Elliot Nunn 0ba83392d4 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

94 lines
2.6 KiB

File: CRMBuiltInSerial.c
Contains: Registers the Serial & Modem Ports with the CommResource Mgr
Written by: Byron Han
Copyright: © 1988-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
This file is used in these builds: BigBang
Change History (most recent first):
<5> 1/27/91 gbm csd,#gbm-0001: Make failure to find an icon an okay situation.
Well, not exactly okay, but we'll make it not crash...
<4> 1/9/91 JDR (dba) Private Icon routines are now in IconUtilsPriv.h.
<3> 1/9/91 kaz <jng> Fixing bug in call to GetIconSuite: was passing an address
that could move. Get driver names from resources.
<2> 10/2/90 kaz Support for icon suites: uses IconUtils to Get the color icons.
<1> 4/11/90 BBH first checked into CommToolboxStartup project
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <IconUtilsPriv.h>
#include <CommResources.h>
#include <CRMSerialDevices.h>
#include <CommToolboxPriv.h>
#define portNameIndex 1 // 'STR#' indices
#define inputDriverIndex 2
#define outputDriverIndex 3
Handle MyGetString(short resID, short theIndex)
Str255 theString;
GetIndString(theString, resID, theIndex);
return((Handle) NewString(theString));
pascal void RegisterBuiltinPorts()
short i;
CRMRecPtr pCRMRec;
CRMSerialPtr pSerial;
Handle hIcon;
THz savedZone;
CRMIconHandle theCRMIcon;
for (i = (CTB_ModemIconID); i <= (CTB_PrinterIconID); i++) {
pCRMRec = (CRMRecPtr) NewPtrSysClear(sizeof(CRMRec));
pSerial = (CRMSerialPtr) NewPtrSysClear(sizeof(CRMSerialRecord));
pCRMRec->crmDeviceType = crmSerialDevice;
pCRMRec->crmAttributes = (long) pSerial;
pSerial->version = curCRMSerRecVers;
savedZone = GetZone();
// Get the new fangled icon suite
theCRMIcon = (CRMIconHandle) NewHandleSys(sizeof(CRMIconRecord));
(**theCRMIcon).theSuite = hIcon;
// Extract the old style icon & move into the struct
GetIconFromSuite(&hIcon, (**theCRMIcon).theSuite, 'ICN#');
if ((hIcon)&&(theCRMIcon))
BlockMove((Ptr) *hIcon, (Ptr) &((**theCRMIcon).oldIcon), sizeof(long) << 6); // icon & mask
(**theCRMIcon).reserved = 0;
// Get the names of the port & drivers
pSerial->name = MyGetString(i, portNameIndex);
pSerial->inputDriverName = MyGetString(i, inputDriverIndex);
pSerial->outputDriverName = MyGetString(i, outputDriverIndex);
pSerial->deviceIcon = theCRMIcon;
pSerial->ratedSpeed = 9600;
pSerial->maxSpeed = 57600;
CRMInstall( (QElemPtr) pCRMRec );