Change bare "5" to more descriptive "recording_frame_duration_hundredths".
Create APPLE2Einterface events that allow interface to limit main loop speed.
Implement rate limiting on start_record and release limiting on stop_record.
During recording, simulation will not run at clock rate.
If the drag-and-dropped filename has no leading "/", assume it is
drag-and-dropped text. This matches the behavior of Chrome on Ubuntu,
for which dragging selected text onto GLFW is passed to the file drop
If the dragged selected text starts with "/", the drop callback will
still attempt to open it as a filename.
Introduce GLEW for GL extension management
Fix warnings about "&" used in logical-AND with precedence likely not matching programmer's intent
Fix a GL shader type incompatibility uint vs int in lores shader
Add Makefile.linux
Change every get_min_dimensions to return "width_height", which is
hopefully obviously a pair containing a width and height.
Change tuples in the writes map to "address_auxpage", which is
maybe a more descriptive type of a pair containing an address and an
aux page.
Inspired by
I kind of cheated - I used std::pairs but gave them descriptive typedefs.
Rename initialize_texture to initialize_texture_integer.
New function initialize_texture that loads a GL_RED texture, and
use it for hires and image shaders.
Don't scale texture values back to 0.0-1.0 in image and hires shaders.
Rename "texture" to "opengl_texture" for a touch more readability
and less ambiguity.
Switch hires and image textures to "opengl_texture".
Use coordinate scale for image textures and hires textures in shaders
and pass in as Uniforms
Change initialize_texture to return an object containing width and
height, since the GUI uses textport textures of various sizes.
Add scale factors to text, text80, and lores shaders and set them as Uniforms.
Make new texture function for making 2D textures instead of RECTANGLE
Pass in scale factor from texel coordinates to UV coordinates.
Change text and text80 fragment shaders to scale texel coordinates
to UV for sampler for font_texture.
Use sampler2D instead of sampler2DRect for font_texture
Move all libao operation into interface.cpp
This should have the result of removing all AV and GUI code from apple2e.cpp
OS code remaining in apple2e.cpp should basically be only file I/O, console I/O, and chrono.
Store all text and hgr writes in write() in a map.
Later, in apply_writes(), actually download all writes from the map.
This has the effect of downloading only the most recent write.
After implementation, this has the effect in FAST mode on my Mac of only reducing writes by between 0% and 4% in both QUADRADOODLE and LodeRunner. So probably not worth it. But maybe worth an interation on this which would mark rows and try to coalesce adjacent writes in X and Y to single texture updates.