nulib is dumping an extraneous "-^H" to stdout, so dump
stdout to /dev/null
mkgen, mkindex, view.html:
added "productivity" as a category
added a concheck for .index.src entries that aren't using the
describe(1) info
- added 'install' and 'release' targets
- added rVersion rez forks to final files
- added dummy routine that winds up in the *.root file
console.rez, modem.rez, null.rez, printer.rez:
- initial checkin
- link with *.o rather than *.root to avoid problems on netatalk-
served source partitions. affected err.root box.root, regexp.root
- create linkmap for debugging purposes
- added install and release targets
err.asm, regexp.asm
- added dummy routine so that we can throw away the *.root file.
added 'gsh.sgml' since it's generated
fixed up some dependencies
added top level id so that the created file is named "index.html"
- msort doesn't read stdin. Use a temporary file instead
- install support files for newuser(8)
- install TMTerm, /etc/hosts, /etc/networks, /usr/sbin/
- create the script /tmp/mklinks on the gno.boot volume. This
script creates the duplicate files that should be symlinks
to other programs (newuserv --> newuser, for example). The
script will be run by installboot1
- don't ship /gno/install. Do ship /gno/Icons and /gno/System
- mention release of 2.0.6
- add lots of text about installing 2.0.6 and later. Some sections
are just skeletons at the moment and still need to be written
- initial checkin
- updated installation notes
installit, newuserv.c:
- deleted (obsolete)
- renamed to newuser.8
newuser.c, newuser.8:
- account home directories are now made in /home rather than /user
- made all the routines internal to this file to be class 'static'
- fit sources into GNO base distribution builds
- added checks for parsing NEWID_FILE
- added various conchecks to prevent buffer overflow and similar
- ensure the password is at least MIN_PASSWD_LEN characters long
- don't set the terminal type; that is the responsibility of
- instead of creating explicit files in the user's home directory,
copy every file that is in the SKELETONS directory.
- account creation is now logged via syslogd
- added -g flag for selecting non-default group ids
- check to ensure that the new uid returned by get_next_uid is
not already in use; if it is, then log a warning via syslog,
skip it, and get another uid
Add check for buffer overflow when globbing, expanding variables, or
inserting aliases (PR#110). Increase buffer size from 1024 to 4096.
Increase buffer for reading commands from 256 to 1024 bytes in order
to match the maximum length used when reading.