This commit is contained in:
Elliot Nunn 2019-05-24 23:08:21 +08:00
parent 8208da6fb6
commit 5e8532c1ee
13 changed files with 807 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
import argparse
import os
from os import path
from sys import stderr
from tbxi.prclc import compile
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''
Parcel blob compiler
parser.add_argument('source', nargs='?', default=os.getcwd(), help='Parcelfile or directory')
parser.add_argument('-o', metavar='dest-file', default='MacOSROM', help='output file (default: MacOSROM)')
args = parser.parse_args()
if path.isdir(args.source):
args.source = path.join(args.source, 'Parcelfile')
result = compile(args.source)
with open(args.o, 'wb') as f:

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
import argparse
import os
from os import path
from sys import stderr
from tbxi.lowlevel import MAGIC
from tbxi.prcldump import dump
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''
Dump a MacOS parcel blob (magic number 0x7072636C 'prcl') to a
plain-text Parcelfile and several decompressed binaries. This output
can be rebuilt using the Parcel Compiler (prclc). Usually parcel
blobs are found embedded inside a file called "Mac OS ROM", although
the Blue Box uses them in isolation. As a convenience this utility
will search for the magic number inside any input file (with a
parser.add_argument('source', nargs=1, help='file to be decompiled')
meg = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
meg.add_argument('-d', metavar='dest-dir', help='output directory (Parcelfile will be created within)')
meg.add_argument('-f', metavar='dest-file', help='output file (binaries will go in parent directory)')
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.source[0], 'rb') as f:
binary =
if not binary.startswith(MAGIC):
offset = binary.index(MAGIC)
except ValueError:
print('Not a parcels file', file=stderr)
print('Warning: parcel blob wrapped at offset 0x%x' % offset)
binary = binary[offset:]
if args.f:
dest_file = path.abspath(args.f)
dest_dir = path.dirname(dest_file)
elif args.d:
dest_dir = path.abspath(args.d)
dest_file = path.join(dest_dir, 'Parcelfile')
dest_dir = path.abspath(args.source[0].rstrip(path.sep) + '-dump')
dest_file = path.join(dest_dir, 'Parcelfile')
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
dump(binary, dest_file, dest_dir)

View File

@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ setup_args = dict(
'Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools',
'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
], ],
packages=['tbxi'], packages=['tbxi'],
scripts=['bin/prclc', 'bin/prcldump'], entry_points=dict(console_scripts=['tbxi = tbxi.__main__:main']),
ext_modules=[Extension('tbxi.fast_lzss', ['speedups/fast_lzss.c'])], ext_modules=[Extension('tbxi.fast_lzss', ['speedups/fast_lzss.c'])],
) )
@ -27,5 +28,6 @@ setup_args = dict(
try: try:
setup(**setup_args) setup(**setup_args)
except (SystemExit, Exception): except (SystemExit, Exception):
setup_args.pop('ext_modules') setup_args.pop('ext_modules')
setup(**setup_args) setup(**setup_args)

tbxi/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Thanks to Chris Warrick for script installation tips
import argparse
import sys
import os
from os import path
import shutil
from .slow_lzss import decompress
from . import dispatcher
def main(args=None):
if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:]
descriptions = {
'dump': '''Break a ROM file into rebuildable parts. Any OldWorld
or NewWorld image can be processed. Because successive ROM
formats tended to wrap layers around old ones, up to four layers
can require 'unpeeling'.''',
'build': '''Recreate a dumped ROM file. With minor exceptions,
the result should be identical to the original.'''
for key in list(descriptions):
descriptions[key] = ' '.join(descriptions[key].split())
if not args or args[0] not in descriptions:
print('usage: tbxi <command> [...]')
print('The Mac OS Toolbox Imager')
for k, v in descriptions.items():
print(' ' + k.ljust(8) + ' ' + v.partition('.')[0])
command = args.pop(0)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='tbxi ' + command, description=descriptions[command])
if command == 'dump':
parser.add_argument('file', metavar='<input-file>', help='original file (dest: <input-file>.src')
parser.add_argument('-o', dest='output', metavar='<output-file>', help='destination (default: <input-file>.src)')
args = parser.parse_args(args)
if not args.output: args.output = args.file + '.src'
with open(args.file, 'rb') as f:
except FileNotFoundError:
dispatcher.dump(, args.output, toplevel=True)
elif command == 'build':
parser.add_argument('dir', metavar='<input-dir>', help='source directory')
parser.add_argument('-o', dest='output', metavar='<output-file>', help='destination (default: <input-dir>.build)')
args = parser.parse_args(args)
with open(args.output, 'wb') as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":

tbxi/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
from ast import literal_eval
def ascii_from_bytes(s):
# convert to b'stuff' form, then cut off the first two and last one chars
return ''.join(repr(bytes([c]))[2:-1] for c in s)
def bytes_from_ascii(s):
# undo the above
return b'"'.join(literal_eval('b"' + part + '"') for part in s.split('"')).decode('ascii')

tbxi/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
import os
from os import path
import re
from . import dispatcher
def dump(binary, dest_dir):
if not binary.startswith(b'<CHRP-BOOT>'): raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
a, b, c = binary.partition(b'</CHRP-BOOT>')
chrp_boot = a + b
if c.startswith(b'\r'): chrp_boot += b'\r'
chrp_boot = chrp_boot.replace(b'\r', b'\n')
# find the build-specific hex, and write out a clean version of the script
chrp_boot_zeroed = bytearray(chrp_boot)
constants = dict()
for m in re.finditer(rb'h#\s+([A-Fa-f0-9]+)\s+constant\s+([-\w]+)', chrp_boot):
key ='ascii')
val = int(, 16)
constants[key] = val
for i in range(*m.span(1)):
chrp_boot_zeroed[i:i+1] = b'0'
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'Bootscript'), 'wb') as f:
if 'elf-offset' in constants:
elf = binary[constants['elf-offset']:][:constants['elf-size']]
dispatcher.dump(elf, path.join(dest_dir, 'MacOS.elf'))
other_offset = constants.get('lzss-offset', constants.get('parcels-offset'))
other_size = constants.get('lzss-size', constants.get('parcels-size'))
parcels = binary[other_offset:][:other_size]
if parcels.startswith(b'prcl'):
filename = 'Parcels'
filename = 'MacROM'
parcels = decompress(parcels)
dispatcher.dump(parcels, path.join(dest_dir, filename))

tbxi/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import importlib
from subprocess import run, PIPE
import os
from os import path
class WrongFormat(Exception):
def build_dir(p):
for fmt in FORMATS:
mod = importlib.import_module('..%s_build' % fmt, __name__)
data =
except WrongFormat:
return data
raise WrongFormat
def build_path(p):
parent = path.dirname(path.abspath(p))
name = path.basename(path.abspath(p))
# try building the file from a directory
for np in [p + '.src', p]:
data = build_dir(p)
except WrongFormat:
# fall back on just reading the file (boring, I know!)
with open(p, 'rb') as f:
data =
# Search the directory of the file for executable patches
for sib in sorted(os.scandir(parent), key=lambda ent:
# Does the filename match?
if and 'patch' in[len(name):]:
# This is a bit unsafe, so prompt the user (to pipe in `yes`...)
if input('Apply %s to %s? [y/N]' % (, name)).lower().startswith('y'):
result = run([sib.path], cwd=parent, stdin=data, stdout=PIPE, check=True)
data = result.stdout
return data
def dump(binary, dest_path, toplevel=False):
if not toplevel:
with open(dest_path, 'wb') as f:
dest_path += '.src'
for fmt in FORMATS:
mod = importlib.import_module('..%s_dump' % fmt, __name__)
mod.dump(binary, dest_path)
did_dump = True
except WrongFormat:

View File

@ -6,8 +6,67 @@ class MyParcelStruct(NamedTupleStruct, StringStruct):
MAGIC = b'prcl\x01\x00\x00\x00' MAGIC = b'prcl\x01\x00\x00\x00'
def pad(offset, align):
x = offset + align - 1
x -= x % align
return x
PrclNodeStruct = MyParcelStruct('>I 4s I I I I 32s 32s', name='PrclNodeStruct', PrclNodeStruct = MyParcelStruct('>I 4s I I I I 32s 32s', name='PrclNodeStruct',
fields=['link', 'ostype', 'hdr_size', 'flags', 'n_children', 'child_size', 'a', 'b']) fields=['link', 'ostype', 'hdr_size', 'flags', 'n_children', 'child_size', 'a', 'b'])
PrclChildStruct = MyParcelStruct('>4s I 4s I I I I 32s', name='PrclChildStruct', PrclChildStruct = MyParcelStruct('>4s I 4s I I I I 32s', name='PrclChildStruct',
fields=['ostype', 'flags', 'compress', 'unpackedlen', 'cksum', 'packedlen', 'ptr', 'name']) fields=['ostype', 'flags', 'compress', 'unpackedlen', 'cksum', 'packedlen', 'ptr', 'name'])
SuperMarioHeader = NamedTupleStruct('>I I B B I I H B B L L L L L L B B 4L L L L L', name='SuperMarioHeader',
fields=['CheckSum', 'ResetPC', 'MachineNumber', 'ROMVersion',
'ReStartJMP', 'BadDiskJMP', 'ROMRelease', 'PatchFlags', 'unused1',
'ForeignOSTbl', 'RomRsrc', 'EjectJMP', 'DispTableOff',
'CriticalJMP', 'ResetEntryJMP', 'RomLoc', 'unused2', 'CheckSum0',
'CheckSum1', 'CheckSum2', 'CheckSum3', 'RomSize', 'EraseIconOff',
'InitSys7ToolboxOff', 'SubVers'])
SuperMarioForeignOS = NamedTupleStruct('>7I', name='SuperMarioForeignOS',
fields=['InitDispatcher', 'EMT1010', 'BadTrap', 'StartSDeclMgr',
'InitMemVect', 'SwitchMMU', 'InitRomVectors'])
0x40 << 56: 'AppleTalk1',
0x20 << 56: 'AppleTalk2',
0x30 << 56: 'AppleTalk2_NetBoot_FPU',
0x08 << 56: 'AppleTalk2_NetBoot_NoFPU',
0x10 << 56: 'NetBoot',
0x78 << 56: 'AllCombos',
ResHeader = NamedTupleStruct('>L B B H H 6x', name='ResHeader',
fields=['offsetToFirst', 'maxValidIndex', 'comboFieldSize',
'comboVersion', 'headerSize'])
ResEntry = NamedTupleStruct('>Q L L 4s h B 256p', name='ResEntry',
fields=['combo', 'offsetToNext', 'offsetToData', 'rsrcType',
'rsrcID', 'rsrcAttr', 'rsrcName'])
def ResEntry_padded_len(entry_tuple):
return pad(ResEntry.size - 256 + len(entry_tuple.rsrcName), 16)
FakeMMHeader = NamedTupleStruct('>4s L L L', name='FakeMMHeader',
fields=['MagicKurt', 'MagicC0A00000', 'dataSizePlus12', 'bogusOff'])
ConfigInfo = NamedTupleStruct('>40x lLL lL lL lL lL lL lL 16sLLL LL LLLLbxxx LLLLL L LLLLLL 128s128s128s128s 128s LLLL L L lL LLL', name='ConfigInfo',
fields=['ROMImageBaseOffset', 'ROMImageSize', 'ROMImageVersion',
'Mac68KROMOffset', 'Mac68KROMSize', 'ExceptionTableOffset',
'ExceptionTableSize', 'HWInitCodeOffset', 'HWInitCodeSize',
'KernelCodeOffset', 'KernelCodeSize', 'EmulatorCodeOffset',
'EmulatorCodeSize', 'OpcodeTableOffset', 'OpcodeTableSize',
'BootstrapVersion', 'BootVersionOffset', 'ECBOffset',
'IplValueOffset', 'EmulatorEntryOffset', 'KernelTrapTableOffset',
'TestIntMaskInit', 'ClearIntMaskInit', 'PostIntMaskInit',
'LA_InterruptCtl', 'InterruptHandlerKind', 'LA_InfoRecord',
'LA_KernelData', 'LA_EmulatorData', 'LA_DispatchTable',
'LA_EmulatorCode', 'MacLowMemInitOffset', 'PageAttributeInit',
'PageMapInitSize', 'PageMapInitOffset', 'PageMapIRPOffset',
'PageMapKDPOffset', 'PageMapEDPOffset', 'SegMap32SupInit', 'SegMap32UsrInit', 'SegMap32CPUInit', 'SegMap32OvlInit', 'BATRangeInit',
'BatMap32SupInit', 'BatMap32UsrInit', 'BatMap32CPUInit',
'BatMap32OvlInit', 'SharedMemoryAddr', 'PA_RelocatedLowMemInit',
'OpenFWBundleOffset', 'OpenFWBundleSize', 'LA_OpenFirmware',
'PA_OpenFirmware', 'LA_HardwarePriv'])

View File

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ try:
except ImportError: except ImportError:
from .slow_lzss import compress from .slow_lzss import compress
from . import dispatcher
class CodeLine(dict): class CodeLine(dict):
def __getattr__(self, attrname): def __getattr__(self, attrname):
return self[attrname] return self[attrname]
@ -56,42 +59,10 @@ def getbool(from_str):
class PdslParseError(Exception): class PdslParseError(Exception):
pass pass
def load_and_cache_path(from_path): def build(src):
# No compression, easy
if not from_path.lower().endswith('.lzss'):
with open(from_path, 'rb') as f:
# Compression, first try to read cached file
f = open(from_path, 'rb')
except FileNotFoundError:
orig_t = path.getmtime(from_path[:-5])
except FileNotFoundError:
orig_t = None
if orig_t is None or orig_t < path.getmtime(from_path):
data =
return data
# Compression, no valid cached file available
with open(from_path[:-5], 'rb') as f:
data = compress(
with open(from_path, 'wb') as f:
return data
def compile(src):
parent = path.dirname(path.abspath(src))
node_list = [] node_list = []
with open(src) as f: with open(path.join(src, 'Parcelfile')) as f:
try: try:
for line_num, line in enumerate(f, start=1): for line_num, line in enumerate(f, start=1):
level = get_indent_level(line) level = get_indent_level(line)
@ -117,10 +88,14 @@ def compile(src):
if not path.isabs(new.src): # look rel to Parcelfile if not path.isabs(new.src): # look rel to Parcelfile
new.src = path.join(path.dirname(src), new.src) new.src = path.join(path.dirname(src), new.src)
if new.src.lower().endswith('.lzss'): a, b = path.splitext(new.src)
if b.lower() == '.lzss':
new.src = a
new.compress = 'lzss' new.compress = 'lzss' = load_and_cache_path(new.src) =
if new.compress == 'lzss': = compress(
node_list[-1].children.append(new) node_list[-1].children.append(new)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ from os import path
from shlex import quote from shlex import quote
import struct import struct
from .lzss import decompress from . import dispatcher
from .slow_lzss import decompress
from .lowlevel import PrclNodeStruct, PrclChildStruct from .lowlevel import PrclNodeStruct, PrclChildStruct
def walk_tree(binary): def walk_tree(binary):
@ -13,9 +15,6 @@ def walk_tree(binary):
e.g. [(prclnodetuple, [prclchildtuple, ...]), ...] e.g. [(prclnodetuple, [prclchildtuple, ...]), ...]
""" """
if not binary.startswith(b'prcl'):
raise ValueError('binary does not start with magic number')
prclnode = None prclnode = None
parents = [] parents = []
@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ def suggest_names_to_dump(parent, child, code_name):
# We yield heaps of suggested filenames, and the shortest non-empty unique one gets chosen # We yield heaps of suggested filenames, and the shortest non-empty unique one gets chosen
if parent.ostype == child.ostype == 'rom ': if parent.ostype == child.ostype == 'rom ':
yield 'ROM' yield 'MacROM'
return return
if 'AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC' in and code_name == 'PowerMgrPlugin': if 'AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC' in and code_name == 'PowerMgrPlugin':
@ -112,9 +111,14 @@ def settle_name_votes(vote_dict):
return decision return decision
def dump(binary, dest, dest_dir): def is_parcels(binary):
if path.isdir(dest) or dest.endswith(os.sep): return binary.startswith(b'prcl')
dest = path.join(dest, 'Parcelfile')
def dump(binary, dest_dir):
if not binary.startswith(b'prcl'): raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
basic_structure = walk_tree(binary) basic_structure = walk_tree(binary)
@ -145,6 +149,8 @@ def dump(binary, dest, dest_dir):
for prclchild in children: for prclchild in children:
if prclchild.ostype in ('cstr', 'csta'): continue if prclchild.ostype in ('cstr', 'csta'): continue
votes = suggest_names_to_dump(prclnode, prclchild, code_name) votes = suggest_names_to_dump(prclnode, prclchild, code_name)
if unpacked_dict[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)].startswith(b'Joy!'):
votes = [v + '.pef' for v in votes]
name_vote_dict[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)].extend(votes) name_vote_dict[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)].extend(votes)
# Decide on filenames # Decide on filenames
@ -152,11 +158,14 @@ def dump(binary, dest, dest_dir):
# Dump blobs to disk # Dump blobs to disk
for tpl, filename in decision.items(): for tpl, filename in decision.items():
with open(path.join(dest_dir, filename), 'wb') as f: keep_this = True
data = unpacked_dict[tpl]
dispatcher.dump(data, path.join(dest_dir, filename))
# Get printing!!! # Get printing!!!
with open(dest, 'w') as f: with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'Parcelfile'), 'w') as f:
for prclnode, children in basic_structure: for prclnode, children in basic_structure:
line = quote(prclnode.ostype) line = quote(prclnode.ostype)
line += ' flags=0x%05x' % prclnode.flags line += ' flags=0x%05x' % prclnode.flags
@ -173,7 +182,7 @@ def dump(binary, dest, dest_dir):
if prclchild.ostype not in ('cstr', 'csta'): if prclchild.ostype not in ('cstr', 'csta'):
filename = decision[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)] filename = decision[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)]
if prclchild.compress == 'lzss': filename += '.lzss' if prclchild.compress == 'lzss': filename += '.lzss'
line += ' src=%s' % quote(path.relpath(path.join(dest_dir, filename), path.dirname(dest))) line += ' src=%s' % filename
if binary_counts[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)] > 1: if binary_counts[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)] > 1:
line += ' deduplicate=1' line += ' deduplicate=1'

tbxi/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
from .lowlevel import SuperMarioHeader, ConfigInfo
import struct
import os
from os import path
from . import dispatcher
PAD = b'kc' * 100
ROMImageBaseOffset= # [28] Offset of Base of total ROM image
ROMImageSize= # [2C] Number of bytes in ROM image
ROMImageVersion= # [30] ROM Version number for entire ROM
# ROM component Info (offsets are from base of ConfigInfo page)
Mac68KROMOffset= # [34] Offset of base of Macintosh 68K ROM
Mac68KROMSize= # [38] Number of bytes in Macintosh 68K ROM
ExceptionTableOffset= # [3C] Offset of base of PowerPC Exception Table Code
ExceptionTableSize= # [40] Number of bytes in PowerPC Exception Table Code
HWInitCodeOffset= # Offset of base of Hardware Init Code
HWInitCodeSize= # [48] Number of bytes in Hardware Init Code
KernelCodeOffset= # [4C] Offset of base of NanoKernel Code
KernelCodeSize= # [50] Number of bytes in NanoKernel Code
EmulatorCodeOffset= # [54] Offset of base of Emulator Code
EmulatorCodeSize= # [58] Number of bytes in Emulator Code
OpcodeTableOffset= # [5C] Offset of base of Opcode Table
OpcodeTableSize= # [60] Number of bytes in Opcode Table
# Offsets within the Emulator Data Page.
BootstrapVersion= # [64] Bootstrap loader version info
############## VALUES SPECIFIC TO THIS 68K EMULATOR VERSION ##############
BootVersionOffset= # [74] offset within EmulatorData of BootstrapVersion
ECBOffset= # [78] offset within EmulatorData of ECB
IplValueOffset= # [7C] offset within EmulatorData of IplValue
# Offsets within the Emulator Code.
EmulatorEntryOffset= # [80] offset within Emulator Code of entry point
KernelTrapTableOffset= # [84] offset within Emulator Code of KernelTrapTable
# Interrupt Passing Masks.
TestIntMaskInit= # [88] initial value for test interrupt mask
ClearIntMaskInit= # [8C] initial value for clear interrupt mask
PostIntMaskInit= # [90] initial value for post interrupt mask
##################### END OF EMULATOR-SPECIFIC VALUES ####################
LA_InterruptCtl= # [94] logical address of Interrupt Control I/O page
InterruptHandlerKind= # [98] kind of handler to use
LA_InfoRecord= # [9C] logical address of InfoRecord page
LA_KernelData= # [A0] logical address of KernelData page
LA_EmulatorData= # [A4] logical address of EmulatorData page
LA_DispatchTable= # [A8] logical address of Dispatch Table
LA_EmulatorCode= # [AC] logical address of Emulator Code
# Address Space Mapping.
PageAttributeInit= # [B4] default WIMG/PP settings for PTE creation
# Only needed for Smurf
SharedMemoryAddr= # [35C] physical address of Mac/Smurf shared message mem
PA_RelocatedLowMemInit= # [360] physical address of RelocatedLowMem
OpenFWBundleOffset= # [364] Offset of base of OpenFirmware PEF Bundle
OpenFWBundleSize= # [368] Number of bytes in OpenFirmware PEF Bundle
LA_OpenFirmware= # [36C] logical address of Open Firmware
PA_OpenFirmware= # [370] physical address of Open Firmware
LA_HardwarePriv= # [374] logical address of HardwarePriv callback
def extract_and_zero(binary, start, stop):
ret = binary[start:stop]
binary[start:stop] = bytes(stop - start)
return ret
def find_configinfo(binary):
# Find a ConfigIngo struct by checking every possible
# place for a valid checksum. Ugly but quick.
byte_lanes = [sum(binary[i::8]) for i in range(8)]
for i in range(0, len(binary), 0x100):
zeroed_byte_lanes = list(byte_lanes)
for j in range(i, i+40):
zeroed_byte_lanes[j % 8] -= binary[j]
sum32 = [lane % (1<<32) for lane in zeroed_byte_lanes]
sum64 = sum(lane << (k * 8) for (k, lane) in enumerate(reversed(zeroed_byte_lanes)))
sum64 %= 1 << 64
allsums = b''.join(x.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') for x in sum32)
allsums += sum64.to_bytes(8, byteorder='big')
if binary[i:i+len(allsums)] == allsums:
# Which structs share the BootstrapVersion signature?
for j in range(0, len(binary), 0x100):
if binary[i+0x64:i+0x74] == binary[j+0x64:j+0x74]:
yield j
def dump_configinfo(binary, offset, push_line):
s = ConfigInfo.unpack_from(binary, offset)
# First section (no [header]):
# Raw key=value lines not resembling the struct in PCCInfoRecordsPriv.h
for line in CONFIGINFO_TEMPLATE.split('\n'):
if '=' in line:
key, _, remainder = line.partition('=')
raw_value = getattr(s, key)
if key == 'InterruptHandlerKind':
value = '0x%02X' % raw_value
elif key == 'BootstrapVersion':
value = repr(raw_value)[1:]
elif key.endswith('Offset') and key.startswith(('Mac68KROM', 'ExceptionTable', 'HWInitCode', 'KernelCode', 'EmulatorCode', 'OpcodeTable', 'OpenFWBundle')):
if getattr(s, key.replace('Offset', 'Size')) == 0:
value = '0x00000000'
value = 'BASE0x%+X' % (raw_value - s.ROMImageBaseOffset)
value = '0x%08X' % raw_value
value = value.replace('0x-', '-0x').replace('0x+', '+0x')
nuline = key + '=' + value
while remainder.startswith(' ') and len(nuline) + len(remainder) > len(line):
remainder = remainder[1:]
nuline += remainder
line = nuline
# Now dump the more structured parts of the ConfigInfo
mapnames = ['sup', 'usr', 'cpu', 'ovl']
segmaps = [[],[],[],[]]
for i, blob in enumerate((s.SegMap32SupInit, s.SegMap32UsrInit, s.SegMap32CPUInit, s.SegMap32OvlInit)):
for j in range(0, len(blob), 8):
tpl = struct.unpack_from('>LL', blob, j)
def print_seg_ptrs_for_offset(segmap_offset):
for header, list16 in zip(mapnames, segmaps):
for seg_i, (seg_offset, seg_reg) in enumerate(list16):
if seg_offset == segmap_offset:
push_line('segment_ptr_here=0x%X map=%s segment_register=0x%08X' % (seg_i, header, seg_reg))
batmaps = [[],[],[],[]]
for i, blob in enumerate((s.BatMap32SupInit, s.BatMap32UsrInit, s.BatMap32CPUInit, s.BatMap32OvlInit)):
for j in reversed(range(0, 32, 4)):
batmaps[i].append(((blob >> j) & 0xF) * 8)
last_used_batmap = max(y for x in batmaps for y in x)
def print_bat_ptrs_for_offset(batmap_offset):
for header, list8 in zip(mapnames, batmaps):
for bat_offset, bat_name in zip(list8, ['ibat0', 'ibat1', 'ibat2', 'ibat3', 'dbat0', 'dbat1', 'dbat2', 'dbat3']):
if bat_offset == batmap_offset:
push_line('bat_ptr_here=%s map=%s' % (bat_name, header))
lowmem = []
lmoffset = s.MacLowMemInitOffset
while any(binary[offset+lmoffset:][:4]):
key, val = struct.unpack_from('>LL', binary, offset+lmoffset)
lowmem.append((key, val))
lmoffset += 8
for key, val in lowmem:
push_line('address=0x%08X value=0x%08X' % (key, val))
if s.PageMapInitSize or any(s.SegMap32SupInit + s.SegMap32UsrInit + s.SegMap32CPUInit + s.SegMap32OvlInit):
push_line('# Constants: PMDT_InvalidAddress = 0xA00, PMDT_Available = 0xA01')
pagemapinit = binary[offset:][s.PageMapInitOffset:][:s.PageMapInitSize]
for i in range(0, len(pagemapinit), 8):
pgidx, pgcnt, word2 = struct.unpack_from('>HHL', pagemapinit, i)
attr = word2 & 0xFFF
if attr == 0xA00:
attr_s = 'PMDT_InvalidAddress'
elif attr == 0xA01:
attr_s = 'PMDT_Available'
attr_s = '0x%03X' % attr
paddr = word2 >> 12
if 'Rel' in attr_s:
paddr_s = 'BASE+0x%05X' % ((paddr + offset) & 0xFFFFF)
paddr_s = '0x%05X' % paddr
if i == s.PageMapIRPOffset: push_line('special_pmdt=irp')
if i == s.PageMapKDPOffset: push_line('special_pmdt=kdp')
if i == s.PageMapEDPOffset: push_line('special_pmdt=edp')
push_line('pmdt_page_offset=0x%04X pages_minus_1=0x%04X phys_page=%s attr=%s' % (pgidx, pgcnt, paddr_s, attr_s))
if any(s.BATRangeInit) or s.BatMap32SupInit or s.BatMap32UsrInit or s.BatMap32CPUInit or s.BatMap32OvlInit:
for i in range(0, len(s.BATRangeInit), 8):
if i > last_used_batmap * 8: break
u, l = struct.unpack_from('>LL', s.BATRangeInit, i)
is_relative = l & 0x200
if is_relative:
l = (offset + l) & 0xFFFFFFFF - is_relative
bepi = u >> 17
bl = (u >> 2) & 0x7FF
vs = (u >> 1) & 1
vp = u & 1
brpn = l >> 17
wimg = [(l > 6) & 1, (l > 5) & 1, (l > 4) & 1, (l > 3) & 1]
pp = [(l > 1) & 1, l & 1]
bl_s = '0b' + bin(bl)[2:].zfill(11)
if is_relative:
brpn_s = 'BASE+0x%06X' % (brpn << 17)
brpn_s = '0x%08X' % (brpn << 17)
push_line('bepi=0x%08X bl=%s vs=%s vp=%d brpn=%s wimg=0b%d%d%d%d pp=0b%d%d' % (bepi << 17, bl_s, vs, vp, brpn_s, *wimg, *pp))
def is_powerpc(binary):
return (len(binary) == 0x400000) and (PAD in binary[:0x300000])
def get_nk_version(nk):
if nk.startswith(b'\x48\x00\x00\x0C'):
# v2 NK has structured header
return 'v%02X.%02X' % (nk[4], nk[5])
for i in range(0, len(nk) - 8, 4):
if nk[i:i+2] == b'\x39\x80': # li r12, ???
if nk[i+4:i+8] == b'\xB1\x81\x0F\xE4': # sth r12, 0xFE4(r1)
return 'v%02X.%02X' % (nk[i+2], nk[i+3]) # return the ???
def extract_plausible_thing(binary, start):
stop = binary.find(bytes(1024), start) # check, because kernel is often absent or wrong size
if stop > start:
while stop % 4 != 0: stop += 1
return extract_and_zero(binary, start, stop)
def dump(binary, dest_dir):
if not is_powerpc(binary): raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
cioffsets = list(find_configinfo(binary))
# We will zero out parts as we go along extracting them
binary = bytearray(binary)
for i, cioffset in enumerate(cioffsets, 1):
filename = 'Configfile'
if len(cioffsets) > 1: filename += '-' + str(i)
with open(path.join(dest_dir, filename), 'w') as f:
push_line = lambda x: print(x, file=f)
dump_configinfo(binary, cioffset, push_line)
best_cioffset = cioffsets[0]
best_ci = ConfigInfo.unpack_from(binary, best_cioffset)
for cioffset in cioffsets:
extract_and_zero(binary, cioffset, cioffset + 0x1000)
supermario = extract_and_zero(binary,
best_cioffset + best_ci.Mac68KROMOffset,
best_cioffset + best_ci.Mac68KROMOffset + best_ci.Mac68KROMSize)
dispatcher.dump(supermario, path.join(dest_dir, 'Mac68KROM'))
xtbl = extract_and_zero(binary,
best_cioffset + best_ci.ExceptionTableOffset,
best_cioffset + best_ci.ExceptionTableOffset + best_ci.ExceptionTableSize)
if any(xtbl):
# xtbl_len = len(xtbl)
# while not any(xtbl[xtbl_len-4:xtbl_len]): xtbl_len -= 4
# xtbl = xtbl[xtbl_len:]
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'ExceptionTable'), 'wb') as f:
nk = extract_plausible_thing(binary, min(0x310000, best_cioffset + best_ci.KernelCodeOffset))
if nk:
name = 'NanoKernel'
vers = get_nk_version(nk)
if vers: name += '-' + vers
with open(path.join(dest_dir, name), 'wb') as f:
hwinit = extract_plausible_thing(binary, best_cioffset + best_ci.HWInitCodeOffset)
if hwinit:
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'HWInit'), 'wb') as f:
openfw = extract_plausible_thing(binary, best_cioffset + best_ci.OpenFWBundleOffset)
if openfw:
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'OpenFW'), 'wb') as f:
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'EverythingElse'), 'wb') as f:

tbxi/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
from os import path
import os
import shlex
from .lowlevel import SuperMarioHeader, ResHeader, ResEntry, FakeMMHeader, COMBO_FIELDS
from . import dispatcher
PAD = b'kc' * 100
# Automated dump of Macintosh ROM resources
# The (optional) combo mask switches a resource based on the DefaultRSRCs
# field of the box's ProductInfo structure. (The low-memory variable at
# 0xDD8 points to ProductInfo, and the DefaultRSRCs byte is at offset
# 0x16.) The combo field is usually used for the Standard Apple Numeric
# Environment (SANE) PACKs 4 and 5.
# Summary of known combos:
# 0b01111000 AllCombos (DEFAULT) Universal resource
# 0b01000000 AppleTalk1 Appletalk 1.0
# 0b00100000 AppleTalk2 Appletalk 2.0
# 0b00110000 AppleTalk2_NetBoot_FPU Has FPU and remote booting
# 0b00001000 AppleTalk2_NetBoot_NoFPU Has remote booting, no FPU
# 0b00010000 NetBoot Has remote booting
def clean_maincode(binary):
binary = bytearray(binary)
header = SuperMarioHeader.unpack_from(binary)
modified_header = header._asdict()
for k in list(modified_header):
if k.startswith('CheckSum'):
modified_header[k] = 0
modified_header['RomRsrc'] = 0
modified_header['RomSize'] = 1
SuperMarioHeader.pack_into(binary, 0, **modified_header)
return bytes(binary)
def is_supermario(binary):
return (len(binary) in (0x200000, 0x300000)) and (PAD in binary)
def extract_decldata(binary):
return binary[binary.rfind(PAD) + len(PAD):]
def extract_resource_offsets(binary):
# chase the linked list around
offsets = []
reshead = SuperMarioHeader.unpack_from(binary).RomRsrc
link = ResHeader.unpack_from(binary, reshead).offsetToFirst
while link:
link = ResEntry.unpack_from(binary, link).offsetToNext
return offsets
def sanitize_macroman(binary):
string = binary.decode('mac_roman')
string = ''.join(c if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() else '_' for c in string)
return string
def express_macroman(binary):
return repr(binary)[1:]
accum = ''
for b in binary:
if b == ord(' '):
accum += '\\ '
elif b < 128 and chr(b).isprintable() and not chr(b).isspace():
accum += chr(b)
accum += '\\x%02X' % b
return accum
def quodec(binary):
return shlex.quote(binary.decode('mac_roman'))
def ljustspc(s, n):
return (s + ' ').ljust(n)
def dump(binary, dest_dir):
if not is_supermario(binary): raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
header = SuperMarioHeader.unpack_from(binary)
main_code = clean_maincode(binary[:header.RomRsrc])
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'MainCode'), 'wb') as f:
decldata = extract_decldata(binary)
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'DeclData'), 'wb') as f:
# now for the tricky bit: resources :(
f = open(path.join(dest_dir, 'Rsrcfile'), 'w')
print(HEADER_COMMENT + '\n', file=f)
unavail_filenames = set(['', '.pef'])
for i, offset in enumerate(extract_resource_offsets(binary)):
rsrc_dir = path.join(dest_dir, 'Rsrc')
os.makedirs(rsrc_dir, exist_ok=True)
entry = ResEntry.unpack_from(binary, offset)
mmhead = FakeMMHeader.unpack_from(binary, entry.offsetToData - FakeMMHeader.size)
# assert entry.
assert mmhead.MagicKurt == b'Kurt'
assert mmhead.MagicC0A00000 == 0xC0A00000
data = binary[entry.offsetToData:][:mmhead.dataSizePlus12 - 12]
report_combo_field = COMBO_FIELDS.get(entry.combo, '0b' + bin(entry.combo >> 56)[2:].zfill(8))
# create a friendly ascii filename for the resource
filename = '%s_%d' % (sanitize_macroman(entry.rsrcType), entry.rsrcID)
if len(entry.rsrcName) > 0 and entry.rsrcName != b'Main': # uninformative artifact of rom build
filename += '_' + sanitize_macroman(entry.rsrcName)
if report_combo_field != 'AllCombos':
filename += '_' + report_combo_field.replace('AppleTalk', 'AT')
filename = filename.strip('_')
while '__' in filename: filename = filename.replace('__', '_')
if data.startswith(b'Joy!peff'): filename += '.pef'
while filename in unavail_filenames: filename = '_' + filename
with open(path.join(rsrc_dir, filename), 'wb') as f2:
filename = path.join('Rsrc', filename)
# Now, just need to dream up a data format
report = ''
report = ljustspc(report + 'type=' + quodec(entry.rsrcType), 12)
report = ljustspc(report + 'id=' + str(entry.rsrcID), 24)
report = ljustspc(report + 'name=' + quodec(entry.rsrcName), 48)
report = ljustspc(report + 'src=' + shlex.quote(filename), 84)
if report_combo_field != 'AllCombos':
report = ljustspc(report + 'combo=' + report_combo_field, 0)
report = report.rstrip()
print(report, file=f)

tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from tbxi.slow_lzss import decompress
from tbxi.fast_lzss import compress
import random
def test_random():
the_len = 0
while the_len < 4 * 1024 * 1024:
the_len <<= 1
the_len |= random.choice((1, 0))
tryout = bytes(random.choice(range(256)) for x in range(the_len))
assert decompress(compress(tryout)) == tryout