- allow "xxx" * constexpr (where constexpr is not a number literal), now gives expression error not same type
- make it possible to inline non-asmsub routines that just contain a single statement (return, functioncall, assignment)
but this requires all identifiers in the inlined expression to be changed to fully scoped names.
If we can do that why not perhaps also able to inline multi-line subroutines? Why would it be limited to just 1 line? Maybe to protect against code size bloat.
Inlined subroutines cannot contain further nested subroutines!
Once this works, look for library subroutines that should be inlined.
- vm: make registers typed? so that it's immediately obvious what type they represent. Much like regular variables in memory.
so we have a set of byte registers, a set of word registers, and other sets if we introduce other types.
- vm: don't store symbol names in instructions to make optimizing the IR easier? but what about jumps to labels. And it's no longer readable by humans.
- vm: how to remove all unused subroutines? (in the assembly codegen, we let 64tass solve this for us)
- vm: rather than being able to jump to any 'address' (IPTR), use 'blocks' that have entry and exit points -> even better dead code elimination possible too
- when the vm is stable and *if* its language can get promoted to prog8 IL, the variable allocation should be changed.
It's now done before the vm code generation, but the IL should probably not depend on the allocations already performed.
So the CodeGen doesn't do VariableAlloc *before* the codegen, but as a last step.
- make it possible to use cpu opcodes such as 'nop' as variable names by prefixing all asm vars with something such as ``p8v_``? Or not worth it (most 3 letter opcodes as variables are nonsensical anyway)
then we can get rid of the instruction lists in the machinedefinitions as well?
- [problematic due to 64tass:] add a compiler option to not remove unused subroutines. this allows for building library programs. But this won't work with 64tass's .proc ...
- Zig-like try-based error handling where the V flag could indicate error condition? and/or BRK to jump into monitor on failure? (has to set BRK vector for that)
- add special (u)word array type (or modifier?) that puts the array into memory as 2 separate byte-arrays 1 for LSB 1 for MSB -> allows for word arrays of length 256
- c64: make the graphics.BITMAP_ADDRESS configurable (VIC banking)
- optimize several inner loops in gfx2 even further?
- add modes 2 and 3 to gfx2 (lowres 4 color and 16 color)?
- add a flood fill routine to gfx2?
- add a diskio.f_seek() routine for the Cx16 that uses its seek dos api? (only if that's stable)
- rethink the whole "isAugmentable" business. Because the way this is determined, should always also be exactly mirrorred in the AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen or you'll get a crash at code gen time.
- can we get rid of pieces of asmgen.AssignmentAsmGen by just reusing the AugmentableAssignment ? generated code should not suffer
- rewrite expression tree evaluation such that it doesn't use an eval stack but flatten the tree into linear code that uses a fixed number of predetermined value 'variables'?
- translateUnaryFunctioncall() in BuiltinFunctionsAsmGen: should be able to assign parameters to a builtin function directly from register(s), this will make the use of a builtin function in a pipe expression more efficient without using a temporary variable