Update sys.

This commit is contained in:
sorgelig 2019-07-12 06:22:16 +08:00
parent 8469c02b28
commit b04c6c7eec
31 changed files with 2186 additions and 1356 deletions

View File

@ -1,31 +1,2 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
# the Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other
# applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,
# that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
# devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its
# authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
# agreement for further details.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Quartus Prime
# Version 17.0.1 Build 598 06/07/2017 SJ Standard Edition
# Date created = 04:04:47 October 16, 2017
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
DATE = "04:04:47 October 16, 2017"
# Revisions

View File

@ -1,46 +1,25 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
# the Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other
# applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,
# that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
# devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its
# authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
# agreement for further details.
# MiSTer project
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Do not add files to project in Quartus IDE! It will mess this file!
# Add the files manually to files.qip file.
# Quartus Prime
# Version 16.1.2 Build 203 01/18/2017 SJ Standard Edition
# Date created = 01:53:32 April 20, 2017
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "Cyclone V"
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE 5CSEBA6U23I7
set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY sys_top
set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 16.1.2
set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_NETLIST_TYPE SOURCE -section_id Top
set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_COLOR 16764057 -section_id Top
set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION "17.0.2 Standard Edition"
set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "01:53:30 APRIL 20, 2017"
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PACKAGE UFBGA
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PIN_COUNT 672
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_SPEED_GRADE 7
set_global_assignment -name GENERATE_RBF_FILE ON
set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output_files
set_global_assignment -name NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS ALL
set_global_assignment -name SAVE_DISK_SPACE OFF
set_global_assignment -name SMART_RECOMPILE ON
set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_NETLIST_TYPE SOURCE -section_id Top
set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_COLOR 16764057 -section_id Top
set_global_assignment -name MIN_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP "-40"
set_global_assignment -name MAX_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 100
@ -50,324 +29,28 @@ set_global_assignment -name OPTIMIZE_POWER_DURING_FITTING OFF
set_global_assignment -name FITTER_EFFORT "STANDARD FIT"
set_global_assignment -name ALLOW_POWER_UP_DONT_CARE ON
set_global_assignment -name QII_AUTO_PACKED_REGISTERS NORMAL
set_global_assignment -name PHYSICAL_SYNTHESIS_COMBO_LOGIC ON
set_global_assignment -name OPTIMIZATION_TECHNIQUE SPEED
set_global_assignment -name MUX_RESTRUCTURE ON
set_global_assignment -name REMOVE_REDUNDANT_LOGIC_CELLS ON
set_global_assignment -name ADV_NETLIST_OPT_SYNTH_WYSIWYG_REMAP ON
set_global_assignment -name SYNTH_GATED_CLOCK_CONVERSION ON
set_global_assignment -name PRE_MAPPING_RESYNTHESIS ON
set_global_assignment -name ROUTER_CLOCKING_TOPOLOGY_ANALYSIS ON
set_global_assignment -name ECO_OPTIMIZE_TIMING ON
set_global_assignment -name ALM_REGISTER_PACKING_EFFORT LOW
set_global_assignment -name SEED 1
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ADC_CONVST
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ADC_SCK
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ADC_SDI
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ADC_SDO
set_location_assignment PIN_U9 -to ADC_CONVST
set_location_assignment PIN_V10 -to ADC_SCK
set_location_assignment PIN_AC4 -to ADC_SDI
set_location_assignment PIN_AD4 -to ADC_SDO
set_location_assignment PIN_AG9 -to ARDUINO_IO[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_U14 -to ARDUINO_IO[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_U13 -to ARDUINO_IO[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG8 -to ARDUINO_IO[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH8 -to ARDUINO_IO[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF17 -to ARDUINO_IO[8]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE15 -to ARDUINO_IO[9]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ARDUINO_IO[*]
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to ARDUINO_IO[*]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to ARDUINO_IO[*]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF15 -to USER_IO[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG16 -to USER_IO[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH11 -to USER_IO[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH12 -to USER_IO[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH9 -to USER_IO[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG11 -to USER_IO[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to USER_IO[*]
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to USER_IO[*]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to USER_IO[*]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF25 -to SDIO_DAT[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF23 -to SDIO_DAT[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD26 -to SDIO_DAT[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF28 -to SDIO_DAT[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF27 -to SDIO_CMD
set_location_assignment PIN_AH26 -to SDIO_CLK
set_location_assignment PIN_AH7 -to SDIO_CD
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to SDIO_*
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SDIO_*
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SDIO_DAT[*]
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SDIO_CMD
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SDIO_CD
set_location_assignment PIN_AE17 -to VGA_R[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE20 -to VGA_R[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF20 -to VGA_R[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH18 -to VGA_R[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH19 -to VGA_R[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF21 -to VGA_R[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE19 -to VGA_G[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG15 -to VGA_G[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF18 -to VGA_G[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG18 -to VGA_G[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG19 -to VGA_G[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG20 -to VGA_G[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG21 -to VGA_B[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA20 -to VGA_B[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE22 -to VGA_B[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF22 -to VGA_B[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH23 -to VGA_B[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH21 -to VGA_B[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH22 -to VGA_HS
set_location_assignment PIN_AG24 -to VGA_VS
set_location_assignment PIN_AH27 -to VGA_EN
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to VGA_EN
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to VGA_*
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to VGA_*
set_location_assignment PIN_AC24 -to AUDIO_L
set_location_assignment PIN_AE25 -to AUDIO_R
set_location_assignment PIN_AG26 -to AUDIO_SPDIF
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to AUDIO_*
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to AUDIO_*
set_location_assignment PIN_Y11 -to SDRAM_A[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA26 -to SDRAM_A[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA13 -to SDRAM_A[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA11 -to SDRAM_A[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_W11 -to SDRAM_A[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y19 -to SDRAM_A[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB23 -to SDRAM_A[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_AC23 -to SDRAM_A[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_AC22 -to SDRAM_A[8]
set_location_assignment PIN_C12 -to SDRAM_A[9]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB26 -to SDRAM_A[10]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD17 -to SDRAM_A[11]
set_location_assignment PIN_D12 -to SDRAM_A[12]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y17 -to SDRAM_BA[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB25 -to SDRAM_BA[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_E8 -to SDRAM_DQ[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_V12 -to SDRAM_DQ[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_D11 -to SDRAM_DQ[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_W12 -to SDRAM_DQ[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH13 -to SDRAM_DQ[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_D8 -to SDRAM_DQ[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH14 -to SDRAM_DQ[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF7 -to SDRAM_DQ[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE24 -to SDRAM_DQ[8]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD23 -to SDRAM_DQ[9]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE6 -to SDRAM_DQ[10]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE23 -to SDRAM_DQ[11]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG14 -to SDRAM_DQ[12]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD5 -to SDRAM_DQ[13]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF4 -to SDRAM_DQ[14]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH3 -to SDRAM_DQ[15]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG13 -to SDRAM_DQML
set_location_assignment PIN_AF13 -to SDRAM_DQMH
set_location_assignment PIN_AD20 -to SDRAM_CLK
set_location_assignment PIN_AG10 -to SDRAM_CKE
set_location_assignment PIN_AA19 -to SDRAM_nWE
set_location_assignment PIN_AA18 -to SDRAM_nCAS
set_location_assignment PIN_Y18 -to SDRAM_nCS
set_location_assignment PIN_W14 -to SDRAM_nRAS
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SDRAM_*
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to SDRAM_*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_A*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_BA*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_DQ[*]
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_DQM*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_n*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_ENABLE_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_DQ[*]
set_instance_assignment -name ALLOW_SYNCH_CTRL_USAGE OFF -to *|SDRAM_*
# I/O
set_location_assignment PIN_Y15 -to LED_USER
set_location_assignment PIN_AA15 -to LED_HDD
set_location_assignment PIN_AG28 -to LED_POWER
set_location_assignment PIN_AH24 -to BTN_USER
set_location_assignment PIN_AG25 -to BTN_OSD
set_location_assignment PIN_AG23 -to BTN_RESET
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED_*
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to BTN_*
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to BTN_*
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to FPGA_CLK1_50
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to FPGA_CLK2_50
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to FPGA_CLK3_50
set_location_assignment PIN_V11 -to FPGA_CLK1_50
set_location_assignment PIN_Y13 -to FPGA_CLK2_50
set_location_assignment PIN_E11 -to FPGA_CLK3_50
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_I2C_SCL
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_I2C_SDA
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_I2S
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_LRCLK
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_MCLK
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_SCLK
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_CLK
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_DE
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[1]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[2]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[3]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[4]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[5]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[6]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[7]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[8]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[9]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[10]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[11]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[12]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[13]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[14]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[15]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[16]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[17]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[18]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[19]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[20]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[21]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[22]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[23]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_HS
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_INT
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_VS
set_location_assignment PIN_U10 -to HDMI_I2C_SCL
set_location_assignment PIN_AA4 -to HDMI_I2C_SDA
set_location_assignment PIN_T13 -to HDMI_I2S
set_location_assignment PIN_T11 -to HDMI_LRCLK
set_location_assignment PIN_U11 -to HDMI_MCLK
set_location_assignment PIN_T12 -to HDMI_SCLK
set_location_assignment PIN_AG5 -to HDMI_TX_CLK
set_location_assignment PIN_AD19 -to HDMI_TX_DE
set_location_assignment PIN_AD12 -to HDMI_TX_D[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE12 -to HDMI_TX_D[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_W8 -to HDMI_TX_D[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y8 -to HDMI_TX_D[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD11 -to HDMI_TX_D[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD10 -to HDMI_TX_D[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE11 -to HDMI_TX_D[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y5 -to HDMI_TX_D[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF10 -to HDMI_TX_D[8]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y4 -to HDMI_TX_D[9]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE9 -to HDMI_TX_D[10]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB4 -to HDMI_TX_D[11]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE7 -to HDMI_TX_D[12]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF6 -to HDMI_TX_D[13]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF8 -to HDMI_TX_D[14]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF5 -to HDMI_TX_D[15]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE4 -to HDMI_TX_D[16]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH2 -to HDMI_TX_D[17]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH4 -to HDMI_TX_D[18]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH5 -to HDMI_TX_D[19]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH6 -to HDMI_TX_D[20]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG6 -to HDMI_TX_D[21]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF9 -to HDMI_TX_D[22]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE8 -to HDMI_TX_D[23]
set_location_assignment PIN_T8 -to HDMI_TX_HS
set_location_assignment PIN_AF11 -to HDMI_TX_INT
set_location_assignment PIN_V13 -to HDMI_TX_VS
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to KEY[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to KEY[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH17 -to KEY[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH16 -to KEY[1]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[1]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[2]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[3]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[4]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[5]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[6]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_W15 -to LED[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA24 -to LED[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_V16 -to LED[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_V15 -to LED[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF26 -to LED[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE26 -to LED[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y16 -to LED[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA23 -to LED[7]
# SW
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SW[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SW[1]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SW[2]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SW[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y24 -to SW[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_W24 -to SW[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_W21 -to SW[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_W20 -to SW[3]
set_global_assignment -name PRE_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE "quartus_sh:sys/build_id.tcl"
set_global_assignment -name CDF_FILE jtag.cdf
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/sys.qip
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sdram.qip
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE scsi.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ncr5380.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE floppy_track_encoder.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE floppy.v
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE ps2_kbd.sv
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ps2_mouse.v
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE TG68K_Pack.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE TG68K_ALU.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE TG68KdotC_Kernel.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE scc.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE iwm.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE via.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE addrDecoder.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE addrController_top.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE dataController_top.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE video.v
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE MacPlus.sv
source sys/sys.tcl
source sys/sys_analog.tcl
source files.qip
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION_HIERARCHY root_partition -to | -section_id Top

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Macintosh Plus
// Port to MiSTer
// Copyright (C) 2017,2018 Sorgelig
// Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Sorgelig
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module emu
input RESET,
//Must be passed to hps_io module
inout [44:0] HPS_BUS,
inout [45:0] HPS_BUS,
//Base video clock. Usually equals to CLK_SYS.
output CLK_VIDEO,
@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ module emu
output [15:0] AUDIO_R,
output AUDIO_S, // 1 - signed audio samples, 0 - unsigned
output [1:0] AUDIO_MIX, // 0 - no mix, 1 - 25%, 2 - 50%, 3 - 100% (mono)
input TAPE_IN,
inout [3:0] ADC_BUS,
output SD_SCK,
@ -116,6 +118,7 @@ module emu
assign ADC_BUS = 'Z;
assign USER_OUT = '1;
assign {UART_RTS, UART_TXD, UART_DTR} = 0;

files.qip Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sdram.qip
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE scsi.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ncr5380.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE floppy_track_encoder.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE floppy.v
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE ps2_kbd.sv
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ps2_mouse.v
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE TG68K_Pack.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE TG68K_ALU.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE TG68KdotC_Kernel.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE scc.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE iwm.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE via.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE addrDecoder.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE addrController_top.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE dataController_top.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE video.v
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE MacPlus.sv

View File

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ module alsa
input reset,
output reg en_out,
input en_in,
input ram_clk,
output reg [28:0] ram_address,
output reg [7:0] ram_burstcount,
@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ reg [31:0] buf_rptr = 0;
always @(posedge ram_clk) begin
reg got_first = 0;
reg ready = 0;
reg ud;
reg ud = 0;
reg [31:0] readdata;
if(~ram_waitrequest) ram_read <= 0;
@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ always @(posedge ram_clk) begin
if(buf_rptr[31:2] >= buf_len[31:2]) buf_rptr <= 0;
if(reset) {ready, got_first} <= 0;
if(reset) {ready, got_first, ram_burstcount} <= 0;
if(buf_rptr[31:2] != buf_wptr[31:2]) begin
if(~got_first) begin
@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ always @(posedge ram_clk) begin
got_first <= 1;
if(!ram_burstcount && ~ram_waitrequest && ~ready) begin
if(!ram_burstcount && ~ram_waitrequest && ~ready && en_out == en_in) begin
ram_address <= buf_addr[31:3] + buf_rptr[31:3];
ud <= buf_rptr[2];
ram_burstcount <= 1;
@ -111,6 +114,8 @@ always @(posedge ram_clk) begin
{pcm_r,pcm_l} <= readdata;
ready <= 0;
if(ce_48k) en_out <= ~en_out;
reg ce_48k;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

sys/fbpal.sv Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// Framebuffer Palette support for MiSTer
// (c)2019 Sorgelig
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
module fbpal
input reset,
input en_in,
output reg en_out,
input ram_clk,
output reg [28:0] ram_address,
output reg [7:0] ram_burstcount,
input ram_waitrequest,
input [63:0] ram_readdata,
input ram_readdatavalid,
output reg ram_read,
input [31:0] fb_address,
input pal_en,
output reg [7:0] pal_a,
output reg [23:0] pal_d,
output reg pal_wr
reg [31:0] base_addr;
always @(posedge ram_clk) base_addr <= fb_address - 4096;
reg [6:0] buf_rptr = 0;
always @(posedge ram_clk) begin
reg [23:0] odd_d;
if(~pal_a[0] & pal_wr) {pal_a[0], pal_d} <= {1'b1, odd_d};
else pal_wr <= 0;
if(~ram_waitrequest) ram_read <= 0;
if(pal_en & ~reset) begin
if(ram_burstcount) begin
if(ram_readdatavalid) begin
ram_burstcount <= 0;
odd_d <= ram_readdata[55:32];
pal_d <= ram_readdata[23:0];
pal_a <= {buf_rptr, 1'b0};
pal_wr <= 1;
en_out <= en_in;
buf_rptr <= buf_rptr + 1'd1;
else begin
if(~ram_waitrequest && en_out != en_in) begin
ram_address <= base_addr[31:3] + buf_rptr;
ram_burstcount <= 1;
ram_read <= 1;
else begin
en_out <= en_in;
buf_rptr <= 0;
ram_burstcount <= 0;

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module hdmi_config
input dvi_mode,
input audio_96k,
input hdmi_limited,
output reg done,
// I2C Side
output I2C_SCL,
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST_N) begin
mSetup_ST <= 0;
mI2C_GO <= 0;
done <= 0;
end else begin
if(init_data[LUT_INDEX] != 16'hFFFF) begin
@ -58,13 +61,14 @@ always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST_N) begin
else done <= 1;
///////////////////// Config Data LUT //////////////////////////
wire [15:0] init_data[58] =
wire [15:0] init_data[82] =
16'h9803, // ADI required Write.
@ -101,9 +105,33 @@ wire [15:0] init_data[58] =
{8'h17, 8'b01100010}, // Aspect ratio 16:9 [1]=1, 4:3 [1]=0
{8'h18, 8'b0100_0110}, // CSC disabled [7]=0.
// CSC Scaling Factor [6:5] b10 = +/- 4.0, -16384 - 16380.
// CSC Equation 3 [4:0] b00110.
{8'h18, hdmi_limited, // CSC enable [7]. 0 - Off. 1 - On.
7'h0D}, // CSC Scaling Factors and Coefficients for RGB Full->Limited.
{8'h19, 8'hBC}, // Taken from table in ADV7513 Programming Guide.
{8'h1A, 8'h00}, // CSC Channel A.
{8'h1B, 8'h00},
{8'h1C, 8'h00},
{8'h1D, 8'h00},
{8'h1E, 8'h01},
{8'h1F, 8'h00},
{8'h20, 8'h00}, // CSC Channel B.
{8'h21, 8'h00},
{8'h22, 8'h0D},
{8'h23, 8'hBC},
{8'h24, 8'h00},
{8'h25, 8'h00},
{8'h26, 8'h01},
{8'h27, 8'h00},
{8'h28, 8'h00}, // CSC Channel C.
{8'h29, 8'h00},
{8'h2A, 8'h00},
{8'h2B, 8'h00},
{8'h2C, 8'h0D},
{8'h2D, 8'hBC},
{8'h2E, 8'h01},
{8'h2F, 8'h00},
{8'h3B, 8'b0000_0000}, // Pixel repetition [6:5] b00 AUTO. [4:3] b00 x1 mult of input clock. [2:1] b00 x1 pixel rep to send to HDMI Rx.
@ -122,6 +150,11 @@ wire [15:0] init_data[58] =
// Bar Info [3:2] b00 Bars invalid. b01 Bars vertical. b10 Bars horizontal. b11 Bars both.
// Scan Info [1:0] b00 (No data). b01 TV. b10 PC. b11 None.
{8'h57, 1'b0, // [7] IT Content. 0 - No. 1 - Yes (type set in register h59).
3'b000, // [6:4] Color space (ignored for RGB)
hdmi_limited ? 2'b01 : 2'b10, // [3:2] RGB Quantization range
2'b00}, // [1:0] Non-Uniform Scaled: 00 - None. 01 - Horiz. 10 - Vert. 11 - Both.
{8'h94, 8'b1000_0000}, // [7]=1 HPD Interrupt ENabled.

View File

@ -30,20 +30,20 @@
// WIDE=1 for 16 bit file I/O
// VDNUM 1-4
module hps_io #(parameter STRLEN=0, PS2DIV=2000, WIDE=0, VDNUM=1, PS2WE=0)
module hps_io #(parameter STRLEN=0, PS2DIV=0, WIDE=0, VDNUM=1, PS2WE=0)
input clk_sys,
inout [44:0] HPS_BUS,
inout [45:0] HPS_BUS,
// parameter STRLEN and the actual length of conf_str have to match
input [(8*STRLEN)-1:0] conf_str,
output reg [15:0] joystick_0,
output reg [15:0] joystick_1,
output reg [15:0] joystick_2,
output reg [15:0] joystick_3,
output reg [15:0] joystick_4,
output reg [15:0] joystick_5,
output reg [31:0] joystick_0,
output reg [31:0] joystick_1,
output reg [31:0] joystick_2,
output reg [31:0] joystick_3,
output reg [31:0] joystick_4,
output reg [31:0] joystick_5,
output reg [15:0] joystick_analog_0,
output reg [15:0] joystick_analog_1,
output reg [15:0] joystick_analog_2,
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ module hps_io #(parameter STRLEN=0, PS2DIV=2000, WIDE=0, VDNUM=1, PS2WE=0)
output reg [31:0] status,
input [31:0] status_in,
input status_set,
input [15:0] status_menumask,
//toggle to force notify of video mode change
input new_vmode,
@ -121,7 +122,8 @@ module hps_io #(parameter STRLEN=0, PS2DIV=2000, WIDE=0, VDNUM=1, PS2WE=0)
output reg [10:0] ps2_key = 0,
// [24] - toggles with every event
output reg [24:0] ps2_mouse = 0
output reg [24:0] ps2_mouse = 0,
output reg [15:0] ps2_mouse_ext = 0 // 15:8 - reserved(additional buttons), 7:0 - wheel movements
localparam DW = (WIDE) ? 15 : 7;
@ -173,15 +175,18 @@ wire de = HPS_BUS[40];
wire hs = HPS_BUS[39];
wire vs = HPS_BUS[38];
wire vs_hdmi = HPS_BUS[44];
wire f1 = HPS_BUS[45];
reg [31:0] vid_hcnt = 0;
reg [31:0] vid_vcnt = 0;
reg [7:0] vid_nres = 0;
reg [1:0] vid_int = 0;
integer hcnt;
always @(posedge clk_vid) begin
integer vcnt;
reg old_vs= 0, old_de = 0, old_vmode = 0;
reg [3:0] resto = 0;
reg calch = 0;
if(ce_pix) begin
@ -193,9 +198,15 @@ always @(posedge clk_vid) begin
if(old_de & ~de) calch <= 0;
if(old_vs & ~vs) begin
vid_int <= {vid_int[0],f1};
if(~f1) begin
if(hcnt && vcnt) begin
old_vmode <= new_vmode;
if(vid_hcnt != hcnt || vid_vcnt != vcnt || old_vmode != new_vmode) vid_nres <= vid_nres + 1'd1;
//report new resolution after timeout
if(resto) resto <= resto + 1'd1;
if(vid_hcnt != hcnt || vid_vcnt != vcnt || old_vmode != new_vmode) resto <= 1;
if(&resto) vid_nres <= vid_nres + 1'd1;
vid_hcnt <= hcnt;
vid_vcnt <= vcnt;
@ -205,6 +216,7 @@ always @(posedge clk_vid) begin
reg [31:0] vid_htime = 0;
reg [31:0] vid_vtime = 0;
@ -288,7 +300,7 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
if(b_wr[2] && (~&sd_buff_addr)) sd_buff_addr <= sd_buff_addr + 1'b1;
b_wr <= (b_wr<<1);
{kbd_rd,kbd_we,mouse_rd,mouse_we} <= 0;
if(PS2DIV) {kbd_rd,kbd_we,mouse_rd,mouse_we} <= 0;
if(~io_enable) begin
if(cmd == 4 && !ps2skip) ps2_mouse[24] <= ~ps2_mouse[24];
@ -321,6 +333,7 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
'h18: sd_ack <= 1;
'h29: io_dout <= {4'hA, stflg};
'h2B: io_dout <= 1;
'h2F: io_dout <= 1;
sd_buff_addr <= 0;
@ -331,17 +344,19 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
// buttons and switches
'h01: cfg <= io_din[7:0];
'h02: joystick_0 <= io_din;
'h03: joystick_1 <= io_din;
'h10: joystick_2 <= io_din;
'h11: joystick_3 <= io_din;
'h12: joystick_4 <= io_din;
'h13: joystick_5 <= io_din;
'h02: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_0[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_0[31:16] <= io_din;
'h03: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_1[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_1[31:16] <= io_din;
'h10: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_2[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_2[31:16] <= io_din;
'h11: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_3[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_3[31:16] <= io_din;
'h12: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_4[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_4[31:16] <= io_din;
'h13: if(byte_cnt==1) joystick_5[15:0] <= io_din; else joystick_5[31:16] <= io_din;
// store incoming ps2 mouse bytes
'h04: begin
if(PS2DIV) begin
mouse_data <= io_din[7:0];
mouse_we <= 1;
if(&io_din[15:8]) ps2skip <= 1;
if(~&io_din[15:8] & ~ps2skip) begin
@ -349,6 +364,11 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
2: ps2_mouse[15:8] <= io_din[7:0];
3: ps2_mouse[23:16] <= io_din[7:0];
1: ps2_mouse_ext[7:0] <= {io_din[14], io_din[14:8]};
2: ps2_mouse_ext[11:8] <= io_din[11:8];
3: ps2_mouse_ext[15:12]<= io_din[11:8];
@ -356,9 +376,11 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
'h05: begin
if(&io_din[15:8]) ps2skip <= 1;
if(~&io_din[15:8] & ~ps2skip) ps2_key_raw[31:0] <= {ps2_key_raw[23:0], io_din[7:0]};
if(PS2DIV) begin
kbd_data <= io_din[7:0];
kbd_we <= 1;
// reading config string, returning a byte from string
'h14: if(byte_cnt < STRLEN + 1) io_dout[7:0] <= conf_str[(STRLEN - byte_cnt)<<3 +:8];
@ -418,7 +440,8 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
'h1f: io_dout <= {|PS2WE, 2'b01, ps2_kbd_led_status[2], ps2_kbd_led_use[2], ps2_kbd_led_status[1], ps2_kbd_led_use[1], ps2_kbd_led_status[0], ps2_kbd_led_use[0]};
// reading ps2 keyboard/mouse control
'h21: if(byte_cnt == 1) begin
'h21: if(PS2DIV) begin
if(byte_cnt == 1) begin
io_dout <= kbd_data_host;
kbd_rd <= 1;
@ -427,12 +450,14 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
io_dout <= mouse_data_host;
mouse_rd <= 1;
'h22: RTC[(byte_cnt-6'd1)<<4 +:16] <= io_din;
//Video res.
'h23: case(byte_cnt)
1: io_dout <= vid_nres;
1: io_dout <= {|vid_int, vid_nres};
2: io_dout <= vid_hcnt[15:0];
3: io_dout <= vid_hcnt[31:16];
4: io_dout <= vid_vcnt[15:0];
@ -458,6 +483,9 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
1: io_dout <= status_req[15:0];
2: io_dout <= status_req[31:16];
//menu mask
'h2E: if(byte_cnt == 1) io_dout <= status_menumask;
@ -466,6 +494,8 @@ end
/////////////////////////////// PS2 ///////////////////////////////
if(PS2DIV) begin
reg clk_ps2;
always @(negedge clk_sys) begin
integer cnt;
@ -521,7 +551,14 @@ ps2_device mouse
else begin
assign ps2_kbd_clk_out = 0;
assign ps2_kbd_data_out = 0;
assign ps2_mouse_clk_out = 0;
assign ps2_mouse_data_out = 0;
/////////////////////////////// DOWNLOADING ///////////////////////////////

View File

@ -15,12 +15,15 @@
module Hq2x #(parameter LENGTH, parameter HALF_DEPTH)
input clk,
input ce_x4,
input ce_in,
input [DWIDTH:0] inputpixel,
input mono,
input disable_hq2x,
input reset_frame,
input reset_line,
input ce_out,
input [1:0] read_y,
input hblank,
output [DWIDTH:0] outpixel
@ -129,6 +132,14 @@ hq2x_buf #(.NUMWORDS(LENGTH*2), .AWIDTH(AWIDTH+1), .DWIDTH(DWIDTH1*4-1)) hq2x_ou
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(ce_out) begin
if(read_x[0]) outpixel_x2 <= read_y[0] ? outpixel_x4[DWIDTH1*4-1:DWIDTH1*2] : outpixel_x4[DWIDTH1*2-1:0];
if(~hblank & ~&read_x) read_x <= read_x + 1'd1;
if(hblank) read_x <= 0;
wire [DWIDTH:0] blend_result = HALF_DEPTH ? rgb2h(blend_result_pre) : blend_result_pre[DWIDTH:0];
reg [AWIDTH:0] offs;
@ -139,10 +150,7 @@ always @(posedge clk) begin
wrout_en <= 0;
wrin_en <= 0;
if(ce_x4) begin
pattern <= new_pattern;
if(read_x[0]) outpixel_x2 <= read_y[0] ? outpixel_x4[DWIDTH1*4-1:DWIDTH1*2] : outpixel_x4[DWIDTH1*2-1:0];
if(ce_in) begin
if(~&offs) begin
if (cyc == 1) begin
@ -168,6 +176,7 @@ always @(posedge clk) begin
pattern <= new_pattern;
if(cyc==3) begin
nextpatt <= {new_pattern[7:6], new_pattern[3], new_pattern[5], new_pattern[2], new_pattern[4], new_pattern[1:0]};
{A, G} <= {Prev0, Next0};
@ -194,9 +203,6 @@ always @(posedge clk) begin
if(~hblank & ~&read_x) read_x <= read_x + 1'd1;
if(hblank) read_x <= 0;
old_reset_line <= reset_line;

sys/ltc2308.sv Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
// LTC2308 controller
// Copyright (C) 2019 Sorgelig
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// NUM_CH 1..8
// Sampling rate = ADC_RATE/NUM_CH
// ADC_RATE max is ~500KHz
// CLK_RATE max is ~80MHz
module ltc2308 #(parameter NUM_CH = 2, ADC_RATE = 96000, CLK_RATE = 50000000)
input reset,
input clk,
inout [3:0] ADC_BUS,
output reg dout_sync, // toggle with every ADC round
output reg [(NUM_CH*12)-1:0] dout // 12 bits per channel (unsigned)
localparam TCONV = CLK_RATE/625000;
reg sck;
wire sdo = cfg[5];
assign ADC_BUS[3] = sck;
wire sdi = ADC_BUS[2];
assign ADC_BUS[1] = sdo;
assign ADC_BUS[0] = convst;
reg convst;
reg [5:0] cfg;
reg [31:0] sum;
wire [31:0] next_sum = sum + ADC_RATE;
reg [2:0] pin;
wire [2:0] next_pin = (pin == (NUM_CH-1)) ? 3'd0 : (pin + 1'd1);
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg [7:0] tconv;
reg [3:0] bitcnt;
reg [10:0] adcin;
convst <= 0;
if(reset) begin
sum <= 0;
tconv <= 0;
bitcnt <= 0;
sck <= 0;
cfg <= 0;
dout <= 0;
pin <= NUM_CH[2:0]-1'd1;
else begin
sum <= next_sum;
if(next_sum >= CLK_RATE) begin
sum <= next_sum - CLK_RATE;
tconv <= TCONV[7:0];
convst <= 1;
bitcnt <= 12;
cfg <= {1'b1, next_pin[0], next_pin[2:1], 1'b1, 1'b0};
if(!next_pin) dout_sync <= ~dout_sync;
if(tconv) tconv <= tconv - 1'd1;
else if(bitcnt) begin
sck <= ~sck;
if(sck) cfg <= cfg<<1;
else begin
adcin <= {adcin[9:0],sdi};
bitcnt <= bitcnt - 1'd1;
if(bitcnt == 1) begin
dout[pin*12 +:12] <= {adcin,sdi};
pin <= next_pin;
else sck <= 0;
module ltc2308_tape #(parameter HIST_LOW = 16, HIST_HIGH = 64, ADC_RATE = 48000, CLK_RATE = 50000000)
input reset,
input clk,
inout [3:0] ADC_BUS,
output reg dout,
output active
wire [11:0] adc_data;
wire adc_sync;
ltc2308 #(1, ADC_RATE, CLK_RATE) adc
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg [13:0] data1,data2,data3,data4, sum;
reg adc_sync_d;
if(adc_sync_d ^ adc_sync) begin
data1 <= data2;
data2 <= data3;
data3 <= data4;
data4 <= adc_data;
sum <= data1+data2+data3+data4;
if(sum[13:2]<HIST_LOW) dout <= 0;
if(sum[13:2]>HIST_HIGH) dout <= 1;
assign active = |act;
reg [1:0] act;
always @(posedge clk) begin
reg [31:0] onesec;
reg old_dout;
onesec <= onesec + 1;
if(onesec>CLK_RATE) begin
onesec <= 0;
if(act) act <= act - 1'd1;
old_dout <= dout;
if(old_dout ^ dout) act <= 2;

View File

@ -24,8 +24,14 @@ parameter OSD_Y_OFFSET = 12'd0;
localparam OSD_WIDTH = 12'd256;
localparam OSD_HEIGHT = 12'd64;
localparam OSD_HDR = 12'd32;
localparam OSD_HDR = 12'd0;
reg osd_enable;
reg [7:0] osd_buffer[4096];
reg [7:0] osd_buffer[OSD_HDR ? (4096+1024) : 4096];
reg info = 0;
reg [8:0] infoh;
@ -35,13 +41,13 @@ reg [21:0] infoy;
reg [21:0] hrheight;
always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg [11:0] bcnt;
reg [12:0] bcnt;
reg [7:0] cmd;
reg has_cmd;
reg old_strobe;
reg highres = 0;
hrheight <= info ? infoh : (OSD_HEIGHT<<highres);
hrheight <= info ? infoh : ((OSD_HEIGHT<<highres)+OSD_HDR);
old_strobe <= io_strobe;
@ -62,9 +68,9 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
bcnt <= 0;
// command 0x20: OSDCMDWRITE
if(io_din[7:4] == 2) begin
if(io_din[7:5] == 'b001) begin
if(io_din[3]) highres <= 1;
bcnt <= {io_din[3:0], 8'h00};
bcnt <= {io_din[4:0], 8'h00};
end else begin
@ -76,7 +82,7 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
// command 0x20: OSDCMDWRITE
if(cmd[7:4] == 2) osd_buffer[bcnt] <= io_din[7:0];
if(cmd[7:5] == 'b001) osd_buffer[bcnt] <= io_din[7:0];
bcnt <= bcnt + 1'd1;
@ -84,7 +90,7 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg ce_pix;
(* direct_enable *) reg ce_pix;
always @(negedge clk_video) begin
integer cnt = 0;
integer pixsz, pixcnt;
@ -107,6 +113,22 @@ end
reg [2:0] osd_de;
reg osd_pixel;
reg [21:0] v_cnt;
reg v_cnt_below320, v_cnt_below640, v_cnt_below960;
reg [21:0] v_osd_start_320, v_osd_start_640, v_osd_start_960, v_osd_start_other;
// pipeline the comparisons a bit
always @(posedge clk_video) if(ce_pix) begin
v_cnt_below320 <= v_cnt < 320;
v_cnt_below640 <= v_cnt < 640;
v_cnt_below960 <= v_cnt < 960;
v_osd_start_320 <= ((v_cnt-hrheight)>>1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET;
v_osd_start_640 <= ((v_cnt-(hrheight<<1))>>1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET;
v_osd_start_960 <= ((v_cnt-(hrheight + (hrheight<<1)))>>1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET;
v_osd_start_other <= ((v_cnt-(hrheight<<2))>>1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET;
always @(posedge clk_video) begin
reg deD;
@ -114,7 +136,6 @@ always @(posedge clk_video) begin
reg [1:0] multiscan;
reg [7:0] osd_byte;
reg [23:0] h_cnt;
reg [21:0] v_cnt;
reg [21:0] dsp_width;
reg [21:0] osd_vcnt;
reg [21:0] h_osd_start;
@ -130,7 +151,8 @@ always @(posedge clk_video) begin
if(~&osd_hcnt) osd_hcnt <= osd_hcnt + 1'd1;
if (h_cnt == h_osd_start) begin
osd_de[0] <= osd_en[1] && hrheight && (osd_vcnt < hrheight);
osd_de[0] <= osd_en[1] && hrheight && (info ? (osd_vcnt < hrheight) :
(!osd_vcnt[11:7] || (osd_vcnt[11] && osd_vcnt[7] && (osd_vcnt[6:0] >= 4) && (osd_vcnt[6:0] < 19))));
osd_hcnt <= 0;
if (osd_hcnt+1 == (info ? infow : OSD_WIDTH)) osd_de[0] <= 0;
@ -145,38 +167,39 @@ always @(posedge clk_video) begin
h_osd_start <= info ? infox : (((dsp_width - OSD_WIDTH)>>1) + OSD_X_OFFSET - 2'd2);
if(h_cnt > {dsp_width, 2'b00}) begin
v_cnt <= 0;
v_cnt <= 1;
osd_en <= (osd_en << 1) | osd_enable;
if(~osd_enable) osd_en <= 0;
if(v_cnt<320) begin
if(v_cnt_below320) begin
multiscan <= 0;
v_osd_start <= info ? infoy : (((v_cnt-hrheight)>>1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET);
v_osd_start <= info ? infoy : v_osd_start_320;
else if(v_cnt<640) begin
else if(v_cnt_below640) begin
multiscan <= 1;
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy<<1) : (((v_cnt-(hrheight<<1))>>1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET);
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy<<1) : v_osd_start_640;
else if(v_cnt<960) begin
else if(v_cnt_below960) begin
multiscan <= 2;
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy + (infoy << 1)) : (((v_cnt-(hrheight + (hrheight<<1)))>>1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET);
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy + (infoy << 1)) : v_osd_start_960;
else begin
multiscan <= 3;
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy<<2) : (((v_cnt-(hrheight<<2))>>1) + OSD_Y_OFFSET);
v_osd_start <= info ? (infoy<<2) : v_osd_start_other;
osd_div <= osd_div + 1'd1;
if(osd_div == multiscan) begin
osd_div <= 0;
if(~&osd_vcnt) osd_vcnt <= osd_vcnt + 1'd1;
if(~osd_vcnt[10]) osd_vcnt <= osd_vcnt + 1'd1;
if(osd_vcnt == 'b100010011111 && ~info) osd_vcnt <= 0;
if(v_osd_start == (v_cnt+1'b1)) {osd_div, osd_vcnt} <= 0;
if(v_osd_start == v_cnt) {osd_div, osd_vcnt} <= OSD_HDR ? {~info, 3'b000, ~info, 7'b0000000} : 22'd0;
osd_byte <= osd_buffer[{osd_vcnt[6:3], osd_hcnt[7:0]}];
osd_byte <= osd_buffer[{osd_vcnt[7:3], osd_hcnt[7:0]}];
osd_pixel <= osd_byte[osd_vcnt[2:0]];
osd_de[2:1] <= osd_de[1:0];
@ -185,11 +208,19 @@ end
reg [23:0] rdout;
assign dout = rdout;
reg [23:0] osd_rdout, normal_rdout;
reg osd_mux;
reg de_dly;
always @(posedge clk_video) begin
rdout <= ~osd_de[2] ? din : {{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[2], din[23:19]},
{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[1], din[15:11]},
{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[0], din[7:3]}};
de_out <= de_in;
normal_rdout <= din;
osd_rdout <= {{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[2], din[23:19]},// 23:16
{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[1], din[15:11]},// 15:8
{osd_pixel, osd_pixel, OSD_COLOR[0], din[7:3]}}; // 7:0
osd_mux <= ~osd_de[2];
rdout <= osd_mux ? normal_rdout : osd_rdout;
de_dly <= de_in;
de_out <= de_dly;

sys/pll.13.qip Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
set_global_assignment -entity "pll" -library "pll" -name IP_TOOL_NAME "altera_pll"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll" -library "pll" -name IP_TOOL_VERSION "13.1"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll" -library "pll" -name IP_TOOL_ENV "mwpim"
set_global_assignment -library "pll" -name MISC_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll.cmp"]
set_global_assignment -name SYNTHESIS_ONLY_QIP ON
set_global_assignment -library "pll" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll.v"]
set_global_assignment -library "pll" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll/pll_0002.v"]
set_global_assignment -library "pll" -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll/pll_0002_q13.qip"]
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_0002" -library "pll" -name IP_TOOL_NAME "altera_pll"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_0002" -library "pll" -name IP_TOOL_VERSION "13.1"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_0002" -library "pll" -name IP_TOOL_ENV "mwpim"

sys/pll/pll_0002_q13.qip Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
set_instance_assignment -name PLL_COMPENSATION_MODE DIRECT -to "*pll_0002*|altera_pll:altera_pll_i*|*"
set_instance_assignment -name PLL_CHANNEL_SPACING "0.0 KHz" -to "*pll_0002*|altera_pll:altera_pll_i*|*"
set_instance_assignment -name PLL_AUTO_RESET ON -to "*pll_0002*|altera_pll:altera_pll_i*|*"
set_instance_assignment -name PLL_BANDWIDTH_PRESET AUTO -to "*pll_0002*|altera_pll:altera_pll_i*|*"

sys/pll_cfg.qip Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_NAME "altera_pll_reconfig"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_VERSION "17.0"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_ENV "mwpim"
set_global_assignment -library "pll_cfg" -name MISC_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_cfg.cmp"]
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY "Cyclone V"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_GENERATED_DEVICE_FAMILY "{Cyclone V}"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_QSYS_MODE "UNKNOWN"
set_global_assignment -name SYNTHESIS_ONLY_QIP ON
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_NAME "cGxsX2hkbWlfY2Zn"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DISPLAY_NAME "QWx0ZXJhIFBMTCBSZWNvbmZpZw=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_REPORT_HIERARCHY "Off"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_INTERNAL "Off"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_AUTHOR "QWx0ZXJhIENvcnBvcmF0aW9u"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_VERSION "MTcuMA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION "QWx0ZXJhIFBoYXNlLUxvY2tlZCBMb29wIFJlY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiBCbG9jayhBTFRFUkFfUExMX1JFQ09ORklHKQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "RU5BQkxFX0JZVEVFTkFCTEU=::ZmFsc2U=::QWRkIGJ5dGVlbmFibGUgcG9ydA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA==::NA==::QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA==::Ng==::UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA==::MzI=::UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo::NjQ=::cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_cfg" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw==::dHJ1ZQ==::V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_NAME "YWx0ZXJhX3BsbF9yZWNvbmZpZ190b3A="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DISPLAY_NAME "QWx0ZXJhIFBMTCBSZWNvbmZpZw=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_REPORT_HIERARCHY "Off"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_INTERNAL "Off"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_AUTHOR "QWx0ZXJhIENvcnBvcmF0aW9u"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_VERSION "MTcuMA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION "QWx0ZXJhIFBoYXNlLUxvY2tlZCBMb29wIFJlY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiBCbG9jayhBTFRFUkFfUExMX1JFQ09ORklHKQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "ZGV2aWNlX2ZhbWlseQ==::Q3ljbG9uZSBW::ZGV2aWNlX2ZhbWlseQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "RU5BQkxFX01JRg==::ZmFsc2U=::RW5hYmxlIE1JRiBTdHJlYW1pbmc="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "RU5BQkxFX0JZVEVFTkFCTEU=::ZmFsc2U=::QWRkIGJ5dGVlbmFibGUgcG9ydA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA==::NA==::QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA==::Ng==::UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA==::MzI=::UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo::NjQ=::cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw==::dHJ1ZQ==::V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw=="
set_global_assignment -library "pll_cfg" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_cfg.v"]
set_global_assignment -library "pll_cfg" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_top.v"]
set_global_assignment -library "pll_cfg" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_core.v"]
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_NAME "altera_pll_reconfig"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_VERSION "17.0"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_ENV "mwpim"

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
// megafunction wizard: %Altera PLL Reconfig v17.0%
// pll_hdmi_cfg.v
// pll_cfg.v
// Generated using ACDS version 17.0 598
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
module pll_hdmi_cfg #(
module pll_cfg #(
parameter ENABLE_BYTEENABLE = 0,
parameter BYTEENABLE_WIDTH = 4,
parameter RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH = 6,
@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ module pll_hdmi_cfg #(
altera_pll_reconfig_top #(
.device_family ("Cyclone V"),
.MIF_FILE_NAME ("sys/pll_hdmi_cfg.mif"),
.MIF_FILE_NAME ("sys/pll_cfg.mif"),
.reconf_width (reconf_width),
) pll_hdmi_cfg_inst (
) pll_cfg_inst (
.mgmt_clk (mgmt_clk), // mgmt_clk.clk
.mgmt_reset (mgmt_reset), // mgmt_reset.reset
.mgmt_waitrequest (mgmt_waitrequest), // mgmt_avalon_slave.waitrequest
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ endmodule
// Retrieval info: <instance entity-name="altera_pll_reconfig" version="17.0" >
// Retrieval info: <generic name="device_family" value="Cyclone V" />
// Retrieval info: <generic name="ENABLE_MIF" value="false" />
// Retrieval info: <generic name="MIF_FILE_NAME" value="sys/pll_hdmi_cfg.mif" />
// Retrieval info: <generic name="MIF_FILE_NAME" value="sys/pll_cfg.mif" />
// Retrieval info: <generic name="ENABLE_BYTEENABLE" value="false" />
// Retrieval info: </instance>
// IPFS_FILES : pll_hdmi_cfg.vo
// RELATED_FILES: pll_hdmi_cfg.v, altera_pll_reconfig_top.v, altera_pll_reconfig_core.v, altera_std_synchronizer.v
// IPFS_FILES : pll_cfg.vo
// RELATED_FILES: pll_cfg.v, altera_pll_reconfig_top.v, altera_pll_reconfig_core.v, altera_std_synchronizer.v

View File

@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
-- Changes the HDMI PLL frequency according to the scaler suggestions.
-- 0 : Input Syncline
-- 1 :
-- 0 : Input Display Enable
-- 1 : Input Vsync
-- 2 : Input Interlaced mode
-- 3 : Input Interlaced field
-- 4 : Output Syncline
-- 4 : Output Image frame
-- 5 :
-- 6 : Input clock
-- 7 : Output clock
@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ END ENTITY pll_hdmi_adj;
ARCHITECTURE rtl OF pll_hdmi_adj IS
SIGNAL i_clk,i_de,i_de2,i_vss,i_vss2,i_vss_delay,i_ce : std_logic;
SIGNAL i_linecpt,i_line : natural RANGE 0 TO 2**12-1;
SIGNAL i_delay : natural RANGE 0 TO 2**14-1;
SIGNAL pwrite : std_logic;
SIGNAL paddress : unsigned(5 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL pdata : unsigned(31 DOWNTO 0);
@ -61,19 +66,57 @@ ARCHITECTURE rtl OF pll_hdmi_adj IS
SIGNAL mfrac,mfrac_mem,mfrac_ref,diff : unsigned(40 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL mul : unsigned(15 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL sign,sign_pre : std_logic;
SIGNAL expand : boolean;
SIGNAL up,modo,phm,dir : std_logic;
SIGNAL cpt : natural RANGE 0 TO 3;
SIGNAL col : natural RANGE 0 TO 15;
SIGNAL icpt,ocpt,ssh : natural RANGE 0 TO 2**24-1;
SIGNAL isync,isync2,itog,ipulse : std_logic;
SIGNAL osync,osync2,otog,opulse : std_logic;
SIGNAL icpt,ocpt,o2cpt,ssh,ofsize,ifsize : natural RANGE 0 TO 2**24-1;
SIGNAL ivss,ivss2,itog : std_logic;
SIGNAL ovss,ovss2,otog : std_logic;
SIGNAL sync,pulse,los,lop : std_logic;
SIGNAL osize,isize,offset,osizep : signed(23 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL osize,offset,osizep,offsetp : signed(23 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL logcpt : natural RANGE 0 TO 31;
SIGNAL udiff : integer RANGE -2**23 TO 2**23-1 :=0;
-- 4 lines delay to input
i_de <=lltune(1);
i_ce <=lltune(5);
Delay:PROCESS(i_clk) IS
IF rising_edge(i_clk) THEN
IF i_ce='1' THEN
-- Measure input line time.
IF i_de='1' AND i_de2='0' THEN
IF i_vss='1' THEN
-- Delay 4 lines
IF i_vss/=i_vss2 THEN
ELSIF i_delay=i_line * 4 THEN
-- Sample image sizes
Sampler:PROCESS(clk,reset_na) IS
@ -82,39 +125,47 @@ BEGIN
--pragma synthesis_off
--pragma synthesis_on
ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN
-- Clock domain crossing
isync<=lltune(0); -- <ASYNC>
osync<=lltune(4); -- <ASYNC>
itog<=itog XOR (isync AND NOT isync2);
otog<=otog XOR (osync AND NOT osync2);
ivss<=i_vss_delay; -- <ASYNC>
--ipulse<=isync AND NOT isync2 AND itog;
--opulse<=osync AND NOT osync2 AND otog;
ovss<=lltune(4); -- <ASYNC>
-- Measure output image size
IF osync='1' AND osync2='0' AND otog='1' THEN
otog<=otog XOR (ovss AND NOT ovss2);
-- Measure output frame time
IF ovss='1' AND ovss2='0' AND otog='1' THEN
IF ovss='0' AND ovss2='1' AND otog='0' THEN
-- Measure input image size
IF isync='1' AND isync2='0' AND itog='1' THEN
-- Measure output image time
IF ovss='0' AND ovss2='1' AND otog='0' THEN
itog<=itog XOR (ivss AND NOT ivss2);
-- Measure input frame time
IF ivss='1' AND ivss2='0' AND itog='1' THEN
udiff<=integer(to_integer(osizep)) - integer(icpt);
@ -122,6 +173,28 @@ BEGIN
-- Measure input image time
IF ivss='0' AND ivss2='1' AND itog='0' THEN
-- IN | ######### | EXPAND = 1
-- OUT | ############# |
-- IN | ######### | EXPAND = 0
-- OUT | ###### |
IF expand THEN
IF ivss='1' AND ivss2='0' AND itog='1' THEN
IF ivss='0' AND ivss2='1' AND itog='0' THEN
IF sync='1' THEN

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_NAME "altera_pll_reconfig"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_VERSION "17.0"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_ENV "mwpim"
set_global_assignment -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name MISC_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_hdmi_cfg.cmp"]
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY "Cyclone V"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_GENERATED_DEVICE_FAMILY "{Cyclone V}"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_QSYS_MODE "UNKNOWN"
set_global_assignment -name SYNTHESIS_ONLY_QIP ON
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_NAME "cGxsX2hkbWlfY2Zn"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DISPLAY_NAME "QWx0ZXJhIFBMTCBSZWNvbmZpZw=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_REPORT_HIERARCHY "Off"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_INTERNAL "Off"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_AUTHOR "QWx0ZXJhIENvcnBvcmF0aW9u"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_VERSION "MTcuMA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION "QWx0ZXJhIFBoYXNlLUxvY2tlZCBMb29wIFJlY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiBCbG9jayhBTFRFUkFfUExMX1JFQ09ORklHKQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "RU5BQkxFX0JZVEVFTkFCTEU=::ZmFsc2U=::QWRkIGJ5dGVlbmFibGUgcG9ydA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA==::NA==::QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA==::Ng==::UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA==::MzI=::UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo::NjQ=::cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo"
set_global_assignment -entity "pll_hdmi_cfg" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw==::dHJ1ZQ==::V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_NAME "YWx0ZXJhX3BsbF9yZWNvbmZpZ190b3A="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DISPLAY_NAME "QWx0ZXJhIFBMTCBSZWNvbmZpZw=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_REPORT_HIERARCHY "Off"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_INTERNAL "Off"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_AUTHOR "QWx0ZXJhIENvcnBvcmF0aW9u"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_VERSION "MTcuMA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION "QWx0ZXJhIFBoYXNlLUxvY2tlZCBMb29wIFJlY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiBCbG9jayhBTFRFUkFfUExMX1JFQ09ORklHKQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "ZGV2aWNlX2ZhbWlseQ==::Q3ljbG9uZSBW::ZGV2aWNlX2ZhbWlseQ=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "RU5BQkxFX01JRg==::ZmFsc2U=::RW5hYmxlIE1JRiBTdHJlYW1pbmc="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "RU5BQkxFX0JZVEVFTkFCTEU=::ZmFsc2U=::QWRkIGJ5dGVlbmFibGUgcG9ydA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA==::NA==::QllURUVOQUJMRV9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA==::Ng==::UkVDT05GSUdfQUREUl9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA==::MzI=::UkVDT05GSUdfREFUQV9XSURUSA=="
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo::NjQ=::cmVjb25mX3dpZHRo"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_COMPONENT_PARAMETER "V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw==::dHJ1ZQ==::V0FJVF9GT1JfTE9DSw=="
set_global_assignment -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_hdmi_cfg.v"]
set_global_assignment -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_top.v"]
set_global_assignment -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_core.v"]
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_NAME "altera_pll_reconfig"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_VERSION "17.0"
set_global_assignment -entity "altera_pll_reconfig_top" -library "pll_hdmi_cfg" -name IP_TOOL_ENV "mwpim"

sys/pll_q13.qip Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll.13.qip ]
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_hdmi.13.qip ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_cfg.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_core.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_top.v ]

sys/pll_q17.qip Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll.qip ]
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_hdmi.qip ]
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_cfg.qip ]

View File

@ -49,38 +49,27 @@ module scandoubler #(parameter LENGTH, parameter HALF_DEPTH)
output [DWIDTH:0] b_out
localparam DWIDTH = HALF_DEPTH ? 3 : 7;
assign vs_out = vso[3];
assign ce_pix_out = hq2x ? ce_x4 : ce_x2;
//Compensate picture shift after HQ2x
assign vb_out = vbo[3];
assign hb_out = hbo[6];
reg [7:0] pix_len = 0;
reg [7:0] pix_cnt = 0;
wire [7:0] pl = pix_len + 1'b1;
wire [7:0] pc = pix_cnt + 1'b1;
reg ce_x4, ce_x2, ce_x1;
always @(negedge clk_sys) begin
reg old_ce, valid, hs;
reg [2:0] ce_cnt;
reg [7:0] pix_in_cnt = 0;
wire [7:0] pc_in = pix_in_cnt + 1'b1;
reg [7:0] pixsz, pixsz2, pixsz4 = 0;
if(~&pix_len) pix_len <= pl;
if(~&pix_cnt) pix_cnt <= pc;
reg ce_x4i, ce_x1i;
always @(negedge clk_sys) begin
reg old_ce, valid, hs;
ce_x4 <= 0;
ce_x2 <= 0;
ce_x1 <= 0;
if(~&pix_len) pix_len <= pl;
if(~&pix_in_cnt) pix_in_cnt <= pc_in;
ce_x4i <= 0;
ce_x1i <= 0;
// use such odd comparison to place ce_x4 evenly if master clock isn't multiple of 4.
if((pc == pixsz4) || (pc == pixsz2) || (pc == (pixsz2+pixsz4))) ce_x4 <= 1;
if( pc == pixsz2) ce_x2 <= 1;
if((pc_in == pixsz4) || (pc_in == pixsz2) || (pc_in == (pixsz2+pixsz4))) ce_x4i <= 1;
old_ce <= ce_pix;
if(~old_ce & ce_pix) begin
@ -93,41 +82,72 @@ always @(negedge clk_sys) begin
valid <= 1;
if(hb_in | vb_in) valid <= 0;
hs <= hs_in;
if((~hs & hs_in) || (pc_in >= pixsz)) begin
ce_x4i <= 1;
ce_x1i <= 1;
pix_in_cnt <= 0;
hs <= hs_out;
if((~hs & hs_out) || (pc >= pixsz)) begin
ce_x2 <= 1;
ce_x4 <= 1;
ce_x1 <= 1;
pix_cnt <= 0;
if(hb_in | vb_in) valid <= 0;
reg req_line_reset;
reg [DWIDTH:0] r_d, g_d, b_d;
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
if(ce_x1i) begin
req_line_reset <= hb_in;
r_d <= r_in;
g_d <= g_in;
b_d <= b_in;
reg [DWIDTH:0] r_d;
reg [DWIDTH:0] g_d;
reg [DWIDTH:0] b_d;
reg [7:0] pix_out_cnt = 0;
wire [7:0] pc_out = pix_out_cnt + 1'b1;
reg ce_x4o, ce_x2o;
always @(negedge clk_sys) begin
reg hs;
if(~&pix_out_cnt) pix_out_cnt <= pc_out;
ce_x4o <= 0;
ce_x2o <= 0;
// use such odd comparison to place ce_x4 evenly if master clock isn't multiple of 4.
if((pc_out == pixsz4) || (pc_out == pixsz2) || (pc_out == (pixsz2+pixsz4))) ce_x4o <= 1;
if( pc_out == pixsz2) ce_x2o <= 1;
hs <= hs_out;
if((~hs & hs_out) || (pc_out >= pixsz)) begin
ce_x2o <= 1;
ce_x4o <= 1;
pix_out_cnt <= 0;
reg [1:0] sd_line;
reg [3:0] vbo;
reg [3:0] vso;
reg [8:0] hbo;
reg req_line_reset;
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg [31:0] hcnt;
@ -137,7 +157,7 @@ always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg hs, hb;
if(ce_x4) begin
if(ce_x4o) begin
hbo[8:1] <= hbo[7:0];
@ -164,13 +184,6 @@ always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
hs <= hs_in;
hb <= hb_in;
if(ce_x1) begin
req_line_reset <= hb_in;
r_d <= r_in;
g_d <= g_in;
b_d <= b_in;
hcnt <= hcnt + 1'd1;
if(hb && !hb_in) begin
hde_start <= hcnt[31:1];
@ -192,4 +205,11 @@ always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
if(!hs && hs_in) hs_start <= hcnt[31:1];
assign vs_out = vso[3];
assign ce_pix_out = hq2x ? ce_x4o : ce_x2o;
//Compensate picture shift after HQ2x
assign vb_out = vbo[3];
assign hb_out = hbo[6];

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [join [list $::quartus(qip_path) pll_q [regexp -inline {[0-9]+} $quartus(version)] .qip] {}]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sys_top.v ]
set_global_assignment -name SDC_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sys_top.sdc ]
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll.qip ]
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_hdmi.qip ]
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_hdmi_cfg.qip ]
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) ascal.vhd ]
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_hdmi_adj.vhd ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) fbpal.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) hq2x.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) scandoubler.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) scanlines.v ]
@ -17,10 +16,9 @@ set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) a
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) i2s.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) spdif.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) audio_out.v ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) ltc2308.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sigma_delta_dac.v ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) hdmi_config.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sysmem.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sd_card.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) hps_io.v ]
set_instance_assignment -name HPS_LOCATION HPSINTERFACEPERIPHERALSPIMASTER_X52_Y72_N111 -entity sys_top -to spi
set_instance_assignment -name HPS_LOCATION HPSINTERFACEPERIPHERALUART_X52_Y67_N111 -entity sys_top -to uart

sys/sys.tcl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "Cyclone V"
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE 5CSEBA6U23I7
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PACKAGE UFBGA
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PIN_COUNT 672
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_SPEED_GRADE 7
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ADC_CONVST
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ADC_SCK
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ADC_SDI
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ADC_SDO
set_location_assignment PIN_U9 -to ADC_CONVST
set_location_assignment PIN_V10 -to ADC_SCK
set_location_assignment PIN_AC4 -to ADC_SDI
set_location_assignment PIN_AD4 -to ADC_SDO
set_location_assignment PIN_AG9 -to ARDUINO_IO[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_U14 -to ARDUINO_IO[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_U13 -to ARDUINO_IO[5]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to ARDUINO_IO[*]
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to ARDUINO_IO[*]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to ARDUINO_IO[*]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF15 -to USER_IO[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG16 -to USER_IO[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH11 -to USER_IO[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH12 -to USER_IO[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH9 -to USER_IO[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG11 -to USER_IO[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to USER_IO[*]
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to USER_IO[*]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to USER_IO[*]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH7 -to SDCD_SPDIF
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to SDCD_SPDIF
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SDCD_SPDIF
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SDCD_SPDIF
set_location_assignment PIN_Y11 -to SDRAM_A[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA26 -to SDRAM_A[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA13 -to SDRAM_A[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA11 -to SDRAM_A[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_W11 -to SDRAM_A[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y19 -to SDRAM_A[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB23 -to SDRAM_A[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_AC23 -to SDRAM_A[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_AC22 -to SDRAM_A[8]
set_location_assignment PIN_C12 -to SDRAM_A[9]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB26 -to SDRAM_A[10]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD17 -to SDRAM_A[11]
set_location_assignment PIN_D12 -to SDRAM_A[12]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y17 -to SDRAM_BA[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB25 -to SDRAM_BA[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_E8 -to SDRAM_DQ[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_V12 -to SDRAM_DQ[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_D11 -to SDRAM_DQ[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_W12 -to SDRAM_DQ[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH13 -to SDRAM_DQ[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_D8 -to SDRAM_DQ[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH14 -to SDRAM_DQ[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF7 -to SDRAM_DQ[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE24 -to SDRAM_DQ[8]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD23 -to SDRAM_DQ[9]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE6 -to SDRAM_DQ[10]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE23 -to SDRAM_DQ[11]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG14 -to SDRAM_DQ[12]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD5 -to SDRAM_DQ[13]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF4 -to SDRAM_DQ[14]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH3 -to SDRAM_DQ[15]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG13 -to SDRAM_DQML
set_location_assignment PIN_AF13 -to SDRAM_DQMH
set_location_assignment PIN_AD20 -to SDRAM_CLK
set_location_assignment PIN_AG10 -to SDRAM_CKE
set_location_assignment PIN_AA19 -to SDRAM_nWE
set_location_assignment PIN_AA18 -to SDRAM_nCAS
set_location_assignment PIN_Y18 -to SDRAM_nCS
set_location_assignment PIN_W14 -to SDRAM_nRAS
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SDRAM_*
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to SDRAM_*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_A*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_BA*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_DQ[*]
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_DQM*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_n*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_ENABLE_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM_DQ[*]
set_instance_assignment -name ALLOW_SYNCH_CTRL_USAGE OFF -to *|SDRAM_*
# I/O #2
set_location_assignment PIN_AG8 -to BTNLED[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH8 -to BTNLED[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF17 -to BTNLED[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE15 -to BTNLED[3]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to BTNLED[*]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to BTNLED[*]
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_ENABLE_REGISTER ON -to BTNLED[*]
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to BTNLED[*]
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to BTNLED[*]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to FPGA_CLK1_50
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to FPGA_CLK2_50
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to FPGA_CLK3_50
set_location_assignment PIN_V11 -to FPGA_CLK1_50
set_location_assignment PIN_Y13 -to FPGA_CLK2_50
set_location_assignment PIN_E11 -to FPGA_CLK3_50
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_I2C_SCL
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_I2C_SDA
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_I2S
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_LRCLK
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_MCLK
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_SCLK
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_CLK
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_DE
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[1]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[2]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[3]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[4]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[5]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[6]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[7]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[8]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[9]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[10]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[11]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[12]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[13]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[14]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[15]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[16]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[17]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[18]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[19]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[20]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[21]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[22]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_D[23]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_HS
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_INT
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to HDMI_TX_VS
set_location_assignment PIN_U10 -to HDMI_I2C_SCL
set_location_assignment PIN_AA4 -to HDMI_I2C_SDA
set_location_assignment PIN_T13 -to HDMI_I2S
set_location_assignment PIN_T11 -to HDMI_LRCLK
set_location_assignment PIN_U11 -to HDMI_MCLK
set_location_assignment PIN_T12 -to HDMI_SCLK
set_location_assignment PIN_AG5 -to HDMI_TX_CLK
set_location_assignment PIN_AD19 -to HDMI_TX_DE
set_location_assignment PIN_AD12 -to HDMI_TX_D[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE12 -to HDMI_TX_D[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_W8 -to HDMI_TX_D[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y8 -to HDMI_TX_D[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD11 -to HDMI_TX_D[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD10 -to HDMI_TX_D[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE11 -to HDMI_TX_D[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y5 -to HDMI_TX_D[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF10 -to HDMI_TX_D[8]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y4 -to HDMI_TX_D[9]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE9 -to HDMI_TX_D[10]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB4 -to HDMI_TX_D[11]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE7 -to HDMI_TX_D[12]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF6 -to HDMI_TX_D[13]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF8 -to HDMI_TX_D[14]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF5 -to HDMI_TX_D[15]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE4 -to HDMI_TX_D[16]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH2 -to HDMI_TX_D[17]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH4 -to HDMI_TX_D[18]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH5 -to HDMI_TX_D[19]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH6 -to HDMI_TX_D[20]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG6 -to HDMI_TX_D[21]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF9 -to HDMI_TX_D[22]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE8 -to HDMI_TX_D[23]
set_location_assignment PIN_T8 -to HDMI_TX_HS
set_location_assignment PIN_AF11 -to HDMI_TX_INT
set_location_assignment PIN_V13 -to HDMI_TX_VS
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to KEY[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to KEY[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH17 -to KEY[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH16 -to KEY[1]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[1]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[2]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[3]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[4]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[5]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[6]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_W15 -to LED[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA24 -to LED[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_V16 -to LED[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_V15 -to LED[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF26 -to LED[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE26 -to LED[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y16 -to LED[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA23 -to LED[7]
# SW
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SW[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SW[1]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SW[2]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SW[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_Y24 -to SW[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_W24 -to SW[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_W21 -to SW[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_W20 -to SW[3]
set_instance_assignment -name HPS_LOCATION HPSINTERFACEPERIPHERALSPIMASTER_X52_Y72_N111 -entity sys_top -to spi
set_instance_assignment -name HPS_LOCATION HPSINTERFACEPERIPHERALUART_X52_Y67_N111 -entity sys_top -to uart
set_global_assignment -name PRE_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE "quartus_sh:sys/build_id.tcl"
set_global_assignment -name CDF_FILE jtag.cdf
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/sys.qip

sys/sys_analog.tcl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
set_location_assignment PIN_AF25 -to SDIO_DAT[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF23 -to SDIO_DAT[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD26 -to SDIO_DAT[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF28 -to SDIO_DAT[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF27 -to SDIO_CMD
set_location_assignment PIN_AH26 -to SDIO_CLK
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to SDIO_*
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SDIO_*
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SDIO_DAT[*]
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SDIO_CMD
set_location_assignment PIN_AE17 -to VGA_R[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE20 -to VGA_R[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF20 -to VGA_R[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH18 -to VGA_R[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH19 -to VGA_R[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF21 -to VGA_R[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE19 -to VGA_G[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG15 -to VGA_G[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF18 -to VGA_G[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG18 -to VGA_G[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG19 -to VGA_G[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG20 -to VGA_G[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG21 -to VGA_B[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA20 -to VGA_B[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE22 -to VGA_B[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF22 -to VGA_B[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH23 -to VGA_B[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH21 -to VGA_B[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH22 -to VGA_HS
set_location_assignment PIN_AG24 -to VGA_VS
set_location_assignment PIN_AH27 -to VGA_EN
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to VGA_EN
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to VGA_*
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to VGA_*
set_location_assignment PIN_AC24 -to AUDIO_L
set_location_assignment PIN_AE25 -to AUDIO_R
set_location_assignment PIN_AG26 -to AUDIO_SPDIF
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to AUDIO_*
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 8MA -to AUDIO_*
# I/O #1
set_location_assignment PIN_Y15 -to LED_USER
set_location_assignment PIN_AA15 -to LED_HDD
set_location_assignment PIN_AG28 -to LED_POWER
set_location_assignment PIN_AH24 -to BTN_USER
set_location_assignment PIN_AG25 -to BTN_OSD
set_location_assignment PIN_AG23 -to BTN_RESET
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to LED_*
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to BTN_*
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to BTN_*

sys/sys_dual_sdram.tcl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Secondary SDRAM
set_location_assignment PIN_Y15 -to SDRAM2_DQ[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AC24 -to SDRAM2_DQ[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA15 -to SDRAM2_DQ[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AD26 -to SDRAM2_DQ[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG28 -to SDRAM2_DQ[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF28 -to SDRAM2_DQ[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE25 -to SDRAM2_DQ[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF27 -to SDRAM2_DQ[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG26 -to SDRAM2_DQ[14]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH27 -to SDRAM2_DQ[15]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG25 -to SDRAM2_DQ[13]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH26 -to SDRAM2_DQ[12]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH24 -to SDRAM2_DQ[11]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF25 -to SDRAM2_DQ[10]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG23 -to SDRAM2_DQ[9]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF23 -to SDRAM2_DQ[8]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG24 -to SDRAM2_A[12]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH22 -to SDRAM2_CLK
set_location_assignment PIN_AH21 -to SDRAM2_A[9]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG21 -to SDRAM2_A[11]
set_location_assignment PIN_AH23 -to SDRAM2_A[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_AA20 -to SDRAM2_A[8]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF22 -to SDRAM2_A[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE22 -to SDRAM2_A[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG20 -to SDRAM2_nWE
set_location_assignment PIN_AF21 -to SDRAM2_A[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG19 -to SDRAM2_nCAS
set_location_assignment PIN_AH19 -to SDRAM2_nRAS
set_location_assignment PIN_AG18 -to SDRAM2_nCS
set_location_assignment PIN_AH18 -to SDRAM2_BA[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF18 -to SDRAM2_BA[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AF20 -to SDRAM2_A[10]
set_location_assignment PIN_AG15 -to SDRAM2_A[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE20 -to SDRAM2_A[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE19 -to SDRAM2_A[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AE17 -to SDRAM2_A[3]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL" -to SDRAM2_*
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to SDRAM2_*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM2_A*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM2_BA*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM2_DQ[*]
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM2_DQM*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM2_n*
set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_ENABLE_REGISTER ON -to SDRAM2_DQ[*]
set_instance_assignment -name ALLOW_SYNCH_CTRL_USAGE OFF -to *|SDRAM2_*
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_MACRO "DUAL_SDRAM=1"

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sys_top.v ]
set_global_assignment -name SDC_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sys_top.sdc ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll/pll_0002.v ]
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll/pll_0002.qip ]
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_hdmi_q13.qip ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_hdmi_cfg.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_core.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_hdmi_cfg/altera_pll_reconfig_top.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) ascal.vhd ]
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) pll_hdmi_adj.vhd ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) hq2x.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) scandoubler.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) scanlines.v ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) video_cleaner.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) video_mixer.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) osd.v ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) vga_out.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) i2c.v ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) alsa.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) i2s.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) spdif.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) audio_out.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sigma_delta_dac.v ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) hdmi_config.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sysmem.sv ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) sd_card.v ]
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) hps_io.v ]
set_instance_assignment -name HPS_LOCATION HPSINTERFACEPERIPHERALSPIMASTER_X52_Y72_N111 -entity sys_top -to spi
set_instance_assignment -name HPS_LOCATION HPSINTERFACEPERIPHERALUART_X52_Y67_N111 -entity sys_top -to uart

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ create_clock -period 10.0 [get_pins -compatibility_mode spi|sclk_out] -name spi_
create_generated_clock -source [get_pins -compatibility_mode {pll_hdmi|pll_hdmi_inst|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk}] \
create_generated_clock -source [get_pins -compatibility_mode {pll_hdmi|pll_hdmi_inst|altera_pll_i|*[0].*|divclk}] \
-name HDMI_CLK [get_ports HDMI_TX_CLK]
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ derive_clock_uncertainty
# Decouple different clock groups (to simplify routing)
set_clock_groups -asynchronous \
-group [get_clocks { *|pll|pll_inst|altera_pll_i|general[*].gpll~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER|divclk}] \
-group [get_clocks { pll_hdmi|pll_hdmi_inst|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk}] \
-group [get_clocks { *|pll|pll_inst|altera_pll_i|*[*].*|divclk}] \
-group [get_clocks { pll_hdmi|pll_hdmi_inst|altera_pll_i|*[0].*|divclk}] \
-group [get_clocks { *|h2f_user0_clk}] \
-group [get_clocks { FPGA_CLK1_50 FPGA_CLK2_50 FPGA_CLK3_50}]

View File

@ -26,19 +26,6 @@ module sys_top
input FPGA_CLK2_50,
input FPGA_CLK3_50,
//////////// VGA ///////////
output [5:0] VGA_R,
output [5:0] VGA_G,
output [5:0] VGA_B,
inout VGA_HS, // VGA_HS is secondary SD card detect when VGA_EN = 1 (inactive)
output VGA_VS,
input VGA_EN, // active low
/////////// AUDIO //////////
output AUDIO_L,
output AUDIO_R,
//////////// HDMI //////////
output HDMI_I2C_SCL,
inout HDMI_I2C_SDA,
@ -69,6 +56,36 @@ module sys_top
output SDRAM_CLK,
output SDRAM_CKE,
////////// SDR #2 //////////
output [12:0] SDRAM2_A,
inout [15:0] SDRAM2_DQ,
output SDRAM2_nWE,
output SDRAM2_nCAS,
output SDRAM2_nRAS,
output SDRAM2_nCS,
output [1:0] SDRAM2_BA,
output SDRAM2_CLK,
//////////// VGA ///////////
output [5:0] VGA_R,
output [5:0] VGA_G,
output [5:0] VGA_B,
inout VGA_HS, // VGA_HS is secondary SD card detect when VGA_EN = 1 (inactive)
output VGA_VS,
input VGA_EN, // active low
/////////// AUDIO //////////
output AUDIO_L,
output AUDIO_R,
//////////// SDIO ///////////
inout [3:0] SDIO_DAT,
inout SDIO_CMD,
output SDIO_CLK,
//////////// I/O ///////////
output LED_USER,
output LED_HDD,
@ -76,12 +93,17 @@ module sys_top
input BTN_USER,
input BTN_OSD,
input BTN_RESET,
//////////// SDIO ///////////
inout [3:0] SDIO_DAT,
inout SDIO_CMD,
output SDIO_CLK,
input SDIO_CD,
////////// I/O ALT /////////
inout [3:0] BTNLED,
////////// ADC //////////////
output ADC_SCK,
input ADC_SDO,
output ADC_SDI,
output ADC_CONVST,
////////// MB KEY ///////////
input [1:0] KEY,
@ -96,11 +118,19 @@ module sys_top
inout [5:0] USER_IO
////////////////////// Secondary SD ///////////////////////////////////
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
assign SDIO_DAT[2:1]= 2'bZZ;
assign SDIO_DAT[3] = SW[3] ? 1'bZ : SD_CS;
assign SDIO_CLK = SW[3] ? 1'bZ : SD_CLK;
assign SDIO_CMD = SW[3] ? 1'bZ : SD_MOSI;
assign SD_MISO = SW[3] ? 1'b1 : SDIO_DAT[0];
////////////////////////// LEDs ///////////////////////////////////////
////////////////////// LEDs/Buttons ///////////////////////////////////
reg [7:0] led_overtake = 0;
reg [7:0] led_state = 0;
@ -110,15 +140,43 @@ wire led_d = led_disk[1] ? ~led_disk[0] : ~(led_disk[0] | gp_out[29]);
wire led_u = ~led_user;
wire led_locked;
assign LED_POWER = led_p ? 1'bZ : 1'b0;
assign LED_HDD = led_d ? 1'bZ : 1'b0;
assign LED_USER = led_u ? 1'bZ : 1'b0;
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
assign LED_POWER = (SW[3] | led_p) ? 1'bZ : 1'b0;
assign LED_HDD = (SW[3] | led_d) ? 1'bZ : 1'b0;
assign LED_USER = (SW[3] | led_u) ? 1'bZ : 1'b0;
//LEDs on main board
assign LED = (led_overtake & led_state) | (~led_overtake & {1'b0,led_locked,1'b0, ~led_p, 1'b0, ~led_d, 1'b0, ~led_u});
reg [3:0] btnled = 3'bZZZ;
reg btn_r = 0, btn_o = 0, btn_u = 0;
always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) begin
reg [12:0] cnt;
if(SW[3]) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1'd1;
if(~&cnt[12:8]) btnled <= ~{1'b0,led_p,led_d,led_u};
else begin
if(~cnt[7]) btnled <= 0;
else btnled <= 4'b0ZZZ;
if(&cnt) {btn_r,btn_o,btn_u} <= ~BTNLED[2:0];
else begin
cnt <= 0;
{btn_r,btn_o,btn_u} <= 0;
btnled <= 4'bZZZZ;
{btn_r,btn_o,btn_u} <= ~{BTN_RESET,BTN_OSD,BTN_USER};
btnled <= {(~VGA_EN & sog & ~(vs1 ^ hs1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'bZ, 3'bZZZ};
assign BTNLED = btnled;
////////////////////////// Buttons ///////////////////////////////////
reg btn_user, btn_osd;
always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) begin
integer div;
@ -129,19 +187,16 @@ always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) begin
if(div > 100000) div <= 0;
if(!div) begin
deb_user <= {deb_user[6:0], ~(BTN_USER & KEY[1])};
deb_user <= {deb_user[6:0], btn_u | ~KEY[1]};
if(&deb_user) btn_user <= 1;
if(!deb_user) btn_user <= 0;
deb_osd <= {deb_osd[6:0], ~(BTN_OSD & KEY[0])};
deb_osd <= {deb_osd[6:0], btn_o | ~KEY[0]};
if(&deb_osd) btn_osd <= 1;
if(!deb_osd) btn_osd <= 0;
reg btn_reset = 1;
always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) btn_reset <= BTN_RESET;
///////////////////////// HPS I/O /////////////////////////////////////
@ -156,17 +211,21 @@ wire io_wide;
wire [15:0] io_dout;
wire [15:0] io_din = gp_outr[15:0];
wire io_clk = gp_outr[17];
wire io_fpga = gp_outr[18];
wire io_osd = gp_outr[19];
wire io_uio = gp_outr[20];
wire io_ss0 = gp_outr[18];
wire io_ss1 = gp_outr[19];
wire io_ss2 = gp_outr[20];
//wire io_sdd = gp_outr[21]; // used only in ST core
wire io_osd_hdmi = io_ss1 & ~io_ss0;
wire io_fpga = ~io_ss1 & io_ss0;
wire io_uio = ~io_ss1 & io_ss2;
reg io_ack;
reg rack;
wire io_strobe = ~rack & io_clk;
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
if(~io_wait | io_strobe) begin
if(~(io_wait | vs_wait) | io_strobe) begin
rack <= io_clk;
io_ack <= rack;
@ -195,12 +254,16 @@ reg [15:0] cfg;
reg cfg_got = 0;
reg cfg_set = 0;
//wire [2:0] hdmi_res = cfg[10:8];
wire hdmi_limited = cfg[8];
wire dvi_mode = cfg[7];
wire audio_96k = cfg[6];
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
wire sog = cfg[9];
wire ypbpr_en = cfg[5];
wire csync = cfg[3];
wire vga_scaler= cfg[2];
wire io_osd_vga= io_ss1 & ~io_ss2;
reg cfg_custom_t = 0;
reg [5:0] cfg_custom_p1;
@ -216,18 +279,23 @@ wire [7:0] ARX, ARY;
reg [11:0] VSET = 0;
reg [2:0] scaler_flt;
reg lowlat = 0;
reg cfg_dis = 0;
reg vs_wait = 0;
always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
reg [7:0] cmd;
reg has_cmd;
reg old_strobe;
reg [7:0] cnt = 0;
reg vs_d0,vs_d1,vs_d2;
old_strobe <= io_strobe;
coef_wr <= 0;
if(~io_uio) begin
has_cmd <= 0;
cmd <= 0;
if(~old_strobe & io_strobe) begin
@ -235,6 +303,7 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
has_cmd <= 1;
cmd <= io_din[7:0];
cnt <= 0;
if(io_din[7:0] == 'h30) vs_wait <= 1;
else begin
if(cmd == 1) begin
@ -245,15 +314,15 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
cfg_set <= 0;
cnt <= cnt + 1'd1;
if(cnt<8) begin
0: if(WIDTH != io_din[11:0]) begin WIDTH <= io_din[11:0]; end
1: if(HFP != io_din[11:0]) begin HFP <= io_din[11:0]; end
2: if(HS != io_din[11:0]) begin HS <= io_din[11:0]; end
3: if(HBP != io_din[11:0]) begin HBP <= io_din[11:0]; end
4: if(HEIGHT != io_din[11:0]) begin HEIGHT <= io_din[11:0]; end
5: if(VFP != io_din[11:0]) begin VFP <= io_din[11:0]; end
6: if(VS != io_din[11:0]) begin VS <= io_din[11:0]; end
7: if(VBP != io_din[11:0]) begin VBP <= io_din[11:0]; end
0: if(WIDTH != io_din[11:0]) WIDTH <= io_din[11:0];
1: if(HFP != io_din[11:0]) HFP <= io_din[11:0];
2: if(HS != io_din[11:0]) HS <= io_din[11:0];
3: if(HBP != io_din[11:0]) HBP <= io_din[11:0];
4: if(HEIGHT != io_din[11:0]) HEIGHT <= io_din[11:0];
5: if(VFP != io_din[11:0]) VFP <= io_din[11:0];
6: if(VS != io_din[11:0]) VS <= io_din[11:0];
7: if(VBP != io_din[11:0]) VBP <= io_din[11:0];
if(cnt == 1) begin
cfg_custom_p1 <= 0;
@ -269,9 +338,23 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
cfg_custom_t <= ~cfg_custom_t;
cnt[2:0] <= 3'b100;
if(cnt == 8) lowlat <= io_din[15];
if(cnt == 8) {lowlat,cfg_dis} <= io_din[15:14];
if(cmd == 'h2F) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1'd1;
0: {FB_EN,FB_FLT,FB_FMT} <= {io_din[15], io_din[14], io_din[5:0]};
1: FB_BASE[15:0] <= io_din[15:0];
2: FB_BASE[31:16] <= io_din[15:0];
3: FB_WIDTH <= io_din[11:0];
4: FB_HEIGHT <= io_din[11:0];
5: FB_HMIN <= io_din[11:0];
6: FB_HMAX <= io_din[11:0];
7: FB_VMIN <= io_din[11:0];
8: FB_VMAX <= io_din[11:0];
if(cmd == 'h25) {led_overtake, led_state} <= io_din;
if(cmd == 'h26) vol_att <= io_din[4:0];
if(cmd == 'h27) VSET <= io_din[11:0];
@ -279,6 +362,12 @@ always@(posedge clk_sys) begin
if(cmd == 'h2B) scaler_flt <= io_din[2:0];
vs_d0 <= HDMI_TX_VS;
if(vs_d0 == HDMI_TX_VS) vs_d1 <= vs_d0;
vs_d2 <= vs_d1;
if(~vs_d2 & vs_d1) vs_wait <= 0;
always @(posedge clk_sys) begin
@ -315,6 +404,11 @@ cyclonev_hps_interface_peripheral_spi_master spi
wire [63:0] f2h_irq = {HDMI_TX_VS};
cyclonev_hps_interface_interrupts interrupts
/////////////////////////// RESET ///////////////////////////////////
@ -339,6 +433,7 @@ end
wire clk_100m;
wire clk_hdmi = ~HDMI_TX_CLK; // Internal HDMI clock, inverted in relation to external clock
wire clk_audio = FPGA_CLK3_50;
wire clk_pal = FPGA_CLK3_50;
//////////////////// SYSTEM MEMORY & SCALER /////////////////////////
@ -351,7 +446,7 @@ sysmem_lite sysmem
//DE10-nano has no reset signal on GPIO, so core has to emulate cold reset button.
//64-bit DDR3 RAM access
@ -367,12 +462,12 @@ sysmem_lite sysmem
//64-bit DDR3 RAM access
.ram2_address((ap_en1 == ap_en2) ? aram_address : pram_address),
.ram2_burstcount((ap_en1 == ap_en2) ? aram_burstcount : pram_burstcount),
.ram2_read((ap_en1 == ap_en2) ? aram_read : pram_read),
@ -450,12 +545,23 @@ ascal
.vmin (vmin),
.vmax (vmax),
.mode ({~lowlat,|scaler_flt,2'b00}),
.mode ({~lowlat,FB_EN ? FB_FLT : |scaler_flt,2'b00}),
.poly_clk (clk_sys),
.poly_a (coef_addr),
.poly_dw (coef_data),
.poly_wr (coef_wr),
.pal_clk (clk_pal),
.pal_dw (pal_d),
.pal_a (pal_a),
.pal_wr (pal_wr),
.o_fb_ena (FB_EN),
.o_fb_hsize (FB_WIDTH),
.o_fb_vsize (FB_HEIGHT),
.o_fb_format (FB_FMT),
.o_fb_base (FB_BASE),
.avl_clk (clk_100m),
.avl_waitrequest (vbuf_waitrequest),
.avl_readdata (vbuf_readdata),
@ -468,6 +574,17 @@ ascal
.avl_byteenable (vbuf_byteenable)
reg FB_EN = 0;
reg FB_FLT = 0;
reg [5:0] FB_FMT = 0;
reg [11:0] FB_WIDTH = 0;
reg [11:0] FB_HEIGHT = 0;
reg [11:0] FB_HMIN = 0;
reg [11:0] FB_HMAX = 0;
reg [11:0] FB_VMIN = 0;
reg [11:0] FB_VMAX = 0;
reg [31:0] FB_BASE = 0;
reg [11:0] hmin;
reg [11:0] hmax;
reg [11:0] vmin;
@ -482,10 +599,26 @@ always @(posedge clk_vid) begin
state <= state + 1'd1;
0: begin
0: if(FB_EN) begin
hmin <= FB_HMIN;
vmin <= FB_VMIN;
hmax <= FB_HMAX;
vmax <= FB_VMAX;
state<= 0;
else if(ARX && ARY) begin
hcalc <= (WIDTH*ARY)/ARX;
else begin
hmin <= 0;
hmax <= WIDTH - 1'd1;
vmin <= 0;
vmax <= HEIGHT - 1'd1;
wcalc<= WIDTH;
hcalc<= HEIGHT;
state<= 0;
6: begin
videow <= (!VSET && (wcalc > WIDTH)) ? WIDTH : wcalc[11:0];
videoh <= VSET ? VSET : (hcalc > HEIGHT) ? HEIGHT : hcalc[11:0];
@ -507,7 +640,7 @@ pll_hdmi_adj pll_hdmi_adj
.lltune({16{hdmi_config_done | cfg_dis}} & lltune),
@ -519,6 +652,38 @@ pll_hdmi_adj pll_hdmi_adj
wire [23:0] pal_d;
wire [7:0] pal_a;
wire pal_wr;
wire ap_en1, ap_en2;
wire [28:0] pram_address;
wire [7:0] pram_burstcount;
wire pram_read;
fbpal fbpal
.pal_en(~FB_FMT[2] & FB_FMT[1] & FB_FMT[0] & FB_EN),
///////////////////////// HDMI output /////////////////////////////////
@ -551,7 +716,7 @@ reg adj_write;
reg [5:0] adj_address;
reg [31:0] adj_data;
pll_hdmi_cfg pll_hdmi_cfg
pll_cfg pll_cfg
@ -595,16 +760,19 @@ always @(posedge FPGA_CLK1_50) begin
if(old_wait & ~adj_waitrequest & gotd) cfg_ready <= 1;
wire hdmi_config_done;
hdmi_config hdmi_config
.iRST_N(cfg_ready & ~HDMI_TX_INT),
.iRST_N(cfg_ready & ~HDMI_TX_INT & ~cfg_dis),
wire [23:0] hdmi_data;
@ -626,7 +794,7 @@ osd hdmi_osd
@ -641,6 +809,7 @@ osd hdmi_osd
///////////////////////// VGA output //////////////////////////////////
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
wire [23:0] vga_data_sl;
scanlines #(0) VGA_scanlines
@ -658,7 +827,7 @@ osd vga_osd
@ -682,18 +851,24 @@ vga_out vga_out
wire vs1 = vga_scaler ? HDMI_TX_VS : vs;
wire hs1 = vga_scaler ? HDMI_TX_HS : hs;
assign VGA_VS = VGA_EN ? 1'bZ : csync ? 1'b1 : ~vs1;
assign VGA_HS = VGA_EN ? 1'bZ : csync ? ~(vs1 ^ hs1) : ~hs1;
assign VGA_R = VGA_EN ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[23:18];
assign VGA_G = VGA_EN ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[15:10];
assign VGA_B = VGA_EN ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[7:2];
assign VGA_VS = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 1'bZ : csync ? 1'b1 : ~vs1;
assign VGA_HS = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 1'bZ : csync ? ~(vs1 ^ hs1) : ~hs1;
assign VGA_R = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[23:18];
assign VGA_G = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[15:10];
assign VGA_B = (VGA_EN | SW[3]) ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[7:2];
///////////////////////// Audio output ////////////////////////////////
assign AUDIO_SPDIF = SW[0] ? HDMI_LRCLK : spdif;
assign AUDIO_R = SW[0] ? HDMI_I2S : anr;
assign AUDIO_L = SW[0] ? HDMI_SCLK : anl;
assign SDCD_SPDIF =(SW[3] & spdif) ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ;
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
wire anl,anr;
assign AUDIO_SPDIF = SW[3] ? 1'bZ : SW[0] ? HDMI_LRCLK : spdif;
assign AUDIO_R = SW[3] ? 1'bZ : SW[0] ? HDMI_I2S : anr;
assign AUDIO_L = SW[3] ? 1'bZ : SW[0] ? HDMI_SCLK : anl;
assign HDMI_MCLK = 0;
@ -729,7 +904,7 @@ aud_mix_top audmix_r
wire anl,anr,spdif;
wire spdif;
audio_out audio_out
@ -740,9 +915,11 @@ audio_out audio_out
`ifndef DUAL_SDRAM
wire [28:0] aram_address;
@ -757,6 +934,8 @@ wire [15:0] alsa_l, alsa_r;
alsa alsa
@ -835,7 +1014,7 @@ emu emu
.HPS_BUS({HDMI_TX_VS, clk_100m, clk_vid, ce_pix, de, hs, vs, io_wait, clk_sys, io_fpga, io_uio, io_strobe, io_wide, io_din, io_dout}),
.HPS_BUS({f1, HDMI_TX_VS, clk_100m, clk_vid, ce_pix, de, hs, vs, io_wait, clk_sys, io_fpga, io_uio, io_strobe, io_wide, io_din, io_dout}),
@ -860,13 +1039,8 @@ emu emu
@ -891,6 +1065,24 @@ emu emu
.SD_CD(SW[0] ? VGA_HS : SW[3] ? 1'b1 : SDCD_SPDIF ),