transistor a5cac4d309 Fixed indexing, flags, and added logical shift
The effective modes that used signed offsets were not properly
sign extending the immediate or register index values before adding
them to the address, resulting in incorrect addresses.

The flags were incorrect for some instructions, and I added the
logical shift instruction implementation
2021-10-01 15:38:21 -07:00

43 lines
994 B

mod error;
mod memory;
mod cpus;
mod devices;
use crate::memory::{AddressSpace, MemoryBlock};
use crate::cpus::m68k::MC68010;
use crate::devices::mc68681::MC68681;
fn main() {
let mut space = AddressSpace::new();
let monitor = MemoryBlock::load("monitor.bin").unwrap();
for byte in monitor.contents.iter() {
print!("{:02x} ", byte);
space.insert(0x00000000, Box::new(monitor));
let ram = MemoryBlock::new(vec![0; 0x00100000]);
space.insert(0x00100000, Box::new(ram));
let mut serial = MC68681::new();;
space.insert(0x00700000, Box::new(serial));
let mut cpu = MC68010::new();
cpu.use_tracing = true;
while cpu.is_running() {
match cpu.step(&mut space) {
Ok(()) => { },
Err(err) => {
cpu.dump_state(&mut space);
panic!("{:?}", err);