
561 lines
20 KiB
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-- Copyright (c) 2015 David Banks
-- ____ ____
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-- / / Filename : BusMonCore.vhd
-- /___/ /\ Timestamp : 30/05/2015
-- \ \ / \
-- \___\/\___\
--Design Name: AtomBusMon
--Device: XC3S250E
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.OhoPack.all ;
entity BusMonCore is
generic (
num_comparators : integer := 8;
reg_width : integer := 46;
fifo_width : integer := 72;
avr_data_mem_size : integer := 1024 * 2; -- 2K is the mimimum
avr_prog_mem_size : integer := 1024 * 8 -- Default is 8K, 6809 amd Z80 need 9K
port (
clock_avr : in std_logic;
busmon_clk : in std_logic;
busmon_clken : in std_logic;
cpu_clk : in std_logic;
cpu_clken : in std_logic;
-- CPU Signals
Addr : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
Data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
Rd_n : in std_logic;
Wr_n : in std_logic;
RdIO_n : in std_logic;
WrIO_n : in std_logic;
Sync : in std_logic;
Rdy : out std_logic;
nRSTin : in std_logic;
nRSTout : out std_logic;
CountCycle : in std_logic;
-- CPU Registers
-- unused in pure bus monitor mode
Regs : in std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
-- CPU Memory Read/Write
-- unused in pure bus monitor mode
RdMemOut : out std_logic;
WrMemOut : out std_logic;
RdIOOut : out std_logic;
WrIOOut : out std_logic;
AddrOut : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DataOut : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DataIn : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
Done : in std_logic;
-- Single Step interface
SS_Single : out std_logic;
SS_Step : out std_logic;
-- External trigger inputs
trig : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- HD44780 LCD
lcd_rs : out std_logic;
lcd_rw : out std_logic;
lcd_e : out std_logic;
lcd_db : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 4);
-- AVR Serial Port
avr_RxD : in std_logic;
avr_TxD : out std_logic;
-- GODIL Switches
sw1 : in std_logic;
nsw2 : in std_logic;
led3 : out std_logic;
led6 : out std_logic;
led8 : out std_logic;
-- OHO_DY1 connected to test connector
tmosi : out std_logic;
tdin : out std_logic;
tcclk : out std_logic
end BusMonCore;
architecture behavioral of BusMonCore is
signal nrst_avr : std_logic;
signal lcd_rw_int : std_logic;
signal lcd_db_in : std_logic_vector(7 downto 4);
signal lcd_db_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 4);
signal dy_counter : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal dy_data : y2d_type ;
signal mux : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal muxsel : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal cmd_edge : std_logic;
signal cmd_edge1 : std_logic;
signal cmd_edge2 : std_logic;
signal cmd : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal addr_sync : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal addr_inst : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal Addr1 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal Data1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal cycleCount : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal cycleCount_inst : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal single : std_logic;
signal reset : std_logic;
signal step : std_logic;
signal bw_status : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal bw_status1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal auto_inc : std_logic;
signal brkpt_reg : std_logic_vector(num_comparators * reg_width - 1 downto 0);
signal brkpt_enable : std_logic;
signal brkpt_active : std_logic;
signal brkpt_active1 : std_logic;
signal watch_active : std_logic;
signal fifo_din : std_logic_vector(fifo_width - 1 downto 0);
signal fifo_dout : std_logic_vector(fifo_width - 1 downto 0);
signal fifo_empty : std_logic;
signal fifo_rd : std_logic;
signal fifo_rd_en : std_logic;
signal fifo_wr : std_logic;
signal fifo_wr_en : std_logic;
signal fifo_rst : std_logic;
signal memory_rd : std_logic;
signal memory_wr : std_logic;
signal io_rd : std_logic;
signal io_wr : std_logic;
signal addr_dout_reg : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal din_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Rdy_int : std_logic;
signal unused_a3 : std_logic;
signal unused_b6 : std_logic;
signal unused_b7 : std_logic;
signal unused_d6 : std_logic;
signal unused_d7 : std_logic;
inst_oho_dy1 : entity work.Oho_Dy1 port map (
dy_clock => clock_avr,
dy_rst_n => '1',
dy_data => dy_data,
dy_update => '1',
dy_frame => open,
dy_frameend => open,
dy_frameend_c => open,
dy_pwm => "1010",
dy_counter => dy_counter,
dy_sclk => tdin,
dy_ser => tcclk,
dy_rclk => tmosi
Inst_AVR8: entity work.AVR8
generic map(
CDATAMEMSIZE => avr_data_mem_size,
CPROGMEMSIZE => avr_prog_mem_size
port map(
clk16M => clock_avr,
nrst => nrst_avr,
portain(0) => '0',
portain(1) => '0',
portain(2) => '0',
portain(3) => '0',
portain(4) => lcd_db_in(4),
portain(5) => lcd_db_in(5),
portain(6) => lcd_db_in(6),
portain(7) => lcd_db_in(7),
portaout(0) => lcd_rs,
portaout(1) => lcd_rw_int,
portaout(2) => lcd_e,
portaout(3) => unused_a3,
portaout(4) => lcd_db_out(4),
portaout(5) => lcd_db_out(5),
portaout(6) => lcd_db_out(6),
portaout(7) => lcd_db_out(7),
-- Command Port
portbin(0) => '0',
portbin(1) => '0',
portbin(2) => '0',
portbin(3) => '0',
portbin(4) => '0',
portbin(5) => '0',
portbin(6) => '0',
portbin(7) => '0',
portbout(0) => cmd(0),
portbout(1) => cmd(1),
portbout(2) => cmd(2),
portbout(3) => cmd(3),
portbout(4) => cmd(4),
portbout(5) => cmd_edge,
portbout(6) => unused_b6,
portbout(7) => unused_b7,
-- Status Port
portdin(0) => '0',
portdin(1) => '0',
portdin(2) => '0',
portdin(3) => '0',
portdin(4) => '0',
portdin(5) => '0',
portdin(6) => sw1,
portdin(7) => not fifo_empty,
portdout(0) => muxsel(0),
portdout(1) => muxsel(1),
portdout(2) => muxsel(2),
portdout(3) => muxsel(3),
portdout(4) => muxsel(4),
portdout(5) => muxsel(5),
portdout(6) => unused_d6,
portdout(7) => unused_d7,
-- Mux Port
portein => mux,
porteout => open,
spi_mosio => open,
spi_scko => open,
spi_misoi => '0',
rxd => avr_RxD,
txd => avr_TxD
WatchEvents_inst : entity work.WatchEvents port map(
clk => busmon_clk,
srst => fifo_rst,
din => fifo_din,
wr_en => fifo_wr_en,
rd_en => fifo_rd_en,
dout => fifo_dout,
full => open,
empty => fifo_empty
fifo_wr_en <= fifo_wr and busmon_clken;
fifo_rd_en <= fifo_rd and busmon_clken;
-- The fifo is writen the cycle after the break point
-- Addr1 is the address bus delayed by 1 cycle
-- DataWr1 is the data being written delayed by 1 cycle
-- DataRd is the data being read, that is already one cycle late
-- bw_state1(1) is 1 for writes, and 0 for reads
fifo_din <= cycleCount_inst & "0000" & bw_status1 & Data1 & Addr1 & addr_inst;
lcd_rw <= lcd_rw_int;
lcd_db <= lcd_db_out when lcd_rw_int = '0' else (others => 'Z');
lcd_db_in <= lcd_db;
led3 <= not trig(0); -- red
led6 <= not trig(1); -- red
led8 <= not brkpt_active; -- green
nrst_avr <= nsw2;
-- OHO DY1 Display for Testing
dy_data(0) <= hex & "0000" & Addr(3 downto 0);
dy_data(1) <= hex & "0000" & Addr(7 downto 4);
dy_data(2) <= hex & "0000" & "00" & (not nsw2) & sw1;
mux <= addr_inst(7 downto 0) when muxsel = 0 else
addr_inst(15 downto 8) when muxsel = 1 else
din_reg when muxsel = 2 else
cycleCount(23 downto 16) when muxsel = 3 else
cycleCount(7 downto 0) when muxsel = 4 else
cycleCount(15 downto 8) when muxsel = 5 else
fifo_dout(7 downto 0) when muxsel = 6 else
fifo_dout(15 downto 8) when muxsel = 7 else
fifo_dout(23 downto 16) when muxsel = 8 else
fifo_dout(31 downto 24) when muxsel = 9 else
fifo_dout(39 downto 32) when muxsel = 10 else
fifo_dout(47 downto 40) when muxsel = 11 else
fifo_dout(55 downto 48) when muxsel = 12 else
fifo_dout(63 downto 56) when muxsel = 13 else
fifo_dout(71 downto 64) when muxsel = 14 else
Regs(8 * to_integer(unsigned(muxsel(4 downto 0))) + 7 downto 8 * to_integer(unsigned(muxsel(4 downto 0))));
-- Combinatorial set of comparators to decode breakpoint/watch addresses
brkpt_active_process: process (brkpt_reg, brkpt_enable, Addr, Sync, Rd_n, Wr_n, RdIO_n, WrIO_n, trig)
variable i : integer;
variable reg_addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
variable reg_mask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
variable reg_mode_bmr : std_logic;
variable reg_mode_bmw : std_logic;
variable reg_mode_bir : std_logic;
variable reg_mode_biw : std_logic;
variable reg_mode_bx : std_logic;
variable reg_mode_wmr : std_logic;
variable reg_mode_wmw : std_logic;
variable reg_mode_wir : std_logic;
variable reg_mode_wiw : std_logic;
variable reg_mode_wx : std_logic;
variable reg_mode_all : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
variable bactive : std_logic;
variable wactive : std_logic;
variable status : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable trigval : std_logic;
bactive := '0';
wactive := '0';
status := (others => '0');
if (brkpt_enable = '1') then
for i in 0 to num_comparators - 1 loop
reg_addr := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 15 downto i * reg_width);
reg_mask := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 31 downto i * reg_width + 16);
reg_mode_bmr := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 32);
reg_mode_wmr := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 33);
reg_mode_bmw := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 34);
reg_mode_wmw := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 35);
reg_mode_bir := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 36);
reg_mode_wir := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 37);
reg_mode_biw := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 38);
reg_mode_wiw := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 39);
reg_mode_bx := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 40);
reg_mode_wx := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 41);
reg_mode_all := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 41 downto i * reg_width + 32);
trigval := brkpt_reg(i * reg_width + 42 + to_integer(unsigned(trig)));
if (trigval = '1' and ((Addr and reg_mask) = reg_addr or (reg_mode_all = "0000000000"))) then
if (Sync = '1') then
if (reg_mode_bx = '1') then
bactive := '1';
status := "1000";
elsif (reg_mode_wx = '1') then
wactive := '1';
status := "1001";
end if;
elsif (Rd_n = '0') then
if (reg_mode_bmr = '1') then
bactive := '1';
status := "0000";
elsif (reg_mode_wmr = '1') then
wactive := '1';
status := "0001";
end if;
elsif (Wr_n = '0') then
if (reg_mode_bmw = '1') then
bactive := '1';
status := "0010";
elsif (reg_mode_wmw = '1') then
wactive := '1';
status := "0011";
end if;
elsif (RdIO_n = '0') then
if (reg_mode_bir = '1') then
bactive := '1';
status := "0100";
elsif (reg_mode_wir = '1') then
wactive := '1';
status := "0101";
end if;
elsif (WrIO_n = '0') then
if (reg_mode_biw = '1') then
bactive := '1';
status := "0110";
elsif (reg_mode_wiw = '1') then
wactive := '1';
status := "0111";
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
watch_active <= wactive;
brkpt_active <= bactive;
bw_status <= status;
end process;
-- CPU Control Commands
-- 0000x Enable/Disable single strpping
-- 0001x Enable/Disable breakpoints / watches
-- 0010x Load breakpoint / watch register
-- 0011x Reset CPU
-- 01000 Singe Step CPU
-- 01001 Read FIFO
-- 01010 Reset FIFO
-- 01011 Unused
-- 0110x Load address/data register
-- 0111x Unused
-- 10000 Read Memory
-- 10001 Read Memory and Auto Inc Address
-- 10010 Write Memory
-- 10011 Write Memory and Auto Inc Address
-- 10000 Read Memory
-- 10001 Read Memory and Auto Inc Address
-- 10010 Write Memory
-- 10011 Write Memory and Auto Inc Address
-- 1x1xx Unused
-- 11xxx Unused
cpuProcess: process (busmon_clk)
if rising_edge(busmon_clk) then
if busmon_clken = '1' then
-- Cycle counter, wraps every 16s at 1MHz
if (nRSTin = '0') then
cycleCount <= (others => '0');
elsif (CountCycle = '1') then
cycleCount <= cycleCount + 1;
end if;
-- Command processing
cmd_edge1 <= cmd_edge;
cmd_edge2 <= cmd_edge1;
fifo_rd <= '0';
fifo_wr <= '0';
fifo_rst <= '0';
memory_rd <= '0';
memory_wr <= '0';
io_rd <= '0';
io_wr <= '0';
SS_Step <= '0';
if (cmd_edge2 = '0' and cmd_edge1 = '1') then
if (cmd(4 downto 1) = "0000") then
single <= cmd(0);
end if;
if (cmd(4 downto 1) = "0001") then
brkpt_enable <= cmd(0);
end if;
if (cmd(4 downto 1) = "0010") then
brkpt_reg <= cmd(0) & brkpt_reg(brkpt_reg'length - 1 downto 1);
end if;
if (cmd(4 downto 1) = "0110") then
addr_dout_reg <= cmd(0) & addr_dout_reg(addr_dout_reg'length - 1 downto 1);
end if;
if (cmd(4 downto 1) = "0011") then
reset <= cmd(0);
end if;
if (cmd(4 downto 0) = "01001") then
fifo_rd <= '1';
end if;
if (cmd(4 downto 0) = "01010") then
fifo_rst <= '1';
end if;
if (cmd(4 downto 1) = "1000") then
memory_rd <= '1';
auto_inc <= cmd(0);
end if;
if (cmd(4 downto 1) = "1001") then
memory_wr <= '1';
auto_inc <= cmd(0);
end if;
if (cmd(4 downto 1) = "1010") then
io_rd <= '1';
auto_inc <= cmd(0);
end if;
if (cmd(4 downto 1) = "1011") then
io_wr <= '1';
auto_inc <= cmd(0);
end if;
end if;
-- Auto increment the memory address reg the cycle after a rd/wr
if (auto_inc = '1' and Done = '1') then
addr_dout_reg(23 downto 8) <= addr_dout_reg(23 downto 8) + 1;
end if;
-- Single Stepping
if (brkpt_active = '1') then
single <= '1';
end if;
if ((single = '0') or (cmd_edge2 = '0' and cmd_edge1 = '1' and cmd = "01000")) then
Rdy_int <= (not brkpt_active);
SS_Step <= (not brkpt_active);
Rdy_int <= (not Sync);
end if;
nRSTout <= not reset;
-- Latch instruction address for the whole cycle
if (Sync = '1') then
addr_inst <= Addr;
cycleCount_inst <= cycleCount;
end if;
-- Breakpoints and Watches written to the FIFO
brkpt_active1 <= brkpt_active;
bw_status1 <= bw_status;
if watch_active = '1' or (brkpt_active = '1' and brkpt_active1 = '0') then
fifo_wr <= '1';
Addr1 <= Addr;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
dataProcess: process (cpu_clk)
if rising_edge(cpu_clk) then
if cpu_clken = '1' then
-- Latch the data bus for use in watches
Data1 <= Data;
-- Latch memory read in response to a read command
if (Done = '1') then
din_reg <= DataIn;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Rdy <= Rdy_int;
RdMemOut <= memory_rd;
WrMemOut <= memory_wr;
RdIOOut <= io_rd;
WrIOOut <= io_wr;
AddrOut <= addr_dout_reg(23 downto 8);
DataOut <= addr_dout_reg(7 downto 0);
SS_Single <= single;
end behavioral;