Ricky Zhang 042574382e 1. Added document for sheep_net module.
2. Fixed wrong use of ipip_hdr. It is for IP tunnel. This caused serious issues in IP packet filtering. Basically, it filtered out most packets sent from outsides. The correct way to get IP header destination IP address is ip_hdr.
3. Fixed ARP spoofing from guest OS to host OS. At anytime fake MAC address should be hided.
4. Changed module init and remove as non debug message.

Signed-off-by: Ricky Zhang <>
2016-08-18 14:00:09 -04:00

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sheep_net is a character virtual device that bridge between BasiliskII and Physical Ethernet card(P)

Here is logical diagram:

Guest Mac OS in emulation (G) <==> Basilisk II (B) <==> /dev/sheep_net (S) <==> Physical Ethernet card on host (P)

sheep_net module masquerade and de-masquerade MAC address on Ethernet frame so that Guest OS and host share the same MAC address with different IP.

See details in IP aliasing


How it works

Sample Setting:

Guest Mac OS IP:, Fake MAC address: 84:38:35:5e:c5:5b

Host OS Physical Ethernet car IP:, physical MAC address: 84:38:35:5e:c5:5a

From outside, we see and share the same physical MAC address: 84:38:35:5e:c5:5a

From insides, sheep_net module masquerade and de-masquerade MAC address of Ethernet packet between Basilisk and

B ==> S ==> P: de-masquerade MAC, convert Fake to Physical
B <== S <== P: masquerade MAC, convert Physical to Fake

How to compile

cd Linux/NetDriver
//create sheep_net device node
sudo make dev
sudo chown [user account] /dev/sheep_net
sudo make install
sudo modprobe sheep_net

How to use

  1. Disable IP forwarding on host (Recommended: By disabling it, guest OS won't receive duplicate IP packet from host again.)
  2. Disable firewall on host (Recommended: host may send ICMP host unreachable to gateway. Or you can disable ICMP sending from host by changing iptables.)
  3. sudo modprobe sheep_net
  4. sudo chown [user account] /dev/sheep_net
  5. Launch BasiliskII, choose your physical Ethernet card interface in network tab