2021-04-03 16:44:32 -05:00
docs Add useful datasheets and info when working with BBU. 2020-12-31 10:06:37 -06:00
bbu.v Documentation updates. 2020-12-31 08:27:53 -06:00
dram.v BBU: Add DRAM sim, almost done with mac128k. 2020-11-25 06:04:07 -06:00
mac128pal.v Revisited PAL logic equations, now looking really great! 2021-04-03 16:44:32 -05:00
Makefile BBU: Add DRAM sim, almost done with mac128k. 2020-11-25 06:04:07 -06:00 Documentation updates. 2020-12-31 08:27:53 -06:00
rom.v Fixes to mac128k PAL simulation issues, more documentation. 2020-11-28 16:36:09 -06:00
stdlogic.v ASG on mac128pal.v, documentation links. 2020-12-30 17:02:42 -06:00
test_mac128pal.v ASG on mac128pal.v, documentation links. 2020-12-30 17:02:42 -06:00

"BBU" Apple Custom Silicon

COMPILING: I use Icarus Verilog (iverilog) for simulation.

The "BBU" (Bob Bailey Unit), as it is called on the Macintosh SE's printed circuit board silkscreen, is a relatively complex Apple custom silicon chip, compared to the other custom chips on the Macintosh SE's Main Logic Board (MLB). Despite its intimidating look as a chip with a huge number of pins, its purpose can be summarized as follows.

  • Take the master 16 MHz clock as input and divided it down to generate the 8 MHz, 3.7 MHz, and 2 MHz clock signals as output.

    Note that these are the specific frequencies used: 15.667200 MHz, 7.8336 MHz, 3.672 MHz, and 1.9584 MHz.

    Also, note that this is the routing of the source 16 MHz clock signal. (1) 16 MHz master clock crystal -> (2) GLU chip, logically ANDs master clock with GLU *OE to disable whole system clock under certain circumstances), (3) BBU chip.

  • Provide a single address bus interface to ROM, RAM, and I/O devices, including simple digital I/O pins. Namely, for the ROM, RAM, SCC, VIA, and IWM, it uses a simple method of checking which of the upper four address lines is set and then driving the corresponding chip select pins.

    • 0 (0x000000-0x3fffff): Select RAM.
    • 1 (0x400000-0x7fffff): Select ROM, SCSI, or boot-time RAM overlay.
    • 2 (0x800000-0xbfffff): Select SCC.
    • 3 (0xc00000-0xffffff): Select IWM or VIA.

    In particular, the zones are further subdivided as follows for the Macintosh Plus, according to MESS/MAME source code:

    • 0x000000 - 0x3fffff: RAM/ROM (switches based on overlay)
    • 0x400000 - 0x4fffff: ROM
    • 0x580000 - 0x5fffff: 5380 NCR/Symbios SCSI peripherals chip
    • 0x600000 - 0x6fffff: RAM, boot-time overlay only
    • 0x800000 - 0x9fffff: Zilog 8530 SCC (Serial Control Chip) Read
    • 0xa00000 - 0xbfffff: Zilog 8530 SCC (Serial Control Chip) Write
    • 0xc00000 - 0xdfffff: IWM (Integrated Woz Machine; floppy)
    • 0xe80000 - 0xefffff: Rockwell 6522 VIA
    • 0xf00000 - 0xffffef: ??? (the ROM appears to be accessing here)
    • 0xfffff0 - 0xffffff: Auto Vector

    The Macintosh SE goes a step further and adds invalid address guard zones around the SCC and IWM mappings... these are simply available for use by PDS expansion cards:

    • 0x000000 - 0x3fffff: RAM/ROM (switches based on overlay)
    • 0x400000 - 0x4fffff: ROM
    • 0x580000 - 0x5fffff: 5380 NCR/Symbios SCSI peripherals chip
    • 0x600000 - 0x7fffff: RAM, boot-time overlay only
    • 0x900000 - 0x9fffff: Zilog 8530 SCC (Serial Control Chip) Read
    • 0xb00000 - 0xbfffff: Zilog 8530 SCC (Serial Control Chip) Write
    • 0xd00000 - 0xdfffff: IWM (Integrated Woz Machine; floppy)
    • 0xe80000 - 0xefffff: Rockwell 6522 VIA
    • 0xf00000 - 0xffffef: ??? (the ROM appears to be accessing here)
    • 0xfffff0 - 0xffffff: Auto Vector

    Note that all of these address ranges specified can be handled by only checking the upper 5 bits of the address (A19-A23), which route directly into the BBU from the main address bus. Well, except for the last one, but our BBU doens't need to do any specially handling for the sake of that zone.

    TODO VERIFY: Does the Macintosh Plus and Macintosh SE really not expose the boot-time RAM address remapping, just the ROM address remapping? This is what MESS/MAME source code seems to claim.

  • Control the RAM and ROM switches to expose the ROM overlay at 0x000000 and RAM at 0x600000 at startup. Snoop the address bus to detect the first access to the standard ROM address mapping and disable the boot-time ROM overlay, until the next RESET.

    Also, apparently, according to MESS/MAME source code, the first write to the regular RAM address zone also disables the ROM overlay.

  • Act as a DRAM controller. Set the ROM/RAM control signals depending on the particular address requested, i.e. *EN245, *ROMEN, *RAS, *CAS0L, *CAS0H, *CAS1L, *CAS1H, RAM R/*W. *PMCYC enables the row/column address multiplexers. The F257 chips are used to select separate address portions for the DRAM row and column access strobes. The LS245 chips are used to disable DRAM access during ROM access.

    DRAM is accessed by sending the row access strobe first, the column access strobe second.

    Also, note that the address multiplexing is configured as follows:

    Row access strobe: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, RA7*, A10, RA9*. Column access strobe: A1, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, RA7*, A18, RA9*.

    RA7 and RA9 are controlled directly by the BBU rather than being wired through the F257 address multiplexers. Now, the devil is in the details here because the exact control mechanism depends on how much RAM is installed.

    If only 64K RAM SIMMs are installed (which is an unsupported configuration), then RA7 is either A9 (row) or A10 (column). Bus snooping must be used to copy RA8 over to RA7 on the column access strobe. If there are two rows of DRAM SIMMs, A17 is used to determine which one to use. It could be possible that one of the unused, unlabeled BBU pins controls this setting. With the minimum configuration of one row of DRAM SIMMs, this means you can configure a Macintosh SE with only 128K of RAM. Hilarious!

    If only 256K RAM SIMMs are installed, then RA7 is either A9 (row) or A17 (column). RA9 is not used. If there are two rows of DRAM SIMMs, A19 is used to determine which one to use.

    If 1MB RAM SIMMs are installed, then RA7 is either A9 (row) or A17 (column). RA9 is either A19 (row) or A20 (column). If there are two rows of DRAM SIMMs, A21 is used to determine which one to use.

    Since RAM accesses are always on even bytes in 16-bit quantities, A0 is implied to be zero and therefore also is not available on the CPU.

    The purpose of this weird scrambled address mapping is to satisfy two goals:

    1. To allow the framebuffer scanning circuitry to double as DRAM refresh.

    2. To enable fast-page mode (FPM) for fetching two 16-bit words in sequence (one "longword"). This in turn reduces the BBU's memory access overhead and therefore increases the speed of CPU memory accesses. Guide to the Macintosh family hardware, page 401.

  • Please note that the framebuffer scanning circuitry only refreshes the DRAM rows controlled by RA0 through RA8. RA9 is only accessed by software. That means if there is more than one megabyte of DRAM installed, there must be a software routine to continuously scan a contiguous 2KB buffer within the first 512KB of RAM (or an alternate but equivalent strategy). The is the same behavior as was used in the Macintosh Plus and earlier. Guide to the Macintosh family hardware, page 194

    This is a bit of a bummer, but even though I don't quite understand how 4MB DRAM refresh works, maybe it will "just work" in the real system.

    PLEASE NOTE. Macintosh SE/30 takes one access cycle every 15.6us for DRAM refresh.

  • So, wow. Here's a list of all possible Macintosh SE RAM configurations.

    128K (double undocumented), 256K (double undocumented), 512K (undocumented), 1MB, 2MB, 4MB.

  • Refresh the DRAM by periodically reading some arbitrary memory from every available row. Similar to the Apple II, the framebuffer scan doubles as a DRAM refresh. Except that high RAM requires software refresh. How does this need play together with the PDS card's ability to request priority access over DTACK? Maybe the refresh circuitry still continues to function, but without driving DTACK for the duration that the PDS card requests driving the signal.

  • Scan the CRT by driving the primary digital control signals (*VSYNC, *HSYNC, VIDOUT). Read directly from RAM buffers as required, and use *DTACK to prevent the CPU from accessing RAM at the same time.

  • Generate the PWM signals for sound output and disk drive speed control. Read directly from RAM buffers as required. Note that the Macintosh SE deprecated the alternate sound buffer found in previous compact Macintoshes.

  • Handle SCSI DMA transfers, if the mode is enabled by the ROM. However, as I understand it, the Macintosh SE ROM does not actually support SCSI DMA transfer, even though the hardware is capable of supporting it.

  • Please note: For pin numbering, use this datasheet for reference with the schematic and the physical board layout.


There might be additional processing functions it may provide as a convenience between the CPU and the various other hardware chips, but chances are these processing functions are relatively simple.

Most of the I/O pins that are connected to the BBU are single-bit digital I/O signals that are relatively easy to understand. Reverse engineering the Macintosh SE's firmware may be required to determine how these pins are mapped into the CPU's address space, but once that determination is made, providing a replica interface to most of the connected hardware should be super-easy.

The following I/O chips are connected to the BBU:

  • VIA interrupt controller

  • IWM/SWIM floppy disk controller

  • SCSI Controller

  • Serial Communications Controller (SCC)

Other chips that are connected to the BBU are mainly interfaced via only simple, single-pin interfaces.

Please note that PDS cards can also access DRAM, not just the CPU. This is mainly a matter of bus arbitration, then as far s the BBU is concerned, PDS access to DRAM should appear identical to CPU access to DRAM. Guide to the Macintosh family hardware, page 84.

More explanation on pin functions

  • RA0 - RA9: Address-multiplexed pins intended to connect directly to the address lines on the RAM SIMMs, outputs.

  • RA9 is only controlled when the MBRAM input is TRUE, i.e. +5V. This indicates that 1MB RAM SIMMs are being used. Otherwise, it is kept at zero and high memory addresses wrap around. 256K RAM SIMMs are used in this case.

  • When ROW2 input is TRUE, i.e. +5V, it indicates that both RAM SIMM rows are in use. Otherwise, only the first row of RAM SIMM is used and high addresses wrap around. And, CAS1L and CAS1H are not driven.

  • If both MBRAM and ROW2 are TRUE, i.e. +5V, it is also possible for the BBU to detect a 2.5MB RAM configuration and address wrap-around will change accordingly.

  • RDQ0 - RDQ15 are bidirectional data signals, they are the primary means by which single-pin I/O devices and the like are mapped into the address space that can be directly accessed by the CPU, in conjunction with the address inputs. Namely, the BBU reads and writes to RAM, and the CPU accesses that RAM on its own time.

  • The C8M and C3.7M clock signals are outputs. The master clock crystal is C16M, 16 MHz, generated by the "FOX" crystal oscillator on the MLB. C16M is an input to the BBU.

    Please note: The "F" suffixes is a good hint saying that a signal is "filtered," which only happens after a signal has already been output from the primary device. So, if you are connecting to an "F" signal, that means you're an input. Otherwise, you're an output.

  • All peripheral/device chip select/enable signals are output signals.

  • MC68000 output signals directly connected to the BBU are BBU input signals. Namely: *LDS, *UDS, R/*W, *AS.

  • Output signals that connect to MC68000 inputs: *DTACK, *BERR, *IPL0, *VPA.

  • *IPL1 is an input, it is generated by the SCC and the BBU yields to it if necessary by not generating *IPL0.

  • Is *RES an input only? I would assume so, assuming there is another, dedicated circuit to control hard board resets. Note that the PDS bus connector ties the *HALT and *RES signals together. So, if the MC68000 CPU executes a RESET instruction, that won't just reset all peripheral devices, but it will also reset the CPU itself.

    Note that the BBU needs a RESET input pin for its own sake since it includes sequential logic to scan the CRT and sound buffers. BUT, this is the key to remember: if you hold down the programmer's reset button on a Macintosh computer, that doesn't cause the CRT to blank out to black. That's how we know the BBU only relies on an internal power-on reset for at least for some circuits. Other circuits like the ROM overlay switch are reset by the external reset too.

  • C2M is an output signal, it primarily controls the address multiplexers to select either the row address (zero) or column address (one). Older Macintoshes connected directly to a 2 MHz signal, but this is actually a misnomer in the case of the Macintosh SE because is uses a more tailored approach for higher performance through the use of DRAM Fast Page Mode (FPM).

  • *PMCYC is an output signal. Its primary conceptual purpose is to define "whose turn" it is to access DRAM, the CPU or the BBU? In the Macintosh Plus, this was a simple 1 MHz clock (that was masked during the vertical blanking interval), since the CPU always takes a multiple of 4 clock cycles at 8 MHz to access DRAM. But the Macintosh SE uses a more sophisticated pattern to give the CPU as large of a time share as possible to access DRAM. The symbol is probably short for Processor Memory CYCle. It only connects to the PDS slot and the F257 chips.

Peripheral device signals, input or output?

  • *EXT.DTK is an input signal, for PDS use. If this pin is pulled low, then the system expansion card is responsible for generating the *DTACK signal to indicate to the CPU that the data transfer is complete. The BBU puts the signal in a high-impedance state.


    However, please note that the BBU can still access DRAM on its regular turn to do so. The primary purpose of a PDS card driving *DTACK, of course, is for I/O-mapped I/O where the memory in question is hosted on the PDS card, not in the system's main DRAM. If the BBU were to start the process of accessing DRAM on behalf of the CPU, it will cancel it upon detection of this signal.

    In the Macintosh Classic schematic, this pin is connected to a pull-up resistor since the Classic doesn't support PDS expansion cards.

  • *EAREN is very likely an output signal (also for PDS use), for the reason it is not indicated in the Bomarc Macintosh Classic schematics, i.e. it could be disconnected entirely. Also, note that we don't need to actually implement this signal because it is marked as "reserved" in the PDS slot documentation.

  • Output signals: *SCCRD, *PWM, *DACK, SND, *VSYNC, *HSYNC, VIDOUT.

  • Output SELECT signals: IWM, *SCCEN. VIA.CS1.

  • Input signals: VIDPG2, SNDRES, SCSIDRQ, VIAIRQ.

Digital copy of Guide to the Macintosh family hardware on the Internet Archive:


Please note: Information on how the older compact Macintosh PAL gates worked, which provide nearly identical functionality of the BBU.


Here are scans of one of the drafts of the Unitron's reverse engineering efforts for the PAL. The Unitron is the first Macintosh clone. Despite minor errors in some of the more difficult to reverse engineer equations, these equations are far more accurate than most third-party equation sources.


Please note that I have corrected some of the errors in my simulatable transcribed copy of the equations into Verilog, see mac128pal.v.

There is still more to learn/investigate relating to unspecified signals.

Ideas for Enhancements

  • Auto-detect jumper settings for RAM by testing for address wrap-around. Unfortunately, because the CPU HALT and RESET are wired together, this probably requires circuit board changes to function successfully.

  • Allow the use of even faster DRAM by speeding up the BBU's internal timing. The internal clock would be driven by an internal oscillator as a phase-locked-loop on the 16 MHz external clock. The CPU could then be able to always access DRAM with zero wait states.

  • Add Memory Manager Unit (MMU) functionality to implement virtual memory. In order to be compatible with the original MC68000, all the logic to handle page faults would need to be built into the BBU itself and the CPU is simply instructed to wait additional cycles by holding the *DTACK signal deasserted.

  • Implement bank switching to allow access to more than 4MB of RAM without requiring a CPU that is capable of virtual memory. The original MC68000 CPU in particular does not allow for exception-handling that repeats execution of a faulted instruction, hence it is not capable of a straightforward implementation of virtual memory that uses page faults.

  • It could be possible to choose a FPGA with a sufficient quantity of SRAM (or even DRAM) stacked within it such that the physical DRAM sticks are not needed.