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Mini vMac

Setup Tool Configuration

This page lists compile time options for the setup tool that can be inserted into the file “setup/CONFIGUR.i”, useful to people who wish to develop or maintain Mini vMac. Also see the Options for Developers page for options that can be passed to the compiled setup tool.

First see the Build page to learn how to compile Mini vMac.

... Options Index ...

Development Environment

Development Environment Version

Use Command Line

Maintainer Name

Home Page


Development Environment

#define cur_ide gbk_ide_xcd /* Apple XCode */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_msv /* Microsoft Visual C++ */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_mpw /* Macintosh Programmers Workshop */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_mw8 /* Metrowerks CodeWarrior */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_bgc /* Gnu tools */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_lcc /* lcc-win32 - Jacob Navia */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_dvc /* Bloodshed Dev-C++ */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_mgw /* MinGW */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_cyg /* Cygwin */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_snc /* Sun tools */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_dmc /* Digital Mars Compiler */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_plc /* Pelles C Compiler */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_dkp /* devkitpro */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_ccc /* Generic command line c compiler */
#define cur_ide gbk_ide_mvc /* Mini vMac C (a specific version of gcc) */

Mini vMac C is just the set of compilers that is used to build official binaries. Currently it is a set of GCC cross compilers and supporting files built with gcc-4.7.4, gmp-4.3.2, mpfr-2.4.2, mpc-0.8.1, and mingw-w64-v4.0.6.

Development Environment Version

#define ide_vers 1000 /* Apple Xcode 1.0 */
#define ide_vers 1500 /* Apple Xcode 1.5 */
#define ide_vers 2100 /* Apple Xcode 2.1 */
#define ide_vers 2200 /* Apple Xcode 2.2 */
#define ide_vers 2210 /* Apple Xcode 2.2.1 */
#define ide_vers 2300 /* Apple Xcode 2.3 */
#define ide_vers 2400 /* Apple Xcode 2.4 */
#define ide_vers 2410 /* Apple Xcode 2.4.1 */
#define ide_vers 3100 /* Apple Xcode 3.1 */
#define ide_vers 4000 /* Apple Xcode 4.0 */
#define ide_vers 4630 /* Apple Xcode 4.6.3 */
#define ide_vers 6200 /* Apple Xcode 6.2 */
#define ide_vers 6320 /* Apple Xcode 6.3.2 */
#define ide_vers 6400 /* Apple Xcode 6.4 */
#define ide_vers 7310 /* Apple Xcode 7.3.1 */
#define ide_vers 8210 /* Apple Xcode 8.2.1 */
#define ide_vers 9410 /* Apple Xcode 9.4.1 */
#define ide_vers 6000 /* Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 */
#define ide_vers 7000 /* Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 */
#define ide_vers 7100 /* Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 */
#define ide_vers 8000 /* Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 */
#define ide_vers 9000 /* Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 */
#define ide_vers 10000 /* Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 */
#define ide_vers 11000 /* Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 */
#define ide_vers 12000 /* Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 */
#define ide_vers 14000 /* Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 */
#define ide_vers 15000 /* Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 */

Use Command Line

#define UseCmndLine 1 /* use command line tools */

For Apple Xcode, Microsoft Visual C++, and lcc-win32, this option generates a makefile for use with the command line tools, instead of project file for the IDE.

Maintainer Name

If you are going to distribute the version of Mini vMac that you compile to other people, you should specify the maintainer name with a line like this:

#define kMaintainerName "Your name here"

If you don't specify this option, the maintainer name defaults to “unknown”.

Home Page

If you are going to distribute the version of Mini vMac that you compile to other people, and you have a webpage for it, you should specify the webpage with:

#define kStrHomePage "Your webpage here"

This string is displayed by the About command of Mini vMac. If you don't specify this option, the homepage defaults to “http://minivmac.sourceforge.net/” or, “http://www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/”.


If you find Mini vMac useful, please consider helping the Gryphel Project.

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www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/setupcfg - feedback
copyright (c) 2018 Paul C. Pratt - last update 10/27/2018