2023-08-12 23:53:25 -04:00
module RAM2GS(PHI2, MAin, CROW, Din, Dout,
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* 65816 Phase 2 Clock */
input PHI2;
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* Async. DRAM Control Inputs */
input nCCAS, nCRAS;
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* Synchronized PHI2 and DRAM signals */
reg PHI2r, PHI2r2, PHI2r3;
reg RASr, RASr2, RASr3;
reg CASr, CASr2, CASr3;
reg FWEr;
reg CBR;
2023-08-12 23:53:25 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* Activity LED */
2023-09-30 04:50:51 -04:00
reg LEDEN;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
output LED;
2023-09-29 15:18:46 -04:00
assign LED = !(!nCRAS && !CBR && LEDEN && Ready);
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* 65816 Data */
input [7:0] Din;
output [7:0] Dout;
assign Dout[7:0] = RD[7:0];
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* Latched 65816 Bank Address */
reg [7:0] Bank;
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* Async. DRAM Address Bus */
input [1:0] CROW;
input [9:0] MAin;
input nFWE;
reg n8MEGEN = 0;
reg XOR8MEG = 0;
/* SDRAM Clock */
input RCLK;
/* SDRAM */
output reg RCKE = 0;
output reg nRCS = 1, nRRAS = 1, nRCAS = 1, nRWE = 1;
output reg [1:0] RBA;
reg nRowColSel;
reg RA11;
reg RA10;
reg [9:0] RowA;
output [11:0] RA;
assign RA[11] = RA11;
assign RA[10] = RA10;
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
assign RA[9:0] = !nRowColSel ? RowA[9:0] : MAin[9:0];
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
output RDQML, RDQMH;
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
assign RDQML = !nRowColSel ? 1'b1 : !MAin[9];
assign RDQMH = !nRowColSel ? 1'b1 : MAin[9];
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
reg [7:0] WRD;
inout [7:0] RD;
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
assign RD[7:0] = (!nCCAS && !nFWE) ? WRD[7:0] : 8'bZ;
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* UFM Interface */
reg UFMD = 0; // UFM data register bit 15
reg ARCLK = 0; // UFM address register clock
// UFM address register data input tied to 0
reg ARShift = 0; // 1 to Shift UFM address in, 0 to increment
reg DRCLK = 0; // UFM data register clock
reg DRDIn = 0; // UFM data register input
reg DRShift = 0; // 1 to shift UFM out, 0 to load from current address
reg UFMErase = 0; // Rising edge starts erase. UFM+RTP must not be busy
reg UFMProgram = 0; // Rising edge starts program. UFM+RTP must not be busy
reg UFMOscEN = 0; // UFM oscillator enable
2023-09-29 09:37:38 -04:00
wire UFMBusyAsync; // 1 if UFM is doing user operation. Asynchronous
wire RTPBusyAsync; // 1 if real-time programming in progress. Asynchronous
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
wire DRDOut; // UFM data output
// UFM oscillator always enabled
wire UFMOsc; // UFM oscillator output (3.3-5.5 MHz)
UFM UFM_inst ( // UFM IP block (for Altera MAX II and MAX V)
.arclk (ARCLK),
.ardin (1'b0),
.arshft (ARShift),
.drclk (DRCLK),
.drdin (DRDIn),
.drshft (DRShift),
.erase (UFMErase),
.oscena (UFMOscEN),
.program (UFMProgram),
2023-09-29 09:37:38 -04:00
.busy (UFMBusyAsync),
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
.drdout (DRDOut),
.osc (UFMOsc),
2023-09-29 09:37:38 -04:00
.rtpbusy (RTPBusyAsync));
// UFMBusy registered to sync with RCLK
2023-09-30 04:50:51 -04:00
reg UFMBusyReg; always @(posedge RCLK) UFMBusyReg <= UFMBusyAsync;
2023-09-29 09:37:38 -04:00
// RTPBusy registered to sync with RCLK
2023-09-30 04:50:51 -04:00
reg RTPBusyReg; always @(posedge RCLK) RTPBusyReg <= RTPBusyAsync;
2023-09-29 09:37:38 -04:00
// UFMRTPBusy ORs both
2023-09-30 04:50:51 -04:00
reg UFMRTPBusy; always @(posedge RCLK) UFMRTPBusy <= UFMBusyReg || RTPBusyReg;
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* UFM State */
reg UFMInitDone = 0; // 1 if UFM initialization finished
reg UFMReqErase = 0; // 1 if UFM requires erase
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* UFM Command Interface */
reg C1Submitted = 0;
reg ADSubmitted = 0;
reg CmdEnable = 0;
reg CmdSubmitted = 0;
reg Cmdn8MEGEN = 0;
reg CmdLEDEN = 0;
reg CmdDRCLK = 0;
reg CmdDRDIn = 0;
reg CmdUFMErase = 0; // Set by user command. Programs UFM
reg CmdUFMPrgm = 0; // Set by user command. Erases UFM
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
wire ADWR = Bank[7:0]==8'hFB && MAin[7:0]==8'hFF && !nFWE;
wire C1WR = Bank[7:0]==8'hFB && MAin[7:0]==8'hFE && !nFWE;
wire CMDWR = Bank[7:0]==8'hFB && MAin[7:0]==8'hFD && !nFWE;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* State Counters */
reg InitReady = 0; // 1 if ready for init sequence
reg Ready = 0; // 1 if done with init sequence
reg [1:0] S = 0; // post-RAS State counter
reg [17:0] FS = 0; // Fast init state counter
reg [3:0] IS = 0; // Init state counter
/* Synchronize PHI2, RAS, CAS */
always @(posedge RCLK) begin
PHI2r <= PHI2; PHI2r2 <= PHI2r; PHI2r3 <= PHI2r2;
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
RASr <= !nCRAS; RASr2 <= RASr; RASr3 <= RASr2;
CASr <= !nCCAS; CASr2 <= CASr; CASr3 <= CASr2;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* Latch 65816 bank when PHI2 rises */
always @(posedge PHI2) begin
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (Ready) RA11 <= (Din[6] && !n8MEGEN) ^ XOR8MEG; // Set RA11
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
else RA11 <= 1'b0; // Reserved in mode register
Bank[7:0] <= Din[7:0]; // Latch bank
/* Latch bank address, row address, WE, and CAS when RAS falls */
always @(negedge nCRAS) begin
if (Ready) begin
RBA[1:0] <= CROW[1:0];
RowA[9:0] <= MAin[9:0];
end else begin
RBA[1:0] <= 2'b00; // Reserved in mode register
RowA[9] <= 1'b1; // "1" for single write mode
RowA[8] <= 1'b0; // Reserved
RowA[7] <= 1'b0; // "0" for not test mode
RowA[6:4] <= 3'b010; // "2" for CAS latency 2
RowA[3] <= 1'b0; // "0" for sequential burst (not used)
RowA[2:0] <= 3'b000; // "0" for burst length 1 (no burst)
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
FWEr <= !nFWE;
CBR <= !nCCAS;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* Latch write data when CAS falls */
always @(negedge nCCAS) begin
WRD[7:0] <= Din[7:0];
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* State counter from RAS */
always @(posedge RCLK) begin
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (!RASr2) S <= 0;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
else if (S==2'h3) S <= 2'h3;
else S <= S+2'h1;
/* Init state counter */
always @(posedge RCLK) begin
// Wait ~4.178ms (at 62.5 MHz) before starting init sequence
FS <= FS+18'h1;
2023-09-29 15:18:46 -04:00
if (FS[17:10]==8'hFF) InitReady <= 1'b1;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
always @(posedge RCLK) begin
// Only 1 LUT4 allowed for this function!
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
RCKE <= ((RASr || RASr2) && RCKEEN) || (!RASr2 && RASr3);
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* SDRAM command */
always @(posedge RCLK) begin
if (Ready) begin
if (S==0) begin
if (RASr2) begin
if (CBR) begin
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRRAS <= 1'b0;
nRCAS <= 1'b0;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // RA10 is don't care
end else begin
// ACT
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRRAS <= 1'b0;
nRCAS <= 1'b1;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // Bank RA10 consistently "1"
// Enable clock only for reads
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
RCKEEN <= !CBR && !FWEr;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
end else if (RCKE) begin
// PCall
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRRAS <= 1'b0;
nRCAS <= 1'b1;
nRWE <= 1'b0;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // "all"
RCKEEN <= 1'b1;
end else begin
// NOP
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRRAS <= 1'b1;
nRCAS <= 1'b1;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // RA10 is don't care
RCKEEN <= 1'b1;
nRowColSel <= 1'b0; // Select registered row addres
end else if (S==1) begin
// NOP
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRRAS <= 1'b1;
nRCAS <= 1'b1;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // RA10 is don't care
nRowColSel <= 1'b1; // Select asynchronous column address
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
RCKEEN <= !CBR; // Disable clock if refresh cycle
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
end else if (S==2) begin
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (!FWEr && !CBR) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// RD
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRRAS <= 1'b1;
nRCAS <= 1'b0;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // Auto-precharge
end else begin
// NOP
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRRAS <= 1'b1;
nRCAS <= 1'b1;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // RA10 is don't care
nRowColSel <= 1'b1; // Select asynchronous column address
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
RCKEEN <= !CBR && FWEr; // Enable clock only for writes
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
end else if (S==3) begin
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (CASr2 && !CASr3 && !CBR && FWEr) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// WR
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRRAS <= 1'b1;
nRCAS <= 1'b0;
nRWE <= 1'b0;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // Auto-precharge
end else begin
// NOP
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRRAS <= 1'b1;
nRCAS <= 1'b1;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // RA10 is don't care
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
nRowColSel <= !(!FWEr || CASr3 || CBR);
RCKEEN <= !(!FWEr || CASr2 || CBR);
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
end else if (InitReady) begin
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (S==0 && RASr2) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
if (IS==0) begin
// NOP
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRRAS <= 1'b1;
nRCAS <= 1'b1;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // RA10 is don't care
end else if (IS==1) begin
// PC all
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRRAS <= 1'b0;
nRCAS <= 1'b1;
nRWE <= 1'b0;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // "all"
end else if (IS==9) begin
// Load mode register
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRRAS <= 1'b0;
nRCAS <= 1'b0;
nRWE <= 1'b0;
RA10 <= 1'b0; // Reserved in mode register
end else begin
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRRAS <= 1'b0;
nRCAS <= 1'b0;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // RA10 is don't care
IS <= IS+4'h1;
end else begin
// NOP
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRRAS <= 1'b1;
nRCAS <= 1'b1;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // RA10 is don't care
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (S==3 && !RASr2 && IS==15) Ready <= 1'b1;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
nRowColSel <= 1'b0; // Select registered row address
RCKEEN <= 1'b1;
end else begin
// NOP
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRRAS <= 1'b1;
nRCAS <= 1'b1;
nRWE <= 1'b1;
RA10 <= 1'b1; // RA10 is don't care
nRowColSel <= 1'b0; // Select registered row address
RCKEEN <= 1'b0;
/* Submit command when PHI2 falls */
always @(negedge PHI2) begin
// Magic number check
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (C1WR && Din[7:0]==8'hC1) begin // "C1" magic number
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
if (ADSubmitted) begin
CmdEnable <= 1'b1;
UFMOscEN <= 1'b1;
C1Submitted <= 1'b1;
ADSubmitted <= 1'b0;
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
end else if (ADWR && Din[7:0]==8'hAD) begin // "AD" magic number
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
if (C1Submitted) begin
CmdEnable <= 1'b1;
UFMOscEN <= 1'b1;
ADSubmitted <= 1'b1;
C1Submitted <= 1'b0;
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
end else if (C1WR || ADWR) begin // wrong magic number submitted
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
CmdEnable <= 1'b0;
C1Submitted <= 1'b0;
ADSubmitted <= 1'b0;
end else if (CMDWR) CmdEnable <= 1'b0;
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// Submit command
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (CMDWR && CmdEnable) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
if (Din[7:4]==4'h0 && Din[3:2]==2'b00) begin // MAX w/LED
// if (Din[7:4]==4'h0) begin // MAX w/o LED
// if (Din[7:4]==4'h0 && Din[3:2]==2'b01) begin // LCMXO / iCE40 / AGM
// if (Din[7:4]==4'h0 && Din[3:2]==2'b10) begin // LCMXO2
XOR8MEG <= Din[0] && !(LEDEN && Din[1]);
end else if (Din[7:4]==4'h0) begin // Unsupported type
XOR8MEG <= 0;
end else if (Din[7:4]==4'h1) begin
CmdLEDEN <= Din[1];
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
Cmdn8MEGEN <= !Din[0];
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
CmdSubmitted <= 1'b1;
end else if (Din[7:4]==4'h2) begin
// MAX commands
Cmdn8MEGEN <= n8MEGEN;
2023-09-29 09:37:38 -04:00
if (!CmdUFMPrgm && !CmdUFMErase) begin
CmdUFMErase <= Din[3];
CmdUFMPrgm <= Din[2];
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
CmdDRCLK <= Din[1];
CmdDRDIn <= Din[0];
CmdSubmitted <= 1'b1;
end else if (Din[7:4]==4'h3 && !Din[3]) begin
// Reserved for SPI (LCMXO, iCE40) commands
// Din[2] - CS
// Din[1] - SCK
// Din[0] - SDI
end else if (Din[7:4]==4'h3 && Din[3]) begin
// Reserved for LCMXO2 commands
// Din[1] - Shift when high, execute when low
// Din[0] - Shift data
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-09-29 09:37:38 -04:00
/* UFM command synchronization */
reg CmdUFMPrgmSync; always @(posedge RCLK) CmdUFMPrgmSync <= CmdUFMPrgm;
reg CmdUFMEraseSync; always @(posedge RCLK) CmdUFMEraseSync <= CmdUFMErase;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
/* UFM Control */
2023-09-29 09:37:38 -04:00
reg UFMProgStart;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
always @(posedge RCLK) begin
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (!Ready) begin
if (!UFMInitDone && FS[17:16]==2'b00) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// Shift 0 into address register
ARCLK <= FS[3]; // Clock address register
ARShift <= 1'b1; // Shift 0 into address register
DRCLK <= 1'b0; // Don't clock data register
DRDIn <= 1'b0; // DRDIn is don't care
DRShift <= 1'b0; // DRShift is don't care
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
end else if (!UFMInitDone && FS[17:16]==2'b01 && FS[7:4]==4'h0) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// Parallel transfer UFM data to shift register
ARCLK <= 1'b0; // Don't clock address register
ARShift <= 1'b0; // ARShift is don't care
DRCLK <= FS[3]; // Clock data register
DRDIn <= 1'b0; // DRDIn is don't care
DRShift <= 1'b0; // Parallel transfer to data register
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
end else if (!UFMInitDone && FS[17:16]==2'b01 && FS[7:4]==4'h4) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// Shift UFM data shift register
ARCLK <= 1'b0; // Don't clock address register
ARShift <= 1'b0; // ARShift is don't care
DRCLK <= FS[3]; // Clock data register
DRDIn <= 1'b0; // DRDIn is don't care
DRShift <= 1'b1; // Shift data register
// Capture bit 15 of this UFM word in UFMD register
if (FS[3:0]==4'h7) UFMD <= DRDOut;
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
end else if (!UFMInitDone && FS[17:16]==2'b01 && FS[7:4]==4'h5) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// Shift UFM data shift register
ARCLK <= 1'b0; // Don't clock address register
ARShift <= 1'b0; // ARShift is don't care
DRCLK <= FS[3]; // Clock data register
DRDIn <= 1'b0; // DRDIn is don't care
DRShift <= 1'b1; // Shift data register
// If valid setting here, set capacity setting to UFMD[14]
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (FS[3:0]==4'h7 && !UFMD) n8MEGEN <= !DRDOut;
end else if (!UFMInitDone && FS[17:16]==2'b01 && FS[7:4]==4'h6) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
if (UFMD) UFMInitDone <= 1'b1; // If erased, quit iterating
else begin // If valid setting here
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
LEDEN <= !DRDOut; // LED enabled if UFMD[13]==0
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// If last byte in sector, mark need to erase
if (FS[15:8]==8'hFF) begin
UFMReqErase <= 1'b1; // Mark need to wrap around
UFMInitDone <= 1'b1; // Quit iterating
// Increment UFM address
ARCLK <= FS[3]; // Clock address register
ARShift <= 1'b0; // Increment UFM address
DRCLK <= 1'b0; // Don't clock data register
DRDIn <= 1'b0; // DRDIn is don't care
DRShift <= 1'b0; // DRShift is don't care
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
end else if (FS[17:16]==2'b10 && UFMReqErase) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// Shift 0 into address register
ARCLK <= FS[3]; // Clock address register
ARShift <= 1'b1; // Shift 0 into address register
DRCLK <= 1'b0; // Don't clock data register
DRDIn <= 1'b0; // DRDIn is don't care
DRShift <= 1'b0; // DRShift is don't care
end else begin
// Don't do anything with UFM
ARCLK <= 1'b0; // Don't clock address register
ARShift <= 1'b0; // ARShift is don't care
DRCLK <= 1'b0; // Don't clock data register
DRDIn <= 1'b0; // DRDIn is don't care
DRShift <= 1'b0; // DRShift is don't care
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// Don't erase or program UFM during initialization
UFMErase <= 1'b0;
UFMProgram <= 1'b0;
2023-09-29 09:37:38 -04:00
UFMProgStart <= 1'b0;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
end else begin
// Can only shift UFM data register now
ARCLK <= 1'b0;
ARShift <= 1'b0;
DRShift <= 1'b1;
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
// Set user command signals after PHI2 falls
2023-09-21 05:45:45 -04:00
if (!PHI2r2 && PHI2r3 && CmdSubmitted) begin
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
n8MEGEN <= Cmdn8MEGEN;
DRDIn <= CmdDRDIn;
// UFM programming sequence
2023-09-29 09:37:38 -04:00
if (FS[6:0]==0) begin
if (!UFMProgStart && !UFMRTPBusy) begin
if (CmdUFMPrgmSync) begin
UFMErase <= UFMReqErase || CmdUFMEraseSync;
UFMProgStart <= 1'b1;
end else if (CmdUFMEraseSync) UFMErase <= 1'b1;
end else if (UFMProgStart && !UFMRTPBusy) begin
UFMErase <= 1'b0;
if (!UFMErase) UFMProgram <= 1'b1;
2023-08-16 21:04:05 -04:00
2023-08-12 18:41:26 -04:00