The purpose of this project is to provide I/O for an Apple II series 8 bit computer via a Raspberry Pi Zero W which is powered by the Apple II expansion bus. This includes using the attached RPi Zero W for it's storage, network and processor to provide new functionality for the Apple II.
So far, this is a project and not a finished product. The current prototype is on the fifth revision and a few have been assembled and tested. It is now possible for the Apple II to boot from and write to a virutal hard drive image stored on the RPi in any slot and execute simple commands on the RPi via the Apple II. The code has very few tests and is incomplete. Note that currently the firmware assumes an 80 column card is in slot 3 and than you have lowercase support. If you have a problem or idea for enhancement, log an issue [here]( I recommend starring/watching the project for updates on GitHub. You are welcome to fork the project and submit pull requests which I will review.
6. Supports two drive images at the same time (Note: backward compatible with previous firmware but requires firmware update in order to work with two drives)
23. Optional to step above, `./apple2driver -d1 YOUR_DRIVE.hdv` (Apple2-IO-RPi.hdv is automatically selected as drive 2), or `./apple2driver -d1 YOUR_DRIVE.hdv -d2 YOUR_SECOND_DRIVE.hdv`
24. Setup the Driver as a service or to autostart via cronjob (`crontab -e` then add the line `@reboot /home/pi/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/apple2driver/apple2driver -d1 YOUR_DRIVE.hdv -d2 /home/pi/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/Apple2-IO-RPi.hdv > /home/pi/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/Apple2-IO-RPi.log`)
5. Type `a2wifi list` to check that you have a wireless network in range
6. Type `a2wifi select YOUR_SSID YOUR_PASSWORD` to connect the RPi to your network
7. Once connected, you should be able to ssh to the RPi from any computer if you want. From a Mac or Linux (or Windows with Bash) shell, type `ssh pi@raspberrypi`. The default password is `raspberry`.
8. Rebooting the Apple II, you can then select `1` from the menu and it will boot to ProDOS 2.4.2 and you will have a mostly blank 32 MB drive with a couple of utilities for updating firmware and such.
11. Edit the Driver autostart via cronjob (`crontab -e` then edit the line to be `@reboot /home/pi/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/apple2driver/apple2driver -d1 YOUR_DRIVE.hdv -d2 /home/pi/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/Apple2-IO-RPi.hdv > /home/pi/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/Apple2-IO-RPi.log`) or simply `@reboot /home/pi/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/apple2driver/apple2driver > /home/pi/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/Apple2-IO-RPi.log` if you don't need your own drive image.
If you prefer having Apple II peripherals control a Raspberry Pi rather than simply using the Raspberry Pi to provide storage, network access and processing to the Apple II, have a look at David Schmenk's excellent [Apple2Pi]( project.