Putting these help files here for now but need to hook them up to the IDE menus

This commit is contained in:
Brendan Robert 2015-08-08 04:03:42 -05:00
parent 72dc7b5318
commit 0abc87675b
2 changed files with 443 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
$F800 PLOT
$F819 HLIN
$F828 VLIN
$F864 COLOR=
$F871 SCRN(
$F94A HTAB (input in X register)
$FB40 GR
$FB5B VTAB (input in X register)
$FB60 BANNER (doesn't work on clones, sometimes crashes a IIgs)
(basically deadwaits on the highorder bit of $C000, then hits $C010)
$FDED PUTCH (input in A register)
(for NORMAL text set the high-order bit)
$FD6A GETLIN (output to address $200 and up. with CR termination)
(length of string minus the CR is stored in the X register)
AppleSoft Graphic, Input, Output and String Instructions
; Method 1
JSR $FB40 ; Sets Lo-Res graphics mode with 4 lines of text
; and clears the graphic area to black
;Method 2
STA $C050 ; Sets Lo-Res graphics mode with 4 lines of text
STA $C053 ; but doesn't clear the graphics area
STA $C054
STA $C056
LDA #N ; Sets the plotting color to N, 0 <= N <= 15
JSR $F864
LDY #X ; Lo-Res Plot X (Horizontal) Coordinate (0-39)
LDA #Y ; Lo-Res Plot Y (Vertical) Coordinate (0-39)
JSR $F800
LDA #Y ; Y Coordinate (0-39)
LDY #Xr ; Rightmost X Coordinate (0-39)
STY $2C ; Store it at H2
LDY #Xl ; Leftmost X Coordinate (0-39)
JSR $F819
LDY #X ; X Coordinate (0-39)
LDA #Yb ; Bottom Y Coordinate (0-39)
STA $2C ; Store it at V2
LDA #Yt ; Top Y Coordinate (0-39)
JSR $F828
LDY #X ; X Coordinate (0-39)
LDA #Y ; Y Coordinate (0-39)
JSR $F871 ; Result (0-15) in Accumulator
; Method 1
JSR $F3E2 ; Sets Hi-Res Mode with 4 lines of text,
; and clears the graphics screen
; Method 2
STA $C050 ; Sets Hi-Res Mode with 4 lines of text,
STA $C053 ; and doesn't clear the graphics screen
STA $C054
STA $C057
LDA #$20
; Method 1
JSR $F3D8 ; Full Screen Hi-Res Page 2, Clears Screen
; Method 2
STA $C050 ; Full Screen Hi-Res Page 2, Doesn't Clear Screen
STA $C052
STA $C055
STA $C057
LDA #$40
LDA #N ; Select Color N (0-7)
LDX #Xl ; Low Byte of X Coordinate (0-255)
LDY #Xh ; High Byte of X Coordinate (0 or 1)
LDA #Y ; Y Coordinate (0-191)
JSR $F457
LDA #Xl ; Low Byte of X Coordinate (0-255)
LDX #Xh ; High Byte of X Coordinate (0 or 1)
LDY #Y ; Y Coordinate (0-191)
LDX #N ; Select Paddle (0-3 on //e and II+; 0-1 on //c)
JSR $FB1E ; Result in Y register
LDA #N ; Sets rotation (0-255), immediately before DRAW
; or XDRAW call [See DRAW and XDRAW]
LDA #N ; Sets SCALE, N = scale value
LDY #Xh ; High byte of X Coordinate
LDX #Xl ; Low byte of X Coordinate
LDA #Y ; Y Coordinate
JSR $F411 ; Move Hi-Res Cursor
LDY #SAH ; High Byte of Actual Shape Address (not table)
LDX #SAL ; Low Byte of actual shape address
LDA #R ; Set Rotation
JSR $F601 ; Execute the DRAW Function
LDY #Xh ; High byte of X Coordinate
LDX #Xl ; Low byte of X Coordinate
LDA #Y ; Y Coordinate
JSR $F411 ; Move Hi-Res Cursor
LDY #SAH ; High Byte of Actual Shape Address (not table)
LDX #SAL ; Low Byte of actual shape address
LDA #R ; Set Rotation
JSR $F65D ; Execute the XDRAW Function
; Method 1
JSR $FB2F ; Sets text mode, normal full-screen format
; Method 2
STA $C051 ; Text mode, window set to existing parameters
JSR $FC58 ; Clears Text Screen, Cursor to upper left
JSR $FE84 ; Set Normal-Text Mode
JSR $FE80 ; Set Inverse-Text Mode
LDA #$7F ; Set Flashing-Text Mode
JSR $FD8E ; Prints a carriage-return
LDA #$C1 ; Code for letter "A"
JSR $FDED ; (COUT) Print "A"
LDA #$C2 ; Code for letter "B"
JSR $FDED ; (COUT) Print "B"
JSR $FD8E ; Print Carriage-Return
JSR $FD0C ; Hex code of character is in Accumulator
LDA #n ; Count
STA $25
LDA $9F ; Get Random Number
JSR $FD6A ; On return, X register contains length of string
; and string data is at $200
STX addr ; Save Length of string at user address <addr>
TXA ; Move Length of Accumulator
BEQ L1 ; Jump to L1 if Length is 0
TAY ; Set Y register to Length
DEX ; Set X register to length - 1
LDA $200,X ; Get Character from $200 Buffer
STA addr,Y ; Save at user address buffer
LDA addr ; Get string length (first byte)
BEQ L2 ; Exit if Length is 0
LDX #1 ; Point to start of string
LDA addr,X ; Get Character
JSR $FDED ; Print Character
INX ; Move To Next Character
CPX addr ; Compare X Register to Length of String

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
<i>This comes from the comp.sys.apple2 FAQ maintained by Jeff Hurlburt (rubywand@swbell.net)</i>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When it comes to writing compact fast-executing
code, knowing which Zero Page locations are available is essential information
for assembly language programmers.
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The chart here uses information from Apple's
Apple II technical references, Beneath Apple DOS (by Worth and Lechner),
and Exploring Apple GS/OS and ProDOS 8 (by Little). It shows which Zero
Page locations are used by the Monitor, Applesoft BASIC, Integer BASIC,
<p><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <font size=+1>Apple
II Zero Page Usage</font></tt></b>
Lo Nibble of Address</tt>
<br><tt>Nib&nbsp; <b>0&nbsp;&nbsp; 1&nbsp;&nbsp; 2&nbsp;&nbsp; 3&nbsp;&nbsp;
4&nbsp;&nbsp; 5&nbsp;&nbsp; 6&nbsp;&nbsp; 7&nbsp;&nbsp; 8&nbsp;&nbsp; 9&nbsp;&nbsp;
A&nbsp;&nbsp; B&nbsp;&nbsp; C&nbsp;&nbsp; D&nbsp;&nbsp; E&nbsp;&nbsp; F</b></tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- ---</tt>
<br><tt><b>&nbsp;0</b> | A~&nbsp; A~&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp;
A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp;
A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; AI&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A</tt>
<br><tt><font color="#CC6600"><b>&nbsp;1</b> | A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp;
A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp;
A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp;
-&nbsp;&nbsp; M*</font></tt>
<br><tt><b>&nbsp;2</b> | M&nbsp;&nbsp; M&nbsp;&nbsp; M&nbsp;&nbsp; M&nbsp;&nbsp;
M3&nbsp; M&nbsp;&nbsp; MA3 MA3 M3&nbsp; M3&nbsp; M3&nbsp; M3&nbsp; MA3
MA3 M3&nbsp; MA3</tt>
<br><tt><font color="#CC6600"><b>&nbsp;3</b> | MA&nbsp; M&nbsp;&nbsp; MA&nbsp;
MA3 M&nbsp;&nbsp; M3&nbsp; M3B M3B M3B M3B M~&nbsp; M~&nbsp; MA3~MA3~MA3~MA3~</font></tt>
<br><tt><b>&nbsp;4</b> | M3~ M3~ M3~ M3~ M3~ M3~ M3~ M3~ M3~ M3~ I3~ I3~
I3~ I3~ M~&nbsp; M</tt>
<br><tt><font color="#CC6600"><b>&nbsp;5</b> | MA&nbsp; MA&nbsp; MA&nbsp;
MA&nbsp; MA&nbsp; MAI AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI</font></tt>
<br><tt><b>&nbsp;6</b> | AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI3 AI3 AI3 AI3 AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI3</tt>
<br><tt><font color="#CC6600"><b>&nbsp;7</b> | AI3 AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI3
AI3 AI&nbsp; AI3 AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI</font></tt>
<br><tt><b>&nbsp;8</b> | AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI</tt>
<br><tt><font color="#CC6600"><b>&nbsp;9</b> | AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI</font></tt>
<br><tt><b>&nbsp;A</b> | AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI3</tt>
<br><tt><font color="#CC6600"><b>&nbsp;B</b> | AI3 AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI</font></tt>
<br><tt><b>&nbsp;C</b> | AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI3 AI3 AI3 AI3 I&nbsp;&nbsp; I</tt>
<br><tt><font color="#CC6600"><b>&nbsp;D</b> | AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI3 I&nbsp;&nbsp; AI3 AI3 AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp;
AI&nbsp; AI&nbsp; AI3 AI</font></tt>
<br><tt><b>&nbsp;E</b> | A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp;
A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp;
A&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; -</tt>
<br><tt><font color="#CC6600"><b>&nbsp;F</b> | A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp;
A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp;
A&nbsp;&nbsp; A&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;
I&nbsp;&nbsp; AI</font></tt>
<p><tt>M = Used by Monitor; * used in early Apple IIe ROMs-- now free</tt>
<br><tt>A = Used by Applesoft BASIC</tt>
<br><tt>I = Used by Integer BASIC</tt>
<br><tt>3 = Used by DOS 3.3</tt>
<br><tt>~ = Used by ProDOS ($40-$4E is saved before and restored after
<br><tt>B = Used by ProDOS BASIC.SYSTEM (also uses all Applesoft locations)</tt>
<br><tt>- = Free; not used</tt>
<p>--Bryan Dunphy, Michael J. Mahon, Rubywand</p>
<i> List compiled by Jon Relay </i>
$06-$09 - Free Space (Address of Main Menu Routine for Jon Relay's Desktop)
$0A-$0C - JMP to USR() User Function Routine
$18 - First Data Track
$19 - First Data Sector
$1A-$1B - Shape Pointer for DRAW (???)
$1C - Last COLOR Used
$1D-$1E - Free Space
$20 - Left Margin (0 - 39/79, 0 is default)
$21 - Width (1 - 40/80, 40 is default, 0 crashes Applesoft)
$22 - Top Margin (0 - 23, 0 is default, 20 in graphics mode)
$23 - Bottom Margin (0 - 23, 23 is default)
$24 - Horizontal Cursor Position (0 - 39/79)
$25 - Vertical Cursor Position (0 - 23)
$26-$27 - Address of Byte Containing X,Y (???)
$28-$29 - Base Address of Text Cursor's Position
$2B - Boot Slot * 16
$2C - Lo-Res HLIN/VLIN Endpoint
$30 - COLOR Value * 17
$32 - Text Mask ($FF = Normal, $7F = Inverse, $3F = Flashing)
$33 - Prompt Character
$36-$37 - Address of Output Routine
$38-$39 - Address of Input Routine
$3C-$4E - Prodos/Dos 3.3 routines
$50-$51 - Result of the Conversion of the FAC to a 16-Bit Integer
$67-$68 - Address of Beginning of BASIC Program ($0801 is default)
$69-$6A - Address of Beginning of BASIC Variables (LOMEM / vartab)
$6B-$6C - Address of Beginning of BASIC Arrays
$6D-$6E - Address of End of BASIC Variables
$6F-$70 - Address of End of String Data
$71-$72 - Address to Move String To (???)
$73-$74 - Address of Beginning of String Data
$75-$76 - Current Line Number Being Executed
$77-$78 - Line Number Where END or STOP or BREAK Occurred
$79-$7A - Address of Line Number Being Executed
$7B-$7C - Current Address of DATA
$7D-$7E - Next Address of DATA
$7F-$80 - Address of Input or Data (???)
$81-$82 - Last Used Variable's Name
$83-$84 - Last Used Variable's Address
$9B-$9C - Pointer for $D61A and $F7D9 (???)
$9D-$A3 - Floating Point Accumulator (FAC)
$A5-$AB - Floating Point Argument Register (ARG)
$AF-$B0 - Address of End of BASIC Program
$B1-$B6 - Subroutine to Increase the String Data Pointer
$B7-$BE - Subroutine to Return the Character Pointed to by the String Data Pointer
$CE-$CF - Free Space
$D4 - Error Code Flag (???)
$D7 - Free Space
$D8 - Error Flag (>=128 if error handler active)
$DA-$DB - Line Number Where Error Occurred
$DE - Error Code
$E0-$E1 - Horizontal Coordinate of HPLOT
$E2 - Vertical Coordinate of HPLOT
$E3 - Free Space
$E4 - HCOLOR Value (0=0, 1=42, 2=85, 3=127, 4=128, 5=170, 6=213, 7=255)
$E6 - High Byte of Address of First Byte of Where HGR is Plotted
$E7 - SCALE Value (0 = 256)
$E8-$E9 - Address of Shape Table
$EA - DRAW/XDRAW Collision Count
$EB-$EF - Free Space
$F1 - SPEED Value (Subtracted From 256)
$F3 - Text OR mask (for flashing text)
$F4-$F5 - address of error handler (points to line number after ONERR GOTO...)
$F9 - ROT Value
$FA-$FE - Free Space
$FF - Free Space (Flag Bits for Jon Relay's Desktop), also used by Applesoft STR$ routine