
320 lines
6.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

*= $6000
.include "macros.s"
.include "constants.s"
; Zero page locations. Using the whole thing because we aren't using any
; ROM routines
*= $0006
; parameters: these should not be changed by child subroutines
param_x .ds 1
param_y .ds 1
param_col .ds 1
param_row .ds 1
param_index .ds 1
param_count .ds 1
param_save .ds 1
*= $0080
; scratch areas: these may be modified by child subroutines
scratch_addr .ds 2
scratch_ptr .ds 2
scratch_0 .ds 1
scratch_1 .ds 1
scratch_2 .ds 1
scratch_index .ds 1
scratch_count .ds 1
scratch_col .ds 1
scratch_row .ds 1
*= $0090
; required variables for HiSprite/asmgen
damageindex .ds 1
damageindex1 .ds 1
damageindex2 .ds 1
bgstore .ds 2
damage_w .ds 1
damage_h .ds 1
damageptr .ds 2
damageptr1 .ds 2
damageptr2 .ds 2
*= $00a0
tdamageindex .ds 1
tdamageindex1 .ds 1
tdamageindex2 .ds 1
damagestart .ds 1
src .ds 2 ; decompression usage
dst .ds 2
end .ds 2
count .ds 2
delta .ds 2
*= $00b0
; global variables for this program
rendercount .ds 1
drawpage .ds 1 ; pos = page1, neg = page2
hgrhi .ds 1 ; either $20 or $40, the base of each hgr screen
hgrselect .ds 1 ; either $00 or $60, used as xor mask for HGRROWS_H1
tempaddr .ds 2
counter1 .ds 1
textptr .ds 2
hgrptr .ds 2
temprow .ds 1
tempcol .ds 1
tempcheck .ds 1
*= $00c0
mazeaddr .ds 2
next_level_box .ds 1
box_row_save .ds 1
box_col_save .ds 1
maze_gen_col .ds 1
config_num_players .ds 1
config_quit .ds 1
frame_count .ds 2
countdown_time .ds 1
still_alive .ds 1
*= $00d0
current_actor .ds 1
current .ds 1 ; current direction
2017-07-22 15:09:11 +00:00
last_dir .ds 1
allowed .ds 1 ; allowed directions
2017-07-22 14:32:21 +00:00
allowed_horz .ds 1
allowed_vert .ds 1
updown .ds 1 ; up or down for amidar
d .ds 1 ; actor input dir
r .ds 1
r1 .ds 1
r2 .ds 1
c .ds 1
c1 .ds 1
c2 .ds 1
size .ds 1
dot .ds 1
* = $00e0
before .ds 1
crossed .ds 1
2017-07-22 14:32:21 +00:00
round_robin_index .ds 2
level .ds 1
last_enemy .ds 1
*= $f0
debug_a .ds 1
debug_x .ds 1
debug_y .ds 1
debug_last_key .ds 1
frame_count .ds 2
; other declare storage vars
.include "vars.s"
*= $6000
start jsr set_hires ; start with HGR page 1, full screen
sta src
sta src+1
sta end
sta end+1
lda #0
sta dst
lda #$40
sta dst+1
jsr unpack_lz4
restart jsr init_once
jsr title_screen
jsr init_game
jsr game_loop
check_restart ldx #34 ; x coord on screen for "GAME"
2017-07-22 21:38:36 +00:00
ldy player_score_row
lda #<game_text
sta scratch_ptr
lda #>game_text
sta scratch_ptr+1
jsr printstr
ldx #35 ; x coordinate for "OVER"
2017-07-22 21:38:36 +00:00
ldy player_lives_row
lda #<over_text
sta scratch_ptr
lda #>over_text
sta scratch_ptr+1
jsr printstr ; prints to back page, so have to flip pages to show
2017-07-22 21:38:36 +00:00
jsr pageflip
jsr any_key
2017-07-22 21:38:36 +00:00
jmp restart
game_text .byte "GAME ",0
over_text .byte "OVER",0
jmp forever
2017-07-25 23:05:55 +00:00
init_once jsr init_damage
jsr init_screen_once
jsr init_actors_once
title_screen nop
lda #1
sta config_num_players
lda #0
sta config_quit
lda #1
sta level
2017-07-25 23:05:55 +00:00
init_game jsr init_level
jsr init_actors
jsr initbackground
lda #0
sta frame_count
sta frame_count+1
sta countdown_time
sta config_quit
2017-07-25 23:05:55 +00:00
initbackground jsr init_damage
jsr show_page1
jsr init_maze
jsr init_panel
jsr titlepage
jsr copytexthgr ; page2 becomes the source
2017-07-26 00:57:16 +00:00
jsr fastwipe
jsr copy2to1
; main game loop. Rather than optimize things and unroll all this stuff into
; a single big function, I'm calling a bunch of subroutines in hopes that
; it is easier to follow.
; The "actor" is either a player or an enemy, and the actor number is placed
; in the X register. Subroutines must save the X register and restore it
; upon return if they modify it.
; All of the game logic routines expect the player/enemy number in X as they
; use it as an index into whatever specific data they need, like position or
; direction.
game_loop nop
inc frame_count ; frame count isn't used for anything other than debugging
bne ?1
inc frame_count+1
?1 jsr userinput
lda config_quit
beq ?2
; loop through enemies first so we can check collisions with the
; players as the players are moved
?2 lda #FIRST_AMIDAR-1
sta current_actor
?enemy inc current_actor
ldx current_actor
lda actor_active,x
bmi ?player ; negative = end
beq ?enemy ; zero = skip
jsr move_enemy
jmp ?enemy
?player lda #0
sta still_alive
lda #$ff
sta current_actor
?p1 inc current_actor
ldx current_actor
lda actor_type,x
bne ?alive
lda actor_active,x
beq ?p1 ; zero = skip
jsr handle_player
jmp ?p1
; if any player is still alive, the game continues. Once the last player
; dies, the countdown timer allows the enemies to continue to move a
; little while before the game ends. Returning from the game loop means
; that the game is over.
?alive lda still_alive
bne ?draw
dec countdown_time
bne ?draw
; main draw loop. Restoring background will overwrite the softsprites
; so there's no need to erase the sprites some other way. Text damage
; is also restored before any changes for the upcoming frame are drawn.
?draw jsr restorebg_driver
jsr restoretext
jsr paint_boxes
jsr renderstart
jsr pageflip
2017-07-22 15:22:15 +00:00
jsr debug_player
;jsr wait
jmp game_loop
; updates the game state based on player status changes
handle_player nop
; if actor_status[zp.current_actor] == PLAYER_REGENERATING:
; # If regenerating, change to alive if the player starts to move
; if actor_input_dir[zp.current_actor] > 0:
; actor_status[zp.current_actor] = PLAYER_ALIVE
lda actor_status,x
bne ?alive
lda actor_input_dir,x
beq ?final
sta actor_status,x
; if actor_status[zp.current_actor] == PLAYER_ALIVE:
; # only move and check collisions if alive
; move_player()
; check_collisions()
?alive lda actor_status,x
bne ?dots
jsr move_player
jsr check_collisions
; if actor_status[zp.current_actor] == PLAYER_ALIVE:
; # only check for points if still alive
; check_dots()
; check_boxes()
?dots lda actor_status,x
bne ?final
jsr check_dots
jsr check_boxes
; if actor_status[zp.current_actor] != GAME_OVER:
; still_alive += 1
; zp.current_actor += 1
?final lda actor_status,x
beq ?end
inc still_alive
?end rts
.include "rand.s"
.include "maze.s"
.include "actors.s"
.include "logic.s"
.include "background.s"
.include "debug.s"
.include "lz4.s"