mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 14:29:53 +00:00
Annotate ExpandMemRec field offsets
This commit is contained in:
@ -214,229 +214,296 @@ IntRegsSize equ 8*4 ; size of IntRegs in bytes - must change if IntRegs cha
; Extended Low Memory area available on all machines
ExpandMemRec RECORD 0
emVersion DS.W 1 ; version of expanded memory
emSize DS.L 1 ; length of em
emIntlGlobals DS.L 1 ; international globals pointer
emKeyDeadState DS.L 1 ; Key1Trans, Key2Trans dead state
emKeyCache DS.L 1 ; KCHR keyboard cache
emIntlDef DS.L 1 ; Reserved for Intl
emFirstKeyboard ds.b 1 ; flag byte
emAlign ds.b 1 ; long-align until we need this storage
emVersion DS.W 1 ; 000 ; version of expanded memory
emSize DS.L 1 ; 002 ; length of em
emIntlGlobals DS.L 1 ; 006 ; international globals pointer
emKeyDeadState DS.L 1 ; 00a ; Key1Trans, Key2Trans dead state
emKeyCache DS.L 1 ; 00e ; KCHR keyboard cache
emIntlDef DS.L 1 ; 012 ; Reserved for Intl
emFirstKeyboard ds.b 1 ; 016 ; flag byte
emAlign ds.b 1 ; 017 ; long-align until we need this storage
emItlCacheSize equ 16 ; bytes in cache
emItlCache ds.b emItlCacheSize ; reserve room for cache
emItlNeedUnlock ds.b 1 ; for pack6
emItlDontUnlockYet ds.b 1 ; for pack6 <56>
emItlFiller ds.b 2 ; Reserved room
emScriptsInstalled ds.b 1 ; number of installed scripts
emTwoCursorsFlag ds.w 1 ; indicates split cursor and if emCursor2Rect is high cursor
emCursor2Rect ds.w 4 ; top, left, bottom, right edges of split cursor: initialized to 0
emFmtOrderHFlag ds.b 1 ; flag to indicate a handle was allocated
emDirection ds.l 1 ; direction param for C2P for both offsets
emMeasureLine ds.b 1 ; flag that says to measure the whole line
emCleanWordBrk ds.l 1 ; storage for 32-bit clean defWordBrk address
emNewFont ds.b 1 ; textStyle.tsFont: the only field I fill in
emNewStyle ds.w 4 ; SetRsrved params: flag.b, textStylePtr.l, mode.w
emBufferHandle ds.l 1 ; handle for text buffering
emUnsynchedFlag ds.b 1 ; indicates unsynched keyboard and font
emTExtra ds.b 3 ; extra TE bytes
emBufferLen ds.w 1 ; length of text in buffer
emSERDVars ds.l 1 ; Serial Driver Globals
emGestalt ds.l 1 ; Gestalt Globals
emLayoutGlobals ds.l 1 ; Layout Mgr Globals
emTSMGlobals ds.l 1 ; Text-Service Mgr Globals
emSplineKey ds.l 1 ; Bass Fonts Globals
emSnarfGlobals ds.l 1 ; Snarf Man
emLAPGlobals ds.l 1 ; AppleTalk globals
emLMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; LAP Mgr globals
emHelpGlobals ds.l 1 ; Help Mgr Globals
emPPCGlobals ds.l 1 ; PPC Mgr globals
emDataPub ds.l 1 ; Data Publications globals
emReliability ds.l 1 ; Reliability manager globals
emjRunSlotHandlrs ds.l 1 ; for slot mgrs
emFolderCache ds.l 1 ; used by Folder Manager
emItlCache ds.b emItlCacheSize ; 018 ; reserve room for cache
emItlNeedUnlock ds.b 1 ; 028 ; for pack6
emItlDontUnlockYet ds.b 1 ; 029 ; for pack6 <56>
emItlFiller ds.b 2 ; 02a ; Reserved room
emScriptsInstalled ds.b 1 ; 02c ; number of installed scripts
emTwoCursorsFlag ds.w 1 ; 02e ; indicates split cursor and if emCursor2Rect is high cursor
emCursor2Rect ds.w 4 ; 030 ; top, left, bottom, right edges of split cursor: initialized to 0
emFmtOrderHFlag ds.b 1 ; 038 ; flag to indicate a handle was allocated
emDirection ds.l 1 ; 03a ; direction param for C2P for both offsets
emMeasureLine ds.b 1 ; 03e ; flag that says to measure the whole line
emCleanWordBrk ds.l 1 ; 040 ; storage for 32-bit clean defWordBrk address
emNewFont ds.b 1 ; 044 ; textStyle.tsFont: the only field I fill in
emNewStyle ds.w 4 ; 046 ; SetRsrved params: flag.b, textStylePtr.l, mode.w
emBufferHandle ds.l 1 ; 04e ; handle for text buffering
emUnsynchedFlag ds.b 1 ; 052 ; indicates unsynched keyboard and font
emTExtra ds.b 3 ; 053 ; extra TE bytes
emBufferLen ds.w 1 ; 056 ; length of text in buffer
emSERDVars ds.l 1 ; 058 ; Serial Driver Globals
emGestalt ds.l 1 ; 05c ; Gestalt Globals
emLayoutGlobals ds.l 1 ; 060 ; Layout Mgr Globals
emTSMGlobals ds.l 1 ; 064 ; Text-Service Mgr Globals
emSplineKey ds.l 1 ; 068 ; Bass Fonts Globals
emSnarfGlobals ds.l 1 ; 06c ; Snarf Man
emLAPGlobals ds.l 1 ; 070 ; AppleTalk globals
emLMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; 074 ; LAP Mgr globals
emHelpGlobals ds.l 1 ; 078 ; Help Mgr Globals
emPPCGlobals ds.l 1 ; 07c ; PPC Mgr globals
emDataPub ds.l 1 ; 080 ; Data Publications globals
emReliability ds.l 1 ; 084 ; Reliability manager globals
emjRunSlotHandlrs ds.l 1 ; 088 ; for slot mgrs
emFolderCache ds.l 1 ; 08c ; used by Folder Manager
vDoErase ds.l 1
vCaretDisplay ds.l 1 ; Used by TextEdit for vectors
vGetLRPosition ds.l 1 ; to patch Rom
vGetRLPosition ds.l 1
vOnLineEnd ds.l 1
vCaretInsideRun ds.l 1
vSetDirection ds.l 1
vGetDirection ds.l 1
vGetStylesInOrder ds.l 1
vteGetFormatOrder ds.l 1
vGetWidth ds.l 1
vGetCurScript ds.l 1
vOnSameLine ds.l 1
vMeasureWidth ds.l 1
vMeasureWholeRun ds.l 1
vHiliteLineEnds ds.l 1
vInvrtRectangle ds.l 1
vPixelWidths ds.l 1
vTEBufferText ds.l 1
vDumpBuffer ds.l 1
vCursorMovement ds.l 1
vTestRunDirection ds.l 1
vBufferChar ds.l 1
vSetFont2Keyboard ds.l 1
vSetKeyboard2Font ds.l 1
vStyleGuts ds.l 1
vConcatRuns ds.l 1
vDoErase ds.l 1 ; 090
vCaretDisplay ds.l 1 ; 094 ; Used by TextEdit for vectors
vGetLRPosition ds.l 1 ; 098 ; to patch Rom
vGetRLPosition ds.l 1 ; 09c
vOnLineEnd ds.l 1 ; 0a0
vCaretInsideRun ds.l 1 ; 0a4
vSetDirection ds.l 1 ; 0a8
vGetDirection ds.l 1 ; 0ac
vGetStylesInOrder ds.l 1 ; 0b0
vteGetFormatOrder ds.l 1 ; 0b4
vGetWidth ds.l 1 ; 0b8
vGetCurScript ds.l 1 ; 0bc
vOnSameLine ds.l 1 ; 0c0
vMeasureWidth ds.l 1 ; 0c4
vMeasureWholeRun ds.l 1 ; 0c8
vHiliteLineEnds ds.l 1 ; 0cc
vInvrtRectangle ds.l 1 ; 0d0
vPixelWidths ds.l 1 ; 0d4
vTEBufferText ds.l 1 ; 0d8
vDumpBuffer ds.l 1 ; 0dc
vCursorMovement ds.l 1 ; 0e0
vTestRunDirection ds.l 1 ; 0e4
vBufferChar ds.l 1 ; 0e8
vSetFont2Keyboard ds.l 1 ; 0ec
vSetKeyboard2Font ds.l 1 ; 0f0
vStyleGuts ds.l 1 ; 0f4
vConcatRuns ds.l 1 ; 0f8
resourceMgrDirID ds.l 1 ; dirID one-shot for Resource Mgr
emLAPAGlobals ds.l 1 ; LAP Mgr (router) globals
emMailGlobals ds.l 1 ; AppleMail globals
emADASGlobals ds.l 1 ; ADAS globals
resourceMgrDirID ds.l 1 ; 0fc ; dirID one-shot for Resource Mgr
emLAPAGlobals ds.l 1 ; 100 ; LAP Mgr (router) globals
emMailGlobals ds.l 1 ; 104 ; AppleMail globals
emADASGlobals ds.l 1 ; 108 ; ADAS globals
emELAPGlobals ds.l 1 ; EtherTalk LAP globals
emELAPGlobals ds.l 1 ; 10c ; EtherTalk LAP globals
soundMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; one global for ALL machines
soundMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; 110 ; one global for ALL machines
emWindowListGlobals ds.l 1 ; <52> globals for layerless windowing
emWindowListGlobals ds.l 1 ; 114 ; <52> globals for layerless windowing
emDragGlobals ds.l 1 ; <64> globals for dragging stuff (in Finder, etc)
emDragGlobals ds.l 1 ; 118 ; <64> globals for dragging stuff (in Finder, etc)
emFSCommon ds.l 1 ; <68> globals for FSCommon Library Modules
emButtonMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; <52> <70> globals for Button Manager (Not enUnused1 anymore)
emFSCommon ds.l 1 ; 11c ; <68> globals for FSCommon Library Modules
emButtonMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; 120 ; <52> <70> globals for Button Manager (Not enUnused1 anymore)
emPack8Globals ds.w 1 ; <52> globals for Apple Event Manager package
emPack9Globals ds.w 1 ; <52> globals for PPC Browser package
emPack8Globals ds.w 1 ; 124 ; <52> globals for Apple Event Manager package
emPack9Globals ds.w 1 ; 126 ; <52> globals for PPC Browser package
emProcessMgrExists ds.w 1 ; <58> true when Process Mgr is running
emProcessMgrExists ds.w 1 ; 128 ; <58> true when Process Mgr is running
emPack11Globals ds.w 1 ; <52> globals for Edition Manager package
emPack11Globals ds.w 1 ; 12a ; <52> globals for Edition Manager package
emWindowMgrFlags ds.w 1 ; <77> flags to speed CheckUpdateIn (previously emUnused2)
emWindowMgrFlags ds.w 1 ; 12c ; <77> flags to speed CheckUpdateIn (previously emUnused2)
emPack13Globals ds.w 1 ; <52> globals for Data Access Manager package
emPack14Globals ds.w 1 ; <52> globals for Balloon Help package
emPack13Globals ds.w 1 ; 12e ; <52> globals for Data Access Manager package
emPack14Globals ds.w 1 ; 130 ; <52> globals for Balloon Help package
emResrvMemSemaphore ds.l 1 ; Semaphore for ResrvMem moved to here. Used to be emUnused4. <57>
emResrvMemSemaphore ds.l 1 ; 132 ; Semaphore for ResrvMem moved to here. Used to be emUnused4. <57>
emPack15Globals ds.w 1 ; <52> globals for Picture Utilities package
emPack15Globals ds.w 1 ; 136 ; <52> globals for Picture Utilities package
emSerialMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; <70> globals for Serial Manager (one long out of emUnused3)
emLanguagePackGlobals ds.l 1 ; <71> globals for LanguagePackExtension (one long out of emUnused3)
emSerialMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; 138 ; <70> globals for Serial Manager (one long out of emUnused3)
emLanguagePackGlobals ds.l 1 ; 13c ; <71> globals for LanguagePackExtension (one long out of emUnused3)
emStartTicks ds.l 1 ; PN global used by ListMgrPack
emStartTicks ds.l 1 ; 140 ; PN global used by ListMgrPack
emRectRgn ds.l 1 ; <SM10> global used by WindowMgr routine <PN>
emRectRgn ds.l 1 ; 144 ; <SM10> global used by WindowMgr routine <PN>
emPPCPromptForUserGlobals ds.l 1 ; <59> global used by PPCÕs PromptForUser routine
emPPCPromptForUserGlobals ds.l 1 ; 148 ; <59> global used by PPCÕs PromptForUser routine
emScrollSpeedGlobals ds.l 1 ; <58> global used by scroll speed throttling
emScrollSpeedGlobals ds.l 1 ; 14c ; <58> global used by scroll speed throttling
emDialogGlobals ds.l 1 ; <53> FM Dialog Manager Globals
emDialogGlobals ds.l 1 ; 150 ; <53> FM Dialog Manager Globals
emAppleEvents ds.l 1 ; Apple Events (switched for each application)
emAppleEvents ds.l 1 ; 154 ; Apple Events (switched for each application)
sysErrorUpdateRect ds.w 4 ; rectangle for updating after SysError box goes away
sysErrorUpdateRect ds.w 4 ; 158 ; rectangle for updating after SysError box goes away
emItlSysCachePtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to system itl cache <7><20>
emScriptMapPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to script mapping/sorting data <8>
emLangMapPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to language mapping/sorting data <8>
emItlSysCachePtr ds.l 1 ; 160 ; pointer to system itl cache <7><20>
emScriptMapPtr ds.l 1 ; 164 ; pointer to script mapping/sorting data <8>
emLangMapPtr ds.l 1 ; 168 ; pointer to language mapping/sorting data <8>
ds.l 1 ; was emNumer (obsolete), now unused <11><84>
ds.l 1 ; was emDenom (obsolete), now unused <11><84>
emIconCluts ds.l 1 ; Ptr to global icon info <13>
emScriptAppGlobals ds.l 1 ; Handle to application-specific script globals <16><20><21>
emAppleEventsGlobal ds.l 1 ; Apple Events/Apple Scripts global pointer (not switched) <22>
emEditionMgrPerApp ds.l 1 ; EditionMgr global (switched) <22>
ds.l 1 ; 16c ; was emNumer (obsolete), now unused <11><84>
ds.l 1 ; 170 ; was emDenom (obsolete), now unused <11><84>
emIconCluts ds.l 1 ; 174 ; Ptr to global icon info <13>
emScriptAppGlobals ds.l 1 ; 178 ; Handle to application-specific script globals <16><20><21>
emAppleEventsGlobal ds.l 1 ; 17c ; Apple Events/Apple Scripts global pointer (not switched) <22>
emEditionMgrPerApp ds.l 1 ; 180 ; EditionMgr global (switched) <22>
; Note: These vectors are not used by the local file system. They exist to provide a cleaner interface
; to AppleShare and FileShare. Thus, you can't change these vectors and assume that you're patching
; the file system. (This may change, however, so don't patch them expecting to only affect AppleShare and
; FileShare, either).
jSyncWait ds.l 1 ; points to the top of the HFS sync call spin loop <23>
jAfterFSQHook ds.l 1 ; points into FSQueue just after return from calling fsQueueHook <23>
jCmdDone ds.l 1 ; points to the top of File System Command Done processing <23>
jDispatchNext ds.l 1 ; point into code where the FS checks for another call to process <23>
jSCSIFreeHook ds.l 1 ; vector called by SCSI Mgr every time it frees the bus
jSyncWait ds.l 1 ; 184 ; points to the top of the HFS sync call spin loop <23>
jAfterFSQHook ds.l 1 ; 188 ; points into FSQueue just after return from calling fsQueueHook <23>
jCmdDone ds.l 1 ; 18c ; points to the top of File System Command Done processing <23>
jDispatchNext ds.l 1 ; 190 ; point into code where the FS checks for another call to process <23>
jSCSIFreeHook ds.l 1 ; 194 ; vector called by SCSI Mgr every time it frees the bus
; this vector is used by the File System to complete SCSI Busy deferrals
; routines to manage the sound interrupt source
jSetupSoundInterrupt ds.l 1
jSuspendSoundInterrupt ds.l 1
jResumeSoundInterrupt ds.l 1
jAcknowledgeSoundInterrupt ds.l 1
jSetupSoundInterrupt ds.l 1 ; 198
jSuspendSoundInterrupt ds.l 1 ; 19c
jResumeSoundInterrupt ds.l 1 ; 1a0
jAcknowledgeSoundInterrupt ds.l 1 ; 1a4
; lomem for PaintOne and PaintBehind flag
ancestorRgnsCalced ds.w 1
ancestorRgnsCalced ds.w 1 ; 1a8
emSndPrimitives ds.l 1 ; points to a vector table of sound primitive routines <30>
emSndPrimitives ds.l 1 ; 1aa ; points to a vector table of sound primitive routines <30>
emMinSysHeapFreeSpace ds.l 1 ; contains a minimum memory value for sysheap free after allocations <31>
emMinSysHeapFreeSpace ds.l 1 ; 1ae ; contains a minimum memory value for sysheap free after allocations <31>
emHwPrivTable ds.l 1 ; Ptr to a jump table for HwPriv's selectors <36>
emKeyTMTaskPtr ds.l 1 ; Ptr to a TimeMgr task that Eclipse Keyswitch uses to shut down <36>
emHwPrivTable ds.l 1 ; 1b2 ; Ptr to a jump table for HwPriv's selectors <36>
emKeyTMTaskPtr ds.l 1 ; 1b6 ; Ptr to a TimeMgr task that Eclipse Keyswitch uses to shut down <36>
emMessageManagerGlobals ds.l 3 ; Globals for the new message manager <32>
emMessageManagerGlobals ds.l 3 ; 1ba ; Globals for the new message manager <32>
emDictionaryMgrPackHandle ds.l 1 ; handle to the package code <37>
emDictionaryMgrUseCount ds.w 1 ; pack use count for ProcHelper
emDictionaryMgrPackHandle ds.l 1 ; 1c6 ; handle to the package code <37>
emDictionaryMgrUseCount ds.w 1 ; 1ca ; pack use count for ProcHelper
emWorldScriptIIPrintingGlobals ds.l 1 ; <66> it is now used by WS II printing stuff, so don't use it
emHasMultiScript ds.w 1 ; true when non-Roman script system is installed. (but false until the Process Mgr is initialized)
emWorldScriptIIPrintingGlobals ds.l 1 ; 1cc ; <66> it is now used by WS II printing stuff, so don't use it
emHasMultiScript ds.w 1 ; 1d0 ; true when non-Roman script system is installed. (but false until the Process Mgr is initialized)
emResourceCache ds.l 1 ; Information for calls to _CountResources and _GetIndResource
emLastMapOverridden ds.w 1 ; Reference number of last resource map that was overriden
emOverrideMapRefNum ds.w 1 ; Reference number of override map
emScanOverrideMaps ds.w 1 ; Boolean determining whether or not override maps are scanned for resources
emResourceCache ds.l 1 ; 1d2 ; Information for calls to _CountResources and _GetIndResource
emLastMapOverridden ds.w 1 ; 1d6 ; Reference number of last resource map that was overriden
emOverrideMapRefNum ds.w 1 ; 1d8 ; Reference number of override map
emScanOverrideMaps ds.w 1 ; 1da ; Boolean determining whether or not override maps are scanned for resources
emPrintingGlobals ds.l 1 ; Tsunami Printing Manager non-swapped printing globals <41>
emPrintingGlobals ds.l 1 ; 1dc ; Tsunami Printing Manager non-swapped printing globals <41>
emCursorGlobals ds.l 1 ; Ptr to CursorDev globals <46>
emCursorGlobals ds.l 1 ; 1e0 ; Ptr to CursorDev globals <46>
emButtonIntGlobals ds.l 1 ; Ptr to Button Interrupt globals. previously Ptr to "real" SwapMMUMode routine <SM22> CSS
emButtonIntGlobals ds.l 1 ; 1e4 ; Ptr to Button Interrupt globals. previously Ptr to "real" SwapMMUMode routine <SM22> CSS
emAppleTalkInactiveOnBoot ds.w 1 ; True if AppleTalk was inactive on boot <48>
emAppleTalkInactiveOnBoot ds.w 1 ; 1e8 ; True if AppleTalk was inactive on boot <48>
emOpenFontFiles ds.w 1 ; Count of open font files in the Fonts folder. <49>
emOpenFontFiles ds.w 1 ; 1ea ; Count of open font files in the Fonts folder. <49>
emLowMemoryPrintingGlobals ds.l 1 ; Handle to globals used by LowMemoryPrintingPatches <50>
emLowMemoryPrintingGlobals ds.l 1 ; 1ec ; Handle to globals used by LowMemoryPrintingPatches <50>
emNetBootGlobals ds.l 1 ; Handle to globals used by emNetBootGlobals for Network Booting and Appletalk stuff. <65>
emNetBootGlobals ds.l 1 ; 1f0 ; Handle to globals used by emNetBootGlobals for Network Booting and Appletalk stuff. <65>
emFndrDeskRgn ds.l 1 ; Handle to region maintained by Bungee Finder if fndrDeskRgnTracking is true <67> <69>
emFndrDeskRgn ds.l 1 ; 1f4 ; Handle to region maintained by Bungee Finder if fndrDeskRgnTracking is true <67> <69>
emFndrDeskRgnTracking ds.w 1 ; If true, the Bungee Finder will keep an up-to-date region handle in fndrDeskRgn of the icons on the desktop <67> <69>
emFndrDeskRgnTracking ds.w 1 ; 1f8 ; If true, the Bungee Finder will keep an up-to-date region handle in fndrDeskRgn of the icons on the desktop <67> <69>
emFndrDeskRgnChange ds.w 1 ; Always incremented by the Bungee Finder for every change made to the desktop <67> <69>
emFndrDeskRgnChange ds.w 1 ; 1fa ; Always incremented by the Bungee Finder for every change made to the desktop <67> <69>
emDisplayManagerGlobals ds.l 1 ; Pointer to globals used by Display Manager
emDisplayManagerGlobals ds.l 1 ; 1fc ; Pointer to globals used by Display Manager
emTranslationMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; Pointer to globals used by Translation Manager (Macintosh Easy Open) <73>
emTranslationMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; 200 ; Pointer to globals used by Translation Manager (Macintosh Easy Open) <73>
emTingeInfo ds.l 1 ; Handle to color information kept by the Tinge Manager
emTingeInfo ds.l 1 ; 204 ; Handle to color information kept by the Tinge Manager
emIsDragging ds.b 1 ; Set within DragTheRgn and cleared before exiting; if true, HelpMgr
emIsDraggingSlop ds.b 3 ; patch in OSEventAvail is bypassed. <SM1>
emIsDragging ds.b 1 ; 208 ; Set within DragTheRgn and cleared before exiting; if true, HelpMgr
emIsDraggingSlop ds.b 3 ; 209 ; patch in OSEventAvail is bypassed. <SM1>
emRenoGlobals ds.l 1 ; Ptr to Reno Globals <LW2>
emRenoGlobals ds.l 1 ; 20c ; Ptr to Reno Globals <LW2>
emDMADispatchGlobals ds.l 1 ; DMA dispatch globals ptr <SM20>
emDMADispatchGlobals ds.l 1 ; 210 ; DMA dispatch globals ptr <SM20>
emInternalModemMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; Internal modem manager globals <78>
emInternalModemMgrGlobals ds.l 1 ; 214 ; Internal modem manager globals <78>
emGadgetPixMap ds.l 1 ; PixMapHandle used by defprocs to draw gadgets
emGadgetPixMap ds.l 1 ; 218 ; PixMapHandle used by defprocs to draw gadgets
emAuxiliaryWindowHashTable ds.l 1 ; Pointer to auxiliary window record hash table
emAuxiliaryControlHashTable ds.l 1 ; Pointer to auxiliary control record hash table
emAuxiliaryWindowHashTable ds.l 1 ; 21c ; Pointer to auxiliary window record hash table
emAuxiliaryControlHashTable ds.l 1 ; 220 ; Pointer to auxiliary control record hash table
emIDEGlobals ds.l 1 ; IDE driver globals <SM24>
emIDEGlobals ds.l 1 ; 224 ; IDE driver globals <SM24>
emSpeechRecognitionGlobals ds.l 1 ; Speech Recognition Globals <85><KWR>
emSpeechRecognitionGlobals ds.l 1 ; 228 ; Speech Recognition Globals <85><KWR>
emControlHandle ds.l 1 ; control handle used in _DragTheRgn when the thumb is being dragged so we can send a draw thumb outline message. <SM25> CSS
emControlHandle ds.l 1 ; 22c ; control handle used in _DragTheRgn when the thumb is being dragged so we can send a draw thumb outline message. <SM25> CSS
emHeapUtilsGlobals ds.l 1 ; Heap Utilities globals
emHeapUtilsGlobals ds.l 1 ; 230 ; Heap Utilities globals
emExpansionBusGlobals ds.l 1 ; Pointer to Expansion Bus Manager Globals
emExpansionBusGlobals ds.l 1 ; 234 ; Pointer to Expansion Bus Manager Globals
jSWModemSoundVector ds.l 1 ; Vector to control routine for software modem sound
jSWModemSoundVector ds.l 1 ; 238 ; Vector to control routine for software modem sound
ds.b 270
ds.l 1 ; 23c
ds.l 1 ; 240
ds.l 1 ; 244
ds.l 1 ; 248
ds.l 1 ; 24c
ds.l 1 ; 250
ds.l 1 ; 254
ds.l 1 ; 258
ds.l 1 ; 25c
ds.l 1 ; 260
ds.l 1 ; 264
ds.l 1 ; 268
ds.l 1 ; 26c
ds.l 1 ; 270
ds.l 1 ; 274
ds.l 1 ; 278
ds.l 1 ; 27c
ds.l 1 ; 280
ds.l 1 ; 284
ds.l 1 ; 288
ds.l 1 ; 28c
ds.l 1 ; 290
ds.l 1 ; 294
ds.l 1 ; 298
ds.l 1 ; 29c
ds.l 1 ; 2a0
ds.l 1 ; 2a4
ds.l 1 ; 2a8
ds.l 1 ; 2ac
ds.l 1 ; 2b0
ds.l 1 ; 2b4
ds.l 1 ; 2b8
ds.l 1 ; 2bc
ds.l 1 ; 2c0
ds.l 1 ; 2c4
ds.l 1 ; 2c8
ds.l 1 ; 2cc
ds.l 1 ; 2d0
ds.l 1 ; 2d4
ds.l 1 ; 2d8
ds.l 1 ; 2dc
ds.l 1 ; 2e0
ds.l 1 ; 2e4
ds.l 1 ; 2e8
ds.l 1 ; 2ec
ds.l 1 ; 2f0
ds.l 1 ; 2f4
ds.l 1 ; 2f8
ds.l 1 ; 2fc
ds.l 1 ; 300
ds.l 1 ; 304
ds.l 1 ; 308
ds.l 1 ; 30c
ds.l 1 ; 310
ds.l 1 ; 314
ds.l 1 ; 318
ds.l 1 ; 31c
ds.l 1 ; 320
ds.l 1 ; 324
ds.l 1 ; 328
ds.l 1 ; 32c
ds.l 1 ; 330
ds.l 1 ; 334
ds.l 1 ; 338
ds.l 1 ; 33c
ds.l 1 ; 340
ds.l 1 ; 344
ds.w 1 ; 348
; NOTE: When adding new fields here, be sure to update the high-level language header files as well
; (currently {CInternal}ExpandMemPriv.h is the one)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user