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synced 2025-01-04 17:32:51 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
198 lines
7.3 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
198 lines
7.3 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
Created: Tuesday, July 30, 1991 at 11:02 AM
Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1991
All rights reserved
This file is used in these builds: Mac32 BigBang Sys606
Change History (most recent first):
<4> 7/30/91 JL Updated Copyright. Restored comments.
<3> 1/27/91 LN Checked in Database generate file from DSG.
<2> 10/10/90 JL Adding constants for consistency with C header.
To Do:
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingADSP := 1}
{$SETC ADSPIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingAppleTalk}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)AppleTalk.p}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := ADSPIncludes}
{ driver control ioResults }
errRefNum = -1280; { bad connection refNum }
errAborted = -1279; { control call was aborted }
errState = -1278; { bad connection state for this operation }
errOpening = -1277; { open connection request failed }
errAttention = -1276; { attention message too long }
errFwdReset = -1275; { read terminated by forward reset }
errDSPQueueSize = -1274; { DSP Read/Write Queue Too small }
errOpenDenied = -1273; { open connection request was denied }
{driver control csCodes}
dspInit = 255; { create a new connection end }
dspRemove = 254; { remove a connection end }
dspOpen = 253; { open a connection }
dspClose = 252; { close a connection }
dspCLInit = 251; { create a connection listener }
dspCLRemove = 250; { remove a connection listener }
dspCLListen = 249; { post a listener request }
dspCLDeny = 248; { deny an open connection request }
dspStatus = 247; { get status of connection end }
dspRead = 246; { read data from the connection }
dspWrite = 245; { write data on the connection }
dspAttention = 244; { send an attention message }
dspOptions = 243; { set connection end options }
dspReset = 242; { forward reset the connection }
dspNewCID = 241; { generate a cid for a connection end }
{ connection opening modes }
ocRequest = 1; { request a connection with remote }
ocPassive = 2; { wait for a connection request from remote }
ocAccept = 3; { accept request as delivered by listener }
ocEstablish = 4; { consider connection to be open }
{ connection end states }
sListening = 1; { for connection listeners }
sPassive = 2; { waiting for a connection request from remote }
sOpening = 3; { requesting a connection with remote }
sOpen = 4; { connection is open }
sClosing = 5; { connection is being torn down }
sClosed = 6; { connection end state is closed }
{ client event flags }
eClosed = $80; { received connection closed advice }
eTearDown = $40; { connection closed due to broken connection }
eAttention = $20; { received attention message }
eFwdReset = $10; { received forward reset advice }
{ miscellaneous constants }
attnBufSize = 570; { size of client attention buffer }
minDSPQueueSize = 100; { Minimum size of receive or send Queue }
{ connection control block }
ccbLink: TPCCB; { link to next ccb }
refNum: INTEGER; { user reference number }
state: INTEGER; { state of the connection end }
userFlags: Byte; { flags for unsolicited connection events }
localSocket: Byte; { socket number of this connection end }
remoteAddress: AddrBlock; { internet address of remote end }
attnCode: INTEGER; { attention code received }
attnSize: INTEGER; { size of received attention data }
attnPtr: Ptr; { ptr to received attention data }
reserved: PACKED ARRAY [1..220] OF Byte; { adsp internal use }
{ ADSP CntrlParam ioQElement , driver control call parameter block}
DSPPBPtr = ^DSPParamBlock;
qLink: QElemPtr;
ioTrap: INTEGER;
ioCmdAddr: Ptr;
ioCompletion: ProcPtr;
ioResult: OSErr;
ioNamePtr: StringPtr;
ioCRefNum: INTEGER; { adsp driver refNum }
csCode: INTEGER; { adsp driver control code }
qStatus: LONGINT; { adsp internal use }
ccbRefNum: INTEGER; { refnum of ccb }
(ccbPtr: TPCCB; {pointer to connection control block}
userRoutine: ProcPtr; {client routine to call on event}
sendQSize: INTEGER; {size of send queue (0..64K bytes)}
sendQueue: Ptr; {client passed send queue buffer}
recvQSize: INTEGER; {size of receive queue (0..64K bytes)}
recvQueue: Ptr; {client passed receive queue buffer}
attnPtr: Ptr; {client passed receive attention buffer}
localSocket: Byte; {local socket number}
filler1: Byte; {filler for proper byte alignment}
(localCID: INTEGER; {local connection id}
remoteCID: INTEGER; {remote connection id}
remoteAddress: AddrBlock; {address of remote end}
filterAddress: AddrBlock; {address filter}
sendSeq: LONGINT; {local send sequence number}
sendWindow: INTEGER; {send window size}
recvSeq: LONGINT; {receive sequence number}
attnSendSeq: LONGINT; {attention send sequence number}
attnRecvSeq: LONGINT; {attention receive sequence number}
ocMode: Byte; {open connection mode}
ocInterval: Byte; {open connection request retry interval}
ocMaximum: Byte; {open connection request retry maximum}
filler2: Byte; {filler for proper byte alignment}
(abort: Byte; {abort connection immediately if non-zero}
filler3: Byte; {filler for proper byte alignment}
(statusCCB: TPCCB; {pointer to ccb}
sendQPending: INTEGER; {pending bytes in send queue}
sendQFree: INTEGER; {available buffer space in send queue}
recvQPending: INTEGER; {pending bytes in receive queue}
recvQFree: INTEGER; {available buffer space in receive queue}
(reqCount: INTEGER; {requested number of bytes}
actCount: INTEGER; {actual number of bytes}
dataPtr: Ptr; {pointer to data buffer}
eom: Byte; {indicates logical end of message}
flush: Byte; {send data now}
(attnCode: INTEGER; {client attention code}
attnSize: INTEGER; {size of attention data}
attnData: Ptr; {pointer to attention data}
attnInterval: Byte; {retransmit timer in 10-tick intervals}
filler4: Byte; {filler for proper byte alignment}
(sendBlocking: INTEGER; {quantum for data packets}
sendTimer: Byte; {send timer in 10-tick intervals}
rtmtTimer: Byte; {retransmit timer in 10-tick intervals}
badSeqMax: Byte; {threshold for sending retransmit advice}
useCheckSum: Byte; {use ddp packet checksum}
(newCID: INTEGER; {new connection id returned}
{$ENDC} { UsingADSP }
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}