Added github actions for PRs (#3)

* Added github actions for PRs

* Added some rustfmt::skip attributes

* Applied formatting

* Added rustfmt component in action

* Configured to use rustfmt version 2 which fixes some comment formatting

* Removed ready_for_review condition for github actions

Since it has the synchronize condition, it will update after each
commit, whether in draft or not, so I think this should be alright
This commit is contained in:
transistor fet 2024-03-17 11:03:52 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent a2372d1355
commit 7dac32d844
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
99 changed files with 2394 additions and 1572 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
msrv = "1.60.0"
msrv = "1.70.0"

.github/workflows/clippy.yaml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
name: clippy
- main
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
contents: read
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y alsa-base libasound2-dev libxkbcommon-dev
- name: Select rust version
run: |
rustup toolchain install 1.70 --profile minimal --no-self-update
rustup default 1.70
rustup component add clippy
- name: Check clippy
run: |
cargo clippy

.github/workflows/rustdoc.yaml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
name: rustdoc
- main
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
contents: read
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y alsa-base libasound2-dev libxkbcommon-dev
- name: Select rust version
run: |
rm Cargo.lock
rustup toolchain install nightly --profile minimal --no-self-update
rustup default nightly
- name: Build rustdoc
run: |
RUSTDOCFLAGS="--deny=warnings --cfg=docsrs" cargo doc --all-features

.github/workflows/rustfmt.yaml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
name: rustfmt
- main
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
contents: read
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y alsa-base libasound2-dev libxkbcommon-dev
- name: Select rust version
run: |
rustup toolchain install nightly --profile minimal --no-self-update
rustup default nightly
rustup component add rustfmt
- name: Check rustfmt
run: |
cargo +nightly fmt --check

.github/workflows/test.yaml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
name: test
- main
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
contents: read
RUSTFLAGS: '--deny warnings'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y alsa-base libasound2-dev libxkbcommon-dev
- name: Select rust version
run: |
rustup toolchain install 1.70 --profile minimal --no-self-update
rustup default 1.70
- name: Run tests with default features
run: |
cargo test
- name: Run tests with all features
run: |
cargo test #--features=std,fugit,femtos
- name: Run test with no_std
run: |
cargo test --no-default-features

.rustfmt.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
edition = "2021"
version = "Two"
max_width = 132
struct_lit_width = 0 # default 18 (24)
fn_call_width=100 # default 60 (80)
array_width=132 # default 60 (80)
#chain_width=100 # default 60 (80)
#attr_fn_like_width=100 # default 70 (92)
#single_line_if_else_max_width=100 # default 50 (66)
#struct_variant_width = 0 # default 35 (46)
newline_style = "Unix"
reorder_imports = false
match_block_trailing_comma = true
## Experimental Features
unstable_features = true
blank_lines_upper_bound = 3
overflow_delimited_expr = true
# it would be nice to allow a newline at the top and bottom of file
# it would be nice to not erase the whitespace between the end of the code line and start of a comment on the same line

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -420,10 +420,6 @@ checksum = "9ea835d29036a4087793836fa931b08837ad5e957da9e23886b29586fb9b6650"
name = "emulator-hal"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
name = "emulator-hal-memory"
@ -491,21 +487,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "fugit"
version = "0.3.7"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "17186ad64927d5ac8f02c1e77ccefa08ccd9eaa314d5a4772278aa204a22f7e7"
dependencies = [
name = "gcd"
version = "2.3.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "1d758ba1b47b00caf47f24925c0074ecb20d6dfcffe7f6d53395c0465674841a"
name = "glob"
version = "0.3.1"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::{RefCell, RefMut, BorrowMutError};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ pub type Address = u64;
/// information that might be helpful for debugging.
pub trait Steppable {
fn step(&mut self, system: &System) -> Result<Duration, Error>;
fn on_error(&mut self, _system: &System) { }
fn on_error(&mut self, _system: &System) {}
/// A device that can receive an interrupt. The `interrupt_state_change()` method
@ -104,30 +103,22 @@ pub trait Addressable {
pub fn read_beu16(data: &[u8]) -> u16 {
(data[0] as u16) << 8 |
(data[1] as u16)
(data[0] as u16) << 8 | (data[1] as u16)
pub fn read_leu16(data: &[u8]) -> u16 {
(data[1] as u16) << 8 |
(data[0] as u16)
(data[1] as u16) << 8 | (data[0] as u16)
pub fn read_beu32(data: &[u8]) -> u32 {
(data[0] as u32) << 24 |
(data[1] as u32) << 16 |
(data[2] as u32) << 8 |
(data[3] as u32)
(data[0] as u32) << 24 | (data[1] as u32) << 16 | (data[2] as u32) << 8 | (data[3] as u32)
pub fn read_leu32(data: &[u8]) -> u32 {
(data[3] as u32) << 24 |
(data[2] as u32) << 16 |
(data[1] as u32) << 8 |
(data[0] as u32)
(data[3] as u32) << 24 | (data[2] as u32) << 16 | (data[1] as u32) << 8 | (data[0] as u32)
@ -239,7 +230,7 @@ pub struct Device(DeviceId, TransmutableBox);
impl Device {
pub fn new<T>(value: T) -> Self
T: Transmutable + 'static
T: Transmutable + 'static,
Self(DeviceId::new(), wrap_transmutable(value))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::fmt;
use moa_host::HostError;
@ -52,10 +51,7 @@ impl Error {
pub fn msg(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Error::Assertion(msg) |
Error::Breakpoint(msg) |
Error::Other(msg) |
Error::Emulator(_, msg) => msg.as_str(),
Error::Assertion(msg) | Error::Breakpoint(msg) | Error::Other(msg) | Error::Emulator(_, msg) => msg.as_str(),
Error::Processor(_) => "native exception",
@ -64,10 +60,7 @@ impl Error {
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Error::Assertion(msg) |
Error::Breakpoint(msg) |
Error::Other(msg) |
Error::Emulator(_, msg) => write!(f, "{}", msg),
Error::Assertion(msg) | Error::Breakpoint(msg) | Error::Other(msg) | Error::Emulator(_, msg) => write!(f, "{}", msg),
Error::Processor(_) => write!(f, "native exception"),
@ -78,4 +71,3 @@ impl<E> From<HostError<E>> for Error {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use crate::error::Error;
@ -43,4 +42,3 @@ impl InterruptController {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
mod error;
@ -7,12 +6,15 @@ mod interrupts;
mod memory;
mod system;
pub use crate::devices::{Address, Addressable, Steppable, Interruptable, Debuggable, Inspectable, Transmutable, TransmutableBox, Device};
pub use crate::devices::{read_beu16, read_beu32, read_leu16, read_leu32, write_beu16, write_beu32, write_leu16, write_leu32, wrap_transmutable};
pub use crate::devices::{
Address, Addressable, Steppable, Interruptable, Debuggable, Inspectable, Transmutable, TransmutableBox, Device,
pub use crate::devices::{
read_beu16, read_beu32, read_leu16, read_leu32, write_beu16, write_beu32, write_leu16, write_leu32, wrap_transmutable,
pub use crate::error::Error;
pub use crate::interrupts::InterruptController;
pub use crate::memory::{MemoryBlock, AddressTranslator, AddressRepeater, Bus, BusPort, dump_slice, dump_memory};
pub use crate::system::System;
pub use emulator_hal::bus::{BusAccess};

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::fs;
use std::cmp;
use std::rc::Rc;
@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ impl MemoryBlock {
pub fn new(contents: Vec<u8>) -> MemoryBlock {
MemoryBlock {
read_only: false,
@ -62,10 +61,13 @@ impl Addressable for MemoryBlock {
fn write(&mut self, _clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.read_only {
return Err(Error::breakpoint(format!("Attempt to write to read-only memory at {:x} with data {:?}", addr, data)));
return Err(Error::breakpoint(format!(
"Attempt to write to read-only memory at {:x} with data {:?}",
addr, data
self.contents[(addr as usize) .. (addr as usize) + data.len()].copy_from_slice(data);
self.contents[(addr as usize)..(addr as usize) + data.len()].copy_from_slice(data);
@ -99,12 +101,20 @@ impl Addressable for AddressRepeater {
fn read(&mut self, clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let size = self.subdevice.borrow_mut().as_addressable().unwrap().size() as Address;
self.subdevice.borrow_mut().as_addressable().unwrap().read(clock, addr % size, data)
.read(clock, addr % size, data)
fn write(&mut self, clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let size = self.subdevice.borrow_mut().as_addressable().unwrap().size() as Address;
self.subdevice.borrow_mut().as_addressable().unwrap().write(clock, addr % size, data)
.write(clock, addr % size, data)
@ -125,7 +135,7 @@ pub struct AddressTranslator {
impl AddressTranslator {
pub fn new<F>(subdevice: Device, size: usize, func: F) -> Self
F: Fn(Address) -> Address + 'static
F: Fn(Address) -> Address + 'static,
Self {
@ -141,11 +151,19 @@ impl Addressable for AddressTranslator {
fn read(&mut self, clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.subdevice.borrow_mut().as_addressable().unwrap().read(clock, (self.func)(addr), data)
.read(clock, (self.func)(addr), data)
fn write(&mut self, clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.subdevice.borrow_mut().as_addressable().unwrap().write(clock, (self.func)(addr), data)
.write(clock, (self.func)(addr), data)
@ -185,8 +203,16 @@ impl Bus {
pub fn insert(&mut self, base: Address, dev: Device) {
let size = dev.borrow_mut().as_addressable().unwrap().size();
let block = Block { base, size, dev };
let i = self.blocks.iter().position(|cur| cur.base > block.base).unwrap_or(self.blocks.len());
let block = Block {
let i = self
.position(|cur| cur.base > block.base)
self.blocks.insert(i, block);
@ -252,7 +278,7 @@ impl Addressable for Bus {
Ok(result) => result,
Err(err) if self.ignore_unmapped => {
log::info!("{:?}", err);
return Ok(())
return Ok(());
Err(err) => return Err(err),
@ -270,7 +296,7 @@ impl Addressable for Bus {
Ok(result) => result,
Err(err) if self.ignore_unmapped => {
log::info!("{:?}", err);
return Ok(())
return Ok(());
Err(err) => return Err(err),
@ -300,7 +326,9 @@ impl BusPort {
pub fn dump_memory(&mut self, clock: Instant, addr: Address, count: Address) {
self.subdevice.borrow_mut().dump_memory(clock, self.offset + (addr & self.address_mask), count)
.dump_memory(clock, self.offset + (addr & self.address_mask), count)
@ -401,4 +429,3 @@ impl BusAccess<u64, Instant> for &mut dyn Addressable {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::{RefCell, RefMut};
use std::collections::HashMap;
@ -45,7 +44,10 @@ impl System {
pub fn get_device(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Device, Error> {
self.devices.get(name).cloned().ok_or_else(|| Error::new(format!("system: no device named {}", name)))
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(format!("system: no device named {}", name)))
pub fn add_device(&mut self, name: &str, device: Device) -> Result<(), Error> {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use moa_parsing::{self as parser, AssemblyLine, AssemblyOperand, AssemblyParser, ParserError};
@ -24,6 +23,7 @@ impl From<ParserError> for Error {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Disallow {
None = 0x0000,
NoDReg = 0x0001,
@ -136,7 +136,10 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
match reloc.rtype {
RelocationType::Displacement => {
// TODO this doesn't yet take into accound the origin
let location = *self.labels.get(&reloc.label).ok_or_else(|| Error::new(format!("error during relocation, label undefined {:?}", reloc.label)))?;
let location = *self
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(format!("error during relocation, label undefined {:?}", reloc.label)))?;
self.output[reloc.index] |= ((self.output[reloc.index] as i8 * 2 + 2) - (location as i8 * 2)) as u16 & 0x00ff;
_ => panic!("relocation type unimplemented"),
@ -166,12 +169,22 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
"bra" => {
let label = parser::expect_label(lineno, args)?;
self.relocations.push(Relocation::new(RelocationType::Displacement, label, self.output.len() - 1, self.current_origin));
self.output.len() - 1,
"bsr" => {
let label = parser::expect_label(lineno, args)?;
self.relocations.push(Relocation::new(RelocationType::Displacement, label, self.output.len() - 1, self.current_origin));
self.output.len() - 1,
"illegal" => {
@ -180,7 +193,8 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
"lea" => {
parser::expect_args(lineno, args, 2)?;
let reg = expect_address_register(lineno, &args[0])?;
let (effective_address, additional_words) = convert_target(lineno, &args[1], Size::Long, Disallow::NoRegsPrePostOrImmediate)?;
let (effective_address, additional_words) =
convert_target(lineno, &args[1], Size::Long, Disallow::NoRegsPrePostOrImmediate)?;
self.output.push(0x41C0 | (reg << 9) | effective_address);
@ -213,7 +227,8 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
fn convert_sized_instruction(&mut self, lineno: usize, mneumonic: &str, args: &[AssemblyOperand]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let operation_size = get_size_from_mneumonic(mneumonic).ok_or_else(|| Error::new(format!("error at line {}: expected a size specifier (b/w/l)", lineno)));
let operation_size = get_size_from_mneumonic(mneumonic)
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(format!("error at line {}: expected a size specifier (b/w/l)", lineno)));
match &mneumonic[..mneumonic.len() - 1] {
"addi" => {
self.convert_common_immediate_instruction(lineno, 0x0600, args, operation_size?, Disallow::NoARegImmediateOrPC)?;
@ -229,7 +244,13 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
"andi" => {
if !self.check_convert_flags_instruction(lineno, 0x23C, 0x27C, args)? {
self.convert_common_immediate_instruction(lineno, 0x0200, args, operation_size?, Disallow::NoARegImmediateOrPC)?;
"and" => {
@ -240,7 +261,13 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
"clr" => {
self.convert_common_single_operand_instruction(lineno, 0x4200, args, operation_size?, Disallow::NoARegImmediateOrPC)?;
"cmpi" => {
self.convert_common_immediate_instruction(lineno, 0x0C00, args, operation_size?, Disallow::NoARegImmediateOrPC)?;
@ -251,7 +278,13 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
"eori" => {
if !self.check_convert_flags_instruction(lineno, 0x0A3C, 0x0A7C, args)? {
self.convert_common_immediate_instruction(lineno, 0x0A00, args, operation_size?, Disallow::NoARegImmediateOrPC)?;
"eor" => {
@ -265,27 +298,54 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
"move" | "movea" => {
let operation_size = operation_size?;
parser::expect_args(lineno, args, 2)?;
let (effective_address_left, additional_words_left) = convert_target(lineno, &args[0], operation_size, Disallow::None)?;
let (effective_address_right, additional_words_right) = convert_target(lineno, &args[1], operation_size, Disallow::None)?;
let (effective_address_left, additional_words_left) =
convert_target(lineno, &args[0], operation_size, Disallow::None)?;
let (effective_address_right, additional_words_right) =
convert_target(lineno, &args[1], operation_size, Disallow::None)?;
let effective_address_left = (effective_address_left >> 3) | (effective_address_left << 3);
self.output.push(encode_size_for_move(operation_size) | effective_address_left | effective_address_right);
.push(encode_size_for_move(operation_size) | effective_address_left | effective_address_right);
"neg" => {
self.convert_common_single_operand_instruction(lineno, 0x4400, args, operation_size?, Disallow::NoARegImmediateOrPC)?;
"negx" => {
self.convert_common_single_operand_instruction(lineno, 0x4000, args, operation_size?, Disallow::NoARegImmediateOrPC)?;
"not" => {
self.convert_common_single_operand_instruction(lineno, 0x4600, args, operation_size?, Disallow::NoARegImmediateOrPC)?;
"ori" => {
if !self.check_convert_flags_instruction(lineno, 0x003C, 0x007C, args)? {
self.convert_common_immediate_instruction(lineno, 0x0000, args, operation_size?, Disallow::NoARegImmediateOrPC)?;
"or" => {
@ -319,7 +379,14 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
fn convert_common_immediate_instruction(&mut self, lineno: usize, opcode: u16, args: &[AssemblyOperand], operation_size: Size, disallow: Disallow) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn convert_common_immediate_instruction(
&mut self,
lineno: usize,
opcode: u16,
args: &[AssemblyOperand],
operation_size: Size,
disallow: Disallow,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
parser::expect_args(lineno, args, 2)?;
let immediate = parser::expect_immediate(lineno, &args[0])?;
let (effective_address, additional_words) = convert_target(lineno, &args[1], operation_size, disallow)?;
@ -329,27 +396,50 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
fn convert_common_dreg_instruction(&mut self, lineno: usize, opcode: u16, args: &[AssemblyOperand], operation_size: Size, disallow: Disallow) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn convert_common_dreg_instruction(
&mut self,
lineno: usize,
opcode: u16,
args: &[AssemblyOperand],
operation_size: Size,
disallow: Disallow,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
parser::expect_args(lineno, args, 2)?;
let (direction, reg, operand) = convert_reg_and_other(lineno, args, Disallow::NoAReg)?;
let (effective_address, additional_words) = convert_target(lineno, operand, operation_size, disallow)?;
self.output.push(opcode | encode_size(operation_size) | direction | (reg << 9) | effective_address);
.push(opcode | encode_size(operation_size) | direction | (reg << 9) | effective_address);
fn convert_common_areg_instruction(&mut self, lineno: usize, opcode: u16, args: &[AssemblyOperand], operation_size: Size, disallow: Disallow) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn convert_common_areg_instruction(
&mut self,
lineno: usize,
opcode: u16,
args: &[AssemblyOperand],
operation_size: Size,
disallow: Disallow,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let size_bit = expect_a_instruction_size(lineno, operation_size)?;
parser::expect_args(lineno, args, 2)?;
//let (_direction, reg, operand) = convert_reg_and_other(lineno, args, Disallow::NoDReg)?;
let reg = expect_address_register(lineno, &args[1])?;
let (effective_address, additional_words) = convert_target(lineno, &args[0], operation_size, disallow)?;
self.output.push(opcode | size_bit | (0b11 << 6) | (reg << 9) | effective_address);
.push(opcode | size_bit | (0b11 << 6) | (reg << 9) | effective_address);
fn convert_common_single_operand_instruction(&mut self, lineno: usize, opcode: u16, args: &[AssemblyOperand], operation_size: Size, disallow: Disallow) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn convert_common_single_operand_instruction(
&mut self,
lineno: usize,
opcode: u16,
args: &[AssemblyOperand],
operation_size: Size,
disallow: Disallow,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
parser::expect_args(lineno, args, 1)?;
let (effective_address, additional_words) = convert_target(lineno, &args[0], operation_size, disallow)?;
self.output.push(opcode | encode_size(operation_size) | effective_address);
@ -357,7 +447,13 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
fn check_convert_flags_instruction(&mut self, lineno: usize, opcode_ccr: u16, opcode_sr: u16, args: &[AssemblyOperand]) -> Result<bool, Error> {
fn check_convert_flags_instruction(
&mut self,
lineno: usize,
opcode_ccr: u16,
opcode_sr: u16,
args: &[AssemblyOperand],
) -> Result<bool, Error> {
if let AssemblyOperand::Register(name) = &args[1] {
let opcode = match name.as_str() {
"ccr" => Some(opcode_ccr),
@ -376,32 +472,47 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
fn convert_common_shift_instruction(&mut self, lineno: usize, mneumonic: &str, opcode: u16, args: &[AssemblyOperand], operation_size: Size) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn convert_common_shift_instruction(
&mut self,
lineno: usize,
mneumonic: &str,
opcode: u16,
args: &[AssemblyOperand],
operation_size: Size,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let dirstr = &mneumonic[mneumonic.len() - 2..mneumonic.len() - 1];
let direction = if dirstr == "r" {
} else if dirstr == "l" {
1 << 8
} else {
return Err(Error::new(format!("error at line {}: expected direction of (l)eft or (r)ight, but found {:?}", lineno, dirstr)));
return Err(Error::new(format!(
"error at line {}: expected direction of (l)eft or (r)ight, but found {:?}",
lineno, dirstr
match &args {
[AssemblyOperand::Immediate(_), AssemblyOperand::Register(_)] => {
let mut immediate = parser::expect_immediate(lineno, &args[0])?;
if !(1..=8).contains(&immediate) {
return Err(Error::new(format!("error at line {}: immediate value must be between 1 and 8, found {:?}", lineno, args)));
return Err(Error::new(format!(
"error at line {}: immediate value must be between 1 and 8, found {:?}",
lineno, args
} else if immediate == 8 {
immediate = 0;
let reg = expect_data_register(lineno, &args[1])?;
self.output.push(opcode | ((immediate as u16) << 9) | direction | encode_size(operation_size) /*(0b0 << 5)*/ | reg);
.push(opcode | ((immediate as u16) << 9) | direction | encode_size(operation_size) /*(0b0 << 5)*/ | reg);
[AssemblyOperand::Register(_), AssemblyOperand::Register(_)] => {
let bit_reg = expect_data_register(lineno, &args[0])?;
let reg = expect_data_register(lineno, &args[1])?;
self.output.push(opcode | (bit_reg << 9) | direction | encode_size(operation_size) | (0b1 << 5) | reg);
.push(opcode | (bit_reg << 9) | direction | encode_size(operation_size) | (0b1 << 5) | reg);
//[_] => {
// let (effective_address, additional_words) = convert_target(lineno, &args[0], Size::Word, Disallow::NoRegsImmediateOrPC)?;
@ -416,16 +527,12 @@ impl M68kAssembler {
fn convert_target(lineno: usize, operand: &AssemblyOperand, size: Size, disallow: Disallow) -> Result<(u16, Vec<u16>), Error> {
match operand {
AssemblyOperand::Register(name) => {
convert_register(lineno, name, disallow)
AssemblyOperand::Register(name) => convert_register(lineno, name, disallow),
AssemblyOperand::Immediate(value) => {
disallow.check(lineno, Disallow::NoImmediate)?;
Ok((0b111100, convert_immediate(lineno, *value, size)?))
AssemblyOperand::Indirect(args) => {
convert_indirect(lineno, args, disallow)
AssemblyOperand::Indirect(args) => convert_indirect(lineno, args, disallow),
AssemblyOperand::IndirectPost(args, operator) => {
disallow.check(lineno, Disallow::NoIndirectPost)?;
if args.len() == 1 && operator == "+" {
@ -436,7 +543,10 @@ fn convert_target(lineno: usize, operand: &AssemblyOperand, size: Size, disallow
Err(Error::new(format!("error at line {}: post-increment operator can only be used with a single address register", lineno)))
"error at line {}: post-increment operator can only be used with a single address register",
AssemblyOperand::IndirectPre(operator, args) => {
disallow.check(lineno, Disallow::NoIndirectPre)?;
@ -450,7 +560,10 @@ fn convert_target(lineno: usize, operand: &AssemblyOperand, size: Size, disallow
Err(Error::new(format!("error at line {}: pre-decrement operator can only be used with a single address register", lineno)))
"error at line {}: pre-decrement operator can only be used with a single address register",
_ => Err(Error::new(format!("not implemented: {:?}", operand))),
@ -514,23 +627,25 @@ fn convert_indirect(lineno: usize, args: &[AssemblyOperand], disallow: Disallow)
// TODO add the MC68020 address options
_ => {
Err(Error::new(format!("error at line {}: expected valid indirect addressing mode, but found {:?}", lineno, args)))
_ => Err(Error::new(format!(
"error at line {}: expected valid indirect addressing mode, but found {:?}",
lineno, args
fn convert_reg_and_other(lineno: usize, args: &[AssemblyOperand], _disallow: Disallow) -> Result<(u16, u16, &AssemblyOperand), Error> {
fn convert_reg_and_other(
lineno: usize,
args: &[AssemblyOperand],
_disallow: Disallow,
) -> Result<(u16, u16, &AssemblyOperand), Error> {
match &args {
[AssemblyOperand::Register(reg), effective_address] => {
Ok(((0b1 << 8), expect_reg_num(lineno, reg)?, effective_address))
[effective_address, AssemblyOperand::Register(reg)] => {
Ok(((0b0 << 8), expect_reg_num(lineno, reg)?, effective_address))
_ => {
Err(Error::new(format!("error at line {}: expected register and effective address, but found {:?}", lineno, args)))
[AssemblyOperand::Register(reg), effective_address] => Ok(((0b1 << 8), expect_reg_num(lineno, reg)?, effective_address)),
[effective_address, AssemblyOperand::Register(reg)] => Ok(((0b0 << 8), expect_reg_num(lineno, reg)?, effective_address)),
_ => Err(Error::new(format!(
"error at line {}: expected register and effective address, but found {:?}",
lineno, args
@ -540,14 +655,24 @@ fn convert_immediate(lineno: usize, value: usize, size: Size) -> Result<Vec<u16>
if value <= u8::MAX as usize {
Ok(vec![value as u16])
} else {
Err(Error::new(format!("error at line {}: immediate number is out of range; must be less than {}, but number is {:?}", lineno, u8::MAX, value)))
"error at line {}: immediate number is out of range; must be less than {}, but number is {:?}",
Size::Word => {
if value <= u16::MAX as usize {
Ok(vec![value as u16])
} else {
Err(Error::new(format!("error at line {}: immediate number is out of range; must be less than {}, but number is {:?}", lineno, u16::MAX, value)))
"error at line {}: immediate number is out of range; must be less than {}, but number is {:?}",
Size::Long => Ok(vec![(value >> 16) as u16, value as u16]),
@ -569,7 +694,10 @@ fn expect_address_register(lineno: usize, operand: &AssemblyOperand) -> Result<u
return expect_reg_num(lineno, name);
Err(Error::new(format!("error at line {}: expected an address register, but found {:?}", lineno, operand)))
"error at line {}: expected an address register, but found {:?}",
lineno, operand
fn expect_address_reg_num(lineno: usize, name: &str) -> Result<u16, Error> {
@ -603,7 +731,7 @@ fn get_size_from_mneumonic(s: &str) -> Option<Size> {
'b' => Some(Size::Byte),
'w' => Some(Size::Word),
'l' => Some(Size::Long),
_ => None
_ => None,
@ -628,7 +756,6 @@ fn encode_size_bit(size: Size) -> Result<u16, Error> {
match size {
Size::Word => Ok(0b01 << 6),
Size::Long => Ok(0b10 << 6),
_ => Err(Error::new(format!("invalid size for this operation: {:?}", size)))
_ => Err(Error::new(format!("invalid size for this operation: {:?}", size))),

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::fs;
use std::env;
@ -24,4 +23,3 @@ fn main() {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::Instant;
use emulator_hal::bus::BusAccess;
@ -50,4 +49,3 @@ where

View File

@ -1,21 +1,10 @@
use femtos::Instant;
use emulator_hal::bus::BusAccess;
use crate::state::{M68kType, M68kError, Exceptions};
use crate::memory::{M68kBusPort, M68kAddress};
use crate::instructions::{
Size, Sign, Direction, XRegister, BaseRegister, IndexRegister, RegOrImmediate, ControlRegister, Condition, Target, Instruction,
@ -78,7 +67,13 @@ impl M68kDecoder {
pub fn decode_at<Bus>(&mut self, bus: &mut Bus, memory: &mut M68kBusPort, is_supervisor: bool, start: u32) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>>
pub fn decode_at<Bus>(
&mut self,
bus: &mut Bus,
memory: &mut M68kBusPort,
is_supervisor: bool,
start: u32,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>>
Bus: BusAccess<M68kAddress, Instant>,
@ -119,10 +114,9 @@ impl M68kDecoder {
Bus: BusAccess<M68kAddress, Instant>,
let ins_data: Result<String, M68kError<Bus::Error>> =
(0..((self.end - self.start) / 2)).map(|offset|
Ok(format!("{:04x} ", bus.read_beu16(clock, self.start + (offset * 2)).unwrap()))
let ins_data: Result<String, M68kError<Bus::Error>> = (0..((self.end - self.start) / 2))
.map(|offset| Ok(format!("{:04x} ", bus.read_beu16(clock, self.start + (offset * 2)).unwrap())))
println!("{:#010x}: {}\n\t{}\n", self.start, ins_data.unwrap(), self.instruction);
@ -186,7 +180,11 @@ where
} else if (ins & 0x138) == 0x108 {
let dreg = get_high_reg(ins);
let areg = get_low_reg(ins);
let dir = if (ins & 0x0080) == 0 { Direction::FromTarget } else { Direction::ToTarget };
let dir = if (ins & 0x0080) == 0 {
} else {
let size = if (ins & 0x0040) == 0 { Size::Word } else { Size::Long };
let offset = self.read_instruction_word()? as i16;
Ok(Instruction::MOVEP(dreg, areg, offset, size, dir))
@ -288,11 +286,19 @@ where
let size = if (ins & 0x0040) == 0 { Size::Word } else { Size::Long };
let data = self.read_instruction_word()?;
let target = self.decode_lower_effective_address(ins, None)?;
let dir = if (ins & 0x0400) == 0 { Direction::ToTarget } else { Direction::FromTarget };
let dir = if (ins & 0x0400) == 0 {
} else {
Ok(Instruction::MOVEM(target, size, dir, data))
} else if (ins & 0xF80) == 0xC00 && self.decoder.cputype >= M68kType::MC68020 {
let extension = self.read_instruction_word()?;
let reg_h = if (extension & 0x0400) != 0 { Some(get_low_reg(ins)) } else { None };
let reg_h = if (extension & 0x0400) != 0 {
} else {
let reg_l = ((extension & 0x7000) >> 12) as u8;
let target = self.decode_lower_effective_address(ins, Some(Size::Long))?;
let sign = if (ins & 0x0800) == 0 { Sign::Unsigned } else { Sign::Signed };
@ -303,30 +309,22 @@ where
} else if (ins & 0x800) == 0 {
let target = self.decode_lower_effective_address(ins, Some(Size::Word))?;
match (ins & 0x0700) >> 8 {
0b000 => {
match get_size(ins) {
Some(size) => Ok(Instruction::NEGX(target, size)),
None => Ok(Instruction::MOVEfromSR(target)),
0b000 => match get_size(ins) {
Some(size) => Ok(Instruction::NEGX(target, size)),
None => Ok(Instruction::MOVEfromSR(target)),
0b010 => {
match get_size(ins) {
Some(size) => Ok(Instruction::CLR(target, size)),
None if self.decoder.cputype >= M68kType::MC68010 => Ok(Instruction::MOVEfromCCR(target)),
None => Err(M68kError::Exception(Exceptions::IllegalInstruction)),
0b010 => match get_size(ins) {
Some(size) => Ok(Instruction::CLR(target, size)),
None if self.decoder.cputype >= M68kType::MC68010 => Ok(Instruction::MOVEfromCCR(target)),
None => Err(M68kError::Exception(Exceptions::IllegalInstruction)),
0b100 => {
match get_size(ins) {
Some(size) => Ok(Instruction::NEG(target, size)),
None => Ok(Instruction::MOVEtoCCR(target)),
0b100 => match get_size(ins) {
Some(size) => Ok(Instruction::NEG(target, size)),
None => Ok(Instruction::MOVEtoCCR(target)),
0b110 => {
match get_size(ins) {
Some(size) => Ok(Instruction::NOT(target, size)),
None => Ok(Instruction::MOVEtoSR(target)),
0b110 => match get_size(ins) {
Some(size) => Ok(Instruction::NOT(target, size)),
None => Ok(Instruction::MOVEtoSR(target)),
_ => Err(M68kError::Exception(Exceptions::IllegalInstruction)),
@ -342,25 +340,15 @@ where
let target = self.decode_lower_effective_address(ins, Some(Size::Byte))?;
(0b001, 0b000) => {
(0b001, 0b001) => {
(0b001, 0b000) => Ok(Instruction::SWAP(get_low_reg(ins))),
(0b001, 0b001) => Ok(Instruction::BKPT(get_low_reg(ins))),
(0b001, _) => {
let target = self.decode_lower_effective_address(ins, None)?;
(0b010, 0b000) => {
Ok(Instruction::EXT(get_low_reg(ins), Size::Byte, Size::Word))
(0b011, 0b000) => {
Ok(Instruction::EXT(get_low_reg(ins), Size::Word, Size::Long))
(0b111, 0b000) => {
Ok(Instruction::EXT(get_low_reg(ins), Size::Byte, Size::Long))
(0b010, 0b000) => Ok(Instruction::EXT(get_low_reg(ins), Size::Byte, Size::Word)),
(0b011, 0b000) => Ok(Instruction::EXT(get_low_reg(ins), Size::Word, Size::Long)),
(0b111, 0b000) => Ok(Instruction::EXT(get_low_reg(ins), Size::Byte, Size::Long)),
_ => Err(M68kError::Exception(Exceptions::IllegalInstruction)),
} else if ins_0f00 == 0xA00 {
@ -393,7 +381,11 @@ where
} else if ins_00f0 == 0x60 {
let reg = get_low_reg(ins);
let dir = if (ins & 0b1000) == 0 { Direction::FromTarget } else { Direction::ToTarget };
let dir = if (ins & 0b1000) == 0 {
} else {
Ok(Instruction::MOVEUSP(Target::DirectAReg(reg), dir))
} else {
match ins & 0x00FF {
@ -412,7 +404,11 @@ where
0x76 => Ok(Instruction::TRAPV),
0x77 => Ok(Instruction::RTR),
0x7A | 0x7B if self.decoder.cputype >= M68kType::MC68010 => {
let dir = if ins & 0x01 == 0 { Direction::ToTarget } else { Direction::FromTarget };
let dir = if ins & 0x01 == 0 {
} else {
let ins2 = self.read_instruction_word()?;
let target = match ins2 & 0x8000 {
0 => Target::DirectDReg(((ins2 & 0x7000) >> 12) as u8),
@ -511,7 +507,11 @@ where
} else if let Some(size) = size {
let data_reg = Target::DirectDReg(get_high_reg(ins));
let effective_addr = self.decode_lower_effective_address(ins, Some(size))?;
let (from, to) = if (ins & 0x0100) == 0 { (effective_addr, data_reg) } else { (data_reg, effective_addr) };
let (from, to) = if (ins & 0x0100) == 0 {
(effective_addr, data_reg)
} else {
(data_reg, effective_addr)
Ok(Instruction::OR(from, to, size))
} else {
let sign = if (ins & 0x0100) == 0 { Sign::Unsigned } else { Sign::Signed };
@ -602,7 +602,11 @@ where
} else if let Some(size) = size {
let data_reg = Target::DirectDReg(get_high_reg(ins));
let effective_addr = self.decode_lower_effective_address(ins, Some(size))?;
let (from, to) = if (ins & 0x0100) == 0 { (effective_addr, data_reg) } else { (data_reg, effective_addr) };
let (from, to) = if (ins & 0x0100) == 0 {
(effective_addr, data_reg)
} else {
(data_reg, effective_addr)
Ok(Instruction::AND(from, to, size))
} else {
let sign = if (ins & 0x0100) == 0 { Sign::Unsigned } else { Sign::Signed };
@ -729,13 +733,17 @@ where
fn read_instruction_word(&mut self) -> Result<u16, M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let word = self.memory.read_instruction_word(self.bus, self.decoder.is_supervisor, self.decoder.end)?;
let word = self
.read_instruction_word(self.bus, self.decoder.is_supervisor, self.decoder.end)?;
self.decoder.end += 2;
fn read_instruction_long(&mut self) -> Result<u32, M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let word = self.memory.read_instruction_long(self.bus, self.decoder.is_supervisor, self.decoder.end)?;
let word = self
.read_instruction_long(self.bus, self.decoder.is_supervisor, self.decoder.end)?;
self.decoder.end += 4;
@ -769,11 +777,23 @@ where
// Decode Index Register
let xreg_num = ((brief_extension & 0x7000) >> 12) as u8;
let xreg = if (brief_extension & 0x8000) == 0 { XRegister::DReg(xreg_num) } else { XRegister::AReg(xreg_num) };
let size = if (brief_extension & 0x0800) == 0 { Size::Word } else { Size::Long };
let xreg = if (brief_extension & 0x8000) == 0 {
} else {
let size = if (brief_extension & 0x0800) == 0 {
} else {
if self.decoder.cputype <= M68kType::MC68010 {
let index_reg = IndexRegister { xreg, scale: 0, size };
let index_reg = IndexRegister {
scale: 0,
let displacement = sign_extend_to_long((brief_extension & 0x00FF) as u32, Size::Byte);
match areg {
@ -782,7 +802,11 @@ where
} else if use_brief {
let scale = ((brief_extension & 0x0600) >> 9) as u8;
let index_reg = IndexRegister { xreg, scale, size };
let index_reg = IndexRegister {
let displacement = sign_extend_to_long((brief_extension & 0x00FF) as u32, Size::Byte);
match areg {
@ -791,7 +815,11 @@ where
} else {
let scale = ((brief_extension & 0x0600) >> 9) as u8;
let index_reg = IndexRegister { xreg, scale, size };
let index_reg = IndexRegister {
let use_base_reg = (brief_extension & 0x0080) == 0;
let use_index = (brief_extension & 0x0040) == 0;
@ -826,43 +854,35 @@ where
let displacement = sign_extend_to_long(self.read_instruction_word()? as u32, Size::Word);
Target::IndirectRegOffset(BaseRegister::AReg(reg), None, displacement)
0b110 => {
0b111 => {
match reg {
0b000 => {
let value = sign_extend_to_long(self.read_instruction_word()? as u32, Size::Word) as u32;
Target::IndirectMemory(value, Size::Word)
0b001 => {
let value = self.read_instruction_long()?;
Target::IndirectMemory(value, Size::Long)
0b010 => {
let displacement = sign_extend_to_long(self.read_instruction_word()? as u32, Size::Word);
Target::IndirectRegOffset(BaseRegister::PC, None, displacement)
0b011 => {
0b100 => {
let data = match size {
Some(Size::Byte) | Some(Size::Word) => self.read_instruction_word()? as u32,
Some(Size::Long) => self.read_instruction_long()?,
None => return Err(M68kError::Exception(Exceptions::IllegalInstruction)),
_ => return Err(M68kError::Exception(Exceptions::IllegalInstruction)),
0b110 => self.decode_extension_word(Some(reg))?,
0b111 => match reg {
0b000 => {
let value = sign_extend_to_long(self.read_instruction_word()? as u32, Size::Word) as u32;
Target::IndirectMemory(value, Size::Word)
0b001 => {
let value = self.read_instruction_long()?;
Target::IndirectMemory(value, Size::Long)
0b010 => {
let displacement = sign_extend_to_long(self.read_instruction_word()? as u32, Size::Word);
Target::IndirectRegOffset(BaseRegister::PC, None, displacement)
0b011 => self.decode_extension_word(None)?,
0b100 => {
let data = match size {
Some(Size::Byte) | Some(Size::Word) => self.read_instruction_word()? as u32,
Some(Size::Long) => self.read_instruction_long()?,
None => return Err(M68kError::Exception(Exceptions::IllegalInstruction)),
_ => return Err(M68kError::Exception(Exceptions::IllegalInstruction)),
_ => return Err(M68kError::Exception(Exceptions::IllegalInstruction)),
@ -917,4 +937,3 @@ fn get_condition(ins: u16) -> Condition {
_ => Condition::True,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::Instant;
use emulator_hal::bus::{self, BusAccess};
use emulator_hal::step::Step;
@ -9,19 +8,8 @@ use crate::decode::M68kDecoder;
use crate::debugger::M68kDebugger;
use crate::timing::M68kInstructionTiming;
use crate::instructions::{
Register, Size, Sign, Direction, XRegister, BaseRegister, IndexRegister, RegOrImmediate, ControlRegister, Condition, Target,
Instruction, sign_extend_to_long,
@ -55,7 +43,7 @@ impl M68kCycle {
pub fn new(cpu: &M68k, clock: Instant) -> Self {
let is_supervisor = & (Flags:: Supervisor as u16) != 0;
let is_supervisor = & (Flags::Supervisor as u16) != 0;
Self {
decoder: M68kDecoder::new(, is_supervisor, cpu.state.pc),
timing: M68kInstructionTiming::new(, as u8),
@ -174,7 +162,10 @@ where
pub fn check_pending_interrupts(&mut self, interrupt: (bool, u8, u8)) -> Result<(InterruptPriority, Option<u8>), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
pub fn check_pending_interrupts(
&mut self,
interrupt: (bool, u8, u8),
) -> Result<(InterruptPriority, Option<u8>), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let ack_num;
(self.state.pending_ipl, ack_num) = match interrupt {
(true, priority, ack) => (InterruptPriority::from_u8(priority), ack),
@ -300,7 +291,9 @@ where
pub fn decode_next(&mut self) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let is_supervisor = self.is_supervisor();
self.cycle.decoder.decode_at(&mut self.bus, &mut self.cycle.memory, is_supervisor, self.state.pc)?;
.decode_at(&mut self.bus, &mut self.cycle.memory, is_supervisor, self.state.pc)?;
@ -400,7 +393,9 @@ where
Instruction::UNLK(reg) => self.execute_unlk(reg),
Instruction::UnimplementedA(value) => self.execute_unimplemented_a(value),
Instruction::UnimplementedF(value) => self.execute_unimplemented_f(value),
_ => { return Err(M68kError::Other("Unsupported instruction".to_string())); },
_ => {
return Err(M68kError::Other("Unsupported instruction".to_string()));
@ -416,9 +411,13 @@ where
let binary_result = src_val.wrapping_add(dest_val).wrapping_add(extend_flag);
let mut result = src_parts.1.wrapping_add(dest_parts.1).wrapping_add(extend_flag);
if result > 0x09 { result = result.wrapping_add(0x06) };
if result > 0x09 {
result = result.wrapping_add(0x06)
result += src_parts.0 + dest_parts.0;
if result > 0x99 { result = result.wrapping_add(0x60) };
if result > 0x99 {
result = result.wrapping_add(0x60)
let carry = (result & 0xFFFFFF00) != 0;
self.set_target_value(dest, result, Size::Byte, Used::Twice)?;
@ -607,7 +606,12 @@ where
fn execute_bfchg(&mut self, target: Target, offset: RegOrImmediate, width: RegOrImmediate) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
fn execute_bfchg(
&mut self,
target: Target,
offset: RegOrImmediate,
width: RegOrImmediate,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let (offset, width) = self.get_bit_field_args(offset, width);
let mask = get_bit_field_mask(offset, width);
let value = self.get_target_value(target, Size::Long, Used::Twice)?;
@ -617,7 +621,12 @@ where
fn execute_bfclr(&mut self, target: Target, offset: RegOrImmediate, width: RegOrImmediate) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
fn execute_bfclr(
&mut self,
target: Target,
offset: RegOrImmediate,
width: RegOrImmediate,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let (offset, width) = self.get_bit_field_args(offset, width);
let mask = get_bit_field_mask(offset, width);
let value = self.get_target_value(target, Size::Long, Used::Twice)?;
@ -627,7 +636,13 @@ where
fn execute_bfexts(&mut self, target: Target, offset: RegOrImmediate, width: RegOrImmediate, reg: Register) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
fn execute_bfexts(
&mut self,
target: Target,
offset: RegOrImmediate,
width: RegOrImmediate,
reg: Register,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let (offset, width) = self.get_bit_field_args(offset, width);
let mask = get_bit_field_mask(offset, width);
let value = self.get_target_value(target, Size::Long, Used::Once)?;
@ -643,7 +658,13 @@ where
fn execute_bfextu(&mut self, target: Target, offset: RegOrImmediate, width: RegOrImmediate, reg: Register) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
fn execute_bfextu(
&mut self,
target: Target,
offset: RegOrImmediate,
width: RegOrImmediate,
reg: Register,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let (offset, width) = self.get_bit_field_args(offset, width);
let mask = get_bit_field_mask(offset, width);
let value = self.get_target_value(target, Size::Long, Used::Once)?;
@ -653,7 +674,12 @@ where
fn execute_bfset(&mut self, target: Target, offset: RegOrImmediate, width: RegOrImmediate) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
fn execute_bfset(
&mut self,
target: Target,
offset: RegOrImmediate,
width: RegOrImmediate,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let (offset, width) = self.get_bit_field_args(offset, width);
let mask = get_bit_field_mask(offset, width);
let value = self.get_target_value(target, Size::Long, Used::Twice)?;
@ -663,7 +689,12 @@ where
fn execute_bftst(&mut self, target: Target, offset: RegOrImmediate, width: RegOrImmediate) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
fn execute_bftst(
&mut self,
target: Target,
offset: RegOrImmediate,
width: RegOrImmediate,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let (offset, width) = self.get_bit_field_args(offset, width);
let mask = get_bit_field_mask(offset, width);
let value = self.get_target_value(target, Size::Long, Used::Once)?;
@ -749,16 +780,12 @@ where
(dest_val % src_val) as u32,
quotient as u32,
quotient > i16::MAX as i32 || quotient < i16::MIN as i32
quotient > i16::MAX as i32 || quotient < i16::MIN as i32,
Sign::Unsigned => {
let quotient = dest_val / src_val;
dest_val % src_val,
(quotient & 0xFFFF0000) != 0
(dest_val % src_val, quotient, (quotient & 0xFFFF0000) != 0)
@ -773,7 +800,13 @@ where
fn execute_divl(&mut self, src: Target, dest_h: Option<Register>, dest_l: Register, sign: Sign) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
fn execute_divl(
&mut self,
src: Target,
dest_h: Option<Register>,
dest_l: Register,
sign: Sign,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let src_val = self.get_target_value(src, Size::Long, Used::Once)?;
if src_val == 0 {
self.exception(Exceptions::ZeroDivide as u8, false)?;
@ -988,8 +1021,8 @@ where
Target::IndirectARegInc(reg) | Target::IndirectARegDec(reg) => {
let a_reg_mut = self.get_a_reg_mut(reg);
*a_reg_mut = addr + (mask.count_ones() * size.in_bytes());
_ => { },
_ => {},
@ -1006,11 +1039,9 @@ where
self.move_registers_to_memory_reverse(addr, size, mask)?
_ => {
match dir {
Direction::ToTarget => self.move_registers_to_memory(addr, size, mask)?,
Direction::FromTarget => self.move_memory_to_registers(addr, size, mask)?,
_ => match dir {
Direction::ToTarget => self.move_registers_to_memory(addr, size, mask)?,
Direction::FromTarget => self.move_memory_to_registers(addr, size, mask)?,
@ -1019,8 +1050,8 @@ where
Target::IndirectARegInc(reg) | Target::IndirectARegDec(reg) => {
let a_reg_mut = self.get_a_reg_mut(reg);
*a_reg_mut = post_addr;
_ => { },
_ => {},
@ -1082,7 +1113,14 @@ where
fn execute_movep(&mut self, dreg: Register, areg: Register, offset: i16, size: Size, dir: Direction) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
fn execute_movep(
&mut self,
dreg: Register,
areg: Register,
offset: i16,
size: Size,
dir: Direction,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
match dir {
Direction::ToTarget => {
let mut shift = (size.in_bits() as i32) - 8;
@ -1119,7 +1157,9 @@ where
match dir {
Direction::ToTarget => self.set_target_value(target, self.state.usp, Size::Long, Used::Once)?,
Direction::FromTarget => { self.state.usp = self.get_target_value(target, Size::Long, Used::Once)?; },
Direction::FromTarget => {
self.state.usp = self.get_target_value(target, Size::Long, Used::Once)?;
@ -1137,7 +1177,13 @@ where
fn execute_mull(&mut self, src: Target, dest_h: Option<Register>, dest_l: Register, sign: Sign) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
fn execute_mull(
&mut self,
src: Target,
dest_h: Option<Register>,
dest_l: Register,
sign: Sign,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let src_val = self.get_target_value(src, Size::Long, Used::Once)?;
let dest_val = get_value_sized(self.state.d_reg[dest_l as usize], Size::Long);
let result = match sign {
@ -1353,10 +1399,14 @@ where
let binary_result = dest_val.wrapping_sub(src_val).wrapping_sub(extend_flag);
let mut result = dest_parts.1.wrapping_sub(src_parts.1).wrapping_sub(extend_flag);
if (result & 0x1F) > 0x09 { result -= 0x06 };
if (result & 0x1F) > 0x09 {
result -= 0x06
result = result.wrapping_add(dest_parts.0.wrapping_sub(src_parts.0));
let carry = (result & 0x1FF) > 0x99;
if carry { result -= 0x60 };
if carry {
result -= 0x60
self.set_flag(Flags::Negative, get_msb(result, Size::Byte));
self.set_flag(Flags::Zero, (result & 0xFF) == 0);
@ -1489,7 +1539,8 @@ where
Target::IndirectMemoryPreindexed(base_reg, index_reg, base_disp, outer_disp) => {
let base_value = self.get_base_reg_value(base_reg);
let index_value = self.get_index_reg_value(&index_reg);
let intermediate = self.get_address_sized(base_value.wrapping_add(base_disp as u32).wrapping_add(index_value as u32), Size::Long)?;
let intermediate =
self.get_address_sized(base_value.wrapping_add(base_disp as u32).wrapping_add(index_value as u32), Size::Long)?;
self.get_address_sized(intermediate.wrapping_add(outer_disp as u32), size)
Target::IndirectMemoryPostindexed(base_reg, index_reg, base_disp, outer_disp) => {
@ -1498,13 +1549,17 @@ where
let intermediate = self.get_address_sized(base_value.wrapping_add(base_disp as u32), Size::Long)?;
self.get_address_sized(intermediate.wrapping_add(index_value as u32).wrapping_add(outer_disp as u32), size)
Target::IndirectMemory(addr, _) => {
self.get_address_sized(addr, size)
Target::IndirectMemory(addr, _) => self.get_address_sized(addr, size),
pub(super) fn set_target_value(&mut self, target: Target, value: u32, size: Size, used: Used) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
pub(super) fn set_target_value(
&mut self,
target: Target,
value: u32,
size: Size,
used: Used,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
match target {
Target::DirectDReg(reg) => {
set_value_sized(&mut self.state.d_reg[reg as usize], value, size);
@ -1532,7 +1587,8 @@ where
Target::IndirectMemoryPreindexed(base_reg, index_reg, base_disp, outer_disp) => {
let base_value = self.get_base_reg_value(base_reg);
let index_value = self.get_index_reg_value(&index_reg);
let intermediate = self.get_address_sized(base_value.wrapping_add(base_disp as u32).wrapping_add(index_value as u32), Size::Long)?;
let intermediate =
self.get_address_sized(base_value.wrapping_add(base_disp as u32).wrapping_add(index_value as u32), Size::Long)?;
self.set_address_sized(intermediate.wrapping_add(outer_disp as u32), value, size)?;
Target::IndirectMemoryPostindexed(base_reg, index_reg, base_disp, outer_disp) => {
@ -1560,7 +1616,8 @@ where
Target::IndirectMemoryPreindexed(base_reg, index_reg, base_disp, outer_disp) => {
let base_value = self.get_base_reg_value(base_reg);
let index_value = self.get_index_reg_value(&index_reg);
let intermediate = self.get_address_sized(base_value.wrapping_add(base_disp as u32).wrapping_add(index_value as u32), Size::Long)?;
let intermediate =
self.get_address_sized(base_value.wrapping_add(base_disp as u32).wrapping_add(index_value as u32), Size::Long)?;
intermediate.wrapping_add(outer_disp as u32)
Target::IndirectMemoryPostindexed(base_reg, index_reg, base_disp, outer_disp) => {
@ -1569,9 +1626,7 @@ where
let intermediate = self.get_address_sized(base_value.wrapping_add(base_disp as u32), Size::Long)?;
intermediate.wrapping_add(index_value as u32).wrapping_add(outer_disp as u32)
Target::IndirectMemory(addr, _) => {
Target::IndirectMemory(addr, _) => addr,
_ => return Err(M68kError::InvalidTarget(target)),
@ -1611,21 +1666,28 @@ where
fn set_address_sized(&mut self, addr: M68kAddress, value: u32, size: Size) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let is_supervisor = self.is_supervisor();
self.cycle.memory.write_data_sized(&mut self.bus, is_supervisor, addr, size, value)
.write_data_sized(&mut self.bus, is_supervisor, addr, size, value)
fn push_word(&mut self, value: u16) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let is_supervisor = self.is_supervisor();
*self.get_stack_pointer_mut() -= 2;
let addr = *self.get_stack_pointer_mut();
self.cycle.memory.write_data_sized(&mut self.bus, is_supervisor, addr, Size::Word, value as u32)?;
.write_data_sized(&mut self.bus, is_supervisor, addr, Size::Word, value as u32)?;
fn pop_word(&mut self) -> Result<u16, M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let is_supervisor = self.is_supervisor();
let addr = *self.get_stack_pointer_mut();
let value = self.cycle.memory.read_data_sized(&mut self.bus, is_supervisor, addr, Size::Word)?;
let value = self
.read_data_sized(&mut self.bus, is_supervisor, addr, Size::Word)?;
*self.get_stack_pointer_mut() += 2;
Ok(value as u16)
@ -1634,21 +1696,33 @@ where
let is_supervisor = self.is_supervisor();
*self.get_stack_pointer_mut() -= 4;
let addr = *self.get_stack_pointer_mut();
self.cycle.memory.write_data_sized(&mut self.bus, is_supervisor, addr, Size::Long, value)?;
.write_data_sized(&mut self.bus, is_supervisor, addr, Size::Long, value)?;
fn pop_long(&mut self) -> Result<u32, M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
let is_supervisor = self.is_supervisor();
let addr = *self.get_stack_pointer_mut();
let value = self.cycle.memory.read_data_sized(&mut self.bus, is_supervisor, addr, Size::Long)?;
let value = self
.read_data_sized(&mut self.bus, is_supervisor, addr, Size::Long)?;
*self.get_stack_pointer_mut() += 4;
fn set_pc(&mut self, value: u32) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
self.state.pc = value;
self.cycle.memory.start_request(self.is_supervisor(), self.state.pc, Size::Word, MemAccess::Read, MemType::Program, true)?;
@ -1679,7 +1753,13 @@ where
match base_reg {
BaseRegister::None => 0,
BaseRegister::PC => self.cycle.decoder.start + 2,
BaseRegister::AReg(7) => if self.is_supervisor() { self.state.ssp } else { self.state.usp },
BaseRegister::AReg(7) => {
if self.is_supervisor() {
} else {
BaseRegister::AReg(reg) => self.state.a_reg[reg as usize],
@ -1687,9 +1767,11 @@ where
fn get_index_reg_value(&self, index_reg: &Option<IndexRegister>) -> i32 {
match index_reg {
None => 0,
Some(IndexRegister { xreg, scale, size }) => {
sign_extend_to_long(self.get_x_reg_value(*xreg), *size) << scale
Some(IndexRegister {
}) => sign_extend_to_long(self.get_x_reg_value(*xreg), *size) << scale,
@ -1700,12 +1782,20 @@ where
fn get_stack_pointer_mut(&mut self) -> &mut u32 {
if self.is_supervisor() { &mut self.state.ssp } else { &mut self.state.usp }
if self.is_supervisor() {
&mut self.state.ssp
} else {
&mut self.state.usp
fn get_a_reg(&self, reg: Register) -> u32 {
if reg == 7 {
if self.is_supervisor() { self.state.ssp } else { self.state.usp }
if self.is_supervisor() {
} else {
} else {
self.state.a_reg[reg as usize]
@ -1713,14 +1803,18 @@ where
fn get_a_reg_mut(&mut self, reg: Register) -> &mut u32 {
if reg == 7 {
if self.is_supervisor() { &mut self.state.ssp } else { &mut self.state.usp }
if self.is_supervisor() {
&mut self.state.ssp
} else {
&mut self.state.usp
} else {
&mut self.state.a_reg[reg as usize]
fn is_supervisor(&self) -> bool { & (Flags:: Supervisor as u16) != 0 & (Flags::Supervisor as u16) != 0
fn require_supervisor(&self) -> Result<(), M68kError<Bus::Error>> {
@ -1732,7 +1826,11 @@ where
fn set_sr(&mut self, value: u16) {
let mask = if self.cycle.decoder.cputype <= M68kType::MC68010 { 0xA71F } else { 0xF71F };
let mask = if self.cycle.decoder.cputype <= M68kType::MC68010 {
} else {
}; = value & mask;
@ -1805,15 +1903,23 @@ where
Condition::OverflowSet => self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow),
Condition::Plus => !self.get_flag(Flags::Negative),
Condition::Minus => self.get_flag(Flags::Negative),
Condition::GreaterThanOrEqual => (self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow)) || (!self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow)),
Condition::LessThan => (self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow)) || (!self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow)),
Condition::GreaterThan =>
Condition::GreaterThanOrEqual => {
(self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow))
|| (!self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow))
Condition::LessThan => {
(self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow))
|| (!self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow))
Condition::GreaterThan => {
(self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Zero))
|| (!self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Zero)),
Condition::LessThanOrEqual =>
|| (!self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Zero))
Condition::LessThanOrEqual => {
|| (self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow))
|| (!self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow)),
|| (self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && !self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow))
|| (!self.get_flag(Flags::Negative) && self.get_flag(Flags::Overflow))
@ -1889,7 +1995,11 @@ fn rotate_left(value: u32, size: Size, use_extend: Option<bool>) -> (u32, bool)
fn rotate_right(value: u32, size: Size, use_extend: Option<bool>) -> (u32, bool) {
let bit = (value & 0x01) != 0;
let mask = if use_extend.unwrap_or(bit) { get_msb_mask(0xffffffff, size) } else { 0x0 };
let mask = if use_extend.unwrap_or(bit) {
get_msb_mask(0xffffffff, size)
} else {
((value >> 1) | mask, bit)
@ -1899,17 +2009,23 @@ fn get_nibbles_from_byte(value: u32) -> (u32, u32) {
fn get_value_sized(value: u32, size: Size) -> u32 {
match size {
Size::Byte => { 0x000000FF & value },
Size::Word => { 0x0000FFFF & value },
Size::Long => { value },
Size::Byte => 0x000000FF & value,
Size::Word => 0x0000FFFF & value,
Size::Long => value,
fn set_value_sized(addr: &mut u32, value: u32, size: Size) {
match size {
Size::Byte => { *addr = (*addr & 0xFFFFFF00) | (0x000000FF & value); }
Size::Word => { *addr = (*addr & 0xFFFF0000) | (0x0000FFFF & value); }
Size::Long => { *addr = value; }
Size::Byte => {
*addr = (*addr & 0xFFFFFF00) | (0x000000FF & value);
Size::Word => {
*addr = (*addr & 0xFFFF0000) | (0x0000FFFF & value);
Size::Long => {
*addr = value;
@ -1956,5 +2072,3 @@ fn get_bit_field_mask(offset: u32, width: u32) -> u32 {
fn get_bit_field_msb(offset: u32) -> u32 {
0x80000000 >> offset

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::fmt::{self, Write};
@ -336,10 +335,12 @@ impl fmt::Display for Target {
let index_str = fmt_index_disp(index_reg);
write!(f, "([{}#{:08x}]{} + #{:08x})", base_reg, base_disp, index_str, outer_disp)
Target::IndirectMemory(value, size) => if *size == Size::Word {
write!(f, "(#{:04x})", value)
} else {
write!(f, "(#{:08x})", value)
Target::IndirectMemory(value, size) => {
if *size == Size::Word {
write!(f, "(#{:04x})", value)
} else {
write!(f, "(#{:08x})", value)
@ -432,7 +433,17 @@ impl fmt::Display for Instruction {
Instruction::EORtoCCR(value) => write!(f, "eorib\t#{:#02x}, %ccr", value),
Instruction::EORtoSR(value) => write!(f, "eoriw\t#{:#04x}, %sr", value),
Instruction::EXG(src, dest) => write!(f, "exg\t{}, {}", src, dest),
Instruction::EXT(reg, from_size, to_size) => write!(f, "ext{}{}\t%d{}", if *from_size == Size::Byte && *to_size == Size::Long { "b" } else { "" }, to_size, reg),
Instruction::EXT(reg, from_size, to_size) => write!(
if *from_size == Size::Byte && *to_size == Size::Long {
} else {
Instruction::ILLEGAL => write!(f, "illegal"),
@ -517,4 +528,3 @@ impl fmt::Display for Instruction {

View File

@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
pub mod assembler;
pub mod state;
pub mod debugger;
pub mod decode;
pub mod execute;
pub mod debugger;
pub mod instructions;
pub mod memory;
pub mod timing;
pub mod state;
pub mod tests;
pub mod timing;
#[cfg(feature = "moa")]
pub mod moa;
pub use crate::state::{M68k, M68kType, M68kError};
pub use crate::memory::{M68kAddress, M68kAddressSpace};

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use core::cmp;
use core::fmt::Write;
use femtos::Instant;
@ -10,6 +9,7 @@ use crate::instructions::Size;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum FunctionCode {
Reserved0 = 0,
UserData = 1,
@ -148,7 +148,13 @@ impl M68kBusPort {
fn read<Bus, BusError>(&mut self, bus: &mut Bus, clock: Instant, addr: M68kAddress, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), M68kError<BusError>>
fn read<Bus, BusError>(
&mut self,
bus: &mut Bus,
clock: Instant,
addr: M68kAddress,
data: &mut [u8],
) -> Result<(), M68kError<BusError>>
Bus: BusAccess<M68kAddress, Instant, Error = BusError>,
@ -162,7 +168,13 @@ impl M68kBusPort {
fn write<Bus, BusError>(&mut self, bus: &mut Bus, clock: Instant, addr: M68kAddress, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), M68kError<BusError>>
fn write<Bus, BusError>(
&mut self,
bus: &mut Bus,
clock: Instant,
addr: M68kAddress,
data: &[u8],
) -> Result<(), M68kError<BusError>>
Bus: BusAccess<M68kAddress, Instant, Error = BusError>,
@ -185,10 +197,17 @@ impl M68kBusPort {
Size::Byte =>, self.current_clock, addr, &mut data[3..4]),
Size::Word =>, self.current_clock, addr, &mut data[2..4]),
Size::Long =>, self.current_clock, addr, &mut data[0..4]),
}.map(|_| u32::from_be_bytes(data))
.map(|_| u32::from_be_bytes(data))
fn write_sized<Bus, BusError>(&mut self, bus: &mut Bus, addr: M68kAddress, size: Size, value: u32) -> Result<(), M68kError<BusError>>
fn write_sized<Bus, BusError>(
&mut self,
bus: &mut Bus,
addr: M68kAddress,
size: Size,
value: u32,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<BusError>>
Bus: BusAccess<M68kAddress, Instant, Error = BusError>,
@ -200,7 +219,13 @@ impl M68kBusPort {
pub(crate) fn read_data_sized<Bus, BusError>(&mut self, bus: &mut Bus, is_supervisor: bool, addr: M68kAddress, size: Size) -> Result<u32, M68kError<BusError>>
pub(crate) fn read_data_sized<Bus, BusError>(
&mut self,
bus: &mut Bus,
is_supervisor: bool,
addr: M68kAddress,
size: Size,
) -> Result<u32, M68kError<BusError>>
Bus: BusAccess<M68kAddress, Instant, Error = BusError>,
@ -208,7 +233,14 @@ impl M68kBusPort {
self.read_sized(bus, addr, size)
pub(crate) fn write_data_sized<Bus, BusError>(&mut self, bus: &mut Bus, is_supervisor: bool, addr: M68kAddress, size: Size, value: u32) -> Result<(), M68kError<BusError>>
pub(crate) fn write_data_sized<Bus, BusError>(
&mut self,
bus: &mut Bus,
is_supervisor: bool,
addr: M68kAddress,
size: Size,
value: u32,
) -> Result<(), M68kError<BusError>>
Bus: BusAccess<M68kAddress, Instant, Error = BusError>,
@ -216,7 +248,12 @@ impl M68kBusPort {
self.write_sized(bus, addr, size, value)
pub(crate) fn read_instruction_word<Bus, BusError>(&mut self, bus: &mut Bus, is_supervisor: bool, addr: u32) -> Result<u16, M68kError<BusError>>
pub(crate) fn read_instruction_word<Bus, BusError>(
&mut self,
bus: &mut Bus,
is_supervisor: bool,
addr: u32,
) -> Result<u16, M68kError<BusError>>
Bus: BusAccess<M68kAddress, Instant, Error = BusError>,
@ -224,7 +261,12 @@ impl M68kBusPort {
Ok(self.read_sized(bus, addr, Size::Word)? as u16)
pub(crate) fn read_instruction_long<Bus, BusError>(&mut self, bus: &mut Bus, is_supervisor: bool, addr: u32) -> Result<u32, M68kError<BusError>>
pub(crate) fn read_instruction_long<Bus, BusError>(
&mut self,
bus: &mut Bus,
is_supervisor: bool,
addr: u32,
) -> Result<u32, M68kError<BusError>>
Bus: BusAccess<M68kAddress, Instant, Error = BusError>,
@ -232,7 +274,15 @@ impl M68kBusPort {
self.read_sized(bus, addr, Size::Long)
pub(crate) fn start_request<BusError>(&mut self, is_supervisor: bool, addr: u32, size: Size, access: MemAccess, mtype: MemType, i_n_bit: bool) -> Result<u32, M68kError<BusError>> {
pub(crate) fn start_request<BusError>(
&mut self,
is_supervisor: bool,
addr: u32,
size: Size,
access: MemAccess,
mtype: MemType,
i_n_bit: bool,
) -> Result<u32, M68kError<BusError>> {
self.request.i_n_bit = i_n_bit;
self.request.code = match mtype {
MemType::Program => FunctionCode::program(is_supervisor),
@ -314,7 +364,7 @@ impl TargetAccess {
pub(crate) fn complete(&self) -> Result<Self, M68kError> {
@ -357,7 +407,7 @@ impl ReadOnceAccess {
pub(crate) fn complete(&self) -> Result<Self, M68kError> {
@ -376,7 +426,7 @@ impl ReadUpdateAccess {
pub(crate) fn complete(&self) -> Result<Self, M68kError> {
@ -391,7 +441,7 @@ impl WriteOnceAccess {
pub(crate) fn complete(&self) -> Result<Self, M68kError> {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration};
use emulator_hal::bus;
@ -13,11 +12,8 @@ impl Steppable for M68k {
let cycle = M68kCycle::new(self, system.clock);
let mut bus = system.bus.borrow_mut();
let mut adapter: bus::BusAdapter<u32, u64, Instant, &mut dyn Addressable, Error> = bus::BusAdapter::new(
&mut *bus,
|addr| addr as u64,
|err| err,
let mut adapter: bus::BusAdapter<u32, u64, Instant, &mut dyn Addressable, Error> =
bus::BusAdapter::new(&mut *bus, |addr| addr as u64, |err| err);
let mut executor = cycle.begin(self, &mut adapter);
@ -40,7 +36,7 @@ impl Steppable for M68k {
impl Interruptable for M68k { }
impl Interruptable for M68k {}
impl Transmutable for M68k {
fn as_steppable(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Steppable> {
@ -104,11 +100,8 @@ impl Debuggable for M68k {
let mut decoder = M68kDecoder::new(, true, 0);
let mut bus = system.bus.borrow_mut();
let mut adapter: bus::BusAdapter<u32, u64, Instant, &mut dyn Addressable, Error> = bus::BusAdapter::new(
&mut *bus,
|addr| addr as u64,
|err| err,
let mut adapter: bus::BusAdapter<u32, u64, Instant, &mut dyn Addressable, Error> =
bus::BusAdapter::new(&mut *bus, |addr| addr as u64, |err| err);
decoder.dump_disassembly(&mut adapter, addr as u32, count as u32);
@ -124,9 +117,10 @@ impl Debuggable for M68k {
"so" | "stepout" => {
self.debugger.step_until_return = Some(self.debugger.stack_tracer.calls.len() - 1);
_ => { return Ok(true); },
_ => {
return Ok(true);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use core::fmt::{self, Write};
use femtos::{Duration, Frequency};
@ -14,10 +13,10 @@ pub type ClockCycles = u16;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum AddressWidth {
A32 = 32, // MC68020+
A24 = 24, // MC68000 64-Pin, MC68010
A22 = 22, // MC68008 52-Pin
A20 = 20, // MC68008 48-Pin
A32 = 32, // MC68020+
A24 = 24, // MC68000 64-Pin, MC68010
A22 = 22, // MC68008 52-Pin
A20 = 20, // MC68008 48-Pin
@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ impl CpuInfo {
address_width: AddressWidth::A32,
data_width: DataWidth::D32,
@ -109,6 +108,7 @@ const FLAGS_ON_RESET: u16 = 0x2700;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Flags {
Carry = 0x0001,
Overflow = 0x0002,
@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ pub enum Flags {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Exceptions {
BusError = 2,
AddressError = 3,
@ -298,4 +299,3 @@ impl InterruptPriority {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
mod decode_unit_tests {
use femtos::Instant;
@ -96,7 +95,10 @@ mod decode_unit_tests {
let size = Size::Long;
let offset = -8;
decoder.bus.write_beu16(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR, (offset as i16) as u16).unwrap();
.write_beu16(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR, (offset as i16) as u16)
let target = decoder.get_mode_as_target(0b101, 0b100, Some(size)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(target, Target::IndirectRegOffset(BaseRegister::AReg(4), None, offset));
@ -111,10 +113,24 @@ mod decode_unit_tests {
let brief_extension = 0x3800 | (((offset as i8) as u8) as u16);
decoder.bus.write_beu16(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR, brief_extension).unwrap();
decoder.bus.write_beu16(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR + 2, (offset as i16) as u16).unwrap();
.write_beu16(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR + 2, (offset as i16) as u16)
let target = decoder.get_mode_as_target(0b110, 0b010, Some(size)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(target, Target::IndirectRegOffset(BaseRegister::AReg(2), Some(IndexRegister { xreg: XRegister::DReg(3), scale: 0, size: size }), offset));
Some(IndexRegister {
xreg: XRegister::DReg(3),
scale: 0,
size: size
@ -129,7 +145,18 @@ mod decode_unit_tests {
decoder.bus.write_beu32(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR + 2, offset as u32).unwrap();
let target = decoder.get_mode_as_target(0b110, 0b010, Some(size)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(target, Target::IndirectRegOffset(BaseRegister::AReg(2), Some(IndexRegister { xreg: XRegister::AReg(7), scale: 1, size: size }), offset));
Some(IndexRegister {
xreg: XRegister::AReg(7),
scale: 1,
size: size
@ -144,7 +171,18 @@ mod decode_unit_tests {
decoder.bus.write_beu32(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR + 2, offset as u32).unwrap();
let target = decoder.get_mode_as_target(0b110, 0b010, Some(size)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(target, Target::IndirectRegOffset(BaseRegister::None, Some(IndexRegister { xreg: XRegister::AReg(7), scale: 1, size: size }), offset));
Some(IndexRegister {
xreg: XRegister::AReg(7),
scale: 1,
size: size
@ -169,7 +207,10 @@ mod decode_unit_tests {
let size = Size::Long;
let offset = -8;
decoder.bus.write_beu16(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR, (offset as i16) as u16).unwrap();
.write_beu16(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR, (offset as i16) as u16)
let target = decoder.get_mode_as_target(0b111, 0b010, Some(size)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(target, Target::IndirectRegOffset(BaseRegister::PC, None, offset));
@ -184,10 +225,24 @@ mod decode_unit_tests {
let brief_extension = 0x3000 | (((offset as i8) as u8) as u16);
decoder.bus.write_beu16(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR, brief_extension).unwrap();
decoder.bus.write_beu16(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR + 2, (offset as i16) as u16).unwrap();
.write_beu16(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR + 2, (offset as i16) as u16)
let target = decoder.get_mode_as_target(0b111, 0b011, Some(size)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(target, Target::IndirectRegOffset(BaseRegister::PC, Some(IndexRegister { xreg: XRegister::DReg(3), scale: 0, size: size }), offset));
Some(IndexRegister {
xreg: XRegister::DReg(3),
scale: 0,
size: size
@ -202,7 +257,18 @@ mod decode_unit_tests {
decoder.bus.write_beu32(Instant::START, INIT_ADDR + 2, offset as u32).unwrap();
let target = decoder.get_mode_as_target(0b111, 0b011, Some(size)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(target, Target::IndirectRegOffset(BaseRegister::PC, Some(IndexRegister { xreg: XRegister::AReg(7), scale: 1, size: size }), offset));
Some(IndexRegister {
xreg: XRegister::AReg(7),
scale: 1,
size: size
@ -269,7 +335,9 @@ mod execute_unit_tests {
// Insert basic initialization
let len = 0x10_0000;
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(len);
unsafe { data.set_len(len); }
unsafe {
let mut memory = MemoryBlock::from(data);
memory.write_beu32(Instant::START, 0, INIT_STACK as u32).unwrap();
memory.write_beu32(Instant::START, 4, INIT_ADDR as u32).unwrap();

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use crate::M68kType;
use crate::state::ClockCycles;
use crate::instructions::{Size, Sign, Direction, Target, Instruction};
@ -69,8 +68,7 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
pub fn add_reg_v_mem(&mut self, target: &Target, reg: u8, mem: u8) -> &mut Self {
self.internal += match target {
Target::DirectDReg(_) |
Target::DirectAReg(_) => reg,
Target::DirectDReg(_) | Target::DirectAReg(_) => reg,
_ => mem,
@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
pub fn add_immediate_set(&mut self, size: Size, target: &Target, reg: (u8, u8), mem: (u8, u8)) -> &mut Self {
match target {
Target::DirectDReg(_) | Target::DirectAReg(_) => self.add_word_v_long(size, reg.0, reg.1),
_ => self.add_word_v_long(size, mem.0, mem.1)
_ => self.add_word_v_long(size, mem.0, mem.1),
@ -115,7 +113,7 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
pub fn add_reg_mem_set(&mut self, size: Size, target: &Target, reg: (u8, u8), mem: (u8, u8)) -> &mut Self {
match target {
Target::DirectDReg(_) | Target::DirectAReg(_) => self.add_word_v_long(size, reg.0, reg.1),
_ => self.add_word_v_long(size, mem.0, mem.1)
_ => self.add_word_v_long(size, mem.0, mem.1),
@ -139,14 +137,11 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
Target::IndirectAReg(_) => self.add_access(size),
Target::IndirectARegInc(_) => self.add_access(size),
Target::IndirectARegDec(_) => self.add_access(size).add_internal(2),
Target::IndirectRegOffset(_, index_reg, _) => {
match index_reg {
None => self.add_access(size).add_internal(4),
Some(_) => self.add_access(size).add_internal(6),
Target::IndirectRegOffset(_, index_reg, _) => match index_reg {
None => self.add_access(size).add_internal(4),
Some(_) => self.add_access(size).add_internal(6),
Target::IndirectMemoryPreindexed(_, index_reg, _, _) |
Target::IndirectMemoryPostindexed(_, index_reg, _, _) => {
Target::IndirectMemoryPreindexed(_, index_reg, _, _) | Target::IndirectMemoryPostindexed(_, index_reg, _, _) => {
// TODO this is very wrong, but the 68020 timings are complicated
match index_reg {
None => self.add_access(size).add_internal(4),
@ -159,7 +154,9 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
pub fn add_two_targets(&mut self, size: Size, src: &Target, dest: &Target) -> &mut Self {
match (src, dest) {
(Target::IndirectARegDec(_), Target::IndirectARegDec(_)) => self.add_target(size, src).add_target(size, dest).sub_internal(2),
(Target::IndirectARegDec(_), Target::IndirectARegDec(_)) => {
self.add_target(size, src).add_target(size, dest).sub_internal(2)
_ => self.add_target(size, src).add_target(size, dest),
@ -199,20 +196,31 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
match instruction {
Instruction::ABCD(_, dest) => self.add_reg_v_mem(dest, 6, 18),
Instruction::ADD(Target::Immediate(x), dest, size) if *x <= 8 => self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (4, 8), (8, 12)).add_target(*size, dest),// ADDQ
Instruction::ADD(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 16), (12, 20)).add_target(*size, dest), // ADDI
Instruction::ADD(Target::Immediate(x), dest, size) if *x <= 8 => {
self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (4, 8), (8, 12)).add_target(*size, dest)
}, // ADDQ
Instruction::ADD(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => {
self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 16), (12, 20)).add_target(*size, dest)
}, // ADDI
Instruction::ADD(src, dest, size) => self.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (8, 6), (4, 6), (8, 12)).add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::ADD(src, dest, size) => self
.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (8, 6), (4, 6), (8, 12))
.add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::ADDA(target, _, size) => self.add_word_v_long(*size, 8, 6).add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::ADDX(_, dest, size) => self.add_reg_mem_set(*size, dest, (4, 8), (18, 30)),
Instruction::AND(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 14), (12, 20)).add_target(*size, dest),
Instruction::AND(src, dest, size) => self.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (0, 0), (4, 6), (8, 12)).add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::AND(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => {
self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 14), (12, 20)).add_target(*size, dest)
Instruction::AND(src, dest, size) => self
.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (0, 0), (4, 6), (8, 12))
.add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::ANDtoCCR(_) => self.add_internal(20),
Instruction::ANDtoSR(_) => self.add_internal(20),
Instruction::ASL(_, target, size) |
Instruction::ASR(_, target, size) => self.add_word_v_long(*size, 6, 8).add_per_rep(2).add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::ASL(_, target, size) | Instruction::ASR(_, target, size) => {
self.add_word_v_long(*size, 6, 8).add_per_rep(2).add_target(*size, target)
Instruction::Bcc(_, _) => self.add_internal(8).add_on_branch(2),
Instruction::BRA(_) => self.add_internal(10),
@ -221,25 +229,36 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
Instruction::BCHG(bit, target, size) => match bit {
Target::Immediate(_) => self.add_reg_v_mem(target, 12, 12),
_ => self.add_reg_v_mem(target, 8, 8),
}.add_target(*size, target),
.add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::BCLR(bit, target, size) => match bit {
Target::Immediate(_) => self.add_reg_v_mem(target, 14, 12),
_ => self.add_reg_v_mem(target, 10, 8),
}.add_target(*size, target),
.add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::BSET(bit, target, size) => match bit {
Target::Immediate(_) => self.add_reg_v_mem(target, 12, 12),
_ => self.add_reg_v_mem(target, 8, 8),
}.add_target(*size, target),
.add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::BTST(bit, target, size) => match bit {
Target::Immediate(_) => self.add_reg_v_mem(target, 10, 8),
_ => self.add_reg_v_mem(target, 6, 4),
}.add_target(*size, target),
.add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::CHK(_, _, _) => self.add_internal(10),
Instruction::CLR(target, size) => self.add_reg_v_mem(target, 4, 8).add_word_v_long(*size, 0, 2).add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::CLR(target, size) => self
.add_reg_v_mem(target, 4, 8)
.add_word_v_long(*size, 0, 2)
.add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::CMP(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 14), (8, 12)).add_target(*size, dest),
Instruction::CMP(src, dest, size) => self.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (6, 6), (4, 6), (0, 0)).add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::CMP(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => {
self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 14), (8, 12)).add_target(*size, dest)
Instruction::CMP(src, dest, size) => self
.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (6, 6), (4, 6), (0, 0))
.add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::CMPA(target, _, size) => self.add_word_v_long(*size, 6, 6).add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::DBcc(_, _, _) => self.add_internal(10).add_on_branch(4),
@ -248,8 +267,12 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
Sign::Signed => self.add_internal(158).add_target(Size::Long, src),
Instruction::EOR(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 16), (12, 20)).add_target(*size, dest),
Instruction::EOR(src, dest, size) => self.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (0, 0), (4, 8), (8, 12)).add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::EOR(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => {
self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 16), (12, 20)).add_target(*size, dest)
Instruction::EOR(src, dest, size) => self
.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (0, 0), (4, 8), (8, 12))
.add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::EORtoCCR(_) => self.add_internal(20),
Instruction::EORtoSR(_) => self.add_internal(20),
@ -263,8 +286,9 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
Instruction::LEA(target, _) => self.add_indirect_set(target, 4, 8, 12, 8, 12),
Instruction::LINK(_, _) => self.add_internal(16),
Instruction::LSL(_, target, size) |
Instruction::LSR(_, target, size) => self.add_word_v_long(*size, 6, 8).add_per_rep(2).add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::LSL(_, target, size) | Instruction::LSR(_, target, size) => {
self.add_word_v_long(*size, 6, 8).add_per_rep(2).add_target(*size, target)
Instruction::MOVE(src, dest, size) => self.add_internal(4).add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::MOVEA(target, _, size) => self.add_internal(4).add_target(*size, target),
@ -287,8 +311,12 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
Instruction::NOP => self.add_internal(4),
Instruction::NOT(target, size) => self.add_reg_mem_set(*size, target, (4, 6), (8, 12)).add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::OR(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 16), (12, 20)).add_target(*size, dest),
Instruction::OR(src, dest, size) => self.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (0, 0), (4, 6), (8, 12)).add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::OR(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => {
self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 16), (12, 20)).add_target(*size, dest)
Instruction::OR(src, dest, size) => self
.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (0, 0), (4, 6), (8, 12))
.add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::ORtoCCR(_) => self.add_internal(20),
Instruction::ORtoSR(_) => self.add_internal(20),
@ -296,26 +324,40 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
Instruction::RESET => self.add_internal(132),
Instruction::ROL(_, target, size) |
Instruction::ROR(_, target, size) => self.add_word_v_long(*size, 6, 8).add_per_rep(2).add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::ROXL(_, target, size) |
Instruction::ROXR(_, target, size) => self.add_word_v_long(*size, 6, 8).add_per_rep(2).add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::ROL(_, target, size) | Instruction::ROR(_, target, size) => {
self.add_word_v_long(*size, 6, 8).add_per_rep(2).add_target(*size, target)
Instruction::ROXL(_, target, size) | Instruction::ROXR(_, target, size) => {
self.add_word_v_long(*size, 6, 8).add_per_rep(2).add_target(*size, target)
Instruction::RTE => self.add_internal(20),
Instruction::RTR => self.add_internal(20),
Instruction::RTS => self.add_internal(16),
//Instruction::RTD(offset) => ,
Instruction::SBCD(_, dest) => self.add_reg_v_mem(dest, 6, 18),
Instruction::Scc(_, target) => self.add_reg_v_mem(target, 4, 8).add_on_branch(2).add_target(Size::Byte, target),
Instruction::Scc(_, target) => self
.add_reg_v_mem(target, 4, 8)
.add_target(Size::Byte, target),
Instruction::STOP(_) => self.add_internal(4),
Instruction::SUB(Target::Immediate(x), Target::DirectAReg(_), Size::Byte)
| Instruction::SUB(Target::Immediate(x), Target::DirectAReg(_), Size::Word) if *x <= 8 => self.add_internal(8), // SUBQ with an address reg as dest
Instruction::SUB(Target::Immediate(x), dest, size) if *x <= 8 => self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (4, 8), (8, 12)).add_target(*size, dest), // SUBQ
Instruction::SUB(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 16), (12, 20)).add_target(*size, dest), // SUBI
| Instruction::SUB(Target::Immediate(x), Target::DirectAReg(_), Size::Word)
if *x <= 8 =>
}, // SUBQ with an address reg as dest
Instruction::SUB(Target::Immediate(x), dest, size) if *x <= 8 => {
self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (4, 8), (8, 12)).add_target(*size, dest)
}, // SUBQ
Instruction::SUB(Target::Immediate(_), dest, size) => {
self.add_immediate_set(*size, dest, (8, 16), (12, 20)).add_target(*size, dest)
}, // SUBI
Instruction::SUB(src, dest, size) => self.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (0, 0), (4, 6), (8, 12)).add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::SUB(src, dest, size) => self
.add_standard_set(*size, dest, (0, 0), (4, 6), (8, 12))
.add_two_targets(*size, src, dest),
Instruction::SUBA(target, _, size) => self.add_word_v_long(*size, 8, 6).add_target(*size, target),
Instruction::SUBX(_, dest, size) => self.add_reg_mem_set(*size, dest, (4, 8), (18, 30)),
@ -362,9 +404,9 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {
pub fn calculate_clocks(&self) -> ClockCycles {
//println!("{:?}", self);
(self.accesses as ClockCycles * 4)
+ self.internal as ClockCycles
+ (if self.branched { self.on_branch as ClockCycles } else { 0 })
+ self.per_rep as ClockCycles * self.reps
+ self.internal as ClockCycles
+ (if self.branched { self.on_branch as ClockCycles } else { 0 })
+ self.per_rep as ClockCycles * self.reps
@ -376,6 +418,3 @@ impl M68kInstructionTiming {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Frequency};
use emulator_hal::bus::BusAccess;
use emulator_hal_memory::MemoryBlock;
@ -69,7 +68,9 @@ fn init_decode_test(cputype: M68kType) -> (M68k, M68kCycle, MemoryBlock<u32, Ins
// Insert basic initialization
let len = 0x2000;
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(len);
unsafe { data.set_len(len); }
unsafe {
let mut memory = MemoryBlock::from(data);
memory.write_beu32(Instant::START, 0, INIT_STACK).unwrap();
memory.write_beu32(Instant::START, 4, INIT_ADDR).unwrap();
@ -194,4 +195,3 @@ pub fn run_assembler_opcode_tests() {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Frequency};
use emulator_hal::bus::BusAccess;
use emulator_hal::step::Step;
@ -44,7 +43,9 @@ where
// Insert basic initialization
let len = 0x10_0000;
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(len);
unsafe { data.set_len(len); }
unsafe {
let mut memory = MemoryBlock::from(data);
memory.write_beu32(Instant::START, 0, INIT_STACK).unwrap();
memory.write_beu32(Instant::START, 4, INIT_ADDR).unwrap();
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ fn build_state(state: &TestState) -> M68kState {
fn load_memory<Bus: BusAccess<u32, Instant>>(bus: &mut Bus, data: &[u16]) {
for i in {
bus.write_beu16(Instant::START, (i << 1) as u32, data[i]).unwrap();
fn run_test(case: &TestCase) {
@ -708,4 +709,3 @@ const TEST_CASES: &'static [TestCase] = &[
fini: TestState { pc: 0x00000002, ssp: 0x00000000, usp: 0x00000000, d0: 0x00000080, d1: 0x0000007F, a0: 0x00000000, a1: 0x00000000, sr: 0x2719, mem: 0x00000000 },

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Frequency};
use emulator_hal::bus::BusAccess;
use emulator_hal_memory::MemoryBlock;
@ -17,7 +16,9 @@ fn init_decode_test(cputype: M68kType) -> (M68k, M68kCycle, MemoryBlock<u32, Ins
// Insert basic initialization
let len = 0x10_0000;
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(len);
unsafe { data.set_len(len); }
unsafe {
let mut memory = MemoryBlock::from(data);
memory.write_beu32(Instant::START, 0, INIT_STACK).unwrap();
memory.write_beu32(Instant::START, 4, INIT_ADDR).unwrap();
@ -75,7 +76,10 @@ pub fn run_timing_tests() {
print!("Testing for {:?}...", case.ins);
match run_timing_test(case) {
Ok(()) => println!("ok"),
Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); errors += 1 },
Err(err) => {
println!("{:?}", err);
errors += 1
if let Err(_) = run_timing_test(case) {
@ -1624,4 +1628,3 @@ pub const TIMING_TESTS: &'static [TimingCase] = &[
TimingCase { cpu: M68kType::MC68000, data: &[0x4A98], timing: ( 12, 12, 6), ins: Instruction::TST(Target::IndirectARegInc(0), Size::Long) },
TimingCase { cpu: M68kType::MC68000, data: &[0x4E58], timing: ( 12, 12, 6), ins: Instruction::UNLK(0) },

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Frequency};
use emulator_hal::bus::BusAccess;
use emulator_hal_memory::MemoryBlock;
@ -19,16 +18,21 @@ struct TimingCase {
ins: Instruction,
const TIMING_TESTS: &'static [TimingCase] = &[
TimingCase { cpu: M68kType::MC68000, data: &[0xD090], timing: ( 14, 14, 6), ins: Instruction::ADD(Target::IndirectAReg(0), Target::DirectDReg(0), Size::Long) },
const TIMING_TESTS: &'static [TimingCase] = &[TimingCase {
cpu: M68kType::MC68000,
data: &[0xD090],
timing: (14, 14, 6),
ins: Instruction::ADD(Target::IndirectAReg(0), Target::DirectDReg(0), Size::Long),
fn init_decode_test(cputype: M68kType) -> (M68k, M68kCycle, MemoryBlock<u32, Instant>) {
// Insert basic initialization
let len = 0x10_0000;
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(len);
unsafe { data.set_len(len); }
unsafe {
let mut memory = MemoryBlock::from(data);
memory.write_beu32(Instant::START, 0, INIT_STACK).unwrap();
memory.write_beu32(Instant::START, 4, INIT_ADDR).unwrap();
@ -85,7 +89,10 @@ pub fn run_timing_tests() {
print!("Testing for {:?}...", case.ins);
match run_timing_test(case) {
Ok(()) => println!("ok"),
Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); errors += 1 },
Err(err) => {
println!("{:?}", err);
errors += 1
if let Err(_) = run_timing_test(case) {
@ -97,4 +104,3 @@ pub fn run_timing_tests() {
panic!("{} errors", errors);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Debuggable};
use crate::state::{Z80, Z80Error};
@ -37,10 +36,10 @@ impl Debuggable for Z80 {
fn run_command(&mut self, _system: &System, args: &[&str]) -> Result<bool, Error> {
match args[0] {
"l" => {
self.state.reg[Register::L as usize] = 0x05
"l" => self.state.reg[Register::L as usize] = 0x05,
_ => {
return Ok(true);
_ => { return Ok(true); },
@ -62,4 +61,3 @@ impl Z80 {

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
use core::fmt::Write;
use femtos::Instant;
use moa_core::{Address, Addressable};
use crate::state::Z80Error;
use crate::instructions::{Direction, Condition, Register, RegisterPair, IndexRegister, IndexRegisterHalf, SpecialRegister, InterruptMode, Target, LoadTarget, UndocumentedCopy, Instruction};
use crate::instructions::{
Direction, Condition, Register, RegisterPair, IndexRegister, IndexRegisterHalf, SpecialRegister, InterruptMode, Target,
LoadTarget, UndocumentedCopy, Instruction,
//use emulator_hal::bus::BusAccess;
@ -57,177 +59,169 @@ impl Z80Decoder {
self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 0)
pub fn decode_bare(&mut self, memory: &mut dyn Addressable, ins: u8, extra_instruction_bytes: u16) -> Result<Instruction, Z80Error> {
pub fn decode_bare(
&mut self,
memory: &mut dyn Addressable,
ins: u8,
extra_instruction_bytes: u16,
) -> Result<Instruction, Z80Error> {
self.extra_instruction_bytes = extra_instruction_bytes;
match get_ins_x(ins) {
0 => {
match get_ins_z(ins) {
0 => {
match get_ins_y(ins) {
0 => Ok(Instruction::NOP),
1 => Ok(Instruction::EXafaf),
2 => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
3 => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
y => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
Ok(Instruction::JRcc(get_condition(y - 4), offset))
1 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
let data = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))), LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(data)))
} else {
Ok(Instruction::ADD16(RegisterPair::HL, get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))))
0 => match get_ins_z(ins) {
0 => match get_ins_y(ins) {
0 => Ok(Instruction::NOP),
1 => Ok(Instruction::EXafaf),
2 => {
if (ins & 0x20) == 0 {
let target = match (ins & 0x10) != 0 {
false => LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(RegisterPair::BC),
true => LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(RegisterPair::DE),
match get_ins_q(ins) != 0 {
false => Ok(Instruction::LD(target, LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A))),
true => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A), target)),
} else {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
match (ins >> 3) & 0x03 {
0 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL))),
1 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL), LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr))),
2 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectByte(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A))),
3 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A), LoadTarget::IndirectByte(addr))),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
3 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
} else {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
y => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
Ok(Instruction::JRcc(get_condition(y - 4), offset))
1 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
let data = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
} else {
Ok(Instruction::ADD16(RegisterPair::HL, get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))))
2 => {
if (ins & 0x20) == 0 {
let target = match (ins & 0x10) != 0 {
false => LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(RegisterPair::BC),
true => LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(RegisterPair::DE),
match get_ins_q(ins) != 0 {
false => Ok(Instruction::LD(target, LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A))),
true => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A), target)),
4 => {
5 => {
6 => {
let data = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::LD(to_load_target(get_register(get_ins_y(ins))), LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(data)))
7 => {
match get_ins_y(ins) {
0 => Ok(Instruction::RLCA),
1 => Ok(Instruction::RRCA),
2 => Ok(Instruction::RLA),
3 => Ok(Instruction::RRA),
4 => Ok(Instruction::DAA),
5 => Ok(Instruction::CPL),
6 => Ok(Instruction::SCF),
7 => Ok(Instruction::CCF),
} else {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
match (ins >> 3) & 0x03 {
0 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL))),
1 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL), LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr))),
2 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectByte(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A))),
3 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A), LoadTarget::IndirectByte(addr))),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
3 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
} else {
4 => Ok(Instruction::INC8(get_register(get_ins_y(ins)))),
5 => Ok(Instruction::DEC8(get_register(get_ins_y(ins)))),
6 => {
let data = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::LD(to_load_target(get_register(get_ins_y(ins))), LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(data)))
7 => match get_ins_y(ins) {
0 => Ok(Instruction::RLCA),
1 => Ok(Instruction::RRCA),
2 => Ok(Instruction::RLA),
3 => Ok(Instruction::RRA),
4 => Ok(Instruction::DAA),
5 => Ok(Instruction::CPL),
6 => Ok(Instruction::SCF),
7 => Ok(Instruction::CCF),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
1 => {
if ins == 0x76 {
} else {
Ok(Instruction::LD(to_load_target(get_register(get_ins_y(ins))), to_load_target(get_register(get_ins_z(ins)))))
2 => {
Ok(get_alu_instruction(get_ins_y(ins), get_register(get_ins_z(ins))))
3 => {
match get_ins_z(ins) {
0 => {
1 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
} else {
match get_ins_p(ins) {
0 => Ok(Instruction::RET),
1 => Ok(Instruction::EXX),
2 => Ok(Instruction::JPIndirect(RegisterPair::HL)),
3 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::SP), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL))),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
2 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::JPcc(get_condition(get_ins_y(ins)), addr))
3 => {
match get_ins_y(ins) {
0 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
1 => {
2 => {
let port = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
3 => {
let port = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
4 => Ok(Instruction::EXsp(RegisterPair::HL)),
5 => Ok(Instruction::EXhlde),
6 => Ok(Instruction::DI),
7 => Ok(Instruction::EI),
2 => Ok(get_alu_instruction(get_ins_y(ins), get_register(get_ins_z(ins)))),
3 => match get_ins_z(ins) {
0 => Ok(Instruction::RETcc(get_condition(get_ins_y(ins)))),
1 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
} else {
match get_ins_p(ins) {
0 => Ok(Instruction::RET),
1 => Ok(Instruction::EXX),
2 => Ok(Instruction::JPIndirect(RegisterPair::HL)),
3 => Ok(Instruction::LD(
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
4 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::CALLcc(get_condition(get_ins_y(ins)), addr))
5 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
} else {
match get_ins_p(ins) {
0 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
1 => self.decode_prefix_dd_fd(memory, IndexRegister::IX),
2 => self.decode_prefix_ed(memory),
3 => self.decode_prefix_dd_fd(memory, IndexRegister::IY),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
2 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::JPcc(get_condition(get_ins_y(ins)), addr))
3 => match get_ins_y(ins) {
0 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
1 => self.decode_prefix_cb(memory),
2 => {
let port = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
3 => {
let port = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
4 => Ok(Instruction::EXsp(RegisterPair::HL)),
5 => Ok(Instruction::EXhlde),
6 => Ok(Instruction::DI),
7 => Ok(Instruction::EI),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
4 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::CALLcc(get_condition(get_ins_y(ins)), addr))
5 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
} else {
match get_ins_p(ins) {
0 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
1 => self.decode_prefix_dd_fd(memory, IndexRegister::IX),
2 => self.decode_prefix_ed(memory),
3 => self.decode_prefix_dd_fd(memory, IndexRegister::IY),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
6 => {
let data = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
Ok(get_alu_instruction(get_ins_y(ins), Target::Immediate(data)))
7 => {
Ok(Instruction::RST(get_ins_y(ins) * 8))
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
6 => {
let data = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
Ok(get_alu_instruction(get_ins_y(ins), Target::Immediate(data)))
7 => Ok(Instruction::RST(get_ins_y(ins) * 8)),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
@ -266,92 +260,88 @@ impl Z80Decoder {
match get_ins_x(ins) {
0 => Ok(Instruction::NOP),
1 => {
match get_ins_z(ins) {
0 => {
let target = get_register(get_ins_y(ins));
if let Target::DirectReg(reg) = target {
} else {
1 => {
let target = get_register(get_ins_y(ins));
if let Target::DirectReg(reg) = target {
} else {
2 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
Ok(Instruction::SBC16(RegisterPair::HL, get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))))
} else {
Ok(Instruction::ADC16(RegisterPair::HL, get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))))
3 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins)))))
} else {
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))), LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr)))
4 => {
5 => {
if get_ins_y(ins) == 1 {
} else {
6 => {
match get_ins_y(ins) & 0x03 {
0 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode0)),
1 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode0)),
2 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode1)),
3 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode2)),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
7 => {
match get_ins_y(ins) {
0 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::I, Direction::FromAcc)),
1 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::R, Direction::FromAcc)),
2 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::I, Direction::ToAcc)),
3 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::R, Direction::ToAcc)),
4 => Ok(Instruction::RRD),
5 => Ok(Instruction::RLD),
_ => Ok(Instruction::NOP),
1 => match get_ins_z(ins) {
0 => {
let target = get_register(get_ins_y(ins));
if let Target::DirectReg(reg) = target {
} else {
1 => {
let target = get_register(get_ins_y(ins));
if let Target::DirectReg(reg) = target {
} else {
2 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
Ok(Instruction::SBC16(RegisterPair::HL, get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))))
} else {
Ok(Instruction::ADC16(RegisterPair::HL, get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))))
3 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
} else {
4 => Ok(Instruction::NEG),
5 => {
if get_ins_y(ins) == 1 {
} else {
6 => match get_ins_y(ins) & 0x03 {
0 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode0)),
1 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode0)),
2 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode1)),
3 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode2)),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
2 => {
match ins {
0xA0 => Ok(Instruction::LDI),
0xA1 => Ok(Instruction::CPI),
0xA2 => Ok(Instruction::INI),
0xA3 => Ok(Instruction::OUTI),
0xA8 => Ok(Instruction::LDD),
0xA9 => Ok(Instruction::CPD),
0xAA => Ok(Instruction::IND),
0xAB => Ok(Instruction::OUTD),
0xB0 => Ok(Instruction::LDIR),
0xB1 => Ok(Instruction::CPIR),
0xB2 => Ok(Instruction::INIR),
0xB3 => Ok(Instruction::OTIR),
0xB8 => Ok(Instruction::LDDR),
0xB9 => Ok(Instruction::CPDR),
0xBA => Ok(Instruction::INDR),
0xBB => Ok(Instruction::OTDR),
7 => match get_ins_y(ins) {
0 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::I, Direction::FromAcc)),
1 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::R, Direction::FromAcc)),
2 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::I, Direction::ToAcc)),
3 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::R, Direction::ToAcc)),
4 => Ok(Instruction::RRD),
5 => Ok(Instruction::RLD),
_ => Ok(Instruction::NOP),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
2 => match ins {
0xA0 => Ok(Instruction::LDI),
0xA1 => Ok(Instruction::CPI),
0xA2 => Ok(Instruction::INI),
0xA3 => Ok(Instruction::OUTI),
0xA8 => Ok(Instruction::LDD),
0xA9 => Ok(Instruction::CPD),
0xAA => Ok(Instruction::IND),
0xAB => Ok(Instruction::OUTD),
0xB0 => Ok(Instruction::LDIR),
0xB1 => Ok(Instruction::CPIR),
0xB2 => Ok(Instruction::INIR),
0xB3 => Ok(Instruction::OTIR),
0xB8 => Ok(Instruction::LDDR),
0xB9 => Ok(Instruction::CPDR),
0xBA => Ok(Instruction::INDR),
0xBB => Ok(Instruction::OTDR),
_ => Ok(Instruction::NOP),
3 => Ok(Instruction::NOP),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
@ -372,125 +362,120 @@ impl Z80Decoder {
match get_ins_p(ins) {
2 => {
match get_ins_z(ins) {
1 => {
let data = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(index_reg.into()), LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(data)))
2 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
let regpair = index_reg.into();
match get_ins_q(ins) != 0 {
false => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(regpair))),
true => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(regpair), LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr))),
3 => {
match get_ins_q(ins) != 0 {
false => Ok(Instruction::INC16(index_reg.into())),
true => Ok(Instruction::DEC16(index_reg.into())),
4 => {
self.extra_instruction_bytes = 4;
let half_target = Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins)));
5 => {
self.extra_instruction_bytes = 4;
let half_target = Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins)));
6 => {
self.extra_instruction_bytes = 4;
let half_target = Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins)));
let data = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::LD(to_load_target(half_target), LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(data)))
_ => self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4),
2 => match get_ins_z(ins) {
1 => {
let data = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(index_reg.into()), LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(data)))
2 => {
let addr = self.read_instruction_word(memory)?;
let regpair = index_reg.into();
match get_ins_q(ins) != 0 {
false => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(regpair))),
true => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(regpair), LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr))),
3 => match get_ins_q(ins) != 0 {
false => Ok(Instruction::INC16(index_reg.into())),
true => Ok(Instruction::DEC16(index_reg.into())),
4 => {
self.extra_instruction_bytes = 4;
let half_target = Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins)));
5 => {
self.extra_instruction_bytes = 4;
let half_target = Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins)));
6 => {
self.extra_instruction_bytes = 4;
let half_target = Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins)));
let data = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::LD(to_load_target(half_target), LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(data)))
_ => self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4),
3 => {
match ins {
0x34 => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
Ok(Instruction::INC8(Target::IndirectOffset(index_reg, offset)))
0x35 => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
Ok(Instruction::DEC8(Target::IndirectOffset(index_reg, offset)))
0x36 => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
let immediate = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(index_reg, offset), LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(immediate)))
_ => self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4),
3 => match ins {
0x34 => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
Ok(Instruction::INC8(Target::IndirectOffset(index_reg, offset)))
0x35 => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
Ok(Instruction::DEC8(Target::IndirectOffset(index_reg, offset)))
0x36 => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
let immediate = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)?;
LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(index_reg, offset),
_ => self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4),
_ => self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4),
1 => {
match get_ins_p(ins) {
0 | 1 => {
1 => match get_ins_p(ins) {
0 | 1 => {
let target = match self.decode_index_target(memory, index_reg, get_ins_z(ins))? {
Some(target) => target,
None => return self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4),
match (ins & 0x18) >> 3 {
0 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::B), to_load_target(target))),
1 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::C), to_load_target(target))),
2 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::D), to_load_target(target))),
3 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::E), to_load_target(target))),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
2 => {
let src = match get_ins_z(ins) {
0 => Target::DirectReg(Register::B),
1 => Target::DirectReg(Register::C),
2 => Target::DirectReg(Register::D),
3 => Target::DirectReg(Register::E),
4 => Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, 0)),
5 => Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, 1)),
6 => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
let src = to_load_target(Target::IndirectOffset(index_reg, offset));
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
return Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::H), src));
} else {
return Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::L), src));
7 => Target::DirectReg(Register::A),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
let dest = get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins));
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(dest), to_load_target(src)))
3 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
if get_ins_z(ins) == 6 {
return self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4);
let src = get_register(get_ins_z(ins));
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(index_reg, offset), to_load_target(src)))
} else {
let target = match self.decode_index_target(memory, index_reg, get_ins_z(ins))? {
Some(target) => target,
None => return self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4),
match (ins & 0x18) >> 3 {
0 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::B), to_load_target(target))),
1 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::C), to_load_target(target))),
2 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::D), to_load_target(target))),
3 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::E), to_load_target(target))),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
2 => {
let src = match get_ins_z(ins) {
0 => Target::DirectReg(Register::B),
1 => Target::DirectReg(Register::C),
2 => Target::DirectReg(Register::D),
3 => Target::DirectReg(Register::E),
4 => Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, 0)),
5 => Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, 1)),
6 => {
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
let src = to_load_target(Target::IndirectOffset(index_reg, offset));
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
return Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::H), src));
} else {
return Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::L), src));
7 => Target::DirectReg(Register::A),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
let dest = get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins));
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(dest), to_load_target(src)))
3 => {
if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 {
if get_ins_z(ins) == 6 {
return self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4);
let src = get_register(get_ins_z(ins));
let offset = self.read_instruction_byte(memory)? as i8;
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(index_reg, offset), to_load_target(src)))
} else {
let target = match self.decode_index_target(memory, index_reg, get_ins_z(ins))? {
Some(target) => target,
None => return self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4),
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A), to_load_target(target)))
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A), to_load_target(target)))
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
2 => {
self.extra_instruction_bytes = 4;
@ -512,21 +497,27 @@ impl Z80Decoder {
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
3 => {
match ins {
0xE1 => Ok(Instruction::POP(index_reg.into())),
0xE3 => Ok(Instruction::EXsp(index_reg.into())),
0xE5 => Ok(Instruction::PUSH(index_reg.into())),
0xE9 => Ok(Instruction::JPIndirect(index_reg.into())),
0xF9 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::SP), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(index_reg.into()))),
_ => self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4),
3 => match ins {
0xE1 => Ok(Instruction::POP(index_reg.into())),
0xE3 => Ok(Instruction::EXsp(index_reg.into())),
0xE5 => Ok(Instruction::PUSH(index_reg.into())),
0xE9 => Ok(Instruction::JPIndirect(index_reg.into())),
0xF9 => Ok(Instruction::LD(
_ => self.decode_bare(memory, ins, 4),
_ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"),
fn decode_index_target(&mut self, memory: &mut dyn Addressable, index_reg: IndexRegister, z: u8) -> Result<Option<Target>, Z80Error> {
fn decode_index_target(
&mut self,
memory: &mut dyn Addressable,
index_reg: IndexRegister,
z: u8,
) -> Result<Option<Target>, Z80Error> {
let result = match z {
4 => Some(Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, 0))),
5 => Some(Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, 1))),
@ -675,8 +666,20 @@ fn get_register_pair_alt(reg: u8) -> RegisterPair {
fn get_index_register_half(reg: IndexRegister, q: u8) -> IndexRegisterHalf {
match reg {
IndexRegister::IX => if q == 0 { IndexRegisterHalf::IXH } else { IndexRegisterHalf::IXL },
IndexRegister::IY => if q == 0 { IndexRegisterHalf::IYH } else { IndexRegisterHalf::IYL },
IndexRegister::IX => {
if q == 0 {
} else {
IndexRegister::IY => {
if q == 0 {
} else {
@ -726,4 +729,3 @@ fn get_ins_p(ins: u8) -> u8 {
fn get_ins_q(ins: u8) -> u8 {
(ins >> 3) & 0x01

View File

@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration};
use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Steppable, Addressable, Interruptable, Debuggable, Transmutable, read_beu16, write_beu16};
use crate::instructions::{Condition, Instruction, LoadTarget, Target, Register, InterruptMode, RegisterPair, IndexRegister, SpecialRegister, IndexRegisterHalf, Size, Direction, UndocumentedCopy};
use crate::instructions::{
Condition, Instruction, LoadTarget, Target, Register, InterruptMode, RegisterPair, IndexRegister, SpecialRegister,
IndexRegisterHalf, Size, Direction, UndocumentedCopy,
use crate::state::{Z80, Z80Error, Status, Flags};
use crate::timing::Z80InstructionCycles;
const FLAGS_NUMERIC: u8 = 0xC0;
const FLAGS_ARITHMETIC: u8 = 0x17;
const FLAGS_CARRY_HALF_CARRY: u8 = 0x11;
const FLAGS_NUMERIC: u8 = 0xC0;
const FLAGS_ARITHMETIC: u8 = 0x17;
const FLAGS_CARRY_HALF_CARRY: u8 = 0x11;
enum RotateType {
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ impl Steppable for Z80 {
impl Interruptable for Z80 { }
impl Interruptable for Z80 {}
impl Transmutable for Z80 {
@ -72,7 +74,6 @@ impl From<Error> for Z80Error {
Error::Other(msg) | Error::Assertion(msg) | Error::Emulator(_, msg) => Z80Error::BusError(msg.to_string()),
pub struct Z80Executor {
@ -95,11 +96,9 @@ impl Z80 {
match self.state.status {
Status::Init => self.init(),
Status::Halted => Err(Z80Error::Halted),
Status::Running => {
match self.cycle_one() {
Ok(clocks) => Ok(clocks),
Err(err) => Err(err),
Status::Running => match self.cycle_one() {
Ok(clocks) => Ok(clocks),
Err(err) => Err(err),
@ -120,12 +119,15 @@ impl Z80 {
Ok(Z80InstructionCycles::from_instruction(&self.decoder.instruction, self.decoder.extra_instruction_bytes)?
Z80InstructionCycles::from_instruction(&self.decoder.instruction, self.decoder.extra_instruction_bytes)?
pub fn decode_next(&mut self) -> Result<(), Z80Error> {
self.decoder.decode_at(&mut self.port, self.executor.current_clock, self.state.pc)?;
.decode_at(&mut self.port, self.executor.current_clock, self.state.pc)?;
self.increment_refresh(self.decoder.end.saturating_sub(self.decoder.start) as u8);
self.state.pc = self.decoder.end;
@ -186,9 +188,7 @@ impl Z80 {
Instruction::LDsr(special_reg, dir) => self.execute_ldsr(special_reg, dir),
Instruction::LDD | Instruction::LDDR | Instruction::LDI | Instruction::LDIR => self.execute_ldx(),
Instruction::NEG => self.execute_neg(),
Instruction::NOP => {
Instruction::NOP => Ok(()),
Instruction::OR(target) => self.execute_or(target),
//Instruction::OTDR => {
@ -230,9 +230,7 @@ impl Z80 {
Instruction::SRL(target, opt_copy) => self.execute_srl(target, opt_copy),
Instruction::SUB(target) => self.execute_sub(target),
Instruction::XOR(target) => self.execute_xor(target),
_ => {
_ => Err(Z80Error::Unimplemented(self.decoder.instruction.clone())),
@ -242,7 +240,14 @@ impl Z80 {
let (result1, carry1, overflow1, half_carry1) = add_bytes(acc, self.get_flag(Flags::Carry) as u8);
let (result2, carry2, overflow2, half_carry2) = add_bytes(result1, src);
self.set_arithmetic_op_flags(result2 as u16, Size::Byte, false, carry1 | carry2, overflow1 ^ overflow2, half_carry1 | half_carry2);
result2 as u16,
carry1 | carry2,
overflow1 ^ overflow2,
half_carry1 | half_carry2,
self.set_register_value(Register::A, result2);
@ -410,7 +415,7 @@ impl Z80 {
let value = self.get_target_value(target)?;
let (result, _, overflow, half_carry) = sub_bytes(value, 1);
let carry = self.get_flag(Flags::Carry); // Preserve the carry bit, according to Z80 reference
let carry = self.get_flag(Flags::Carry); // Preserve the carry bit, according to Z80 reference
self.set_arithmetic_op_flags(result as u16, Size::Byte, true, carry, overflow, half_carry);
self.set_target_value(target, result)?;
@ -498,7 +503,7 @@ impl Z80 {
fn execute_inc8(&mut self, target: Target) -> Result<(), Z80Error> {
let value = self.get_target_value(target)?;
let (result, _, overflow, half_carry) = add_bytes(value, 1);
let carry = self.get_flag(Flags::Carry); // Preserve the carry bit, according to Z80 reference
let carry = self.get_flag(Flags::Carry); // Preserve the carry bit, according to Z80 reference
self.set_arithmetic_op_flags(result as u16, Size::Byte, false, carry, overflow, half_carry);
self.set_target_value(target, result)?;
@ -626,9 +631,7 @@ impl Z80 {
let parity = if count != 0 { Flags::Parity as u8 } else { 0 };
self.set_flags(mask, parity);
if (self.decoder.instruction == Instruction::LDIR || self.decoder.instruction == Instruction::LDDR)
&& count != 0
if (self.decoder.instruction == Instruction::LDIR || self.decoder.instruction == Instruction::LDDR) && count != 0 {
self.executor.took_branch = true;
self.state.pc -= 2;
@ -860,7 +863,14 @@ impl Z80 {
let (result1, carry1, overflow1, half_carry1) = sub_bytes(acc, src);
let (result2, carry2, overflow2, half_carry2) = sub_bytes(result1, self.get_flag(Flags::Carry) as u8);
self.set_arithmetic_op_flags(result2 as u16, Size::Byte, true, carry1 | carry2, overflow1 ^ overflow2, half_carry1 | half_carry2);
result2 as u16,
carry1 | carry2,
overflow1 ^ overflow2,
half_carry1 | half_carry2,
self.set_register_value(Register::A, result2);
@ -1041,12 +1051,8 @@ impl Z80 {
let addr = self.get_register_pair_value(regpair);
LoadTarget::IndirectByte(addr) => {
self.read_port_u8(addr)? as u16
LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr) => {
LoadTarget::IndirectByte(addr) => self.read_port_u8(addr)? as u16,
LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr) => self.read_port_u16(addr)?,
LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(data) => data as u16,
LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(data) => data,
_ => panic!("Unsupported LoadTarget for set"),
@ -1176,10 +1182,18 @@ impl Z80 {
fn set_index_register_half_value(&mut self, reg: IndexRegisterHalf, value: u8) {
match reg {
IndexRegisterHalf::IXH => { self.state.ix = (self.state.ix & 0x00FF) | (value as u16) << 8; },
IndexRegisterHalf::IXL => { self.state.ix = (self.state.ix & 0xFF00) | value as u16; },
IndexRegisterHalf::IYH => { self.state.iy = (self.state.iy & 0x00FF) | (value as u16) << 8; },
IndexRegisterHalf::IYL => { self.state.iy = (self.state.iy & 0xFF00) | value as u16; },
IndexRegisterHalf::IXH => {
self.state.ix = (self.state.ix & 0x00FF) | (value as u16) << 8;
IndexRegisterHalf::IXL => {
self.state.ix = (self.state.ix & 0xFF00) | value as u16;
IndexRegisterHalf::IYH => {
self.state.iy = (self.state.iy & 0x00FF) | (value as u16) << 8;
IndexRegisterHalf::IYL => {
self.state.iy = (self.state.iy & 0xFF00) | value as u16;
@ -1197,13 +1211,27 @@ impl Z80 {
fn set_register_pair_value(&mut self, regpair: RegisterPair, value: u16) {
match regpair {
RegisterPair::BC => { write_beu16(&mut self.state.reg[0..2], value); },
RegisterPair::DE => { write_beu16(&mut self.state.reg[2..4], value); },
RegisterPair::HL => { write_beu16(&mut self.state.reg[4..6], value); },
RegisterPair::AF => { write_beu16(&mut self.state.reg[6..8], value); },
RegisterPair::SP => { self.state.sp = value; },
RegisterPair::IX => { self.state.ix = value; },
RegisterPair::IY => { self.state.iy = value; },
RegisterPair::BC => {
write_beu16(&mut self.state.reg[0..2], value);
RegisterPair::DE => {
write_beu16(&mut self.state.reg[2..4], value);
RegisterPair::HL => {
write_beu16(&mut self.state.reg[4..6], value);
RegisterPair::AF => {
write_beu16(&mut self.state.reg[6..8], value);
RegisterPair::SP => {
self.state.sp = value;
RegisterPair::IX => {
self.state.ix = value;
RegisterPair::IY => {
self.state.iy = value;
@ -1234,7 +1262,11 @@ impl Z80 {
fn set_parity_flags(&mut self, value: u8) {
let parity = if (value.count_ones() & 0x01) == 0 { Flags::Parity as u8 } else { 0 };
let parity = if (value.count_ones() & 0x01) == 0 {
Flags::Parity as u8
} else {
self.set_flags(Flags::Parity as u8, parity);
@ -1313,4 +1345,3 @@ fn get_msb(value: u16, size: Size) -> bool {
Size::Word => (value & 0x8000) != 0,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Direction {
@ -206,5 +205,3 @@ impl RegisterPair {
matches!(self, RegisterPair::IX | RegisterPair::IY)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
pub mod debugger;
pub mod decode;
pub mod execute;
@ -7,4 +6,3 @@ pub mod state;
pub mod timing;
pub use self::state::{Z80, Z80Type, Z80Error};

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use femtos::{Instant, Frequency};
@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ pub enum Status {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Flags {
Carry = 0x01,
AddSubtract = 0x02,
@ -134,9 +134,20 @@ impl Z80 {
pub fn from_type(cputype: Z80Type, frequency: Frequency, bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>, addr_offset: Address, io_bus: Option<(Rc<RefCell<Bus>>, Address)>) -> Self {
pub fn from_type(
cputype: Z80Type,
frequency: Frequency,
bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>,
addr_offset: Address,
io_bus: Option<(Rc<RefCell<Bus>>, Address)>,
) -> Self {
match cputype {
Z80Type::Z80 => Self::new(cputype, frequency, BusPort::new(addr_offset, 16, 8, bus),|(io_bus, io_offset)| BusPort::new(io_offset, 16, 8, io_bus))),
Z80Type::Z80 => Self::new(
BusPort::new(addr_offset, 16, 8, bus),|(io_bus, io_offset)| BusPort::new(io_offset, 16, 8, io_bus)),
@ -155,18 +166,45 @@ impl Z80 {
println!("IX: {:#06x}", self.state.ix);
println!("IY: {:#06x}", self.state.iy);
println!("A: {:#04x} F: {:#04x} A': {:#04x} F': {:#04x}", self.state.reg[Register::A as usize], self.state.reg[Register::F as usize], self.state.shadow_reg[Register::A as usize], self.state.shadow_reg[Register::F as usize]);
println!("B: {:#04x} C: {:#04x} B': {:#04x} C': {:#04x}", self.state.reg[Register::B as usize], self.state.reg[Register::C as usize], self.state.shadow_reg[Register::B as usize], self.state.shadow_reg[Register::C as usize]);
println!("D: {:#04x} E: {:#04x} D': {:#04x} E': {:#04x}", self.state.reg[Register::D as usize], self.state.reg[Register::E as usize], self.state.shadow_reg[Register::D as usize], self.state.shadow_reg[Register::E as usize]);
println!("H: {:#04x} L: {:#04x} H': {:#04x} L': {:#04x}", self.state.reg[Register::H as usize], self.state.reg[Register::L as usize], self.state.shadow_reg[Register::H as usize], self.state.shadow_reg[Register::L as usize]);
"A: {:#04x} F: {:#04x} A': {:#04x} F': {:#04x}",
self.state.reg[Register::A as usize],
self.state.reg[Register::F as usize],
self.state.shadow_reg[Register::A as usize],
self.state.shadow_reg[Register::F as usize]
"B: {:#04x} C: {:#04x} B': {:#04x} C': {:#04x}",
self.state.reg[Register::B as usize],
self.state.reg[Register::C as usize],
self.state.shadow_reg[Register::B as usize],
self.state.shadow_reg[Register::C as usize]
"D: {:#04x} E: {:#04x} D': {:#04x} E': {:#04x}",
self.state.reg[Register::D as usize],
self.state.reg[Register::E as usize],
self.state.shadow_reg[Register::D as usize],
self.state.shadow_reg[Register::E as usize]
"H: {:#04x} L: {:#04x} H': {:#04x} L': {:#04x}",
self.state.reg[Register::H as usize],
self.state.reg[Register::L as usize],
self.state.shadow_reg[Register::H as usize],
self.state.shadow_reg[Register::L as usize]
println!("I: {:#04x} R: {:#04x}", self.state.i, self.state.r);
println!("IM: {:?} IFF1: {:?} IFF2: {:?}",, self.state.iff1, self.state.iff2);
println!("Current Instruction: {} {:?}", self.decoder.format_instruction_bytes(&mut self.port), self.decoder.instruction);
"Current Instruction: {} {:?}",
self.decoder.format_instruction_bytes(&mut self.port),
self.port.dump_memory(clock, self.state.sp as Address, 0x40);

View File

@ -1,18 +1,11 @@
use moa_core::Error;
use crate::instructions::{Instruction, Target, LoadTarget, RegisterPair};
pub enum Z80InstructionCycles {
Branch {
taken: u16,
not_taken: u16
Repeating {
repeating: u16,
terminating: u16,
Branch { taken: u16, not_taken: u16 },
Repeating { repeating: u16, terminating: u16 },
impl Z80InstructionCycles {
@ -20,33 +13,47 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
match self {
Z80InstructionCycles::Single(cycles) => *cycles,
Z80InstructionCycles::Branch { taken, not_taken } => if took_branch { *taken } else { *not_taken },
Z80InstructionCycles::Branch {
} => {
if took_branch {
} else {
Z80InstructionCycles::Repeating { repeating, terminating } => if took_branch { *repeating } else { *terminating },
Z80InstructionCycles::Repeating {
} => {
if took_branch {
} else {
pub fn from_instruction(instruction: &Instruction, extra: u16) -> Result<Z80InstructionCycles, Error> {
let cycles = match instruction {
Instruction::ADCa(target) |
Instruction::ADDa(target) |
Instruction::AND(target) |
Instruction::CP(target) |
Instruction::SBCa(target) |
Instruction::SUB(target) |
Instruction::OR(target) |
Instruction::XOR(target) => {
match target {
Target::DirectReg(_) |
Target::DirectRegHalf(_) => 4,
Target::IndirectReg(_) => 7,
Target::Immediate(_) => 7,
Target::IndirectOffset(_, _) => 19,
| Instruction::ADDa(target)
| Instruction::AND(target)
| Instruction::CP(target)
| Instruction::SBCa(target)
| Instruction::SUB(target)
| Instruction::OR(target)
| Instruction::XOR(target) => match target {
Target::DirectReg(_) | Target::DirectRegHalf(_) => 4,
Target::IndirectReg(_) => 7,
Target::Immediate(_) => 7,
Target::IndirectOffset(_, _) => 19,
Instruction::ADC16(_, _) |
Instruction::SBC16(_, _) => 15,
Instruction::ADC16(_, _) | Instruction::SBC16(_, _) => 15,
Instruction::ADD16(dest_pair, _) => {
if !dest_pair.is_index_reg() {
@ -56,13 +63,11 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
Instruction::BIT(_, target) => {
match target {
Target::DirectReg(_) => 8,
Target::IndirectReg(_) => 12,
Target::IndirectOffset(_, _) => 20,
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("unexpected instruction: {:?}", instruction))),
Instruction::BIT(_, target) => match target {
Target::DirectReg(_) => 8,
Target::IndirectReg(_) => 12,
Target::IndirectOffset(_, _) => 20,
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("unexpected instruction: {:?}", instruction))),
Instruction::CALL(_) => 17,
@ -76,45 +81,40 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
Instruction::CCF => 4,
Instruction::CPD |
Instruction::CPI |
Instruction::IND |
Instruction::INI |
Instruction::LDD |
Instruction::LDI |
Instruction::OUTD |
Instruction::OUTI => 16,
| Instruction::CPI
| Instruction::IND
| Instruction::INI
| Instruction::LDD
| Instruction::LDI
| Instruction::OUTD
| Instruction::OUTI => 16,
Instruction::CPDR |
Instruction::CPIR |
Instruction::INDR |
Instruction::INIR |
Instruction::LDDR |
Instruction::LDIR |
Instruction::OTDR |
Instruction::OTIR => {
| Instruction::CPIR
| Instruction::INDR
| Instruction::INIR
| Instruction::LDDR
| Instruction::LDIR
| Instruction::OTDR
| Instruction::OTIR => {
return Ok(Z80InstructionCycles::Repeating {
repeating: 21 + extra,
terminating: 16 + extra,
Instruction::CPL => 4,
Instruction::DAA => 4,
Instruction::DEC8(target) |
Instruction::INC8(target) => {
match target {
Target::DirectReg(_) |
Target::DirectRegHalf(_) => 4,
Target::IndirectReg(_) => 11,
Target::IndirectOffset(_, _) => 23,
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("unexpected instruction: {:?}", instruction))),
Instruction::DEC8(target) | Instruction::INC8(target) => match target {
Target::DirectReg(_) | Target::DirectRegHalf(_) => 4,
Target::IndirectReg(_) => 11,
Target::IndirectOffset(_, _) => 23,
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("unexpected instruction: {:?}", instruction))),
Instruction::DEC16(regpair) |
Instruction::INC16(regpair) => {
Instruction::DEC16(regpair) | Instruction::INC16(regpair) => {
if !regpair.is_index_reg() {
} else {
@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
Instruction::DI |
Instruction::EI => 4,
Instruction::DI | Instruction::EI => 4,
Instruction::DJNZ(_) => {
return Ok(Z80InstructionCycles::Branch {
@ -146,13 +145,9 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
Instruction::HALT => 4,
Instruction::IM(_) => 8,
Instruction::INic(_) |
Instruction::INicz |
Instruction::OUTic(_) |
Instruction::OUTicz => 12,
Instruction::INic(_) | Instruction::INicz | Instruction::OUTic(_) | Instruction::OUTicz => 12,
Instruction::INx(_) |
Instruction::OUTx(_) => 11,
Instruction::INx(_) | Instruction::OUTx(_) => 11,
Instruction::JP(_) => 10,
Instruction::JR(_) => 12,
@ -177,29 +172,24 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
Instruction::LD(dest, src) => {
match (dest, src) {
// 8-Bit Operations
(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(_)) => 4,
(LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(_)) |
(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(_)) |
(LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(_)) => 8,
(LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(_))
| (LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(_))
| (LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(_)) => 8,
(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(_) | LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(_), LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(_)) => 7,
(LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(_), LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(_)) => 10,
(LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(_, _), _) |
(_, LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(_, _)) => 19,
(LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(_, _), _) | (_, LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(_, _)) => 19,
(_, LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(_)) |
(LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(_), _) => 7,
(_, LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(_)) | (LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(_), _) => 7,
(_, LoadTarget::IndirectByte(_)) |
(LoadTarget::IndirectByte(_), _) => 13,
(_, LoadTarget::IndirectByte(_)) | (LoadTarget::IndirectByte(_), _) => 13,
// 16-Bit Operations
(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(regpair), LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(_)) |
(LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(regpair)) => {
(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(regpair), LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(_))
| (LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(regpair)) => {
if !regpair.is_index_reg() {
} else {
@ -215,11 +205,10 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL)) |
(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL), LoadTarget::IndirectWord(_)) => 16,
(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(_), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL))
| (LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL), LoadTarget::IndirectWord(_)) => 16,
(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(_), _) |
(_, LoadTarget::IndirectWord(_)) => 20,
(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(_), _) | (_, LoadTarget::IndirectWord(_)) => 20,
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("unexpected instruction: {:?}", instruction))),
@ -230,7 +219,6 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
Instruction::NEG => 8,
Instruction::NOP => 4,
Instruction::POP(regpair) => {
if !regpair.is_index_reg() {
@ -246,14 +234,11 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
Instruction::RES(_, target, _) |
Instruction::SET(_, target, _) => {
match target {
Target::DirectReg(_) => 8,
Target::IndirectReg(_) => 15,
Target::IndirectOffset(_, _) => 23,
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("unexpected instruction: {:?}", instruction))),
Instruction::RES(_, target, _) | Instruction::SET(_, target, _) => match target {
Target::DirectReg(_) => 8,
Target::IndirectReg(_) => 15,
Target::IndirectOffset(_, _) => 23,
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("unexpected instruction: {:?}", instruction))),
Instruction::RET => 10,
@ -267,26 +252,21 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
Instruction::RL(target, _) |
Instruction::RLC(target, _) |
Instruction::RR(target, _) |
Instruction::RRC(target, _) |
Instruction::SLA(target, _) |
Instruction::SLL(target, _) |
Instruction::SRA(target, _) |
Instruction::SRL(target, _) => {
match target {
Target::DirectReg(_) => 8,
Target::IndirectReg(_) => 15,
Target::IndirectOffset(_, _) => 23,
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("unexpected instruction: {:?}", instruction))),
Instruction::RL(target, _)
| Instruction::RLC(target, _)
| Instruction::RR(target, _)
| Instruction::RRC(target, _)
| Instruction::SLA(target, _)
| Instruction::SLL(target, _)
| Instruction::SRA(target, _)
| Instruction::SRL(target, _) => match target {
Target::DirectReg(_) => 8,
Target::IndirectReg(_) => 15,
Target::IndirectOffset(_, _) => 23,
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("unexpected instruction: {:?}", instruction))),
Instruction::RLA |
Instruction::RLCA |
Instruction::RRA |
Instruction::RRCA => 4,
Instruction::RLA | Instruction::RLCA | Instruction::RRA | Instruction::RRCA => 4,
Instruction::RLD => 18,
Instruction::RRD => 18,
@ -298,4 +278,3 @@ impl Z80InstructionCycles {
Ok(Z80InstructionCycles::Single(cycles + extra))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::Frequency;
use moa_core::{System, MemoryBlock, BusPort, Address, Addressable, Device};
@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ fn run_all_decode_tests() {
const DECODE_TESTS: &'static [(&[u8], Instruction)] = &[
(&[0x00], Instruction::NOP),
(&[0x01, 0x01, 0x02], Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::BC), LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(0x0201))),
@ -70,4 +70,3 @@ const DECODE_TESTS: &'static [(&[u8], Instruction)] = &[
(&[0xDD, 0x84], Instruction::ADDa(Target::DirectRegHalf(IndexRegisterHalf::IXH))),
(&[0xDD, 0x85], Instruction::ADDa(Target::DirectRegHalf(IndexRegisterHalf::IXL))),

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::Frequency;
use moa_core::{System, MemoryBlock, BusPort, Address, Addressable, Device};
@ -26,6 +25,7 @@ struct TestCase {
fini: TestState,
const TEST_CASES: &'static [TestCase] = &[
TestCase {
@ -551,4 +551,3 @@ pub fn run_execute_tests() {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard};
use femtos::{Instant, Duration};
@ -21,10 +20,7 @@ impl AudioSource {
let (id, sample_rate) = {
let mut mixer = mixer.borrow_mut();
let id = mixer.add_source(queue.clone());
(id, mixer.sample_rate())
Self {
@ -122,7 +118,9 @@ impl AudioMixerInner {
if let Some((clock, mut frame)) = source.pop_next() {
index = (clock.duration_since(frame_start) / sample_duration) as usize;
let size = - index);
.zip(&mut data[index..index + size])
.for_each(|(source, dest)| {
dest.0 += source.0;
@ -198,4 +196,3 @@ impl AudioOutput {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
use cpal::{Stream, SampleRate, SampleFormat, StreamConfig, OutputCallbackInfo, traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait}};
use cpal::{
Stream, SampleRate, SampleFormat, StreamConfig, OutputCallbackInfo,
traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait},
use crate::audio::{AudioOutput, SAMPLE_RATE};
@ -27,7 +29,9 @@ impl CpalAudioOutput {
while index < data.len() {
if let Some((clock, mut frame)) = output.receive() {
let size = ( * 2).min(data.len() - index);
.zip(data[index..index + size].chunks_mut(2))
.for_each(|(sample, location)| {
location[0] = sample.0;
@ -45,13 +49,11 @@ impl CpalAudioOutput {
let stream = device.build_output_stream(
move |err| {
let stream = device
.build_output_stream(&config, data_callback, move |err| {
log::error!("ERROR: {:?}", err);
@ -68,4 +70,3 @@ impl CpalAudioOutput {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#[cfg(feature = "tty")]
pub mod tty;
@ -9,4 +8,3 @@ pub use crate::audio::{AudioMixer, AudioSource};
pub mod cpal;
#[cfg(feature = "audio")]
pub use crate::cpal::CpalAudioOutput;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::time::Duration;
@ -34,11 +33,13 @@ impl SimplePty {
pub fn open() -> Result<SimplePty, SimplePtyError> {
let pty = pty::posix_openpt(OFlag::O_RDWR).and_then(|pty| {
}).map_err(|_| SimplePtyError::Open)?;
let pty = pty::posix_openpt(OFlag::O_RDWR)
.and_then(|pty| {
.map_err(|_| SimplePtyError::Open)?;
let name = unsafe { pty::ptsname(&pty).map_err(|_| SimplePtyError::PtsName)? };
let (input_tx, input_rx) = mpsc::channel();
@ -61,8 +62,10 @@ impl SimplePty {
Ok(_) => {
Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { },
Err(err) => { println!("ERROR: {:?}", err); }
Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {},
Err(err) => {
println!("ERROR: {:?}", err);
while let Ok(data) = output_rx.try_recv() {
@ -92,4 +95,3 @@ impl Tty for SimplePty {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use femtos::Frequency;
@ -45,4 +44,3 @@ fn main() {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use clap::Arg;
use moa_console::ConsoleFrontend;
@ -6,11 +5,13 @@ use moa_systems_computie::{build_computie, ComputieOptions};
fn main() {
let matches = ConsoleFrontend::args("Computie68k Emulator")
.help("ROM file to load at the start of memory"))
.help("ROM file to load at the start of memory"),
let mut options = ComputieOptions::default();
@ -23,4 +24,3 @@ fn main() {
let system = build_computie(&frontend, options).unwrap();
frontend.start(matches, system);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use clap::{Arg};
use moa_console::ConsoleFrontend;
@ -6,8 +5,7 @@ use moa_systems_genesis::{build_genesis, SegaGenesisOptions};
fn main() {
let matches = ConsoleFrontend::args("Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Emulator")
.help("ROM file to load (must be flat binary)"))
.arg(Arg::new("ROM").help("ROM file to load (must be flat binary)"))
let mut frontend = ConsoleFrontend;
@ -20,4 +18,3 @@ fn main() {
let system = build_genesis(&mut frontend, options).unwrap();
frontend.start(matches, system);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use clap::{Command, Arg, ArgAction, ArgMatches};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use femtos::Duration;
@ -14,7 +13,8 @@ impl Host for ConsoleFrontend {
fn add_pty(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn Tty>, HostError<Self::Error>> {
use moa_common::tty::SimplePty;
Ok(Box::new(SimplePty::open().map_err(|_| HostError::TTYNotSupported)?)) //.map_err(|err| Error::new(format!("console: error opening pty: {:?}", err)))?))
Ok(Box::new(SimplePty::open().map_err(|_| HostError::TTYNotSupported)?))
//.map_err(|err| Error::new(format!("console: error opening pty: {:?}", err)))?))
fn add_video_source(&mut self, _receiver: FrameReceiver) -> Result<(), HostError<Self::Error>> {
@ -42,15 +42,19 @@ impl Default for ConsoleFrontend {
impl ConsoleFrontend {
pub fn args(application_name: &'static str) -> Command {
.help("Set the type of log messages to print"))
.help("Start the debugger before running machine"))
.help("Set the type of log messages to print"),
.help("Start the debugger before running machine"),
pub fn start(self, matches: ArgMatches, mut system: System) {
@ -108,4 +112,3 @@ impl ConsoleFrontend {

View File

@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
use clap::Arg;
use moa_systems_genesis::{build_genesis, SegaGenesisOptions};
fn main() {
let matches = moa_minifb::new("Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Emulator")
.help("ROM file to load (must be flat binary)"))
.arg(Arg::new("ROM").help("ROM file to load (must be flat binary)"))
let mut options = SegaGenesisOptions::default();
@ -14,8 +12,5 @@ fn main() {
options.rom = filename.to_string();
moa_minifb::run(matches, |frontend| {
build_genesis(frontend, options)
moa_minifb::run(matches, |frontend| build_genesis(frontend, options));

View File

@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
use moa_systems_macintosh::build_macintosh_512k;
fn main() {
let matches = moa_minifb::new("Macintosh 512k Emulator")
let matches = moa_minifb::new("Macintosh 512k Emulator").get_matches();
moa_minifb::run(matches, |frontend| {
moa_minifb::run(matches, |frontend| build_macintosh_512k(frontend));

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration, Frequency};
use moa_peripherals_yamaha::{Ym2612, Sn76489};
@ -26,20 +25,23 @@ impl SynthControl {
impl Steppable for SynthControl {
fn step(&mut self, system: &System) -> Result<Duration, Error> {
if let Some(event) = self.key_receiver.receive() {
match event.key {
Key::Enter => {
system.get_bus().write_u8(system.clock, 0x00, 0x28)?;
system.get_bus().write_u8(system.clock, 0x01, if event.state { 0xF0 } else { 0x00 })?;
.write_u8(system.clock, 0x01, if event.state { 0xF0 } else { 0x00 })?;
Key::A => {
system.get_bus().write_u8(system.clock, 0x10, 0x84)?;
system.get_bus().write_u8(system.clock, 0x10, 0x0F)?;
system.get_bus().write_u8(system.clock, 0x10, if event.state { 0x90 } else { 0x9F })?;
.write_u8(system.clock, 0x10, if event.state { 0x90 } else { 0x9F })?;
_ => { },
_ => {},
@ -79,8 +81,7 @@ fn initialize_ym(ym_sound: Device) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn main() {
let matches = moa_minifb::new("YM2612 Tester/Synth")
let matches = moa_minifb::new("YM2612 Tester/Synth").get_matches();
moa_minifb::run(matches, |host| {
let mut system = System::default();
@ -103,5 +104,3 @@ fn main() {

View File

@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
use clap::{Arg, ArgAction};
use moa_systems_trs80::{build_trs80, Trs80Options};
fn main() {
let matches = moa_minifb::new("TRS-80 Emulator")
.help("ROM file to load at the start of memory"))
.help("ROM file to load at the start of memory"),
let mut options = Trs80Options::default();
@ -18,8 +19,5 @@ fn main() {
options.rom = filename.to_string();
moa_minifb::run(matches, |frontend| {
build_trs80(frontend, options)
moa_minifb::run(matches, |frontend| build_trs80(frontend, options));

View File

@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
use minifb::Key as MiniKey;
use moa_host::ControllerInput;
pub fn map_controller_a(key: MiniKey, state: bool) -> Option<ControllerInput> {
match key {
MiniKey::A => { Some(ControllerInput::ButtonA(state)) },
MiniKey::O => { Some(ControllerInput::ButtonB(state)) },
MiniKey::E => { Some(ControllerInput::ButtonC(state)) },
MiniKey::Up => { Some(ControllerInput::DpadUp(state)) },
MiniKey::Down => { Some(ControllerInput::DpadDown(state)) },
MiniKey::Left => { Some(ControllerInput::DpadLeft(state)) },
MiniKey::Right => { Some(ControllerInput::DpadRight(state)) },
MiniKey::Enter => { Some(ControllerInput::Start(state)) },
MiniKey::M => { Some(ControllerInput::Mode(state)) },
MiniKey::A => Some(ControllerInput::ButtonA(state)),
MiniKey::O => Some(ControllerInput::ButtonB(state)),
MiniKey::E => Some(ControllerInput::ButtonC(state)),
MiniKey::Up => Some(ControllerInput::DpadUp(state)),
MiniKey::Down => Some(ControllerInput::DpadDown(state)),
MiniKey::Left => Some(ControllerInput::DpadLeft(state)),
MiniKey::Right => Some(ControllerInput::DpadRight(state)),
MiniKey::Enter => Some(ControllerInput::Start(state)),
MiniKey::M => Some(ControllerInput::Mode(state)),
_ => None,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use minifb::Key as MiniKey;
use moa_host::Key;
@ -109,4 +108,3 @@ pub fn map_key(key: MiniKey) -> Key {
_ => Key::Unknown,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::thread;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
@ -10,13 +9,16 @@ use femtos::{Duration as FemtosDuration};
use moa_core::{System, Error, Device};
use moa_debugger::{Debugger, DebugControl};
use moa_host::{Host, HostError, Audio, KeyEvent, MouseEvent, MouseState, ControllerDevice, ControllerEvent, EventSender, PixelEncoding, Frame, FrameReceiver};
use moa_host::{
Host, HostError, Audio, KeyEvent, MouseEvent, MouseState, ControllerDevice, ControllerEvent, EventSender, PixelEncoding, Frame,
use moa_common::{AudioMixer, AudioSource};
use moa_common::CpalAudioOutput;
mod keys;
mod controllers;
mod keys;
use crate::keys::map_key;
use crate::controllers::map_controller_a;
@ -28,36 +30,46 @@ const HEIGHT: u32 = 224;
pub fn new(name: &'static str) -> Command {
.help("Scale the screen"))
.help("Adjust the speed of the simulation"))
.help("Run the simulation in a separate thread"))
.help("Set the type of log messages to print"))
.help("Start the debugger before running machine"))
.help("Disable audio output"))
.arg(Arg::new("scale").short('s').long("scale").help("Scale the screen"))
.help("Adjust the speed of the simulation"),
.help("Run the simulation in a separate thread"),
.help("Set the type of log messages to print"),
.help("Start the debugger before running machine"),
.help("Disable audio output"),
pub fn run<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result<System, Error> + Send + 'static {
pub fn run<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I)
I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result<System, Error> + Send + 'static,
if matches.get_flag("threaded") {
run_threaded(matches, init);
} else {
@ -65,16 +77,20 @@ pub fn run<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBui
pub fn run_inline<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result<System, Error> {
pub fn run_inline<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I)
I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result<System, Error>,
let mut frontend = MiniFrontendBuilder::default();
let system = init(&mut frontend).unwrap();
.start(matches, Some(system));, Some(system));
pub fn run_threaded<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result<System, Error> + Send + 'static {
pub fn run_threaded<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I)
I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFrontendBuilder) -> Result<System, Error> + Send + 'static,
let frontend = Arc::new(Mutex::new(MiniFrontendBuilder::default()));
@ -88,10 +104,7 @@ pub fn run_threaded<I>(matches: ArgMatches, init: I) where I: FnOnce(&mut MiniFr
.start(matches, None);
frontend.lock().unwrap().build().start(matches, None);
fn wait_until_initialized(frontend: Arc<Mutex<MiniFrontendBuilder>>) {
@ -156,7 +169,9 @@ impl Host for MiniFrontendBuilder {
fn register_controllers(&mut self, sender: EventSender<ControllerEvent>) -> Result<(), HostError<Self::Error>> {
if self.controllers.is_some() {
return Err(HostError::Specific(Error::new("A controller updater has already been registered with the frontend")));
return Err(HostError::Specific(Error::new(
"A controller updater has already been registered with the frontend",
self.controllers = Some(sender);
@ -253,13 +268,7 @@ impl MiniFrontend {
let mut window = minifb::Window::new(
"Test - ESC to exit",
size.0 as usize,
size.1 as usize,
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
let mut window = minifb::Window::new("Test - ESC to exit", size.0 as usize, size.1 as usize, options).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("{}", e);
@ -345,7 +354,9 @@ impl MiniFrontend {
if let Some((_clock, frame)) = queue.latest() {
last_frame = frame
window.update_with_buffer(&last_frame.bitmap, last_frame.width as usize, last_frame.height as usize).unwrap();
.update_with_buffer(&last_frame.bitmap, last_frame.width as usize, last_frame.height as usize)
@ -363,4 +374,3 @@ impl MiniFrontend {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::f32::consts::PI;
@ -72,7 +71,11 @@ impl Iterator for SquareWave {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<f32> {
self.position += 1;
let samples_per_hz = self.sample_rate as f32 / self.frequency;
let result = if (self.position as f32 % samples_per_hz) < (samples_per_hz / 2.0) { 1.0 } else { -1.0 };
let result = if (self.position as f32 % samples_per_hz) < (samples_per_hz / 2.0) {
} else {
@ -162,4 +165,3 @@ impl Iterator for SkewedSquareWave {
pub fn db_to_gain(db: f32) -> f32 {
(10.0_f32).powf(db / 20.0)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use moa_core::{Error, System, Address, Addressable};
@ -56,11 +55,7 @@ impl Debugger {
let args: Vec<&str> = command.split_whitespace().collect();
// If no command given, then run the `step` command
let args = if args.is_empty() {
} else {
let args = if args.is_empty() { vec!["step"] } else { args };
match args[0] {
"b" | "break" | "breakpoint" => {
@ -123,7 +118,11 @@ impl Debugger {
"d" | "dump" => {
if args.len() > 1 {
let addr = u32::from_str_radix(args[1], 16).map_err(|_| Error::new("Unable to parse address"))?;
let len = if args.len() > 2 { u32::from_str_radix(args[2], 16).map_err(|_| Error::new("Unable to parse length"))? } else { 0x20 };
let len = if args.len() > 2 {
u32::from_str_radix(args[2], 16).map_err(|_| Error::new("Unable to parse length"))?
} else {
system.get_bus().dump_memory(system.clock, addr as Address, len as Address);
} else {
//self.port.dump_memory(self.state.ssp as Address, 0x40 as Address);
@ -135,7 +134,9 @@ impl Debugger {
} else {
let device = system.get_device(args[1])?;
let subargs = if args.len() > 2 { &args[2..] } else { &[""] };
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new("That device is not inspectable"))?
.inspect(system, subargs)?;
@ -154,7 +155,11 @@ impl Debugger {
if let Some(device) = system.get_next_debuggable_device() {
device.borrow_mut().as_debuggable().unwrap().print_disassembly(system, addr, count);
.print_disassembly(system, addr, count);
"c" | "continue" => {
@ -170,7 +175,7 @@ impl Debugger {
self.trace_only = true;
return Ok(DebugControl::Continue);
"setb" | "setw" | "setl" => {
if args.len() != 3 {
println!("Usage: set[b|w|l] <addr> <data>");
@ -208,7 +213,9 @@ impl Debugger {
fn check_repeat_arg(&mut self, args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), Error> {
if args.len() > 1 {
let count = args[1].parse::<u32>().map_err(|_| Error::new("Unable to parse repeat number"))?;
let count = args[1]
.map_err(|_| Error::new("Unable to parse repeat number"))?;
self.repeat_command = Some((count, args[0].to_string()));
@ -227,4 +234,3 @@ fn parse_address(arg: &str) -> Result<(Option<&str>, Address), Error> {
let addr = Address::from_str_radix(addrstr, 16).map_err(|_| Error::new("Unable to parse address"))?;
Ok((name, addr))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Sample(pub f32, pub f32);
@ -22,4 +21,3 @@ impl AudioFrame {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ControllerDevice {
@ -37,4 +36,3 @@ impl ControllerEvent {

View File

@ -30,12 +30,9 @@ impl Pixel {
match encoding {
PixelEncoding::RGBA =>
(r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | a,
PixelEncoding::ARGB =>
(a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b,
PixelEncoding::ABGR =>
(a << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r,
PixelEncoding::RGBA => (r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | a,
PixelEncoding::ARGB => (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b,
PixelEncoding::ABGR => (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r,
@ -71,22 +68,22 @@ impl Frame {
pub fn set_pixel(&mut self, pos_x: u32, pos_y: u32, pixel: Pixel) {
match pixel {
Pixel::Mask => {}
Pixel::Mask => {},
value if pos_x < self.width && pos_y < self.height => {
self.bitmap[(pos_x + (pos_y * self.width)) as usize] = value.encode(self.encoding);
_ => {}
_ => {},
pub fn set_encoded_pixel(&mut self, pos_x: u32, pos_y: u32, pixel: u32) {
match pixel {
value if pos_x < self.width && pos_y < self.height => {
self.bitmap[(pos_x + (pos_y * self.width)) as usize] = value;
_ => { },
_ => {},
@ -94,11 +91,11 @@ impl Frame {
for y in pos_y..(pos_y + height) {
for x in pos_x..(pos_x + width) {
match {
Pixel::Mask => {}
Pixel::Mask => {},
value if x < self.width && y < self.height => {
self.bitmap[(x + (y * self.width)) as usize] = value.encode(self.encoding);
_ => {}
_ => {},
@ -159,4 +156,3 @@ impl FrameReceiver {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::collections::VecDeque;
@ -35,4 +34,3 @@ impl<T> EventReceiver<T> {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Key {
@ -124,4 +123,3 @@ impl KeyEvent {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
mod audio;
mod controllers;
mod gfx;
@ -14,4 +13,3 @@ pub use crate::mouse::{MouseButton, MouseEventType, MouseEvent, MouseState};
pub use crate::controllers::{ControllerDevice, ControllerInput, ControllerEvent};
pub use crate::input::{EventSender, EventReceiver, event_queue};
pub use crate::traits::{Host, HostError, Tty, Audio, ClockedQueue, DummyAudio};

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum MouseButton {
@ -68,7 +67,8 @@ impl MouseState {
self.pos = next_state.pos;
let events: Vec<MouseEvent> = self
.filter_map(|(i, (prev, next))| {
@ -102,8 +102,7 @@ impl MouseState {
match event.etype {
MouseEventType::Up(button) => self.buttons[usize::from(button)] = false,
MouseEventType::Down(button) => self.buttons[usize::from(button)] = true,
MouseEventType::Move => { },
MouseEventType::Move => {},

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::fmt;
use std::error::Error;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
@ -131,4 +130,3 @@ impl Audio for DummyAudio {
fn write_samples(&mut self, _clock: Instant, _buffer: &[Sample]) {}

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::str::Chars;
use std::iter::Peekable;
@ -56,9 +55,13 @@ impl<'input> AssemblyParser<'input> {
fn parse_line(&mut self) -> Result<Option<AssemblyLine>, ParserError> {
let token = loop {
match self.lexer.get_next() {
Some(token) if token == "\n" => { },
Some(token) => { break token; }
None => { return Ok(None); },
Some(token) if token == "\n" => {},
Some(token) => {
break token;
None => {
return Ok(None);
@ -79,7 +82,11 @@ impl<'input> AssemblyParser<'input> {
_ => {
return Err(ParserError::new(format!("parse error at line {}: expected word, found {:?}", self.lexer.lineno(), token)));
return Err(ParserError::new(format!(
"parse error at line {}: expected word, found {:?}",
@ -164,7 +171,7 @@ impl<'input> AssemblyParser<'input> {
} else {
@ -237,7 +244,8 @@ impl<'input> AssemblyLexer<'input> {
pub fn expect_next(&mut self) -> Result<String, ParserError> {
self.get_next().ok_or_else(|| ParserError::new(format!("unexpected end of input at line {}", self.lineno)))
.ok_or_else(|| ParserError::new(format!("unexpected end of input at line {}", self.lineno)))
pub fn expect_token(&mut self, expected: &str) -> Result<(), ParserError> {
@ -245,7 +253,10 @@ impl<'input> AssemblyLexer<'input> {
if token == expected {
} else {
Err(ParserError::new(format!("parse error at line {}: expected {:?}, found {:?}", self.lineno, expected, token)))
"parse error at line {}: expected {:?}, found {:?}",
self.lineno, expected, token
@ -309,7 +320,12 @@ pub fn expect_args(lineno: usize, args: &[AssemblyOperand], expected: usize) ->
if args.len() == expected {
} else {
Err(ParserError::new(format!("error at line {}: expected {} args, but found {}", lineno, expected, args.len())))
"error at line {}: expected {} args, but found {}",
@ -326,7 +342,9 @@ pub fn expect_immediate(lineno: usize, operand: &AssemblyOperand) -> Result<usiz
if let AssemblyOperand::Immediate(value) = operand {
} else {
Err(ParserError::new(format!("error at line {}: expected an immediate value, but found {:?}", lineno, operand)))
"error at line {}: expected an immediate value, but found {:?}",
lineno, operand

View File

@ -135,4 +135,3 @@ pub trait SignalDriver<T> {
//pub struct LevelTriggeredOutput

View File

@ -1,35 +1,40 @@
use std::fs;
use femtos::Instant;
use moa_core::{Error, Address, Addressable, Transmutable};
mod reg {
use super::Address;
pub(super) const DATA_WORD: Address = 0x20;
pub(super) const DATA_BYTE: Address = 0x21;
pub(super) const FEATURE: Address = 0x23;
pub(super) const ERROR: Address = 0x23;
pub(super) const SECTOR_COUNT: Address = 0x25;
pub(super) const SECTOR_NUM: Address = 0x27;
pub(super) const CYL_LOW: Address = 0x29;
pub(super) const CYL_HIGH: Address = 0x2B;
pub(super) const DRIVE_HEAD: Address = 0x2D;
pub(super) const STATUS: Address = 0x2F;
pub(super) const COMMAND: Address = 0x2F;
const ATA_REG_DATA_WORD: Address = 0x20;
const ATA_REG_DATA_BYTE: Address = 0x21;
const ATA_REG_FEATURE: Address = 0x23;
const ATA_REG_ERROR: Address = 0x23;
const ATA_REG_SECTOR_COUNT: Address = 0x25;
const ATA_REG_SECTOR_NUM: Address = 0x27;
const ATA_REG_CYL_LOW: Address = 0x29;
const ATA_REG_CYL_HIGH: Address = 0x2B;
const ATA_REG_DRIVE_HEAD: Address = 0x2D;
const ATA_REG_STATUS: Address = 0x2F;
const ATA_REG_COMMAND: Address = 0x2F;
const ATA_CMD_READ_SECTORS: u8 = 0x20;
const ATA_CMD_WRITE_SECTORS: u8 = 0x30;
const ATA_CMD_IDENTIFY: u8 = 0xEC;
const ATA_CMD_SET_FEATURE: u8 = 0xEF;
mod cmd {
pub(super) const READ_SECTORS: u8 = 0x20;
pub(super) const WRITE_SECTORS: u8 = 0x30;
pub(super) const IDENTIFY: u8 = 0xEC;
pub(super) const SET_FEATURE: u8 = 0xEF;
const ATA_ST_BUSY: u8 = 0x80;
const ATA_ST_BUSY: u8 = 0x80;
const ATA_ST_DATA_READY: u8 = 0x08;
const ATA_ST_DATA_READY: u8 = 0x08;
const ATA_ST_ERROR: u8 = 0x01;
const ATA_ST_ERROR: u8 = 0x01;
const ATA_SECTOR_SIZE: u32 = 512;
const ATA_SECTOR_SIZE: u32 = 512;
const DEV_NAME: &str = "ata";
@ -60,7 +65,7 @@ impl Addressable for AtaDevice {
fn read(&mut self, _clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
match addr {
reg::DATA_WORD => {
self.selected_count -= 2;
let offset = ((self.selected_sector * ATA_SECTOR_SIZE) + (ATA_SECTOR_SIZE - 1 - self.selected_count)) as usize;
data[0] = self.contents[offset];
@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ impl Addressable for AtaDevice {
self.selected_count = 0;
reg::DATA_BYTE => {
self.selected_count -= 1;
let offset = ((self.selected_sector * ATA_SECTOR_SIZE) + (ATA_SECTOR_SIZE - 1 - self.selected_count)) as usize;
data[0] = self.contents[offset];
@ -79,13 +84,15 @@ impl Addressable for AtaDevice {
self.selected_count = 0;
reg::STATUS => {
data[0] = ATA_ST_DATA_READY;
reg::ERROR => {
data[0] = self.last_error;
_ => { log::debug!("{}: reading from {:0x}", DEV_NAME, addr); },
_ => {
log::debug!("{}: reading from {:0x}", DEV_NAME, addr);
@ -94,27 +101,43 @@ impl Addressable for AtaDevice {
fn write(&mut self, _clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
log::debug!("{}: write to register {:x} with {:x}", DEV_NAME, addr, data[0]);
match addr {
ATA_REG_DRIVE_HEAD => { self.selected_sector |= ((data[0] & 0x1F) as u32) << 24; },
ATA_REG_CYL_HIGH => { self.selected_sector |= (data[0] as u32) << 16; },
ATA_REG_CYL_LOW => { self.selected_sector |= (data[0] as u32) << 8; },
ATA_REG_SECTOR_NUM => { self.selected_sector |= data[0] as u32; },
ATA_REG_SECTOR_COUNT => { self.selected_count = (data[0] as u32) * ATA_SECTOR_SIZE; },
match data[0] {
ATA_CMD_READ_SECTORS => { log::debug!("{}: reading sector {:x}", DEV_NAME, self.selected_sector); },
ATA_CMD_WRITE_SECTORS => { log::debug!("{}: writing sector {:x}", DEV_NAME, self.selected_sector); },
_ => { log::debug!("{}: unrecognized command {:x}", DEV_NAME, data[0]); },
reg::DRIVE_HEAD => {
self.selected_sector |= ((data[0] & 0x1F) as u32) << 24;
reg::CYL_HIGH => {
self.selected_sector |= (data[0] as u32) << 16;
reg::CYL_LOW => {
self.selected_sector |= (data[0] as u32) << 8;
reg::SECTOR_NUM => {
self.selected_sector |= data[0] as u32;
reg::SECTOR_COUNT => {
self.selected_count = (data[0] as u32) * ATA_SECTOR_SIZE;
reg::COMMAND => match data[0] {
cmd::READ_SECTORS => {
log::debug!("{}: reading sector {:x}", DEV_NAME, self.selected_sector);
log::debug!("{}: writing sector {:x}", DEV_NAME, self.selected_sector);
cmd::IDENTIFY => {},
cmd::SET_FEATURE => {},
_ => {
log::debug!("{}: unrecognized command {:x}", DEV_NAME, data[0]);
reg::FEATURE => {
// TODO implement features
reg::DATA_BYTE => {
// TODO implement writing
_ => { log::debug!("{}: writing {:0x} to {:0x}", DEV_NAME, data[0], addr); },
_ => {
log::debug!("{}: writing {:0x} to {:0x}", DEV_NAME, data[0], addr);
@ -125,4 +148,3 @@ impl Transmutable for AtaDevice {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
mod ata;
pub use crate::ata::AtaDevice;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
mod mos6522;
pub use crate::mos6522::Mos6522;

View File

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration};
use moa_core::{Error, System, Address, Addressable, Steppable, Transmutable};
use moa_signals::{Signal, ObservableSignal, Observable};
const REG_OUTPUT_B: Address = 0x00;
const REG_OUTPUT_A: Address = 0x01;
const REG_DDR_B: Address = 0x02;
const REG_DDR_A: Address = 0x03;
const REG_PERIPH_CTRL: Address = 0x0C;
const REG_INT_FLAGS: Address = 0x0D;
const REG_INT_ENABLE: Address = 0x0E;
const REG_OUTPUT_A_NHS: Address = 0x0F;
mod reg {
use super::Address;
pub(super) const OUTPUT_B: Address = 0x00;
pub(super) const OUTPUT_A: Address = 0x01;
pub(super) const DDR_B: Address = 0x02;
pub(super) const DDR_A: Address = 0x03;
pub(super) const PERIPH_CTRL: Address = 0x0C;
pub(super) const INT_FLAGS: Address = 0x0D;
pub(super) const INT_ENABLE: Address = 0x0E;
pub(super) const OUTPUT_A_NHS: Address = 0x0F;
const DEV_NAME: &str = "mos6522";
@ -61,12 +64,24 @@ impl Addressable for Mos6522 {
fn read(&mut self, _clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
match addr {
REG_OUTPUT_B => { data[0] = self.port_b.borrow_mut().data; },
REG_OUTPUT_A => { data[0] = self.port_a.borrow_mut().data; },
REG_DDR_B => { data[0] = self.port_b.borrow_mut().ddr; },
REG_DDR_A => { data[0] = self.port_a.borrow_mut().ddr; },
REG_INT_FLAGS => { data[0] = self.interrupt_flags; },
REG_INT_ENABLE => { data[0] = self.interrupt_enable | 0x80; },
reg::OUTPUT_B => {
data[0] = self.port_b.borrow_mut().data;
reg::OUTPUT_A => {
data[0] = self.port_a.borrow_mut().data;
reg::DDR_B => {
data[0] = self.port_b.borrow_mut().ddr;
reg::DDR_A => {
data[0] = self.port_a.borrow_mut().ddr;
reg::INT_FLAGS => {
data[0] = self.interrupt_flags;
reg::INT_ENABLE => {
data[0] = self.interrupt_enable | 0x80;
_ => {
log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled read from {:0x}", DEV_NAME, addr);
@ -78,20 +93,40 @@ impl Addressable for Mos6522 {
fn write(&mut self, _clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
log::debug!("{}: write to register {:x} with {:x}", DEV_NAME, addr, data[0]);
match addr {
REG_OUTPUT_B => { self.port_b.borrow_mut().data = data[0]; self.port_b.notify(); },
REG_OUTPUT_A => { self.port_a.borrow_mut().data = data[0]; self.port_a.notify(); },
REG_DDR_B => { self.port_b.borrow_mut().ddr = data[0]; self.port_b.notify(); },
REG_DDR_A => { self.port_a.borrow_mut().ddr = data[0]; self.port_a.notify(); },
REG_PERIPH_CTRL => { println!("SET TO {:?}", data[0]); self.peripheral_ctrl = data[0]; },
REG_INT_FLAGS => { self.interrupt_flags &= !data[0] & 0x7F; },
reg::OUTPUT_B => {
self.port_b.borrow_mut().data = data[0];
reg::OUTPUT_A => {
self.port_a.borrow_mut().data = data[0];
reg::DDR_B => {
self.port_b.borrow_mut().ddr = data[0];
reg::DDR_A => {
self.port_a.borrow_mut().ddr = data[0];
reg::PERIPH_CTRL => {
println!("SET TO {:?}", data[0]);
self.peripheral_ctrl = data[0];
reg::INT_FLAGS => {
self.interrupt_flags &= !data[0] & 0x7F;
reg::INT_ENABLE => {
if (data[0] & 0x80) == 0 {
self.interrupt_flags &= !data[0];
self.interrupt_flags &= !data[0];
} else {
self.interrupt_flags |= data[0];
self.interrupt_flags |= data[0];
REG_OUTPUT_A_NHS => { self.port_a.borrow_mut().data = data[0]; self.port_a.notify(); },
reg::OUTPUT_A_NHS => {
self.port_a.borrow_mut().data = data[0];
_ => {
log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled write {:0x} to {:0x}", DEV_NAME, data[0], addr);
@ -102,7 +137,6 @@ impl Addressable for Mos6522 {
impl Steppable for Mos6522 {
fn step(&mut self, _system: &System) -> Result<Duration, Error> {
@ -117,4 +151,3 @@ impl Transmutable for Mos6522 {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
mod mc68681;
pub use crate::mc68681::MC68681;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration, Frequency};
use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Steppable, Addressable, Transmutable};
@ -95,15 +94,23 @@ impl MC68681Port {
pub fn set_tx_status(&mut self, value: bool) {
match value {
true => { self.status |= SR_TX_READY | SR_TX_EMPTY; },
false => { self.status &= !(SR_TX_READY | SR_TX_EMPTY); },
true => {
self.status |= SR_TX_READY | SR_TX_EMPTY;
false => {
self.status &= !(SR_TX_READY | SR_TX_EMPTY);
pub fn set_rx_status(&mut self, value: bool) {
match value {
true => { self.status |= SR_RX_READY; },
false => { self.status &= !SR_RX_READY; },
true => {
self.status |= SR_RX_READY;
false => {
self.status &= !SR_RX_READY;
@ -126,7 +133,7 @@ impl MC68681Port {
pub fn handle_command(&mut self, data: u8) -> Option<bool> {
let rx_cmd = data& 0x03;
let rx_cmd = data & 0x03;
if rx_cmd == 0b01 {
self.rx_enabled = true;
} else if rx_cmd == 0b10 {
@ -202,7 +209,9 @@ impl MC68681 {
fn check_interrupt_state(&mut self, system: &System) -> Result<(), Error> {
system.get_interrupt_controller().set((self.int_status & self.int_mask) != 0, 4, self.int_vector)
.set((self.int_status & self.int_mask) != 0, 4, self.int_vector)
@ -254,17 +263,13 @@ impl Addressable for MC68681 {
fn read(&mut self, _clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
match addr {
data[0] = self.port_a.status
REG_SRA_RD => data[0] = self.port_a.status,
data[0] = self.port_a.input;
self.set_interrupt_flag(ISR_CH_A_RX_READY_FULL, false);
data[0] = self.port_b.status
REG_SRB_RD => data[0] = self.port_b.status,
data[0] = self.port_b.input;
@ -294,7 +299,7 @@ impl Addressable for MC68681 {
self.set_interrupt_flag(ISR_TIMER_CHANGE, false);
_ => { },
_ => {},
if addr != REG_SRA_RD && addr != REG_SRB_RD {
@ -312,7 +317,7 @@ impl Addressable for MC68681 {
self.acr = data[0];
log::debug!("{}a: write {}", DEV_NAME, data[0] as char);
@ -354,7 +359,7 @@ impl Addressable for MC68681 {
self.output_state &= !data[0];
_ => { },
_ => {},

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
mod sn76489;
pub use crate::sn76489::Sn76489;
mod ym2612;
pub use crate::ym2612::Ym2612;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration, Frequency};
use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Addressable, Steppable, Transmutable};
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ pub struct Sn76489 {
impl Sn76489 {
pub fn new<H, E>(host: &mut H, _clock_frequency: Frequency) -> Result<Self, HostError<E>>
H: Host<Error = E>
H: Host<Error = E>,
let source = host.add_audio_source()?;
let sample_rate = source.samples_per_second();
@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ impl Steppable for Sn76489 {
self.source.write_samples(system.clock, &buffer);
Ok(Duration::from_millis(1)) // Every 1ms of simulated time
Ok(Duration::from_millis(1)) // Every 1ms of simulated time
@ -163,7 +162,9 @@ impl Addressable for Sn76489 {
5 => self.tones[2].set_attenuation(value),
6 => self.noise.set_control(value),
7 => self.noise.set_attenuation(value),
_ => { self.first_byte = Some(data[0]); },
_ => {
self.first_byte = Some(data[0]);
} else {
let first = self.first_byte.unwrap_or(0);
@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ impl Addressable for Sn76489 {
0 => self.tones[0].set_counter(value),
2 => self.tones[1].set_counter(value),
4 => self.tones[2].set_counter(value),
_ => { },
_ => {},
log::debug!("{}: write to register {:x} with {:x}", DEV_NAME, addr, data[0]);
@ -190,4 +191,3 @@ impl Transmutable for Sn76489 {

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ use moa_host::{Host, HostError, Audio, Sample};
/// The value here is used to shift a bit to get the number of global cycles between each increment
/// of the envelope attenuation, based on the rate that's currently active
const COUNTER_SHIFT_VALUES: &[u16] = &[
11, 11, 11, 11,
10, 10, 10, 10,
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ const COUNTER_SHIFT_VALUES: &[u16] = &[
/// than attenuation, and the values will always be below 64. This table maps each of the 64
/// possible angle values to a sequence of 8 cycles, and the amount to increment the attenuation
/// at each point in that cycle
const RATE_TABLE: &[u16] = &[
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
@ -120,6 +122,7 @@ const RATE_TABLE: &[u16] = &[
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
const DETUNE_TABLE: &[u8] = &[
0, 0, 1, 2,
0, 0, 1, 2,
@ -271,9 +274,6 @@ impl EnvelopeGenerator {
let rate = self.get_scaled_rate(self.envelope_state, rate_adjust);
let counter_shift = COUNTER_SHIFT_VALUES[rate];
//if self.debug_name == "ch 2, op 0" {
//println!("{:4x} {:4x} {:4x}", envelope_clock, counter_shift, envelope_clock % (1 << counter_shift));
if envelope_clock % (1 << counter_shift) == 0 {
let update_cycle = (envelope_clock >> counter_shift) & 0x07;
let increment = RATE_TABLE[rate * 8 + update_cycle as usize];
@ -286,9 +286,6 @@ impl EnvelopeGenerator {
// to bitwise-and with 0xFFC instead, which will wrap the number to a 12-bit signed number, which when
// clamped to MAX_ENVELOPE will produce the same results
let new_envelope = self.envelope + (((!self.envelope * increment) as i16) >> 4) as u16;
//if self.debug_name == "ch 2, op 0" {
//println!("{:4x} {:4x} {:4x} {:4x} {:4x}", self.envelope, update_cycle, rate * 8 + update_cycle as usize, (((!self.envelope * increment) as i16) >> 4) as u16 & 0xFFFC, new_envelope);
if new_envelope > self.envelope {
self.envelope_state = EnvelopeState::Decay;
self.envelope = 0;
@ -296,19 +293,16 @@ impl EnvelopeGenerator {
self.envelope = new_envelope.min(MAX_ENVELOPE);
EnvelopeState::Decay |
EnvelopeState::Sustain |
EnvelopeState::Release => {
EnvelopeState::Decay | EnvelopeState::Sustain | EnvelopeState::Release => {
// Convert it to a fixed point decimal number of 4 bit : 8 bits, which will be the output
self.envelope += increment << 2;
if self.envelope > MAX_ENVELOPE || self.envelope_state == EnvelopeState::Release && self.envelope >= ENVELOPE_CENTER {
if self.envelope > MAX_ENVELOPE
|| self.envelope_state == EnvelopeState::Release && self.envelope >= ENVELOPE_CENTER
self.envelope = MAX_ENVELOPE;
//if self.debug_name == "ch 2, op 0" {
//println!("{:4x} {:4x} {:4x} {:4x} {:4x}", rate, counter_shift, self.envelope_state as usize, increment, self.envelope);
@ -411,7 +405,8 @@ impl PhaseGenerator {
} else {
// Apply multiple
let increment = if self.multiple == 0 {
@ -440,6 +435,7 @@ impl PhaseGenerator {
/// K1 = F11
/// K0 = F11 & (F10 | F9 | F8) | !F11 & (F10 & F9 & F8)
const FNUMBER_TO_KEYCODE: &[u8] = &[
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
@ -507,7 +503,8 @@ impl Operator {
fn notify_key_change(&mut self, state: bool, envelope_clock: EnvelopeClock) {
self.envelope.notify_key_change(state, envelope_clock, self.phase.get_rate_adjust());
.notify_key_change(state, envelope_clock, self.phase.get_rate_adjust());
@ -519,10 +516,6 @@ impl Operator {
let mod_phase = phase + modulator;
//if self.debug_name == "ch 2, op 0" {
//println!("{:4x} = {:4x} + {:4x} + {:4x}, e: {:x}, {:4x} {:4x}", mod_phase, phase, self.phase.increment, modulator, self.envelope.envelope_state as usize, envelope, self.envelope.envelope);
// The sine table contains the first half of the wave as an attenuation value
// Use the phase with the sign truncated to get the attenuation, plus the
// attenuation from the envelope, to get the total attenuation at this point
@ -567,7 +560,9 @@ impl Channel {
Self {
debug_name: debug_name.clone(),
enabled: (true, true),
operators: (0..OPERATORS).map(|i| Operator::new(format!("{}, op {}", debug_name, i))).collect(),
operators: (0..OPERATORS)
.map(|i| Operator::new(format!("{}, op {}", debug_name, i)))
algorithm: OperatorAlgorithm::A0,
feedback: 0,
@ -617,10 +612,6 @@ impl Channel {
//let output = sign_extend_u16(output, 14);
//let output = output * 2 / 3;
//if self.debug_name == "ch 2" {
//println!("{:6x}", output);
let sample = output as f32 / (1 << 13) as f32;
let left = if self.enabled.0 { sample } else { 0.0 };
@ -663,7 +654,9 @@ impl Channel {
OperatorAlgorithm::A5 => {
let output1 = self.operators[0].get_output(feedback, clocks);
self.operators[1].get_output(output1, clocks) + self.operators[2].get_output(output1, clocks) + self.operators[3].get_output(output1, clocks)
self.operators[1].get_output(output1, clocks)
+ self.operators[2].get_output(output1, clocks)
+ self.operators[3].get_output(output1, clocks)
OperatorAlgorithm::A6 => {
let output1 = self.operators[0].get_output(feedback, clocks);
@ -672,9 +665,9 @@ impl Channel {
OperatorAlgorithm::A7 => {
self.operators[0].get_output(feedback, clocks)
+ self.operators[1].get_output(0, clocks)
+ self.operators[2].get_output(0, clocks)
+ self.operators[3].get_output(0, clocks)
+ self.operators[1].get_output(0, clocks)
+ self.operators[2].get_output(0, clocks)
+ self.operators[3].get_output(0, clocks)
@ -808,7 +801,7 @@ impl Steppable for Ym2612 {
self.source.write_samples(system.clock, &buffer);
Ok(Duration::from_millis(1)) // Every 1ms of simulated time
Ok(Duration::from_millis(1)) // Every 1ms of simulated time
@ -919,7 +912,7 @@ impl Ym2612 {
self.channels[ch].operators[op].set_rate(EnvelopeState::Decay, first_decay_rate);
reg if is_reg_range(reg, 0x70)=> {
reg if is_reg_range(reg, 0x70) => {
let (ch, op) = get_ch_op(bank, reg);
let index = get_index(bank, reg);
@ -938,7 +931,11 @@ impl Ym2612 {
// Register is 4 bits, so adjust it to match total_level's scale
let sustain_level = (self.registers[0x80 + index] as u16 & 0xF0) << 3;
// Adjust the maximum storable value to be the max attenuation
let sustain_level = if sustain_level == (0x00F0 << 3) { MAX_ENVELOPE } else { sustain_level };
let sustain_level = if sustain_level == (0x00F0 << 3) {
} else {
@ -1033,7 +1030,7 @@ impl Addressable for Ym2612 {
0..=3 => {
// Read the status byte (busy/overflow)
data[0] = ((self.timer_a_overflow as u8) << 1) | (self.timer_b_overflow as u8);
_ => {
log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled read from {:0x}", DEV_NAME, addr);
@ -1078,4 +1075,3 @@ impl Transmutable for Ym2612 {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
mod z8530;
pub use crate::z8530::Z8530;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration};
use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Addressable, Steppable, Transmutable};
@ -6,9 +5,7 @@ use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Addressable, Steppable, Transmutable};
const DEV_NAME: &str = "z8530";
pub struct Z8530 {
pub struct Z8530 {}
impl Addressable for Z8530 {
fn size(&self) -> usize {
@ -30,7 +27,6 @@ impl Addressable for Z8530 {
impl Steppable for Z8530 {
fn step(&mut self, _system: &System) -> Result<Duration, Error> {
@ -44,5 +40,3 @@ impl Transmutable for Z8530 {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
mod system;
pub use crate::system::{build_computie, build_computie_k30, launch_terminal_emulator, launch_slip_connection, ComputieOptions};

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::Frequency;
use moa_core::{System, Error, Debuggable, MemoryBlock, Device};
@ -47,15 +46,6 @@ pub fn build_computie<H: Host>(host: &H, options: ComputieOptions) -> Result<Sys
let mut cpu = M68k::from_type(M68kType::MC68010, options.frequency);
//cpu.decoder.dump_disassembly(&mut system, 0x100000, 0x2000);
//cpu.decoder.dump_disassembly(&mut system, 0x2ac, 0x200);
system.add_interruptable_device("cpu", Device::new(cpu))?;
@ -85,15 +75,6 @@ pub fn build_computie_k30<H: Host>(host: &H) -> Result<System, Error> {
let cpu = M68k::from_type(M68kType::MC68030, Frequency::from_hz(10_000_000));
//cpu.decoder.dump_disassembly(&mut system, 0x100000, 0x2000);
//cpu.decoder.dump_disassembly(&mut system, 0x2ac, 0x200);
system.add_interruptable_device("cpu", Device::new(cpu))?;
@ -104,18 +85,39 @@ pub fn launch_terminal_emulator(name: String) {
use std::time::Duration;
use std::process::Command;
Command::new("x-terminal-emulator").arg("-e").arg(&format!("pyserial-miniterm {}", name)).spawn().unwrap();
.arg(&format!("pyserial-miniterm {}", name))
pub fn launch_slip_connection(name: String) {
use std::process::Command;
Command::new("sudo").args(["slattach", "-s", "38400", "-p", "slip", &name]).spawn().unwrap();
Command::new("sudo").args(["ifconfig", "sl0", "", "pointopoint", "", "up"]).status().unwrap();
Command::new("sudo").args(["arp", "-Ds", "", "enp4s0", "pub"]).status().unwrap();
Command::new("sudo").args(["iptables", "-A", "FORWARD", "-i", "sl0", "-j", "ACCEPT"]).status().unwrap();
Command::new("sudo").args(["iptables", "-A", "FORWARD", "-o", "sl0", "-j", "ACCEPT"]).status().unwrap();
Command::new("sudo").args(["sh", "-c", "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"]).status().unwrap();
.args(["slattach", "-s", "38400", "-p", "slip", &name])
.args(["ifconfig", "sl0", "", "pointopoint", "", "up"])
.args(["arp", "-Ds", "", "enp4s0", "pub"])
.args(["iptables", "-A", "FORWARD", "-i", "sl0", "-j", "ACCEPT"])
.args(["iptables", "-A", "FORWARD", "-o", "sl0", "-j", "ACCEPT"])
.args(["sh", "-c", "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"])

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
pub mod peripherals;
pub mod utils;
mod system;
pub use crate::system::{SegaGenesisOptions, build_genesis};

View File

@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration};
use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Addressable, Steppable, Transmutable};
use moa_host::{self, Host, HostError, ControllerDevice, ControllerInput, ControllerEvent, EventReceiver};
use moa_signals::{Signal};
const REG_VERSION: Address = 0x01;
const REG_DATA1: Address = 0x03;
const REG_DATA2: Address = 0x05;
const REG_DATA3: Address = 0x07;
const REG_CTRL1: Address = 0x09;
const REG_CTRL2: Address = 0x0B;
const REG_CTRL3: Address = 0x0D;
const REG_S_CTRL1: Address = 0x13;
const REG_S_CTRL2: Address = 0x19;
const REG_S_CTRL3: Address = 0x1F;
const REG_VERSION: Address = 0x01;
const REG_DATA1: Address = 0x03;
const REG_DATA2: Address = 0x05;
const REG_DATA3: Address = 0x07;
const REG_CTRL1: Address = 0x09;
const REG_CTRL2: Address = 0x0B;
const REG_CTRL3: Address = 0x0D;
const REG_S_CTRL1: Address = 0x13;
const REG_S_CTRL2: Address = 0x19;
const REG_S_CTRL3: Address = 0x1F;
const DEV_NAME: &str = "genesis_controller";
@ -50,13 +49,13 @@ impl GenesisControllerPort {
let th_state = (self.outputs & 0x40) != 0;
match (th_state, self.th_count) {
(true, 0) => self.outputs | ((inputs & 0x003F) as u8),
(true, 0) => self.outputs | ((inputs & 0x003F) as u8),
(false, 1) => self.outputs | (((inputs & 0x00C0) >> 2) as u8) | ((inputs & 0x0003) as u8),
(true, 1) => self.outputs | ((inputs & 0x003F) as u8),
(true, 1) => self.outputs | ((inputs & 0x003F) as u8),
(false, 2) => self.outputs | (((inputs & 0x00C0) >> 2) as u8),
(true, 2) => self.outputs | ((inputs & 0x0030) as u8) | (((inputs & 0x0F00) >> 8) as u8),
(true, 2) => self.outputs | ((inputs & 0x0030) as u8) | (((inputs & 0x0F00) >> 8) as u8),
(false, 3) => self.outputs | (((inputs & 0x00C0) >> 2) as u8) | 0x0F,
(true, 3) => self.outputs | ((inputs & 0x003F) as u8),
(true, 3) => self.outputs | ((inputs & 0x003F) as u8),
(false, 0) => self.outputs | (((inputs & 0x00C0) >> 2) as u8) | ((inputs & 0x0003) as u8),
_ => 0,
@ -159,17 +158,39 @@ impl Addressable for GenesisControllers {
match addr {
REG_VERSION => { data[i] = 0xA0; } // Overseas Version, NTSC, No Expansion
REG_DATA1 => { data[i] = self.port_1.get_data(); },
REG_DATA2 => { data[i] = self.port_2.get_data(); },
REG_DATA3 => { data[i] = self.expansion.get_data(); },
REG_CTRL1 => { data[i] = self.port_1.ctrl; },
REG_CTRL2 => { data[i] = self.port_2.ctrl; },
REG_CTRL3 => { data[i] = self.expansion.ctrl; },
REG_S_CTRL1 => { data[i] = self.port_1.s_ctrl | 0x02; },
REG_S_CTRL2 => { data[i] = self.port_2.s_ctrl | 0x02; },
REG_S_CTRL3 => { data[i] = self.expansion.s_ctrl | 0x02; },
_ => { log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled reading from {:0x}", DEV_NAME, addr); },
data[i] = 0xA0;
}, // Overseas Version, NTSC, No Expansion
REG_DATA1 => {
data[i] = self.port_1.get_data();
REG_DATA2 => {
data[i] = self.port_2.get_data();
REG_DATA3 => {
data[i] = self.expansion.get_data();
REG_CTRL1 => {
data[i] = self.port_1.ctrl;
REG_CTRL2 => {
data[i] = self.port_2.ctrl;
REG_CTRL3 => {
data[i] = self.expansion.ctrl;
REG_S_CTRL1 => {
data[i] = self.port_1.s_ctrl | 0x02;
REG_S_CTRL2 => {
data[i] = self.port_2.s_ctrl | 0x02;
REG_S_CTRL3 => {
data[i] = self.expansion.s_ctrl | 0x02;
_ => {
log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled reading from {:0x}", DEV_NAME, addr);
log::info!("{}: read from register {:x} the value {:x}", DEV_NAME, addr, data[0]);
@ -180,16 +201,36 @@ impl Addressable for GenesisControllers {
log::info!("{}: write to register {:x} with {:x}", DEV_NAME, addr, data[0]);
match addr {
REG_DATA1 => { self.port_1.set_data(data[0]); }
REG_DATA2 => { self.port_2.set_data(data[0]); },
REG_DATA3 => { self.expansion.set_data(data[0]); },
REG_CTRL1 => { self.port_1.set_ctrl(data[0]); },
REG_CTRL2 => { self.port_2.set_ctrl(data[0]); },
REG_CTRL3 => { self.expansion.set_ctrl(data[0]); },
REG_S_CTRL1 => { self.port_1.s_ctrl = data[0] & 0xF8; },
REG_S_CTRL2 => { self.port_2.s_ctrl = data[0] & 0xF8; },
REG_S_CTRL3 => { self.expansion.s_ctrl = data[0] & 0xF8; },
_ => { log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled write of {:0x} to {:0x}", DEV_NAME, data[0], addr); },
REG_DATA1 => {
REG_DATA2 => {
REG_DATA3 => {
REG_CTRL1 => {
REG_CTRL2 => {
REG_CTRL3 => {
REG_S_CTRL1 => {
self.port_1.s_ctrl = data[0] & 0xF8;
REG_S_CTRL2 => {
self.port_2.s_ctrl = data[0] & 0xF8;
REG_S_CTRL3 => {
self.expansion.s_ctrl = data[0] & 0xF8;
_ => {
log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled write of {:0x} to {:0x}", DEV_NAME, data[0], addr);
@ -197,7 +238,7 @@ impl Addressable for GenesisControllers {
impl Steppable for GenesisControllers {
fn step(&mut self, _system: &System) -> Result<Duration, Error> {
let duration = Duration::from_micros(100); // Update every 100us
let duration = Duration::from_micros(100); // Update every 100us
while let Some(event) = self.receiver.receive() {
@ -222,5 +263,3 @@ impl Transmutable for GenesisControllers {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use femtos::Instant;
@ -31,9 +30,15 @@ impl Addressable for CoprocessorCoordinator {
fn read(&mut self, _clock: Instant, addr: Address, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
match addr {
0x100 => {
data[0] = if self.bus_request.get() && self.reset.get() { 0x01 } else { 0x00 };
data[0] = if self.bus_request.get() && self.reset.get() {
} else {
_ => {
log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled read from {:0x}", DEV_NAME, addr);
_ => { log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled read from {:0x}", DEV_NAME, addr); },
log::info!("{}: read from register {:x} of {:?}", DEV_NAME, addr, data);
@ -49,7 +54,9 @@ impl Addressable for CoprocessorCoordinator {
0x200 => {
self.reset.set(data[0] == 0);
_ => { log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled write {:0x} to {:0x}", DEV_NAME, data[0], addr); },
_ => {
log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled write {:0x} to {:0x}", DEV_NAME, data[0], addr);
@ -101,7 +108,9 @@ pub struct CoprocessorBankArea {
impl CoprocessorBankArea {
pub fn new(bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>) -> (Self, CoprocessorBankRegister) {
let base = Rc::new(Cell::new(0));
let register = CoprocessorBankRegister { base: base.clone() };
let register = CoprocessorBankRegister {
base: base.clone(),
let bank = Self {
@ -129,4 +138,3 @@ impl Transmutable for CoprocessorBankArea {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
pub mod ym7101;
pub mod controllers;
pub mod coprocessor;
pub mod ym7101;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration, Frequency};
use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Addressable, Steppable, Inspectable, Transmutable, Device, read_beu16, dump_slice};
@ -171,7 +170,13 @@ impl Ym7101Memory {
4 => Memory::Vsram,
_ => Memory::Cram,
log::debug!("{}: transfer requested of type {:x} ({:?}) to address {:x}", DEV_NAME, self.transfer_type, self.transfer_target, self.transfer_dest_addr);
"{}: transfer requested of type {:x} ({:?}) to address {:x}",
if (self.transfer_type & 0x20) != 0 {
if (self.transfer_type & 0x10) != 0 {
@ -198,7 +203,15 @@ impl Ym7101Memory {
self.transfer_dest_addr += self.transfer_auto_inc;
log::debug!("{}: data port read {} bytes from {:?}:{:x} returning {:x},{:x}", DEV_NAME, data.len(), self.transfer_target, addr, data[0], data[1]);
"{}: data port read {} bytes from {:?}:{:x} returning {:x},{:x}",
@ -208,7 +221,14 @@ impl Ym7101Memory {
self.transfer_fill_word = if data.len() >= 2 { read_beu16(data) } else { data[0] as u16 };
} else {
log::debug!("{}: data port write {} bytes to {:?}:{:x} with {:?}", DEV_NAME, data.len(), self.transfer_target, self.transfer_dest_addr, data);
"{}: data port write {} bytes to {:?}:{:x} with {:?}",
let addr = self.transfer_dest_addr as usize;
@ -225,10 +245,12 @@ impl Ym7101Memory {
fn write_control_port(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let value = read_beu16(data);
match (data.len(), self.ctrl_port_buffer) {
(2, None) => { self.ctrl_port_buffer = Some(value) },
(2, None) => self.ctrl_port_buffer = Some(value),
(2, Some(upper)) => self.setup_transfer(upper, read_beu16(data)),
(4, None) => self.setup_transfer(value, read_beu16(&data[2..])),
_ => { log::error!("{}: !!! error when writing to control port with {} bytes of {:?}", DEV_NAME, data.len(), data); },
_ => {
log::error!("{}: !!! error when writing to control port with {} bytes of {:?}", DEV_NAME, data.len(), data);
@ -239,7 +261,15 @@ impl Ym7101Memory {
match self.transfer_run {
DmaType::Memory => {
log::debug!("{}: starting dma transfer {:x} from Mem:{:x} to {:?}:{:x} ({} bytes)", DEV_NAME, self.transfer_type, self.transfer_src_addr, self.transfer_target, self.transfer_dest_addr, self.transfer_remain);
"{}: starting dma transfer {:x} from Mem:{:x} to {:?}:{:x} ({} bytes)",
let mut bus = system.get_bus();
while self.transfer_remain > 0 {
@ -257,7 +287,13 @@ impl Ym7101Memory {
DmaType::Copy => {
log::debug!("{}: starting dma copy from VRAM:{:x} to VRAM:{:x} ({} bytes)", DEV_NAME, self.transfer_src_addr, self.transfer_dest_addr, self.transfer_remain);
"{}: starting dma copy from VRAM:{:x} to VRAM:{:x} ({} bytes)",
while self.transfer_remain > 0 {
self.vram[self.transfer_dest_addr as usize] = self.vram[self.transfer_src_addr as usize];
self.transfer_dest_addr += self.transfer_auto_inc;
@ -266,14 +302,22 @@ impl Ym7101Memory {
DmaType::Fill => {
log::debug!("{}: starting dma fill to VRAM:{:x} ({} bytes) with {:x}", DEV_NAME, self.transfer_dest_addr, self.transfer_remain, self.transfer_fill_word);
"{}: starting dma fill to VRAM:{:x} ({} bytes) with {:x}",
while self.transfer_remain > 0 {
self.vram[self.transfer_dest_addr as usize] = self.transfer_fill_word as u8;
self.transfer_dest_addr += self.transfer_auto_inc;
self.transfer_remain -= 1;
_ => { log::warn!("{}: !!! error unexpected transfer mode {:x}", DEV_NAME, self.transfer_type); },
_ => {
log::warn!("{}: !!! error unexpected transfer mode {:x}", DEV_NAME, self.transfer_type);
@ -426,7 +470,12 @@ impl Ym7101State {
Pixel::Rgb(((rgb & 0x00F) << 4) as u8, (rgb & 0x0F0) as u8, ((rgb & 0xF00) >> 4) as u8).encode(encoding)
} else {
let offset = if mode == ColourMode::Highlight { 0x80 } else { 0x00 };
Pixel::Rgb(((rgb & 0x00F) << 3) as u8 | offset, ((rgb & 0x0F0) >> 1) as u8 | offset, ((rgb & 0xF00) >> 5) as u8 | offset).encode(encoding)
((rgb & 0x00F) << 3) as u8 | offset,
((rgb & 0x0F0) >> 1) as u8 | offset,
((rgb & 0xF00) >> 5) as u8 | offset,
@ -631,7 +680,18 @@ impl Sprite {
fn calculate_pattern(&self, cell_x: usize, cell_y: usize) -> u16 {
let (h, v) = (if !self.rev.0 { cell_x } else { self.size.0 as usize - 1 - cell_x }, if !self.rev.1 { cell_y } else { self.size.1 as usize - 1 - cell_y });
let (h, v) = (
if !self.rev.0 {
} else {
self.size.0 as usize - 1 - cell_x
if !self.rev.1 {
} else {
self.size.1 as usize - 1 - cell_y
(self.pattern & 0xF800) | ((self.pattern & 0x07FF) + (h as u16 * self.size.1) + v as u16)
@ -664,7 +724,7 @@ impl Steppable for Ym7101 {
self.state.current_y += 1;
self.state.h_scanlines = self.state.h_scanlines.wrapping_sub(1);
if self.state.hsync_int_enabled() && self.state.h_scanlines == 0 {
if self.state.hsync_int_enabled() && self.state.h_scanlines == 0 {
self.state.h_scanlines = self.state.h_int_lines;
system.get_interrupt_controller().set(true, 4, 28)?;
@ -686,7 +746,8 @@ impl Steppable for Ym7101 {
if (self.state.mode_1 & mode1::BF_DISABLE_DISPLAY) == 0 && self.state.screen_size != (0, 0) {
let mut frame = Frame::new(self.state.screen_size.0 as u32 * 8, self.state.screen_size.1 as u32 * 8, self.sender.encoding());
let mut frame =
Frame::new(self.state.screen_size.0 as u32 * 8, self.state.screen_size.1 as u32 * 8, self.sender.encoding());
self.state.draw_frame(&mut frame);
self.sender.add(system.clock, frame);
@ -699,7 +760,12 @@ impl Steppable for Ym7101 {
if (self.state.mode_2 & mode2::BF_DMA_ENABLED) != 0 {
self.state.status = (self.state.status & !status::DMA_BUSY) | (if self.state.memory.transfer_dma_busy { status::DMA_BUSY } else { 0 });
self.state.status = (self.state.status & !status::DMA_BUSY)
| (if self.state.memory.transfer_dma_busy {
} else {
Ok(Frequency::from_hz(13_423_294).period_duration() * 4)
@ -742,24 +808,44 @@ impl Ym7101 {
fn update_register_value(&mut self, reg: usize, data: u8) {
match reg {
reg::MODE_SET_1 => { self.state.mode_1 = data; },
reg::MODE_SET_1 => {
self.state.mode_1 = data;
reg::MODE_SET_2 => {
self.state.mode_2 = data;
reg::SCROLL_A_ADDR => { self.state.scroll_a_addr = (data as usize) << 10; },
reg::WINDOW_ADDR => { self.state.window_addr = (data as usize) << 10; },
reg::SCROLL_B_ADDR => { self.state.scroll_b_addr = (data as usize) << 13; },
reg::SPRITES_ADDR => { self.state.sprites_addr = (data as usize) << 9; },
reg::BACKGROUND => { self.state.background = data; },
reg::H_INTERRUPT => { self.state.h_int_lines = data; },
reg::MODE_SET_3 => { self.state.mode_3 = data; },
reg::SCROLL_A_ADDR => {
self.state.scroll_a_addr = (data as usize) << 10;
reg::WINDOW_ADDR => {
self.state.window_addr = (data as usize) << 10;
reg::SCROLL_B_ADDR => {
self.state.scroll_b_addr = (data as usize) << 13;
reg::SPRITES_ADDR => {
self.state.sprites_addr = (data as usize) << 9;
reg::BACKGROUND => {
self.state.background = data;
reg::H_INTERRUPT => {
self.state.h_int_lines = data;
reg::MODE_SET_3 => {
self.state.mode_3 = data;
reg::MODE_SET_4 => {
self.state.mode_4 = data;
reg::HSCROLL_ADDR => { self.state.hscroll_addr = (data as usize) << 10; },
reg::AUTO_INCREMENT => { self.state.memory.transfer_auto_inc = data as u32; },
reg::HSCROLL_ADDR => {
self.state.hscroll_addr = (data as usize) << 10;
self.state.memory.transfer_auto_inc = data as u32;
reg::SCROLL_SIZE => {
let h = decode_scroll_size(data & 0x03);
let v = decode_scroll_size((data >> 4) & 0x03);
@ -790,10 +876,13 @@ impl Ym7101 {
reg::DMA_ADDR_HIGH => {
let mask = if (data & 0x80) == 0 { 0x7F } else { 0x3F };
self.state.memory.transfer_bits = data & 0xC0;
self.state.memory.transfer_src_addr = (self.state.memory.transfer_src_addr & 0x01FFFF) | (((data & mask) as u32) << 17);
self.state.memory.transfer_src_addr =
(self.state.memory.transfer_src_addr & 0x01FFFF) | (((data & mask) as u32) << 17);
0x6 | 0x8 | 0x9 | 0xE => { /* Reserved */ },
_ => { panic!("{}: unknown register: {:?}", DEV_NAME, reg); },
_ => {
panic!("{}: unknown register: {:?}", DEV_NAME, reg);
@ -838,7 +927,9 @@ impl Addressable for Ym7101 {
_ => { println!("{}: !!! unhandled read from {:x}", DEV_NAME, addr); },
_ => {
println!("{}: !!! unhandled read from {:x}", DEV_NAME, addr);
@ -864,7 +955,12 @@ impl Addressable for Ym7101 {
} else {
self.state.status = (self.state.status & !status::DMA_BUSY) | (if self.state.memory.transfer_dma_busy { status::DMA_BUSY } else { 0 });
self.state.status = (self.state.status & !status::DMA_BUSY)
| (if self.state.memory.transfer_dma_busy {
} else {
@ -872,7 +968,9 @@ impl Addressable for Ym7101 {
self.sn_sound.borrow_mut().as_addressable().unwrap().write(clock, 0, data)?;
_ => { log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled write to {:x} with {:?}", DEV_NAME, addr, data); },
_ => {
log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled write to {:x} with {:?}", DEV_NAME, addr, data);
@ -905,7 +1003,7 @@ impl Inspectable for Ym7101 {
"vsram" => {
_ => { },
_ => {},
@ -941,4 +1039,3 @@ impl Ym7101State {
dump_slice(&self.memory.vsram, 80);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::mem;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
@ -99,4 +98,3 @@ pub fn build_genesis<H: Host>(host: &mut H, mut options: SegaGenesisOptions) ->

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::fs;
use moa_core::Error;
@ -39,5 +38,3 @@ pub fn load_rom_file(filename: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
pub mod peripherals;
mod system;
pub use crate::system::{build_macintosh_512k};

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration};
use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Addressable, Steppable, Transmutable};
@ -8,10 +7,10 @@ use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Addressable, Steppable, Transmutable};
//const CA1: u8 = 0x02;
//const CA2: u8 = 0x04;
//const LSTRB: u8 = 0x08;
const ENABLE: u8 = 0x10;
const ENABLE: u8 = 0x10;
//const SELECT: u8 = 0x20;
const Q6: u8 = 0x40;
const Q7: u8 = 0x80;
const Q6: u8 = 0x40;
const Q7: u8 = 0x80;
const DEV_NAME: &str = "iwm";
@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ impl Addressable for IWM {
Q7 => {
// read "write-handshake" register
data[i] = 0x3F | self.handshake;
b if b == (Q7 | Q6) => {
@ -111,4 +110,3 @@ impl Transmutable for IWM {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use femtos::{Instant, Duration};
@ -47,16 +46,30 @@ impl Mainboard {
if ( & 0x10) == 0 {
println!("{}: overlay is 0 (normal)", DEV_NAME);
lower_bus.borrow_mut().insert(0x000000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(ram.clone(), 0x400000)));
lower_bus.borrow_mut().insert(0x400000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(rom.clone(), 0x100000)));
lower_bus.borrow_mut().insert(0x600000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(rom.clone(), 0x100000)));
.insert(0x000000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(ram.clone(), 0x400000)));
.insert(0x400000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(rom.clone(), 0x100000)));
.insert(0x600000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(rom.clone(), 0x100000)));
} else {
println!("{}: overlay is 1 (startup)", DEV_NAME);
lower_bus.borrow_mut().insert(0x000000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(rom.clone(), 0x100000)));
lower_bus.borrow_mut().insert(0x200000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(rom.clone(), 0x100000)));
lower_bus.borrow_mut().insert(0x400000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(rom.clone(), 0x100000)));
lower_bus.borrow_mut().insert(0x600000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(ram.clone(), 0x200000)));
.insert(0x000000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(rom.clone(), 0x100000)));
.insert(0x200000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(rom.clone(), 0x100000)));
.insert(0x400000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(rom.clone(), 0x100000)));
.insert(0x600000, Device::new(AddressRepeater::new(ram.clone(), 0x200000)));
@ -139,9 +152,7 @@ impl Transmutable for Mainboard {
pub struct PhaseRead {
pub struct PhaseRead {}
impl Addressable for PhaseRead {
fn size(&self) -> usize {
@ -159,4 +170,3 @@ impl Addressable for PhaseRead {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
pub mod iwm;
pub mod video;
pub mod mainboard;
pub mod video;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
use femtos::Duration;
use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Addressable, Steppable, Transmutable};
use moa_host::{self, Host, HostError, Frame, FrameSender, Pixel};
const SCRN_BASE: u32 = 0x07A700;
const SCRN_BASE: u32 = 0x07A700;
const SCRN_SIZE: (u32, u32) = (512, 342);
pub struct MacVideo {
@ -81,4 +80,3 @@ impl Transmutable for MacVideo {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::Frequency;
use moa_core::{System, Error, MemoryBlock, Debuggable, Device};
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ pub fn build_macintosh_512k<H: Host>(host: &mut H) -> Result<System, Error> {
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0x400694); // Ram Test
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0x400170); // Failed, loops infinitely
cpu.add_breakpoint(0x4000f4); // Failed, should show the sad mac
cpu.add_breakpoint(0x4000f4); // Failed, should show the sad mac
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0x400722); // end of ram test
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ pub fn build_macintosh_512k<H: Host>(host: &mut H) -> Result<System, Error> {
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0x400614); // Start of InitIO
cpu.add_breakpoint(0x40062a); // Loop in InitIO
cpu.add_breakpoint(0x40062a); // Loop in InitIO
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0x4014a6); // DrvrInstall
@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ pub fn build_macintosh_512k<H: Host>(host: &mut H) -> Result<System, Error> {
// Issue of writing to 0x100000 which doesn't exist
cpu.add_breakpoint(0x400464); // Boot Screen
cpu.add_breakpoint(0x400464); // Boot Screen
use crate::devices::Addressable;
@ -127,4 +126,3 @@ pub fn build_macintosh_512k<H: Host>(host: &mut H) -> Result<System, Error> {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
pub mod peripherals;
mod system;
pub use crate::system::{Trs80Options, build_trs80};

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
pub mod model1;
pub mod keymap;
pub mod charset;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::{Instant, Duration};
use moa_core::{System, Error, Address, Addressable, Steppable, Transmutable};
@ -8,12 +7,12 @@ use super::keymap;
use super::charset::CharacterGenerator;
const DEV_NAME: &str = "model1";
const SCREEN_SIZE: (u32, u32) = (384, 128);
const DEV_NAME: &str = "model1";
const SCREEN_SIZE: (u32, u32) = (384, 128);
pub struct Model1Keyboard {
receiver: EventReceiver<KeyEvent>,
receiver: EventReceiver<KeyEvent>,
keyboard_mem: [u8; 8],
@ -41,14 +40,30 @@ impl Addressable for Model1Keyboard {
if (0x20..=0xA0).contains(&addr) {
let offset = addr - 0x20;
data[0] = 0;
if (offset & 0x01) != 0 { data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[0]; }
if (offset & 0x02) != 0 { data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[1]; }
if (offset & 0x04) != 0 { data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[2]; }
if (offset & 0x08) != 0 { data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[3]; }
if (offset & 0x10) != 0 { data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[4]; }
if (offset & 0x20) != 0 { data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[5]; }
if (offset & 0x40) != 0 { data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[6]; }
if (offset & 0x80) != 0 { data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[7]; }
if (offset & 0x01) != 0 {
data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[0];
if (offset & 0x02) != 0 {
data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[1];
if (offset & 0x04) != 0 {
data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[2];
if (offset & 0x08) != 0 {
data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[3];
if (offset & 0x10) != 0 {
data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[4];
if (offset & 0x20) != 0 {
data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[5];
if (offset & 0x40) != 0 {
data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[6];
if (offset & 0x80) != 0 {
data[0] |= self.keyboard_mem[7];
//info!("{}: read from keyboard {:x} of {:?}", DEV_NAME, addr, data);
} else {
log::warn!("{}: !!! unhandled read from {:0x}", DEV_NAME, addr);
@ -147,4 +162,3 @@ impl Transmutable for Model1Video {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use femtos::Frequency;
use moa_core::{System, Error, MemoryBlock, Device};
@ -46,32 +45,8 @@ pub fn build_trs80<H: Host>(host: &mut H, options: Trs80Options) -> Result<Syste
// TODO the ioport needs to be hooked up
let cpu = Z80::from_type(Z80Type::Z80, options.frequency, system.bus.clone(), 0, None);
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0x340); // "exec", the function that executes the line typed in
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0x401); // LIST command exec
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0x10); // putchar
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0xa58); // return from printing the line number
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0xc59); // the function called first thing when printing a decimal number
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0xe00); // normalize the float??
//cpu.add_breakpoint(0x970); // just after the decimal number print function is called, but after the call at the start is complete
system.add_interruptable_device("cpu", Device::new(cpu))?;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
const DEFAULT_HARTE_TESTS: &str = "tests/ProcessorTests/680x0/68000/v1/";
use std::io::prelude::*;
@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ struct TestCase {
initial_state: TestState,
#[serde(rename(deserialize = "final"))]
final_state: TestState,
length: usize
length: usize,
impl TestState {
@ -151,7 +150,9 @@ fn init_execute_test(cputype: M68kType, state: &TestState) -> Result<(M68k, Memo
// Insert basic initialization
let len = 0x100_0000;
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(len);
unsafe { data.set_len(len); }
unsafe {
let mut memory = MemoryBlock::<u32, Instant>::from(data);
let mut cpu = M68k::from_type(cputype, Frequency::from_mhz(10));
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ fn init_execute_test(cputype: M68kType, state: &TestState) -> Result<(M68k, Memo
fn assert_value<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message: &str) -> Result<(), Error>
T: PartialEq + Debug + UpperHex
T: PartialEq + Debug + UpperHex,
if actual == expected {
@ -197,13 +198,15 @@ fn load_state(cpu: &mut M68k, memory: &mut MemoryBlock<u32, Instant>, initial: &
// Load instructions into memory
for (i, ins) in initial.prefetch.iter().enumerate() {
memory.write_beu16(Instant::START, initial.pc + (i as u32 * 2), *ins)
.write_beu16(Instant::START, initial.pc + (i as u32 * 2), *ins)
.map_err(|err| Error::Bus(format!("{:?}", err)))?;
// Load data bytes into memory
for (addr, byte) in initial.ram.iter() {
memory.write_u8(Instant::START, *addr, *byte)
.write_u8(Instant::START, *addr, *byte)
.map_err(|err| Error::Bus(format!("{:?}", err)))?;
@ -237,14 +240,16 @@ fn assert_state(cpu: &M68k, memory: &mut MemoryBlock<u32, Instant>, expected: &T
// Load instructions into memory
for (i, ins) in expected.prefetch.iter().enumerate() {
let addr = expected.pc + (i as u32 * 2);
let actual = memory.read_beu16(Instant::START, addr & addr_mask)
let actual = memory
.read_beu16(Instant::START, addr & addr_mask)
.map_err(|err| Error::Bus(format!("{:?}", err)))?;
assert_value(actual, *ins, &format!("prefetch at {:x}", addr))?;
// Load data bytes into memory
for (addr, byte) in expected.ram.iter() {
let actual = memory.read_u8(Instant::START, *addr & addr_mask)
let actual = memory
.read_u8(Instant::START, *addr & addr_mask)
.map_err(|err| Error::Bus(format!("{:?}", err)))?;
assert_value(actual, *byte, &format!("ram at {:x}", addr))?;
@ -252,8 +257,14 @@ fn assert_state(cpu: &M68k, memory: &mut MemoryBlock<u32, Instant>, expected: &T
fn step_cpu_and_assert(cpu: &mut M68k, memory: &mut MemoryBlock<u32, Instant>, case: &TestCase, test_timing: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let clock_elapsed = cpu.step(Instant::START, memory)
fn step_cpu_and_assert(
cpu: &mut M68k,
memory: &mut MemoryBlock<u32, Instant>,
case: &TestCase,
test_timing: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let clock_elapsed = cpu
.step(Instant::START, memory)
.map_err(|err| Error::Step(format!("{:?}", err)))?;
let cycles = clock_elapsed.as_duration() /;
@ -282,7 +293,7 @@ fn run_test(case: &TestCase, args: &Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
initial_cpu.dump_state(&mut writer).unwrap();
cpu.dump_state(&mut writer).unwrap();
writeln!(writer, "FAILED: {:?}", err).unwrap();
writeln!(writer, "FAILED: {:?}", err).unwrap();
println!("{}", writer);
@ -315,8 +326,9 @@ fn test_json_file(path: PathBuf, args: &Args) -> (usize, usize, String) {
// Only run the test if it's selected by the exceptions flag
if case.is_extended_exception_case() && args.exceptions == Selection::ExcludeAddr
|| case.is_exception_case() && args.exceptions == Selection::Exclude
|| !case.is_exception_case() && args.exceptions == Selection::Only {
|| case.is_exception_case() && args.exceptions == Selection::Exclude
|| !case.is_exception_case() && args.exceptions == Selection::Only
@ -334,7 +346,7 @@ fn test_json_file(path: PathBuf, args: &Args) -> (usize, usize, String) {
if let Err(err) = result {
failed += 1;
if !args.quiet {
println!("FAILED: {:?}", err);
println!("FAILED: {:?}", err);
} else {
passed += 1
@ -401,7 +413,11 @@ fn run_all_tests(args: &Args) {
println!("passed: {}, failed: {}, total {:.0}%", passed, failed, ((passed as f32) / (passed as f32 + failed as f32)) * 100.0);
"passed: {}, failed: {}, total {:.0}%",
((passed as f32) / (passed as f32 + failed as f32)) * 100.0
println!("completed in {}m {}s", elapsed_secs / 60, elapsed_secs % 60);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
const DEFAULT_RAD_TESTS: &str = "tests/jsmoo/misc/tests/GeneratedTests/z80/v1/";
use std::rc::Rc;
@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ fn init_execute_test(cputype: Z80Type, state: &TestState, ports: &[TestPort]) ->
fn assert_value<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message: &str) -> Result<(), Error>
T: PartialEq + Debug + UpperHex
T: PartialEq + Debug + UpperHex,
if actual == expected {
@ -180,7 +179,13 @@ where
fn load_state(cpu: &mut Z80, system: &mut System, io_bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>, initial: &TestState, ports: &[TestPort]) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn load_state(
cpu: &mut Z80,
system: &mut System,
io_bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>,
initial: &TestState,
ports: &[TestPort],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
cpu.state.reg[0] = initial.b;
cpu.state.reg[1] = initial.c;
cpu.state.reg[2] = initial.d;
@ -223,7 +228,14 @@ fn load_state(cpu: &mut Z80, system: &mut System, io_bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>, init
const IGNORE_FLAG_MASK: u8 = Flags::F3 as u8 | Flags::F5 as u8;
fn assert_state(cpu: &Z80, system: &System, io_bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>, expected: &TestState, check_extra_flags: bool, ports: &[TestPort]) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn assert_state(
cpu: &Z80,
system: &System,
io_bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>,
expected: &TestState,
check_extra_flags: bool,
ports: &[TestPort],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
assert_value(cpu.state.reg[0], expected.b, "b")?;
assert_value(cpu.state.reg[1], expected.c, "c")?;
assert_value(cpu.state.reg[2], expected.d, "d")?;
@ -279,14 +291,24 @@ fn assert_state(cpu: &Z80, system: &System, io_bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>, expected:
fn step_cpu_and_assert(cpu: &mut Z80, system: &System, io_bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>, case: &TestCase, args: &Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn step_cpu_and_assert(
cpu: &mut Z80,
system: &System,
io_bus: Rc<RefCell<Bus>>,
case: &TestCase,
args: &Args,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let clock_elapsed = cpu.step(system)?;
assert_state(cpu, system, io_bus, &case.final_state, args.check_extra_flags, &case.ports)?;
if args.check_timings {
let cycles = clock_elapsed / cpu.frequency.period_duration();
if cycles != case.cycles.len() as Address {
return Err(Error::assertion(format!("expected instruction to take {} cycles, but took {}", case.cycles.len(), cycles)));
return Err(Error::assertion(format!(
"expected instruction to take {} cycles, but took {}",
@ -309,7 +331,7 @@ fn run_test(case: &TestCase, args: &Args) -> Result<(), Error> {
println!("FAILED: {:?}", err);
println!("FAILED: {:?}", err);
@ -353,7 +375,7 @@ fn test_json_file(path: PathBuf, args: &Args) -> (usize, usize, String) {
if let Err(err) = result {
failed += 1;
if !args.quiet {
println!("FAILED: {:?}", err);
println!("FAILED: {:?}", err);
} else {
passed += 1
@ -426,7 +448,12 @@ fn run_all_tests(args: &Args) {
println!("passed: {}, failed: {}, total {:.0}%", passed, failed, ((passed as f32) / (passed as f32 + failed as f32)) * 100.0);
"passed: {}, failed: {}, total {:.0}%",
((passed as f32) / (passed as f32 + failed as f32)) * 100.0
println!("completed in {}m {}s", elapsed_secs / 60, elapsed_secs % 60);
@ -438,28 +465,24 @@ fn is_undocumented_instruction(name: &str) -> bool {
opcodes.extend(vec![0; 3 - opcodes.len()]);
match (opcodes[0], opcodes[1]) {
(0xCB, op) => {
(0xDD, 0xCB) |
(0xFD, 0xCB) => {
!(opcodes[2] & 0x07 == 0x06 && opcodes[2] != 0x36)
(0xDD, op) |
(0xFD, op) => {
(0xCB, op) => (0x30..=0x37).contains(&op),
(0xDD, 0xCB) | (0xFD, 0xCB) => !(opcodes[2] & 0x07 == 0x06 && opcodes[2] != 0x36),
(0xDD, op) | (0xFD, op) => {
let upper = op & 0xF0;
let lower = op & 0x0F;
!(lower == 0x0E && (0x40..=0xB0).contains(&upper) || (0x70..=0x77).contains(&op) && op != 0x76 || op != 0x76 && (0x70..=0x77).contains(&op) || lower == 0x06 && (0x30..=0xB0).contains(&upper) && upper != 0x70) &&
!((0x21..=0x23).contains(&op) || (0x34..=0x36).contains(&op) || (0x29..=0x2B).contains(&op)) &&
!(lower == 0x09 && upper <= 0x30) &&
!(op == 0xE1 || op == 0xE3 || op == 0xE5 || op == 0xE9 || op == 0xF9)
!(lower == 0x0E && (0x40..=0xB0).contains(&upper)
|| (0x70..=0x77).contains(&op) && op != 0x76
|| op != 0x76 && (0x70..=0x77).contains(&op)
|| lower == 0x06 && (0x30..=0xB0).contains(&upper) && upper != 0x70)
&& !((0x21..=0x23).contains(&op) || (0x34..=0x36).contains(&op) || (0x29..=0x2B).contains(&op))
&& !(lower == 0x09 && upper <= 0x30)
&& !(op == 0xE1 || op == 0xE3 || op == 0xE5 || op == 0xE9 || op == 0xF9)
(0xED, op) => {
// NOTE this assumes the tests don't have the missing instructions, or the Z180 instructions
// so it only checks for the undocumented ones
op == 0x63 || op == 0x6B || op == 0x70 || op == 0x71
_ => false
_ => false,

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@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
* convert the Z80
* implement Inspect/Debug traits
* fix dump_state everywhere, which now requires a writer. Is there an easier way? Is there a way that doesn't require std
* can you clean it up more?
* implement the inspect and debug traits
* move the interrupt controller logic to the step() function only, and have a customish interrupt interface into the sim
* fix it to use the full 68k address space, and maybe see if it's possible to make the address translation cleaner/nicer/simpler/faster
* figure out how to do interrupts, and add them to emulator-hal, implement them in m68k
* convert peripherals to use BusAccess and Step
* replace Addressable/Steppable and modify Transmutable to use the emulator-hal traits
* remove the custom moa impls from m68k if possible at this point
* publish the emulator-hal crate
* publish the m68k and z80 crates
* do the Z80? Should that be another PR?
* fix the tests
* fix all the clippy issues
* it doesn't work when using debug due to math checks, so fix them
* change all the inspection and debugging things to return a struct which can then be printed by the frontend
* there are many issues with the coprocessor address space, and the VDP
* I mapped the sn sound chip into 0xC00010, in the middle of the VDP's address space, and didn't get a runtime error!!! needs fixing