more DMA framebuffer updates

This commit is contained in:
Jorj Bauer 2022-01-21 15:37:06 -05:00
parent 4978485ca5
commit dd76741c23
3 changed files with 69 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -214,19 +214,8 @@ void RA8875_t4::_initializeTFT()
_writeRegister(RA8875_VEAW0, (RA8875_HEIGHT-1) & 0xFF); // vertical end point of active window
_writeRegister(RA8875_VEAW0+1, (RA8875_HEIGHT-1) >> 8);
// Update the sysclock
_writeRegister(RA8875_PLLC1, 0x1D);
_writeRegister(RA8875_PLLC1+1, 0x02);
_writeRegister(RA8875_PCSR, 0x82);
_clock = _spi_clock; // speed up to full speed now
// clear memory
uint8_t temp;
temp = _readRegister(RA8875_MCLR);
@ -235,6 +224,23 @@ void RA8875_t4::_initializeTFT()
// Update the sysclock. 300MHz Fpll; 150MHz sysclk; 18.75 MHz pixel
// clock. That's the fastest that seems to reliably work for me. It
// also allows a SPI bus transfer at just under 80MHz (literally
// 79.999... there must be a constant somewhere that's breaking the
// SPI module at 80, or a Teensy 4.1 bus limit, or ... ?)
_writeRegister(RA8875_PLLC1, 0x0E);
_writeRegister(RA8875_PLLC1+1, 0x01);
_writeRegister(RA8875_PCSR, 0x82);
_clock = _spi_clock; // speed up to full speed now
// turn on the display
_writeRegister(RA8875_PWRR, RA8875_PWRR_NORMAL | RA8875_PWRR_DISPON);
@ -272,7 +278,6 @@ void RA8875_t4::_initializeTFT()
// setCursor(0,0);
_writeRegister(RA8875_GPIOX, true); // turn on backlight
void RA8875_t4::setFrameBuffer(uint8_t *frame_buffer)
@ -283,7 +288,7 @@ void RA8875_t4::setFrameBuffer(uint8_t *frame_buffer)
bool RA8875_t4::asyncUpdateActive()
return false;
return (_dma_state & RA8875_DMA_ACTIVE);
void RA8875_t4::initDMASettings()
@ -325,30 +330,6 @@ void RA8875_t4::initDMASettings()
// This should be removable after async updates are running
void RA8875_t4::updateScreenSync()
// Set the X/Y cursor
_writeRegister(RA8875_CURV0, 0);
_writeRegister(RA8875_CURV0+1, 0);
_writeRegister(RA8875_CURH0, 0);
_writeRegister(RA8875_CURH0+1, 0);
// start a memory write
// Send all the screen pixel data
uint8_t *pfbtft_end = &_pfbtft[COUNT_PIXELS_WRITE];
uint8_t *pftbft = _pfbtft;
while (pftbft < pfbtft_end) {
// Each pixel is 8 bpp...
// done!
bool RA8875_t4::updateScreenAsync(bool update_cont)
if (!_pfbtft) return false;

View File

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ class RA8875_t4 {
void setFrameBuffer(uint8_t *frame_buffer);
bool asyncUpdateActive();
void updateScreenSync();
bool updateScreenAsync(bool update_cont = false);
void drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color);

View File

@ -21,10 +21,14 @@ extern const unsigned char interface_glyphs[256];
#define RA8875_HEIGHT 480
DMAMEM uint8_t dmaBuffer[RA8875_HEIGHT][RA8875_WIDTH] /*__attribute__((aligned(32))*/;
DMAMEM uint8_t dmaBuffer[RA8875_HEIGHT][RA8875_WIDTH] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
#include <SPI.h>
#define _clock 79500000u
// 30MHz: solid performance, 9 FPS
// 57.5MHz: solid performance, 14/15 FPS
// 60MHz: unexpected palatte shifts & (may be audio overruns, needs checking since bumping up buffer sizes) 17 FPS
// And I can't get the SPI bus working at 80MHz or higher. Not sure why yet...
#define _clock 57500000u
#define PIN_RST 8
#define PIN_DC 9
@ -60,18 +64,21 @@ const uint16_t loresPixelColors[16] = { 0x0000, // 0 black
#define luminanceFromRGB(r,g,b) ( ((r)*0.2126) + ((g)*0.7152) + ((b)*0.0722) )
#define _565To332(c) ((((c) & 0xe000) >> 8) | (((c) & 0x700) >> 6) | (((c) & 0x18) >> 3))
RA8875_t4 tft = RA8875_t4(PIN_CS, PIN_RST, PIN_MOSI, PIN_SCK, PIN_MISO);
// tft.begin(Adafruit_800x480);
tft.setFrameBuffer((uint8_t *)dmaBuffer);
driveIndicator[0] = driveIndicator[1] = false;
driveIndicatorDirty = true;
// tft.begin(Adafruit_800x480);
Serial.println("set framebuffer");
tft.setFrameBuffer((uint8_t *)dmaBuffer);
Serial.println("clear window");
@ -80,16 +87,17 @@ TeensyDisplay::~TeensyDisplay()
void TeensyDisplay::flush()
void TeensyDisplay::redraw()
if (g_ui) {
if (g_vm && g_ui) {
g_ui->drawOnOffUIElement(UIeDisk1_state, ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(0)[0] == '\0');
g_ui->drawOnOffUIElement(UIeDisk2_state, ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(1)[0] == '\0');
if (g_vm) {
g_ui->drawOnOffUIElement(UIeDisk1_state, ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(0)[0] == '\0');
g_ui->drawOnOffUIElement(UIeDisk2_state, ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(1)[0] == '\0');
@ -114,7 +122,7 @@ void TeensyDisplay::blit()
// Start updates, if they're not running already
if (!tft.asyncUpdateActive())
// DEBUGGING: not refreshing every time so I can see the machine boot
static uint32_t ctr = 0;
// draw overlay, if any, occasionally
@ -122,9 +130,10 @@ void TeensyDisplay::blit()
static uint32_t nextMessageTime = 0;
if (millis() >= nextMessageTime) {
if (overlayMessage[0]) {
drawString(M_SELECTDISABLED, 1, RA8875_HEIGHT - (16 + 12), overlayMessage);
drawString(M_SELECTDISABLED, 1, RA8875_HEIGHT - (16 + 12)*2, overlayMessage);
nextMessageTime = millis() + 10; // DEBUGGING FIXME make 1000 again
nextMessageTime = millis() + 1000;
@ -133,14 +142,17 @@ void TeensyDisplay::blit(AiieRect r)
// FIXME do we still need 2 different methods for drawing pixels
void TeensyDisplay::drawUIPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color)
dmaBuffer[y][x] = _565To332(color);
if (x < RA8875_WIDTH && y < RA8875_HEIGHT)
dmaBuffer[y][x] = _565To332(color);
void TeensyDisplay::drawPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color)
dmaBuffer[y][x] = _565To332(color);
if (x < RA8875_WIDTH && y < RA8875_HEIGHT)
dmaBuffer[y][x] = _565To332(color);
void TeensyDisplay::drawPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
@ -180,14 +192,17 @@ void TeensyDisplay::drawCharacter(uint8_t mode, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char c)
// This does not scale when drawing, because drawPixel scales.
const unsigned char *ch = asciiToAppleGlyph(c);
for (int8_t y_off = 0; y_off <= ysize; y_off++) {
for (int8_t x_off = 0; x_off <= xsize; x_off++) {
if (*ch & (1 << (x_off))) {
drawUIPixel(x + x_off, y + y_off, onPixel);
} else {
drawUIPixel(x + x_off, y + y_off, offPixel);
for (int8_t ys=0; ys<2; ys++) {
for (int8_t xs=0; xs<2; xs++) {
if (*ch & (1 << (x_off))) {
drawUIPixel((x + x_off)*2+xs, (y + y_off)*2+ys, onPixel);
} else {
drawUIPixel((x + x_off)*2+xs, (y + y_off)*2+ys, offPixel);
@ -200,57 +215,28 @@ void TeensyDisplay::drawString(uint8_t mode, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, const char
for (int8_t i=0; i<strlen(str); i++) {
drawCharacter(mode, x, y, str[i]);
x += xsize; // fixme: any inter-char spacing?
if (x >= 320) break; // FIXME constant - and pre-scaling, b/c that's in drawCharacter
x += xsize;
if (x >= (RA8875_WIDTH-xsize)/2) break; // FIXME this is a pre-scaled number, b/c drawCharacter is scaling. Klutzy.
void TeensyDisplay::clrScr(uint8_t coloridx)
if (coloridx == c_black) {
} else if (coloridx == c_white) {
} else {
uint16_t color16 = loresPixelColors[c_black];
if (coloridx < 16)
color16 = loresPixelColors[coloridx];
uint8_t c = _565To332(loresPixelColors[coloridx]);
for (uint16_t y=0; y<480; y++) {
for (uint16_t x=0; x<800; x++) {
dmaBuffer[y][x] = c;
inline uint16_t blendColors(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
// Straight linear average doesn't work well for inverted text, because the
// whites overwhelm the blacks.
//return ((uint32_t)a + (uint32_t)b)/2;
#if 0
// Testing a logarithmic color scale. My theory was that, since our
// colors here are mostly black or white, it would be reasonable to
// use a log scale of the average to bump up the brightness a
// little. In practice, it's not really legible.
return RGBto565( (uint8_t)(logfn((_565toR(a) + _565toR(b))/2)),
(uint8_t)(logfn((_565toG(a) + _565toG(b))/2)),
(uint8_t)(logfn((_565toB(a) + _565toB(b))/2)) );
// Doing an R/G/B average works okay for legibility. It's not great for
// inverted text.
return RGBto565( (_565toR(a) + _565toR(b))/2,
(_565toG(a) + _565toG(b))/2,
(_565toB(a) + _565toB(b))/2 );
void TeensyDisplay::cachePixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t color)
for (int yoff=0; yoff<2; yoff++) {
dmaBuffer[(y*2)+SCREENINSET_Y+yoff][x+SCREENINSET_X] = color;
dmaBuffer[(y*2)+SCREENINSET_Y+yoff][x+SCREENINSET_X] = _565To332(loresPixelColors[color]);
void TeensyDisplay::cacheDoubleWidePixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color16)
for (int yoff=0; yoff<2; yoff++) {
@ -288,13 +274,7 @@ void TeensyDisplay::cache2DoubleWidePixels(uint16_t x, uint16_t y,
inline double logfn(double x)
// At a value of x=255, log(base 1.022)(x) is 254.636.
return log(x)/log(1.022);
uint32_t TeensyDisplay::frameCount()
return 0;
return tft.frameCount();