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synced 2025-03-12 09:30:29 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
154 lines
4.3 KiB
154 lines
4.3 KiB
include 'macintosh.a'
; segload.a
; Implements the C interface for segment loader register based traps.
; Note: routines appear in same order as "Inside Macintosh"
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1984-1988
; All rights reserved.
; Written by Dan Smith 15-Nov-84 (converted version of the pascal interface)
; Modifications:
; 11 Feb 88 KLH Changed C headers to work with new C compiler:
; Changed to using standard glue in Interface.o, so
; much glue removed from CInterface.o.
; *** MPW 3.0d4 ***
; void CountAppFiles(message,count)
; short *message,*count;
;;CountAppFiles proc EXPORT
;; move.l 8(sp),a1
;; clr (a1) ; set default count to 0
;; move.l AppParmHandle,a0 ; the app parm handle
;; _GetHandleSize ; are we real
;; ble.s CountEnd
;; move.l (a0),a0 ; deref appParm Handle
;; move.l 4(sp),a1 ; ptr to message
;; move.w (a0)+,(a1) ; return the message
;; move.l 8(sp),a1
;; move.w (a0),(a1) ; return the count
;; rts
; void GetAppFiles(index,theFile)
; short index;
; AppFile *theFile;
; fType is set to all 0's if no next file was found or there is no file list
; AppFile = RECORD
; vRefNum: INTEGER;
; ftype: OsType;
; versNum: INTEGER; {versNum in high byte}
; fName: str255;
; end; {appFile}
; appParm has format: message (0/1) for load or print (2 bytes)
; # of entries (2 bytes)
; for each entry: volume refNum (2 bytes)
; type (4 bytes)
; version (2 bytes)
; name- padded to even
;;GetAppFiles func EXPORT
;; movem.l a2-a3,-(sp)
;; move.l 8+8(sp),a1 ; ptr to fileListElem
;; clr.l 2(a1) ; assume failure
;; move.l AppParmHandle,a0 ; get the application parameter handle
;; _GetHandleSize ; are we real?
;; ble.s getEnd
;; move.l (a0),a2 ; deref appParm Handle
;; addq #2,a2 ; skip the msg
;; move.w 6+8(sp),d1 ; which entry to go to
;; cmp (a2)+,d1 ; see if index within limit
;; bgt.s getEnd
;; subq #1,d1 ; make index zero based
;;getLoop blt.s getEnd ; are we done?
;; move.l a2,a0 ; where to copy from
;; moveq #2,d0
;; add.b 8(a0),d0 ; length of string
;; and #$FFFE,d0 ; evenize it
;; add #8,d0 ; also move refnum,type,versNum
;; add d0,a2 ; move to next
;; _BlockMove
;; subq #1,d1
;; bra.s getLoop
;;getEnd movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3 ; restore regs
;; rts
; void ClrAppFiles(index)
; short index;
;;ClrAppFiles proc EXPORT
;; move.l AppParmHandle,a0 ; get the application parameter handle
;; _GetHandleSize ; are we real?
;; ble.s clrEnd
;; move.l (a0),a0 ; deref appParm Handle
;; addq #2,a0 ; skip the msg
;; move.w 6(sp),d1 ; which entry to go to
;; cmp (a0)+,d1 ; see if index within limit
;; bgt.s clrEnd
;; subq #1,d1 ; make index zero based
;;clrLoop blt.s clrEnd ; are we done?
;; beq.s ClrType
;; moveq #2,d0
;; add.b 8(a0),d0 ; length of string
;; and #$FFFE,d0 ; evenize it
;; add #8,d0 ; also move refnum,type,versNum
;; add d0,a0 ; move to next
;; subq #1,d1
;; bra.s clrLoop
;;ClrType clr.l 2(a0)
;; rts
; void getappparms(apName,apRefNum,apParam)
; char *apName;
; short *apRefNum;
; Handle *apParam;
getappparms proc EXPORT
import p2cstr ; p2cstr(s) char *s;
move.l d2,-(sp) ; save register d2
move.l 8(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of first parameter
move.l 16(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of second parameter
move.l 24(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of third parameter
_GetAppParms ; trap to getappparms
move.l 8(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of first paramter
jsr p2cstr ; convert to C string
add.w #4,sp ; balance stack
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; restore register d2