
484 lines
6.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-11-19 12:11:07 +08:00
HASH1 equ 978
HASH2 equ 979
ICMP equ 981
DCMP equ 977
IMISS equ 980
DMISS equ 976
RPA equ 982
Vanilla &idx
b @jump1
b @jump2
; r1 -> SPRG1
; LR -> SPRG2
; targ -> r1
; optr -> LR
mtsprg 1, r1
mflr r1
mtsprg 2, r1
mfsprg r1, 3
lwz r1, &idx(r1)
mtlr r1
dc.l @start - TableStart
mflr r1
mtsprg 1, r1
mfsprg r1, 3
mtsprg 2, r1
mtlr r1
lwz r1, &idx(r1)
dc.l @start - TableStart
; 0000-00ff: For software use only
org 0x0000
mtsprg 1, r1
mfsprg r1, 3
lwz r1, 0x00BC(r1)
mtlr r1
org 0x0080
dc.l 0x0000D000 ; '....' (invalid instruction)
; 0100-0fff: Architecture-defined exceptions
org 0x0100
b $+0x0008 ; 0x00000108
b $+0x0050 ; 0x00000154
mtsprg 1, r1
mfcr r1
mtsprg 2, r1
mfsrr1 r1
mtcrf 255, r1
bne cr7, RTASFairyDust
mfspr r1, HID0
mtcrf 255, r1
bns cr3, RTASFairyDust
mfsprg r1, 2
mtcrf 255, r1
mflr r1
mtsprg 2, r1
mfsprg r1, 3
lwz r1, 0x0004(r1)
mtlr r1
dc.l 0x00000100 ; '....' (invalid instruction)
org 0x180
mtsprg 2, r1
mfsprg r1, 3
stw r2, 0x0000(r1)
mfsprg r2, 2
rlwinm r2, r2, 26, 24, 29
lwzx r1, r2, r1
mflr r2
mtlr r1
mfsprg r1, 2
mtsprg 2, r2
mfsprg r2, 3
lwz r2, 0x0000(r2)
org 0x0200 ; Machine Check
Vanilla 0x0008
org 0x0300 ; Data Storage
Vanilla 0x000C
org 0x0400 ; Instruction Storage
Vanilla 0x0010
org 0x0500 ; External
Vanilla 0x0014
org 0x0600 ; Alignment
Vanilla 0x0018
org 0x0700 ; Program
Vanilla 0x001C
org 0x0800 ; FP Unavailable
Vanilla 0x0020
org 0x0900 ; Decrementer
Vanilla 0x0024
org 0x0A00
Vanilla 0x0028
org 0x0B00
Vanilla 0x002C
org 0x0C00 ; System Call
Vanilla 0x0030
org 0x0D00 ; Trace
Vanilla 0x0034
org 0x0E00
Vanilla 0x0038
; Performance monitor???
org 0x0F00
mtsprg 1, r1
li r1, 0xF00
b PerfMon
org 0x0F20
mtsprg 1, r1
li r1, 0xF20
b PerfMon
; 1000-2fff: Implementation-specific exceptions
org 0x1000
mfspr r2, HASH1
lwz r1, 0x0000(r2)
mfctr r0
mfspr r3, ICMP
cmpw r1, r3
beq $+0x001C ; 0x00001030
li r1, 7
mtctr r1
lwzu r1, 0x0008(r2)
cmpw r1, r3
bdnzf cr0_EQ, $-0x0008 ; 0x00001020
bne $+0x0038 ; 0x00001064
lwz r1, 0x0004(r2)
mtctr r0
andi. r3, r1, 0x0008
bne $+0x006C ; 0x000010A8
mfspr r0, IMISS
mfsrr1 r3
mtcrf 128, r3
mtspr RPA, r1
ori r1, r1, 0x0100
srwi r1, r1, 8
dc.l 0x7C0007E4 ; '|...' (invalid instruction)
stb r1, 0x0006(r2)
andi. r1, r3, 0x0040
bne $+0x0014 ; 0x0000107C
mfspr r2, HASH2
lwz r1, 0x0000(r2)
ori r3, r3, 0x0040
b $-0x0068 ; 0x00001010
mfsrr1 r3
clrlwi r2, r3, 16
oris r2, r2, 0x4000
mtctr r0
mtsrr1 r2
mfmsr r0
xoris r0, r0, 0x0002
mtcrf 128, r3
mtmsr r0
b $-0x0CA4 ; 0x00000400
mfsrr1 r3
clrlwi r2, r3, 16
oris r2, r2, 0x1000
b $-0x0028 ; 0x0000108C
org 0x1100
mfspr r2, HASH1
lwz r1, 0x0000(r2)
mfctr r0
mfspr r3, DCMP
cmpw r1, r3
beq $+0x001C ; 0x00001130
li r1, 7
mtctr r1
lwzu r1, 0x0008(r2)
cmpw r1, r3
bdnzf cr0_EQ, $-0x0008 ; 0x00001120
bne $+0x0034 ; 0x00001160
lwz r1, 0x0004(r2)
mtctr r0
mfspr r0, DMISS
mfsrr1 r3
mtcrf 128, r3
mtspr RPA, r1
ori r1, r1, 0x0100
srwi r1, r1, 8
dc.l 0x7C0007A4 ; '|...' (invalid instruction)
stb r1, 0x0006(r2)
andi. r1, r3, 0x0040
bne $+0x013C ; 0x000012A0
mfspr r2, HASH2
lwz r1, 0x0000(r2)
ori r3, r3, 0x0040
b $-0x0064 ; 0x00001110
org 0x1200
mfspr r2, HASH1
lwz r1, 0x0000(r2)
mfctr r0
mfspr r3, DCMP
cmpw r1, r3
beq $+0x001C ; 0x00001230
li r1, 7
mtctr r1
lwzu r1, 0x0008(r2)
cmpw r1, r3
bdnzf cr0_EQ, $-0x0008 ; 0x00001220
bne $+0x003C ; 0x00001268
lwz r1, 0x0004(r2)
mtctr r0
slwi. r3, r1, 30
bge $+0x0044 ; 0x00001280
andi. r3, r1, 0x0001
bne $+0x0054 ; 0x00001298
mfspr r0, DMISS
mfsrr1 r3
mtcrf 128, r3
ori r1, r1, 0x0180
mtspr RPA, r1
dc.l 0x7C0007A4 ; '|...' (invalid instruction)
sth r1, 0x0006(r2)
andi. r1, r3, 0x0040
bne $+0x0034 ; 0x000012A0
mfspr r2, HASH2
lwz r1, 0x0000(r2)
ori r3, r3, 0x0040
b $-0x006C ; 0x00001210
mfsrr1 r0
extrwi r0, r0, 1, 17
mfspr r3, DMISS
mfsrin r3, r3
rlwnm. r3, r3, r0, 1, 1
beq $-0x004C ; 0x00001248
lis r1, 2048
b $+0x000C ; 0x000012A8
lis r1, 16384
mtctr r0
mfsrr1 r3
rlwimi r1, r3, 9, 6, 6
clrlwi r2, r3, 16
mtsrr1 r2
mtdsisr r1
mfspr r1, DMISS
andi. r2, r2, 0x0001
beq+ $+0x0008 ; 0x000012CC
xori r1, r1, 0x0007
mtdar r1
mfmsr r0
xoris r0, r0, 0x0002
mtcrf 128, r3
mtmsr r0
b $-0x0FE4 ; 0x00000300
org 0x1300
Vanilla 0x004C
org 0x1400
Vanilla 0x0050
org 0x1500
Vanilla 0x0054
org 0x1600
Vanilla 0x0058
org 0x1700
Vanilla 0x005C
org 0x1800
Vanilla 0x0060
org 0x1900
Vanilla 0x0064
org 0x1A00
Vanilla 0x0068
org 0x1B00
Vanilla 0x006C
org 0x1C00
Vanilla 0x0070
org 0x1D00
Vanilla 0x0074
org 0x1E00
Vanilla 0x0078
org 0x1F00
Vanilla 0x007C
org 0x2000
Vanilla 0x0080
org 0x2100
Vanilla 0x0084
org 0x2200
Vanilla 0x0088
org 0x2300
Vanilla 0x008C
org 0x2400
Vanilla 0x0090
org 0x2500
Vanilla 0x0094
org 0x2600
Vanilla 0x0098
org 0x2700
Vanilla 0x009C
org 0x2800
Vanilla 0x00A0
org 0x2900
Vanilla 0x00A4
org 0x2A00
Vanilla 0x00A8
org 0x2B00
Vanilla 0x00AC
org 0x2C00
Vanilla 0x00B0
org 0x2D00
Vanilla 0x00B4
org 0x2E00
Vanilla 0x00B8
org 0x2F00
Vanilla 0x00BC
; Outside the exception table, but called by it:
org 0x3000
mr r21,r3
li r0,0
lwz r5, 0(r21)
lwz r4, 4(r21)
lwz r9, 12(r21)
lwz r3, 12(r9)
lwz r6, 8(r21)
lwz r8, 16(r21)
lwz r22,24(r21)
lwz r23,28(r21)
bl @clrbats
lis r7, 'RT'
ori r7,r7,'AS'
; Soo, we jump to *(arg + 24) the ugly way
mtlr r22
mtdbatl 0,r0
mtdbatu 0,r0
mtdbatl 1,r0
mtdbatu 1,r0
mtdbatl 2,r0
mtdbatu 2,r0
mtdbatl 3,r0
mtdbatu 3,r0
mtibatl 0,r0
mtibatu 0,r0
mtibatl 1,r0
mtibatu 1,r0
mtibatl 2,r0
mtibatu 2,r0
mtibatl 3,r0
mtibatu 3,r0