;
bclr.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; and Command expected flags
bset.b #PendBusFree,G_State96(a4)
bra.s @noErr ; <H3> from last <H3>
@unexpected ; wait for 256mS for correct phase
jsr HandleSelInProg_BIOS
bne.s @phaseErr
moveq.l #0, d1 ; clear upper word
move.w TimeSCSIDB, d1 ; get # of DBRAs
lsl.l #8, d1 ; multiply by 256
move.l d1, d3 ; ...a 256mS wait
swap d3
move.b rSTA(a3), d3 ; get phase value
and.b #iPhaseMsk, d3 ; load mask bits for phase value
cmpi.b #iMsgOut, d3 ; are we in MsgOut phase already?
beq.s @inPhase ; yes - send byte
dbra d1, @1 ;
dbra d3, @1 ; loop until done
@gotInt ;
bclr.b #FCIntPend, G_State96(a4) ; clear the FC Int pend flag
bclr.b #SelInProg, G_State96(a4) ; and clear the SelectInProgress flag
bclr.b #NeedMsgOut, G_State96(a4) ; and Message_Out
bclr.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; and Command expected flags
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; phase error
bra.s @clrATN ;
moveq.l #scCommErr, d0 ; comm error
bra.s @clrATN ;
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; no error
and.w #$FFFF-aATN,G_FakeStat(a4) ; clear fake ATN bit!
tst.w d0 ; return results in status register
; CyclePhase_96 -- we may have to discard data or write filler bytes to get to
; the desired phase, status phase.
; This routine is broken into two main sections; standard I/O and psuedo-DMA. The DMA
; sequence is used in case we are in the middle of a failed DMA transfer which left the
; transfer count nonzero. We only have to handle psuedo-DMA in data phase. All other
; phases (and normal I/O mode data phase) are handled 1 byte at a time by individual
; phase handling code with, after each byte, returns to check the next phase to see
; where to go next.
; Phase Action
; Command: We send as many EE bytes as needed to get out of phase. If the select sequence
; flag 'NeedCmdSent' is set, it turns out that the chip will do the fill by itself
; once we send 1 rDMA byte (thereby completing the transfer) using
; rDMA. We also set the flag 'FCIntPend' bit if 'NeedCmdSent' was set.
; Msg_Out: We send as many 08(NOP) bytes as needed to get out of phase. If the select
; sequence flag 'NeedMsgOut' flag is set we set the flag 'NeedCmdSent' and continue.
; Data_In: We bitbucket as many bytes as needed to clear phase.
; Data_Out: We send as many EE bytes as needed to get out of phase.
; Note: We need to check if the SCSIMgr is busy in order to differentiate between
; IDLE bus phase and DATA OUT phase. They both have phase value = 0.
; Uses: d0
CyclePhase_96_BIOS ; (accessed thru jvCyclePhase)
btst.b #scBusy, G_State(a4) ; check if SCSIMgr is active
beq.s @xferErr ; bra. if not
@checkNextPhase ;
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; load mask bits for phase value
and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; get phase bits
cmp #iDataIn, d0 ;
beq.s @inDataPhase ;
cmp #iDataOut, d0 ;
beq.s @inDataPhase ;
cmp #iCommand, d0 ;
beq.s @shoveCommand ;
cmp #iMsgOut, d0 ;
beq.w @shoveMsgOut ;
cmp #iMsgIn, d0 ;
beq.w @bitbucketMsgIn ;
cmp #iStatus, d0 ;
bne.s @xferErr
move.w #scComplPhaseErr, d0 ; tell SCSIComplete we had to read/write junk
rts ; err code is saved
@xferErr ;
clr.l d0 ; no recovery
; If data phase, check if we have been transferring with psuedo-DMA, if so, continue.
move.b rCMD(a3), d1 ; what was our most recent command?
cmp.b #cDMAXfer, d1 ; IF command was DMAXfer AND É
bne.s @notDMA ;
tst.b rXCL(a3) ; Éthere are outstanding pDMA transfers É
bne.w @pDMA ; THEN go finish them up with psuedo-DMA
tst.b rXCM(a3)
bne.w @pDMA
cmp.b #iDataOut, d0 ; ELSE É what phase?
beq.s @shoveDataOut ; data_out - shove data using IO xfers
;; bra.s @bitbucketData ; data_in - bit bucket using normal IO xfers
; Grab and bit bucket a data_in bytes until we've gone into another phase
bsr.l Xfer1Byte ; xfer 1 byte and wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bne.s @xferErr ; bra. on xfer error
move.b rFFO(a3), d0 ; just empty the FIFO
bra.s @checkNextPhase
; Dump out data_out bytes until we've gone into another phase
move.b #$EE, rFFO(a3) ; load filler byte into FIFO
bsr.l Xfer1Byte ; xfer 1 byte and wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bne.s @xferErr ; bra. on xfer error
bra.s @checkNextPhase
; Dump out Command bytes until we've gone into another phase
bclr.b #NeedCmdSent, G_State96(a4) ; did we expect this?
beq.s @nonDMA ; no - bra, do xfer using FIFO
move.b #$EE, rDMA(a3) ; yes - use DMA (since chip is waiting for it)
bset.b #FCIntPend,G_State96(a4) ; we took care of cmd, now expect FC interrupt
bsr.l WaitForSCSIIntrp ; Wait for intrp w/ timeout
beq.s @timedOut ; bra if timedout
bclr.b #FCIntPend, G_State96(a4) ; clear the FC Int pend flag
bclr.b #SelInProg, G_State96(a4) ; clear the select in progress flag
@timedOut ; if we timed out, something's haywire
bra.s @2 ; trying again is as good as anything else
move.b #$EE, rFFO(a3) ; load filler byte into FIFO
bsr.l Xfer1Byte ; xfer 1 byte and wait for intrp w/o timeout
bne.s @xferErr ; bra. on xfer error
bra.s @checkNextPhase
; Dump out message_out bytes until we've gone into another phase
move.b #$08, rFFO(a3) ; load filler byte into FIFO (NOP message)
bclr.b #NeedMsgOut, G_State96(a4) ; did we expect this?
beq.s @needXferCmd ; no - branch
bset.b #NeedCmdSent,G_State96(a4) ; yes - taking care of MsgOut, now we need cmd
bra.s @skipXferCmd
bsr.l Xfer1Byte ; xfer 1 byte and wait for intrp w/o timeout
bne.s @xferErr ; bra. on xfer error
bra.s @checkNextPhase
; Grab and bit bucket message bytes until we've gone into another phase
bsr.l Xfer1Byte ; xfer 1 byte and wait for intrp w/o timeout
bne.s @xferErr ; bra. on xfer error
move.b rFFO(a3), d0 ; just empty the FIFO
move.b #cMsgAcep, rCMD(a3) ; load msg accepted code which de-asserts ACK
bsr.l WaitForSCSIIntrp ; Wait for intrp w/ timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bra.s @checkNextPhase
; Use pseudo-DMA to clean up pending pDMA transfers ie. recovery from bus timeout <JMA> to next <JMA>
; It is entirely possible that we might have to use non-pDMA to complete the cleanup
; which is what the upper half of cyclePhase does.
move.l G_SCSIDREQ(a4), a0 ; G_SCSIDREQ contains DREQ regr address
moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ;
and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ;
cmp #iDataOut, d0 ; what phase?
beq.s @pDMAwrite ; data_out - pDMAwrite
;; bra.s @pDMAread ; data_in - pDMAread
; Read data bytes using DMA until DREQ goes away
btst.b #bINT, rSTA(a3) ; poll for intrp hopefully from TC zero
bne.s @readAll ; bra. if we got one
move.l (a0), d5 ; read DAFB SCSI DREQ
move.b G_bitDREQ(a4),d0 ; load DREQ bit position
btst.l d0, d5 ; DREQ ?
beq.s @pDMAread ; bra. if inactive
move.w rDMA(a3), d5 ; bit-bucket data
bra.s @pDMAread
@readAll ; Intrp will occur when REQ is asserted for the next phase
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
bra.s @pDMADone ; check if we reached status phase
; Write data bytes using DMA until DREQ goes away
btst.b #bINT, rSTA(a3) ; poll for intrp hopefully from TC zero
bne.s @writeAll ; bra. if we filled all data
move.l (a0), d5 ; read DAFB SCSI DREQ
move.b G_bitDREQ(a4),d0 ; load DREQ bit position
btst.l d0, d5 ; DREQ ?
beq.s @pDMAwrite ; bra. if inactive
move.w #$EEEE, rDMA(a3) ; load filler data into FIFO
bra.s @pDMAwrite
@writeAll ; Intrp will occur when REQ is asserted for the next phase
bsr.l WaitForIntNoTime ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout
; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA
; Check for next phase to cycle out of
bra.w @checkNextPhase ; go check for next phase to cycle out of
; Error_BIOS -- proc call by most top level SCSI proc when an error occurs
; Primarily for debugging.
; Called by: SCSISelect(S/D,ATN), SCSICmd, SCSIRead(Slow/Fast), SCSIWrite(Slow/Fast),
; SCSIComp(Slow/Fast), SCSIMsgIn, SCSIMsgOut, SCSIComplete
; d0 -> SCSI error code
; d6 -> SCSI proc ID
; Uses: a0
movea.l jvErr(a4), a0 ; get address of error routine
jsr (a0) ;
; SCSIErr -- Primarily for debugging.
rts ;
; TestForDREQ
; This is good for a one time only test. If the value of DREQ
; needs to be determined in a loop, use something else.
move.l G_SCSIDREQ(a4), a0 ; G_SCSIDREQ contains DREQ regr address
move.l (a0), d5 ; read DAFB regr
move.b G_bitDREQ(a4),d0 ; load DREQ bit position
btst.l d0, d5 ; DREQ ?