RC6502 Apple 1 Replica
I've been spending a lot of time lately working on extensions to the excellent RC2014 machine, check out the official web page at http://rc2014.co.uk if you're not familiar with it. Unquestionably, a lot of fun!
Armed with the knowledge from building that kit I decided to attempt to create one myself, lack of knowledge when it comes to circuit design and pcb layout aside shouldn't be a problem right? Not as long as you enjoy tinkering with stuff.
The RC6502 is that kit, and since I wasn't yet born at the time and therefore did not own one I decided to create a working replica of the Apple 1 computer. The original schematics are readily available on the Internet - as is also an excellent book on the topic; Apple 1 Replica Creation, Back to the garage by Tom Owad.
I've been documenting the build process of the various components on my blog at https://hvetebolle.blogspot.no/p/rc6502.html, but be warned that it's in my native language (Norwegian) so this might not be anywhere close to readable for most people. For those of you relying on English as a language, and don't want to try out Google Translate, the essence of it is that it is now a fully functional Apple 1 replica computer!
Like the RC2014 I've decided to keep things very modular with each card more or less doing one simple thing, easier to wrap ones head around as a beginner and a lot easier to understand when troubleshooting - also a lot cheaper to upgrade or replace since you don't need to replace the entire thing, just the specific board. Note that I haven't decided on designing my own backplane, mainly because the RC2014-version works really well (see RC2014 tindie page for ordering) and I've already got it. With the conversion of the RC6502 computer to a SBC-version (Single Board Computer), you now have the option to build an all in one version on a single PCB - alternatively you can build the completely full-sized version as before if you want to!
In order to build a single board computer (SBC) of RC6502 you'll need the following modules:
In order to build the complete full-sized RC6502 you'll need the following modules:
- Backplane (see RC2014)
- Reset Circuit
- Serial IO
Optional modules:
If you want your own fabricated versions of the modules in the form of PCBs to own and and assemble yourselves, there are quite a few options avaiable though I tend to use Seeed Studio since they are a reasonably priced option with affortable shipping to Europe. Zip up the contents of each modules export folders and give them that to get an estimate.