Firmware Overview
David Banks edited this page 2016-07-15 14:55:30 +01:00

Table of Contents


The firmware for each of targets (6502/Z80/6809) is built from the same source file: https://github.com/hoglet67/AtomBusMon/blob/master/firmware/AtomBusMon.c

There is some use of conditional compilation described in Compiling-firmware#target-specific-customizations

The main() method in the firmware implements a infinite command processing loop:

  • Reads a command line from serial input
  • Parses the command line into a user command and parameters
  • Calls the user command implementation

User Commands

The user command implementations are all prefixed by doCmd:

  • doCmdBreakI
  • doCmdBreakRdIO
  • doCmdBreakRdMem
  • doCmdBreakWrIO
  • doCmdBreakWrMem
  • doCmdClear
  • doCmdContinue
  • doCmdCrc
  • doCmdDis
  • doCmdFill
  • doCmdHelp
  • doCmdIO
  • doCmdList
  • doCmdMem
  • doCmdReadIO
  • doCmdReadMem
  • doCmdRegs
  • doCmdReset
  • doCmdStep
  • doCmdTest
  • doCmdTrace
  • doCmdTrigger
  • doCmdWatchI
  • doCmdWatchRdIO
  • doCmdWatchRdMem
  • doCmdWatchWrIO
  • doCmdWatchWrMem
  • doCmdWriteIO
  • doCmdWriteMem

AVR Ports

The firmware uses the following AVR Ports to interact with the Bus Monitor hardware:

Port Bit Range Direction Function
A 7..4 In/Out HD44780 LCD data
A 3 unused
A 2 Output HD44780 LCD enable
A 1 Output HD44780 LCD read/notWrite
A 0 Output HD44780 LCD register select
B 7..6 unused
B 5 Output Hardware command edge
B 4..0 Output Hardware command data
C 7..0 unused
D 7 Input Event FIFO empty flag
D 6 Input Interrupt switch (GODIL SW1)
D 5..0 Output Multiplexor select
E 7..0 Input Multiplexor data
F 7..0 unused

Note: The functionality for the HD44780 LCD is currently disabled in the VHDL projects, and #ifdefed out in the C source.

Hardware Commands

The operation of the bus monitor hardware is controlled through a command interface AVR PortB.

Command Param Description
0x00 CMD_SINGLE 0 Disable single stepping
0x01 CMD_SINGLE 1 Enable single stepping
0x02 CMD_BRKPT 0 Disable breakpoints (and watchpoints)
0x03 CMD_BRKPT 1 Enable breakpoints (and watchpoints)
0x04 CMD_LOAD_BRKPT 0 Shift a zero into the breakpoint register
0x05 CMD_LOAD_BRKPT 1 Shift a one into the breakpoint register
0x06 CMD_RESET 0 Release reset on the target processor
0x07 CMD_RESET 1 Assert reset on the target processor
0x08 CMD_STEP Single Step target processor on instruction
0x0A CMD_FIFO_RST Reset Event FIFO
0x0B unused
0x0C CMD_LOAD_MEM 0 Shift a zero into the address/data register
0x0D CMD_LOAD_MEM 1 Shift a one into the address/data register
0x0E-0x0F unused
0x10 CMD_RD_MEM Read memory
0x11 CMD_RD_MEM_INC Read memory and increment address register
0x12 CMD_WR_MEM Write memory
0x13 CMD_WR_MEM_INC Write memory and increment address register
0x14 CMD_RD_IO Read IO
0x15 CMD_RD_IO_INC Read IO and increment address register
0x16 CMD_WR_IO Write IO
0x17 CMD_WR_IO_INC Write IO and increment address register
0x18-0x1F unused

Breakpoint Register

Much of the power of the emulator comes from the ability to set breakpoints and watchpoints. These only active when the emulator is in running mode, not when single stepping. They are controlled via a set of registers collectively called the breakpoint register.

The firmware maintains the state of the breakpoints locally in memory, and then loads these serially into the hardware's breakpoint register just prior to entering the running state (as part of the continue command).

The break point register has the following structure:

The number of entries in the breakpoint register 8 for the 6502 and 6809, and 4 for the Z80, as the Z80 processor core is larger, so there is less space in the FPGA. Each entry in the breakpoint register is 46 bits wide. So for the 6502, the size of the register is 46 x 8 = 368 bits.

To load the breakpoint register, data is shifted in one bit at a time by making multiple calls to the CMD_BRKPT_LOAD command (with the data bit value to be loaded in command bit zero). Each time the command is used, the register is shifted right one bit and the new data bit is placed in the most significant bit. This means the order of the bits beings sent is bit 0 first and bit 367 last.

Address/Dout Register

The Address/Dout register is used by commands that read or write host memory when the emulator is in command mode

This is a 24 bit register, where:

  • bits 23..8 are the address (for reads and writes)
  • bits 7..0 are the data (for writes only, for reads the data is accessed via the multiplexer, see below)

To load the Address/Dout register, data is shifted in one bit at a time by making multiple calls to the CMD_LOAD_MEM command (with the data bit value to be loaded in command bit zero). Each time the command is used, the register is shifted right one bit and the new data bit is placed in the most significant bit. This means the order of the bits beings sent is bit 0 first and bit 23 last.

Data Multiplexer

State from the bus monitor hardware can be read by via an 8-bit wide 64-to-1 multiplexer. The select input is set by writing a value (0 to 63) to Port D, and the 8-bit value can then be read back from Port E.

Select Value
0 Latched instruction address (7:0)
1 Latched instruction address (15:8)
2 Latched data bus value
3 Current cycle count (23..16)
4 Current cycle count (7..0)
5 Current cycle count (15..8)
6 Event instruction address (7:0)
7 Event instruction address (15:8)
8 Event address (7:0)
9 Event address (15:8)
10 Event data bus value
11 Event status
12 Event cycle count (7:0)
13 Event cycle count (15:8)
14 Event cycle count (23:16)
15-31 unused
32..63 processor registers (see below)

When the emulator is stopped (or single stepping), the current values of the address, data and cycle count are in slots 0 through to 6.

When the emulator is running and a breakpoint or watchpoint is triggered, the address, data, cycle count and status are written to the Event FIFO.

The AVR periodically checks for events by looking at the state of the Event FIFO empty flag (AVR Port D bit 7). If the FIFO is not empty, the head event can be accessed a byte at a time via slots 7 through to 14 in the multiplexor (AVR Ports D and E). Once the event has been logged, the CMD_WATCH_READ causes the event to be discarded.

Target Specific Code

Code that is specific to a target processor is factored out into separate files. This is really just two things:

  • An opcode disassembler
  • A register formatter

Opcode Disassembler

This reads the opcode from host memory and formats it for printing.

The prototype for this is:

unsigned int disassemble(unsigned int addr);

The return value is the address of the next opcode.

For the 6502, the implementation is:

For the Z80, the implementation is:

For the 6809, the implementation is:

Register formatter

This reads the register data via the wide multiplexer described above.

The prototype for this is:

void doCmdRegs(char *params);

i.e. is entire implementation of the regs command.

For the 6502, the implementation is:

For the Z80, the implementation is:

For the 6809, the implementation is: