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File: CRMBuiltInSerial.c
Contains: Registers the Serial & Modem Ports with the CommResource Mgr
Written by: Byron Han
Copyright: <EFBFBD> 1988-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
This file is used in these builds: BigBang
Change History (most recent first):
<5> 1/27/91 gbm csd,#gbm-0001: Make failure to find an icon an okay situation.
Well, not exactly okay, but we'll make it not crash...
<4> 1/9/91 JDR (dba) Private Icon routines are now in IconUtilsPriv.h.
<3> 1/9/91 kaz <jng> Fixing bug in call to GetIconSuite: was passing an address
that could move. Get driver names from resources.
<2> 10/2/90 kaz Support for icon suites: uses IconUtils to Get the color icons.
<1> 4/11/90 BBH first checked into CommToolboxStartup project
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <IconUtilsPriv.h>
#include <CommResources.h>
#include <CRMSerialDevices.h>
#include <CommToolboxPriv.h>
#define portNameIndex 1 // 'STR#' indices
#define inputDriverIndex 2
#define outputDriverIndex 3
Handle MyGetString(short resID, short theIndex)
Str255 theString;
GetIndString(theString, resID, theIndex);
return((Handle) NewString(theString));
pascal void RegisterBuiltinPorts()
short i;
CRMRecPtr pCRMRec;
CRMSerialPtr pSerial;
Handle hIcon;
THz savedZone;
CRMIconHandle theCRMIcon;
for (i = (CTB_ModemIconID); i <= (CTB_PrinterIconID); i++) {
pCRMRec = (CRMRecPtr) NewPtrSysClear(sizeof(CRMRec));
pSerial = (CRMSerialPtr) NewPtrSysClear(sizeof(CRMSerialRecord));
pCRMRec->crmDeviceType = crmSerialDevice;
pCRMRec->crmAttributes = (long) pSerial;
pSerial->version = curCRMSerRecVers;
savedZone = GetZone();
// Get the new fangled icon suite
theCRMIcon = (CRMIconHandle) NewHandleSys(sizeof(CRMIconRecord));
(**theCRMIcon).theSuite = hIcon;
// Extract the old style icon & move into the struct
GetIconFromSuite(&hIcon, (**theCRMIcon).theSuite, 'ICN#');
if ((hIcon)&&(theCRMIcon))
BlockMove((Ptr) *hIcon, (Ptr) &((**theCRMIcon).oldIcon), sizeof(long) << 6); // icon & mask
(**theCRMIcon).reserved = 0;
// Get the names of the port & drivers
pSerial->name = MyGetString(i, portNameIndex);
pSerial->inputDriverName = MyGetString(i, inputDriverIndex);
pSerial->outputDriverName = MyGetString(i, outputDriverIndex);
pSerial->deviceIcon = theCRMIcon;
pSerial->ratedSpeed = 9600;
pSerial->maxSpeed = 57600;
CRMInstall( (QElemPtr) pCRMRec );