This page contains some notes that Phill Harvey-Smith (prime) posted on Stardot covering building on Windows 7:
The original notes were posted here.
You will need:
- Cygwin installed and working.
- The Atmel AVR 8 command line gcc compiler, available here
- Srecord for windows, available here
- The Windows version of Xilinx ISE 14.7 WebPack installed and licensed, pretty much the same procedure as for Linux.
You'll need to extract the AVR command line tools to a folder and add it's 'bin' directory to your windows search path. Likewise you'll need to extract srecord to a directory and add it's directory to your windows search path (you could drop it in the AVR compiler's bin folder).
Open up a cygwin window and clone the repository with:
git clone
You'll need to edit in target/common and make the following changes:
- Change XILINX to point to the cygwin path of your webpack installation e.g. :
XILINX := /cygdrive/c/Xilinx/14.7
- Change PATH to point include the binary executable directory of the ISE tools:
PATH := $(PATH):${XILINX}/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/nt64
- Change the default shell to bash:
SHELL := /bin/bash
Save the makefile, then change into the target directory of the version you want to compile and then do a make clobber / make to build.
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