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include 'macintosh.a'
; segload.a
; Implements the C interface for segment loader register based traps.
; Note: routines appear in same order as "Inside Macintosh"
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1984-1988
; All rights reserved.
; Written by Dan Smith 15-Nov-84 (converted version of the pascal interface)
; Modifications:
; 11 Feb 88 KLH Changed C headers to work with new C compiler:
; Changed to using standard glue in Interface.o, so
; much glue removed from CInterface.o.
; *** MPW 3.0d4 ***
; void CountAppFiles(message,count)
; short *message,*count;
;;CountAppFiles proc EXPORT
;; move.l 8(sp),a1
;; clr (a1) ; set default count to 0
;; move.l AppParmHandle,a0 ; the app parm handle
;; _GetHandleSize ; are we real
;; ble.s CountEnd
;; move.l (a0),a0 ; deref appParm Handle
;; move.l 4(sp),a1 ; ptr to message
;; move.w (a0)+,(a1) ; return the message
;; move.l 8(sp),a1
;; move.w (a0),(a1) ; return the count
;; rts
; void GetAppFiles(index,theFile)
; short index;
; AppFile *theFile;
; fType is set to all 0's if no next file was found or there is no file list
; AppFile = RECORD
; vRefNum: INTEGER;
; ftype: OsType;
; versNum: INTEGER; {versNum in high byte}
; fName: str255;
; end; {appFile}
; appParm has format: message (0/1) for load or print (2 bytes)
; # of entries (2 bytes)
; for each entry: volume refNum (2 bytes)
; type (4 bytes)
; version (2 bytes)
; name- padded to even
;;GetAppFiles func EXPORT
;; movem.l a2-a3,-(sp)
;; move.l 8+8(sp),a1 ; ptr to fileListElem
;; clr.l 2(a1) ; assume failure
;; move.l AppParmHandle,a0 ; get the application parameter handle
;; _GetHandleSize ; are we real?
;; ble.s getEnd
;; move.l (a0),a2 ; deref appParm Handle
;; addq #2,a2 ; skip the msg
;; move.w 6+8(sp),d1 ; which entry to go to
;; cmp (a2)+,d1 ; see if index within limit
;; bgt.s getEnd
;; subq #1,d1 ; make index zero based
;;getLoop blt.s getEnd ; are we done?
;; move.l a2,a0 ; where to copy from
;; moveq #2,d0
;; add.b 8(a0),d0 ; length of string
;; and #$FFFE,d0 ; evenize it
;; add #8,d0 ; also move refnum,type,versNum
;; add d0,a2 ; move to next
;; _BlockMove
;; subq #1,d1
;; bra.s getLoop
;;getEnd movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3 ; restore regs
;; rts
; void ClrAppFiles(index)
; short index;
;;ClrAppFiles proc EXPORT
;; move.l AppParmHandle,a0 ; get the application parameter handle
;; _GetHandleSize ; are we real?
;; ble.s clrEnd
;; move.l (a0),a0 ; deref appParm Handle
;; addq #2,a0 ; skip the msg
;; move.w 6(sp),d1 ; which entry to go to
;; cmp (a0)+,d1 ; see if index within limit
;; bgt.s clrEnd
;; subq #1,d1 ; make index zero based
;;clrLoop blt.s clrEnd ; are we done?
;; beq.s ClrType
;; moveq #2,d0
;; add.b 8(a0),d0 ; length of string
;; and #$FFFE,d0 ; evenize it
;; add #8,d0 ; also move refnum,type,versNum
;; add d0,a0 ; move to next
;; subq #1,d1
;; bra.s clrLoop
;;ClrType clr.l 2(a0)
;; rts
; void getappparms(apName,apRefNum,apParam)
; char *apName;
; short *apRefNum;
; Handle *apParam;
getappparms proc EXPORT
import p2cstr ; p2cstr(s) char *s;
move.l d2,-(sp) ; save register d2
move.l 8(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of first parameter
move.l 16(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of second parameter
move.l 24(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of third parameter
_GetAppParms ; trap to getappparms
move.l 8(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of first paramter
jsr p2cstr ; convert to C string
add.w #4,sp ; balance stack
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; restore register d2