Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

2.3 KiB

Some test may require special user style sheets to be applied in order for the case to be verified. In order for proper indications and prerequisite to be displayed every user style sheet should contain the following rules.

   /* Used by the harness to display an indication there is a user
   style sheet applied */
    display: block!important;

The rule #user-stylesheet-indication is to be used by any harness running the test suite.

A harness should identify test that need a user style sheet by looking at their flags meta tag. It then should display appropriate messages indicating if a style sheet is applied or if a style sheet should not be applied.

Harness style sheet rules:

    color: green;
    display: none;
    color: red;
    display: none;

Harness userstyle flag found:

<p id="user-stylesheet-indication" class="userstyle">A user style
sheet is applied.</p>

Harness userstyle flag NOT found:

<p id="user-stylesheet-indication" class="nouserstyle">A user style
sheet is applied.</p>

Within the test case it is recommended that the case itself indicate the necessary user style sheet that is required.

Examples: (code for the cascade.css file)

#cascade /* ID name should match user style sheet file name */
    /* Used by the test to hide the prerequisite */
    display: none;

The rule #cascade in the example above is used by the test page to hide the prerequisite text. The rule name should match the user style sheet CSS file name in order to keep this orderly.

Examples: (code for the cascade-###.xht files)

<p id="cascade">
    PREREQUISITE: The <a href="support/cascade.css">
    "cascade.css"</a> file is enabled as the user agent's user style

The id value should match the user style sheet CSS file name and the user style sheet rule that is used to hide this text when the style sheet is properly applied.

Please flag test that require user style sheets with the userstyle flag so people running the tests know that a user style sheet is required.