817 lines
37 KiB
817 lines
37 KiB
* *
* *
* *
* The following disassembly describes the boot process for *
* a slave disk. In order to TRULY understand this listing, you *
* should first be familiar with the exact sequence and coding of *
* disk bytes used in track formatting. This information can be *
* found in chapter 3 of the book BENEATH APPLE DOS. (The *
* distinctions between booting a slave disk versus a master disk *
* are described in chapter 8 of the same reference.) *
* The boot process loads DOS into the machine as a series *
* of discrete packages. After each package is loaded, it is *
* executed to load in the next section of DOS. The last *
* instruction of the boot process jumps into DOS's coldstart *
* routine to build the DOS buffers, set up the page-three vector *
* table and run the "HELLO" program. *
* Because DOS is loaded in stages, any protected disk can *
* cracked by tracing the boot. If you modify each section of *
* the boot to stop after loading the next section, you can *
* inspect the different stages of the boot to discover the *
* protection scheme(s) used. (P.S. In order to modify BOOT0, *
* you must first move it down to a RAM location defined by: *
* $hs00, where h = high nibble of an address that is low enough *
* to accomodate DOS in free memory above and, s = present slot *
* number housing the disk controller card.) *
* *
* *
* BOOT 0 *
* *
* *
* - relocatable code resident on the disk controller's ROM. *
* - because the code is relocatable, the disk controllers card *
* can be used in different slots. Execution begins at $Cs00, *
* where s = slot number (ex. $C600 for card in slot 6). *
* - When BOOT0 is executed it: *
* (1) builds a table of indices which are used to convert *
* the disk bytes into 6/2 encoded bytes which are *
* needed by RWTS to translate the disk bytes into *
* normal memory bytes. *
* (2) recalibrates the disk arm by moving it to trk0/sec0. *
* (3) reads BOOT1 into $800 to $8FF (from trk0/sec0). *
* (4) jumps to $801 to begin the execution of BOOT1. *
* *
BOOT0 LDX #$20 ;Controller card's identification byte.
* Construct a read-translate table which
* we will need to convert disk bytes to
* encoded memory bytes. (The encoded memory
* bytes later go trough further decoding to
* convert them to normal memory bytes.)
* We construct the table by sequentially
* incrementing (x) and testing it to see
* if it meets the folowing criteria of a
* disk byte:
* (1) it must have at least one pair of
* adjacent 1's in bits 0 to 6.
* (2) it must not have more than one pair
* of adjacent 0's in bits 0 to 6.
* (Note that we use the x-value to represent
* only the lower seven bits of a disk byte
* because all disk bytes are negative.)
* Each time we find an (x) that represents
* a simulated disk byte, we increment (y).
* (Y) is then placed in the read table at an
* offset of (x) from the beginning of the table.
* The table generated is shown below. The
* empty bytes represent offsets where (x)
* did not meet the criteria of a disk byte.
* The values in parentheses represent the
* (x)-values tested.
* 36C- 00 01 -- --
* (16) (17) (18) (19)
* 370- 02 03 -- 04 05 06 -- --
* (1A) (1B) (1C) (1D) (1E) (1F) (20) (21)
* 378- -- -- -- -- 07 08 -- --
* (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29)
* 380- -- 09 0A 0B 0C 0D -- --
* (2A) (2B) (2C) (2D) (2E) (2F) (30) (31)
* 388- 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 -- 14
* (32) (22) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39)
* 390- 15 16 17 18 19 1A -- --
* (3A) (3B) (3C) (3D) (3E) (3F) (40) (41)
* 398- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
* (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49)
* 3A0- -- 1B -- 1C 1D 1E -- --
* (4A) (4B) (4C) (4D) (4E) (4F) (50) (51)
* 3A8- -- 1F -- -- 20 21 -- 22
* (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59)
* 3B0- 23 24 25 26 27 28 -- --
* (5A) (5B) (5C) (5D) (5E) (5F) (60) (61)
* 3B8- -- -- -- 29 2A 2B -- 2C
* (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69)
* 3C0- 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 -- --
* (6A) (6B) (6C) (6D) (6E) (6F) (70) (71)
* 3C8- 33 34 35 36 37 38 -- 39
* (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79)
* 3D0- 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F -- --
* (7A) (7B) (7C) (7D) (7E) (7F)
(Cs02) LDY #0 ;Initialize the (y) index.
(Cs04) LDX #3 ;"3" is used for controller ID. Any number
;between 0 and #$16 could be used. Except
;for ID purposes, the operand isn't even
;relevant until it is #$16 (dec #22).
BUILDTBL STX BT0SCRTH ;Save potential index seed in the zero page.
* Transfer (x) to (a) and test to see if it
* meets the following disk byte criteria:
* (1) has at least one pair of adjacent 1's
* in bits 0 to 6.
* (2) has no more than one pair of adjacent
* 0's in bits 0 to 6.
* Test for adjacent 1's.
* Note: by comparing a shifted version of
* the seed (in accumulator) with the original
* version of the seed (in BT0SCRTH, $3C) we are
* actually testing adjacent bits as shown below:
* Shifted: b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0
* Orignal: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
* -----------------------------------
* Testing: b6,7 b5,6 b4,5 b3,4 b2,3 b1,2 b0,1 -
(Cs08) TXA
(Cs0A) BIT BT0SCRTH ;Conditions the z-flag of the status.
;(If any bits match, z-flag=1.)
(Cs0C) BEQ GETNEWX ;Branch if value was illegal.
;Illegal value = z-flag=1 = no match = no
;adjacent 1's.
* Got at least 1 pair of adjacent 1's, so
* now prepare to test for adjacent 0's.
* (Note: the previous "BIT" instruction
* alters the z-flag in the status but
* does not affect the accumulator.)
(Cs0E) ORA BT0SCRTH ;Merge shifted version of seed with orig.
(Cs10) EOR #$FF ;Take 1's compliment of shifted version to
;swap 1's for 0's and 0's for 1's.
(Cs12) AND #%01111110 ;Throw away the hi and least significant
;bits so will be testing:
; b5,6 b4,5 b3,4 b2,3 b1,2 b0,1.
* Test for pairs of adjacent 0's.
* Remember, only 1 pair of adjacent 0's is
* allowed. Because we did a 1's compliment
* of the merged bits above, a SET BIT NOW
* therefore test for a pair of adjacent 0's
* by shifting a bit into the carry:
* - if (c) = 1 = at least one pair of adjacent 0's
* is present.
* - if (c) = 1 AND the remaining byte = 0 then
* we have only one pair of adjacent 0's so
* value is legal.
* - if (c) = 1 AND the remaining byte < > 0, we
* have more than one pair of adjacent 0's so
* value is illegal.
TESTCARY BCS GETNEWX ;Always fall through on very first entry.
;If branch is taken, got illegal value
;because more than 1 pr of adjacent 0's.
(Cs16) LSR ;Shift a bit into the carry (if carry set
;have at least 1 pr of adjacent 0's).
(Cs17) BNE TESTCARY ;Take branch when remaining byte is not
;zero. Got at least 1 pr of adjacent 0's.
;Go test carry to see if another pair has
;already been detected.
* Index byte was legal. We either got no
* adjacent 0's or else only one pair of
* adjacent 0's.
(Cs19) TYA ;Store the counter that corresponds to a
(Cs1A) STA BTNIBL-$16,X ;legal nibble. The first (x) value used
;is #$16, last is #$7F. The first (y) value
;stored is 0, the last is #$3F.
(Cs1D) INY
(Cs1F) BPL BUILDTBL ;Keep on trying to build table until (x)
;increments to #$80.
* Find out which slot the disk controller
* card resides in.
(Cs21) JSR MONRTS ;Jsr to an RTS to put the present address on
;the stack. The hi byte of the present addr
;($Cs) tells us what slot (s) the card is
;located in.
* An RTS instruction in monitor ROM.
(Cs24) TSX ;Put the value of the stack pointer in (x).
(Cs25) LDA STACK,X ;Get the hi byte of the controllers address
;($Cs) from the stack.
(Cs28) ASL ;Multiply by 16 (throwing away original hi
ASL ;nibble) so we are left with #$s0.
ASL ;(a) = slot * 16.
STA SLT16ZPG ;Save slot*16 in a zero-page location.
(Cs2E) TAX ;Set (x) = slot * 16 so we can index the
;base addresses associated with the drive
(Cs2F) LDA Q7L,X ;Set the READ mode.
LDA SELDRV1 ;Select drive 1.
(Cs38) LDA MTRON,X ;Spin the disk.
* Move disk arm to track 0 by doing a
* recalibration. (That is, force the arm
* against the stop by pretending that it
* is presently at trk decimal 40.)
* (The arm is moved by sequentially turning
* a series of magnets off and on.)
(Cs3B) LDY #80 ;Pretend arm is at trk40 (dec 80 half-trks).
MAGNTOFF LDA MAG0FF,X ;Turn the presently aligned magnet off.
(Cs40) TYA ;Calculate the next magnet that should be
;turned on to suck the arm over.
(Cs41) AND #%00000011 ;Only keep the lower two bits because we
;only want a maximum value of 3 because
;there are only 4 magnets (which are indexed
;by values 0 to 3). The sequence used in
;this loop is: 3,2,1,0,3...
(Cs43) ASL ;Multiply by 2 so the index is directed to
;an address that turns a magnet ON. The
;sequence used is: 6,4,2,0,6...0.
(Cs44) ORA SLT16ZPG ;Merge the index with the slot * 16 value.
TAX ;Put the calculated index in (x).
LDA MAG0N,X ;Turn the appropriate magnet ON.
(Cs4A) LDA #$56 ;Delay approximately 20 000 machine cycles
;(approximately 20 milliseconds.) (Gives
(Cs4C) JSR WAIT ;arm time to align with energized magnet
;and reduces overshoot or bounce.)
* Monitor ROM's main delay routine.
* Delay z number of cycles based on
* the formula:
* z = ((5 * a^2) + (27 * a) +26) / 2
* where a = value in the accumulator on entry.
WAIT SEC ;Prepare for subtraction.
WAIT2 PHA ;Save (a) on the stack.
WAIT3 SBC #1 ;Keep on reducing (a) until it equals 0.
SBC #1 ;Reduce the original (a) down to 0 again.
(Cs4F) DEY ;Reduce trk # count.
(Cs50) BPL MAGNTOFF ;Not at trk0 yet, so go move arm some more.
* Initialize the buffer pointer and trk/sec values.
* (On entry: (x) = slot *16, (y) = #$FF & (a) = $00.)
(Cs52) STA PT2BTBUF ;Set the low byte of the buf pointer to $00.
STA BOOTSEC ;Initialize for sector 0 on track 0.
LDA #8 ;Set the hi byte of the buf pointer to $08
(Cs5A) STA PT2BTBUF+1 ;(that is, direct pointer at $800).
* Prepare to start reading a prologue.
BTRDSEC CLC ;(c) = 0 = signal to read an addr prologue.
* Begin reading a prologue.
PRSRVFLG PHP ;Preserve the status denoting if reading
;address ((c)=0) or data ((c)=1) prologue.
* Look for an address prologue ("D5 AA 96")
* or a data prologue ("D5 AA AD").
STARTSEQ LDA Q6L,X ;Read a disk byte.
BPL STARTSEQ ;Wait for a full byte.
BTRYD5 EOR #$D5 ;Is it a "D5"?
BNE STARTSEQ ;No - restart sequence.
BTRYAA LDA Q6L,X ;Read next byte in header.
BPL BTRYAA ;Wait for a full byte.
CMP #$AA ;Is it an "AA"?
BNE BTRYD5 ;No - restart sequence.
NOP ;Delay 2 cycles.
BTRY96 LDA Q6L,X ;Read third byte in header.
BPL BTRY96 ;Wait for a full byte.
CMP #$96 ;Is it a "96"?
Cs78) BEQ RDVLTKSC ;Found an address prologue, so now go read
;the vol, trk, sec values in the header.
* The first two bytes were "D5 AA".
* The 3rd byte was not "96". Therefore,
* although we know this isn't an address
* prologue, maybe it is a data prologue.
(Cs7A) PLP ;Get the status back off the stack so we can
;check if we were looking for an address or
;data prologue.
(Cs7B) BCC BTRDSEC ;Branch back to try again if we were looking
;for an address prologue but didn't find it.
* We were looking for a data prologue so
* now compare the 3rd byte with that of a
* data prologue.
BTRYAD EOR #$AD ;Is it an "AD"?
BEQ RDBTDATA ;Yes - found data prol so now read in data.
(Cs81) BNE BTRDSEC ;No - go try again to find sequence 4 data.
* Read volume, track and sector values in
* the address header.
* Remember, @ of these pieces of information
* are housed in two bytes in an odd-even encoded
* format: 1rst byte: 1 b7 1 b5 1 b3 1 b1 (odd-encoded).
* 2nd byte: 1 b6 1 b4 1 b2 1 b1 (even-encoded).
* We must decode these bytes to check if we located
* the correct volume, track and sector.
RDVLTKSC LDY #3 ;Set counter for 3 decoded bytes.
MOREBYTS STA BOOTEMP ;Only relevant the last time through the
(Cs85) ;loop at which time it contains the decoded
(Cs87) ;track number read off the disk.
BTRDODD LDA Q6L,X ;Read odd-encoded byte.
BPL BTRDODD ;Wait for a full byte.
(Cs8C) ROL ;Throw away the hi bit & shift the odd bits
;to their regular position.
(Cs8D) STA BT0SCRTH ;Save realigned version of odd-encoded byte.
BTRDEVEN LDA Q6L,X ;Read the even-encoded byte.
BPL BTRDEVEN ;Wait for a full byte.
AND BT0SCRTH ;Merge the two bytes.
DEY ;Reduce counter for # of bytes to rebuild.
BNE MOREBYTS ;Branch if more bytes to patch back together.
PLP ;Throw the status on the stack away.
CMP BOOTSEC ;Is the sector read = sector wanted?
BNE BTRDSEC ;No - go back to find correct sector.
LDA BOOTEMP ;Get decoded trk # just read off disk.
CMP BOOTRK ;Is trk found = trk wanted?
BNE BTRDSEC ;No - go back to try again.
(CsA4) BCS PRSRVFLG ;ALWAYS - just read addr field, so now go
; read the data prologue.
* Read the sector's data bytes.
* Read the first 86 ($56) bytes of the sector. Use
* the disk byte as an index to the BTNIBL table ($36C-$3D5).
* Get the value from BTNIBL table & EOR it with the
* previous EOR result (except on entry, use
* #0 EOR BTNIBL-$96,Y) to produce a 2-encoded nibble.
* (On entry, (a) = 0.)
BTRDATA LDY #$56 ;Read $56 (dec #86) bytes.
KEEPCNT1 STY BT0SCRTH ;Save the counter.
RDDSK1 LDY Q6L,X ;Read a disk data byte.
BPL RDDSK1 ;Wait for a full byte.
(CsAF) EOR BTNIBL-$96,Y ;Use disk byte as an index to the table
;and EOR to decode to a 2-encoded nibble.
(CsB2) LDY BT0SCRTH ;Retrieve the counter.
DEY ;Reduce the counter (& condition z-flag).
STA BUF300,Y ;Store 2-encoded nibble in page 3 buffer.
(CSB8) BNE KEEPCNT1 ;Branch if more bytes to read.
* Read the rest of the sector (256 disk bytes
* remaining). Use disk byte as an index to BTNIBL
* table. Get value from nibble table and EOR it
* with previous EOR result to yeild a 6-encoded
* nibble. (On entry, (y) = 0.)
KEEPCNT2 STY BT0SCRTH ;Set disk byte counter = 0.
RDDSK2 LDY Q6L,X ;Read a disk byte.
BPL RDDSK2 ;Wait for a full byte.
(CsC1) EOR BTNIBL-$96,Y ;Use disk byte as an index to the nibble
;table and EOR it with previous result to
;produce a 6-encoded nibble.
(CsC4) LDY BT0SCRTH ;Get index to buffer.
STA (PT2BTBUF),Y ;Store 6-encoded nibble in buffer.
INY ;Kick up offset into buffer.
* Read and test the data checksum.
* On entry, (a) = result of previous cummulative
* EORing. Therefore, any non-cancelling errors are
* detected at the BNE instruction below.
RDCK LDY Q6L,X ;Read the data checksum.
BPL RDCK ;Wait for a full byte.
(CsD0) EOR BTNIBL-$96,Y ;EOR byte read with the previous
;cummulative result.
TSTRERD BNE BTRDSEC ;Bad checksum so branch back to re-read.
(CsD3) ;(Also branches to here if got a good read
;but there are more sectors to read if the
;first byte of BOOT1 is modified to allow
;BOOT0 to read more than 1 sector (see
;comments below).
* Convert 6-and-2 encoded buffer bytes to
* normal 8-bit memory bytes.
(CsD5) LDY #0 ;Initialize index to target memory byte.
SETX56 LDX #$56 ;Set index to buf containing encoded bytes.
DOWNX DEX ;Reduce index for next buffer byte.
BMI SETX56 ;Reset index to encoded buffer.
LDA (PT2BTBUF),Y ;Get (a) = 6-encoded nibble.
LSR BUF300,Y ;Put a bit from the 2-encoded buffer in (c)
ROL ;and then roll it into the 6-encoded nibble.
LSR BUF300,Y ;Do the same with the next bit of the pair.
STA (PT2BTBUF),Y ;Store the re-constructed 8-bit byte in memory.
INY ;Increase the offset to the buffer.
(CsE9) BNE DOWNX ;Branch back if more bytes to reconstruct.
* Prepare to read in the next sector.
* NOTE: Normaly only trk0/sec0 (which
* represents BOOT1) is read in by BOOT0.
* The number of sectors read in by BOOT0 is
* determined by the first byte of BOOT1.
* Whereas BOOT1 resides in memory on an 48K
* INITed disk at $B600 - $B6FF, we can zap a
* disk at $B600 with the # of sectors we
* we would like BOOT0 to read in if we want
* it to read in more than 1 sector.
(CsEB) INC PT2BTBUF+1 ;Just crossed page boundary, so kick up
;the hi byte of the target address.
(CsED) INC BOOTSEC ;Set value for next sector wanted.
LDA BOOTSEC ;Get next sector wanted.
(CsF1) CMP $800 ;Test if read enough sectors.
;First byte of image of BOOT1 normally
;contains #$01 which denotes only 1 sector
;(sec0/trk0) should be read in by BOOT0.
(CsF4) LDX SLT16ZPG ;(x) = slot *16.
BCC TSTRERD ;Branch back to read more sectors.
(CsF8) JMP BT1EXC08 ;Jumps into BOOT1 (which was copied into
------------ ;page 8 from trk0/sec0) to begin execution
;of BOOT1.
* *
* BOOT 1 *
* *
* *
* - stored on trk0/sec0. *
* - IMAGE in memory on a 48K system resides at $B600 - $B6FF. *
* - read into $800 to $8FF by the disk controller ROM (BOOT0). *
* - execution begins at $801 & uses the controller's read sector *
* subroutine (BTRDSEC, Cs00, where s = slot # of card) to read *
* in trk0/sec9 down to trk0/sec1 ($BFFF --> $B600). *
* - NOTE: In order to generate an accurate symbol table that *
* can be applied 2 both the formatted & linear disassemblies, *
* and because different assemblers vary in their abilities to *
* accept certain OBJect values or re-ORG during assembly, the *
* following special label system has been created: *
* Image label/adr Execution label/adr Comments *
* --------------- ------------------- -------------------- *
* SEC2RDB6, $B600 SEC2RD08, $800 ;Defines # of secs to *
* ;be read in by boot0. *
* BT1EXCB6, $B601 BT1EXC08, $801 ;Start of boot1. *
* ;Boot0 jumps to this *
* ;location. *
* SKPRELB6, $B61F SKPREL08, $81F ;Target labl 4 brnch. *
* PRP4B2B6, $B639 PRP4B208, $839 ;Target labl 4 brnch. *
* IMG8FD, $B6FD BT1LDADR, $8FD ;Boot1 load address. *
* ;Varies from $B600 to *
* ;$BF00. Eventually *
* ;pts 2 start of boot2 *
* ;($B700). *
* IMG8FF, $B6FF BT1PG2RD, $8FF ;Contains # of secs 2 *
* ;be read in when *
* ;executing boot1. Also*
* ;doubles as logical *
* ;sec #. Varies from: *
* ;$09 --> $00 --> $FF. *
* - As indicated above, SEC2RD08 ($800) defines the number of *
* sectors to be read in by boot0. This value is normally $01 *
* (meaning read only sector0 of track0). However, you can zap *
* trk0/sec0/offset0 with a larger value ($01 to $10) to read *
* more sectors from trk0. Also note that most references say *
* that SEC2RD08 normally contains a "$00" (rather than a *
* "$01"). Because the test at $CsF6 uses the carry, either *
* value will only cause one sector to be read in. However, *
* "$01" is the value used by DOS. (Confusion may stem from *
* the fact that Applesoft later stores a $00 in memory at *
* $800.) *
* *
(B600) <============= image address.
(800) <============== execution address.
SEC2RD08 HEX 01 ;Defines the number of sectors to be read
;in from track 0 during BOOT0.
BT1EXC08 LDA PT2BUF+1 ;Get the next page to read in.
CMP #$09 ;Is it page 9 (ie. first page read by BOOT1)?
BNE SKPREL08 ;No - already used by BOOT1 to read page 9,
;so skip pointer initialization given below.
* Initialize the pointer (PT2RDSC) to point
* at BOOT0's read sector subroutine (BTRDSEC,
* $Cs5C, where s = slot #, normally $C65C).
(807) LDA SLT16ZPG ;(a) = slot *16.
LSR ;Divide by 16.
ORA $C0 ;Merge with $C0 to get $Cs, where s=slot#.
STA PTR2RDSC+1 ;Store the hi byte of the address of the
;controller's read sector subroutine.
LDA #<BTRDSEC ;Get low byte of addr of subroutine.
STA PTR2RDSC ;Low byte is a constant (#$5C) and is
;therefore not variable with the slot used
;(as is the hi byte).
* Read in the 9 sectors represented by
* trk0/sec9 down to trk0/sec1 into
* $BFFF to $B600. Note that the sectors
* are read in from higher to lower memory.
* These sectors contain the IMAGE of BOOT1,
* part of the File Manager and almost all
* of RWTS and it's associated routines.
* Calculate target address for the first sector
* to be read in.
(815) CLC
LDA BT1LDADR+1 ;Contains $B6 on 48K slave.
ADC BT1PG2RD ;Contains #$09 on 48K slave.
STA BT1LDADR+1 ;(a) = #$BF on 48K slave.
* Determine the number of sectors left to read,
* the physical sector number & the target address.
* Then, go read in the next sector.
SKPREL08 LDX BT1PG2RD ;(x) = pages left to read in less 1.
;(Also doubles as logical sector number.
;Varies from $09 --> $FF.)
BMI PRP4B208 ;When (x) = $FF, we have read all the
;sectors in so go exit.
LDA PHYSECP8-$AE00,X ;Convert the logical sector number
;to a physical sector number. (Equivalent
;to "LDA $84D,X".)
STA BOOTSEC ;Store physical sector number in page0.
DEC BT1PG2RD ;Reduce sectors (pages) left to read for
;the next time around.
LDA BT1LDADR+1 ;Point the buffer pointer at the target
STA PT2BTBUF+1 ;address. (Varies from $BF to $B6 on a
;48K slave.)
DEC BT1LDADR+1 ;Reduce the hi byte of the I/O buffer for
;the next time around. (Varies from $BF to
;$B5 on a 48K slave.)
LDX SLT16ZPG ;Set (x) = slot*16.
(836) JMP (PTR2RDSC) ;Equivalent to "JMP ($8FD)" or "JMP $Cs5C"
(B636) ------------ ;to go read in the next sector.
;***************** NOTE *******************
;* IS READ IN. (BT1EXCB6 is a carbon copy *
;* of BT1EXC08.) *
* Prepare for BOOT2.
PRP4B208 INC BT1LDADR+1 ;Point at the load address for BOOT2.
INC BT1LDADR+1 ;(After the INCs = $B7 on 48K slave.)
* Set full screen text & designate the
* keyboard and screen as the I/O devices.
(83F) JSR SETKBD ;Simulate an IN#0. (See dis'mbly below.)
JSR SETVID ;Simulate an PR#0. (See dis'mbly below.)
JSR INIT ;Simulate a "TEXT" statement. (See dis'mbly
LDX SLT16ZPG ;(x) = slot * 16.
* Go to BOOT2.
(84A) JMP (BT1LDADR) ;Jump to BOOT2 ($B700 on 48K slave).
* *
* BOOT2 *
* *
* *
* - Reads in the rest of DOS starting at trk02/sec04 down to *
* trk00/sec0A ($B5FF --> $9B00). (P.S. Sectors 0A and 0B of *
* track 0 are empty ($9CFF - $9B00).) *
* - After the rest of DOS is read in, execution jumps to DOS's *
* coldstart routine (DOSCLD, $9D84). *
* - Note that on entry: (x) = slot * 16 *
* *
* Prepare RWTS's input-output block (IOB)
* and designate the number of sectors to read.
BOOT2 STX IBSLOT ;(x) = slot*16 wanted.
STX IOBPSN ;Last-used slot*16 value.
LDA #1 ;Set both the last-used and wanted drives
STA IOBDPDN ;as drive #1.
LDA NMPG2RD ;Set number of pages (ie. secs) to read.
STA BT2PGCTR ;Counter for for number of pages to read.
LDA #2 ;Start with trk02/sec04.
LDA #4
(B71E) LDY BT1MGADR+1 ;(y) = hi byte of the address of the image
;of BOOT1 (#$B6 on a 48K slave).
(B721) DEY ;Define I/O buf as 1 page below boot1.
LDA #1 ;Opcode for read.
* Convert from (x) = slot*16 to (x) = slot.
(B72A) TXA ;(x) = slot * 16.
LSR ;Divide by 16.
(B72F) TAX ;(x) = slot.
* Initialize the page-four locations with
* the track numbers associated with the drives.
(B730) LDA #0
* Call the routine to read in the rest of DOS.
* READ/write a group of pages.
RWPAGES LDA ADROFIOB+1 ;Init (a)/(y) with the hi/low bytes of the
LDY ADROFIOB ;addr of RWTS's IOB for entry to RWTS.
(B799) JSR ENTERWTS ;Enter RWTS to read/write sector.
* Entry to RWTS.
ENTERWTS PHP ;Save status register on the stack.
(B7B6) SEI ;Set the interrupt disable flag to prevent
;any further maskable interrupts when doing
;real-time programming.
(B7B7) JSR RWTS ;Enter RWTS proper to do the operation:
; $00=seek, $01=read, $02=write, $03=format.
* RWTS proper.
(See dis'mbly in RWTSDRVR using READ.)
(B7BA) BCS ERRENTER ;Operation was NOT successful.
PLP ;Retrieve saved status off the stack.
ERRENTER PLP ;Throw the saved status off the stack.
SEC ;Signal operation was unsuccessful.
(B7C1) RTS
(B79C) LDY IBSECT ;Get # of the sector just read or written.
(B79F) DEY ;Set value for next sector 2 read. When
;executing BOOT1, goes from $09 to $FF.
(B7A0) BPL SAMETRK ;Branch to use the same track.
* Start a new track.
(B7A2) LDY #$0F ;Start with sector 15.
(B7A6) DEC IBTRK ;Reduce number of track wanted.
* Reduce the addr of the target memory location.
* Test if more sectors to read.
SAMETRK STY IBSECT ;Store the sector wanted.
DEC IBBUFP+1 ;Reduce buf addr of target memory location.
DEC BT2PGCTR ;Reduce counter for # of sectors to read.
BNE RWPAGES ;More sectors to read.
(B7B4) RTS
(B73B) LDX #$FF ;Completely clear out the stack.
STX IBVOL ;Set the volume to $FF (compliment of 0).
* Patch to clobber the language card
* and set video output.
CLOBCARD JSR SETVID ;Select the video screen.
* Monitor ROM's routine to designate the
* video screen as the output device.
* (Simulate a "PR#0" statement.)
SETVID LDA #0 ;Designate slot 0.
OUTPRT LDX #<CSW ;Set offset from start of zero page to OUTPUT hook.
AND #$0F
IOPRT1 LDA #>COUT1 ;(Hi byte of addr of KEYIN & COUT1 are equal.)
(BFCB) LDA $C081 ;Write enable the RAM card.
LDA $C081 ;(Read motherboard / write card bank 2.)
LDA #0 ;Set the language identifying byte on the
(BFD3) STA BASICCLD ;card to $00 so if card is tested (during
;an FP command), the machine will be forced
;to use the motherboard version of FP.
(BFD6) JSR CONTCLOB ;Now clobber the 80-column card.
* Clobber the 80-column card.
CONTCLOB LDA #$FF ;Set the mode flag for card.
STA $4FB ;Scratch pad memory for slot 3 peripheral.
STA $C00C ;Turn off the alternate character set.
(BA81) JMP INIT ;Simimulate a TEXT statement.
* Monitor ROM's Init routine.
- simulate a text statement.
(Ie. set window to full screen text.)
(BFD9) JMP BK2BOOT2 ;Return to original part of BOOT2.
* Return back to original part of BOOT2.
BK2BOOT2 JSR SETKBD ;Select the keyboard.
* Monitor ROM's routine to designate the
* keyboard as the input device.
* (Simulate a "IN#0" statement.)
SETKBD LDA #0 ;Pretend using slot 0.
INPRT LDX #<KSW ;Set offset from start of zero page to INPUT hook.
AND #$0F
IOPRT1 LDA #>COUT1 ;(Hi byte of the addr of KEYIN & COUT1 are equal.)
(B747) JMP DOSCOLD ;Jump into DOS's coldstart routine to build
------------ ;the DOS buffers and the page-three vector
. ;table and then run the "HELLO" program.
. ;*************** N O T E *****************
. ;* This instruction is a hacker's dream. *
. ;* For instance, you can change the jump *
. ;* to point to you own password or time- *
. ;* bomb routine that you have deviously *
. ;* embedded in an unused section of DOS. *
. ;*****************************************
* SEE dis'mbly titled *
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