clang-format everything

This commit is contained in:
Waqar Ahmed 2020-05-12 23:55:45 +05:00
parent a5c63c1b09
commit 0ab9380be3
49 changed files with 2718 additions and 3104 deletions

.clang-format Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
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View File

@ -22,23 +22,22 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
// The Power-specific opcodes for the processor - ppcopcodes.cpp // The Power-specific opcodes for the processor - ppcopcodes.cpp
// Any shared opcodes are in ppcopcodes.cpp // Any shared opcodes are in ppcopcodes.cpp
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "ppcemu.h" #include "ppcemu.h"
#include "ppcmmu.h" #include "ppcmmu.h"
#include <array>
#include <cmath> #include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits> #include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
void power_abs() { void power_abs() {
ppc_grab_regsda(); ppc_grab_regsda();
if (ppc_result_a == 0x80000000) { if (ppc_result_a == 0x80000000) {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a;
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a & 0x7FFFFFFF; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a & 0x7FFFFFFF;
} }
ppc_store_result_regd(); ppc_store_result_regd();
@ -50,8 +49,7 @@ void power_absdot() {
if (ppc_result_a == 0x80000000) { if (ppc_result_a == 0x80000000) {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a;
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a & 0x7FFFFFFF; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a & 0x7FFFFFFF;
} }
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_d); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_d);
@ -64,8 +62,7 @@ void power_abso() {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] |= 0x40000000; ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] |= 0x40000000;
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a & 0x7FFFFFFF; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a & 0x7FFFFFFF;
} }
ppc_store_result_regd(); ppc_store_result_regd();
@ -77,8 +74,7 @@ void power_absodot() {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] |= 0x40000000; ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] |= 0x40000000;
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a & 0x7FFFFFFF; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a & 0x7FFFFFFF;
} }
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_d); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_d);
@ -118,45 +114,45 @@ void power_clcsdot() {
void power_div() { void power_div() {
ppc_grab_regsdab(); ppc_grab_regsdab();
ppc_result_d = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) / ppc_result_b; ppc_result_d = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) / ppc_result_b;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) % ppc_result_b; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) % ppc_result_b;
ppc_store_result_regd(); ppc_store_result_regd();
} }
void power_divdot() { void power_divdot() {
ppc_result_d = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) / ppc_result_b; ppc_result_d = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) / ppc_result_b;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) % ppc_result_b; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) % ppc_result_b;
} }
void power_divo() { void power_divo() {
ppc_result_d = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) / ppc_result_b; ppc_result_d = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) / ppc_result_b;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) % ppc_result_b; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) % ppc_result_b;
} }
void power_divodot() { void power_divodot() {
ppc_result_d = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) / ppc_result_b; ppc_result_d = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) / ppc_result_b;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) % ppc_result_b; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a | ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]) % ppc_result_b;
} }
void power_divs() { void power_divs() {
ppc_grab_regsdab(); ppc_grab_regsdab();
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a / ppc_result_b; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a / ppc_result_b;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a % ppc_result_b); ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a % ppc_result_b);
ppc_store_result_regd(); ppc_store_result_regd();
} }
void power_divsdot() { void power_divsdot() {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a / ppc_result_b; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a / ppc_result_b;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a % ppc_result_b); ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a % ppc_result_b);
} }
void power_divso() { void power_divso() {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a / ppc_result_b; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a / ppc_result_b;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a % ppc_result_b); ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a % ppc_result_b);
} }
void power_divsodot() { void power_divsodot() {
ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a / ppc_result_b; ppc_result_d = ppc_result_a / ppc_result_b;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a % ppc_result_b); ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = (ppc_result_a % ppc_result_b);
} }
@ -164,8 +160,7 @@ void power_doz() {
ppc_grab_regsdab(); ppc_grab_regsdab();
if (((int32_t)ppc_result_a) > ((int32_t)ppc_result_b)) { if (((int32_t)ppc_result_a) > ((int32_t)ppc_result_b)) {
ppc_result_d = 0; ppc_result_d = 0;
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_d = ~ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b + 1; ppc_result_d = ~ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b + 1;
} }
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
@ -175,8 +170,7 @@ void power_dozdot() {
ppc_grab_regsdab(); ppc_grab_regsdab();
if (((int32_t)ppc_result_a) > ((int32_t)ppc_result_b)) { if (((int32_t)ppc_result_a) > ((int32_t)ppc_result_b)) {
ppc_result_d = 0; ppc_result_d = 0;
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_d = ~ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b + 1; ppc_result_d = ~ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b + 1;
} }
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_d); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_d);
@ -186,8 +180,7 @@ void power_dozdot() {
void power_dozo() { void power_dozo() {
if (((int32_t)ppc_result_a) > ((int32_t)ppc_result_b)) { if (((int32_t)ppc_result_a) > ((int32_t)ppc_result_b)) {
ppc_result_d = 0; ppc_result_d = 0;
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_d = ~ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b + 1; ppc_result_d = ~ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b + 1;
} }
} }
@ -195,8 +188,7 @@ void power_dozo() {
void power_dozodot() { void power_dozodot() {
if (((int32_t)ppc_result_a) > ((int32_t)ppc_result_b)) { if (((int32_t)ppc_result_a) > ((int32_t)ppc_result_b)) {
ppc_result_d = 0; ppc_result_d = 0;
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_d = ~ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b + 1; ppc_result_d = ~ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b + 1;
} }
} }
@ -205,8 +197,7 @@ void power_dozi() {
ppc_grab_regsdab(); ppc_grab_regsdab();
if (((int32_t)ppc_result_a) > simm) { if (((int32_t)ppc_result_a) > simm) {
ppc_result_d = 0; ppc_result_d = 0;
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_d = ~ppc_result_a + simm + 1; ppc_result_d = ~ppc_result_a + simm + 1;
} }
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
@ -215,7 +206,7 @@ void power_dozi() {
void power_lscbx() { void power_lscbx() {
ppc_grab_regsdab(); ppc_grab_regsdab();
uint32_t bytes_copied = 0; uint32_t bytes_copied = 0;
bool match_found = false; bool match_found = false;
uint32_t shift_amount = 0; uint32_t shift_amount = 0;
uint8_t return_value; uint8_t return_value;
uint8_t byte_compared = (uint8_t)((ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] & 0xFF00) >> 8); uint8_t byte_compared = (uint8_t)((ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] & 0xFF00) >> 8);
@ -223,7 +214,7 @@ void power_lscbx() {
return; return;
} }
uint32_t bytes_to_load = (ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] & 0x7f) + 1; uint32_t bytes_to_load = (ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] & 0x7f) + 1;
ppc_effective_address = (reg_a == 0) ? ppc_result_b : ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b; ppc_effective_address = (reg_a == 0) ? ppc_result_b : ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b;
do { do {
ppc_effective_address++; ppc_effective_address++;
bytes_to_load--; bytes_to_load--;
@ -259,9 +250,8 @@ void power_lscbx() {
if (shift_amount == 3) { if (shift_amount == 3) {
shift_amount = 0; shift_amount = 0;
reg_d = (reg_d + 1) & 0x1F; reg_d = (reg_d + 1) & 0x1F;
} } else {
else {
shift_amount++; shift_amount++;
} }
} while (bytes_to_load > 0); } while (bytes_to_load > 0);
@ -275,19 +265,17 @@ void power_lscbxdot() {
void power_maskg() { void power_maskg() {
ppc_grab_regssab(); ppc_grab_regssab();
uint32_t mask_start = ppc_result_d & 31; uint32_t mask_start = ppc_result_d & 31;
uint32_t mask_end = ppc_result_b & 31; uint32_t mask_end = ppc_result_b & 31;
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
if (mask_start < (mask_end + 1)) { if (mask_start < (mask_end + 1)) {
for (uint32_t i = mask_start; i < mask_end; i++) { for (uint32_t i = mask_start; i < mask_end; i++) {
insert_mask |= (0x80000000 >> i); insert_mask |= (0x80000000 >> i);
} }
} } else if (mask_start == (mask_end + 1)) {
else if (mask_start == (mask_end + 1)) {
insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
} } else {
else {
insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
for (uint32_t i = (mask_end + 1); i < (mask_start - 1); i++) { for (uint32_t i = (mask_end + 1); i < (mask_start - 1); i++) {
insert_mask &= (~(0x80000000 >> i)); insert_mask &= (~(0x80000000 >> i));
@ -300,19 +288,17 @@ void power_maskg() {
void power_maskgdot() { void power_maskgdot() {
ppc_grab_regssab(); ppc_grab_regssab();
uint32_t mask_start = ppc_result_d & 31; uint32_t mask_start = ppc_result_d & 31;
uint32_t mask_end = ppc_result_b & 31; uint32_t mask_end = ppc_result_b & 31;
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
if (mask_start < (mask_end + 1)) { if (mask_start < (mask_end + 1)) {
for (uint32_t i = mask_start; i < mask_end; i++) { for (uint32_t i = mask_start; i < mask_end; i++) {
insert_mask |= (0x80000000 >> i); insert_mask |= (0x80000000 >> i);
} }
} } else if (mask_start == (mask_end + 1)) {
else if (mask_start == (mask_end + 1)) {
insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
} } else {
else {
insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
for (uint32_t i = (mask_end + 1); i < (mask_start - 1); i++) { for (uint32_t i = (mask_end + 1); i < (mask_start - 1); i++) {
insert_mask &= (~(0x80000000 >> i)); insert_mask &= (~(0x80000000 >> i));
@ -326,7 +312,7 @@ void power_maskgdot() {
void power_maskir() { void power_maskir() {
ppc_grab_regssab(); ppc_grab_regssab();
uint32_t mask_insert = ppc_result_a; uint32_t mask_insert = ppc_result_a;
uint32_t insert_rot = 0x80000000; uint32_t insert_rot = 0x80000000;
do { do {
if (ppc_result_b & insert_rot) { if (ppc_result_b & insert_rot) {
mask_insert &= ~insert_rot; mask_insert &= ~insert_rot;
@ -342,7 +328,7 @@ void power_maskir() {
void power_maskirdot() { void power_maskirdot() {
ppc_grab_regssab(); ppc_grab_regssab();
uint32_t mask_insert = ppc_result_a; uint32_t mask_insert = ppc_result_a;
uint32_t insert_rot = 0x80000000; uint32_t insert_rot = 0x80000000;
do { do {
if (ppc_result_b & insert_rot) { if (ppc_result_b & insert_rot) {
mask_insert &= ~insert_rot; mask_insert &= ~insert_rot;
@ -360,41 +346,37 @@ void power_mul() {
ppc_grab_regsdab(); ppc_grab_regsdab();
uint64_t product; uint64_t product;
product = ((uint64_t)ppc_result_a) * ((uint64_t)ppc_result_b); product = ((uint64_t)ppc_result_a) * ((uint64_t)ppc_result_b);
ppc_result_d = ((uint32_t)(product >> 32)); ppc_result_d = ((uint32_t)(product >> 32));
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = ((uint32_t)(product)); ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = ((uint32_t)(product));
ppc_store_result_regd(); ppc_store_result_regd();
} }
void power_muldot() { void power_muldot() {
ppc_grab_regsdab(); ppc_grab_regsdab();
uint64_t product; uint64_t product;
product = ((uint64_t)ppc_result_a) * ((uint64_t)ppc_result_b); product = ((uint64_t)ppc_result_a) * ((uint64_t)ppc_result_b);
ppc_result_d = ((uint32_t)(product >> 32)); ppc_result_d = ((uint32_t)(product >> 32));
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = ((uint32_t)(product)); ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = ((uint32_t)(product));
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_d); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_d);
ppc_store_result_regd(); ppc_store_result_regd();
} }
void power_mulo() { void power_mulo() {
uint64_t product; uint64_t product;
product = ((uint64_t)ppc_result_a) * ((uint64_t)ppc_result_b); product = ((uint64_t)ppc_result_a) * ((uint64_t)ppc_result_b);
ppc_result_d = ((uint32_t)(product >> 32)); ppc_result_d = ((uint32_t)(product >> 32));
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = ((uint32_t)(product)); ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = ((uint32_t)(product));
} }
void power_mulodot() { void power_mulodot() {
uint64_t product; uint64_t product;
product = ((uint64_t)ppc_result_a) * ((uint64_t)ppc_result_b); product = ((uint64_t)ppc_result_a) * ((uint64_t)ppc_result_b);
ppc_result_d = ((uint32_t)(product >> 32)); ppc_result_d = ((uint32_t)(product >> 32));
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = ((uint32_t)(product)); ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = ((uint32_t)(product));
} }
void power_nabs() { void power_nabs() {
@ -417,20 +399,18 @@ void power_nabsodot() {
void power_rlmi() { void power_rlmi() {
ppc_grab_regssab(); ppc_grab_regssab();
unsigned rot_mb = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 6) & 31; unsigned rot_mb = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 6) & 31;
unsigned rot_me = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 1) & 31; unsigned rot_me = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 1) & 31;
uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31; uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31;
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
if (rot_mb < (rot_me + 1)) { if (rot_mb < (rot_me + 1)) {
for (uint32_t i = rot_mb; i < rot_me; i++) { for (uint32_t i = rot_mb; i < rot_me; i++) {
insert_mask |= (0x80000000 >> i); insert_mask |= (0x80000000 >> i);
} }
} } else if (rot_mb == (rot_me + 1)) {
else if (rot_mb == (rot_me + 1)) {
insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
} } else {
else {
insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; insert_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
for (uint32_t i = (rot_me + 1); i < (rot_mb - 1); i++) { for (uint32_t i = (rot_me + 1); i < (rot_mb - 1); i++) {
insert_mask &= (~(0x80000000 >> i)); insert_mask &= (~(0x80000000 >> i));
@ -438,7 +418,7 @@ void power_rlmi() {
} }
uint32_t step2 = (ppc_result_d << rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d >> rot_amt); uint32_t step2 = (ppc_result_d << rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d >> rot_amt);
ppc_result_a = step2 & insert_mask; ppc_result_a = step2 & insert_mask;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} }
@ -446,8 +426,7 @@ void power_rrib() {
ppc_grab_regssab(); ppc_grab_regssab();
if (ppc_result_d & 0x80000000) { if (ppc_result_d & 0x80000000) {
ppc_result_a |= (0x80000000 >> ppc_result_b); ppc_result_a |= (0x80000000 >> ppc_result_b);
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_a &= ~(0x80000000 >> ppc_result_b); ppc_result_a &= ~(0x80000000 >> ppc_result_b);
} }
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
@ -457,8 +436,7 @@ void power_rribdot() {
ppc_grab_regssab(); ppc_grab_regssab();
if (ppc_result_d & 0x80000000) { if (ppc_result_d & 0x80000000) {
ppc_result_a |= (0x80000000 >> ppc_result_b); ppc_result_a |= (0x80000000 >> ppc_result_b);
} } else {
else {
ppc_result_a &= ~(0x80000000 >> ppc_result_b); ppc_result_a &= ~(0x80000000 >> ppc_result_b);
} }
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a);
@ -468,26 +446,26 @@ void power_rribdot() {
void power_sle() { void power_sle() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31; uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_final = ((ppc_result_d << rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d >> (32 - rot_amt))); uint32_t insert_final = ((ppc_result_d << rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d >> (32 - rot_amt)));
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_final & insert_mask; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_final & insert_mask;
ppc_result_a = insert_final & insert_mask; ppc_result_a = insert_final & insert_mask;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} }
void power_sledot() { void power_sledot() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31; uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_final = ((ppc_result_d << rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d >> (32 - rot_amt))); uint32_t insert_final = ((ppc_result_d << rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d >> (32 - rot_amt)));
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_final & insert_mask; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_final & insert_mask;
ppc_result_a = insert_final & insert_mask; ppc_result_a = insert_final & insert_mask;
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a);
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} }
@ -495,12 +473,12 @@ void power_sledot() {
void power_sleq() { void power_sleq() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31; uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d >> (rot_amt - 31))); uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d >> (rot_amt - 31)));
uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]; uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) { if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) {
@ -509,7 +487,7 @@ void power_sleq() {
} }
} }
ppc_result_a = insert_end; ppc_result_a = insert_end;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} }
@ -517,12 +495,12 @@ void power_sleq() {
void power_sleqdot() { void power_sleqdot() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31; uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d >> (rot_amt - 31))); uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d >> (rot_amt - 31)));
uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]; uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) { if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) {
@ -531,7 +509,7 @@ void power_sleqdot() {
} }
} }
ppc_result_a = insert_end; ppc_result_a = insert_end;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start;
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a);
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
@ -540,12 +518,12 @@ void power_sleqdot() {
void power_sliq() { void power_sliq() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d >> (rot_sh - 31))); uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d >> (rot_sh - 31)));
uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]; uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) { if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) {
@ -554,7 +532,7 @@ void power_sliq() {
} }
} }
ppc_result_a = insert_end & insert_mask; ppc_result_a = insert_end & insert_mask;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} }
@ -562,12 +540,12 @@ void power_sliq() {
void power_sliqdot() { void power_sliqdot() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d >> (rot_sh - 31))); uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d >> (rot_sh - 31)));
uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]; uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) { if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) {
@ -576,7 +554,7 @@ void power_sliqdot() {
} }
} }
ppc_result_a = insert_end & insert_mask; ppc_result_a = insert_end & insert_mask;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start;
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a);
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
@ -585,12 +563,12 @@ void power_sliqdot() {
void power_slliq() { void power_slliq() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d >> (32 - rot_sh))); uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d >> (32 - rot_sh)));
uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]; uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) { if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) {
@ -599,7 +577,7 @@ void power_slliq() {
} }
} }
ppc_result_a = insert_end; ppc_result_a = insert_end;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} }
@ -607,12 +585,12 @@ void power_slliq() {
void power_slliqdot() { void power_slliqdot() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d >> (32 - rot_sh))); uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d << rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d >> (32 - rot_sh)));
uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]; uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) { if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) {
@ -621,7 +599,7 @@ void power_slliqdot() {
} }
} }
ppc_result_a = insert_end; ppc_result_a = insert_end;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start;
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a);
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
@ -662,26 +640,26 @@ void power_sraqdot() {
void power_sre() { void power_sre() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31; uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_final = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_amt))); uint32_t insert_final = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_amt)));
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_final & insert_mask; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_final & insert_mask;
ppc_result_a = insert_final; ppc_result_a = insert_final;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} }
void power_sredot() { void power_sredot() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31; uint32_t rot_amt = ppc_result_b & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_amt; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_final = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_amt))); uint32_t insert_final = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_amt) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_amt)));
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_final & insert_mask; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_final & insert_mask;
ppc_result_a = insert_final; ppc_result_a = insert_final;
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a);
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} }
@ -697,12 +675,12 @@ void power_sreadot() {
void power_sreq() { void power_sreq() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
unsigned rot_sh = ppc_result_b & 31; unsigned rot_sh = ppc_result_b & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_sh))); uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_sh)));
uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]; uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) { if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) {
@ -711,7 +689,7 @@ void power_sreq() {
} }
} }
ppc_result_a = insert_end; ppc_result_a = insert_end;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} }
@ -719,12 +697,12 @@ void power_sreq() {
void power_sreqdot() { void power_sreqdot() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
unsigned rot_sh = ppc_result_b & 31; unsigned rot_sh = ppc_result_b & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_sh))); uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_sh)));
uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]; uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) { if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) {
@ -733,7 +711,7 @@ void power_sreqdot() {
} }
} }
ppc_result_a = insert_end; ppc_result_a = insert_end;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start;
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a);
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
@ -742,12 +720,12 @@ void power_sreqdot() {
void power_sriq() { void power_sriq() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_sh))); uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_sh)));
uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]; uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) { if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) {
@ -756,7 +734,7 @@ void power_sriq() {
} }
} }
ppc_result_a = insert_end; ppc_result_a = insert_end;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} }
@ -764,12 +742,12 @@ void power_sriq() {
void power_sriqdot() { void power_sriqdot() {
ppc_grab_regssa(); ppc_grab_regssa();
uint32_t insert_mask = 0; uint32_t insert_mask = 0;
unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; unsigned rot_sh = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) { for (uint32_t i = 31; i > rot_sh; i--) {
insert_mask |= (1 << i); insert_mask |= (1 << i);
} }
uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_sh))); uint32_t insert_start = ((ppc_result_d >> rot_sh) | (ppc_result_d << (32 - rot_sh)));
uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ]; uint32_t insert_end = ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) { if (insert_mask & (1 << i)) {
@ -778,7 +756,7 @@ void power_sriqdot() {
} }
} }
ppc_result_a = insert_end; ppc_result_a = insert_end;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start; ppc_state.spr[SPR::MQ] = insert_start;
ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a); ppc_changecrf0(ppc_result_a);
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <string> #include <string>
typedef struct PPCDisasmContext { typedef struct PPCDisasmContext {
uint32_t instr_addr; uint32_t instr_addr;
uint32_t instr_code; uint32_t instr_code;
std::string instr_str; std::string instr_str;
bool simplified; /* true if we should output simplified mnemonics */ bool simplified; /* true if we should output simplified mnemonics */
} PPCDisasmContext; } PPCDisasmContext;
std::string disassemble_single(PPCDisasmContext *ctx); std::string disassemble_single(PPCDisasmContext* ctx);
int test_ppc_disasm(void); int test_ppc_disasm(void);
/** sign-extend an integer. */ /** sign-extend an integer. */
#define SIGNEXT(x, sb) ((x) | (((x) & (1 << (sb))) ? ~((1 << (sb))-1) : 0)) #define SIGNEXT(x, sb) ((x) | (((x) & (1 << (sb))) ? ~((1 << (sb)) - 1) : 0))
#endif /* PPCDISASM_H */ #endif /* PPCDISASM_H */

View File

@ -22,22 +22,22 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef PPCEMU_H #ifndef PPCEMU_H
#define PPCEMU_H #define PPCEMU_H
#include <cinttypes>
#include <string>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "endianswap.h"
#include "devices/memctrlbase.h" #include "devices/memctrlbase.h"
#include "endianswap.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <string>
//Uncomment this to help debug the emulator further // Uncomment this to help debug the emulator further
//Uncomment this to have a more graceful approach to illegal opcodes // Uncomment this to have a more graceful approach to illegal opcodes
//#define ILLEGAL_OP_SAFE 1 //#define ILLEGAL_OP_SAFE 1
//Uncomment this to use GCC built-in functions. // Uncomment this to use GCC built-in functions.
//#define USE_GCC_BUILTINS 1 //#define USE_GCC_BUILTINS 1
//Uncomment this to use Visual Studio built-in functions. // Uncomment this to use Visual Studio built-in functions.
//#define USE_VS_BUILTINS 1 //#define USE_VS_BUILTINS 1
enum endian_switch { big_end = 0, little_end = 1 }; enum endian_switch { big_end = 0, little_end = 1 };
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ enum endian_switch { big_end = 0, little_end = 1 };
typedef void (*PPCOpcode)(void); typedef void (*PPCOpcode)(void);
union FPR_storage { union FPR_storage {
double dbl64_r; // double floating-point representation double dbl64_r; // double floating-point representation
uint64_t int64_r; // double integer representation uint64_t int64_r; // double integer representation
}; };
/** /**
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ fpscr = FP Status and Condition Register
typedef struct struct_ppc_state { typedef struct struct_ppc_state {
FPR_storage fpr[32]; FPR_storage fpr[32];
uint32_t pc; //Referred as the CIA in the PPC manual uint32_t pc; // Referred as the CIA in the PPC manual
uint32_t gpr[32]; uint32_t gpr[32];
uint32_t cr; uint32_t cr;
uint32_t fpscr; uint32_t fpscr;
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ typedef struct struct_ppc_state {
uint32_t spr[1024]; uint32_t spr[1024];
uint32_t msr; uint32_t msr;
uint32_t sr[16]; uint32_t sr[16];
bool reserve; //reserve bit used for lwarx and stcwx bool reserve; // reserve bit used for lwarx and stcwx
} SetPRS; } SetPRS;
extern SetPRS ppc_state; extern SetPRS ppc_state;
@ -94,10 +94,7 @@ enum SPR : int {
}; };
/** symbolic names for frequently used SPRs */ /** symbolic names for frequently used SPRs */
enum TBR : int { enum TBR : int { TBL = 0, TBU = 1 };
TBL = 0,
TBU = 1
/** symbolic names for common PPC processors */ /** symbolic names for common PPC processors */
enum PPC_VER : uint32_t { enum PPC_VER : uint32_t {
@ -147,10 +144,10 @@ SUPERVISOR MODEL
536 - 543 are the Data BAT registers 536 - 543 are the Data BAT registers
**/ **/
extern uint32_t opcode_value; //used for interpreting opcodes extern uint32_t opcode_value; // used for interpreting opcodes
extern uint64_t timebase_counter; //used for storing time base value extern uint64_t timebase_counter; // used for storing time base value
//Additional steps to prevent overflow? // Additional steps to prevent overflow?
extern int32_t add_result; extern int32_t add_result;
extern int32_t simult_result; extern int32_t simult_result;
extern uint32_t uiadd_result; extern uint32_t uiadd_result;
@ -176,19 +173,19 @@ extern uint32_t rot_mb;
extern uint32_t rot_me; extern uint32_t rot_me;
extern uint32_t uimm; extern uint32_t uimm;
extern uint32_t grab_sr; extern uint32_t grab_sr;
extern uint32_t grab_inb; //This is for grabbing the number of immediate bytes for loading and storing extern uint32_t grab_inb; // This is for grabbing the number of immediate bytes for loading and storing
extern uint32_t ppc_to; extern uint32_t ppc_to;
extern int32_t simm; extern int32_t simm;
extern int32_t adr_li; extern int32_t adr_li;
extern int32_t br_bd; extern int32_t br_bd;
//Used for GP calcs // Used for GP calcs
extern uint32_t ppc_result_a; extern uint32_t ppc_result_a;
extern uint32_t ppc_result_b; extern uint32_t ppc_result_b;
extern uint32_t ppc_result_c; extern uint32_t ppc_result_c;
extern uint32_t ppc_result_d; extern uint32_t ppc_result_d;
//Used for FP calcs // Used for FP calcs
extern uint64_t ppc_result64_a; extern uint64_t ppc_result64_a;
extern uint64_t ppc_result64_b; extern uint64_t ppc_result64_b;
extern uint64_t ppc_result64_c; extern uint64_t ppc_result64_c;
@ -197,7 +194,7 @@ extern uint64_t ppc_result64_d;
/* The precise end of a basic block. */ /* The precise end of a basic block. */
enum class BB_end_kind { enum class BB_end_kind {
BB_NONE = 0, /* no basic block end is reached */ BB_NONE = 0, /* no basic block end is reached */
BB_BRANCH = 1, /* a branch instruction is encountered */ BB_BRANCH = 1, /* a branch instruction is encountered */
BB_EXCEPTION, /* an exception is occured */ BB_EXCEPTION, /* an exception is occured */
BB_RFI /* the rfi instruction is encountered */ BB_RFI /* the rfi instruction is encountered */
@ -215,10 +212,10 @@ enum class Except_Type {
}; };
//extern bool bb_end; // extern bool bb_end;
extern BB_end_kind bb_kind; extern BB_end_kind bb_kind;
extern jmp_buf exc_env; extern jmp_buf exc_env;
@ -229,23 +226,23 @@ extern bool grab_return;
extern bool power_on; extern bool power_on;
extern bool is_601; //For PowerPC 601 Emulation extern bool is_601; // For PowerPC 601 Emulation
extern bool is_gekko; //For GameCube Emulation extern bool is_gekko; // For GameCube Emulation
extern bool is_altivec; //For Altivec Emulation extern bool is_altivec; // For Altivec Emulation
extern bool is_64bit; //For PowerPC G5 Emulation extern bool is_64bit; // For PowerPC G5 Emulation
//Important Addressing Integers // Important Addressing Integers
extern uint32_t ppc_cur_instruction; extern uint32_t ppc_cur_instruction;
extern uint32_t ppc_effective_address; extern uint32_t ppc_effective_address;
extern uint32_t ppc_next_instruction_address; extern uint32_t ppc_next_instruction_address;
//Profiling Stats // Profiling Stats
extern uint32_t mmu_translations_num; extern uint32_t mmu_translations_num;
extern uint32_t exceptions_performed; extern uint32_t exceptions_performed;
extern uint32_t supervisor_inst_num; extern uint32_t supervisor_inst_num;
//Function prototypes // Function prototypes
extern void ppc_cpu_init(MemCtrlBase *mem_ctrl, uint32_t proc_version); extern void ppc_cpu_init(MemCtrlBase* mem_ctrl, uint32_t proc_version);
extern void ppc_mmu_init(); extern void ppc_mmu_init();
void ppc_illegalop(); void ppc_illegalop();
@ -293,15 +290,13 @@ void ppc_fp_changecrf1();
void ppc_tbr_update(); void ppc_tbr_update();
/* Exception handlers. */ /* Exception handlers. */
[[noreturn]] void ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type exception_type, [[noreturn]] void ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type exception_type, uint32_t srr1_bits);
uint32_t srr1_bits); [[noreturn]] void dbg_exception_handler(Except_Type exception_type, uint32_t srr1_bits);
[[noreturn]] void dbg_exception_handler(Except_Type exception_type,
uint32_t srr1_bits);
extern MemCtrlBase* mem_ctrl_instance; extern MemCtrlBase* mem_ctrl_instance;
//The functions used by the PowerPC processor // The functions used by the PowerPC processor
extern void ppc_bcctr(); extern void ppc_bcctr();
extern void ppc_bcctrl(); extern void ppc_bcctrl();
extern void ppc_bclr(); extern void ppc_bclr();
@ -599,7 +594,7 @@ extern void ppc_fsqrtsdot();
extern void ppc_fcmpo(); extern void ppc_fcmpo();
extern void ppc_fcmpu(); extern void ppc_fcmpu();
//Power-specific instructions // Power-specific instructions
extern void power_abs(); extern void power_abs();
extern void power_absdot(); extern void power_absdot();
extern void power_abso(); extern void power_abso();
@ -667,17 +662,17 @@ extern void power_srlqdot();
extern void power_srq(); extern void power_srq();
extern void power_srqdot(); extern void power_srqdot();
//Gekko instructions // Gekko instructions
extern void ppc_psq_l(); extern void ppc_psq_l();
extern void ppc_psq_lu(); extern void ppc_psq_lu();
extern void ppc_psq_st(); extern void ppc_psq_st();
extern void ppc_psq_stu(); extern void ppc_psq_stu();
//AltiVec instructions // AltiVec instructions
//64-bit instructions // 64-bit instructions
//G5+ instructions // G5+ instructions
extern void ppc_main_opcode(void); extern void ppc_main_opcode(void);
extern void ppc_exec(void); extern void ppc_exec(void);
@ -685,9 +680,9 @@ extern void ppc_exec_single(void);
extern void ppc_exec_until(uint32_t goal_addr); extern void ppc_exec_until(uint32_t goal_addr);
/* debugging support API */ /* debugging support API */
void print_gprs(void); /* print content of the general purpose registers */ void print_gprs(void); /* print content of the general purpose registers */
void print_fprs(void); /* print content of the floating-point registers */ void print_fprs(void); /* print content of the floating-point registers */
uint64_t get_reg(std::string &reg_name); /* get content of the register reg_name */ uint64_t get_reg(std::string& reg_name); /* get content of the register reg_name */
void set_reg(std::string &reg_name, uint64_t val); /* set reg_name to val */ void set_reg(std::string& reg_name, uint64_t val); /* set reg_name to val */
#endif /* PPCEMU_H */ #endif /* PPCEMU_H */

View File

@ -21,92 +21,89 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** @file Handling of low-level PPC exceptions. */ /** @file Handling of low-level PPC exceptions. */
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "ppcemu.h" #include "ppcemu.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
jmp_buf exc_env; /* Global exception environment. */ jmp_buf exc_env; /* Global exception environment. */
[[noreturn]] void ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type exception_type, [[noreturn]] void ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type exception_type, uint32_t srr1_bits) {
uint32_t srr1_bits)
grab_exception = true; grab_exception = true;
exceptions_performed++; exceptions_performed++;
#endif #endif
bb_kind = BB_end_kind::BB_EXCEPTION; bb_kind = BB_end_kind::BB_EXCEPTION;
switch(exception_type) { switch (exception_type) {
case Except_Type::EXC_SYSTEM_RESET: case Except_Type::EXC_SYSTEM_RESET:
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0100; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0100;
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_MACHINE_CHECK: case Except_Type::EXC_MACHINE_CHECK:
if (!(ppc_state.msr & 0x1000)) { if (!(ppc_state.msr & 0x1000)) {
/* TODO: handle internal checkstop */ /* TODO: handle internal checkstop */
} }
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0200; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0200;
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_DSI: case Except_Type::EXC_DSI:
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0300; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0300;
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_ISI: case Except_Type::EXC_ISI:
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_next_instruction_address; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_next_instruction_address;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0400; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0400;
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_EXT_INT: case Except_Type::EXC_EXT_INT:
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_next_instruction_address; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_next_instruction_address;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0500; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0500;
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_ALIGNMENT: case Except_Type::EXC_ALIGNMENT:
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0600; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0600;
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM: case Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM:
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0700; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0700;
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_NO_FPU: case Except_Type::EXC_NO_FPU:
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0800; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0800;
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_DECR: case Except_Type::EXC_DECR:
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = (ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC) + 4; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = (ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC) + 4;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0900; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0900;
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_SYSCALL: case Except_Type::EXC_SYSCALL:
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = (ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC) + 4; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = (ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC) + 4;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0C00; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0C00;
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_TRACE: case Except_Type::EXC_TRACE:
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = (ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC) + 4; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR0] = (ppc_state.pc & 0xFFFFFFFC) + 4;
ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0D00; ppc_next_instruction_address = 0x0D00;
break; break;
default: default:
//printf("Unknown exception occured: %X\n", exception_type); // printf("Unknown exception occured: %X\n", exception_type);
//exit(-1); // exit(-1);
break; break;
} }
ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR1] = (ppc_state.msr & 0x0000FF73) | srr1_bits; ppc_state.spr[SPR::SRR1] = (ppc_state.msr & 0x0000FF73) | srr1_bits;
ppc_state.msr &= 0xFFFB1041; ppc_state.msr &= 0xFFFB1041;
/* copy MSR[ILE] to MSR[LE] */ /* copy MSR[ILE] to MSR[LE] */
ppc_state.msr = (ppc_state.msr & 0xFFFFFFFE) | ppc_state.msr = (ppc_state.msr & 0xFFFFFFFE) | ((ppc_state.msr >> 16) & 1);
((ppc_state.msr >> 16) & 1);
if (ppc_state.msr & 0x40) { if (ppc_state.msr & 0x40) {
ppc_next_instruction_address |= 0xFFF00000; ppc_next_instruction_address |= 0xFFF00000;
@ -116,61 +113,59 @@ jmp_buf exc_env; /* Global exception environment. */
} }
[[noreturn]] void dbg_exception_handler(Except_Type exception_type, [[noreturn]] void dbg_exception_handler(Except_Type exception_type, uint32_t srr1_bits) {
uint32_t srr1_bits)
std::string exc_descriptor; std::string exc_descriptor;
switch(exception_type) { switch (exception_type) {
case Except_Type::EXC_SYSTEM_RESET: case Except_Type::EXC_SYSTEM_RESET:
exc_descriptor = "System reset exception occured"; exc_descriptor = "System reset exception occured";
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_MACHINE_CHECK: case Except_Type::EXC_MACHINE_CHECK:
exc_descriptor = "Machine check exception occured"; exc_descriptor = "Machine check exception occured";
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_DSI: case Except_Type::EXC_DSI:
case Except_Type::EXC_ISI: case Except_Type::EXC_ISI:
if (ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] & 0x40000000) if (ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] & 0x40000000)
exc_descriptor = "DSI/ISI exception: unmapped memory access"; exc_descriptor = "DSI/ISI exception: unmapped memory access";
else if (ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] & 0x08000000) else if (ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] & 0x08000000)
exc_descriptor = "DSI/ISI exception: access protection violation"; exc_descriptor = "DSI/ISI exception: access protection violation";
else { else {
if (exception_type == Except_Type::EXC_DSI) if (exception_type == Except_Type::EXC_DSI)
exc_descriptor = "DSI exception"; exc_descriptor = "DSI exception";
else else
exc_descriptor = "ISI exception"; exc_descriptor = "ISI exception";
} }
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_EXT_INT: case Except_Type::EXC_EXT_INT:
exc_descriptor = "External interrupt exception occured"; exc_descriptor = "External interrupt exception occured";
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_ALIGNMENT: case Except_Type::EXC_ALIGNMENT:
exc_descriptor = "Alignment exception occured"; exc_descriptor = "Alignment exception occured";
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM: case Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM:
exc_descriptor = "Program exception occured"; exc_descriptor = "Program exception occured";
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_NO_FPU: case Except_Type::EXC_NO_FPU:
exc_descriptor = "Floating-Point unavailable exception occured"; exc_descriptor = "Floating-Point unavailable exception occured";
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_DECR: case Except_Type::EXC_DECR:
exc_descriptor = "Decrementer exception occured"; exc_descriptor = "Decrementer exception occured";
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_SYSCALL: case Except_Type::EXC_SYSCALL:
exc_descriptor = "Syscall exception occured"; exc_descriptor = "Syscall exception occured";
break; break;
case Except_Type::EXC_TRACE: case Except_Type::EXC_TRACE:
exc_descriptor = "Trace exception occured"; exc_descriptor = "Trace exception occured";
break; break;
} }
throw std::invalid_argument(exc_descriptor); throw std::invalid_argument(exc_descriptor);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -21,20 +21,20 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
// The opcodes for the processor - ppcopcodes.cpp // The opcodes for the processor - ppcopcodes.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <array>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "ppcemu.h" #include "ppcemu.h"
#include "ppcmmu.h" #include "ppcmmu.h"
#include <array>
#include <cfenv> #include <cfenv>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cmath> #include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits> #include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unordered_map>
//Used for FP calcs // Used for FP calcs
uint64_t ppc_result64_a; uint64_t ppc_result64_a;
uint64_t ppc_result64_b; uint64_t ppc_result64_b;
uint64_t ppc_result64_c; uint64_t ppc_result64_c;
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ double ppc_dblresult64_d;
double snan = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(); double snan = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
double qnan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); double qnan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
//Storage and register retrieval functions for the floating point functions. // Storage and register retrieval functions for the floating point functions.
double fp_return_double(uint32_t reg) { double fp_return_double(uint32_t reg) {
return ppc_state.fpr[reg].dbl64_r; return ppc_state.fpr[reg].dbl64_r;
@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ void ppc_store_sfpresult(bool int_rep) {
if (int_rep) { if (int_rep) {
ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].int64_r = ppc_result64_d; ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].int64_r = ppc_result64_d;
ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].dbl64_r = *(double*)&ppc_result64_d; ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].dbl64_r = *(double*)&ppc_result64_d;
} } else {
else {
ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].dbl64_r = ppc_dblresult64_d; ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].dbl64_r = ppc_dblresult64_d;
ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].int64_r = *(uint64_t*)&ppc_dblresult64_d; ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].int64_r = *(uint64_t*)&ppc_dblresult64_d;
} }
@ -73,8 +72,7 @@ void ppc_store_dfpresult(bool int_rep) {
if (int_rep) { if (int_rep) {
ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].int64_r = ppc_result64_d; ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].int64_r = ppc_result64_d;
ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].dbl64_r = *(double*)&ppc_result64_d; ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].dbl64_r = *(double*)&ppc_result64_d;
} } else {
else {
ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].dbl64_r = ppc_dblresult64_d; ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].dbl64_r = ppc_dblresult64_d;
ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].int64_r = *(uint64_t*)&ppc_dblresult64_d; ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].int64_r = *(uint64_t*)&ppc_dblresult64_d;
} }
@ -85,8 +83,7 @@ void ppc_grab_regsfpdb(bool int_rep) {
reg_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; reg_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
if (int_rep) { if (int_rep) {
ppc_result64_b = ppc_state.fpr[reg_b].int64_r; ppc_result64_b = ppc_state.fpr[reg_b].int64_r;
} } else {
else {
ppc_dblresult64_b = ppc_state.fpr[reg_b].dbl64_r; ppc_dblresult64_b = ppc_state.fpr[reg_b].dbl64_r;
} }
} }
@ -96,32 +93,31 @@ void ppc_grab_regsfpdiab(bool int_rep) {
reg_a = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 16) & 31; reg_a = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 16) & 31;
reg_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; reg_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
if (int_rep == true) { if (int_rep == true) {
} }
ppc_result_a = ppc_state.gpr[reg_a]; ppc_result_a = ppc_state.gpr[reg_a];
ppc_result_b = ppc_state.gpr[reg_b]; ppc_result_b = ppc_state.gpr[reg_b];
} }
void ppc_grab_regsfpdia(bool int_rep) { void ppc_grab_regsfpdia(bool int_rep) {
reg_d = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 21) & 31; reg_d = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 21) & 31;
reg_a = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 16) & 31; reg_a = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 16) & 31;
ppc_result_a = ppc_state.gpr[reg_a]; ppc_result_a = ppc_state.gpr[reg_a];
} }
void ppc_grab_regsfpsia(bool int_rep) { void ppc_grab_regsfpsia(bool int_rep) {
reg_s = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 21) & 31; reg_s = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 21) & 31;
reg_a = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 16) & 31; reg_a = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 16) & 31;
ppc_result_d = ppc_state.gpr[reg_s]; ppc_result_d = ppc_state.gpr[reg_s];
ppc_result_a = ppc_state.gpr[reg_a]; ppc_result_a = ppc_state.gpr[reg_a];
} }
void ppc_grab_regsfpsiab(bool int_rep) { void ppc_grab_regsfpsiab(bool int_rep) {
reg_s = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 21) & 31; reg_s = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 21) & 31;
reg_a = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 16) & 31; reg_a = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 16) & 31;
reg_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; reg_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
ppc_result64_d = ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r; ppc_result64_d = ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r;
ppc_result_a = ppc_state.gpr[reg_a]; ppc_result_a = ppc_state.gpr[reg_a];
ppc_result_b = ppc_state.gpr[reg_b]; ppc_result_b = ppc_state.gpr[reg_b];
} }
void ppc_grab_regsfpsab(bool int_rep) { void ppc_grab_regsfpsab(bool int_rep) {
@ -132,8 +128,7 @@ void ppc_grab_regsfpsab(bool int_rep) {
ppc_result64_d = ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r; ppc_result64_d = ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r;
ppc_result64_a = ppc_state.fpr[reg_a].int64_r; ppc_result64_a = ppc_state.fpr[reg_a].int64_r;
ppc_result64_b = ppc_state.fpr[reg_b].int64_r; ppc_result64_b = ppc_state.fpr[reg_b].int64_r;
} } else {
else {
ppc_dblresult64_d = fp_return_double(reg_s); ppc_dblresult64_d = fp_return_double(reg_s);
ppc_dblresult64_a = fp_return_double(reg_a); ppc_dblresult64_a = fp_return_double(reg_a);
ppc_dblresult64_c = fp_return_double(reg_c); ppc_dblresult64_c = fp_return_double(reg_c);
@ -147,8 +142,7 @@ void ppc_grab_regsfpdab(bool int_rep) {
if (int_rep) { if (int_rep) {
ppc_result64_a = fp_return_uint64(reg_a); ppc_result64_a = fp_return_uint64(reg_a);
ppc_result64_b = fp_return_uint64(reg_b); ppc_result64_b = fp_return_uint64(reg_b);
} } else {
else {
ppc_dblresult64_a = fp_return_double(reg_a); ppc_dblresult64_a = fp_return_double(reg_a);
ppc_dblresult64_b = fp_return_double(reg_b); ppc_dblresult64_b = fp_return_double(reg_b);
} }
@ -161,8 +155,7 @@ void ppc_grab_regsfpdac(bool int_rep) {
if (int_rep) { if (int_rep) {
ppc_result64_a = fp_return_uint64(reg_a); ppc_result64_a = fp_return_uint64(reg_a);
ppc_result64_c = fp_return_uint64(reg_c); ppc_result64_c = fp_return_uint64(reg_c);
} } else {
else {
ppc_dblresult64_a = fp_return_double(reg_a); ppc_dblresult64_a = fp_return_double(reg_a);
ppc_dblresult64_c = fp_return_double(reg_c); ppc_dblresult64_c = fp_return_double(reg_c);
} }
@ -177,8 +170,7 @@ void ppc_grab_regsfpdabc(bool int_rep) {
ppc_result64_a = fp_return_uint64(reg_a); ppc_result64_a = fp_return_uint64(reg_a);
ppc_result64_b = fp_return_uint64(reg_b); ppc_result64_b = fp_return_uint64(reg_b);
ppc_result64_c = fp_return_uint64(reg_c); ppc_result64_c = fp_return_uint64(reg_c);
} } else {
else {
ppc_dblresult64_a = fp_return_double(reg_a); ppc_dblresult64_a = fp_return_double(reg_a);
ppc_dblresult64_b = fp_return_double(reg_b); ppc_dblresult64_b = fp_return_double(reg_b);
ppc_dblresult64_c = fp_return_double(reg_c); ppc_dblresult64_c = fp_return_double(reg_c);
@ -203,7 +195,6 @@ void fp_save_uint64(uint64_t entry) {
void fp_save_uint32(uint32_t entry) { void fp_save_uint32(uint32_t entry) {
ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].int64_r = entry; ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].int64_r = entry;
ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].dbl64_r = (double)entry; ppc_state.fpr[reg_d].dbl64_r = (double)entry;
} }
void ppc_fp_changecrf1() { void ppc_fp_changecrf1() {
@ -222,8 +213,7 @@ void ppc_divbyzero(uint64_t input_a, uint64_t input_b, bool is_single) {
int64_t round_to_nearest(double f) { int64_t round_to_nearest(double f) {
if (f >= 0.0) { if (f >= 0.0) {
return (int32_t)(int64_t)(f + 0.5); return (int32_t)(int64_t)(f + 0.5);
} } else {
else {
return (int32_t)(-(int64_t)(-f + 0.5)); return (int32_t)(-(int64_t)(-f + 0.5));
} }
} }
@ -265,8 +255,7 @@ bool ppc_confirm_inf_nan(uint32_t chosen_reg_1, uint32_t chosen_reg_2, bool is_s
ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80400000; ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80400000;
ppc_toggle_fpscr_fex(); ppc_toggle_fpscr_fex();
return true; return true;
} } else if ((input_a == 0) & (input_b == 0)) {
else if ((input_a == 0) & (input_b == 0)) {
ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80200000; ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80200000;
ppc_toggle_fpscr_fex(); ppc_toggle_fpscr_fex();
return true; return true;
@ -297,8 +286,7 @@ bool ppc_confirm_inf_nan(uint32_t chosen_reg_1, uint32_t chosen_reg_2, bool is_s
default: default:
return false; return false;
} }
} } else {
else {
uint32_t exp_a = (input_a >> 52) & 0x7ff; uint32_t exp_a = (input_a >> 52) & 0x7ff;
uint32_t exp_b = (input_b >> 52) & 0x7ff; uint32_t exp_b = (input_b >> 52) & 0x7ff;
@ -310,8 +298,7 @@ bool ppc_confirm_inf_nan(uint32_t chosen_reg_1, uint32_t chosen_reg_2, bool is_s
ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80400000; ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80400000;
ppc_toggle_fpscr_fex(); ppc_toggle_fpscr_fex();
return true; return true;
} } else if ((input_a == 0) & (input_b == 0)) {
else if ((input_a == 0) & (input_b == 0)) {
ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80200000; ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80200000;
ppc_toggle_fpscr_fex(); ppc_toggle_fpscr_fex();
return true; return true;
@ -348,7 +335,6 @@ bool ppc_confirm_inf_nan(uint32_t chosen_reg_1, uint32_t chosen_reg_2, bool is_s
} }
void fpresult_update(uint64_t set_result, bool confirm_arc) { void fpresult_update(uint64_t set_result, bool confirm_arc) {
bool confirm_ov = (bool)std::fetestexcept(FE_OVERFLOW); bool confirm_ov = (bool)std::fetestexcept(FE_OVERFLOW);
if (confirm_ov) { if (confirm_ov) {
@ -362,15 +348,12 @@ void fpresult_update(uint64_t set_result, bool confirm_arc) {
if (set_result == 0) { if (set_result == 0) {
ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x2000; ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x2000;
} } else {
else {
if (set_result < 0) { if (set_result < 0) {
ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x8000; ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x8000;
} } else if (set_result > 0) {
else if (set_result > 0) {
ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x4000; ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x4000;
} } else {
else {
ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x1000; ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x1000;
} }
} }
@ -378,9 +361,7 @@ void fpresult_update(uint64_t set_result, bool confirm_arc) {
} }
void ppc_frsqrte_result() { void ppc_frsqrte_result() {
if (ppc_result64_d & 0x007FF000000000000UL) { if (ppc_result64_d & 0x007FF000000000000UL) {
} }
} }
@ -389,7 +370,7 @@ void ppc_changecrf1() { |= (ppc_state.fpscr & 0xF0000000) >> 4; |= (ppc_state.fpscr & 0xF0000000) >> 4;
} }
//Floating Point Arithmetic // Floating Point Arithmetic
void ppc_fadd() { void ppc_fadd() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdab(false); ppc_grab_regsfpdab(false);
@ -585,7 +566,7 @@ void ppc_fadds() {
if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 58)) { if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 58)) {
float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a + (float)ppc_dblresult64_b; float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a + (float)ppc_dblresult64_b;
ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate); ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate);
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
} }
@ -595,7 +576,7 @@ void ppc_faddsdot() {
if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 58)) { if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 58)) {
float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a + (float)ppc_dblresult64_b; float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a + (float)ppc_dblresult64_b;
ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate); ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate);
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
@ -607,7 +588,7 @@ void ppc_fsubs() {
if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 56)) { if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 56)) {
float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a - (float)ppc_dblresult64_b; float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a - (float)ppc_dblresult64_b;
ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate); ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate);
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
} }
@ -617,7 +598,7 @@ void ppc_fsubsdot() {
if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 56)) { if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 56)) {
float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a - (float)ppc_dblresult64_b; float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a - (float)ppc_dblresult64_b;
ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate); ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate);
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
@ -629,7 +610,7 @@ void ppc_fmults() {
if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 50)) { if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 50)) {
float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a * (float)ppc_dblresult64_b; float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a * (float)ppc_dblresult64_b;
ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate); ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate);
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
} }
@ -638,9 +619,8 @@ void ppc_fmultsdot() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdac(false); ppc_grab_regsfpdac(false);
if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 50)) { if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 50)) {
float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a * (float)ppc_dblresult64_b; float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a * (float)ppc_dblresult64_b;
ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate); ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate);
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
ppc_changecrf1(); ppc_changecrf1();
@ -651,7 +631,7 @@ void ppc_fdivs() {
if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 36)) { if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 36)) {
float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a / (float)ppc_dblresult64_b; float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a / (float)ppc_dblresult64_b;
ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate); ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate);
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
} }
@ -661,7 +641,7 @@ void ppc_fdivsdot() {
if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 36)) { if (!ppc_confirm_inf_nan(reg_a, reg_b, true, 36)) {
float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a / (float)ppc_dblresult64_b; float intermediate = (float)ppc_dblresult64_a / (float)ppc_dblresult64_b;
ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate); ppc_dblresult64_d = static_cast<double>(intermediate);
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
@ -682,7 +662,6 @@ void ppc_fmadds() {
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
} }
} }
void ppc_fmaddsdot() { void ppc_fmaddsdot() {
@ -717,8 +696,6 @@ void ppc_fmsubs() {
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
} }
} }
void ppc_fmsubsdot() { void ppc_fmsubsdot() {
@ -793,7 +770,6 @@ void ppc_fnmsubs() {
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
} }
} }
void ppc_fnmsubsdot() { void ppc_fnmsubsdot() {
@ -873,8 +849,7 @@ void ppc_fsel() {
if (ppc_dblresult64_a >= 0.0) { if (ppc_dblresult64_a >= 0.0) {
ppc_dblresult64_d = ppc_dblresult64_c; ppc_dblresult64_d = ppc_dblresult64_c;
} } else {
else {
ppc_dblresult64_d = ppc_dblresult64_b; ppc_dblresult64_d = ppc_dblresult64_b;
} }
@ -886,8 +861,7 @@ void ppc_fseldot() {
if (ppc_dblresult64_a >= 0.0) { if (ppc_dblresult64_a >= 0.0) {
ppc_dblresult64_d = ppc_dblresult64_c; ppc_dblresult64_d = ppc_dblresult64_c;
} } else {
else {
ppc_dblresult64_d = ppc_dblresult64_b; ppc_dblresult64_d = ppc_dblresult64_b;
} }
@ -914,7 +888,7 @@ void ppc_fsqrts() {
test += 127 << 23; test += 127 << 23;
test >>= 1; test >>= 1;
uint64_t* pre_final = (uint64_t*)&test; uint64_t* pre_final = (uint64_t*)&test;
ppc_result64_d = *pre_final; ppc_result64_d = *pre_final;
ppc_store_dfpresult(true); ppc_store_dfpresult(true);
} }
@ -924,7 +898,7 @@ void ppc_fsqrtsdot() {
test += 127 << 23; test += 127 << 23;
test >>= 1; test >>= 1;
uint64_t* pre_final = (uint64_t*)&test; uint64_t* pre_final = (uint64_t*)&test;
ppc_result64_d = *pre_final; ppc_result64_d = *pre_final;
ppc_store_dfpresult(true); ppc_store_dfpresult(true);
ppc_changecrf1(); ppc_changecrf1();
} }
@ -954,16 +928,16 @@ void ppc_frsqrtedot() {
void ppc_frsp() { void ppc_frsp() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdb(false); ppc_grab_regsfpdb(false);
double testd2 = (double)ppc_result64_b; double testd2 = (double)ppc_result64_b;
float testf2 = (float)testd2; float testf2 = (float)testd2;
ppc_dblresult64_d = (double)testf2; ppc_dblresult64_d = (double)testf2;
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
void ppc_frspdot() { void ppc_frspdot() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdb(false); ppc_grab_regsfpdb(false);
double testd2 = (double)ppc_result64_b; double testd2 = (double)ppc_result64_b;
float testf2 = (float)testd2; float testf2 = (float)testd2;
ppc_dblresult64_d = (double)testf2; ppc_dblresult64_d = (double)testf2;
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
ppc_changecrf1(); ppc_changecrf1();
@ -971,16 +945,16 @@ void ppc_frspdot() {
void ppc_fres() { void ppc_fres() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdb(false); ppc_grab_regsfpdb(false);
float testf2 = (float)ppc_dblresult64_b; float testf2 = (float)ppc_dblresult64_b;
testf2 = 1 / testf2; testf2 = 1 / testf2;
ppc_dblresult64_d = (double)testf2; ppc_dblresult64_d = (double)testf2;
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
} }
void ppc_fresdot() { void ppc_fresdot() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdb(false); ppc_grab_regsfpdb(false);
float testf2 = (float)ppc_dblresult64_b; float testf2 = (float)ppc_dblresult64_b;
testf2 = 1 / testf2; testf2 = 1 / testf2;
ppc_dblresult64_d = (double)testf2; ppc_dblresult64_d = (double)testf2;
ppc_store_dfpresult(false); ppc_store_dfpresult(false);
ppc_changecrf1(); ppc_changecrf1();
@ -1001,7 +975,6 @@ void ppc_fctiw() {
} }
ppc_store_dfpresult(true); ppc_store_dfpresult(true);
} }
void ppc_fctiwdot() { void ppc_fctiwdot() {
@ -1037,7 +1010,7 @@ void ppc_fctiwzdot() {
ppc_changecrf1(); ppc_changecrf1();
} }
//Floating Point Store and Load // Floating Point Store and Load
void ppc_lfs() { void ppc_lfs() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdia(true); ppc_grab_regsfpdia(true);
@ -1054,11 +1027,10 @@ void ppc_lfsu() {
ppc_effective_address = (int32_t)((int16_t)(ppc_cur_instruction & 0xFFFF)); ppc_effective_address = (int32_t)((int16_t)(ppc_cur_instruction & 0xFFFF));
ppc_effective_address += (reg_a > 0) ? ppc_result_a : 0; ppc_effective_address += (reg_a > 0) ? ppc_result_a : 0;
ppc_result64_d = mem_grab_dword(ppc_effective_address); ppc_result64_d = mem_grab_dword(ppc_effective_address);
ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address; ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address;
ppc_store_dfpresult(true); ppc_store_dfpresult(true);
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} } else {
else {
ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000); ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000);
} }
} }
@ -1066,7 +1038,7 @@ void ppc_lfsu() {
void ppc_lfsx() { void ppc_lfsx() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdiab(true); ppc_grab_regsfpdiab(true);
ppc_effective_address = (reg_a == 0) ? ppc_result_b : ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b; ppc_effective_address = (reg_a == 0) ? ppc_result_b : ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b;
ppc_result64_d = mem_grab_dword(ppc_effective_address); ppc_result64_d = mem_grab_dword(ppc_effective_address);
ppc_store_dfpresult(true); ppc_store_dfpresult(true);
} }
@ -1074,12 +1046,11 @@ void ppc_lfsux() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdiab(true); ppc_grab_regsfpdiab(true);
if (reg_a == 0) { if (reg_a == 0) {
ppc_effective_address = ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b; ppc_effective_address = ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b;
ppc_result64_d = mem_grab_dword(ppc_effective_address); ppc_result64_d = mem_grab_dword(ppc_effective_address);
ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address; ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address;
ppc_store_dfpresult(true); ppc_store_dfpresult(true);
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} } else {
else {
ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000); ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000);
} }
} }
@ -1101,8 +1072,7 @@ void ppc_lfdu() {
ppc_store_dfpresult(true); ppc_store_dfpresult(true);
ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address; ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} } else {
else {
ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000); ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000);
} }
} }
@ -1118,12 +1088,11 @@ void ppc_lfdux() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdiab(true); ppc_grab_regsfpdiab(true);
if (reg_a == 0) { if (reg_a == 0) {
ppc_effective_address = ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b; ppc_effective_address = ppc_result_a + ppc_result_b;
ppc_result64_d = mem_grab_qword(ppc_effective_address); ppc_result64_d = mem_grab_qword(ppc_effective_address);
ppc_store_dfpresult(true); ppc_store_dfpresult(true);
ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address; ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} } else {
else {
ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000); ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000);
} }
} }
@ -1143,8 +1112,7 @@ void ppc_stfsu() {
mem_write_dword(ppc_effective_address, uint32_t(ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r)); mem_write_dword(ppc_effective_address, uint32_t(ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r));
ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address; ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} } else {
else {
ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000); ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000);
} }
} }
@ -1162,8 +1130,7 @@ void ppc_stfsux() {
mem_write_dword(ppc_effective_address, uint32_t(ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r)); mem_write_dword(ppc_effective_address, uint32_t(ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r));
ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address; ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} } else {
else {
ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000); ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000);
} }
} }
@ -1183,8 +1150,7 @@ void ppc_stfdu() {
mem_write_qword(ppc_effective_address, ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r); mem_write_qword(ppc_effective_address, ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r);
ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address; ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} } else {
else {
ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000); ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000);
} }
} }
@ -1202,8 +1168,7 @@ void ppc_stfdux() {
mem_write_qword(ppc_effective_address, ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r); mem_write_qword(ppc_effective_address, ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r);
ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address; ppc_result_a = ppc_effective_address;
ppc_store_result_rega(); ppc_store_result_rega();
} } else {
else {
ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000); ppc_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_PROGRAM, 0x20000);
} }
} }
@ -1214,7 +1179,7 @@ void ppc_stfiwx() {
mem_write_dword(ppc_effective_address, (uint32_t)(ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r)); mem_write_dword(ppc_effective_address, (uint32_t)(ppc_state.fpr[reg_s].int64_r));
} }
//Floating Point Register Transfer // Floating Point Register Transfer
void ppc_fmr() { void ppc_fmr() {
ppc_grab_regsfpdb(true); ppc_grab_regsfpdb(true);
@ -1241,7 +1206,7 @@ void ppc_mffsdot() {
} }
void ppc_mtfsf() { void ppc_mtfsf() {
reg_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; reg_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
uint32_t fm_mask = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 17) & 255; uint32_t fm_mask = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 17) & 255;
crm += ((fm_mask & 1) == 1) ? 0xF0000000 : 0x00000000; crm += ((fm_mask & 1) == 1) ? 0xF0000000 : 0x00000000;
crm += (((fm_mask >> 1) & 1) == 1) ? 0x0F000000 : 0x00000000; crm += (((fm_mask >> 1) & 1) == 1) ? 0x0F000000 : 0x00000000;
@ -1252,11 +1217,11 @@ void ppc_mtfsf() {
crm += (((fm_mask >> 6) & 1) == 1) ? 0x000000F0 : 0x00000000; crm += (((fm_mask >> 6) & 1) == 1) ? 0x000000F0 : 0x00000000;
crm += (((fm_mask >> 7) & 1) == 1) ? 0x0000000F : 0x00000000; crm += (((fm_mask >> 7) & 1) == 1) ? 0x0000000F : 0x00000000;
uint32_t quickfprval = (uint32_t)ppc_state.fpr[reg_b].int64_r; uint32_t quickfprval = (uint32_t)ppc_state.fpr[reg_b].int64_r;
ppc_state.fpscr = (quickfprval & crm) | (quickfprval & ~(crm)); ppc_state.fpscr = (quickfprval & crm) | (quickfprval & ~(crm));
} }
void ppc_mtfsfdot() { void ppc_mtfsfdot() {
reg_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31; reg_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 31;
uint32_t fm_mask = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 17) & 255; uint32_t fm_mask = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 17) & 255;
crm += ((fm_mask & 1) == 1) ? 0xF0000000 : 0x00000000; crm += ((fm_mask & 1) == 1) ? 0xF0000000 : 0x00000000;
crm += (((fm_mask >> 1) & 1) == 1) ? 0x0F000000 : 0x00000000; crm += (((fm_mask >> 1) & 1) == 1) ? 0x0F000000 : 0x00000000;
@ -1267,22 +1232,24 @@ void ppc_mtfsfdot() {
crm += (((fm_mask >> 6) & 1) == 1) ? 0x000000F0 : 0x00000000; crm += (((fm_mask >> 6) & 1) == 1) ? 0x000000F0 : 0x00000000;
crm += (((fm_mask >> 7) & 1) == 1) ? 0x0000000F : 0x00000000; crm += (((fm_mask >> 7) & 1) == 1) ? 0x0000000F : 0x00000000;
uint32_t quickfprval = (uint32_t)ppc_state.fpr[reg_b].int64_r; uint32_t quickfprval = (uint32_t)ppc_state.fpr[reg_b].int64_r;
ppc_state.fpscr = (quickfprval & crm) | (quickfprval & ~(crm)); ppc_state.fpscr = (quickfprval & crm) | (quickfprval & ~(crm));
ppc_fp_changecrf1(); ppc_fp_changecrf1();
} }
void ppc_mtfsfi() { void ppc_mtfsfi() {
ppc_result_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 15; ppc_result_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 15;
crf_d = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 23) & 7; crf_d = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 23) & 7;
crf_d = crf_d << 2; crf_d = crf_d << 2;
ppc_state.fpscr = ( & ~(0xF0000000UL >> crf_d)) | ((ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] & 0xF0000000UL) >> crf_d); ppc_state.fpscr = ( & ~(0xF0000000UL >> crf_d)) |
((ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] & 0xF0000000UL) >> crf_d);
} }
void ppc_mtfsfidot() { void ppc_mtfsfidot() {
ppc_result_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 15; ppc_result_b = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 11) & 15;
crf_d = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 23) & 7; crf_d = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 23) & 7;
crf_d = crf_d << 2; crf_d = crf_d << 2;
ppc_state.fpscr = ( & ~(0xF0000000UL >> crf_d)) | ((ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] & 0xF0000000UL) >> crf_d); ppc_state.fpscr = ( & ~(0xF0000000UL >> crf_d)) |
((ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] & 0xF0000000UL) >> crf_d);
ppc_fp_changecrf1(); ppc_fp_changecrf1();
} }
@ -1317,14 +1284,15 @@ void ppc_mtfsb1dot() {
} }
void ppc_mcrfs() { void ppc_mcrfs() {
crf_d = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 23) & 7; crf_d = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 23) & 7;
crf_d = crf_d << 2; crf_d = crf_d << 2;
crf_s = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 18) & 7; crf_s = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 18) & 7;
crf_s = crf_d << 2; crf_s = crf_d << 2; = ~( & ((15 << (28 - crf_d)))) & (ppc_state.fpscr & (15 << (28 - crf_s))); = ~( & ((15 << (28 - crf_d)))) &
(ppc_state.fpscr & (15 << (28 - crf_s)));
} }
//Floating Point Comparisons // Floating Point Comparisons
void ppc_fcmpo() { void ppc_fcmpo() {
ppc_grab_regsfpsab(true); ppc_grab_regsfpsab(true);
@ -1339,14 +1307,11 @@ void ppc_fcmpo() {
if (std::isnan(db_test_a) || std::isnan(db_test_b)) { if (std::isnan(db_test_a) || std::isnan(db_test_b)) {
cmp_c |= 0x01; cmp_c |= 0x01;
} } else if (db_test_a < db_test_b) {
else if (db_test_a < db_test_b) {
cmp_c |= 0x08; cmp_c |= 0x08;
} } else if (db_test_a > db_test_b) {
else if (db_test_a > db_test_b) {
cmp_c |= 0x04; cmp_c |= 0x04;
} } else {
else {
cmp_c |= 0x02; cmp_c |= 0x02;
} }
@ -1358,11 +1323,9 @@ void ppc_fcmpo() {
if (ppc_state.fpscr & 0x80) { if (ppc_state.fpscr & 0x80) {
ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80000; ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80000;
} }
} } else if ((db_test_a == qnan) || (db_test_b == qnan)) {
else if ((db_test_a == qnan) || (db_test_b == qnan)) {
ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80000; ppc_state.fpscr |= 0x80000;
} }
} }
void ppc_fcmpu() { void ppc_fcmpu() {
@ -1378,14 +1341,11 @@ void ppc_fcmpu() {
if (std::isnan(db_test_a) || std::isnan(db_test_b)) { if (std::isnan(db_test_a) || std::isnan(db_test_b)) {
cmp_c |= 0x01; cmp_c |= 0x01;
} } else if (db_test_a < db_test_b) {
else if (db_test_a < db_test_b) {
cmp_c |= 0x08; cmp_c |= 0x08;
} } else if (db_test_a > db_test_b) {
else if (db_test_a > db_test_b) {
cmp_c |= 0x04; cmp_c |= 0x04;
} } else {
else {
cmp_c |= 0x02; cmp_c |= 0x02;
} }

View File

@ -21,26 +21,26 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
// The uniquely Gekko opcodes for the processor - ppcgekkoopcodes.cpp // The uniquely Gekko opcodes for the processor - ppcgekkoopcodes.cpp
#include "ppcemu.h"
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include "ppcemu.h"
void ppc_psq_l(){ void ppc_psq_l() {
printf("Hello. There's no GameCube emulation...yet. Goodbye."); printf("Hello. There's no GameCube emulation...yet. Goodbye.");
exit(0); exit(0);
} }
void ppc_psq_lu(){ void ppc_psq_lu() {
printf("Hello. There's no GameCube emulation...yet. Goodbye."); printf("Hello. There's no GameCube emulation...yet. Goodbye.");
exit(0); exit(0);
} }
void ppc_psq_st(){ void ppc_psq_st() {
printf("Hello. There's no GameCube emulation...yet. Goodbye."); printf("Hello. There's no GameCube emulation...yet. Goodbye.");
exit(0); exit(0);
} }
void ppc_psq_stu(){ void ppc_psq_stu() {
printf("Hello. There's no GameCube emulation...yet. Goodbye."); printf("Hello. There's no GameCube emulation...yet. Goodbye.");
exit(0); exit(0);
} }

View File

@ -28,193 +28,173 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
- clarify what to do in the case of unaligned memory accesses - clarify what to do in the case of unaligned memory accesses
*/ */
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <array>
#include "memreadwrite.h"
#include "ppcemu.h"
#include "ppcmmu.h" #include "ppcmmu.h"
#include "devices/memctrlbase.h" #include "devices/memctrlbase.h"
#include "memreadwrite.h"
#include "ppcemu.h"
#include <array>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
/* pointer to exception handler to be called when a MMU exception is occured. */ /* pointer to exception handler to be called when a MMU exception is occured. */
void (*mmu_exception_handler)(Except_Type exception_type, uint32_t srr1_bits); void (*mmu_exception_handler)(Except_Type exception_type, uint32_t srr1_bits);
/** PowerPC-style MMU BAT arrays (NULL initialization isn't prescribed). */ /** PowerPC-style MMU BAT arrays (NULL initialization isn't prescribed). */
PPC_BAT_entry ibat_array[4] = { {0} }; PPC_BAT_entry ibat_array[4] = {{0}};
PPC_BAT_entry dbat_array[4] = { {0} }; PPC_BAT_entry dbat_array[4] = {{0}};
/** remember recently used physical memory regions for quicker translation. */ /** remember recently used physical memory regions for quicker translation. */
AddressMapEntry last_read_area = { 0 }; AddressMapEntry last_read_area = {0};
AddressMapEntry last_write_area = { 0 }; AddressMapEntry last_write_area = {0};
AddressMapEntry last_exec_area = { 0 }; AddressMapEntry last_exec_area = {0};
AddressMapEntry last_ptab_area = { 0 }; AddressMapEntry last_ptab_area = {0};
AddressMapEntry last_dma_area = { 0 }; AddressMapEntry last_dma_area = {0};
/* macro for generating code reading from physical memory */ /* macro for generating code reading from physical memory */
{ \ { \
if ((ADDR) >= (ENTRY).start && ((ADDR) + (SIZE)) <= (ENTRY).end) { \ if ((ADDR) >= (ENTRY).start && ((ADDR) + (SIZE)) <= (ENTRY).end) { \
ret = OP((ENTRY).mem_ptr + ((ADDR) - (ENTRY).start)); \ ret = OP((ENTRY).mem_ptr + ((ADDR) - (ENTRY).start)); \
} else { \ } else { \
AddressMapEntry* entry = mem_ctrl_instance->find_range((ADDR)); \ AddressMapEntry* entry = mem_ctrl_instance->find_range((ADDR)); \
if (entry) { \ if (entry) { \
if (entry->type & (RT_ROM | RT_RAM)) { \ if (entry->type & (RT_ROM | RT_RAM)) { \
(ENTRY).start = entry->start; \ (ENTRY).start = entry->start; \
(ENTRY).end = entry->end; \ (ENTRY).end = entry->end; \
(ENTRY).mem_ptr = entry->mem_ptr; \ (ENTRY).mem_ptr = entry->mem_ptr; \
ret = OP((ENTRY).mem_ptr + ((ADDR) - (ENTRY).start)); \ ret = OP((ENTRY).mem_ptr + ((ADDR) - (ENTRY).start)); \
} \ } else if (entry->type & RT_MMIO) { \
else if (entry->type & RT_MMIO) { \ ret = entry->devobj->read(entry->start, (ADDR)-entry->start, (SIZE)); \
ret = entry->devobj->read(entry->start, (ADDR) - entry->start, \ } else { \
(SIZE)); \ LOG_F(ERROR, "Please check your address map! \n"); \
} \ ret = (UNVAL); \
else { \ } \
LOG_F(ERROR, "Please check your address map! \n"); \ } else { \
ret = (UNVAL); \ LOG_F(WARNING, "Read from unmapped memory at 0x%08X!\n", (ADDR)); \
} \ ret = (UNVAL); \
} \ } \
else { \ } \
LOG_F(WARNING, "Read from unmapped memory at 0x%08X!\n", (ADDR)); \ }
ret = (UNVAL); \
} \
} \
/* macro for generating code writing to physical memory */ /* macro for generating code writing to physical memory */
{ \ { \
if ((ADDR) >= (ENTRY).start && ((ADDR) + (SIZE)) <= (ENTRY).end) { \ if ((ADDR) >= (ENTRY).start && ((ADDR) + (SIZE)) <= (ENTRY).end) { \
OP((ENTRY).mem_ptr + ((ADDR) - (ENTRY).start), (VAL)); \ OP((ENTRY).mem_ptr + ((ADDR) - (ENTRY).start), (VAL)); \
} else { \ } else { \
AddressMapEntry* entry = mem_ctrl_instance->find_range((ADDR)); \ AddressMapEntry* entry = mem_ctrl_instance->find_range((ADDR)); \
if (entry) { \ if (entry) { \
if (entry->type & RT_RAM) { \ if (entry->type & RT_RAM) { \
(ENTRY).start = entry->start; \ (ENTRY).start = entry->start; \
(ENTRY).end = entry->end; \ (ENTRY).end = entry->end; \
(ENTRY).mem_ptr = entry->mem_ptr; \ (ENTRY).mem_ptr = entry->mem_ptr; \
OP((ENTRY).mem_ptr + ((ADDR) - (ENTRY).start), (VAL)); \ OP((ENTRY).mem_ptr + ((ADDR) - (ENTRY).start), (VAL)); \
} \ } else if (entry->type & RT_MMIO) { \
else if (entry->type & RT_MMIO) { \ entry->devobj->write(entry->start, (ADDR)-entry->start, (VAL), (SIZE)); \
entry->devobj->write(entry->start, (ADDR) - entry->start, \ } else { \
(VAL), (SIZE)); \ LOG_F(ERROR, "Please check your address map!\n"); \
} \ } \
else { \ } else { \
LOG_F(ERROR, "Please check your address map!\n"); \ LOG_F(WARNING, "Write to unmapped memory at 0x%08X!\n", (ADDR)); \
} \ } \
} \ } \
else { \ }
LOG_F(WARNING, "Write to unmapped memory at 0x%08X!\n", (ADDR)); \
} \
} \
uint8_t *mmu_get_dma_mem(uint32_t addr, uint32_t size) uint8_t* mmu_get_dma_mem(uint32_t addr, uint32_t size) {
if (addr >= last_dma_area.start && (addr + size) <= last_dma_area.end) { if (addr >= last_dma_area.start && (addr + size) <= last_dma_area.end) {
return last_dma_area.mem_ptr + (addr - last_dma_area.start); return last_dma_area.mem_ptr + (addr - last_dma_area.start);
} } else {
else {
AddressMapEntry* entry = mem_ctrl_instance->find_range(addr); AddressMapEntry* entry = mem_ctrl_instance->find_range(addr);
if (entry && entry->type & (RT_ROM | RT_RAM)) { if (entry && entry->type & (RT_ROM | RT_RAM)) {
last_dma_area.start = entry->start; last_dma_area.start = entry->start;
last_dma_area.end = entry->end; last_dma_area.end = entry->end;
last_dma_area.mem_ptr = entry->mem_ptr; last_dma_area.mem_ptr = entry->mem_ptr;
return last_dma_area.mem_ptr + (addr - last_dma_area.start); return last_dma_area.mem_ptr + (addr - last_dma_area.start);
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS: DMA access to unmapped memory %08X!\n", addr); LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS: DMA access to unmapped memory %08X!\n", addr);
exit(-1); // FIXME: ugly error handling, must be the proper exception! exit(-1); // FIXME: ugly error handling, must be the proper exception!
} }
} }
} }
void ppc_set_cur_instruction(const uint8_t* ptr) void ppc_set_cur_instruction(const uint8_t* ptr) {
ppc_cur_instruction = READ_DWORD_BE_A(ptr); ppc_cur_instruction = READ_DWORD_BE_A(ptr);
} }
void ibat_update(uint32_t bat_reg) void ibat_update(uint32_t bat_reg) {
int upper_reg_num; int upper_reg_num;
uint32_t bl, lo_mask; uint32_t bl, lo_mask;
PPC_BAT_entry* bat_entry; PPC_BAT_entry* bat_entry;
upper_reg_num = bat_reg & 0xFFFFFFFE; upper_reg_num = bat_reg & 0xFFFFFFFE;
if (ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & 3) { // is that BAT pair valid? if (ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & 3) { // is that BAT pair valid?
bat_entry = &ibat_array[(bat_reg - 528) >> 1]; bat_entry = &ibat_array[(bat_reg - 528) >> 1];
bl = (ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] >> 2) & 0x7FF; bl = (ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] >> 2) & 0x7FF;
lo_mask = (bl << 17) | 0x1FFFF; lo_mask = (bl << 17) | 0x1FFFF;
bat_entry->access = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & 3; bat_entry->access = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & 3;
bat_entry->prot = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num + 1] & 3; bat_entry->prot = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num + 1] & 3;
bat_entry->lo_mask = lo_mask; bat_entry->lo_mask = lo_mask;
bat_entry->phys_hi = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num + 1] & ~lo_mask; bat_entry->phys_hi = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num + 1] & ~lo_mask;
bat_entry->bepi = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & ~lo_mask; bat_entry->bepi = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & ~lo_mask;
} }
} }
void dbat_update(uint32_t bat_reg) void dbat_update(uint32_t bat_reg) {
int upper_reg_num; int upper_reg_num;
uint32_t bl, lo_mask; uint32_t bl, lo_mask;
PPC_BAT_entry* bat_entry; PPC_BAT_entry* bat_entry;
upper_reg_num = bat_reg & 0xFFFFFFFE; upper_reg_num = bat_reg & 0xFFFFFFFE;
if (ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & 3) { // is that BAT pair valid? if (ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & 3) { // is that BAT pair valid?
bat_entry = &dbat_array[(bat_reg - 536) >> 1]; bat_entry = &dbat_array[(bat_reg - 536) >> 1];
bl = (ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] >> 2) & 0x7FF; bl = (ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] >> 2) & 0x7FF;
lo_mask = (bl << 17) | 0x1FFFF; lo_mask = (bl << 17) | 0x1FFFF;
bat_entry->access = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & 3; bat_entry->access = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & 3;
bat_entry->prot = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num + 1] & 3; bat_entry->prot = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num + 1] & 3;
bat_entry->lo_mask = lo_mask; bat_entry->lo_mask = lo_mask;
bat_entry->phys_hi = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num + 1] & ~lo_mask; bat_entry->phys_hi = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num + 1] & ~lo_mask;
bat_entry->bepi = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & ~lo_mask; bat_entry->bepi = ppc_state.spr[upper_reg_num] & ~lo_mask;
} }
} }
static inline uint8_t* calc_pteg_addr(uint32_t hash) static inline uint8_t* calc_pteg_addr(uint32_t hash) {
uint32_t sdr1_val, pteg_addr; uint32_t sdr1_val, pteg_addr;
sdr1_val = ppc_state.spr[SPR::SDR1]; sdr1_val = ppc_state.spr[SPR::SDR1];
pteg_addr = sdr1_val & 0xFE000000; pteg_addr = sdr1_val & 0xFE000000;
pteg_addr |= (sdr1_val & 0x01FF0000) | pteg_addr |= (sdr1_val & 0x01FF0000) | (((sdr1_val & 0x1FF) << 16) & ((hash & 0x7FC00) << 6));
(((sdr1_val & 0x1FF) << 16) & ((hash & 0x7FC00) << 6));
pteg_addr |= (hash & 0x3FF) << 6; pteg_addr |= (hash & 0x3FF) << 6;
if (pteg_addr >= last_ptab_area.start && pteg_addr <= last_ptab_area.end) { if (pteg_addr >= last_ptab_area.start && pteg_addr <= last_ptab_area.end) {
return last_ptab_area.mem_ptr + (pteg_addr - last_ptab_area.start); return last_ptab_area.mem_ptr + (pteg_addr - last_ptab_area.start);
} } else {
else {
AddressMapEntry* entry = mem_ctrl_instance->find_range(pteg_addr); AddressMapEntry* entry = mem_ctrl_instance->find_range(pteg_addr);
if (entry && entry->type & (RT_ROM | RT_RAM)) { if (entry && entry->type & (RT_ROM | RT_RAM)) {
last_ptab_area.start = entry->start; last_ptab_area.start = entry->start;
last_ptab_area.end = entry->end; last_ptab_area.end = entry->end;
last_ptab_area.mem_ptr = entry->mem_ptr; last_ptab_area.mem_ptr = entry->mem_ptr;
return last_ptab_area.mem_ptr + (pteg_addr - last_ptab_area.start); return last_ptab_area.mem_ptr + (pteg_addr - last_ptab_area.start);
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS: no page table region was found at %08X!\n", pteg_addr); LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS: no page table region was found at %08X!\n", pteg_addr);
exit(-1); // FIXME: ugly error handling, must be the proper exception! exit(-1); // FIXME: ugly error handling, must be the proper exception!
} }
} }
} }
static bool search_pteg(uint8_t* pteg_addr, uint8_t** ret_pte_addr, static bool search_pteg(
uint32_t vsid, uint16_t page_index, uint8_t pteg_num) uint8_t* pteg_addr, uint8_t** ret_pte_addr, uint32_t vsid, uint16_t page_index, uint8_t pteg_num) {
/* construct PTE matching word */ /* construct PTE matching word */
uint32_t pte_check = 0x80000000 | (vsid << 7) | (pteg_num << 6) | uint32_t pte_check = 0x80000000 | (vsid << 7) | (pteg_num << 6) | (page_index >> 10);
(page_index >> 10);
/* PTEG integrity check that ensures that all matching PTEs have /* PTEG integrity check that ensures that all matching PTEs have
@ -229,11 +209,10 @@ static bool search_pteg(uint8_t* pteg_addr, uint8_t** ret_pte_addr,
LOG_F(ERROR, "Multiple PTEs with different RPN/WIMG/PP found!\n"); LOG_F(ERROR, "Multiple PTEs with different RPN/WIMG/PP found!\n");
exit(-1); exit(-1);
} }
} } else {
else {
/* isolate RPN, WIMG and PP fields */ /* isolate RPN, WIMG and PP fields */
pte_word2_check = READ_DWORD_BE_A(pteg_addr) & 0xFFFFF07B; pte_word2_check = READ_DWORD_BE_A(pteg_addr) & 0xFFFFF07B;
*ret_pte_addr = pteg_addr; *ret_pte_addr = pteg_addr;
} }
} }
} }
@ -249,9 +228,7 @@ static bool search_pteg(uint8_t* pteg_addr, uint8_t** ret_pte_addr,
return false; return false;
} }
static uint32_t page_address_translate(uint32_t la, bool is_instr_fetch, static uint32_t page_address_translate(uint32_t la, bool is_instr_fetch, unsigned msr_pr, int is_write) {
unsigned msr_pr, int is_write)
uint32_t sr_val, page_index, pteg_hash1, vsid, pte_word2; uint32_t sr_val, page_index, pteg_hash1, vsid, pte_word2;
unsigned key, pp; unsigned key, pp;
uint8_t* pte_addr; uint8_t* pte_addr;
@ -259,7 +236,7 @@ static uint32_t page_address_translate(uint32_t la, bool is_instr_fetch,
sr_val =[(la >> 28) & 0x0F]; sr_val =[(la >> 28) & 0x0F];
if (sr_val & 0x80000000) { if (sr_val & 0x80000000) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "Direct-store segments not supported, LA=%0xX\n", la); LOG_F(ERROR, "Direct-store segments not supported, LA=%0xX\n", la);
exit(-1); // FIXME: ugly error handling, must be the proper exception! exit(-1); // FIXME: ugly error handling, must be the proper exception!
} }
/* instruction fetch from a no-execute segment will cause ISI exception */ /* instruction fetch from a no-execute segment will cause ISI exception */
@ -269,16 +246,15 @@ static uint32_t page_address_translate(uint32_t la, bool is_instr_fetch,
page_index = (la >> 12) & 0xFFFF; page_index = (la >> 12) & 0xFFFF;
pteg_hash1 = (sr_val & 0x7FFFF) ^ page_index; pteg_hash1 = (sr_val & 0x7FFFF) ^ page_index;
vsid = sr_val & 0x0FFFFFF; vsid = sr_val & 0x0FFFFFF;
if (!search_pteg(calc_pteg_addr(pteg_hash1), &pte_addr, vsid, page_index, 0)) { if (!search_pteg(calc_pteg_addr(pteg_hash1), &pte_addr, vsid, page_index, 0)) {
if (!search_pteg(calc_pteg_addr(~pteg_hash1), &pte_addr, vsid, page_index, 1)) { if (!search_pteg(calc_pteg_addr(~pteg_hash1), &pte_addr, vsid, page_index, 1)) {
if (is_instr_fetch) { if (is_instr_fetch) {
mmu_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_ISI, 0x40000000); mmu_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_ISI, 0x40000000);
} } else {
else {
ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] = 0x40000000 | (is_write << 25); ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] = 0x40000000 | (is_write << 25);
ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR] = la; ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR] = la;
mmu_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_DSI, 0); mmu_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_DSI, 0);
} }
} }
@ -286,7 +262,7 @@ static uint32_t page_address_translate(uint32_t la, bool is_instr_fetch,
pte_word2 = READ_DWORD_BE_A(pte_addr + 4); pte_word2 = READ_DWORD_BE_A(pte_addr + 4);
key = (((sr_val >> 29) & 1)& msr_pr) | (((sr_val >> 30) & 1)& (msr_pr ^ 1)); key = (((sr_val >> 29) & 1) & msr_pr) | (((sr_val >> 30) & 1) & (msr_pr ^ 1));
/* check page access */ /* check page access */
pp = pte_word2 & 3; pp = pte_word2 & 3;
@ -298,10 +274,9 @@ static uint32_t page_address_translate(uint32_t la, bool is_instr_fetch,
if ((key && (!pp || (pp == 1 && is_write))) || (pp == 3 && is_write)) { if ((key && (!pp || (pp == 1 && is_write))) || (pp == 3 && is_write)) {
if (is_instr_fetch) { if (is_instr_fetch) {
mmu_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_ISI, 0x08000000); mmu_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_ISI, 0x08000000);
} } else {
else {
ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] = 0x08000000 | (is_write << 25); ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] = 0x08000000 | (is_write << 25);
ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR] = la; ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR] = la;
mmu_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_DSI, 0); mmu_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_DSI, 0);
} }
} }
@ -318,11 +293,10 @@ static uint32_t page_address_translate(uint32_t la, bool is_instr_fetch,
} }
/** PowerPC-style MMU instruction address translation. */ /** PowerPC-style MMU instruction address translation. */
static uint32_t ppc_mmu_instr_translate(uint32_t la) static uint32_t ppc_mmu_instr_translate(uint32_t la) {
uint32_t pa; /* translated physical address */ uint32_t pa; /* translated physical address */
bool bat_hit = false; bool bat_hit = false;
unsigned msr_pr = !!(ppc_state.msr & 0x4000); unsigned msr_pr = !!(ppc_state.msr & 0x4000);
// Format: %XY // Format: %XY
@ -333,8 +307,7 @@ static uint32_t ppc_mmu_instr_translate(uint32_t la)
for (int bat_index = 0; bat_index < 4; bat_index++) { for (int bat_index = 0; bat_index < 4; bat_index++) {
PPC_BAT_entry* bat_entry = &ibat_array[bat_index]; PPC_BAT_entry* bat_entry = &ibat_array[bat_index];
if ((bat_entry->access & access_bits) && if ((bat_entry->access & access_bits) && ((la & ~bat_entry->lo_mask) == bat_entry->bepi)) {
((la & ~bat_entry->lo_mask) == bat_entry->bepi)) {
bat_hit = true; bat_hit = true;
if (!bat_entry->prot) { if (!bat_entry->prot) {
@ -356,15 +329,14 @@ static uint32_t ppc_mmu_instr_translate(uint32_t la)
} }
/** PowerPC-style MMU data address translation. */ /** PowerPC-style MMU data address translation. */
static uint32_t ppc_mmu_addr_translate(uint32_t la, int is_write) static uint32_t ppc_mmu_addr_translate(uint32_t la, int is_write) {
mmu_translations_num++; mmu_translations_num++;
#endif #endif
uint32_t pa; /* translated physical address */ uint32_t pa; /* translated physical address */
bool bat_hit = false; bool bat_hit = false;
unsigned msr_pr = !!(ppc_state.msr & 0x4000); unsigned msr_pr = !!(ppc_state.msr & 0x4000);
// Format: %XY // Format: %XY
@ -375,13 +347,12 @@ static uint32_t ppc_mmu_addr_translate(uint32_t la, int is_write)
for (int bat_index = 0; bat_index < 4; bat_index++) { for (int bat_index = 0; bat_index < 4; bat_index++) {
PPC_BAT_entry* bat_entry = &dbat_array[bat_index]; PPC_BAT_entry* bat_entry = &dbat_array[bat_index];
if ((bat_entry->access & access_bits) && if ((bat_entry->access & access_bits) && ((la & ~bat_entry->lo_mask) == bat_entry->bepi)) {
((la & ~bat_entry->lo_mask) == bat_entry->bepi)) {
bat_hit = true; bat_hit = true;
if (!bat_entry->prot || ((bat_entry->prot & 1) && is_write)) { if (!bat_entry->prot || ((bat_entry->prot & 1) && is_write)) {
ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] = 0x08000000 | (is_write << 25); ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] = 0x08000000 | (is_write << 25);
ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR] = la; ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR] = la;
mmu_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_DSI, 0); mmu_exception_handler(Except_Type::EXC_DSI, 0);
} }
@ -399,13 +370,12 @@ static uint32_t ppc_mmu_addr_translate(uint32_t la, int is_write)
return pa; return pa;
} }
static void mem_write_unaligned(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) static void mem_write_unaligned(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) {
LOG_F(WARNING, "Attempt to write unaligned %d bytes to 0x%08X\n", size, addr); LOG_F(WARNING, "Attempt to write unaligned %d bytes to 0x%08X\n", size, addr);
if (((addr & 0xFFF) + size) > 0x1000) { if (((addr & 0xFFF) + size) > 0x1000) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS! Cross-page unaligned write, addr=%08X, size=%d\n", addr, size); LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS! Cross-page unaligned write, addr=%08X, size=%d\n", addr, size);
exit(-1); //FIXME! exit(-1); // FIXME!
} else { } else {
/* data address translation if enabled */ /* data address translation if enabled */
if (ppc_state.msr & 0x10) { if (ppc_state.msr & 0x10) {
@ -420,20 +390,18 @@ static void mem_write_unaligned(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value, uint32_t size)
} }
} }
void mem_write_byte(uint32_t addr, uint8_t value) void mem_write_byte(uint32_t addr, uint8_t value) {
/* data address translation if enabled */ /* data address translation if enabled */
if (ppc_state.msr & 0x10) { if (ppc_state.msr & 0x10) {
addr = ppc_mmu_addr_translate(addr, 1); addr = ppc_mmu_addr_translate(addr, 1);
} }
#define WRITE_BYTE(addr, val) (*(addr) = val) #define WRITE_BYTE(addr, val) (*(addr) = val)
WRITE_PHYS_MEM(last_write_area, addr, WRITE_BYTE, value, 1); WRITE_PHYS_MEM(last_write_area, addr, WRITE_BYTE, value, 1);
} }
void mem_write_word(uint32_t addr, uint16_t value) void mem_write_word(uint32_t addr, uint16_t value) {
if (addr & 1) { if (addr & 1) {
mem_write_unaligned(addr, value, 2); mem_write_unaligned(addr, value, 2);
} }
@ -446,8 +414,7 @@ void mem_write_word(uint32_t addr, uint16_t value)
WRITE_PHYS_MEM(last_write_area, addr, WRITE_WORD_BE_A, value, 2); WRITE_PHYS_MEM(last_write_area, addr, WRITE_WORD_BE_A, value, 2);
} }
void mem_write_dword(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value) void mem_write_dword(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value) {
if (addr & 3) { if (addr & 3) {
mem_write_unaligned(addr, value, 4); mem_write_unaligned(addr, value, 4);
} }
@ -460,11 +427,10 @@ void mem_write_dword(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value)
WRITE_PHYS_MEM(last_write_area, addr, WRITE_DWORD_BE_A, value, 4); WRITE_PHYS_MEM(last_write_area, addr, WRITE_DWORD_BE_A, value, 4);
} }
void mem_write_qword(uint32_t addr, uint64_t value) void mem_write_qword(uint32_t addr, uint64_t value) {
if (addr & 7) { if (addr & 7) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS! Attempt to write unaligned QWORD to 0x%08X\n", addr); LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS! Attempt to write unaligned QWORD to 0x%08X\n", addr);
exit(-1); //FIXME! exit(-1); // FIXME!
} }
/* data address translation if enabled */ /* data address translation if enabled */
@ -475,15 +441,14 @@ void mem_write_qword(uint32_t addr, uint64_t value)
WRITE_PHYS_MEM(last_write_area, addr, WRITE_QWORD_BE_A, value, 8); WRITE_PHYS_MEM(last_write_area, addr, WRITE_QWORD_BE_A, value, 8);
} }
static uint32_t mem_grab_unaligned(uint32_t addr, uint32_t size) static uint32_t mem_grab_unaligned(uint32_t addr, uint32_t size) {
uint32_t ret = 0; uint32_t ret = 0;
LOG_F(WARNING, "Attempt to read unaligned %d bytes from 0x%08X\n", size, addr); LOG_F(WARNING, "Attempt to read unaligned %d bytes from 0x%08X\n", size, addr);
if (((addr & 0xFFF) + size) > 0x1000) { if (((addr & 0xFFF) + size) > 0x1000) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS! Cross-page unaligned read, addr=%08X, size=%d\n", addr, size); LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS! Cross-page unaligned read, addr=%08X, size=%d\n", addr, size);
exit(-1); //FIXME! exit(-1); // FIXME!
} else { } else {
/* data address translation if enabled */ /* data address translation if enabled */
if (ppc_state.msr & 0x10) { if (ppc_state.msr & 0x10) {
@ -501,8 +466,7 @@ static uint32_t mem_grab_unaligned(uint32_t addr, uint32_t size)
} }
/** Grab a value from memory into a register */ /** Grab a value from memory into a register */
uint8_t mem_grab_byte(uint32_t addr) uint8_t mem_grab_byte(uint32_t addr) {
uint8_t ret; uint8_t ret;
/* data address translation if enabled */ /* data address translation if enabled */
@ -514,8 +478,7 @@ uint8_t mem_grab_byte(uint32_t addr)
return ret; return ret;
} }
uint16_t mem_grab_word(uint32_t addr) uint16_t mem_grab_word(uint32_t addr) {
uint16_t ret; uint16_t ret;
if (addr & 1) { if (addr & 1) {
@ -531,8 +494,7 @@ uint16_t mem_grab_word(uint32_t addr)
return ret; return ret;
} }
uint32_t mem_grab_dword(uint32_t addr) uint32_t mem_grab_dword(uint32_t addr) {
uint32_t ret; uint32_t ret;
if (addr & 3) { if (addr & 3) {
@ -548,13 +510,12 @@ uint32_t mem_grab_dword(uint32_t addr)
return ret; return ret;
} }
uint64_t mem_grab_qword(uint32_t addr) uint64_t mem_grab_qword(uint32_t addr) {
uint64_t ret; uint64_t ret;
if (addr & 7) { if (addr & 7) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS! Attempt to read unaligned QWORD at 0x%08X\n", addr); LOG_F(ERROR, "SOS! Attempt to read unaligned QWORD at 0x%08X\n", addr);
exit(-1); //FIXME! exit(-1); // FIXME!
} }
/* data address translation if enabled */ /* data address translation if enabled */
@ -566,8 +527,7 @@ uint64_t mem_grab_qword(uint32_t addr)
return ret; return ret;
} }
uint8_t* quickinstruction_translate(uint32_t addr) uint8_t* quickinstruction_translate(uint32_t addr) {
uint8_t* real_addr; uint8_t* real_addr;
/* perform instruction address translation if enabled */ /* perform instruction address translation if enabled */
@ -578,72 +538,67 @@ uint8_t* quickinstruction_translate(uint32_t addr)
if (addr >= last_exec_area.start && addr <= last_exec_area.end) { if (addr >= last_exec_area.start && addr <= last_exec_area.end) {
real_addr = last_exec_area.mem_ptr + (addr - last_exec_area.start); real_addr = last_exec_area.mem_ptr + (addr - last_exec_area.start);
ppc_set_cur_instruction(real_addr); ppc_set_cur_instruction(real_addr);
} } else {
else {
AddressMapEntry* entry = mem_ctrl_instance->find_range(addr); AddressMapEntry* entry = mem_ctrl_instance->find_range(addr);
if (entry && entry->type & (RT_ROM | RT_RAM)) { if (entry && entry->type & (RT_ROM | RT_RAM)) {
last_exec_area.start = entry->start; last_exec_area.start = entry->start;
last_exec_area.end = entry->end; last_exec_area.end = entry->end;
last_exec_area.mem_ptr = entry->mem_ptr; last_exec_area.mem_ptr = entry->mem_ptr;
real_addr = last_exec_area.mem_ptr + (addr - last_exec_area.start); real_addr = last_exec_area.mem_ptr + (addr - last_exec_area.start);
ppc_set_cur_instruction(real_addr); ppc_set_cur_instruction(real_addr);
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(WARNING, "attempt to execute code at %08X!\n", addr); LOG_F(WARNING, "attempt to execute code at %08X!\n", addr);
exit(-1); // FIXME: ugly error handling, must be the proper exception! exit(-1); // FIXME: ugly error handling, must be the proper exception!
} }
} }
return real_addr; return real_addr;
} }
uint64_t mem_read_dbg(uint32_t virt_addr, uint32_t size) uint64_t mem_read_dbg(uint32_t virt_addr, uint32_t size) {
uint32_t save_dsisr, save_dar; uint32_t save_dsisr, save_dar;
uint64_t ret_val; uint64_t ret_val;
/* save MMU-related CPU state */ /* save MMU-related CPU state */
save_dsisr = ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR]; save_dsisr = ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR];
save_dar = ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR]; save_dar = ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR];
mmu_exception_handler = dbg_exception_handler; mmu_exception_handler = dbg_exception_handler;
try { try {
switch(size) { switch (size) {
case 1: case 1:
ret_val = mem_grab_byte(virt_addr); ret_val = mem_grab_byte(virt_addr);
break; break;
case 2: case 2:
ret_val = mem_grab_word(virt_addr); ret_val = mem_grab_word(virt_addr);
break; break;
case 4: case 4:
ret_val = mem_grab_dword(virt_addr); ret_val = mem_grab_dword(virt_addr);
break; break;
case 8: case 8:
ret_val = mem_grab_qword(virt_addr); ret_val = mem_grab_qword(virt_addr);
break; break;
default: default:
ret_val = mem_grab_byte(virt_addr); ret_val = mem_grab_byte(virt_addr);
} }
} } catch (std::invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (std::invalid_argument& exc) {
/* restore MMU-related CPU state */ /* restore MMU-related CPU state */
mmu_exception_handler = ppc_exception_handler; mmu_exception_handler = ppc_exception_handler;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] = save_dsisr; ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] = save_dsisr;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR] = save_dar; ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR] = save_dar;
/* rethrow MMU exception */ /* rethrow MMU exception */
throw exc; throw exc;
} }
/* restore MMU-related CPU state */ /* restore MMU-related CPU state */
mmu_exception_handler = ppc_exception_handler; mmu_exception_handler = ppc_exception_handler;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] = save_dsisr; ppc_state.spr[SPR::DSISR] = save_dsisr;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR] = save_dar; ppc_state.spr[SPR::DAR] = save_dar;
return ret_val; return ret_val;
} }
void ppc_mmu_init() void ppc_mmu_init() {
mmu_exception_handler = ppc_exception_handler; mmu_exception_handler = ppc_exception_handler;
} }

View File

@ -24,38 +24,38 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <array>
#include <cinttypes> #include <cinttypes>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include <array>
/* Uncomment this to exhaustive MMU integrity checks. */ /* Uncomment this to exhaustive MMU integrity checks. */
/** generic PowerPC BAT descriptor (MMU internal state) */ /** generic PowerPC BAT descriptor (MMU internal state) */
typedef struct PPC_BAT_entry { typedef struct PPC_BAT_entry {
uint8_t access; /* copy of Vs | Vp bits */ uint8_t access; /* copy of Vs | Vp bits */
uint8_t prot; /* copy of PP bits */ uint8_t prot; /* copy of PP bits */
uint32_t phys_hi; /* high-order bits for physical address generation */ uint32_t phys_hi; /* high-order bits for physical address generation */
uint32_t lo_mask; /* mask for low-order logical address bits */ uint32_t lo_mask; /* mask for low-order logical address bits */
uint32_t bepi; /* copy of Block effective page index */ uint32_t bepi; /* copy of Block effective page index */
} PPC_BAT_entry; } PPC_BAT_entry;
extern void ibat_update(uint32_t bat_reg); extern void ibat_update(uint32_t bat_reg);
extern void dbat_update(uint32_t bat_reg); extern void dbat_update(uint32_t bat_reg);
extern uint8_t *mmu_get_dma_mem(uint32_t addr, uint32_t size); extern uint8_t* mmu_get_dma_mem(uint32_t addr, uint32_t size);
extern void ppc_set_cur_instruction(const uint8_t* ptr); extern void ppc_set_cur_instruction(const uint8_t* ptr);
extern void mem_write_byte(uint32_t addr, uint8_t value); extern void mem_write_byte(uint32_t addr, uint8_t value);
extern void mem_write_word(uint32_t addr, uint16_t value); extern void mem_write_word(uint32_t addr, uint16_t value);
extern void mem_write_dword(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value); extern void mem_write_dword(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value);
extern void mem_write_qword(uint32_t addr, uint64_t value); extern void mem_write_qword(uint32_t addr, uint64_t value);
extern uint8_t mem_grab_byte(uint32_t addr); extern uint8_t mem_grab_byte(uint32_t addr);
extern uint16_t mem_grab_word(uint32_t addr); extern uint16_t mem_grab_word(uint32_t addr);
extern uint32_t mem_grab_dword(uint32_t addr); extern uint32_t mem_grab_dword(uint32_t addr);
extern uint64_t mem_grab_qword(uint32_t addr); extern uint64_t mem_grab_qword(uint32_t addr);
extern uint64_t mem_read_dbg(uint32_t virt_addr, uint32_t size); extern uint64_t mem_read_dbg(uint32_t virt_addr, uint32_t size);
extern uint8_t* quickinstruction_translate(uint32_t address_grab); extern uint8_t* quickinstruction_translate(uint32_t address_grab);
#endif // PPCMEMORY_H #endif // PPCMEMORY_H

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,72 +1,68 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "../ppcemu.h"
#include "../ppcdisasm.h" #include "../ppcdisasm.h"
#include "../ppcemu.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; using namespace std;
int ntested; /* number of tested instructions */ int ntested; /* number of tested instructions */
int nfailed; /* number of failed instructions */ int nfailed; /* number of failed instructions */
void xer_ov_test(string mnem, uint32_t opcode) void xer_ov_test(string mnem, uint32_t opcode) {
{ ppc_state.gpr[3] = 2;
ppc_state.gpr[3] = 2; ppc_state.gpr[4] = 2;
ppc_state.gpr[4] = 2;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] = 0xFFFFFFFF; ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ppc_cur_instruction = opcode; ppc_cur_instruction = opcode;
ppc_main_opcode(); ppc_main_opcode();
if (ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] & 0x40000000UL) { if (ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] & 0x40000000UL) {
cout << "Invalid " << mnem << " emulation! XER[OV] should not be set." cout << "Invalid " << mnem << " emulation! XER[OV] should not be set." << endl;
<< endl;
nfailed++; nfailed++;
} }
ntested++; ntested++;
} }
void xer_update_test() void xer_update_test() {
{ xer_ov_test("ADDCO", 0x7C632414);
xer_ov_test("ADDCO", 0x7C632414); xer_ov_test("ADDCO.", 0x7C632415);
xer_ov_test("ADDCO.", 0x7C632415); xer_ov_test("ADDO", 0x7C632614);
xer_ov_test("ADDO", 0x7C632614); xer_ov_test("ADDO.", 0x7C632615);
xer_ov_test("ADDO.", 0x7C632615); xer_ov_test("ADDEO", 0x7C632514);
xer_ov_test("ADDEO", 0x7C632514); xer_ov_test("ADDEO.", 0x7C632515);
xer_ov_test("ADDEO.", 0x7C632515); xer_ov_test("ADDMEO", 0x7C6305D4);
xer_ov_test("ADDMEO", 0x7C6305D4); xer_ov_test("ADDMEO.", 0x7C6305D5);
xer_ov_test("ADDMEO.", 0x7C6305D5); xer_ov_test("ADDZEO", 0x7C630594);
xer_ov_test("ADDZEO", 0x7C630594); xer_ov_test("ADDZEO.", 0x7C630595);
xer_ov_test("ADDZEO.", 0x7C630595); xer_ov_test("DIVWO", 0x7C6327D6);
xer_ov_test("DIVWO", 0x7C6327D6); xer_ov_test("DIVWO.", 0x7C6327D7);
xer_ov_test("DIVWO.", 0x7C6327D7); xer_ov_test("DIVWUO", 0x7C632796);
xer_ov_test("DIVWUO", 0x7C632796); xer_ov_test("DIVWUO.", 0x7C632797);
xer_ov_test("DIVWUO.", 0x7C632797); xer_ov_test("MULLWO", 0x7C6325D6);
xer_ov_test("MULLWO", 0x7C6325D6); xer_ov_test("MULLWO.", 0x7C6325D7);
xer_ov_test("MULLWO.", 0x7C6325D7); xer_ov_test("NEGO", 0x7C6304D0);
xer_ov_test("NEGO", 0x7C6304D0); xer_ov_test("NEGO.", 0x7C6304D1);
xer_ov_test("NEGO.", 0x7C6304D1); xer_ov_test("SUBFO", 0x7C632450);
xer_ov_test("SUBFO", 0x7C632450); xer_ov_test("SUBFO.", 0x7C632451);
xer_ov_test("SUBFO.", 0x7C632451); xer_ov_test("SUBFCO", 0x7C632410);
xer_ov_test("SUBFCO", 0x7C632410); xer_ov_test("SUBFCO.", 0x7C632411);
xer_ov_test("SUBFCO.", 0x7C632411); xer_ov_test("SUBFEO", 0x7C632510);
xer_ov_test("SUBFEO", 0x7C632510); xer_ov_test("SUBFEO.", 0x7C632511);
xer_ov_test("SUBFEO.", 0x7C632511); xer_ov_test("SUBFMEO", 0x7C6305D0);
xer_ov_test("SUBFMEO", 0x7C6305D0);
xer_ov_test("SUBFMEO.", 0x7C6305D1); xer_ov_test("SUBFMEO.", 0x7C6305D1);
xer_ov_test("SUBFZEO", 0x7C630590); xer_ov_test("SUBFZEO", 0x7C630590);
xer_ov_test("SUBFZEO.", 0x7C630591); xer_ov_test("SUBFZEO.", 0x7C630591);
} }
/** testing vehicle */ /** testing vehicle */
static void read_test_data() static void read_test_data() {
{ string line, token;
string line, token; int i, lineno;
int i, lineno;
uint32_t opcode, dest, src1, src2, check_xer, check_cr; uint32_t opcode, dest, src1, src2, check_xer, check_cr;
ifstream tfstream("ppcinttests.csv"); ifstream tfstream("ppcinttests.csv");
if (!tfstream.is_open()) { if (!tfstream.is_open()) {
cout << "Could not open tests CSV file. Exiting..." << endl; cout << "Could not open tests CSV file. Exiting..." << endl;
return; return;
@ -74,7 +70,7 @@ static void read_test_data()
lineno = 0; lineno = 0;
while(getline(tfstream, line)) { while (getline(tfstream, line)) {
lineno++; lineno++;
if (line.empty() || !line.rfind("#", 0)) if (line.empty() || !line.rfind("#", 0))
@ -84,7 +80,7 @@ static void read_test_data()
vector<string> tokens; vector<string> tokens;
while(getline(lnstream, token, ',' )) { while (getline(lnstream, token, ',')) {
tokens.push_back(token); tokens.push_back(token);
} }
@ -95,9 +91,9 @@ static void read_test_data()
opcode = stoul(tokens[1], NULL, 16); opcode = stoul(tokens[1], NULL, 16);
dest = 0; dest = 0;
src1 = 0; src1 = 0;
src2 = 0; src2 = 0;
check_xer = 0; check_xer = 0;
check_cr = 0; check_cr = 0;
@ -113,16 +109,16 @@ static void read_test_data()
} else if (tokens[i].rfind("CR=", 0) == 0) { } else if (tokens[i].rfind("CR=", 0) == 0) {
check_cr = stoul(tokens[i].substr(3), NULL, 16); check_cr = stoul(tokens[i].substr(3), NULL, 16);
} else { } else {
cout << "Unknown parameter " << tokens[i] << " in line " << lineno << cout << "Unknown parameter " << tokens[i] << " in line " << lineno << ". Exiting..."
". Exiting..." << endl; << endl;
exit(0); exit(0);
} }
} }
ppc_state.gpr[3] = src1; ppc_state.gpr[3] = src1;
ppc_state.gpr[4] = src2; ppc_state.gpr[4] = src2;
ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] = 0; ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] = 0; = 0; = 0;
ppc_cur_instruction = opcode; ppc_cur_instruction = opcode;
@ -131,15 +127,13 @@ static void read_test_data()
ntested++; ntested++;
if ((tokens[0].rfind("CMP") && (ppc_state.gpr[3] != dest)) || if ((tokens[0].rfind("CMP") && (ppc_state.gpr[3] != dest)) ||
(ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] != check_xer) || (ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] != check_xer) || ( != check_cr)) {
( != check_cr)) { cout << "Mismatch: instr=" << tokens[0] << ", src1=0x" << hex << src1 << ", src2=0x"
cout << "Mismatch: instr=" << tokens[0] << ", src1=0x" << hex << src1 << hex << src2 << endl;
<< ", src2=0x" << hex << src2 << endl; cout << "expected: dest=0x" << hex << dest << ", XER=0x" << hex << check_xer
cout << "expected: dest=0x" << hex << dest << ", XER=0x" << hex << ", CR=0x" << hex << check_cr << endl;
<< check_xer << ", CR=0x" << hex << check_cr << endl; cout << "got: dest=0x" << hex << ppc_state.gpr[3] << ", XER=0x" << hex
cout << "got: dest=0x" << hex << ppc_state.gpr[3] << ", XER=0x" << ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] << ", CR=0x" << hex << << endl;
<< hex << ppc_state.spr[SPR::XER] << ", CR=0x" << hex
<< << endl;
cout << "Test file line #: " << dec << lineno << endl << endl; cout << "Test file line #: " << dec << lineno << endl << endl;
nfailed++; nfailed++;
@ -147,9 +141,7 @@ static void read_test_data()
} }
} }
int main() int main() {
cout << "Running DingusPPC emulator tests..." << endl << endl; cout << "Running DingusPPC emulator tests..." << endl << endl;
ntested = 0; ntested = 0;

View File

@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "../ppcdisasm.h" #include "../ppcdisasm.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; using namespace std;
/** testing vehicle */ /** testing vehicle */
static vector<PPCDisasmContext> read_test_data() static vector<PPCDisasmContext> read_test_data() {
{ string line, token;
string line, token; int i, lineno;
int i, lineno;
PPCDisasmContext ctx; PPCDisasmContext ctx;
vector<PPCDisasmContext> tstvec; vector<PPCDisasmContext> tstvec;
ifstream tfstream("ppcdisasmtest.csv"); ifstream tfstream("ppcdisasmtest.csv");
if (!tfstream.is_open()) { if (!tfstream.is_open()) {
cout << "Could not open tests CSV file. Exiting..." << endl; cout << "Could not open tests CSV file. Exiting..." << endl;
return tstvec; return tstvec;
@ -24,18 +23,18 @@ static vector<PPCDisasmContext> read_test_data()
lineno = 0; lineno = 0;
while(getline(tfstream, line)) { while (getline(tfstream, line)) {
lineno++; lineno++;
if (line.empty() || !line.rfind("#", 0)) if (line.empty() || !line.rfind("#", 0))
continue; // skip empty/comment lines continue; // skip empty/comment lines
istringstream lnstream(line); istringstream lnstream(line);
vector<string> tokens; vector<string> tokens;
while(getline(lnstream, token, ',' )) { while (getline(lnstream, token, ',')) {
//cout << "Token: " << token << endl; // cout << "Token: " << token << endl;
tokens.push_back(token); tokens.push_back(token);
} }
@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ static vector<PPCDisasmContext> read_test_data()
continue; continue;
} }
ctx = {0}; ctx = {0};
ctx.instr_addr = stoul(tokens[0], NULL, 16); ctx.instr_addr = stoul(tokens[0], NULL, 16);
ctx.instr_code = stoul(tokens[1], NULL, 16); ctx.instr_code = stoul(tokens[1], NULL, 16);
@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ static vector<PPCDisasmContext> read_test_data()
ctx.instr_str = idisasm.str(); ctx.instr_str = idisasm.str();
//cout << idisasm.str() << endl; // cout << idisasm.str() << endl;
tstvec.push_back(ctx); tstvec.push_back(ctx);
} }
@ -72,8 +71,7 @@ static vector<PPCDisasmContext> read_test_data()
return tstvec; return tstvec;
} }
int test_ppc_disasm() int test_ppc_disasm() {
int i, nfailed; int i, nfailed;
PPCDisasmContext ctx; PPCDisasmContext ctx;
@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ int test_ppc_disasm()
nfailed = 0; nfailed = 0;
for (i = 0; i < testdata.size(); i++) { for (i = 0; i < testdata.size(); i++) {
ctx = {0}; ctx = {0};
ctx.instr_addr = testdata[i].instr_addr; ctx.instr_addr = testdata[i].instr_addr;
ctx.instr_code = testdata[i].instr_code; ctx.instr_code = testdata[i].instr_code;
ctx.simplified = true; ctx.simplified = true;
@ -92,14 +90,13 @@ int test_ppc_disasm()
std::string disas = disassemble_single(&ctx); std::string disas = disassemble_single(&ctx);
if (disas != testdata[i].instr_str) { if (disas != testdata[i].instr_str) {
cout << "Mismatch found, expected={" << testdata[i].instr_str << cout << "Mismatch found, expected={" << testdata[i].instr_str << "}, got={" << disas
"}, got={" << disas << "}" << endl; << "}" << endl;
nfailed++; nfailed++;
} }
} }
cout << "Tested " << testdata.size() << " instructions. Failed: " << cout << "Tested " << testdata.size() << " instructions. Failed: " << nfailed << "." << endl;
nfailed << "." << endl;
return 0; return 0;
} }

View File

@ -19,43 +19,38 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. along with this program. If not, see <>.
*/ */
#include <stdio.h> #include "../cpu/ppc/ppcdisasm.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include "../cpu/ppc/ppcemu.h" #include "../cpu/ppc/ppcemu.h"
#include "../cpu/ppc/ppcmmu.h" #include "../cpu/ppc/ppcmmu.h"
#include "../cpu/ppc/ppcdisasm.h" #include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp> #include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
using namespace std; using namespace std;
static uint32_t str2addr(string& addr_str) static uint32_t str2addr(string& addr_str) {
try { try {
return stoul(addr_str, NULL, 0); return stoul(addr_str, NULL, 0);
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
throw invalid_argument(string("Cannot convert ") + addr_str); throw invalid_argument(string("Cannot convert ") + addr_str);
} }
} }
static uint32_t str2num(string& num_str) static uint32_t str2num(string& num_str) {
try { try {
return stol(num_str, NULL, 0); return stol(num_str, NULL, 0);
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument & exc) {
throw invalid_argument(string("Cannot convert ") + num_str); throw invalid_argument(string("Cannot convert ") + num_str);
} }
} }
static void show_help() static void show_help() {
cout << "Debugger commands:" << endl; cout << "Debugger commands:" << endl;
cout << " step -- execute single instruction" << endl; cout << " step -- execute single instruction" << endl;
cout << " si -- shortcut for step" << endl; cout << " si -- shortcut for step" << endl;
@ -80,8 +75,7 @@ static void show_help()
cout << "Pressing ENTER will repeat last command." << endl; cout << "Pressing ENTER will repeat last command." << endl;
} }
static void disasm(uint32_t count, uint32_t address) static void disasm(uint32_t count, uint32_t address) {
PPCDisasmContext ctx; PPCDisasmContext ctx;
ctx.instr_addr = address; ctx.instr_addr = address;
@ -94,8 +88,7 @@ static void disasm(uint32_t count, uint32_t address)
} }
} }
static void dump_mem(string& params) static void dump_mem(string& params) {
int cell_size, chars_per_line; int cell_size, chars_per_line;
bool is_char; bool is_char;
uint32_t count, addr; uint32_t count, addr;
@ -110,55 +103,52 @@ static void dump_mem(string& params)
} }
num_type_str = params.substr(0, params.find_first_of(",")); num_type_str = params.substr(0, params.find_first_of(","));
addr_str = params.substr(params.find_first_of(",") + 1); addr_str = params.substr(params.find_first_of(",") + 1);
is_char = false; is_char = false;
switch(num_type_str.back()) { switch (num_type_str.back()) {
case 'b': case 'b':
case 'B': case 'B':
cell_size = 1; cell_size = 1;
break; break;
case 'w': case 'w':
case 'W': case 'W':
cell_size = 2; cell_size = 2;
break; break;
case 'd': case 'd':
case 'D': case 'D':
cell_size = 4; cell_size = 4;
break; break;
case 'q': case 'q':
case 'Q': case 'Q':
cell_size = 8; cell_size = 8;
break; break;
case 'c': case 'c':
case 'C': case 'C':
cell_size = 1; cell_size = 1;
is_char = true; is_char = true;
break; break;
default: default:
cout << "Invalid data type " << num_type_str << endl; cout << "Invalid data type " << num_type_str << endl;
return; return;
} }
try { try {
num_type_str = num_type_str.substr(0, num_type_str.length() - 1); num_type_str = num_type_str.substr(0, num_type_str.length() - 1);
count = str2addr(num_type_str); count = str2addr(num_type_str);
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
cout << exc.what() << endl; cout << exc.what() << endl;
return; return;
} }
try { try {
addr = str2addr(addr_str); addr = str2addr(addr_str);
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
try { try {
/* number conversion failed, trying reg name */ /* number conversion failed, trying reg name */
addr = get_reg(addr_str); addr = get_reg(addr_str);
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
cout << exc.what() << endl; cout << exc.what() << endl;
return; return;
} }
@ -179,13 +169,11 @@ static void dump_mem(string& params)
cout << (char)val; cout << (char)val;
chars_per_line += cell_size; chars_per_line += cell_size;
} else { } else {
cout << setw(cell_size * 2) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cout << setw(cell_size * 2) << setfill('0') << uppercase << hex << val << " ";
hex << val << " ";
chars_per_line += cell_size * 2 + 2; chars_per_line += cell_size * 2 + 2;
} }
} }
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
cout << exc.what() << endl; cout << exc.what() << endl;
return; return;
} }
@ -193,10 +181,8 @@ static void dump_mem(string& params)
cout << endl << endl; cout << endl << endl;
} }
void enter_debugger() void enter_debugger() {
{ string inp, cmd, addr_str, expr_str, reg_expr, last_cmd, reg_value_str, inst_string, inst_num_str;
string inp, cmd, addr_str, expr_str, reg_expr, last_cmd, reg_value_str,
inst_string, inst_num_str;
uint32_t addr, inst_grab; uint32_t addr, inst_grab;
std::stringstream ss; std::stringstream ss;
int log_level; int log_level;
@ -223,8 +209,7 @@ void enter_debugger()
} }
if (cmd == "help") { if (cmd == "help") {
show_help(); show_help();
} } else if (cmd == "quit") {
else if (cmd == "quit") {
break; break;
} }
@ -236,8 +221,7 @@ void enter_debugger()
#endif #endif
else if (cmd == "regs") { else if (cmd == "regs") {
print_gprs(); print_gprs();
} } else if (cmd == "set") {
else if (cmd == "set") {
ss >> expr_str; ss >> expr_str;
separator_pos = expr_str.find_first_of("="); separator_pos = expr_str.find_first_of("=");
@ -256,35 +240,28 @@ void enter_debugger()
continue; continue;
} }
loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = log_level; loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = log_level;
} } else {
else {
addr = str2addr(addr_str); addr = str2addr(addr_str);
set_reg(reg_expr, addr); set_reg(reg_expr, addr);
} }
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
cout << exc.what() << endl; cout << exc.what() << endl;
} }
} } else if (cmd == "step" || cmd == "si") {
else if (cmd == "step" || cmd == "si") {
ppc_exec_single(); ppc_exec_single();
} } else if (cmd == "next" || cmd == "ni") {
else if (cmd == "next" || cmd == "ni") {
addr_str = "PC"; addr_str = "PC";
addr = get_reg(addr_str) + 4; addr = get_reg(addr_str) + 4;
ppc_exec_until(addr); ppc_exec_until(addr);
} } else if (cmd == "until") {
else if (cmd == "until") {
ss >> addr_str; ss >> addr_str;
try { try {
addr = str2addr(addr_str); addr = str2addr(addr_str);
ppc_exec_until(addr); ppc_exec_until(addr);
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
cout << exc.what() << endl; cout << exc.what() << endl;
} }
} } else if (cmd == "disas") {
else if (cmd == "disas") {
expr_str = ""; expr_str = "";
ss >> expr_str; ss >> expr_str;
if (expr_str.length() > 0) { if (expr_str.length() > 0) {
@ -294,41 +271,35 @@ void enter_debugger()
continue; continue;
} }
inst_num_str = expr_str.substr(0, expr_str.find_first_of(",")); inst_num_str = expr_str.substr(0, expr_str.find_first_of(","));
inst_grab = stol(inst_num_str, NULL, 0); inst_grab = stol(inst_num_str, NULL, 0);
addr_str = expr_str.substr(expr_str.find_first_of(",") + 1); addr_str = expr_str.substr(expr_str.find_first_of(",") + 1);
try { try {
addr = str2addr(addr_str); addr = str2addr(addr_str);
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
try { try {
/* number conversion failed, trying reg name */ /* number conversion failed, trying reg name */
addr = get_reg(addr_str); addr = get_reg(addr_str);
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
cout << exc.what() << endl; cout << exc.what() << endl;
continue; continue;
} }
} }
try { try {
disasm(inst_grab, addr); disasm(inst_grab, addr);
} } catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
catch (invalid_argument& exc) {
cout << exc.what() << endl; cout << exc.what() << endl;
} }
} } else {
else {
/* disas without arguments defaults to disas 1,pc */ /* disas without arguments defaults to disas 1,pc */
addr_str = "PC"; addr_str = "PC";
addr = get_reg(addr_str); addr = get_reg(addr_str);
disasm(1, addr); disasm(1, addr);
} }
} } else if (cmd == "dump") {
else if (cmd == "dump") {
expr_str = ""; expr_str = "";
ss >> expr_str; ss >> expr_str;
dump_mem(expr_str); dump_mem(expr_str);
} } else {
else {
cout << "Unknown command: " << cmd << endl; cout << "Unknown command: " << cmd << endl;
continue; continue;
} }

View File

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
void enter_debugger(void); void enter_debugger(void);
#endif // DEBUGGER_H_ #endif // DEBUGGER_H_

View File

@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
*/ */
#include "devices/adb.h"
#include <cinttypes> #include <cinttypes>
#include <cstring> #include <cstring>
#include "devices/adb.h"
#include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL.h> #include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL.h>
#include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL_events.h> #include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL_events.h>
@ -40,63 +40,56 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
using namespace std; using namespace std;
ADB_Bus::ADB_Bus() { ADB_Bus::ADB_Bus() {
//set data streams as clear // set data streams as clear
this->adb_mouse_register0 = 0x8080; this->adb_mouse_register0 = 0x8080;
input_stream_len = 0; input_stream_len = 0;
output_stream_len = 2; output_stream_len = 2;
adb_keybd_register3 = 0x6201; adb_keybd_register3 = 0x6201;
adb_mouse_register3 = 0x6302; adb_mouse_register3 = 0x6302;
keyboard_access_no = adb_encoded; keyboard_access_no = adb_encoded;
mouse_access_no = adb_relative; mouse_access_no = adb_relative;
} }
ADB_Bus::~ADB_Bus() { ADB_Bus::~ADB_Bus() {}
bool ADB_Bus::listen(int device, int reg) { bool ADB_Bus::listen(int device, int reg) {
if (device == keyboard_access_no) { if (device == keyboard_access_no) {
if (adb_keybd_listen(reg)) { if (adb_keybd_listen(reg)) {
return true; return true;
} } else {
else {
return false; return false;
} }
} } else if (device == mouse_access_no) {
else if (device == mouse_access_no) {
if (adb_mouse_listen(reg)) { if (adb_mouse_listen(reg)) {
return true; return true;
} } else {
else {
return false; return false;
} }
} } else {
else {
return false; return false;
} }
} }
bool ADB_Bus::talk(int device, int reg, uint16_t value) { bool ADB_Bus::talk(int device, int reg, uint16_t value) {
//temp code // temp code
return false; return false;
} }
bool ADB_Bus::bus_reset() { bool ADB_Bus::bus_reset() {
//temp code // temp code
return true; return true;
} }
bool ADB_Bus::set_addr(int dev_addr, int new_addr) { bool ADB_Bus::set_addr(int dev_addr, int new_addr) {
//temp code // temp code
return false; return false;
} }
bool ADB_Bus::flush(int dev_addr) { bool ADB_Bus::flush(int dev_addr) {
//temp code // temp code
return false; return false;
} }
@ -108,7 +101,7 @@ bool ADB_Bus::adb_keybd_listen(int reg) {
} }
while (SDL_PollEvent(&adb_keybd_evt)) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&adb_keybd_evt)) {
//Poll our SDL key event for any keystrokes. // Poll our SDL key event for any keystrokes.
switch (adb_keybd_evt.type) { switch (adb_keybd_evt.type) {
switch (adb_keybd_evt.key.keysym.sym) { switch (adb_keybd_evt.key.keysym.sym) {
@ -323,36 +316,36 @@ bool ADB_Bus::adb_keybd_listen(int reg) {
ask_key_pressed = 0x5C; ask_key_pressed = 0x5C;
break; break;
//ask_key_pressed = 0x33; // ask_key_pressed = 0x33;
confirm_ask_reg_2 = true; confirm_ask_reg_2 = true;
mod_key_pressed = 0x40; mod_key_pressed = 0x40;
break; break;
//ask_key_pressed = 0x39; // ask_key_pressed = 0x39;
confirm_ask_reg_2 = true; confirm_ask_reg_2 = true;
mod_key_pressed = 0x20; mod_key_pressed = 0x20;
break; break;
case SDLK_RCTRL: //Temp key for Control key case SDLK_RCTRL: // Temp key for Control key
//ask_key_pressed = 0x36; // ask_key_pressed = 0x36;
confirm_ask_reg_2 = true; confirm_ask_reg_2 = true;
mod_key_pressed = 0x8; mod_key_pressed = 0x8;
break; break;
//ask_key_pressed = 0x38; // ask_key_pressed = 0x38;
confirm_ask_reg_2 = true; confirm_ask_reg_2 = true;
mod_key_pressed = 0x4; mod_key_pressed = 0x4;
break; break;
//ask_key_pressed = 0x3A; // ask_key_pressed = 0x3A;
confirm_ask_reg_2 = true; confirm_ask_reg_2 = true;
mod_key_pressed = 0x2; mod_key_pressed = 0x2;
break; break;
case SDLK_LCTRL: //Temp key for the Command/Apple key case SDLK_LCTRL: // Temp key for the Command/Apple key
//ask_key_pressed = 0x37; // ask_key_pressed = 0x37;
confirm_ask_reg_2 = true; confirm_ask_reg_2 = true;
mod_key_pressed = 0x1; mod_key_pressed = 0x1;
break; break;
default: default:
break; break;
@ -363,15 +356,14 @@ bool ADB_Bus::adb_keybd_listen(int reg) {
adb_keybd_register0 &= (ask_key_pressed << 8); adb_keybd_register0 &= (ask_key_pressed << 8);
output_data_stream[0] = (adb_keybd_register0 >> 8); output_data_stream[0] = (adb_keybd_register0 >> 8);
output_data_stream[1] = (adb_keybd_register0 & 0xff); output_data_stream[1] = (adb_keybd_register0 & 0xff);
} } else if (adb_keybd_register0 & 0x80) {
else if (adb_keybd_register0 & 0x80) {
adb_keybd_register0 &= 0xFF7F; adb_keybd_register0 &= 0xFF7F;
adb_keybd_register0 &= (ask_key_pressed); adb_keybd_register0 &= (ask_key_pressed);
output_data_stream[0] = (adb_keybd_register0 >> 8); output_data_stream[0] = (adb_keybd_register0 >> 8);
output_data_stream[1] = (adb_keybd_register0 & 0xff); output_data_stream[1] = (adb_keybd_register0 & 0xff);
} }
//check if mod keys are being pressed // check if mod keys are being pressed
if (confirm_ask_reg_2) { if (confirm_ask_reg_2) {
adb_keybd_register0 |= (mod_key_pressed << 8); adb_keybd_register0 |= (mod_key_pressed << 8);
@ -386,25 +378,23 @@ bool ADB_Bus::adb_keybd_listen(int reg) {
adb_keybd_register0 |= 0x8000; adb_keybd_register0 |= 0x8000;
output_data_stream[0] = (adb_keybd_register0 >> 8); output_data_stream[0] = (adb_keybd_register0 >> 8);
output_data_stream[1] = (adb_keybd_register0 & 0xff); output_data_stream[1] = (adb_keybd_register0 & 0xff);
} } else if (adb_keybd_register0 & 0x80)
else if (adb_keybd_register0 & 0x80)
adb_keybd_register0 |= 0x0080; adb_keybd_register0 |= 0x0080;
output_data_stream[0] = (adb_keybd_register0 >> 8); output_data_stream[0] = (adb_keybd_register0 >> 8);
output_data_stream[1] = (adb_keybd_register0 & 0xff); output_data_stream[1] = (adb_keybd_register0 & 0xff);
if (confirm_ask_reg_2) { if (confirm_ask_reg_2) {
adb_keybd_register2 &= (mod_key_pressed << 8); adb_keybd_register2 &= (mod_key_pressed << 8);
output_data_stream[0] = (adb_keybd_register2 >> 8); output_data_stream[0] = (adb_keybd_register2 >> 8);
output_data_stream[1] = (adb_keybd_register2 & 0xff); output_data_stream[1] = (adb_keybd_register2 & 0xff);
confirm_ask_reg_2 = false; confirm_ask_reg_2 = false;
} }
} }
} }
if ((reg != 1)) { if ((reg != 1)) {
return true; return true;
} } else {
else {
return false; return false;
} }
} }
@ -421,11 +411,9 @@ bool ADB_Bus::adb_mouse_listen(int reg) {
if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.xrel < 0) { if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.xrel < 0) {
if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.xrel <= -64) { if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.xrel <= -64) {
this->adb_mouse_register0 |= 0x7F; this->adb_mouse_register0 |= 0x7F;
} } else if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.xrel >= 63) {
else if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.xrel >= 63) {
this->adb_mouse_register0 |= 0x3F; this->adb_mouse_register0 |= 0x3F;
} } else {
else {
this->adb_mouse_register0 |= adb_mouse_evt.motion.xrel; this->adb_mouse_register0 |= adb_mouse_evt.motion.xrel;
} }
} }
@ -436,15 +424,12 @@ bool ADB_Bus::adb_mouse_listen(int reg) {
if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.yrel < 0) { if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.yrel < 0) {
if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.yrel <= -64) { if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.yrel <= -64) {
this->adb_mouse_register0 |= 0x7F00; this->adb_mouse_register0 |= 0x7F00;
} } else if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.yrel >= 63) {
else if (adb_mouse_evt.motion.yrel >= 63) {
this->adb_mouse_register0 |= 0x3F00; this->adb_mouse_register0 |= 0x3F00;
} } else {
else {
this->adb_mouse_register0 |= (adb_mouse_evt.motion.yrel << 8); this->adb_mouse_register0 |= (adb_mouse_evt.motion.yrel << 8);
} }
} }
} }
switch (adb_mouse_evt.type) { switch (adb_mouse_evt.type) {
@ -458,13 +443,11 @@ bool ADB_Bus::adb_mouse_listen(int reg) {
if (reg == 0) { if (reg == 0) {
output_data_stream[0] = (adb_mouse_register0 >> 8); output_data_stream[0] = (adb_mouse_register0 >> 8);
output_data_stream[1] = (adb_mouse_register0 & 0xff); output_data_stream[1] = (adb_mouse_register0 & 0xff);
} } else if (reg == 3) {
else if (reg == 3) {
output_data_stream[0] = (adb_mouse_register3 >> 8); output_data_stream[0] = (adb_mouse_register3 >> 8);
output_data_stream[1] = (adb_mouse_register3 & 0xff); output_data_stream[1] = (adb_mouse_register3 & 0xff);
} }
return true; return true;
} }

View File

@ -26,15 +26,26 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL.h> #include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL.h>
#include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL_events.h> #include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL_events.h>
enum adb_default_values { enum adb_default_values {
adb_reserved0, adb_reserved1, adb_encoded, adb_relative, adb_reserved0,
adb_absolute, adb_reserved5, adb_reserved6, adb_reserved7, adb_reserved1,
adb_other8, adb_other9, adb_other10, adb_other11, adb_encoded,
adb_other12, adb_other13, adb_other14, adb_other15 adb_relative,
}; };
class ADB_Bus class ADB_Bus {
public: public:
ADB_Bus(); ADB_Bus();
~ADB_Bus(); ~ADB_Bus();
@ -58,7 +69,7 @@ private:
int keyboard_access_no; int keyboard_access_no;
int mouse_access_no; int mouse_access_no;
//Keyboard Variables // Keyboard Variables
uint16_t adb_keybd_register0; uint16_t adb_keybd_register0;
uint16_t adb_keybd_register2; uint16_t adb_keybd_register2;
@ -71,15 +82,15 @@ private:
bool confirm_ask_reg_2; bool confirm_ask_reg_2;
//Mouse Variables // Mouse Variables
SDL_Event adb_mouse_evt; SDL_Event adb_mouse_evt;
uint16_t adb_mouse_register0; uint16_t adb_mouse_register0;
uint16_t adb_mouse_register3; uint16_t adb_mouse_register3;
uint8_t input_data_stream[16]; //temp buffer uint8_t input_data_stream[16]; // temp buffer
int input_stream_len; int input_stream_len;
uint8_t output_data_stream[16]; //temp buffer uint8_t output_data_stream[16]; // temp buffer
int output_stream_len; int output_stream_len;
}; };

View File

@ -19,17 +19,16 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. along with this program. If not, see <>.
*/ */
#include <atirage.h> #include "displayid.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include "endianswap.h" #include "endianswap.h"
#include "memreadwrite.h" #include "memreadwrite.h"
#include "pcidevice.h" #include "pcidevice.h"
#include "displayid.h" #include <atirage.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
ATIRage::ATIRage(uint16_t dev_id) : PCIDevice("ati-rage") ATIRage::ATIRage(uint16_t dev_id) : PCIDevice("ati-rage") {
WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[0], (dev_id << 16) | ATI_PCI_VENDOR_ID); WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[0], (dev_id << 16) | ATI_PCI_VENDOR_ID);
WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[8], 0x0300005C); WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[8], 0x0300005C);
WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[0x3C], 0x00080100); WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[0x3C], 0x00080100);
@ -37,13 +36,11 @@ ATIRage::ATIRage(uint16_t dev_id) : PCIDevice("ati-rage")
this->disp_id = new DisplayID(); this->disp_id = new DisplayID();
} }
ATIRage::~ATIRage() ATIRage::~ATIRage() {
delete (this->disp_id); delete (this->disp_id);
} }
uint32_t ATIRage::size_dep_read(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size) uint32_t ATIRage::size_dep_read(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size) {
switch (size) { switch (size) {
case 4: case 4:
return READ_DWORD_LE_A(buf); return READ_DWORD_LE_A(buf);
@ -60,8 +57,7 @@ uint32_t ATIRage::size_dep_read(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size)
} }
} }
void ATIRage::size_dep_write(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) void ATIRage::size_dep_write(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) {
switch (size) { switch (size) {
case 4: case 4:
WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(buf, value); WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(buf, value);
@ -74,8 +70,7 @@ void ATIRage::size_dep_write(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t value, uint32_t size)
} }
} }
const char* ATIRage::get_reg_name(uint32_t reg_offset) const char* ATIRage::get_reg_name(uint32_t reg_offset) {
const char* reg_name; const char* reg_name;
switch (reg_offset & ~3) { switch (reg_offset & ~3) {
@ -152,16 +147,19 @@ const char* ATIRage::get_reg_name(uint32_t reg_offset)
return reg_name; return reg_name;
} }
uint32_t ATIRage::read_reg(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size) uint32_t ATIRage::read_reg(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size) {
uint32_t res; uint32_t res;
switch (offset & ~3) { switch (offset & ~3) {
case ATI_GP_IO: case ATI_GP_IO:
break; break;
default: default:
LOG_F(INFO, "ATI Rage: read I/O reg %s at 0x%X, size=%d, val=0x%X", LOG_F(
get_reg_name(offset), offset, size, INFO,
"ATI Rage: read I/O reg %s at 0x%X, size=%d, val=0x%X",
size_dep_read(&this->block_io_regs[offset], size)); size_dep_read(&this->block_io_regs[offset], size));
} }
@ -170,8 +168,7 @@ uint32_t ATIRage::read_reg(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size)
return res; return res;
} }
void ATIRage::write_reg(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) void ATIRage::write_reg(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) {
uint32_t gpio_val; uint32_t gpio_val;
uint16_t gpio_dir; uint16_t gpio_dir;
@ -183,20 +180,23 @@ void ATIRage::write_reg(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size)
if (offset < (ATI_GP_IO + 2)) { if (offset < (ATI_GP_IO + 2)) {
gpio_val = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->block_io_regs[ATI_GP_IO]); gpio_val = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->block_io_regs[ATI_GP_IO]);
gpio_dir = (gpio_val >> 16) & 0x3FFF; gpio_dir = (gpio_val >> 16) & 0x3FFF;
WRITE_WORD_LE_A(&this->block_io_regs[ATI_GP_IO], WRITE_WORD_LE_A(
this->disp_id->read_monitor_sense(gpio_val, gpio_dir)); this->disp_id->read_monitor_sense(gpio_val, gpio_dir));
} }
break; break;
default: default:
LOG_F(INFO, "ATI Rage: %s register at 0x%X set to 0x%X", LOG_F(
get_reg_name(offset), offset & ~3, INFO,
"ATI Rage: %s register at 0x%X set to 0x%X",
offset & ~3,
READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->block_io_regs[offset & ~3])); READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->block_io_regs[offset & ~3]));
} }
} }
uint32_t ATIRage::pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size) uint32_t ATIRage::pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size) {
uint32_t res = 0; uint32_t res = 0;
LOG_F(INFO, "Reading ATI Rage config space, offset = 0x%X, size=%d", reg_offs, size); LOG_F(INFO, "Reading ATI Rage config space, offset = 0x%X, size=%d", reg_offs, size);
@ -207,32 +207,32 @@ uint32_t ATIRage::pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size)
return res; return res;
} }
void ATIRage::pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) void ATIRage::pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) {
{ LOG_F(
LOG_F(INFO, "Writing into ATI Rage PCI config space, offset = 0x%X, val=0x%X size=%d", INFO,
reg_offs, BYTESWAP_32(value), size); "Writing into ATI Rage PCI config space, offset = 0x%X, val=0x%X size=%d",
switch (reg_offs) { switch (reg_offs) {
case 0x10: /* BAR 0 */ case 0x10: /* BAR 0 */
if (value == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) { if (value == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) {
WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR0], 0xFF000008); WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR0], 0xFF000008);
} } else {
else {
WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR0], value); WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR0], value);
} }
break; break;
case 0x14: /* BAR 1: I/O space base, 256 bytes wide */ case 0x14: /* BAR 1: I/O space base, 256 bytes wide */
if (value == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) { if (value == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) {
WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR1], 0x0000FFF1); WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR1], 0x0000FFF1);
} } else {
else {
WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR1], value); WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR1], value);
} }
case 0x18: /* BAR 2 */ case 0x18: /* BAR 2 */
if (value == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) { if (value == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) {
WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR2], 0xFFFFF000); WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR2], 0xFFFFF000);
} } else {
else {
WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR2], value); WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(&this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_BAR2], value);
} }
break; break;
@ -248,8 +248,7 @@ void ATIRage::pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size)
} }
bool ATIRage::io_access_allowed(uint32_t offset, uint32_t *p_io_base) bool ATIRage::io_access_allowed(uint32_t offset, uint32_t* p_io_base) {
if (!(this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_CMD] & 1)) { if (!(this->pci_cfg[CFG_REG_CMD] & 1)) {
LOG_F(WARNING, "ATI I/O space disabled in the command reg"); LOG_F(WARNING, "ATI I/O space disabled in the command reg");
return false; return false;
@ -268,8 +267,7 @@ bool ATIRage::io_access_allowed(uint32_t offset, uint32_t *p_io_base)
} }
bool ATIRage::pci_io_read(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t *res) bool ATIRage::pci_io_read(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t* res) {
uint32_t io_base; uint32_t io_base;
if (!this->io_access_allowed(offset, &io_base)) { if (!this->io_access_allowed(offset, &io_base)) {
@ -281,8 +279,7 @@ bool ATIRage::pci_io_read(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t *res)
} }
bool ATIRage::pci_io_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) bool ATIRage::pci_io_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) {
uint32_t io_base; uint32_t io_base;
if (!this->io_access_allowed(offset, &io_base)) { if (!this->io_access_allowed(offset, &io_base)) {
@ -294,13 +291,11 @@ bool ATIRage::pci_io_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size)
} }
uint32_t ATIRage::read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size) uint32_t ATIRage::read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size) {
LOG_F(INFO, "Reading reg=%X, size %d", offset, size); LOG_F(INFO, "Reading reg=%X, size %d", offset, size);
return 0; return 0;
} }
void ATIRage::write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) void ATIRage::write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) {
LOG_F(INFO, "Writing reg=%X, value=%X, size %d", offset, value, size); LOG_F(INFO, "Writing reg=%X, value=%X, size %d", offset, value, size);
} }

View File

@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef ATI_RAGE_H #ifndef ATI_RAGE_H
#define ATI_RAGE_H #define ATI_RAGE_H
#include <cinttypes>
#include "pcidevice.h"
#include "displayid.h" #include "displayid.h"
#include "pcidevice.h"
#include <cinttypes>
using namespace std; using namespace std;
@ -37,73 +37,72 @@ enum {
/** Mach registers offsets. */ /** Mach registers offsets. */
enum { enum {
ATI_DSP_CONFIG = 0x0020, ATI_DSP_CONFIG = 0x0020,
ATI_DSP_ON_OFF = 0x0024, ATI_DSP_ON_OFF = 0x0024,
ATI_TIMER_CFG = 0x0028, ATI_TIMER_CFG = 0x0028,
ATI_MEM_ADDR_CFG = 0x0034, ATI_MEM_ADDR_CFG = 0x0034,
ATI_CRT_TRAP = 0x0038, ATI_CRT_TRAP = 0x0038,
ATI_I2C_CNTL_0 = 0x003C, ATI_I2C_CNTL_0 = 0x003C,
ATI_OVR_CLR = 0x0040, ATI_OVR_CLR = 0x0040,
ATI_VGA_DSP_TGL = 0x0050, ATI_VGA_DSP_TGL = 0x0050,
ATI_DSP2_CONFIG = 0x0054, ATI_DSP2_CONFIG = 0x0054,
ATI_DSP2_TOGGLE = 0x0058, ATI_DSP2_TOGGLE = 0x0058,
ATI_CUR_CLR0 = 0x0060, ATI_CUR_CLR0 = 0x0060,
ATI_CUR_CLR1 = 0x0064, ATI_CUR_CLR1 = 0x0064,
ATI_CUR_OFFSET = 0x0068, ATI_CUR_OFFSET = 0x0068,
ATI_GP_IO = 0x0078, ATI_GP_IO = 0x0078,
ATI_HW_DEBUG = 0x007C, ATI_HW_DEBUG = 0x007C,
ATI_SCRATCH_REG0 = 0x0080, ATI_SCRATCH_REG0 = 0x0080,
ATI_SCRATCH_REG1 = 0x0084, ATI_SCRATCH_REG1 = 0x0084,
ATI_SCRATCH_REG2 = 0x0088, ATI_SCRATCH_REG2 = 0x0088,
ATI_CLOCK_CNTL = 0x0090, ATI_CLOCK_CNTL = 0x0090,
ATI_BUS_CNTL = 0x00A0, ATI_BUS_CNTL = 0x00A0,
ATI_MEM_CNTL = 0x00B0, ATI_MEM_CNTL = 0x00B0,
ATI_VGA_WP_SEL = 0x00B4, ATI_VGA_WP_SEL = 0x00B4,
ATI_VGA_RP_SEL = 0x00B8, ATI_VGA_RP_SEL = 0x00B8,
ATI_I2C_CNTL_1 = 0x00BC, ATI_I2C_CNTL_1 = 0x00BC,
ATI_DAC_REGS = 0x00C0, ATI_DAC_REGS = 0x00C0,
ATI_DAC_CNTL = 0x00C4, ATI_DAC_CNTL = 0x00C4,
ATI_CFG_STAT0 = 0x00E4, ATI_CFG_STAT0 = 0x00E4,
ATI_CRC_SIG = 0x00E8, ATI_CRC_SIG = 0x00E8,
ATI_HOST_CNTL = 0x0240, ATI_HOST_CNTL = 0x0240,
ATI_DST_X_Y = 0x02E8, ATI_DST_X_Y = 0x02E8,
ATI_MPP_ADDR = 0x04C8, ATI_MPP_ADDR = 0x04C8,
ATI_TVO_CNTL = 0x0500, ATI_TVO_CNTL = 0x0500,
}; };
class ATIRage : public PCIDevice class ATIRage : public PCIDevice {
public: public:
ATIRage(uint16_t dev_id); ATIRage(uint16_t dev_id);
~ATIRage(); ~ATIRage();
@ -112,17 +111,21 @@ public:
uint32_t read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size); uint32_t read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size);
void write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size); void write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size);
bool supports_type(HWCompType type) { return type == HWCompType::MMIO_DEV; }; bool supports_type(HWCompType type) {
return type == HWCompType::MMIO_DEV;
/* PCI device methods */ /* PCI device methods */
bool supports_io_space(void) { return true; }; bool supports_io_space(void) {
return true;
uint32_t pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size); uint32_t pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size);
void pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size); void pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size);
/* I/O space access methods */ /* I/O space access methods */
bool pci_io_read(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t *res); bool pci_io_read(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t* res);
bool pci_io_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) ; bool pci_io_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size);
protected: protected:
uint32_t size_dep_read(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size); uint32_t size_dep_read(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size);
@ -133,14 +136,14 @@ protected:
void write_reg(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size); void write_reg(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size);
private: private:
//uint32_t atirage_membuf_regs[9]; /* ATI Rage Memory Buffer Registers */ // uint32_t atirage_membuf_regs[9]; /* ATI Rage Memory Buffer Registers */
//uint32_t atirage_scratch_regs[4]; /* ATI Rage Scratch Registers */ // uint32_t atirage_scratch_regs[4]; /* ATI Rage Scratch Registers */
//uint32_t atirage_cmdfifo_regs[3]; /* ATI Rage Command FIFO Registers */ // uint32_t atirage_cmdfifo_regs[3]; /* ATI Rage Command FIFO Registers */
//uint32_t atirage_datapath_regs[12]; /* ATI Rage Data Path Registers*/ // uint32_t atirage_datapath_regs[12]; /* ATI Rage Data Path Registers*/
uint8_t block_io_regs[256] = { 0 }; uint8_t block_io_regs[256] = {0};
uint8_t pci_cfg[256] = { 0 }; /* PCI configuration space */ uint8_t pci_cfg[256] = {0}; /* PCI configuration space */
DisplayID* disp_id; DisplayID* disp_id;
}; };

View File

@ -24,26 +24,24 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
Author: Max Poliakovski 2019-20 Author: Max Poliakovski 2019-20
*/ */
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include "endianswap.h"
#include "awacs.h" #include "awacs.h"
#include "dbdma.h" #include "dbdma.h"
#include "endianswap.h"
#include "machines/machinebase.h" #include "machines/machinebase.h"
#include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL.h> #include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL.h>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
static int awac_freqs[8] = {44100, 29400, 22050, 17640, 14700, 11025, 8820, 7350}; static int awac_freqs[8] = {44100, 29400, 22050, 17640, 14700, 11025, 8820, 7350};
AWACDevice::AWACDevice() AWACDevice::AWACDevice() {
this->audio_proc = new AudioProcessor(); this->audio_proc = new AudioProcessor();
/* register audio processor chip with the I2C bus */ /* register audio processor chip with the I2C bus */
I2CBus *i2c_bus = dynamic_cast<I2CBus *>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_type(HWCompType::I2C_HOST)); I2CBus* i2c_bus = dynamic_cast<I2CBus*>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_type(HWCompType::I2C_HOST));
i2c_bus->register_device(0x45, this->audio_proc); i2c_bus->register_device(0x45, this->audio_proc);
} }
AWACDevice::~AWACDevice() AWACDevice::~AWACDevice() {
delete this->audio_proc; delete this->audio_proc;
if (this->snd_buf) if (this->snd_buf)
@ -53,21 +51,18 @@ AWACDevice::~AWACDevice()
SDL_CloseAudioDevice(snd_out_dev); SDL_CloseAudioDevice(snd_out_dev);
} }
void AWACDevice::set_dma_out(DMAChannel *dma_out_ch) void AWACDevice::set_dma_out(DMAChannel* dma_out_ch) {
this->dma_out_ch = dma_out_ch; this->dma_out_ch = dma_out_ch;
} }
uint32_t AWACDevice::snd_ctrl_read(uint32_t offset, int size) uint32_t AWACDevice::snd_ctrl_read(uint32_t offset, int size) {
{ switch (offset) {
switch(offset) {
return this->snd_ctrl_reg; return this->snd_ctrl_reg;
return this->is_busy; return this->is_busy;
return (AWAC_AVAILABLE << 8) | (AWAC_MAKER_CRYSTAL << 16) | return (AWAC_AVAILABLE << 8) | (AWAC_MAKER_CRYSTAL << 16) | (AWAC_REV_SCREAMER << 20);
break; break;
default: default:
LOG_F(ERROR, "AWAC: unsupported register at offset 0x%X", offset); LOG_F(ERROR, "AWAC: unsupported register at offset 0x%X", offset);
@ -76,12 +71,11 @@ uint32_t AWACDevice::snd_ctrl_read(uint32_t offset, int size)
return 0; return 0;
} }
void AWACDevice::snd_ctrl_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) void AWACDevice::snd_ctrl_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) {
int subframe, reg_num; int subframe, reg_num;
uint16_t data; uint16_t data;
switch(offset) { switch (offset) {
this->snd_ctrl_reg = BYTESWAP_32(value); this->snd_ctrl_reg = BYTESWAP_32(value);
LOG_F(INFO, "New sound control value = 0x%X", this->snd_ctrl_reg); LOG_F(INFO, "New sound control value = 0x%X", this->snd_ctrl_reg);
@ -89,7 +83,7 @@ void AWACDevice::snd_ctrl_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size)
subframe = (value >> 14) & 3; subframe = (value >> 14) & 3;
reg_num = (value >> 20) & 7; reg_num = (value >> 20) & 7;
data = ((value >> 8) & 0xF00) | ((value >> 24) & 0xFF); data = ((value >> 8) & 0xF00) | ((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
LOG_F(INFO, "AWAC subframe = %d, reg = %d, data = %08X\n", subframe, reg_num, data); LOG_F(INFO, "AWAC subframe = %d, reg = %d, data = %08X\n", subframe, reg_num, data);
if (!subframe) if (!subframe)
this->control_regs[reg_num] = data; this->control_regs[reg_num] = data;
@ -99,48 +93,45 @@ void AWACDevice::snd_ctrl_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size)
} }
} }
static void convert_data(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, uint32_t len) static void convert_data(const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, uint32_t len) {
uint16_t *p_in, *p_out; uint16_t *p_in, *p_out;
if (len & 7) { if (len & 7) {
LOG_F(WARNING, "AWAC sound buffer len not a multiply of 8, %d", len); LOG_F(WARNING, "AWAC sound buffer len not a multiply of 8, %d", len);
} }
p_in = (uint16_t *)in; p_in = (uint16_t*)in;
p_out = (uint16_t *)out; p_out = (uint16_t*)out;
len >>= 1; len >>= 1;
/* AWAC data comes as LLRR -> convert it to LRLR */ /* AWAC data comes as LLRR -> convert it to LRLR */
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 8) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 8) {
p_out[i] = p_in[i]; p_out[i] = p_in[i];
p_out[i+1] = p_in[i+2]; p_out[i + 1] = p_in[i + 2];
p_out[i+2] = p_in[i+1]; p_out[i + 2] = p_in[i + 1];
p_out[i+3] = p_in[i+3]; p_out[i + 3] = p_in[i + 3];
} }
} }
static void audio_out_callback(void *user_data, uint8_t *buf, int buf_len) static void audio_out_callback(void* user_data, uint8_t* buf, int buf_len) {
{ uint8_t* p_in;
uint8_t *p_in;
uint32_t rem_len, got_len; uint32_t rem_len, got_len;
DMAChannel *dma_ch = (DMAChannel *)user_data; /* C API baby! */ DMAChannel* dma_ch = (DMAChannel*)user_data; /* C API baby! */
for (rem_len = buf_len; rem_len > 0; rem_len -= got_len, buf += got_len) { for (rem_len = buf_len; rem_len > 0; rem_len -= got_len, buf += got_len) {
if (!dma_ch->get_data(rem_len, &got_len, &p_in)) { if (!dma_ch->get_data(rem_len, &got_len, &p_in)) {
convert_data(p_in, buf, got_len); convert_data(p_in, buf, got_len);
//LOG_F(9, "Converted sound data, len = %d", got_len); // LOG_F(9, "Converted sound data, len = %d", got_len);
} else { /* no more data */ } else { /* no more data */
memset(buf, 0, rem_len); /* fill the buffer with silence */ memset(buf, 0, rem_len); /* fill the buffer with silence */
//LOG_F(9, "Inserted silence, len = %d", rem_len); // LOG_F(9, "Inserted silence, len = %d", rem_len);
break; break;
} }
} }
} }
uint32_t AWACDevice::convert_data(const uint8_t *data, int len) uint32_t AWACDevice::convert_data(const uint8_t* data, int len) {
int i; int i;
uint16_t *p_in, *p_out; uint16_t *p_in, *p_out;
@ -151,30 +142,29 @@ uint32_t AWACDevice::convert_data(const uint8_t *data, int len)
this->buf_len = len; this->buf_len = len;
} }
p_in = (uint16_t *)data; p_in = (uint16_t*)data;
p_out = (uint16_t *)this->snd_buf; p_out = (uint16_t*)this->snd_buf;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 8) { for (i = 0; i < len; i += 8) {
p_out[i] = p_in[i]; p_out[i] = p_in[i];
p_out[i+1] = p_in[i+2]; p_out[i + 1] = p_in[i + 2];
p_out[i+2] = p_in[i+1]; p_out[i + 2] = p_in[i + 1];
p_out[i+3] = p_in[i+3]; p_out[i + 3] = p_in[i + 3];
} }
return i; return i;
} }
void AWACDevice::dma_start() void AWACDevice::dma_start() {
SDL_AudioSpec snd_spec, snd_settings; SDL_AudioSpec snd_spec, snd_settings;
SDL_zero(snd_spec); SDL_zero(snd_spec);
snd_spec.freq = awac_freqs[(this->snd_ctrl_reg >> 8) & 7]; snd_spec.freq = awac_freqs[(this->snd_ctrl_reg >> 8) & 7];
snd_spec.format = AUDIO_S16MSB; /* yes, AWAC accepts big-endian data */ snd_spec.format = AUDIO_S16MSB; /* yes, AWAC accepts big-endian data */
snd_spec.channels = 2; snd_spec.channels = 2;
snd_spec.samples = 4096; /* buffer size, chosen empirically */ snd_spec.samples = 4096; /* buffer size, chosen empirically */
snd_spec.callback = audio_out_callback; snd_spec.callback = audio_out_callback;
snd_spec.userdata = (void *)this->dma_out_ch; snd_spec.userdata = (void*)this->dma_out_ch;
this->snd_out_dev = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &snd_spec, &snd_settings, 0); this->snd_out_dev = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &snd_spec, &snd_settings, 0);
@ -188,16 +178,14 @@ void AWACDevice::dma_start()
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(this->snd_out_dev, 0); /* start audio playing */ SDL_PauseAudioDevice(this->snd_out_dev, 0); /* start audio playing */
} }
void AWACDevice::dma_end() void AWACDevice::dma_end() {
if (this->snd_out_dev) { if (this->snd_out_dev) {
SDL_CloseAudioDevice(this->snd_out_dev); SDL_CloseAudioDevice(this->snd_out_dev);
this->snd_out_dev = 0; this->snd_out_dev = 0;
} }
} }
void AWACDevice::dma_push(uint8_t *buf, int size) void AWACDevice::dma_push(uint8_t* buf, int size) {
uint32_t dst_len; uint32_t dst_len;
dst_len = this->convert_data(buf, size); dst_len = this->convert_data(buf, size);
@ -213,6 +201,4 @@ void AWACDevice::dma_push(uint8_t *buf, int size)
} }
} }
void AWACDevice::dma_pull(uint8_t *buf, int size) void AWACDevice::dma_pull(uint8_t* buf, int size) {}

View File

@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef AWAC_H #ifndef AWAC_H
#define AWAC_H #define AWAC_H
#include <cinttypes>
#include "i2c.h"
#include "dbdma.h" #include "dbdma.h"
#include "i2c.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL.h> #include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL.h>
/** AWAC registers offsets. */ /** AWAC registers offsets. */
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ enum {
/** AWAC manufacturer and revision. */ /** AWAC manufacturer and revision. */
/** Apple source calls this kValidData but doesn't explain /** Apple source calls this kValidData but doesn't explain
what it actually means. It seems like it's used to check what it actually means. It seems like it's used to check
@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ public:
AudioProcessor() = default; AudioProcessor() = default;
~AudioProcessor() = default; ~AudioProcessor() = default;
void start_transaction() { this->pos = 0; }; void start_transaction() {
this->pos = 0;
bool send_subaddress(uint8_t sub_addr) { bool send_subaddress(uint8_t sub_addr) {
if ((sub_addr & 0xF) > 6) if ((sub_addr & 0xF) > 6)
@ -65,8 +67,7 @@ public:
this->sub_addr = sub_addr & 0xF; this->sub_addr = sub_addr & 0xF;
this->auto_inc = !!(sub_addr & 0x10); this->auto_inc = !!(sub_addr & 0x10);
LOG_F(INFO, "TDA7433 subaddress = 0x%X, auto increment = %d", LOG_F(INFO, "TDA7433 subaddress = 0x%X, auto increment = %d", this->sub_addr, this->auto_inc);
this->sub_addr, this->auto_inc);
this->pos++; this->pos++;
return true; return true;
}; };
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ public:
return send_subaddress(data); return send_subaddress(data);
} else if (this->sub_addr <= 6) { } else if (this->sub_addr <= 6) {
LOG_F(INFO, "TDA7433 byte 0x%X received", data); LOG_F(INFO, "TDA7433 byte 0x%X received", data);
this->regs[this->sub_addr] = data; this->regs[this->sub_addr] = data;
if (this->auto_inc) { if (this->auto_inc) {
this->sub_addr++; this->sub_addr++;
} }
@ -86,17 +87,17 @@ public:
} }
}; };
bool receive_byte(uint8_t *p_data) { bool receive_byte(uint8_t* p_data) {
*p_data = this->regs[this->sub_addr]; *p_data = this->regs[this->sub_addr];
LOG_F(INFO, "TDA7433 byte 0x%X sent", *p_data); LOG_F(INFO, "TDA7433 byte 0x%X sent", *p_data);
return true; return true;
}; };
private: private:
uint8_t regs[7]; /* control registers, see TDA7433 datasheet */ uint8_t regs[7]; /* control registers, see TDA7433 datasheet */
uint8_t sub_addr; uint8_t sub_addr;
int pos; int pos;
int auto_inc; int auto_inc;
}; };
@ -105,33 +106,33 @@ public:
AWACDevice(); AWACDevice();
~AWACDevice(); ~AWACDevice();
void set_dma_out(DMAChannel *dma_out_ch); void set_dma_out(DMAChannel* dma_out_ch);
uint32_t snd_ctrl_read(uint32_t offset, int size); uint32_t snd_ctrl_read(uint32_t offset, int size);
void snd_ctrl_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size); void snd_ctrl_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size);
/* DMACallback methods */ /* DMACallback methods */
void dma_start(); void dma_start();
void dma_end(); void dma_end();
void dma_push(uint8_t *buf, int size); void dma_push(uint8_t* buf, int size);
void dma_pull(uint8_t *buf, int size); void dma_pull(uint8_t* buf, int size);
protected: protected:
uint32_t convert_data(const uint8_t *data, int len); uint32_t convert_data(const uint8_t* data, int len);
private: private:
uint32_t snd_ctrl_reg = {0}; uint32_t snd_ctrl_reg = {0};
uint16_t control_regs[8] = {0}; /* control registers, each 12-bits wide */ uint16_t control_regs[8] = {0}; /* control registers, each 12-bits wide */
uint8_t is_busy = 0; uint8_t is_busy = 0;
AudioProcessor *audio_proc; AudioProcessor* audio_proc;
SDL_AudioDeviceID snd_out_dev = 0; SDL_AudioDeviceID snd_out_dev = 0;
bool wake_up = false; bool wake_up = false;
DMAChannel *dma_out_ch; DMAChannel* dma_out_ch;
uint8_t* snd_buf = 0; uint8_t* snd_buf = 0;
uint32_t buf_len = 0; uint32_t buf_len = 0;
}; };

View File

@ -21,27 +21,25 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** @file Descriptor-based direct memory access emulation. */ /** @file Descriptor-based direct memory access emulation. */
#include "dbdma.h"
#include "cpu/ppc/ppcmmu.h"
#include "endianswap.h"
#include <cinttypes> #include <cinttypes>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp> #include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include "dbdma.h"
#include "endianswap.h"
#include "cpu/ppc/ppcmmu.h"
void DMAChannel::get_next_cmd(uint32_t cmd_addr, DMACmd *p_cmd) void DMAChannel::get_next_cmd(uint32_t cmd_addr, DMACmd* p_cmd) {
/* load DMACmd from physical memory */ /* load DMACmd from physical memory */
memcpy((uint8_t *)p_cmd, mmu_get_dma_mem(cmd_addr, 16), 16); memcpy((uint8_t*)p_cmd, mmu_get_dma_mem(cmd_addr, 16), 16);
} }
uint8_t DMAChannel::interpret_cmd() uint8_t DMAChannel::interpret_cmd() {
DMACmd cmd_struct; DMACmd cmd_struct;
get_next_cmd(this->cmd_ptr, &cmd_struct); get_next_cmd(this->cmd_ptr, &cmd_struct);
this->ch_stat &= ~CH_STAT_WAKE; /* clear wake bit (DMA spec, */ this->ch_stat &= ~CH_STAT_WAKE; /* clear wake bit (DMA spec, */
switch(cmd_struct.cmd_key >> 4) { switch (cmd_struct.cmd_key >> 4) {
case 0: case 0:
LOG_F(9, "Executing DMA Command OUTPUT_MORE"); LOG_F(9, "Executing DMA Command OUTPUT_MORE");
if (cmd_struct.cmd_key & 7) { if (cmd_struct.cmd_key & 7) {
@ -52,11 +50,11 @@ uint8_t DMAChannel::interpret_cmd()
LOG_F(ERROR, "non-zero i/b/w not implemented"); LOG_F(ERROR, "non-zero i/b/w not implemented");
break; break;
} }
//this->dma_cb->dma_push( // this->dma_cb->dma_push(
// mmu_get_dma_mem(cmd_struct.address, cmd_struct.req_count), // mmu_get_dma_mem(cmd_struct.address, cmd_struct.req_count),
// cmd_struct.req_count); // cmd_struct.req_count);
this->queue_data = mmu_get_dma_mem(cmd_struct.address, cmd_struct.req_count); this->queue_data = mmu_get_dma_mem(cmd_struct.address, cmd_struct.req_count);
this->queue_len = cmd_struct.req_count; this->queue_len = cmd_struct.req_count;
this->cmd_ptr += 16; this->cmd_ptr += 16;
break; break;
case 1: case 1:
@ -69,11 +67,11 @@ uint8_t DMAChannel::interpret_cmd()
LOG_F(ERROR, "non-zero i/b/w not implemented"); LOG_F(ERROR, "non-zero i/b/w not implemented");
break; break;
} }
//this->dma_cb->dma_push( // this->dma_cb->dma_push(
// mmu_get_dma_mem(cmd_struct.address, cmd_struct.req_count), // mmu_get_dma_mem(cmd_struct.address, cmd_struct.req_count),
// cmd_struct.req_count); // cmd_struct.req_count);
this->queue_data = mmu_get_dma_mem(cmd_struct.address, cmd_struct.req_count); this->queue_data = mmu_get_dma_mem(cmd_struct.address, cmd_struct.req_count);
this->queue_len = cmd_struct.req_count; this->queue_len = cmd_struct.req_count;
this->cmd_ptr += 16; this->cmd_ptr += 16;
break; break;
case 2: case 2:
@ -105,8 +103,7 @@ uint8_t DMAChannel::interpret_cmd()
} }
uint32_t DMAChannel::reg_read(uint32_t offset, int size) uint32_t DMAChannel::reg_read(uint32_t offset, int size) {
uint32_t res = 0; uint32_t res = 0;
if (size != 4) { if (size != 4) {
@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ uint32_t DMAChannel::reg_read(uint32_t offset, int size)
return 0; return 0;
} }
switch(offset) { switch (offset) {
case DMAReg::CH_CTRL: case DMAReg::CH_CTRL:
res = 0; /* ChannelControl reads as 0 (DBDMA spec 5.5.1, table 74) */ res = 0; /* ChannelControl reads as 0 (DBDMA spec 5.5.1, table 74) */
break; break;
@ -128,8 +125,7 @@ uint32_t DMAChannel::reg_read(uint32_t offset, int size)
return res; return res;
} }
void DMAChannel::reg_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) void DMAChannel::reg_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) {
uint16_t mask, old_stat, new_stat; uint16_t mask, old_stat, new_stat;
if (size != 4) { if (size != 4) {
@ -137,12 +133,12 @@ void DMAChannel::reg_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size)
return; return;
} }
value = BYTESWAP_32(value); value = BYTESWAP_32(value);
old_stat = this->ch_stat; old_stat = this->ch_stat;
switch(offset) { switch (offset) {
case DMAReg::CH_CTRL: case DMAReg::CH_CTRL:
mask = value >> 16; mask = value >> 16;
new_stat = (value & mask & 0xF0FFU) | (old_stat & ~mask); new_stat = (value & mask & 0xF0FFU) | (old_stat & ~mask);
LOG_F(INFO, "New ChannelStatus value = 0x%X", new_stat); LOG_F(INFO, "New ChannelStatus value = 0x%X", new_stat);
@ -187,8 +183,7 @@ void DMAChannel::reg_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size)
} }
} }
int DMAChannel::get_data(uint32_t req_len, uint32_t *avail_len, uint8_t **p_data) int DMAChannel::get_data(uint32_t req_len, uint32_t* avail_len, uint8_t** p_data) {
if (this->ch_stat & CH_STAT_DEAD || !(this->ch_stat & CH_STAT_ACTIVE)) { if (this->ch_stat & CH_STAT_DEAD || !(this->ch_stat & CH_STAT_ACTIVE)) {
LOG_F(WARNING, "Dead/idle channel -> no more data"); LOG_F(WARNING, "Dead/idle channel -> no more data");
*avail_len = 0; *avail_len = 0;
@ -204,14 +199,14 @@ int DMAChannel::get_data(uint32_t req_len, uint32_t *avail_len, uint8_t **p_data
if (this->queue_len) { if (this->queue_len) {
if (this->queue_len >= req_len) { if (this->queue_len >= req_len) {
LOG_F(9, "Return req_len = %d data", req_len); LOG_F(9, "Return req_len = %d data", req_len);
*p_data = this->queue_data; *p_data = this->queue_data;
*avail_len = req_len; *avail_len = req_len;
this->queue_len -= req_len; this->queue_len -= req_len;
this->queue_data += req_len; this->queue_data += req_len;
} else { /* return less data than req_len */ } else { /* return less data than req_len */
LOG_F(9, "Return queue_len = %d data", this->queue_len); LOG_F(9, "Return queue_len = %d data", this->queue_len);
*p_data = this->queue_data; *p_data = this->queue_data;
*avail_len = this->queue_len; *avail_len = this->queue_len;
this->queue_len = 0; this->queue_len = 0;
} }
return 0; /* tell the caller there is more data */ return 0; /* tell the caller there is more data */
@ -220,8 +215,7 @@ int DMAChannel::get_data(uint32_t req_len, uint32_t *avail_len, uint8_t **p_data
return -1; /* tell the caller there is no more data */ return -1; /* tell the caller there is no more data */
} }
void DMAChannel::start() void DMAChannel::start() {
if (this->ch_stat & CH_STAT_PAUSE) { if (this->ch_stat & CH_STAT_PAUSE) {
LOG_F(WARNING, "Cannot start DMA channel, PAUSE bit is set"); LOG_F(WARNING, "Cannot start DMA channel, PAUSE bit is set");
return; return;
@ -233,12 +227,11 @@ void DMAChannel::start()
this->dma_cb->dma_start(); this->dma_cb->dma_start();
//while (this->interpret_cmd() != 7) { // while (this->interpret_cmd() != 7) {
//} //}
} }
void DMAChannel::resume() void DMAChannel::resume() {
if (this->ch_stat & CH_STAT_PAUSE) { if (this->ch_stat & CH_STAT_PAUSE) {
LOG_F(WARNING, "Cannot resume DMA channel, PAUSE bit is set"); LOG_F(WARNING, "Cannot resume DMA channel, PAUSE bit is set");
return; return;
@ -247,13 +240,11 @@ void DMAChannel::resume()
LOG_F(INFO, "Resuming DMA channel"); LOG_F(INFO, "Resuming DMA channel");
} }
void DMAChannel::abort() void DMAChannel::abort() {
LOG_F(INFO, "Aborting DMA channel"); LOG_F(INFO, "Aborting DMA channel");
} }
void DMAChannel::pause() void DMAChannel::pause() {
LOG_F(INFO, "Pausing DMA channel"); LOG_F(INFO, "Pausing DMA channel");
this->dma_cb->dma_end(); this->dma_cb->dma_end();
} }

View File

@ -33,52 +33,54 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** DBDMA Channel registers offsets */ /** DBDMA Channel registers offsets */
enum DMAReg : uint32_t { enum DMAReg : uint32_t {
CH_CTRL = 0, CH_CTRL = 0,
CH_STAT = 4, CH_STAT = 4,
CMD_PTR_LO = 12, CMD_PTR_LO = 12,
}; };
/** Channel Status bits (DBDMA spec, 5.5.3) */ /** Channel Status bits (DBDMA spec, 5.5.3) */
enum { enum {
CH_STAT_DEAD = 0x800, CH_STAT_DEAD = 0x800,
CH_STAT_WAKE = 0x1000, CH_STAT_WAKE = 0x1000,
CH_STAT_FLUSH = 0x2000, CH_STAT_FLUSH = 0x2000,
CH_STAT_PAUSE = 0x4000, CH_STAT_PAUSE = 0x4000,
CH_STAT_RUN = 0x8000 CH_STAT_RUN = 0x8000
}; };
/** DBDMA command (DBDMA spec, 5.6.1) - all fields are little-endian! */ /** DBDMA command (DBDMA spec, 5.6.1) - all fields are little-endian! */
typedef struct DMACmd { typedef struct DMACmd {
uint16_t req_count; uint16_t req_count;
uint8_t cmd_bits; uint8_t cmd_bits;
uint8_t cmd_key; uint8_t cmd_key;
uint32_t address; uint32_t address;
uint32_t cmd_arg; uint32_t cmd_arg;
uint16_t res_count; uint16_t res_count;
uint16_t xfer_stat; uint16_t xfer_stat;
} DMACmd; } DMACmd;
class DMACallback { class DMACallback {
public: public:
virtual void dma_start(void) = 0; virtual void dma_start(void) = 0;
virtual void dma_end(void) = 0; virtual void dma_end(void) = 0;
virtual void dma_push(uint8_t *buf, int size) = 0; virtual void dma_push(uint8_t* buf, int size) = 0;
virtual void dma_pull(uint8_t *buf, int size) = 0; virtual void dma_pull(uint8_t* buf, int size) = 0;
}; };
class DMAChannel { class DMAChannel {
public: public:
DMAChannel(DMACallback *cb) { this->dma_cb = cb; }; DMAChannel(DMACallback* cb) {
this->dma_cb = cb;
~DMAChannel() = default; ~DMAChannel() = default;
uint32_t reg_read(uint32_t offset, int size); uint32_t reg_read(uint32_t offset, int size);
void reg_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size); void reg_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size);
int get_data(uint32_t req_len, uint32_t *avail_len, uint8_t **p_data); int get_data(uint32_t req_len, uint32_t* avail_len, uint8_t** p_data);
protected: protected:
void get_next_cmd(uint32_t cmd_addr, DMACmd *p_cmd); void get_next_cmd(uint32_t cmd_addr, DMACmd* p_cmd);
uint8_t interpret_cmd(void); uint8_t interpret_cmd(void);
void start(void); void start(void);
@ -87,12 +89,12 @@ protected:
void pause(void); void pause(void);
private: private:
DMACallback *dma_cb = 0; DMACallback* dma_cb = 0;
uint16_t ch_stat = 0; uint16_t ch_stat = 0;
uint32_t cmd_ptr = 0; uint32_t cmd_ptr = 0;
uint32_t queue_len; uint32_t queue_len;
uint8_t* queue_data; uint8_t* queue_data;
}; };
#endif /* DB_DMA_H */ #endif /* DB_DMA_H */

View File

@ -19,11 +19,10 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. along with this program. If not, see <>.
*/ */
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include "displayid.h" #include "displayid.h"
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
DisplayID::DisplayID() DisplayID::DisplayID() {
/* Initialize Apple monitor codes */ /* Initialize Apple monitor codes */
this->std_sense_code = 6; this->std_sense_code = 6;
this->ext_sense_code = 0x2B; this->ext_sense_code = 0x2B;
@ -41,22 +40,19 @@ DisplayID::DisplayID()
} }
uint16_t DisplayID::set_result(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl) uint16_t DisplayID::set_result(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl) {
this->last_sda = sda; this->last_sda = sda;
this->last_scl = scl; this->last_scl = scl;
if (scl) { if (scl) {
this->data_out |= 0x1000; this->data_out |= 0x1000;
} } else {
else {
this->data_out &= ~0x1000U; this->data_out &= ~0x1000U;
} }
if (sda) { if (sda) {
this->data_out |= 0x2000; this->data_out |= 0x2000;
} } else {
else {
this->data_out &= ~0x2000U; this->data_out &= ~0x2000U;
} }
@ -64,9 +60,8 @@ uint16_t DisplayID::set_result(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)
} }
uint16_t DisplayID::read_monitor_sense(uint16_t data, uint16_t dirs) uint16_t DisplayID::read_monitor_sense(uint16_t data, uint16_t dirs) {
{ uint8_t scl, sda;
uint8_t scl, sda;
uint16_t result; uint16_t result;
if ((dirs & 0x3100) == 0 && (data & 0x3100) == 0x3100) { if ((dirs & 0x3100) == 0 && (data & 0x3100) == 0x3100) {
@ -81,24 +76,19 @@ uint16_t DisplayID::read_monitor_sense(uint16_t data, uint16_t dirs)
sda = (dirs & 0x2000) ? !!(data & 0x2000) : 1; sda = (dirs & 0x2000) ? !!(data & 0x2000) : 1;
return update_ddc_i2c(sda, scl); return update_ddc_i2c(sda, scl);
} } else { /* Apple legacy monitor codes (see Technical Note HW30) */
else { /* Apple legacy monitor codes (see Technical Note HW30) */
switch (dirs & 0x3100) { switch (dirs & 0x3100) {
case 0: case 0:
result = ((this->std_sense_code & 6) << 11) | result = ((this->std_sense_code & 6) << 11) | ((this->std_sense_code & 1) << 8);
((this->std_sense_code & 1) << 8);
break; break;
case 0x2000: /* Sense line 2 is low */ case 0x2000: /* Sense line 2 is low */
result = ((this->ext_sense_code & 0x20) << 7) | result = ((this->ext_sense_code & 0x20) << 7) | ((this->ext_sense_code & 0x10) << 4);
((this->ext_sense_code & 0x10) << 4);
break; break;
case 0x1000: /* Sense line 1 is low */ case 0x1000: /* Sense line 1 is low */
result = ((this->ext_sense_code & 8) << 10) | result = ((this->ext_sense_code & 8) << 10) | ((this->ext_sense_code & 4) << 6);
((this->ext_sense_code & 4) << 6);
break; break;
case 0x100: /* Sense line 0 is low */ case 0x100: /* Sense line 0 is low */
result = ((this->ext_sense_code & 2) << 12) | result = ((this->ext_sense_code & 2) << 12) | ((this->ext_sense_code & 1) << 12);
((this->ext_sense_code & 1) << 12);
break; break;
default: default:
result = 0x3100U; result = 0x3100U;
@ -109,7 +99,7 @@ uint16_t DisplayID::read_monitor_sense(uint16_t data, uint16_t dirs)
} }
uint16_t DisplayID::update_ddc_i2c(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)//(uint16_t data, uint16_t dirs) uint16_t DisplayID::update_ddc_i2c(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl) //(uint16_t data, uint16_t dirs)
{ {
bool clk_gone_high = false; bool clk_gone_high = false;
@ -127,9 +117,8 @@ uint16_t DisplayID::update_ddc_i2c(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)//(uint16_t data, ui
if (!sda) { if (!sda) {
LOG_F(9, "DDC-I2C: START condition detected!"); LOG_F(9, "DDC-I2C: START condition detected!");
this->next_state = I2CState::DEV_ADDR; this->next_state = I2CState::DEV_ADDR;
this->bit_count = 0; this->bit_count = 0;
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(9, "DDC-I2C: STOP condition detected!"); LOG_F(9, "DDC-I2C: STOP condition detected!");
this->next_state = I2CState::STOP; this->next_state = I2CState::STOP;
} }
@ -147,22 +136,20 @@ uint16_t DisplayID::update_ddc_i2c(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)//(uint16_t data, ui
case I2CState::ACK: case I2CState::ACK:
this->bit_count = 0; this->bit_count = 0;
this->byte = 0; this->byte = 0;
switch (this->prev_state) { switch (this->prev_state) {
case I2CState::DEV_ADDR: case I2CState::DEV_ADDR:
if ((dev_addr & 0xFE) == 0xA0) { if ((dev_addr & 0xFE) == 0xA0) {
sda = 0; /* send ACK */ sda = 0; /* send ACK */
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(ERROR, "DDC-I2C: unknown device address 0x%X", this->dev_addr); LOG_F(ERROR, "DDC-I2C: unknown device address 0x%X", this->dev_addr);
sda = 1; /* send NACK */ sda = 1; /* send NACK */
} }
if (this->dev_addr & 1) { if (this->dev_addr & 1) {
this->next_state = I2CState::DATA; this->next_state = I2CState::DATA;
this->data_ptr = this->edid; this->data_ptr = this->edid;
this->byte = *(this->data_ptr++); this->byte = *(this->data_ptr++);
} } else {
else {
this->next_state = I2CState::REG_ADDR; this->next_state = I2CState::REG_ADDR;
} }
break; break;
@ -170,8 +157,7 @@ uint16_t DisplayID::update_ddc_i2c(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)//(uint16_t data, ui
this->next_state = I2CState::DATA; this->next_state = I2CState::DATA;
if (!this->reg_addr) { if (!this->reg_addr) {
sda = 0; /* send ACK */ sda = 0; /* send ACK */
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(ERROR, "DDC-I2C: unknown register address 0x%X", this->reg_addr); LOG_F(ERROR, "DDC-I2C: unknown register address 0x%X", this->reg_addr);
sda = 1; /* send NACK */ sda = 1; /* send NACK */
} }
@ -182,12 +168,10 @@ uint16_t DisplayID::update_ddc_i2c(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)//(uint16_t data, ui
if (!sda) { if (!sda) {
/* load next data byte */ /* load next data byte */
this->byte = *(this->data_ptr++); this->byte = *(this->data_ptr++);
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(ERROR, "DDC-I2C: Oops! NACK received"); LOG_F(ERROR, "DDC-I2C: Oops! NACK received");
} }
} } else {
else {
sda = 0; /* send ACK */ sda = 0; /* send ACK */
} }
break; break;
@ -198,14 +182,13 @@ uint16_t DisplayID::update_ddc_i2c(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)//(uint16_t data, ui
case I2CState::REG_ADDR: case I2CState::REG_ADDR:
this->byte = (this->byte << 1) | this->last_sda; this->byte = (this->byte << 1) | this->last_sda;
if (this->bit_count++ >= 7) { if (this->bit_count++ >= 7) {
this->bit_count = 0; this->bit_count = 0;
this->prev_state = this->next_state; this->prev_state = this->next_state;
this->next_state = I2CState::ACK; this->next_state = I2CState::ACK;
if (this->prev_state == I2CState::DEV_ADDR) { if (this->prev_state == I2CState::DEV_ADDR) {
LOG_F(9, "DDC-I2C: device address received, addr=0x%X", this->byte); LOG_F(9, "DDC-I2C: device address received, addr=0x%X", this->byte);
this->dev_addr = this->byte; this->dev_addr = this->byte;
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(9, "DDC-I2C: register address received, addr=0x%X", this->byte); LOG_F(9, "DDC-I2C: register address received, addr=0x%X", this->byte);
this->reg_addr = this->byte; this->reg_addr = this->byte;
} }
@ -215,7 +198,7 @@ uint16_t DisplayID::update_ddc_i2c(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)//(uint16_t data, ui
case I2CState::DATA: case I2CState::DATA:
sda = (this->byte >> (7 - this->bit_count)) & 1; sda = (this->byte >> (7 - this->bit_count)) & 1;
if (this->bit_count++ >= 7) { if (this->bit_count++ >= 7) {
this->bit_count = 0; this->bit_count = 0;
this->prev_state = this->next_state; this->prev_state = this->next_state;
this->next_state = I2CState::ACK; this->next_state = I2CState::ACK;
} }

View File

@ -61,39 +61,31 @@ protected:
private: private:
bool i2c_on; bool i2c_on;
uint8_t std_sense_code; uint8_t std_sense_code;
uint8_t ext_sense_code; uint8_t ext_sense_code;
/* DDC I2C variables. */ /* DDC I2C variables. */
uint8_t next_state; uint8_t next_state;
uint8_t prev_state; uint8_t prev_state;
uint8_t last_sda; uint8_t last_sda;
uint8_t last_scl; uint8_t last_scl;
uint16_t data_out; uint16_t data_out;
int bit_count; /* number of bits processed so far */ int bit_count; /* number of bits processed so far */
uint8_t byte; /* byte value being currently transferred */ uint8_t byte; /* byte value being currently transferred */
uint8_t dev_addr; /* current device address */ uint8_t dev_addr; /* current device address */
uint8_t reg_addr; /* current register address */ uint8_t reg_addr; /* current register address */
uint8_t *data_ptr; /* ptr to data byte to be transferred next */ uint8_t* data_ptr; /* ptr to data byte to be transferred next */
uint8_t edid[128] = { uint8_t edid[128] = {
0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x06, 0x10, 0x02, 0x9d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x06, 0x10, 0x02, 0x9d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x08, 0x09, 0x01, 0x01, 0x68, 0x20, 0x18, 0x28, 0xe8, 0x04, 0x89, 0xa0, 0x57, 0x4a,
0x08, 0x09, 0x01, 0x01, 0x68, 0x20, 0x18, 0x28, 0x9b, 0x26, 0x12, 0x48, 0x4c, 0x31, 0x2b, 0x80, 0x31, 0x59, 0x45, 0x59, 0x61, 0x59, 0xa9,
0xe8, 0x04, 0x89, 0xa0, 0x57, 0x4a, 0x9b, 0x26, 0x40, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x60, 0x16, 0x40, 0x40, 0x31, 0x70,
0x12, 0x48, 0x4c, 0x31, 0x2b, 0x80, 0x31, 0x59, 0x2b, 0x20, 0x20, 0x40, 0x23, 0x00, 0x38, 0xea, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x48, 0x3f, 0x40,
0x45, 0x59, 0x61, 0x59, 0xa9, 0x40, 0x01, 0x01, 0x32, 0x62, 0xb0, 0x32, 0x40, 0x40, 0xc2, 0x13, 0x00, 0x38, 0xea, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18,
0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x60, 0x16, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x30, 0xa0, 0x1e, 0x55, 0x10, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20,
0x40, 0x40, 0x31, 0x70, 0x2b, 0x20, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x53, 0x74, 0x75, 0x64, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x44,
0x23, 0x00, 0x38, 0xea, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x73, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x79, 0x31, 0x37, 0x00, 0x19};
0x48, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x32, 0x62, 0xb0, 0x32, 0x40,
0x40, 0xc2, 0x13, 0x00, 0x38, 0xea, 0x10, 0x00,
0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x30,
0xa0, 0x1e, 0x55, 0x10, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x20, 0x20,
0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc,
0x00, 0x53, 0x74, 0x75, 0x64, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x44,
0x73, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x79, 0x31, 0x37, 0x00, 0x19
/* More EDID: /* More EDID:
00ff ffff ffff ff00 5a63 5151 0341 0000 00ff ffff ffff ff00 5a63 5151 0341 0000

View File

@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. along with this program. If not, see <>.
*/ */
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <iostream>
#include "macio.h"
#include "viacuda.h"
#include "awacs.h" #include "awacs.h"
#include "dbdma.h" #include "dbdma.h"
#include "machines/machinebase.h" #include "machines/machinebase.h"
#include "macio.h"
#include "viacuda.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <iostream>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
/** Heathrow Mac I/O device emulation. /** Heathrow Mac I/O device emulation.
@ -35,49 +35,45 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
using namespace std; using namespace std;
HeathrowIC::HeathrowIC() : PCIDevice("mac-io/heathrow") HeathrowIC::HeathrowIC() : PCIDevice("mac-io/heathrow") {
{ this->nvram = new NVram();
this->nvram = new NVram();
this->viacuda = new ViaCuda(); this->viacuda = new ViaCuda();
gMachineObj->add_subdevice("ViaCuda", this->viacuda); gMachineObj->add_subdevice("ViaCuda", this->viacuda);
this->screamer = new AWACDevice(); this->screamer = new AWACDevice();
this->snd_out_dma = new DMAChannel(this->screamer); this->snd_out_dma = new DMAChannel(this->screamer);
this->screamer->set_dma_out(this->snd_out_dma); this->screamer->set_dma_out(this->snd_out_dma);
} }
HeathrowIC::~HeathrowIC() HeathrowIC::~HeathrowIC() {
if (this->nvram) if (this->nvram)
delete(this->nvram); delete (this->nvram);
if (this->viacuda) if (this->viacuda)
delete(this->viacuda); delete (this->viacuda);
} }
uint32_t HeathrowIC::pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size) uint32_t HeathrowIC::pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size) {
return this->pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs & 0xFF]; return this->pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs & 0xFF];
} }
void HeathrowIC::pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) void HeathrowIC::pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) {
switch (reg_offs) { switch (reg_offs) {
case CFG_REG_BAR0: // base address register case CFG_REG_BAR0: // base address register
value = LE2BE(value); value = LE2BE(value);
if (value == 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (value == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "%s err: BAR0 block size determination not \ LOG_F(
implemented yet \n", this->name.c_str()); ERROR,
} "%s err: BAR0 block size determination not \
else if (value & 1) { implemented yet \n",
} else if (value & 1) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "%s err: BAR0 I/O space not supported! \n", this->name.c_str()); LOG_F(ERROR, "%s err: BAR0 I/O space not supported! \n", this->name.c_str());
} } else if (value & 0x06) {
else if (value & 0x06) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "%s err: BAR0 64-bit I/O space not supported! \n", this->name.c_str()); LOG_F(ERROR, "%s err: BAR0 64-bit I/O space not supported! \n", this->name.c_str());
} } else {
else {
this->base_addr = value & 0xFFF80000; this->base_addr = value & 0xFFF80000;
this->host_instance->pci_register_mmio_region(this->base_addr, 0x80000, this); this->host_instance->pci_register_mmio_region(this->base_addr, 0x80000, this);
LOG_F(INFO, "%s base address set to %x \n", this->name.c_str(), this->base_addr); LOG_F(INFO, "%s base address set to %x \n", this->name.c_str(), this->base_addr);
@ -86,11 +82,10 @@ void HeathrowIC::pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size)
} }
} }
uint32_t HeathrowIC::dma_read(uint32_t offset, int size) uint32_t HeathrowIC::dma_read(uint32_t offset, int size) {
uint32_t res = 0; uint32_t res = 0;
switch(offset >> 8) { switch (offset >> 8) {
case 8: case 8:
res = this->snd_out_dma->reg_read(offset & 0xFF, size); res = this->snd_out_dma->reg_read(offset & 0xFF, size);
break; break;
@ -101,9 +96,8 @@ uint32_t HeathrowIC::dma_read(uint32_t offset, int size)
return res; return res;
} }
void HeathrowIC::dma_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) void HeathrowIC::dma_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) {
{ switch (offset >> 8) {
switch(offset >> 8) {
case 8: case 8:
this->snd_out_dma->reg_write(offset & 0xFF, value, size); this->snd_out_dma->reg_write(offset & 0xFF, value, size);
break; break;
@ -113,8 +107,7 @@ void HeathrowIC::dma_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size)
} }
uint32_t HeathrowIC::read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size) uint32_t HeathrowIC::read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size) {
uint32_t res = 0; uint32_t res = 0;
LOG_F(9, "%s: reading from offset %x \n", this->name.c_str(), offset); LOG_F(9, "%s: reading from offset %x \n", this->name.c_str(), offset);
@ -138,8 +131,7 @@ uint32_t HeathrowIC::read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size)
default: default:
if (sub_addr >= 0x60) { if (sub_addr >= 0x60) {
res = this->nvram->read_byte((offset - 0x60000) >> 4); res = this->nvram->read_byte((offset - 0x60000) >> 4);
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(WARNING, "Attempting to read unmapped I/O space: %x \n", offset); LOG_F(WARNING, "Attempting to read unmapped I/O space: %x \n", offset);
} }
} }
@ -147,8 +139,7 @@ uint32_t HeathrowIC::read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size)
return res; return res;
} }
void HeathrowIC::write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) void HeathrowIC::write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) {
LOG_F(9, "%s: writing to offset %x \n", this->name.c_str(), offset); LOG_F(9, "%s: writing to offset %x \n", this->name.c_str(), offset);
unsigned sub_addr = (offset >> 12) & 0x7F; unsigned sub_addr = (offset >> 12) & 0x7F;
@ -170,15 +161,13 @@ void HeathrowIC::write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int
default: default:
if (sub_addr >= 0x60) { if (sub_addr >= 0x60) {
this->nvram->write_byte((offset - 0x60000) >> 4, value); this->nvram->write_byte((offset - 0x60000) >> 4, value);
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(WARNING, "Attempting to write to unmapped I/O space: %x \n", offset); LOG_F(WARNING, "Attempting to write to unmapped I/O space: %x \n", offset);
} }
} }
} }
uint32_t HeathrowIC::mio_ctrl_read(uint32_t offset, int size) uint32_t HeathrowIC::mio_ctrl_read(uint32_t offset, int size) {
uint32_t res = 0; uint32_t res = 0;
switch (offset & 0xFF) { switch (offset & 0xFF) {
@ -221,8 +210,7 @@ uint32_t HeathrowIC::mio_ctrl_read(uint32_t offset, int size)
return res; return res;
} }
void HeathrowIC::mio_ctrl_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) void HeathrowIC::mio_ctrl_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) {
switch (offset & 0xFF) { switch (offset & 0xFF) {
case 0x14: case 0x14:
LOG_F(9, "read from MIO:Int_Mask2 register \n"); LOG_F(9, "read from MIO:Int_Mask2 register \n");

View File

@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** types of different HW components */ /** types of different HW components */
enum HWCompType : int { enum HWCompType : int {
UNKNOWN = 0, /* unknown component type */ UNKNOWN = 0, /* unknown component type */
MEM_CTRL = 10, /* memory controller */ MEM_CTRL = 10, /* memory controller */
ROM = 20, /* read-only memory */ ROM = 20, /* read-only memory */
RAM = 30, /* random access memory */ RAM = 30, /* random access memory */
MMIO_DEV = 40, /* memory mapped I/O device */ MMIO_DEV = 40, /* memory mapped I/O device */
PCI_HOST = 50, /* PCI host */ PCI_HOST = 50, /* PCI host */
PCI_DEV = 51, /* PCI device */ PCI_DEV = 51, /* PCI device */
I2C_HOST = 60, /* I2C host */ I2C_HOST = 60, /* I2C host */
I2C_DEV = 61, /* I2C device */ I2C_DEV = 61, /* I2C device */
ADB_HOST = 70, /* ADB host */ ADB_HOST = 70, /* ADB host */
ADB_DEV = 71, /* ADB device */ ADB_DEV = 71, /* ADB device */
}; };
@ -45,8 +45,12 @@ class HWComponent {
public: public:
virtual ~HWComponent() = default; virtual ~HWComponent() = default;
virtual std::string get_name(void) { return this->name; }; virtual std::string get_name(void) {
virtual void set_name(std::string name) { this->name = name; }; return this->name;
virtual void set_name(std::string name) {
this->name = name;
virtual bool supports_type(HWCompType type) = 0; virtual bool supports_type(HWCompType type) = 0;

View File

@ -27,26 +27,30 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef I2C_H #ifndef I2C_H
#define I2C_H #define I2C_H
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept> #include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
/** Base class for I2C devices */ /** Base class for I2C devices */
class I2CDevice { class I2CDevice {
public: public:
virtual void start_transaction() = 0; virtual void start_transaction() = 0;
virtual bool send_subaddress(uint8_t sub_addr) = 0; virtual bool send_subaddress(uint8_t sub_addr) = 0;
virtual bool send_byte(uint8_t data) = 0; virtual bool send_byte(uint8_t data) = 0;
virtual bool receive_byte(uint8_t *p_data) = 0; virtual bool receive_byte(uint8_t* p_data) = 0;
}; };
/** Base class for I2C hosts */ /** Base class for I2C hosts */
class I2CBus { class I2CBus {
public: public:
I2CBus() { std::memset(this->dev_list, 0, sizeof(this->dev_list)); }; I2CBus() {
~I2CBus() { std::memset(this->dev_list, 0, sizeof(this->dev_list)); }; std::memset(this->dev_list, 0, sizeof(this->dev_list));
~I2CBus() {
std::memset(this->dev_list, 0, sizeof(this->dev_list));
virtual void register_device(uint8_t dev_addr, I2CDevice *dev_obj) { virtual void register_device(uint8_t dev_addr, I2CDevice* dev_obj) {
if (this->dev_list[dev_addr]) { if (this->dev_list[dev_addr]) {
throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("I2C address already taken!")); throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("I2C address already taken!"));
} }
@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ public:
return this->dev_list[dev_addr]->send_byte(data); return this->dev_list[dev_addr]->send_byte(data);
}; };
virtual bool receive_byte(uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t *p_data) { virtual bool receive_byte(uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t* p_data) {
if (!this->dev_list[dev_addr]) { if (!this->dev_list[dev_addr]) {
return false; /* no device -> no acknowledge */ return false; /* no device -> no acknowledge */
} }
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ public:
}; };
protected: protected:
I2CDevice *dev_list[128]; /* list of registered I2C devices */ I2CDevice* dev_list[128]; /* list of registered I2C devices */
}; };
#endif /* I2C_H */ #endif /* I2C_H */

View File

@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef MACHINE_ID_H #ifndef MACHINE_ID_H
#define MACHINE_ID_H #define MACHINE_ID_H
#include <cinttypes>
#include "hwcomponent.h" #include "hwcomponent.h"
#include "mmiodevice.h" #include "mmiodevice.h"
#include <cinttypes>
/** /**
@file Contains definitions for PowerMacintosh machine ID registers. @file Contains definitions for PowerMacintosh machine ID registers.
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
*/ */
class GossamerID : public MMIODevice { class GossamerID : public MMIODevice {
public: public:
GossamerID(const uint16_t id) { this->id = id, this->name = "Machine-id"; }; GossamerID(const uint16_t id) {
this->id = id, this->name = "Machine-id";
~GossamerID() = default; ~GossamerID() = default;
bool supports_type(HWCompType type) { bool supports_type(HWCompType type) {
@ -52,10 +54,10 @@ public:
}; };
uint32_t read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size) { uint32_t read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size) {
return ((!offset && size == 2) ? this->id : 0); }; return ((!offset && size == 2) ? this->id : 0);
void write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) void write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size){}; /* not writable */
{}; /* not writable */
private: private:
uint16_t id; uint16_t id;

View File

@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef MACIO_H #ifndef MACIO_H
#define MACIO_H #define MACIO_H
#include <cinttypes>
#include "hwcomponent.h"
#include "pcidevice.h"
#include "memctrlbase.h"
#include "mmiodevice.h"
#include "pcihost.h"
#include "viacuda.h"
#include "nvram.h"
#include "awacs.h" #include "awacs.h"
#include "dbdma.h" #include "dbdma.h"
#include "hwcomponent.h"
#include "memctrlbase.h"
#include "mmiodevice.h"
#include "nvram.h"
#include "pcidevice.h"
#include "pcihost.h"
#include "viacuda.h"
#include <cinttypes>
/** /**
Heathrow ASIC emulation Heathrow ASIC emulation
@ -86,19 +86,22 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
VIA-CUDA register space: 0x00016000, size: 0x00002000 VIA-CUDA register space: 0x00016000, size: 0x00002000
*/ */
class HeathrowIC : public PCIDevice class HeathrowIC : public PCIDevice {
public: public:
HeathrowIC(); HeathrowIC();
~HeathrowIC(); ~HeathrowIC();
bool supports_type(HWCompType type) { return type == HWCompType::MMIO_DEV; }; bool supports_type(HWCompType type) {
return type == HWCompType::MMIO_DEV;
/* PCI device methods */ /* PCI device methods */
bool supports_io_space(void) { return false; }; bool supports_io_space(void) {
return false;
uint32_t pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size); uint32_t pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size);
void pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size); void pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size);
/* MMIO device methods */ /* MMIO device methods */
uint32_t read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size); uint32_t read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size);
@ -113,17 +116,23 @@ protected:
private: private:
uint8_t pci_cfg_hdr[256] = { uint8_t pci_cfg_hdr[256] = {
0x6B, 0x10, // vendor ID: Apple Computer Inc. 0x6B,
0x10, 0x00, // device ID: Heathrow Mac I/O 0x10, // vendor ID: Apple Computer Inc.
0x00, 0x00, // PCI command (set to 0 at power-up?) 0x10,
0x00, 0x00, // PCI status (set to 0 at power-up?) 0x00, // device ID: Heathrow Mac I/O
0x01, // revision ID 0x00,
0x00, // PCI command (set to 0 at power-up?)
0x00, // PCI status (set to 0 at power-up?)
0x01, // revision ID
// class code is reported in OF property "class-code" as 0xff0000 // class code is reported in OF property "class-code" as 0xff0000
0x00, // standard programming 0x00, // standard programming
0x00, // subclass code 0x00, // subclass code
0xFF, // class code: unassigned 0xFF, // class code: unassigned
0x00, 0x00, // unknown defaults 0x00,
0x00, 0x00 // unknown defaults 0x00, // unknown defaults
0x00 // unknown defaults
}; };
uint32_t int_mask2; uint32_t int_mask2;
@ -132,14 +141,14 @@ private:
uint32_t int_mask1; uint32_t int_mask1;
uint32_t int_clear1; uint32_t int_clear1;
uint32_t int_levels1; uint32_t int_levels1;
uint32_t feat_ctrl; // features control register uint32_t feat_ctrl; // features control register
/* device cells */ /* device cells */
ViaCuda *viacuda; /* VIA cell with Cuda MCU attached to it */ ViaCuda* viacuda; /* VIA cell with Cuda MCU attached to it */
NVram *nvram; /* NVRAM cell */ NVram* nvram; /* NVRAM cell */
AWACDevice *screamer; /* Screamer audio codec instance */ AWACDevice* screamer; /* Screamer audio codec instance */
DMAChannel *snd_out_dma; DMAChannel* snd_out_dma;
}; };
#endif /* MACIO_H */ #endif /* MACIO_H */

View File

@ -19,28 +19,26 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. along with this program. If not, see <>.
*/ */
#include <string> #include <algorithm> // to shut up MSVC errors (:
#include <cstring> #include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include <algorithm> // to shut up MSVC errors (:
#include "memctrlbase.h" #include "memctrlbase.h"
MemCtrlBase::~MemCtrlBase() MemCtrlBase::~MemCtrlBase() {
{ for (auto& reg : mem_regions) {
for (auto &reg : mem_regions) {
if (reg) if (reg)
delete(reg); delete (reg);
} }
this->mem_regions.clear(); this->mem_regions.clear();
this->address_map.clear(); this->address_map.clear();
} }
AddressMapEntry *MemCtrlBase::find_range(uint32_t addr) AddressMapEntry* MemCtrlBase::find_range(uint32_t addr) {
{ for (auto& entry : address_map) {
for (auto &entry : address_map) {
if (addr >= entry.start && addr <= entry.end) if (addr >= entry.start && addr <= entry.end)
return &entry; return &entry;
} }
@ -49,16 +47,15 @@ AddressMapEntry *MemCtrlBase::find_range(uint32_t addr)
} }
bool MemCtrlBase::add_mem_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, bool MemCtrlBase::add_mem_region(
uint32_t dest_addr, uint32_t type, uint8_t init_val = 0) uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, uint32_t dest_addr, uint32_t type, uint8_t init_val = 0) {
AddressMapEntry entry; AddressMapEntry entry;
/* error if a memory region for the given range already exists */ /* error if a memory region for the given range already exists */
if (find_range(start_addr) || find_range(start_addr + size)) if (find_range(start_addr) || find_range(start_addr + size))
return false; return false;
uint8_t *reg_content = new uint8_t[size]; uint8_t* reg_content = new uint8_t[size];
this->mem_regions.push_back(reg_content); this->mem_regions.push_back(reg_content);
@ -75,20 +72,17 @@ bool MemCtrlBase::add_mem_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size,
} }
bool MemCtrlBase::add_rom_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size) bool MemCtrlBase::add_rom_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size) {
return add_mem_region(start_addr, size, 0, RT_ROM); return add_mem_region(start_addr, size, 0, RT_ROM);
} }
bool MemCtrlBase::add_ram_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size) bool MemCtrlBase::add_ram_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size) {
return add_mem_region(start_addr, size, 0, RT_RAM); return add_mem_region(start_addr, size, 0, RT_RAM);
} }
bool MemCtrlBase::add_mem_mirror(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t dest_addr) bool MemCtrlBase::add_mem_mirror(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t dest_addr) {
AddressMapEntry entry, *ref_entry; AddressMapEntry entry, *ref_entry;
ref_entry = find_range(dest_addr); ref_entry = find_range(dest_addr);
@ -108,9 +102,8 @@ bool MemCtrlBase::add_mem_mirror(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t dest_addr)
} }
bool MemCtrlBase::set_data(uint32_t reg_addr, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size) bool MemCtrlBase::set_data(uint32_t reg_addr, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size) {
{ AddressMapEntry* ref_entry;
AddressMapEntry *ref_entry;
uint32_t cpy_size; uint32_t cpy_size;
ref_entry = find_range(reg_addr); ref_entry = find_range(reg_addr);
@ -124,9 +117,7 @@ bool MemCtrlBase::set_data(uint32_t reg_addr, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size
} }
bool MemCtrlBase::add_mmio_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, bool MemCtrlBase::add_mmio_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, MMIODevice* dev_instance) {
MMIODevice *dev_instance)
AddressMapEntry entry; AddressMapEntry entry;
/* error if another region for the given range already exists */ /* error if another region for the given range already exists */

View File

@ -22,27 +22,27 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "mmiodevice.h"
#include <cinttypes> #include <cinttypes>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "mmiodevice.h"
enum RangeType { enum RangeType {
RT_ROM = 1, /* read-only memory */ RT_ROM = 1, /* read-only memory */
RT_RAM = 2, /* random access memory */ RT_RAM = 2, /* random access memory */
RT_MMIO = 4, /* memory mapped I/O */ RT_MMIO = 4, /* memory mapped I/O */
RT_MIRROR = 8 /* region mirror (content of another region is acessible RT_MIRROR = 8 /* region mirror (content of another region is acessible
at some other address) */ at some other address) */
}; };
/** Defines the format for the address map entry. */ /** Defines the format for the address map entry. */
typedef struct AddressMapEntry { typedef struct AddressMapEntry {
uint32_t start; /* first address of the corresponding range */ uint32_t start; /* first address of the corresponding range */
uint32_t end; /* last address of the corresponding range */ uint32_t end; /* last address of the corresponding range */
uint32_t mirror; /* mirror address for RT_MIRROR */ uint32_t mirror; /* mirror address for RT_MIRROR */
uint32_t type; /* range type */ uint32_t type; /* range type */
MMIODevice* devobj; /* pointer to device object */ MMIODevice* devobj; /* pointer to device object */
unsigned char* mem_ptr; /* direct pointer to data for memory objects */ unsigned char* mem_ptr; /* direct pointer to data for memory objects */
} AddressMapEntry; } AddressMapEntry;
@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ public:
virtual bool add_ram_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size); virtual bool add_ram_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size);
virtual bool add_mem_mirror(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t dest_addr); virtual bool add_mem_mirror(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t dest_addr);
virtual bool add_mmio_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, MMIODevice *dev_instance); virtual bool add_mmio_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, MMIODevice* dev_instance);
virtual bool set_data(uint32_t reg_addr, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size); virtual bool set_data(uint32_t reg_addr, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size);
AddressMapEntry *find_range(uint32_t addr); AddressMapEntry* find_range(uint32_t addr);
protected: protected:
bool add_mem_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, uint32_t dest_addr, bool add_mem_region(
uint32_t type, uint8_t init_val); uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, uint32_t dest_addr, uint32_t type, uint8_t init_val);
private: private:
std::vector<uint8_t *> mem_regions; std::vector<uint8_t*> mem_regions;
std::vector<AddressMapEntry> address_map; std::vector<AddressMapEntry> address_map;
}; };

View File

@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "hwcomponent.h"
#include <cinttypes> #include <cinttypes>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include "hwcomponent.h"
/** Abstract class representing a simple, memory-mapped I/O device */ /** Abstract class representing a simple, memory-mapped I/O device */
class MMIODevice : public HWComponent { class MMIODevice : public HWComponent {
public: public:
virtual uint32_t read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size) = 0; virtual uint32_t read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size) = 0;
virtual void write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) = 0; virtual void write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) = 0;
virtual ~MMIODevice() = default; virtual ~MMIODevice() = default;
}; };
#endif /* MMIO_DEVICE_H */ #endif /* MMIO_DEVICE_H */

View File

@ -24,20 +24,19 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
Author: Max Poliakovski Author: Max Poliakovski
*/ */
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cinttypes> #include <cinttypes>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include "memreadwrite.h"
#include "memctrlbase.h"
#include "mmiodevice.h"
#include "hwcomponent.h" #include "hwcomponent.h"
#include "memctrlbase.h"
#include "memreadwrite.h"
#include "mmiodevice.h"
#include "mpc106.h" #include "mpc106.h"
MPC106::MPC106() : MemCtrlBase(), PCIDevice("Grackle PCI host bridge") MPC106::MPC106() : MemCtrlBase(), PCIDevice("Grackle PCI host bridge") {
this->name = "Grackle"; this->name = "Grackle";
/* add PCI/ISA I/O space, 64K for now */ /* add PCI/ISA I/O space, 64K for now */
@ -50,13 +49,11 @@ MPC106::MPC106() : MemCtrlBase(), PCIDevice("Grackle PCI host bridge")
this->io_space_devs.clear(); this->io_space_devs.clear();
} }
MPC106::~MPC106() MPC106::~MPC106() {
this->pci_0_bus.clear(); this->pci_0_bus.clear();
} }
bool MPC106::supports_type(HWCompType type) bool MPC106::supports_type(HWCompType type) {
if (type == HWCompType::MEM_CTRL || type == HWCompType::MMIO_DEV || if (type == HWCompType::MEM_CTRL || type == HWCompType::MMIO_DEV ||
type == HWCompType::PCI_HOST || type == HWCompType::PCI_DEV) { type == HWCompType::PCI_HOST || type == HWCompType::PCI_DEV) {
return true; return true;
@ -65,8 +62,7 @@ bool MPC106::supports_type(HWCompType type)
} }
} }
uint32_t MPC106::read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size) uint32_t MPC106::read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size) {
uint32_t result; uint32_t result;
if (reg_start == 0xFE000000) { if (reg_start == 0xFE000000) {
@ -78,10 +74,9 @@ uint32_t MPC106::read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size)
} }
} }
LOG_F(ERROR, "Attempt to read from unmapped PCI I/O space, offset=0x%X", offset); LOG_F(ERROR, "Attempt to read from unmapped PCI I/O space, offset=0x%X", offset);
} } else {
else {
if (offset >= 0x200000) { if (offset >= 0x200000) {
if (this->config_addr & 0x80) // process only if bit E (enable) is set if (this->config_addr & 0x80) // process only if bit E (enable) is set
return pci_read(size); return pci_read(size);
} }
} }
@ -91,8 +86,7 @@ uint32_t MPC106::read(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, int size)
return 0; return 0;
} }
void MPC106::write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) void MPC106::write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) {
if (reg_start == 0xFE000000) { if (reg_start == 0xFE000000) {
/* broadcast I/O request to devices that support I/O space /* broadcast I/O request to devices that support I/O space
until a device returns true that means "request accepted" */ until a device returns true that means "request accepted" */
@ -102,26 +96,26 @@ void MPC106::write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size
} }
} }
LOG_F(ERROR, "Attempt to write to unmapped PCI I/O space, offset=0x%X", offset); LOG_F(ERROR, "Attempt to write to unmapped PCI I/O space, offset=0x%X", offset);
} } else {
else {
if (offset < 0x200000) { if (offset < 0x200000) {
this->config_addr = value; this->config_addr = value;
} } else {
else { if (this->config_addr & 0x80) // process only if bit E (enable) is set
if (this->config_addr & 0x80) // process only if bit E (enable) is set
return pci_write(value, size); return pci_write(value, size);
} }
} }
} }
uint32_t MPC106::pci_read(uint32_t size) uint32_t MPC106::pci_read(uint32_t size) {
int bus_num, dev_num, fun_num, reg_offs; int bus_num, dev_num, fun_num, reg_offs;
bus_num = (this->config_addr >> 8) & 0xFF; bus_num = (this->config_addr >> 8) & 0xFF;
if (bus_num) { if (bus_num) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "%s err: read attempt from non-local PCI bus, config_addr = %x \n", \ LOG_F(
this->name.c_str(), this->config_addr); ERROR,
"%s err: read attempt from non-local PCI bus, config_addr = %x \n",
return 0; return 0;
} }
@ -129,13 +123,17 @@ uint32_t MPC106::pci_read(uint32_t size)
fun_num = (this->config_addr >> 16) & 0x07; fun_num = (this->config_addr >> 16) & 0x07;
reg_offs = (this->config_addr >> 24) & 0xFC; reg_offs = (this->config_addr >> 24) & 0xFC;
if (dev_num == 0 && fun_num == 0) { // dev_num 0 is assigned to myself if (dev_num == 0 && fun_num == 0) { // dev_num 0 is assigned to myself
return this->pci_cfg_read(reg_offs, size); return this->pci_cfg_read(reg_offs, size);
} else { } else {
if (this->pci_0_bus.count(dev_num)) { if (this->pci_0_bus.count(dev_num)) {
return this->pci_0_bus[dev_num]->pci_cfg_read(reg_offs, size); return this->pci_0_bus[dev_num]->pci_cfg_read(reg_offs, size);
} else { } else {
LOG_F(ERROR, "%s err: read attempt from non-existing PCI device %d \n", this->name.c_str(), dev_num); LOG_F(
"%s err: read attempt from non-existing PCI device %d \n",
return 0; return 0;
} }
} }
@ -143,14 +141,16 @@ uint32_t MPC106::pci_read(uint32_t size)
return 0; return 0;
} }
void MPC106::pci_write(uint32_t value, uint32_t size) void MPC106::pci_write(uint32_t value, uint32_t size) {
int bus_num, dev_num, fun_num, reg_offs; int bus_num, dev_num, fun_num, reg_offs;
bus_num = (this->config_addr >> 8) & 0xFF; bus_num = (this->config_addr >> 8) & 0xFF;
if (bus_num) { if (bus_num) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "%s err: write attempt to non-local PCI bus, config_addr = %x \n", LOG_F(
this->name.c_str(), this->config_addr); ERROR,
"%s err: write attempt to non-local PCI bus, config_addr = %x \n",
return; return;
} }
@ -158,25 +158,27 @@ void MPC106::pci_write(uint32_t value, uint32_t size)
fun_num = (this->config_addr >> 16) & 0x07; fun_num = (this->config_addr >> 16) & 0x07;
reg_offs = (this->config_addr >> 24) & 0xFC; reg_offs = (this->config_addr >> 24) & 0xFC;
if (dev_num == 0 && fun_num == 0) { // dev_num 0 is assigned to myself if (dev_num == 0 && fun_num == 0) { // dev_num 0 is assigned to myself
this->pci_cfg_write(reg_offs, value, size); this->pci_cfg_write(reg_offs, value, size);
} else { } else {
if (this->pci_0_bus.count(dev_num)) { if (this->pci_0_bus.count(dev_num)) {
this->pci_0_bus[dev_num]->pci_cfg_write(reg_offs, value, size); this->pci_0_bus[dev_num]->pci_cfg_write(reg_offs, value, size);
} else { } else {
LOG_F(ERROR, "%s err: write attempt to non-existing PCI device %d \n", \ LOG_F(
this->name.c_str(), dev_num); ERROR,
"%s err: write attempt to non-existing PCI device %d \n",
} }
} }
} }
uint32_t MPC106::pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size) uint32_t MPC106::pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size) {
#ifdef MPC106_DEBUG #ifdef MPC106_DEBUG
LOG_F(9, "read from Grackle register %08X\n", reg_offs); LOG_F(9, "read from Grackle register %08X\n", reg_offs);
#endif #endif
switch(size) { switch (size) {
case 1: case 1:
return this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs]; return this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs];
break; break;
@ -193,26 +195,25 @@ uint32_t MPC106::pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size)
return 0; return 0;
} }
void MPC106::pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) void MPC106::pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) {
#ifdef MPC106_DEBUG #ifdef MPC106_DEBUG
LOG_F(9, "write %08X to Grackle register %08X\n", value, reg_offs); LOG_F(9, "write %08X to Grackle register %08X\n", value, reg_offs);
#endif #endif
// FIXME: implement write-protection for read-only registers // FIXME: implement write-protection for read-only registers
switch(size) { switch (size) {
case 1: case 1:
this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs] = value & 0xFF; this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs] = value & 0xFF;
break; break;
case 2: case 2:
this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs+1] = value & 0xFF; this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs + 1] = value & 0xFF;
break; break;
case 4: case 4:
this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF; this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF;
this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs+1] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF; this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs + 1] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;
this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs+2] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs + 2] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs+3] = value & 0xFF; this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[reg_offs + 3] = value & 0xFF;
break; break;
default: default:
LOG_F(ERROR, "MPC106 read error: invalid size parameter %d \n", size); LOG_F(ERROR, "MPC106 read error: invalid size parameter %d \n", size);
@ -226,9 +227,8 @@ void MPC106::pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size)
} }
} }
bool MPC106::pci_register_device(int dev_num, PCIDevice *dev_instance) bool MPC106::pci_register_device(int dev_num, PCIDevice* dev_instance) {
{ if (this->pci_0_bus.count(dev_num)) // is dev_num already registered?
if (this->pci_0_bus.count(dev_num)) // is dev_num already registered?
return false; return false;
this->pci_0_bus[dev_num] = dev_instance; this->pci_0_bus[dev_num] = dev_instance;
@ -242,31 +242,29 @@ bool MPC106::pci_register_device(int dev_num, PCIDevice *dev_instance)
return true; return true;
} }
bool MPC106::pci_register_mmio_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, PCIDevice *obj) bool MPC106::pci_register_mmio_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, PCIDevice* obj) {
// FIXME: add sanity checks! // FIXME: add sanity checks!
return this->add_mmio_region(start_addr, size, obj); return this->add_mmio_region(start_addr, size, obj);
} }
void MPC106::setup_ram() void MPC106::setup_ram() {
uint32_t mem_start, mem_end, ext_mem_start, ext_mem_end, bank_start, bank_end; uint32_t mem_start, mem_end, ext_mem_start, ext_mem_end, bank_start, bank_end;
uint32_t ram_size = 0; uint32_t ram_size = 0;
uint8_t bank_en = this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0xA0]; uint8_t bank_en = this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0xA0];
for (int bank = 0; bank < 8; bank++) { for (int bank = 0; bank < 8; bank++) {
if (bank_en & (1 << bank)) { if (bank_en & (1 << bank)) {
if (bank < 4) { if (bank < 4) {
mem_start = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x80]); mem_start = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x80]);
ext_mem_start = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x88]); ext_mem_start = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x88]);
mem_end = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x90]); mem_end = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x90]);
ext_mem_end = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x98]); ext_mem_end = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x98]);
} else { } else {
mem_start = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x84]); mem_start = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x84]);
ext_mem_start = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x8C]); ext_mem_start = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x8C]);
mem_end = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x94]); mem_end = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x94]);
ext_mem_end = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x9C]); ext_mem_end = READ_DWORD_LE_A(&this->my_pci_cfg_hdr[0x9C]);
} }
bank_start = (((ext_mem_start >> bank * 8) & 3) << 30) | bank_start = (((ext_mem_start >> bank * 8) & 3) << 30) |
(((mem_start >> bank * 8) & 0xFF) << 20); (((mem_start >> bank * 8) & 0xFF) << 20);

View File

@ -35,17 +35,16 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef MPC106_H_ #ifndef MPC106_H_
#define MPC106_H_ #define MPC106_H_
#include <cinttypes>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "hwcomponent.h" #include "hwcomponent.h"
#include "memctrlbase.h" #include "memctrlbase.h"
#include "mmiodevice.h" #include "mmiodevice.h"
#include "pcidevice.h" #include "pcidevice.h"
#include "pcihost.h" #include "pcihost.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <unordered_map>
class MPC106 : public MemCtrlBase, public PCIDevice, public PCIHost class MPC106 : public MemCtrlBase, public PCIDevice, public PCIHost {
public: public:
MPC106(); MPC106();
~MPC106(); ~MPC106();
@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ public:
void write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size); void write(uint32_t reg_start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size);
/* PCI host bridge API */ /* PCI host bridge API */
bool pci_register_device(int dev_num, PCIDevice *dev_instance); bool pci_register_device(int dev_num, PCIDevice* dev_instance);
protected: protected:
/* PCI access */ /* PCI access */
@ -67,110 +66,102 @@ protected:
uint32_t pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size); uint32_t pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size);
void pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size); void pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size);
bool supports_io_space(void) { return true; }; bool supports_io_space(void) {
return true;
bool pci_register_mmio_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, PCIDevice *obj); bool pci_register_mmio_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, PCIDevice* obj);
void setup_ram(void); void setup_ram(void);
private: private:
uint8_t my_pci_cfg_hdr[256] = { uint8_t my_pci_cfg_hdr[256] = {
0x57, 0x10, // vendor ID: Motorola 0x57, 0x10, // vendor ID: Motorola
0x02, 0x00, // device ID: MPC106 0x02, 0x00, // device ID: MPC106
0x06, 0x00, // PCI command 0x06, 0x00, // PCI command
0x80, 0x00, // PCI status 0x80, 0x00, // PCI status
0x40, // revision ID: 4.0 0x40, // revision ID: 4.0
0x00, // standard programming 0x00, // standard programming
0x00, // subclass code: host bridge 0x00, // subclass code: host bridge
0x06, // class code: bridge device 0x06, // class code: bridge device
0x08, // cache line size 0x08, // cache line size
0x00, // latency timer 0x00, // latency timer
0x00, // header type 0x00, // header type
0x00, // BIST Control 0x00, // BIST Control
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, // Interrupt line
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, // Interrupt pin
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, // MIN GNT
0x00, //Interrupt line 0x00, // MAX LAT
0x00, //Interrupt pin 0x00, // Bus number
0x00, //MIN GNT 0x00, // Subordinate bus number
0x00, //MAX LAT 0x00, // Discount counter
0x00, //Bus number 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Performance monitor command
0x00, //Subordinate bus number 0x00, 0x00, // Performance monitor mode control
0x00, //Discount counter
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Performance monitor command
0x00, 0x00, //Performance monitor mode control
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Performance monitor counter 0 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Performance monitor counter 0
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Performance monitor counter 1 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Performance monitor counter 1
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Performance monitor counter 2 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Performance monitor counter 2
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Performance monitor counter 3 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Performance monitor counter 3
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0x00, 0x00, //Power mgt config 1 0x00, 0x00, // Power mgt config 1
0x00, //Power mgt config 2 0x00, // Power mgt config 2
0xCD, //default value for ODCR 0xCD, // default value for ODCR
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Memory Starting Address
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Memory Starting Address 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Extended Memory Starting Address
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Extended Memory Starting Address 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Memory Ending Address
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Memory Ending Address 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Extended Memory Ending Address
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Extended Memory Ending Address
0x00, //Memory bank enable 0x00, // Memory bank enable
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0x00, //Memory page mode 0x00, // Memory page mode
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, // PICR1 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, // PICR1
0x0C, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x00, // PICR2 0x0C, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x00, // PICR2
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, // ECC single-bit error counter
0x00, //ECC single-bit error counter 0x00, // ECC single-bit error trigger
0x00, //ECC single-bit error trigger 0x04, // Alternate OS visible paramaters 1
0x04, //Alternate OS visible paramaters 1 0x01, // Alternate OS visible paramaters 2
0x01, //Alternate OS visible paramaters 2
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0x01, //Error enabling 1 0x01, // Error enabling 1
0x00, //Error detection 1 0x00, // Error detection 1
0xFF, 0xFF,
0x00, //60x bus error status 0x00, // 60x bus error status
0x00, //Error enabling 2 0x00, // Error enabling 2
0x00, //Error detection 2 0x00, // Error detection 2
0xFF, 0xFF,
0x00, //PCI bus error status 0x00, // PCI bus error status
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //60x/PCI ERROR address 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // 60x/PCI ERROR address
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0x42, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x0F, //Emulation support config 1 0x42, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x0F, // Emulation support config 1
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Modified memory status (no clear) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Modified memory status (no clear)
0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Emulation support config 2 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Emulation support config 2
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Modified memory status (clear) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Modified memory status (clear)
0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xFF, //Memory ctrl config 1 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xFF, // Memory ctrl config 1
0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Memory ctrl config 2 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Memory ctrl config 2
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //Memory ctrl config 3 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Memory ctrl config 3
0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00 //Memory ctrl config 4 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00 // Memory ctrl config 4
}; };
uint32_t config_addr; uint32_t config_addr;
//uint32_t config_data; // uint32_t config_data;
std::unordered_map<int, PCIDevice*> pci_0_bus; std::unordered_map<int, PCIDevice*> pci_0_bus;
std::vector<PCIDevice*> io_space_devs; std::vector<PCIDevice*> io_space_devs;

View File

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. along with this program. If not, see <>.
*/ */
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "nvram.h" #include "nvram.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
/** @file Non-volatile RAM implementation. /** @file Non-volatile RAM implementation.
*/ */
@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ using namespace std;
/** the signature for NVRAM backing file identification. */ /** the signature for NVRAM backing file identification. */
NVram::NVram(std::string file_name, uint32_t ram_size) NVram::NVram(std::string file_name, uint32_t ram_size) {
this->file_name = file_name; this->file_name = file_name;
this->ram_size = ram_size; this->ram_size = ram_size;
@ -44,35 +43,30 @@ NVram::NVram(std::string file_name, uint32_t ram_size)
this->init(); this->init();
} }
NVram::~NVram() NVram::~NVram() {
this->save(); this->save();
if (this->storage) if (this->storage)
delete this->storage; delete this->storage;
} }
uint8_t NVram::read_byte(uint32_t offset) uint8_t NVram::read_byte(uint32_t offset) {
return (this->storage[offset]); return (this->storage[offset]);
} }
void NVram::write_byte(uint32_t offset, uint8_t val) void NVram::write_byte(uint32_t offset, uint8_t val) {
this->storage[offset] = val; this->storage[offset] = val;
} }
void NVram::init() { void NVram::init() {
char sig[sizeof(NVRAM_FILE_ID)]; char sig[sizeof(NVRAM_FILE_ID)];
uint16_t data_size; uint16_t data_size;
ifstream f(this->file_name, ios::in | ios::binary); ifstream f(this->file_name, ios::in | ios::binary);
if ( || !, sizeof(NVRAM_FILE_ID)) || \ if ( || !, sizeof(NVRAM_FILE_ID)) ||
! *)&data_size, sizeof(data_size)) || \ !*)&data_size, sizeof(data_size)) ||
memcmp(sig, NVRAM_FILE_ID, sizeof(NVRAM_FILE_ID)) || \ memcmp(sig, NVRAM_FILE_ID, sizeof(NVRAM_FILE_ID)) || data_size != this->ram_size ||
data_size != this->ram_size || \ !*)this->storage, this->ram_size)) {
! *)this->storage, this->ram_size))
LOG_F(WARNING, "Could not restore NVRAM content from the given file. \n"); LOG_F(WARNING, "Could not restore NVRAM content from the given file. \n");
memset(this->storage, 0, sizeof(this->ram_size)); memset(this->storage, 0, sizeof(this->ram_size));
} }
@ -80,16 +74,15 @@ void NVram::init() {
f.close(); f.close();
} }
void NVram::save() void NVram::save() {
ofstream f(this->file_name, ios::out | ios::binary); ofstream f(this->file_name, ios::out | ios::binary);
/* write file identification */ /* write file identification */
f.write(NVRAM_FILE_ID, sizeof(NVRAM_FILE_ID)); f.write(NVRAM_FILE_ID, sizeof(NVRAM_FILE_ID));
f.write((char *)&this->ram_size, sizeof(this->ram_size)); f.write((char*)&this->ram_size, sizeof(this->ram_size));
/* write NVRAM content */ /* write NVRAM content */
f.write((char *)this->storage, this->ram_size); f.write((char*)this->storage, this->ram_size);
f.close(); f.close();
} }

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NVRAM_H #ifndef NVRAM_H
#define NVRAM_H #define NVRAM_H
#include <string>
#include <cinttypes> #include <cinttypes>
#include <string>
/** @file Non-volatile RAM emulation. /** @file Non-volatile RAM emulation.
@ -31,22 +31,21 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
automatically saved to and restored from the dedicated file. automatically saved to and restored from the dedicated file.
*/ */
class NVram class NVram {
public: public:
NVram(std::string file_name = "nvram.bin", uint32_t ram_size = 8192); NVram(std::string file_name = "nvram.bin", uint32_t ram_size = 8192);
~NVram(); ~NVram();
uint8_t read_byte(uint32_t offset); uint8_t read_byte(uint32_t offset);
void write_byte(uint32_t offset, uint8_t value); void write_byte(uint32_t offset, uint8_t value);
private: private:
std::string file_name; /* file name for the backing file. */ std::string file_name; /* file name for the backing file. */
uint16_t ram_size; /* NVRAM size. */ uint16_t ram_size; /* NVRAM size. */
uint8_t* storage; uint8_t* storage;
void init(); void init();
void save(); void save();
}; };
#endif /* NVRAM_H */ #endif /* NVRAM_H */

View File

@ -22,51 +22,57 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_H #ifndef PCI_DEVICE_H
#define PCI_DEVICE_H #define PCI_DEVICE_H
#include <cinttypes>
#include <string>
#include "mmiodevice.h" #include "mmiodevice.h"
#include "pcihost.h" #include "pcihost.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <string>
/* convert little-endian DWORD to big-endian DWORD */ /* convert little-endian DWORD to big-endian DWORD */
#define LE2BE(x) (x >> 24) | ((x & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | ((x & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | (x << 24) #define LE2BE(x) (x >> 24) | ((x & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | ((x & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | (x << 24)
/** PCI configuration space registers offsets */ /** PCI configuration space registers offsets */
enum { enum {
CFG_REG_CMD = 0x04, // command/status register CFG_REG_CMD = 0x04, // command/status register
CFG_REG_BAR0 = 0x10, // base address register 0 CFG_REG_BAR0 = 0x10, // base address register 0
CFG_REG_BAR1 = 0x14, // base address register 1 CFG_REG_BAR1 = 0x14, // base address register 1
CFG_REG_BAR2 = 0x18, // base address register 2 CFG_REG_BAR2 = 0x18, // base address register 2
CFG_REG_BAR3 = 0x1C, // base address register 3 CFG_REG_BAR3 = 0x1C, // base address register 3
CFG_REG_BAR4 = 0x20, // base address register 4 CFG_REG_BAR4 = 0x20, // base address register 4
CFG_REG_BAR5 = 0x24, // base address register 5 CFG_REG_BAR5 = 0x24, // base address register 5
CFG_EXP_BASE = 0x30, // expansion ROM base CFG_EXP_BASE = 0x30, // expansion ROM base
}; };
class PCIDevice : public MMIODevice { class PCIDevice : public MMIODevice {
public: public:
PCIDevice(std::string name) { this->pci_name = name; }; PCIDevice(std::string name) {
this->pci_name = name;
virtual ~PCIDevice() = default; virtual ~PCIDevice() = default;
virtual bool supports_io_space(void) = 0; virtual bool supports_io_space(void) = 0;
/* I/O space access methods */ /* I/O space access methods */
virtual bool pci_io_read(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t* res) virtual bool pci_io_read(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t* res) {
{ return false; }; return false;
virtual bool pci_io_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) virtual bool pci_io_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) {
{ return false; }; return false;
/* configuration space access methods */ /* configuration space access methods */
virtual uint32_t pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size) = 0; virtual uint32_t pci_cfg_read(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t size) = 0;
virtual void pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) = 0; virtual void pci_cfg_write(uint32_t reg_offs, uint32_t value, uint32_t size) = 0;
virtual void set_host(PCIHost* host_instance) { this->host_instance = host_instance; }; virtual void set_host(PCIHost* host_instance) {
this->host_instance = host_instance;
protected: protected:
std::string pci_name; // human-readable device name std::string pci_name; // human-readable device name
PCIHost *host_instance; // host bridge instance to call back PCIHost* host_instance; // host bridge instance to call back
uint32_t base_addr; // base address register 0 uint32_t base_addr; // base address register 0
}; };
#endif /* PCI_DEVICE_H */ #endif /* PCI_DEVICE_H */

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@
#include <cinttypes> #include <cinttypes>
class PCIDevice; // forward declaration to prevent errors class PCIDevice; // forward declaration to prevent errors
class PCIHost { class PCIHost {
public: public:
virtual bool pci_register_device(int dev_num, PCIDevice *dev_instance) = 0; virtual bool pci_register_device(int dev_num, PCIDevice* dev_instance) = 0;
virtual bool pci_register_mmio_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, virtual bool pci_register_mmio_region(uint32_t start_addr, uint32_t size, PCIDevice* obj) = 0;
PCIDevice *obj) = 0;
}; };
#endif /* PCI_HOST_H */ #endif /* PCI_HOST_H */

View File

@ -47,31 +47,31 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef SPD_EEPROM_H #ifndef SPD_EEPROM_H
#define SPD_EEPROM_H #define SPD_EEPROM_H
#include <cinttypes>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include "i2c.h"
#include "hwcomponent.h" #include "hwcomponent.h"
#include "i2c.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
enum RAMType : int { enum RAMType : int { SDRAM = 4 };
class SpdSdram168 : public HWComponent, public I2CDevice { class SpdSdram168 : public HWComponent, public I2CDevice {
public: public:
SpdSdram168(uint8_t addr) { SpdSdram168(uint8_t addr) {
this->dev_addr = addr; this->dev_addr = addr;
this->pos = 0; this->pos = 0;
}; };
~SpdSdram168() = default; ~SpdSdram168() = default;
bool supports_type(HWCompType type) { return type == HWCompType::RAM; }; bool supports_type(HWCompType type) {
return type == HWCompType::RAM;
void set_capacity(int capacity_megs) { void set_capacity(int capacity_megs) {
switch(capacity_megs) { switch (capacity_megs) {
case 32: case 32:
this->eeprom_data[3] = 0xC; /* 12 rows */ this->eeprom_data[3] = 0xC; /* 12 rows */
this->eeprom_data[4] = 0x8; /* 8 columns */ this->eeprom_data[4] = 0x8; /* 8 columns */
@ -95,11 +95,12 @@ public:
default: default:
throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("Unsupported capacity!")); throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("Unsupported capacity!"));
} }
LOG_F(INFO, "SDRAM capacity set to %dMB, I2C addr = 0x%X", LOG_F(INFO, "SDRAM capacity set to %dMB, I2C addr = 0x%X", capacity_megs, this->dev_addr);
capacity_megs, this->dev_addr);
}; };
void start_transaction() { this->pos = 0; }; void start_transaction() {
this->pos = 0;
bool send_subaddress(uint8_t sub_addr) { bool send_subaddress(uint8_t sub_addr) {
this->pos = sub_addr; this->pos = sub_addr;
@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ public:
return true; return true;
}; };
bool receive_byte(uint8_t *p_data) { bool receive_byte(uint8_t* p_data) {
if (this->pos >= this->eeprom_data[0]) { if (this->pos >= this->eeprom_data[0]) {
this->pos = 0; /* attempt to read past SPD data should wrap around */ this->pos = 0; /* attempt to read past SPD data should wrap around */
} }
@ -123,18 +124,18 @@ public:
private: private:
uint8_t dev_addr; /* I2C address */ uint8_t dev_addr; /* I2C address */
int pos; /* actual read position */ int pos; /* actual read position */
/* EEPROM content */ /* EEPROM content */
uint8_t eeprom_data[256] = { uint8_t eeprom_data[256] = {
128, /* number of bytes present */ 128, /* number of bytes present */
8, /* log2(EEPROM size) */ 8, /* log2(EEPROM size) */
RAMType::SDRAM, /* memory type */ RAMType::SDRAM, /* memory type */
/* the following fields will be set up in set_capacity() */ /* the following fields will be set up in set_capacity() */
0, /* number of row addresses */ 0, /* number of row addresses */
0, /* number of column addresses */ 0, /* number of column addresses */
0 /* number of banks */ 0 /* number of banks */
}; };
}; };

View File

@ -24,15 +24,14 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
Author: Max Poliakovski 2019 Author: Max Poliakovski 2019
*/ */
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "viacuda.h" #include "viacuda.h"
#include "adb.h" #include "adb.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
using namespace std; using namespace std;
ViaCuda::ViaCuda() ViaCuda::ViaCuda() {
this->name = "ViaCuda"; this->name = "ViaCuda";
/* FIXME: is this the correct /* FIXME: is this the correct
@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ ViaCuda::ViaCuda()
this->via_regs[VIA_T1LH] = 0xFF; this->via_regs[VIA_T1LH] = 0xFF;
this->via_regs[VIA_IER] = 0x7F; this->via_regs[VIA_IER] = 0x7F;
//PRAM Pre-Initialization // PRAM Pre-Initialization
this->pram_obj = new NVram("pram.bin", 256); this->pram_obj = new NVram("pram.bin", 256);
this->adb_obj = new ADB_Bus(); this->adb_obj = new ADB_Bus();
@ -52,14 +51,12 @@ ViaCuda::ViaCuda()
this->init(); this->init();
} }
ViaCuda::~ViaCuda() ViaCuda::~ViaCuda() {
if (this->pram_obj) if (this->pram_obj)
delete (this->pram_obj); delete (this->pram_obj);
} }
void ViaCuda::init() void ViaCuda::init() {
this->old_tip = 0; this->old_tip = 0;
this->old_byteack = 0; this->old_byteack = 0;
this->treq = 1; this->treq = 1;
@ -68,8 +65,7 @@ void ViaCuda::init()
this->poll_rate = 11; this->poll_rate = 11;
} }
uint8_t ViaCuda::read(int reg) uint8_t ViaCuda::read(int reg) {
uint8_t res; uint8_t res;
LOG_F(9, "Read VIA reg %x \n", (uint32_t)reg); LOG_F(9, "Read VIA reg %x \n", (uint32_t)reg);
@ -92,8 +88,7 @@ uint8_t ViaCuda::read(int reg)
return res; return res;
} }
void ViaCuda::write(int reg, uint8_t value) void ViaCuda::write(int reg, uint8_t value) {
switch (reg & 0xF) { switch (reg & 0xF) {
case VIA_B: case VIA_B:
this->via_regs[VIA_B] = value; this->via_regs[VIA_B] = value;
@ -120,8 +115,7 @@ void ViaCuda::write(int reg, uint8_t value)
this->via_regs[VIA_ACR] = value; this->via_regs[VIA_ACR] = value;
break; break;
case VIA_IER: case VIA_IER:
this->via_regs[VIA_IER] = (value & 0x80) ? value & 0x7F this->via_regs[VIA_IER] = (value & 0x80) ? value & 0x7F : this->via_regs[VIA_IER] & ~value;
: this->via_regs[VIA_IER] & ~value;
LOG_F(INFO, "VIA_IER updated to %d \n", (uint32_t)this->via_regs[VIA_IER]); LOG_F(INFO, "VIA_IER updated to %d \n", (uint32_t)this->via_regs[VIA_IER]);
print_enabled_ints(); print_enabled_ints();
break; break;
@ -130,9 +124,8 @@ void ViaCuda::write(int reg, uint8_t value)
} }
} }
void ViaCuda::print_enabled_ints() void ViaCuda::print_enabled_ints() {
{ const char* via_int_src[] = {"CA2", "CA1", "SR", "CB2", "CB1", "T2", "T1"};
const char *via_int_src[] = { "CA2", "CA1", "SR", "CB2", "CB1", "T2", "T1" };
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if (this->via_regs[VIA_IER] & (1 << i)) if (this->via_regs[VIA_IER] & (1 << i))
@ -140,24 +133,21 @@ void ViaCuda::print_enabled_ints()
} }
} }
inline bool ViaCuda::ready() inline bool ViaCuda::ready() {
return ((this->via_regs[VIA_DIRB] & 0x38) == 0x30); return ((this->via_regs[VIA_DIRB] & 0x38) == 0x30);
} }
inline void ViaCuda::assert_sr_int() inline void ViaCuda::assert_sr_int() {
this->via_regs[VIA_IFR] |= 0x84; this->via_regs[VIA_IFR] |= 0x84;
} }
void ViaCuda::write(uint8_t new_state) void ViaCuda::write(uint8_t new_state) {
if (!ready()) { if (!ready()) {
LOG_F(WARNING, "Cuda not ready! \n"); LOG_F(WARNING, "Cuda not ready! \n");
return; return;
} }
int new_tip = !!(new_state & CUDA_TIP); int new_tip = !!(new_state & CUDA_TIP);
int new_byteack = !!(new_state & CUDA_BYTEACK); int new_byteack = !!(new_state & CUDA_BYTEACK);
/* return if there is no state change */ /* return if there is no state change */
@ -166,7 +156,7 @@ void ViaCuda::write(uint8_t new_state)
LOG_F(9, "Cuda state changed! \n"); LOG_F(9, "Cuda state changed! \n");
this->old_tip = new_tip; this->old_tip = new_tip;
this->old_byteack = new_byteack; this->old_byteack = new_byteack;
if (new_tip) { if (new_tip) {
@ -183,8 +173,7 @@ void ViaCuda::write(uint8_t new_state)
} }
this->in_count = 0; this->in_count = 0;
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(9, "Cuda: enter sync state \n"); LOG_F(9, "Cuda: enter sync state \n");
this->via_regs[VIA_B] &= ~CUDA_TREQ; /* assert TREQ */ this->via_regs[VIA_B] &= ~CUDA_TREQ; /* assert TREQ */
this->treq = 0; this->treq = 0;
@ -193,18 +182,15 @@ void ViaCuda::write(uint8_t new_state)
} }
assert_sr_int(); /* send dummy byte as idle acknowledge or attention */ assert_sr_int(); /* send dummy byte as idle acknowledge or attention */
} } else {
else {
if (this->via_regs[VIA_ACR] & 0x10) { /* data transfer: Host --> Cuda */ if (this->via_regs[VIA_ACR] & 0x10) { /* data transfer: Host --> Cuda */
if (this->in_count < 16) { if (this->in_count < 16) {
this->in_buf[this->in_count++] = this->via_regs[VIA_SR]; this->in_buf[this->in_count++] = this->via_regs[VIA_SR];
assert_sr_int(); /* tell the system we've read the data */ assert_sr_int(); /* tell the system we've read the data */
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(WARNING, "Cuda input buffer exhausted! \n"); LOG_F(WARNING, "Cuda input buffer exhausted! \n");
} }
} } else { /* data transfer: Cuda --> Host */
else { /* data transfer: Cuda --> Host */
(this->*out_handler)(); (this->*out_handler)();
assert_sr_int(); /* tell the system we've written the data */ assert_sr_int(); /* tell the system we've written the data */
} }
@ -212,25 +198,21 @@ void ViaCuda::write(uint8_t new_state)
} }
/* sends zeros to host at infinitum */ /* sends zeros to host at infinitum */
void ViaCuda::null_out_handler() void ViaCuda::null_out_handler() {
this->via_regs[VIA_SR] = 0; this->via_regs[VIA_SR] = 0;
} }
/* sends data from out_buf until exhausted, then switches to next_out_handler */ /* sends data from out_buf until exhausted, then switches to next_out_handler */
void ViaCuda::out_buf_handler() void ViaCuda::out_buf_handler() {
if (this->out_pos < this->out_count) { if (this->out_pos < this->out_count) {
LOG_F(9, "OutBufHandler: sending next byte 0x%X", this->out_buf[this->out_pos]); LOG_F(9, "OutBufHandler: sending next byte 0x%X", this->out_buf[this->out_pos]);
this->via_regs[VIA_SR] = this->out_buf[this->out_pos++]; this->via_regs[VIA_SR] = this->out_buf[this->out_pos++];
} } else if (this->is_open_ended) {
else if (this->is_open_ended) {
LOG_F(9, "OutBufHandler: switching to next handler"); LOG_F(9, "OutBufHandler: switching to next handler");
this->out_handler = this->next_out_handler; this->out_handler = this->next_out_handler;
this->next_out_handler = &ViaCuda::null_out_handler; this->next_out_handler = &ViaCuda::null_out_handler;
(this->*out_handler)(); (this->*out_handler)();
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(9, "Sending last byte"); LOG_F(9, "Sending last byte");
this->out_count = 0; this->out_count = 0;
this->via_regs[VIA_B] |= CUDA_TREQ; /* negate TREQ */ this->via_regs[VIA_B] |= CUDA_TREQ; /* negate TREQ */
@ -238,33 +220,30 @@ void ViaCuda::out_buf_handler()
} }
} }
void ViaCuda::response_header(uint32_t pkt_type, uint32_t pkt_flag) void ViaCuda::response_header(uint32_t pkt_type, uint32_t pkt_flag) {
{ this->out_buf[0] = pkt_type;
this->out_buf[0] = pkt_type; this->out_buf[1] = pkt_flag;
this->out_buf[1] = pkt_flag; this->out_buf[2] = this->in_buf[1]; /* copy original cmd */
this->out_buf[2] = this->in_buf[1]; /* copy original cmd */ this->out_count = 3;
this->out_count = 3; this->out_pos = 0;
this->out_pos = 0; this->out_handler = &ViaCuda::out_buf_handler;
this->out_handler = &ViaCuda::out_buf_handler;
this->next_out_handler = &ViaCuda::null_out_handler; this->next_out_handler = &ViaCuda::null_out_handler;
this->is_open_ended = false; this->is_open_ended = false;
} }
void ViaCuda::error_response(uint32_t error) void ViaCuda::error_response(uint32_t error) {
{ this->out_buf[0] = CUDA_PKT_ERROR;
this->out_buf[0] = CUDA_PKT_ERROR; this->out_buf[1] = error;
this->out_buf[1] = error; this->out_buf[2] = this->in_buf[0];
this->out_buf[2] = this->in_buf[0]; this->out_buf[3] = this->in_buf[1]; /* copy original cmd */
this->out_buf[3] = this->in_buf[1]; /* copy original cmd */ this->out_count = 4;
this->out_count = 4; this->out_pos = 0;
this->out_pos = 0; this->out_handler = &ViaCuda::out_buf_handler;
this->out_handler = &ViaCuda::out_buf_handler;
this->next_out_handler = &ViaCuda::null_out_handler; this->next_out_handler = &ViaCuda::null_out_handler;
this->is_open_ended = false; this->is_open_ended = false;
} }
void ViaCuda::process_packet() void ViaCuda::process_packet() {
if (this->in_count < 2) { if (this->in_count < 2) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "Cuda: invalid packet (too few data)!\n"); LOG_F(ERROR, "Cuda: invalid packet (too few data)!\n");
error_response(CUDA_ERR_BAD_SIZE); error_response(CUDA_ERR_BAD_SIZE);
@ -291,57 +270,48 @@ void ViaCuda::process_packet()
} }
} }
void ViaCuda::process_adb_command(uint8_t cmd_byte, int data_count) void ViaCuda::process_adb_command(uint8_t cmd_byte, int data_count) {
{ int adb_dev = cmd_byte >> 4; // 2 for keyboard, 3 for mouse
int adb_dev = cmd_byte >> 4; //2 for keyboard, 3 for mouse int cmd = cmd_byte & 0xF;
int cmd = cmd_byte & 0xF;
if(!cmd) { if (!cmd) {
LOG_F(9, "Cuda: ADB SendReset command requested\n"); LOG_F(9, "Cuda: ADB SendReset command requested\n");
response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 0); response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 0);
} } else if (cmd == 1) {
else if (cmd == 1) {
LOG_F(9, "Cuda: ADB Flush command requested\n"); LOG_F(9, "Cuda: ADB Flush command requested\n");
response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 0); response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 0);
} } else if ((cmd & 0xC) == 8) {
else if ((cmd & 0xC) == 8) {
LOG_F(9, "Cuda: ADB Listen command requested\n"); LOG_F(9, "Cuda: ADB Listen command requested\n");
int adb_reg = cmd_byte & 0x3; int adb_reg = cmd_byte & 0x3;
if (adb_obj->listen(adb_dev, adb_reg)){ if (adb_obj->listen(adb_dev, adb_reg)) {
response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 0); response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 0);
for (int data_ptr = 0; data_ptr < adb_obj->get_output_len(); data_ptr++) { for (int data_ptr = 0; data_ptr < adb_obj->get_output_len(); data_ptr++) {
this->in_buf[(2 + data_ptr)] = adb_obj->get_output_byte(data_ptr); this->in_buf[(2 + data_ptr)] = adb_obj->get_output_byte(data_ptr);
} }
} } else {
else {
response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 2); response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 2);
} }
} } else if ((cmd & 0xC) == 0xC) {
else if ((cmd & 0xC) == 0xC) {
LOG_F(9, "Cuda: ADB Talk command requested\n"); LOG_F(9, "Cuda: ADB Talk command requested\n");
response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 0); response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 0);
int adb_reg = cmd_byte & 0x3; int adb_reg = cmd_byte & 0x3;
if (adb_obj->talk(adb_dev, adb_reg, this->in_buf[2])) { if (adb_obj->talk(adb_dev, adb_reg, this->in_buf[2])) {
response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 0); response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 0);
} } else {
else {
response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 2); response_header(CUDA_PKT_ADB, 2);
} }
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(ERROR, "Cuda: unsupported ADB command 0x%x \n", cmd); LOG_F(ERROR, "Cuda: unsupported ADB command 0x%x \n", cmd);
error_response(CUDA_ERR_BAD_CMD); error_response(CUDA_ERR_BAD_CMD);
} }
} }
void ViaCuda::pseudo_command(int cmd, int data_count) void ViaCuda::pseudo_command(int cmd, int data_count) {
switch (cmd) { switch (cmd) {
if (this->in_buf[2]) { if (this->in_buf[2]) {
LOG_F(INFO, "Cuda: autopoll started, rate: %dms", this->poll_rate); LOG_F(INFO, "Cuda: autopoll started, rate: %dms", this->poll_rate);
} } else {
else {
LOG_F(INFO, "Cuda: autopoll stopped"); LOG_F(INFO, "Cuda: autopoll stopped");
} }
response_header(CUDA_PKT_PSEUDO, 0); response_header(CUDA_PKT_PSEUDO, 0);
@ -371,8 +341,8 @@ void ViaCuda::pseudo_command(int cmd, int data_count)
response_header(CUDA_PKT_PSEUDO, 0); response_header(CUDA_PKT_PSEUDO, 0);
if (this->in_count >= 5) { if (this->in_count >= 5) {
i2c_comb_transaction(this->in_buf[2], this->in_buf[3], this->in_buf[4], i2c_comb_transaction(
&this->in_buf[5], this->in_count - 5); this->in_buf[2], this->in_buf[3], this->in_buf[4], &this->in_buf[5], this->in_count - 5);
} }
break; break;
case CUDA_OUT_PB0: /* undocumented call! */ case CUDA_OUT_PB0: /* undocumented call! */
@ -386,14 +356,11 @@ void ViaCuda::pseudo_command(int cmd, int data_count)
} }
/* sends data from the current I2C to host ad infinitum */ /* sends data from the current I2C to host ad infinitum */
void ViaCuda::i2c_handler() void ViaCuda::i2c_handler() {
this->receive_byte(this->curr_i2c_addr, &this->via_regs[VIA_SR]); this->receive_byte(this->curr_i2c_addr, &this->via_regs[VIA_SR]);
} }
void ViaCuda::i2c_simple_transaction(uint8_t dev_addr, const uint8_t* in_buf, void ViaCuda::i2c_simple_transaction(uint8_t dev_addr, const uint8_t* in_buf, int in_bytes) {
int in_bytes)
int op_type = dev_addr & 1; /* 0 - write to device, 1 - read from device */ int op_type = dev_addr & 1; /* 0 - write to device, 1 - read from device */
dev_addr >>= 1; /* strip RD/WR bit */ dev_addr >>= 1; /* strip RD/WR bit */
@ -415,16 +382,15 @@ void ViaCuda::i2c_simple_transaction(uint8_t dev_addr, const uint8_t* in_buf,
} }
if (op_type) { /* read request initiate an open ended transaction */ if (op_type) { /* read request initiate an open ended transaction */
this->curr_i2c_addr = dev_addr; this->curr_i2c_addr = dev_addr;
this->out_handler = &ViaCuda::out_buf_handler; this->out_handler = &ViaCuda::out_buf_handler;
this->next_out_handler = &ViaCuda::i2c_handler; this->next_out_handler = &ViaCuda::i2c_handler;
this->is_open_ended = true; this->is_open_ended = true;
} }
} }
void ViaCuda::i2c_comb_transaction(uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t sub_addr, void ViaCuda::i2c_comb_transaction(
uint8_t dev_addr1, const uint8_t* in_buf, int in_bytes) uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t sub_addr, uint8_t dev_addr1, const uint8_t* in_buf, int in_bytes) {
int op_type = dev_addr1 & 1; /* 0 - write to device, 1 - read from device */ int op_type = dev_addr1 & 1; /* 0 - write to device, 1 - read from device */
if ((dev_addr & 0xFE) != (dev_addr1 & 0xFE)) { if ((dev_addr & 0xFE) != (dev_addr1 & 0xFE)) {
@ -460,9 +426,9 @@ void ViaCuda::i2c_comb_transaction(uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t sub_addr,
if (!op_type) { /* return dummy response for writes */ if (!op_type) { /* return dummy response for writes */
LOG_F(WARNING, "Combined I2C - write request!"); LOG_F(WARNING, "Combined I2C - write request!");
} else { } else {
this->curr_i2c_addr = dev_addr; this->curr_i2c_addr = dev_addr;
this->out_handler = &ViaCuda::out_buf_handler; this->out_handler = &ViaCuda::out_buf_handler;
this->next_out_handler = &ViaCuda::i2c_handler; this->next_out_handler = &ViaCuda::i2c_handler;
this->is_open_ended = true; this->is_open_ended = true;
} }
} }

View File

@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef VIACUDA_H #ifndef VIACUDA_H
#define VIACUDA_H #define VIACUDA_H
#include "hwcomponent.h"
#include "nvram.h"
#include "adb.h" #include "adb.h"
#include "hwcomponent.h"
#include "i2c.h" #include "i2c.h"
#include "nvram.h"
/** VIA register offsets. */ /** VIA register offsets. */
enum { enum {
@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ enum {
/** Cuda pseudo commands. */ /** Cuda pseudo commands. */
enum { enum {
CUDA_START_STOP_AUTOPOLL = 0x01, /* start/stop device auto-polling */ CUDA_START_STOP_AUTOPOLL = 0x01, /* start/stop device auto-polling */
CUDA_READ_PRAM = 0x07, /* read parameter RAM */ CUDA_READ_PRAM = 0x07, /* read parameter RAM */
CUDA_WRITE_PRAM = 0x0C, /* write parameter RAM */ CUDA_WRITE_PRAM = 0x0C, /* write parameter RAM */
CUDA_SET_AUTOPOLL_RATE = 0x14, /* set auto-polling rate */ CUDA_SET_AUTOPOLL_RATE = 0x14, /* set auto-polling rate */
CUDA_GET_AUTOPOLL_RATE = 0x16, /* get auto-polling rate */ CUDA_GET_AUTOPOLL_RATE = 0x16, /* get auto-polling rate */
CUDA_READ_WRITE_I2C = 0x22, /* read/write I2C device */ CUDA_READ_WRITE_I2C = 0x22, /* read/write I2C device */
CUDA_COMB_FMT_I2C = 0x25, /* combined format I2C transaction */ CUDA_COMB_FMT_I2C = 0x25, /* combined format I2C transaction */
CUDA_OUT_PB0 = 0x26, /* output one bit to Cuda's PB0 line */ CUDA_OUT_PB0 = 0x26, /* output one bit to Cuda's PB0 line */
}; };
/** Cuda error codes. */ /** Cuda error codes. */
@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ enum {
}; };
class ViaCuda : public HWComponent, public I2CBus class ViaCuda : public HWComponent, public I2CBus {
public: public:
ViaCuda(); ViaCuda();
~ViaCuda(); ~ViaCuda();
@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ private:
int32_t out_pos; int32_t out_pos;
uint8_t poll_rate; uint8_t poll_rate;
bool is_open_ended; bool is_open_ended;
uint8_t curr_i2c_addr; uint8_t curr_i2c_addr;
void (ViaCuda::*out_handler)(void); void (ViaCuda::*out_handler)(void);
@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ private:
void assert_sr_int(); void assert_sr_int();
void write(uint8_t new_state); void write(uint8_t new_state);
void response_header(uint32_t pkt_type, uint32_t pkt_flag); void response_header(uint32_t pkt_type, uint32_t pkt_flag);
//void cuda_response_packet(); // void cuda_response_packet();
void error_response(uint32_t error); void error_response(uint32_t error);
void process_packet(); void process_packet();
void process_adb_command(uint8_t cmd_byte, int data_count); void process_adb_command(uint8_t cmd_byte, int data_count);
@ -162,8 +161,8 @@ private:
/* I2C related methods */ /* I2C related methods */
void i2c_simple_transaction(uint8_t dev_addr, const uint8_t* in_buf, int in_bytes); void i2c_simple_transaction(uint8_t dev_addr, const uint8_t* in_buf, int in_bytes);
void i2c_comb_transaction(uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t sub_addr, uint8_t dev_addr1, void i2c_comb_transaction(
const uint8_t* in_buf, int in_bytes); uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t sub_addr, uint8_t dev_addr1, const uint8_t* in_buf, int in_bytes);
}; };
#endif /* VIACUDA_H */ #endif /* VIACUDA_H */

View File

@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
#include "machinebase.h"
#include "devices/hwcomponent.h"
#include <memory> #include <memory>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp> #include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include "machinebase.h"
#include "devices/hwcomponent.h"
std::unique_ptr<MachineBase> gMachineObj = 0; std::unique_ptr<MachineBase> gMachineObj = 0;
MachineBase::MachineBase(std::string name) MachineBase::MachineBase(std::string name) {
this->name = name; this->name = name;
/* initialize internal maps */ /* initialize internal maps */
@ -17,9 +16,8 @@ MachineBase::MachineBase(std::string name)
this->aliases.clear(); this->aliases.clear();
} }
MachineBase::~MachineBase() MachineBase::~MachineBase() {
{ for (auto it = this->comp_map.begin(); it != this->comp_map.end(); it++) {
for(auto it = this->comp_map.begin(); it != this->comp_map.end(); it++) {
delete it->second; delete it->second;
} }
this->comp_map.clear(); this->comp_map.clear();
@ -27,8 +25,7 @@ MachineBase::~MachineBase()
this->subdev_map.clear(); this->subdev_map.clear();
} }
bool MachineBase::add_component(std::string name, HWComponent *dev_obj) bool MachineBase::add_component(std::string name, HWComponent* dev_obj) {
if (this->comp_map.count(name)) { if (this->comp_map.count(name)) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "Component %s already exists!", name.c_str()); LOG_F(ERROR, "Component %s already exists!", name.c_str());
return false; return false;
@ -39,8 +36,7 @@ bool MachineBase::add_component(std::string name, HWComponent *dev_obj)
return true; return true;
} }
bool MachineBase::add_subdevice(std::string name, HWComponent *dev_obj) bool MachineBase::add_subdevice(std::string name, HWComponent* dev_obj) {
if (this->subdev_map.count(name)) { if (this->subdev_map.count(name)) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "Subdevice %s already exists!", name.c_str()); LOG_F(ERROR, "Subdevice %s already exists!", name.c_str());
return false; return false;
@ -51,13 +47,11 @@ bool MachineBase::add_subdevice(std::string name, HWComponent *dev_obj)
return true; return true;
} }
void MachineBase::add_alias(std::string name, std::string alias) void MachineBase::add_alias(std::string name, std::string alias) {
this->aliases[alias] = name; this->aliases[alias] = name;
} }
HWComponent *MachineBase::get_comp_by_name(std::string name) HWComponent* MachineBase::get_comp_by_name(std::string name) {
if (this->aliases.count(name)) { if (this->aliases.count(name)) {
name = this->aliases[name]; name = this->aliases[name];
} }
@ -73,15 +67,14 @@ HWComponent *MachineBase::get_comp_by_name(std::string name)
} }
} }
HWComponent *MachineBase::get_comp_by_type(HWCompType type) HWComponent* MachineBase::get_comp_by_type(HWCompType type) {
std::string comp_name; std::string comp_name;
bool found = false; bool found = false;
for(auto it = this->comp_map.begin(); it != this->comp_map.end(); it++) { for (auto it = this->comp_map.begin(); it != this->comp_map.end(); it++) {
if (it->second->supports_type(type)) { if (it->second->supports_type(type)) {
comp_name = it->first; comp_name = it->first;
found = true; found = true;
break; break;
} }
} }
@ -90,10 +83,10 @@ HWComponent *MachineBase::get_comp_by_type(HWCompType type)
return this->get_comp_by_name(comp_name); return this->get_comp_by_name(comp_name);
} }
for(auto it = this->subdev_map.begin(); it != this->subdev_map.end(); it++) { for (auto it = this->subdev_map.begin(); it != this->subdev_map.end(); it++) {
if (it->second->supports_type(type)) { if (it->second->supports_type(type)) {
comp_name = it->first; comp_name = it->first;
found = true; found = true;
break; break;
} }
} }

View File

@ -27,27 +27,26 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "devices/hwcomponent.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory> #include <memory>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <map>
#include "devices/hwcomponent.h"
class MachineBase class MachineBase {
public: public:
MachineBase(std::string name); MachineBase(std::string name);
~MachineBase(); ~MachineBase();
bool add_component(std::string name, HWComponent *dev_obj); bool add_component(std::string name, HWComponent* dev_obj);
bool add_subdevice(std::string name, HWComponent *dev_obj); bool add_subdevice(std::string name, HWComponent* dev_obj);
void add_alias(std::string name, std::string alias); void add_alias(std::string name, std::string alias);
HWComponent *get_comp_by_name(std::string name); HWComponent* get_comp_by_name(std::string name);
HWComponent *get_comp_by_type(HWCompType type); HWComponent* get_comp_by_type(HWCompType type);
private: private:
std::string name; std::string name;
std::map<std::string, HWComponent *>comp_map; std::map<std::string, HWComponent*> comp_map;
std::map<std::string, HWComponent *>subdev_map; std::map<std::string, HWComponent*> subdev_map;
std::map<std::string, std::string> aliases; std::map<std::string, std::string> aliases;
}; };

View File

@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
Author: Max Poliakovski Author: Max Poliakovski
*/ */
#include <map>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include "memreadwrite.h"
#include "machinefactory.h" #include "machinefactory.h"
#include "devices/memctrlbase.h" #include "devices/memctrlbase.h"
#include "memreadwrite.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
using namespace std; using namespace std;
@ -43,61 +43,58 @@ using namespace std;
or 0x30C064 (Nubus Macs). or 0x30C064 (Nubus Macs).
*/ */
static const map<uint32_t, string> rom_identity = { static const map<uint32_t, string> rom_identity = {
{0x416C6368, "Performa 6400"}, //Alchemy {0x416C6368, "Performa 6400"}, // Alchemy
//{"Come", "PowerBook 2400"}, //Comet //{"Come", "PowerBook 2400"}, //Comet
{0x436F7264, "Power Mac 5200/6200 series"}, //Cordyceps {0x436F7264, "Power Mac 5200/6200 series"}, // Cordyceps
{0x47617A65, "Power Mac 6500"}, //Gazelle {0x47617A65, "Power Mac 6500"}, // Gazelle
{0x476F7373, "Power Mac G3 Beige"}, //Gossamer {0x476F7373, "Power Mac G3 Beige"}, // Gossamer
{0x47525820, "PowerBook G3 Wallstreet"}, {0x47525820, "PowerBook G3 Wallstreet"},
//{"Hoop", "PowerBook 3400"}, //Hooper //{"Hoop", "PowerBook 3400"}, //Hooper
{0x50425820, "PowerBook Pre-G3"}, {0x50425820, "PowerBook Pre-G3"},
{0x50444D20, "Nubus Power Mac or WGS"}, //Piltdown Man (6100/7100/8100) {0x50444D20, "Nubus Power Mac or WGS"}, // Piltdown Man (6100/7100/8100)
{0x50697020, "Bandai Pippin"}, //Pippin {0x50697020, "Bandai Pippin"}, // Pippin
//{"Powe", "Generic Power Mac"}, //PowerMac? //{"Powe", "Generic Power Mac"}, //PowerMac?
//{"Spar", "20th Anniversay Mac"}, //Spartacus //{"Spar", "20th Anniversay Mac"}, //Spartacus
{0x544E5420, "Power Mac 7xxxx/8xxx series"}, //Trinitrotoluene :-) {0x544E5420, "Power Mac 7xxxx/8xxx series"}, // Trinitrotoluene :-)
{0x5A616E7A, "Power Mac 4400/7220"}, //Zanzibar {0x5A616E7A, "Power Mac 4400/7220"}, // Zanzibar
//{"????", "A clone, perhaps?"} //N/A (Placeholder ID) //{"????", "A clone, perhaps?"} //N/A (Placeholder ID)
}; };
int create_machine_for_id(uint32_t id) int create_machine_for_id(uint32_t id) {
{ switch (id) {
switch(id) { case 0x476F7373:
case 0x476F7373: create_gossamer();
create_gossamer(); break;
break; default:
default: LOG_F(ERROR, "Unknown machine ID: %X", id);
LOG_F(ERROR, "Unknown machine ID: %X", id); return -1;
return -1;
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
/* Read ROM file content and transfer it to the dedicated ROM region */ /* Read ROM file content and transfer it to the dedicated ROM region */
void load_rom(ifstream& rom_file, uint32_t file_size) void load_rom(ifstream& rom_file, uint32_t file_size) {
{ unsigned char* sysrom_mem = new unsigned char[file_size];
unsigned char *sysrom_mem = new unsigned char[file_size];
rom_file.seekg(0, ios::beg); rom_file.seekg(0, ios::beg); *)sysrom_mem, file_size);*)sysrom_mem, file_size);
MemCtrlBase *mem_ctrl = dynamic_cast<MemCtrlBase *> MemCtrlBase* mem_ctrl = dynamic_cast<MemCtrlBase*>(
(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_type(HWCompType::MEM_CTRL)); gMachineObj->get_comp_by_type(HWCompType::MEM_CTRL));
mem_ctrl->set_data(0xFFC00000, sysrom_mem, file_size); mem_ctrl->set_data(0xFFC00000, sysrom_mem, file_size);
delete[] sysrom_mem; delete[] sysrom_mem;
} }
int create_machine_for_rom(const char* rom_filepath) int create_machine_for_rom(const char* rom_filepath) {
ifstream rom_file; ifstream rom_file;
uint32_t file_size, config_info_offset, rom_id; uint32_t file_size, config_info_offset, rom_id;
char rom_id_str[17]; char rom_id_str[17];, ios::in|ios::binary);, ios::in | ios::binary);
if ( { if ( {
LOG_F(ERROR, "Cound not open the specified ROM file."); LOG_F(ERROR, "Cound not open the specified ROM file.");
rom_file.close(); rom_file.close();
@ -108,7 +105,7 @@ int create_machine_for_rom(const char* rom_filepath)
file_size = rom_file.tellg(); file_size = rom_file.tellg();
rom_file.seekg(0, rom_file.beg); rom_file.seekg(0, rom_file.beg);
if (file_size != 0x400000UL){ if (file_size != 0x400000UL) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "Unxpected ROM File size. Expected size is 4 megabytes."); LOG_F(ERROR, "Unxpected ROM File size. Expected size is 4 megabytes.");
rom_file.close(); rom_file.close();
return -1; return -1;
@ -117,7 +114,7 @@ int create_machine_for_rom(const char* rom_filepath)
/* read config info offset from file */ /* read config info offset from file */
config_info_offset = 0; config_info_offset = 0;
rom_file.seekg(0x300080, ios::beg); rom_file.seekg(0x300080, ios::beg); *)&config_info_offset, 4);*)&config_info_offset, 4);
config_info_offset = READ_DWORD_BE_A(&config_info_offset); config_info_offset = READ_DWORD_BE_A(&config_info_offset);
/* rewind to ConfigInfo.BootstrapVersion field */ /* rewind to ConfigInfo.BootstrapVersion field */
@ -135,8 +132,7 @@ int create_machine_for_rom(const char* rom_filepath)
} }
/* convert BootstrapVersion string to ROM ID */ /* convert BootstrapVersion string to ROM ID */
rom_id = (rom_id_str[5] << 24) | (rom_id_str[6] << 16) | rom_id = (rom_id_str[5] << 24) | (rom_id_str[6] << 16) | (rom_id_str[7] << 8) | rom_id_str[8];
(rom_id_str[7] << 8) | rom_id_str[8];
LOG_F(INFO, "The machine is identified as... %s\n",; LOG_F(INFO, "The machine is identified as... %s\n",;

View File

@ -24,33 +24,31 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
Author: Max Poliakovski Author: Max Poliakovski
*/ */
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include "machinebase.h"
#include "cpu/ppc/ppcemu.h" #include "cpu/ppc/ppcemu.h"
#include "devices/mpc106.h" #include "devices/atirage.h"
#include "devices/machineid.h" #include "devices/machineid.h"
#include "devices/macio.h" #include "devices/macio.h"
#include "devices/viacuda.h" #include "devices/mpc106.h"
#include "devices/spdram.h" #include "devices/spdram.h"
#include "devices/atirage.h" #include "devices/viacuda.h"
#include "machinebase.h"
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
static void setup_ram_slot(std::string name, int i2c_addr, int capacity_megs) static void setup_ram_slot(std::string name, int i2c_addr, int capacity_megs) {
if (!capacity_megs) if (!capacity_megs)
return; return;
gMachineObj->add_component(name, new SpdSdram168(i2c_addr)); gMachineObj->add_component(name, new SpdSdram168(i2c_addr));
SpdSdram168 *ram_dimm = dynamic_cast<SpdSdram168 *>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name(name)); SpdSdram168* ram_dimm = dynamic_cast<SpdSdram168*>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name(name));
ram_dimm->set_capacity(capacity_megs); ram_dimm->set_capacity(capacity_megs);
/* register RAM DIMM with the I2C bus */ /* register RAM DIMM with the I2C bus */
I2CBus *i2c_bus = dynamic_cast<I2CBus *>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_type(HWCompType::I2C_HOST)); I2CBus* i2c_bus = dynamic_cast<I2CBus*>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_type(HWCompType::I2C_HOST));
i2c_bus->register_device(i2c_addr, ram_dimm); i2c_bus->register_device(i2c_addr, ram_dimm);
} }
int create_gossamer() int create_gossamer() {
if (gMachineObj) { if (gMachineObj) {
LOG_F(ERROR, "Global machine object not empty!"); LOG_F(ERROR, "Global machine object not empty!");
return -1; return -1;
@ -66,17 +64,17 @@ int create_gossamer()
gMachineObj->add_alias("Grackle", "PCI_Host"); gMachineObj->add_alias("Grackle", "PCI_Host");
/* get raw pointer to MPC106 object */ /* get raw pointer to MPC106 object */
MPC106 *grackle_obj = dynamic_cast<MPC106 *>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name("Grackle")); MPC106* grackle_obj = dynamic_cast<MPC106*>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name("Grackle"));
/* add the machine ID register */ /* add the machine ID register */
gMachineObj->add_component("MachineID", new GossamerID(0x3d8c)); gMachineObj->add_component("MachineID", new GossamerID(0x3d8c));
grackle_obj->add_mmio_region(0xFF000004, 4096, grackle_obj->add_mmio_region(
dynamic_cast<MMIODevice *>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name("MachineID"))); 0xFF000004, 4096, dynamic_cast<MMIODevice*>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name("MachineID")));
/* add the Heathrow I/O controller */ /* add the Heathrow I/O controller */
gMachineObj->add_component("Heathrow", new HeathrowIC); gMachineObj->add_component("Heathrow", new HeathrowIC);
grackle_obj->pci_register_device(16, grackle_obj->pci_register_device(
dynamic_cast<PCIDevice *>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name("Heathrow"))); 16, dynamic_cast<PCIDevice*>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name("Heathrow")));
/* allocate ROM region */ /* allocate ROM region */
if (!grackle_obj->add_rom_region(0xFFC00000, 0x400000)) { if (!grackle_obj->add_rom_region(0xFFC00000, 0x400000)) {
@ -85,14 +83,14 @@ int create_gossamer()
} }
/* configure RAM slots */ /* configure RAM slots */
setup_ram_slot("RAM_DIMM_1", 0x57, 64); /* RAM slot 1 -> 64MB by default */ setup_ram_slot("RAM_DIMM_1", 0x57, 64); /* RAM slot 1 -> 64MB by default */
setup_ram_slot("RAM_DIMM_2", 0x56, 0); /* RAM slot 2 -> empty by default */ setup_ram_slot("RAM_DIMM_2", 0x56, 0); /* RAM slot 2 -> empty by default */
setup_ram_slot("RAM_DIMM_3", 0x55, 0); /* RAM slot 3 -> empty by default */ setup_ram_slot("RAM_DIMM_3", 0x55, 0); /* RAM slot 3 -> empty by default */
/* register ATI 3D Rage Pro video card with the PCI host bridge */ /* register ATI 3D Rage Pro video card with the PCI host bridge */
gMachineObj->add_component("ATIRage", new ATIRage(ATI_RAGE_PRO_DEV_ID)); gMachineObj->add_component("ATIRage", new ATIRage(ATI_RAGE_PRO_DEV_ID));
grackle_obj->pci_register_device(18, grackle_obj->pci_register_device(
dynamic_cast<PCIDevice *>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name("ATIRage"))); 18, dynamic_cast<PCIDevice*>(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name("ATIRage")));
/* Init virtual CPU and request MPC750 CPU aka G3 */ /* Init virtual CPU and request MPC750 CPU aka G3 */
ppc_cpu_init(grackle_obj, PPC_VER::MPC750); ppc_cpu_init(grackle_obj, PPC_VER::MPC750);

View File

@ -19,26 +19,24 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. along with this program. If not, see <>.
*/ */
//The main runfile - main.cpp // The main runfile - main.cpp
//This is where the magic begins // This is where the magic begins
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ppcemu.h"
#include "debugger/debugger.h" #include "debugger/debugger.h"
#include "machines/machinefactory.h" #include "machines/machinefactory.h"
#include "ppcemu.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL.h> #include <thirdparty/SDL2/include/SDL.h>
#include <thirdparty/loguru/loguru.hpp>
using namespace std; using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char **argv) int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cout << "DingusPPC - Prototype 5bf4 (7/14/2019) " << endl; std::cout << "DingusPPC - Prototype 5bf4 (7/14/2019) " << endl;
std::cout << "Written by divingkatae, (c) 2019. " << endl; std::cout << "Written by divingkatae, (c) 2019. " << endl;
std::cout << "This is not intended for general use. " << endl; std::cout << "This is not intended for general use. " << endl;
@ -48,19 +46,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
string checker = argv[1]; string checker = argv[1];
cout << checker << endl; cout << checker << endl;
if ((checker == "1") || (checker == "realtime") || \ if ((checker == "1") || (checker == "realtime") || (checker == "-realtime") ||
(checker == "-realtime") || (checker == "/realtime")) { (checker == "/realtime")) {
loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = loguru::Verbosity_OFF; loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = loguru::Verbosity_OFF;
loguru::g_preamble_date = false; loguru::g_preamble_date = false;
loguru::g_preamble_time = false; loguru::g_preamble_time = false;
loguru::g_preamble_thread = false; loguru::g_preamble_thread = false;
loguru::init(argc, argv); loguru::init(argc, argv);
loguru::add_file("dingusppc.log", loguru::Append, 0); loguru::add_file("dingusppc.log", loguru::Append, 0);
//Replace the above line with this for maximum debugging detail: // Replace the above line with this for maximum debugging detail:
//loguru::add_file("dingusppc.log", loguru::Append, loguru::Verbosity_MAX); // loguru::add_file("dingusppc.log", loguru::Append, loguru::Verbosity_MAX);
} } else if ((checker == "debugger") || (checker == "/debugger") || (checker == "-debugger")) {
else if ((checker == "debugger") || (checker == "/debugger") ||
(checker == "-debugger")) {
loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = 0; loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = 0;
loguru::g_preamble_date = false; loguru::g_preamble_date = false;
loguru::g_preamble_time = false; loguru::g_preamble_time = false;
@ -87,26 +83,20 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
config_output.write("video_card=0x4750\n", 19); config_output.write("video_card=0x4750\n", 19);
config_output.close(); config_output.close();
} } else {
else {
while (std::getline(config_input, line)) { while (std::getline(config_input, line)) {
sin.str(line.substr(line.find("=") + 1)); sin.str(line.substr(line.find("=") + 1));
if (line.find("rompath") != std::string::npos) { if (line.find("rompath") != std::string::npos) {
sin >> rom_file; sin >> rom_file;
} } else if (line.find("diskpath") != std::string::npos) {
else if (line.find("diskpath") != std::string::npos) {
sin >> disk_file; sin >> disk_file;
} } else if (line.find("ramsize") != std::string::npos) {
else if (line.find("ramsize") != std::string::npos) {
sin >> ram_size; sin >> ram_size;
} } else if (line.find("machine_gestalt") != std::string::npos) {
else if (line.find("machine_gestalt") != std::string::npos) {
sin >> machine_gestalt; sin >> machine_gestalt;
} } else if (line.find("video_vendor") != std::string::npos) {
else if (line.find("video_vendor") != std::string::npos) {
sin >> video_card_vendor; sin >> video_card_vendor;
} } else if (line.find("video_card") != std::string::npos) {
else if (line.find("video_card") != std::string::npos) {
sin >> video_card_id; sin >> video_card_id;
} }
sin.clear(); sin.clear();
@ -117,20 +107,18 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
goto bail; goto bail;
} }
LOG_F(ERROR, "SDL_Init error: %s", SDL_GetError()); LOG_F(ERROR, "SDL_Init error: %s", SDL_GetError());
goto bail; goto bail;
} }
if ((checker == "1") || (checker == "realtime") || \ if ((checker == "1") || (checker == "realtime") || (checker == "-realtime") ||
(checker == "-realtime") || (checker == "/realtime")) { (checker == "/realtime")) {
ppc_exec(); ppc_exec();
} else if ((checker == "debugger") || (checker == "/debugger") || } else if ((checker == "debugger") || (checker == "/debugger") || (checker == "-debugger")) {
(checker == "-debugger")) {
enter_debugger(); enter_debugger();
} }
} } else {
else {
std::cout << " " << endl; std::cout << " " << endl;
std::cout << "Please enter one of the following commands when " << endl; std::cout << "Please enter one of the following commands when " << endl;
std::cout << "booting up DingusPPC... " << endl; std::cout << "booting up DingusPPC... " << endl;

View File

@ -5,102 +5,98 @@
#include <cinttypes>
#include "endianswap.h" #include "endianswap.h"
#include <cinttypes>
/* read an aligned big-endian WORD (16bit) */ /* read an aligned big-endian WORD (16bit) */
#define READ_WORD_BE_A(addr) (BYTESWAP_16(*((uint16_t *)((addr))))) #define READ_WORD_BE_A(addr) (BYTESWAP_16(*((uint16_t*)((addr)))))
/* read an aligned big-endian DWORD (32bit) */ /* read an aligned big-endian DWORD (32bit) */
#define READ_DWORD_BE_A(addr) (BYTESWAP_32(*((uint32_t *)((addr))))) #define READ_DWORD_BE_A(addr) (BYTESWAP_32(*((uint32_t*)((addr)))))
/* read an aligned big-endian QWORD (64bit) */ /* read an aligned big-endian QWORD (64bit) */
#define READ_QWORD_BE_A(addr) (BYTESWAP_64(*((uint64_t *)((addr))))) #define READ_QWORD_BE_A(addr) (BYTESWAP_64(*((uint64_t*)((addr)))))
/* read an aligned little-endian WORD (16bit) */ /* read an aligned little-endian WORD (16bit) */
#define READ_WORD_LE_A(addr) (*(uint16_t *)((addr))) #define READ_WORD_LE_A(addr) (*(uint16_t*)((addr)))
/* read an aligned little-endian DWORD (32bit) */ /* read an aligned little-endian DWORD (32bit) */
#define READ_DWORD_LE_A(addr) (*(uint32_t *)((addr))) #define READ_DWORD_LE_A(addr) (*(uint32_t*)((addr)))
/* read an aligned little-endian QWORD (64bit) */ /* read an aligned little-endian QWORD (64bit) */
#define READ_QWORD_LE_A(addr) (*(uint64_t *)((addr))) #define READ_QWORD_LE_A(addr) (*(uint64_t*)((addr)))
/* read an unaligned big-endian WORD (16bit) */ /* read an unaligned big-endian WORD (16bit) */
#define READ_WORD_BE_U(addr) (((addr)[0] << 8) | (addr)[1]) #define READ_WORD_BE_U(addr) (((addr)[0] << 8) | (addr)[1])
/* read an unaligned big-endian DWORD (32bit) */ /* read an unaligned big-endian DWORD (32bit) */
#define READ_DWORD_BE_U(addr) (((addr)[0] << 24) | ((addr)[1] << 16) | \ #define READ_DWORD_BE_U(addr) (((addr)[0] << 24) | ((addr)[1] << 16) | ((addr)[2] << 8) | (addr)[3])
((addr)[2] << 8) | (addr)[3])
/* read an unaligned big-endian QWORD (32bit) */ /* read an unaligned big-endian QWORD (32bit) */
#define READ_QWORD_BE_U(addr) (((addr)[0] << 56) | ((addr)[1] << 48) | \ #define READ_QWORD_BE_U(addr) \
((addr)[2] << 40) | ((addr)[3] << 32) | \ (((addr)[0] << 56) | ((addr)[1] << 48) | ((addr)[2] << 40) | ((addr)[3] << 32) | \
((addr)[4] << 24) | ((addr)[5] << 16) | \ ((addr)[4] << 24) | ((addr)[5] << 16) | ((addr)[6] << 8) | (addr)[7])
((addr)[6] << 8) | (addr)[7])
/* read an unaligned little-endian WORD (16bit) */ /* read an unaligned little-endian WORD (16bit) */
#define READ_WORD_LE_U(addr) (((addr)[1] << 8) | (addr)[0]) #define READ_WORD_LE_U(addr) (((addr)[1] << 8) | (addr)[0])
/* read an unaligned little-endian DWORD (32bit) */ /* read an unaligned little-endian DWORD (32bit) */
#define READ_DWORD_LE_U(addr) (((addr)[3] << 24) | ((addr)[2] << 16) | \ #define READ_DWORD_LE_U(addr) (((addr)[3] << 24) | ((addr)[2] << 16) | ((addr)[1] << 8) | (addr)[0])
((addr)[1] << 8) | (addr)[0])
/* read an unaligned little-endian DWORD (32bit) */ /* read an unaligned little-endian DWORD (32bit) */
#define READ_QWORD_LE_U(addr) (((addr)[7] << 56) | ((addr)[6] << 48) | \ #define READ_QWORD_LE_U(addr) \
((addr)[5] << 40) | ((addr)[4] << 32) | \ (((addr)[7] << 56) | ((addr)[6] << 48) | ((addr)[5] << 40) | ((addr)[4] << 32) | \
((addr)[3] << 24) | ((addr)[2] << 16) | \ ((addr)[3] << 24) | ((addr)[2] << 16) | ((addr)[1] << 8) | (addr)[0])
((addr)[1] << 8) | (addr)[0])
/* write an aligned big-endian WORD (16bit) */ /* write an aligned big-endian WORD (16bit) */
#define WRITE_WORD_BE_A(addr,val) (*((uint16_t *)((addr))) = BYTESWAP_16(val)) #define WRITE_WORD_BE_A(addr, val) (*((uint16_t*)((addr))) = BYTESWAP_16(val))
/* write an aligned big-endian DWORD (32bit) */ /* write an aligned big-endian DWORD (32bit) */
#define WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(addr,val) (*((uint32_t *)((addr))) = BYTESWAP_32(val)) #define WRITE_DWORD_BE_A(addr, val) (*((uint32_t*)((addr))) = BYTESWAP_32(val))
/* write an aligned big-endian QWORD (64bit) */ /* write an aligned big-endian QWORD (64bit) */
#define WRITE_QWORD_BE_A(addr,val) (*((uint64_t *)((addr))) = BYTESWAP_64(val)) #define WRITE_QWORD_BE_A(addr, val) (*((uint64_t*)((addr))) = BYTESWAP_64(val))
/* write an unaligned big-endian WORD (16bit) */ /* write an unaligned big-endian WORD (16bit) */
#define WRITE_WORD_BE_U(addr, val) \ #define WRITE_WORD_BE_U(addr, val) \
do { \ do { \
(addr)[0] = ((val) >> 8) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[0] = ((val) >> 8) & 0xFF; \
(addr)[1] = (val) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[1] = (val)&0xFF; \
} while(0) } while (0)
/* write an unaligned big-endian DWORD (32bit) */ /* write an unaligned big-endian DWORD (32bit) */
#define WRITE_DWORD_BE_U(addr, val) \ #define WRITE_DWORD_BE_U(addr, val) \
do { \ do { \
(addr)[0] = ((val) >> 24) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[0] = ((val) >> 24) & 0xFF; \
(addr)[1] = ((val) >> 16) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[1] = ((val) >> 16) & 0xFF; \
(addr)[2] = ((val) >> 8) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[2] = ((val) >> 8) & 0xFF; \
(addr)[3] = (val) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[3] = (val)&0xFF; \
} while(0) } while (0)
/* write an aligned little-endian WORD (16bit) */ /* write an aligned little-endian WORD (16bit) */
#define WRITE_WORD_LE_A(addr,val) (*((uint16_t *)((addr))) = (val)) #define WRITE_WORD_LE_A(addr, val) (*((uint16_t*)((addr))) = (val))
/* write an aligned little-endian DWORD (32bit) */ /* write an aligned little-endian DWORD (32bit) */
#define WRITE_DWORD_LE_A(addr,val) (*((uint32_t *)((addr))) = (val)) #define WRITE_DWORD_LE_A(addr, val) (*((uint32_t*)((addr))) = (val))
/* write an aligned little-endian QWORD (64bit) */ /* write an aligned little-endian QWORD (64bit) */
#define WRITE_QWORD_LE_A(addr,val) (*((uint64_t *)((addr))) = (val)) #define WRITE_QWORD_LE_A(addr, val) (*((uint64_t*)((addr))) = (val))
/* write an unaligned little-endian WORD (16bit) */ /* write an unaligned little-endian WORD (16bit) */
#define WRITE_WORD_LE_U(addr, val) \ #define WRITE_WORD_LE_U(addr, val) \
do { \ do { \
(addr)[0] = (val) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[0] = (val)&0xFF; \
(addr)[1] = ((val) >> 8) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[1] = ((val) >> 8) & 0xFF; \
} while(0) } while (0)
/* write an unaligned little-endian DWORD (32bit) */ /* write an unaligned little-endian DWORD (32bit) */
#define WRITE_DWORD_LE_U(addr, val) \ #define WRITE_DWORD_LE_U(addr, val) \
do { \ do { \
(addr)[0] = (val) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[0] = (val)&0xFF; \
(addr)[1] = ((val) >> 8) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[1] = ((val) >> 8) & 0xFF; \
(addr)[2] = ((val) >> 16) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[2] = ((val) >> 16) & 0xFF; \
(addr)[3] = ((val) >> 24) & 0xFF; \ (addr)[3] = ((val) >> 24) & 0xFF; \
} while(0) } while (0)
#endif /* MEM_READ_WRITE_H */ #endif /* MEM_READ_WRITE_H */