2015-08-09 17:46:48 -04:00

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The TenFourFox project site will be moving to Github because Google are meaniepants and shutting down Google Code, because they're poopieheads. See you there in a few weeks. We'll post a link when it's ready.

A port of modern Firefox to the Power Mac, supporting Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5, with special features and optimizations for PowerPC processors and AltiVec. This project is not affiliated with nor supported by Mozilla in any way, and is not an official build. PowerPC forever!

This project is specifically for Mac OS X 10.4+. If you're looking for a browser for Mac OS 8.6-10.3, look at our sister project, Classilla.

Because of Google Code's new download restrictions, all releases from 24.1.0 inclusive on will be released through our SourceForge repository, including binaries and changesets. Historical downloads will remain here while they last, as well as the worklist and wiki. If you want to verify the authenticity of a build you downloaded from SourceForge, see Hashes.

Want to build your own browser or help develop? See HowToBuildRightNow. For a schedule of expected future releases, see Roadmap.

Please do not report bugs unless you have tested them against the current version of Firefox. Bug reports that do not include comparison against standard Firefox will be marked invalid. Firefox 3.6 does not count. Only bugs that are different in TenFourFox relative to Firefox will be accepted. For layout bugs, please use a system that is not hardware accelerated. Because we realize that the point of TenFourFox is to facilitate access on Macs that can't run current versions of Firefox ordinarily, comparisons will be accepted to any Tier 1 platform, including Windows and Linux. Please follow the template; it will help guide you. This is being enforced to keep the worklist sane. Thanks for helping your unpaid volunteer maintainer(s) keep TenFourFox current.

Plugins, including Flash, do not operate in TenFourFox. Please do not file bugs on this; this policy will not change. See PluginsNoLongerSupported for explanations and workarounds. You can now access many videos with the QuickTimeEnabler (in beta).

Get quick answers to common questions from the TenFourFox Official FAQ, or see the rest of the TenFourFox Wiki

For end-user support, please post problems or questions to the TenFourFox Tenderapp page.

Visit our main page at www.tenfourfox.com

Read our blog at tenfourfox.blogspot.com

TenFourKit is an unaffiliated project and is not maintained by TenFourFox. AuroraFox and Tenfourbird are based on TenFourFox code, but are not maintained by TenFourFox either. Please consult those projects specifically for support.