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package prog8.vm
import prog8.code.core.toHex
2022-09-26 17:03:54 +00:00
import prog8.intermediate.*
2022-07-02 22:41:04 +00:00
import java.awt.Color
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
import java.awt.Toolkit
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.*
import kotlin.random.Random
2022-08-27 11:22:38 +00:00
Virtual machine specs:
Program to execute is not stored in the system memory, it's just a separate list of instructions.
65536 virtual registers, 16 bits wide, can also be used as 8 bits. r0-r65535
65536 virtual floating point registers (32 bits single precision floats) fr0-fr65535
2023-04-11 20:28:19 +00:00
65536 bytes of memory, thus memory pointers (addresses) are limited to 16 bits.
2022-08-27 11:22:38 +00:00
Value stack, max 128 entries of 1 byte each.
Status flags: Carry, Zero, Negative. NOTE: status flags are only affected by the CMP instruction or explicit CLC/SEC!!!
logical AND, OR, XOR also set the N and Z bits.
2022-08-27 11:22:38 +00:00
class ProgramExitException(val status: Int): Exception()
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
class BreakpointException(val pcChunk: IRCodeChunk, val pcIndex: Int): Exception()
2022-09-26 17:03:54 +00:00
class VirtualMachine(irProgram: IRProgram) {
class CallSiteContext(val returnChunk: IRCodeChunk, val returnIndex: Int, val fcallSpec: FunctionCallArgs)
2022-09-26 17:03:54 +00:00
val memory = Memory()
val machinedef = VirtualMachineDefinition()
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
val program: List<IRCodeChunk>
val artificialLabelAddresses: Map<Int, IRCodeChunk>
val registers = Registers()
val callStack = Stack<CallSiteContext>()
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
val valueStack = Stack<UByte>() // max 128 entries
var breakpointHandler: ((pcChunk: IRCodeChunk, pcIndex: Int) -> Unit)? = null // can set custom breakpoint handler
2023-02-19 23:17:06 +00:00
var pcChunk = IRCodeChunk(null, null)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
var pcIndex = 0
var stepCount = 0
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
var statusCarry = false
var statusZero = false
var statusNegative = false
2022-10-22 15:16:36 +00:00
internal var randomGenerator = Random(0xa55a7653)
internal var randomGeneratorFloats = Random(0xc0d3dbad)
2023-09-28 01:18:49 +00:00
internal var mul16_last_upper = 0u
init {
val (prg, labelAddr) = VmProgramLoader().load(irProgram, memory)
program = prg
artificialLabelAddresses = mutableMapOf()
labelAddr.forEach { labelname, artificialAddress ->
artificialLabelAddresses[artificialAddress] = program.single { it.label==labelname }
require( { "virtual machine can't yet process asmsymbols defined on command line" }
2023-02-19 23:17:06 +00:00
2022-09-24 14:00:25 +00:00
fun run() {
try {
var before = System.nanoTime()
var numIns = 0
while(true) {
2022-09-24 14:00:25 +00:00
// if(stepCount and 32767 == 0) {
// Thread.sleep(1) // avoid 100% cpu core usage
// }
if(stepCount and 0xffffff == 0) {
val now = System.nanoTime()
val duration = now-before
before = now
val insPerSecond = numIns*1000.0/duration
println("${insPerSecond.roundToInt()} MIPS")
numIns = 0
} catch (hx: ProgramExitException) {
println("\nProgram exit! Statuscode=${hx.status} #steps=${stepCount}")
2023-02-19 23:17:06 +00:00
fun reset(clearMemory: Boolean) {
// "reset" the VM without erasing the currently loaded program
// this allows you to re-run the program multiple times without having to reload it
2023-02-19 23:17:06 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
pcIndex = 0
2023-02-19 23:17:06 +00:00
pcChunk = program.firstOrNull() ?: IRCodeChunk(null, null)
stepCount = 0
2023-02-19 23:17:06 +00:00
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
statusCarry = false
statusNegative = false
statusZero = false
fun exit(statuscode: Int) {
throw ProgramExitException(statuscode)
fun step(count: Int=1) {
var left=count
while(left>0) {
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
if(pcIndex >= pcChunk.instructions.size) {
2022-10-25 21:51:22 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-25 21:51:22 +00:00
private fun stepNextChunk() {
2022-10-30 15:44:13 +00:00
do {
when (val nextChunk = {
2022-10-30 15:44:13 +00:00
is IRCodeChunk -> {
pcChunk = nextChunk
pcIndex = 0
null -> {
exit(0) // end of program reached
2022-10-30 15:44:13 +00:00
else -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("VM cannot run code from non-code chunk $nextChunk")
2022-10-25 21:51:22 +00:00
2022-10-30 15:44:13 +00:00
} while (pcChunk.isEmpty())
2022-10-25 21:51:22 +00:00
private fun nextPc() {
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
pcIndex ++
2022-10-25 21:51:22 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-23 23:57:37 +00:00
private fun branchTo(i: IRInstruction) {
when (val target = i.branchTarget) {
2022-10-30 10:09:32 +00:00
is IRCodeChunk -> {
pcChunk = target
pcIndex = 0
null -> {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
throw IllegalArgumentException("vm program can't jump to system memory address (${i.opcode} ${i.address!!.toHex()})")
else if(i.labelSymbol!=null)
throw IllegalArgumentException("vm program can't jump to system memory address (${i.opcode} ${i.labelSymbol})")
else if(i.reg1!=null)
throw IllegalArgumentException("vm program can't jump to system memory address (${i} = ${registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)})")
throw IllegalArgumentException("no branchtarget in $i")
2023-07-03 19:57:32 +00:00
is IRInlineAsmChunk -> TODO("branch to inline asm chunk")
is IRInlineBinaryChunk -> throw IllegalArgumentException("can't branch to inline binary chunk")
else -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("VM can't execute code in a non-codechunk: $target")
2022-10-30 10:09:32 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun dispatch(ins: IRInstruction) {
when(ins.opcode) {
2022-10-25 20:57:04 +00:00
Opcode.NOP -> nextPc()
Opcode.LOAD -> InsLOAD(ins)
Opcode.LOADM -> InsLOADM(ins)
Opcode.LOADX -> InsLOADX(ins)
Opcode.LOADI -> InsLOADI(ins)
Opcode.LOADIX -> InsLOADIX(ins)
Opcode.LOADR -> InsLOADR(ins)
2024-03-21 22:40:36 +00:00
Opcode.LOADHXY -> throw IllegalArgumentException("VM cannot access actual CPU hardware register")
Opcode.STOREM -> InsSTOREM(ins)
Opcode.STOREX -> InsSTOREX(ins)
Opcode.STOREIX -> InsSTOREIX(ins)
Opcode.STOREI -> InsSTOREI(ins)
Opcode.STOREZM -> InsSTOREZM(ins)
Opcode.STOREZX -> InsSTOREZX(ins)
Opcode.STOREZI -> InsSTOREZI(ins)
2024-03-21 22:40:36 +00:00
Opcode.STOREHXY -> throw IllegalArgumentException("VM cannot access actual CPU hardware register")
Opcode.JUMP -> InsJUMP(ins)
Opcode.JUMPI -> InsJUMPI(ins)
Opcode.PREPARECALL -> nextPc()
2024-03-21 22:40:36 +00:00
Opcode.CALLI -> throw IllegalArgumentException("VM cannot run code from memory bytes")
Opcode.CALL -> InsCALL(ins)
Opcode.SYSCALL -> InsSYSCALL(ins)
Opcode.RETURN -> InsRETURN()
2023-04-11 20:28:19 +00:00
Opcode.RETURNR -> InsRETURNR(ins)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
Opcode.BSTCC -> InsBSTCC(ins)
Opcode.BSTCS -> InsBSTCS(ins)
Opcode.BSTEQ -> InsBSTEQ(ins)
Opcode.BSTNE -> InsBSTNE(ins)
Opcode.BSTNEG -> InsBSTNEG(ins)
Opcode.BSTPOS -> InsBSTPOS(ins)
Opcode.BSTVC, Opcode.BSTVS -> TODO("overflow status flag not yet supported in VM (BSTVC,BSTVS)")
Opcode.BGTR -> InsBGTR(ins)
Opcode.BGTSR -> InsBGTSR(ins)
Opcode.BGER -> InsBGER(ins)
Opcode.BGESR -> InsBGESR(ins)
Opcode.BGT -> InsBGT(ins)
Opcode.BLT -> InsBLT(ins)
Opcode.BGTS -> InsBGTS(ins)
Opcode.BLTS -> InsBLTS(ins)
Opcode.BGE -> InsBGE(ins)
Opcode.BLE -> InsBLE(ins)
Opcode.BGES -> InsBGES(ins)
Opcode.BLES -> InsBLES(ins)
2024-01-08 23:57:02 +00:00
Opcode.SCC -> InsSCC(ins)
Opcode.SCS -> InsSCS(ins)
Opcode.SZ -> InsSZ(ins)
Opcode.SNZ -> InsSNZ(ins)
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
Opcode.SEQ -> InsSEQ(ins)
Opcode.SNE -> InsSNE(ins)
Opcode.SLT -> InsSLT(ins)
Opcode.SLTS -> InsSLTS(ins)
Opcode.SGT -> InsSGT(ins)
Opcode.SGTS -> InsSGTS(ins)
Opcode.SLE -> InsSLE(ins)
Opcode.SLES -> InsSLES(ins)
Opcode.SGE -> InsSGE(ins)
Opcode.SGES -> InsSGES(ins)
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
Opcode.INC -> InsINC(ins)
2022-03-30 21:40:39 +00:00
Opcode.INCM -> InsINCM(ins)
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
Opcode.DEC -> InsDEC(ins)
2022-03-30 21:40:39 +00:00
Opcode.DECM -> InsDECM(ins)
Opcode.NEG -> InsNEG(ins)
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
Opcode.NEGM -> InsNEGM(ins)
Opcode.ADDR -> InsADDR(ins)
Opcode.ADD -> InsADD(ins)
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
Opcode.ADDM -> InsADDM(ins)
Opcode.SUBR -> InsSUBR(ins)
Opcode.SUB -> InsSUB(ins)
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
Opcode.SUBM -> InsSUBM(ins)
Opcode.MULR -> InsMULR(ins)
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
Opcode.MUL -> InsMUL(ins)
2022-05-19 21:15:22 +00:00
Opcode.MULM -> InsMULM(ins)
Opcode.DIVR -> InsDIVR(ins)
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
Opcode.DIV -> InsDIV(ins)
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
Opcode.DIVM -> InsDIVM(ins)
Opcode.DIVSR -> InsDIVSR(ins)
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
Opcode.DIVS -> InsDIVS(ins)
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
Opcode.DIVSM -> InsDIVSM(ins)
Opcode.MODR -> InsMODR(ins)
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
Opcode.MOD -> InsMOD(ins)
Opcode.DIVMODR -> InsDIVMODR(ins)
Opcode.DIVMOD -> InsDIVMOD(ins)
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
Opcode.SGN -> InsSGN(ins)
Opcode.CMP -> InsCMP(ins)
2023-07-14 21:17:29 +00:00
Opcode.CMPI -> InsCMPI(ins)
Opcode.SQRT -> InsSQRT(ins)
Opcode.SQUARE -> InsSQUARE(ins)
Opcode.EXT -> InsEXT(ins)
Opcode.EXTS -> InsEXTS(ins)
Opcode.ANDR -> InsANDR(ins)
Opcode.AND -> InsAND(ins)
2022-05-20 17:43:21 +00:00
Opcode.ANDM -> InsANDM(ins)
Opcode.ORR -> InsORR(ins)
Opcode.OR -> InsOR(ins)
2022-05-20 17:43:21 +00:00
Opcode.ORM -> InsORM(ins)
Opcode.XORR -> InsXORR(ins)
Opcode.XOR -> InsXOR(ins)
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
Opcode.XORM ->InsXORM(ins)
Opcode.INV -> InsINV(ins)
Opcode.INVM -> InsINVM(ins)
Opcode.ASRN -> InsASRN(ins)
Opcode.LSRN -> InsLSRN(ins)
Opcode.LSLN -> InsLSLN(ins)
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
Opcode.ASR -> InsASR(ins)
Opcode.LSR -> InsLSR(ins)
Opcode.LSL -> InsLSL(ins)
Opcode.ASRNM -> InsASRNM(ins)
Opcode.LSRNM -> InsLSRNM(ins)
Opcode.LSLNM -> InsLSLNM(ins)
Opcode.ASRM -> InsASRM(ins)
Opcode.LSRM -> InsLSRM(ins)
Opcode.LSLM -> InsLSLM(ins)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
Opcode.ROR -> InsROR(ins, false)
Opcode.RORM -> InsRORM(ins, false)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
Opcode.ROXR -> InsROR(ins, true)
Opcode.ROXRM -> InsRORM(ins, true)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
Opcode.ROL -> InsROL(ins, false)
Opcode.ROLM -> InsROLM(ins, false)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
Opcode.ROXL -> InsROL(ins, true)
Opcode.ROXLM -> InsROLM(ins, true)
Opcode.MSIG -> InsMSIG(ins)
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
Opcode.CONCAT -> InsCONCAT(ins)
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
Opcode.PUSH -> InsPUSH(ins)
Opcode.POP -> InsPOP(ins)
2024-01-16 19:41:53 +00:00
Opcode.PUSHST -> InsPUSHST()
Opcode.POPST -> InsPOPST()
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
Opcode.CLC -> { statusCarry = false; nextPc() }
Opcode.SEC -> { statusCarry = true; nextPc() }
Opcode.FFROMUB -> InsFFROMUB(ins)
Opcode.FFROMSB -> InsFFROMSB(ins)
Opcode.FFROMUW -> InsFFROMUW(ins)
Opcode.FFROMSW -> InsFFROMSW(ins)
Opcode.FTOUB -> InsFTOUB(ins)
Opcode.FTOSB -> InsFTOSB(ins)
Opcode.FTOUW -> InsFTOUW(ins)
Opcode.FTOSW -> InsFTOSW(ins)
Opcode.FPOW -> InsFPOW(ins)
Opcode.FABS -> InsFABS(ins)
Opcode.FSIN -> InsFSIN(ins)
Opcode.FCOS -> InsFCOS(ins)
Opcode.FTAN -> InsFTAN(ins)
Opcode.FATAN -> InsFATAN(ins)
Opcode.FLN -> InsFLN(ins)
Opcode.FLOG -> InsFLOG(ins)
Opcode.FROUND -> InsFROUND(ins)
Opcode.FFLOOR -> InsFFLOOR(ins)
Opcode.FCEIL -> InsFCEIL(ins)
Opcode.FCOMP -> InsFCOMP(ins)
2024-03-21 22:40:36 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid opcode ${ins.opcode}")
private inline fun setResultReg(reg: Int, value: Int, type: IRDataType) {
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
when(type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
registers.setUB(reg, value.toUByte())
statusZero = value==0
statusNegative = value>=0x80
IRDataType.WORD -> {
registers.setUW(reg, value.toUShort())
statusZero = value==0
statusNegative = value>=0x8000
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("attempt to set integer result register but float type")
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsPUSH(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
throw StackOverflowError("valuestack limit 128 exceeded")
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
val value = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)
IRDataType.WORD -> {
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
val value = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
val value = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
private fun InsPOP(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> setResultReg(i.reg1!!, valueStack.pop().toInt(), i.type!!)
IRDataType.WORD -> setResultReg(i.reg1!!, valueStack.popw().toInt(), i.type!!)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, valueStack.popf())
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
2024-01-16 19:41:53 +00:00
private fun InsPUSHST() {
var status: UByte = 0u
status = status or 0b10000000u
status = status or 0b00000010u
status = status or 0b00000001u
// TODO overflow not yet supported
private fun InsPOPST() {
val status = valueStack.pop().toInt()
statusNegative = status and 0b10000000 != 0
statusZero = status and 0b00000010 != 0
statusCarry = status and 0b00000001 != 0
// TODO overflow not yet supported
private fun InsSYSCALL(i: IRInstruction) {
// put the syscall's arguments that were prepared onto the stack
for(value in syscallParams) {
when(value.dt!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> valueStack.push(value.value as UByte)
IRDataType.WORD -> valueStack.pushw(value.value as UShort)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> valueStack.pushf(value.value as Double)
val call = Syscall.fromInt(i.immediate!!), i.fcallArgs!!, this) // note: any result value(s) are pushed back on the value stack
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBREAKPOINT() {
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
breakpointHandler?.invoke(pcChunk, pcIndex)
throw BreakpointException(pcChunk, pcIndex)
private fun InsLOAD(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, i.immediateFp!!)
else {
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
if(i.immediate!=null) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!, i.type!!)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(i.immediate!!, i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("expected LOAD of address of labelsymbol")
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, i.address!!, i.type!!)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(i.address!!, i.type!!)
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLOADM(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = memory.getUB(i.address!!)
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = memory.getUW(i.address!!)
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, memory.getFloat(i.address!!))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLOADI(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = memory.getUB(registers.getUW(i.reg2!!).toInt())
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = memory.getUW(registers.getUW(i.reg2!!).toInt())
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, memory.getFloat(registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt()))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsLOADX(i: IRInstruction) {
when (i.type!!) {
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = memory.getUB(i.address!! + registers.getUB(i.reg2!!).toInt())
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = memory.getUW(i.address!! + registers.getUB(i.reg2!!).toInt())
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, memory.getFloat(i.address!! + registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt()))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLOADIX(i: IRInstruction) {
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val pointer = memory.getUW(i.address!!) + registers.getUB(i.reg2!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
val value = memory.getUB(pointer.toInt())
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
IRDataType.WORD -> {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val pointer = memory.getUW(i.address!!) + registers.getUB(i.reg2!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
val value = memory.getUW(pointer.toInt())
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val pointer = memory.getUW(i.address!!) + registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, memory.getFloat(pointer.toInt()))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLOADR(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = registers.getUB(i.reg2!!)
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = registers.getUW(i.reg2!!)
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsSTOREM(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> memory.setUB(i.address!!, registers.getUB(i.reg1!!))
IRDataType.WORD -> memory.setUW(i.address!!, registers.getUW(i.reg1!!))
IRDataType.FLOAT -> memory.setFloat(i.address!!, registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsSTOREI(i: IRInstruction) {
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> memory.setUB(registers.getUW(i.reg2!!).toInt(), registers.getUB(i.reg1!!))
IRDataType.WORD -> memory.setUW(registers.getUW(i.reg2!!).toInt(), registers.getUW(i.reg1!!))
IRDataType.FLOAT -> memory.setFloat(registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt(), registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsSTOREX(i: IRInstruction) {
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> memory.setUB(i.address!! + registers.getUB(i.reg2!!).toInt(), registers.getUB(i.reg1!!))
IRDataType.WORD -> memory.setUW(i.address!! + registers.getUB(i.reg2!!).toInt(), registers.getUW(i.reg1!!))
IRDataType.FLOAT -> memory.setFloat(i.address!! + registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt(), registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsSTOREIX(i: IRInstruction) {
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val pointer = memory.getUW(i.address!!) + registers.getUB(i.reg2!!)
memory.setUB(pointer.toInt(), registers.getUB(i.reg1!!))
IRDataType.WORD -> {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val pointer = memory.getUW(i.address!!) + registers.getUB(i.reg2!!)
memory.setUW(pointer.toInt(), registers.getUW(i.reg1!!))
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val pointer = memory.getUW(i.address!!) + registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)
memory.setFloat(pointer.toInt(), registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsSTOREZM(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> memory.setUB(i.address!!, 0u)
IRDataType.WORD -> memory.setUW(i.address!!, 0u)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> memory.setFloat(i.address!!, 0.0)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsSTOREZI(i: IRInstruction) {
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> memory.setUB(registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt(), 0u)
IRDataType.WORD -> memory.setUW(registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt(), 0u)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> memory.setFloat(registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt(), 0.0)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsSTOREZX(i: IRInstruction) {
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> memory.setUB(i.address!! + registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt(), 0u)
IRDataType.WORD -> memory.setUW(i.address!! + registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt(), 0u)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> memory.setFloat(i.address!! + registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt(), 0.0)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsJUMP(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsJUMPI(i: IRInstruction) {
val artificialAddress = memory.getUW(i.address!!).toInt()
pcChunk = artificialLabelAddresses.getValue(artificialAddress)
pcIndex = 0
private class SyscallParamValue(var dt: IRDataType?, var value: Comparable<*>?)
private val syscallParams = Array(100) { SyscallParamValue(null, null) }
private fun InsCALL(i: IRInstruction) {
i.fcallArgs!!.arguments.forEach { arg ->
require(arg.address!=null) {"argument variable should have been given its memory address as well"}
when(arg.reg.dt) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> memory.setUB(arg.address!!, registers.getUB(arg.reg.registerNum))
IRDataType.WORD -> memory.setUW(arg.address!!, registers.getUW(arg.reg.registerNum))
IRDataType.FLOAT -> memory.setFloat(arg.address!!, registers.getFloat(arg.reg.registerNum))
// store the call site and jump
callStack.push(CallSiteContext(pcChunk, pcIndex+1, i.fcallArgs!!))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsRETURN() {
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
else {
val context = callStack.pop()
pcChunk = context.returnChunk
pcIndex = context.returnIndex
// ignore any return values.
2023-04-11 20:28:19 +00:00
private fun InsRETURNR(i: IRInstruction) {
else {
val context = callStack.pop()
val returns = context.fcallSpec.returns
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
registers.setUB(returns.single().registerNum, registers.getUB(i.reg1!!))
else {
val callInstr = context.returnChunk.instructions[context.returnIndex-1]
throw IllegalArgumentException("missing return value reg")
IRDataType.WORD -> {
registers.setUW(returns.single().registerNum, registers.getUW(i.reg1!!))
else {
val callInstr = context.returnChunk.instructions[context.returnIndex-1]
throw IllegalArgumentException("missing return value reg")
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
registers.setFloat(returns.single().registerNum, registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!))
else {
val callInstr = context.returnChunk.instructions[context.returnIndex-1]
throw IllegalArgumentException("missing return value reg")
pcChunk = context.returnChunk
pcIndex = context.returnIndex
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBSTCC(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
private fun InsBSTCS(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
private fun InsBSTEQ(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBSTNE(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBSTNEG(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBSTPOS(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBGTR(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getBranchOperandsU(i)
private fun InsBGT(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getBranchOperandsImmU(i)
private fun InsBLT(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getBranchOperandsImmU(i)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBGTSR(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: Int, right: Int) = getBranchOperands(i)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBGTS(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: Int, right: Int) = getBranchOperandsImm(i)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBLTS(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: Int, right: Int) = getBranchOperandsImm(i)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBGER(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getBranchOperandsU(i)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBGE(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getBranchOperandsImmU(i)
private fun InsBLE(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getBranchOperandsImmU(i)
private fun InsBGESR(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: Int, right: Int) = getBranchOperands(i)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsBGES(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: Int, right: Int) = getBranchOperandsImm(i)
private fun InsBLES(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: Int, right: Int) = getBranchOperandsImm(i)
2024-01-08 23:57:02 +00:00
private fun InsSCC(i: IRInstruction) {
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, if(statusCarry) 0 else 1, i.type!!)
private fun InsSCS(i: IRInstruction) {
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, if(statusCarry) 1 else 0, i.type!!)
private fun InsSZ(i: IRInstruction) {
val right = when(i.type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.getSB(i.reg2!!).toInt()
IRDataType.WORD -> registers.getSW(i.reg2!!).toInt()
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("can't use float here")
null -> throw IllegalArgumentException("need type for branch instruction")
val value = if(right==0) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
private fun InsSNZ(i: IRInstruction) {
val right = when(i.type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.getSB(i.reg2!!).toInt()
IRDataType.WORD -> registers.getSW(i.reg2!!).toInt()
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("can't use float here")
null -> throw IllegalArgumentException("need type for branch instruction")
val value = if(right!=0) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
private fun InsSEQ(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: Int, right: Int) = getSetOnConditionOperands(i)
val value = if(left==right) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsSNE(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: Int, right: Int) = getSetOnConditionOperands(i)
val value = if(left!=right) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsSLT(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left, right) = getSetOnConditionOperandsU(i)
val value = if(left<right) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsSLTS(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left, right) = getSetOnConditionOperands(i)
val value = if(left<right) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsSGT(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left, right) = getSetOnConditionOperandsU(i)
val value = if(left>right) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsSGTS(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left, right) = getSetOnConditionOperands(i)
val value = if(left>right) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsSLE(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left, right) = getSetOnConditionOperandsU(i)
val value = if(left<=right) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsSLES(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left, right) = getSetOnConditionOperands(i)
val value = if(left<=right) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsSGE(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left, right) = getSetOnConditionOperandsU(i)
val value = if(left>=right) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsSGES(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left, right) = getSetOnConditionOperands(i)
val value = if(left>=right) 1 else 0
setResultReg(i.reg1!!, value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsINC(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = (registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)+1u).toUByte()
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = (registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)+1u).toUShort()
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)+1f)
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
private fun InsINCM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-03-30 21:40:39 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = (memory.getUB(address)+1u).toUByte()
memory.setUB(address, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = (memory.getUW(address)+1u).toUShort()
memory.setUW(address, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> memory.setFloat(address, memory.getFloat(address)+1f)
2022-03-30 21:40:39 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-30 21:40:39 +00:00
private fun InsDEC(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = (registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)-1u).toUByte()
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = (registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)-1u).toUShort()
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)-1f)
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
2022-03-30 21:40:39 +00:00
private fun InsDECM(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-03-30 21:40:39 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = (memory.getUB(i.address!!)-1u).toUByte()
memory.setUB(i.address!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = (memory.getUW(i.address!!)-1u).toUShort()
memory.setUW(i.address!!, value)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value.toInt(), i.type!!)
2023-06-03 20:22:13 +00:00
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> memory.setFloat(i.address!!, memory.getFloat(i.address!!)-1f)
2022-03-30 21:40:39 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-30 21:40:39 +00:00
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
private fun InsNEG(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = -registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt()
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value.toUByte())
statusbitsNZ(value, IRDataType.BYTE)
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = -registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt()
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value.toUShort())
statusbitsNZ(value, IRDataType.WORD)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, -registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsNEGM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = -memory.getUB(address).toInt()
memory.setUB(address, value.toUByte())
statusbitsNZ(value, IRDataType.BYTE)
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = -memory.getUW(address).toInt()
memory.setUW(address, value.toUShort())
statusbitsNZ(value, IRDataType.WORD)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> memory.setFloat(address, -memory.getFloat(address))
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
private fun InsADDR(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> plusMinusMultAnyByte("+", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.WORD -> plusMinusMultAnyWord("+", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
val left = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
val right = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
val result = arithFloat(left, "+", right)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, result)
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
private fun InsADD(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> plusMinusMultConstByte("+", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> plusMinusMultConstWord("+", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
val left = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val result = arithFloat(left, "+", i.immediateFp!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, result)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsADDM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> plusMinusMultAnyByteInplace("+", i.reg1!!, address)
IRDataType.WORD -> plusMinusMultAnyWordInplace("+", i.reg1!!, address)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
val left = memory.getFloat(address)
val right = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
val result = arithFloat(left, "+", right)
memory.setFloat(address, result)
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
private fun InsSUBR(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> plusMinusMultAnyByte("-", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.WORD -> plusMinusMultAnyWord("-", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
val left = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
val right = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
val result = arithFloat(left, "-", right)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, result)
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
private fun InsSUB(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> plusMinusMultConstByte("-", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> plusMinusMultConstWord("-", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
val left = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val result = arithFloat(left, "-", i.immediateFp!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, result)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsSUBM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> plusMinusMultAnyByteInplace("-", i.reg1!!, address)
IRDataType.WORD -> plusMinusMultAnyWordInplace("-", i.reg1!!, address)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
val left = memory.getFloat(address)
val right = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
val result = arithFloat(left, "-", right)
memory.setFloat(address, result)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
private fun InsMULR(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> plusMinusMultAnyByte("*", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.WORD -> plusMinusMultAnyWord("*", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
val left = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
val right = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
val result = arithFloat(left, "*", right)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, result)
2022-05-19 21:15:22 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-19 21:15:22 +00:00
private fun InsMUL(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> plusMinusMultConstByte("*", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> plusMinusMultConstWord("*", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
val left = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val result = arithFloat(left, "*", i.immediateFp!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, result)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsMULM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-05-19 21:15:22 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> plusMinusMultAnyByteInplace("*", i.reg1!!, address)
IRDataType.WORD -> plusMinusMultAnyWordInplace("*", i.reg1!!, address)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
2022-05-19 21:15:22 +00:00
val left = memory.getFloat(address)
val right = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
val result = arithFloat(left, "*", right)
memory.setFloat(address, result)
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsDIVR(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> divOrModByteUnsigned("/", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.WORD -> divOrModWordUnsigned("/", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
private fun InsDIV(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> divOrModConstByteUnsigned("/", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> divOrModConstWordUnsigned("/", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsDIVM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> divModByteUnsignedInplace("/", i.reg1!!, address)
IRDataType.WORD -> divModWordUnsignedInplace("/", i.reg1!!, address)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
private fun InsDIVSR(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> divModByteSigned("/", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.WORD -> divModWordSigned("/", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
val left = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
val right = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
val result = arithFloat(left, "/", right)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, result)
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsDIVS(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> divModConstByteSigned("/", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> divModConstWordSigned("/", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
val left = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val result = arithFloat(left, "/", i.immediateFp!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, result)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsDIVSM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> divModByteSignedInplace("/", i.reg1!!, address)
IRDataType.WORD -> divModWordSignedInplace("/", i.reg1!!, address)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
val left = memory.getFloat(address)
val right = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
val result = arithFloat(left, "/", right)
memory.setFloat(address, result)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
private fun InsMODR(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> divOrModByteUnsigned("%", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.WORD -> divOrModWordUnsigned("%", i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsMOD(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> divOrModConstByteUnsigned("%", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> divOrModConstWordUnsigned("%", i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
private fun InsDIVMODR(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> divAndModUByte(i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!) // division+remainder results on value stack
IRDataType.WORD -> divAndModUWord(i.reg1!!, i.reg2!!) // division+remainder results on value stack
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
private fun InsDIVMOD(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> divAndModConstUByte(i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUByte()) // division+remainder results on value stack
IRDataType.WORD -> divAndModConstUWord(i.reg1!!, i.immediate!!.toUShort()) // division+remainder results on value stack
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsSGN(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.setSB(i.reg1!!, registers.getSB(i.reg2!!).toInt().sign.toByte())
2024-01-16 00:23:41 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> registers.setSB(i.reg1!!, registers.getSW(i.reg2!!).toInt().sign.toByte())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> registers.setSB(i.reg1!!, registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!).sign.toInt().toByte())
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsSQRT(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, sqrt(registers.getUB(i.reg2!!).toDouble()).toInt().toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, sqrt(registers.getUW(i.reg2!!).toDouble()).toInt().toUByte())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, sqrt(registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)))
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
private fun InsSQUARE(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = registers.getUB(i.reg2!!).toDouble().toInt()
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, (value*value).toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = registers.getUW(i.reg2!!).toDouble().toInt()
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, (value*value).toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
val value = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, value*value)
private fun InsCMP(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
val comparison = when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val reg1 = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)
val reg2 = registers.getUB(i.reg2!!)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
reg1.toInt() - reg2.toInt()
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val reg1 = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)
val reg2 = registers.getUW(i.reg2!!)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
reg1.toInt() - reg2.toInt()
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsComparison(comparison, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2023-07-14 21:17:29 +00:00
private fun InsCMPI(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
val comparison = when(i.type!!) {
2023-07-14 21:17:29 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val reg1 = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
reg1.toInt() - (i.immediate!! and 255)
2023-07-14 21:17:29 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val reg1 = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
reg1.toInt() - (i.immediate!! and 65535)
2023-07-14 21:17:29 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
statusbitsComparison(comparison, i.type!!)
private fun statusbitsNZ(value: Int, type: IRDataType) {
statusZero = value==0
when(type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> statusNegative = (value and 0x80)==0x80
IRDataType.WORD -> statusNegative = (value and 0x8000)==0x8000
IRDataType.FLOAT -> { /* floats don't change the status bits */ }
private fun statusbitsComparison(comparison: Int, type: IRDataType) {
if(comparison==0) {
2023-07-14 21:17:29 +00:00
statusZero = true
statusCarry = true
} else if(comparison>0) {
statusZero = false
statusCarry = true
} else {
statusZero = false
statusCarry = false
2023-09-22 20:34:33 +00:00
when(type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> statusNegative = (comparison and 0x80)!=0
IRDataType.WORD -> statusNegative = (comparison and 0x8000)!=0
IRDataType.FLOAT -> { /* floats don't change the status bits */ }
// TODO statusOverflow
2023-07-14 21:17:29 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
private fun plusMinusMultAnyByte(operator: String, reg1: Int, reg2: Int) {
val left = registers.getUB(reg1)
val right = registers.getUB(reg2)
val result = when(operator) {
"+" -> left + right
"-" -> left - right
"*" -> left * right
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator byte $operator")
registers.setUB(reg1, result.toUByte())
private fun plusMinusMultConstByte(operator: String, reg1: Int, value: UByte) {
val left = registers.getUB(reg1)
val result = when(operator) {
"+" -> left + value
"-" -> left - value
"*" -> left * value
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator byte $operator")
registers.setUB(reg1, result.toUByte())
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
private fun plusMinusMultAnyByteInplace(operator: String, reg1: Int, address: Int) {
val memvalue = memory.getUB(address)
val operand = registers.getUB(reg1)
val result = when(operator) {
"+" -> memvalue + operand
"-" -> memvalue - operand
"*" -> memvalue * operand
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator byte $operator")
memory.setUB(address, result.toUByte())
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
private fun divModByteSigned(operator: String, reg1: Int, reg2: Int) {
val left = registers.getSB(reg1)
val right = registers.getSB(reg2)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(right==0.toByte()) 127
else left / right
"%" -> {
if(right==0.toByte()) 127
else left % right
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator byte $operator")
registers.setSB(reg1, result.toByte())
private fun divModConstByteSigned(operator: String, reg1: Int, value: Byte) {
val left = registers.getSB(reg1)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(value==0.toByte()) 127
else left / value
"%" -> {
if(value==0.toByte()) 127
else left % value
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator byte $operator")
registers.setSB(reg1, result.toByte())
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
private fun divModByteSignedInplace(operator: String, reg1: Int, address: Int) {
val left = memory.getSB(address)
val right = registers.getSB(reg1)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(right==0.toByte()) 127
else left / right
"%" -> {
if(right==0.toByte()) 127
else left % right
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator byte $operator")
memory.setSB(address, result.toByte())
private fun divOrModByteUnsigned(operator: String, reg1: Int, reg2: Int) {
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
val left = registers.getUB(reg1)
val right = registers.getUB(reg2)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(right==0.toUByte()) 0xffu
else left / right
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
"%" -> {
2023-05-15 18:33:20 +00:00
if(right==0.toUByte()) 0u
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
else left % right
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator byte $operator")
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
registers.setUB(reg1, result.toUByte())
private fun divOrModConstByteUnsigned(operator: String, reg1: Int, value: UByte) {
val left = registers.getUB(reg1)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(value==0.toUByte()) 0xffu
else left / value
"%" -> {
2023-05-15 18:33:20 +00:00
if(value==0.toUByte()) 0u
else left % value
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator byte $operator")
registers.setUB(reg1, result.toUByte())
private fun divAndModUByte(reg1: Int, reg2: Int) {
val left = registers.getUB(reg1)
val right = registers.getUB(reg2)
val division = if(right==0.toUByte()) 0xffu else left / right
2023-05-15 18:33:20 +00:00
val remainder = if(right==0.toUByte()) 0u else left % right
private fun divAndModConstUByte(reg1: Int, value: UByte) {
val left = registers.getUB(reg1)
val division = if(value==0.toUByte()) 0xffu else left / value
2023-05-15 18:33:20 +00:00
val remainder = if(value==0.toUByte()) 0u else left % value
private fun divAndModUWord(reg1: Int, reg2: Int) {
val left = registers.getUW(reg1)
val right = registers.getUW(reg2)
val division = if(right==0.toUShort()) 0xffffu else left / right
2023-05-15 18:33:20 +00:00
val remainder = if(right==0.toUShort()) 0u else left % right
private fun divAndModConstUWord(reg1: Int, value: UShort) {
val left = registers.getUW(reg1)
val division = if(value==0.toUShort()) 0xffffu else left / value
2023-05-15 18:33:20 +00:00
val remainder = if(value==0.toUShort()) 0u else left % value
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
private fun divModByteUnsignedInplace(operator: String, reg1: Int, address: Int) {
val left = memory.getUB(address)
val right = registers.getUB(reg1)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(right==0.toUByte()) 0xffu
else left / right
"%" -> {
2023-05-15 18:33:20 +00:00
if(right==0.toUByte()) 0u
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
else left % right
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator byte $operator")
memory.setUB(address, result.toUByte())
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
private fun plusMinusMultAnyWord(operator: String, reg1: Int, reg2: Int) {
val left = registers.getUW(reg1)
val right = registers.getUW(reg2)
2023-09-28 01:18:49 +00:00
val result: UInt
when(operator) {
"+" -> result = left + right
"-" -> result = left - right
"*" -> {
result = left.toUInt() * right
mul16_last_upper = result shr 16
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator word $operator")
registers.setUW(reg1, result.toUShort())
private fun plusMinusMultConstWord(operator: String, reg1: Int, value: UShort) {
val left = registers.getUW(reg1)
2023-09-28 01:18:49 +00:00
val result: UInt
when(operator) {
"+" -> result = left + value
"-" -> result = left - value
"*" -> {
result = left.toUInt() * value
mul16_last_upper = result shr 16
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator word $operator")
registers.setUW(reg1, result.toUShort())
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
private fun plusMinusMultAnyWordInplace(operator: String, reg1: Int, address: Int) {
val memvalue = memory.getUW(address)
val operand = registers.getUW(reg1)
2023-09-28 01:18:49 +00:00
val result: UInt
when(operator) {
"+" -> result = memvalue + operand
"-" -> result = memvalue - operand
"*" -> {
result = memvalue.toUInt() * operand
mul16_last_upper = result shr 16
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator word $operator")
2022-05-20 17:43:21 +00:00
memory.setUW(address, result.toUShort())
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
private fun divOrModWordUnsigned(operator: String, reg1: Int, reg2: Int) {
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
val left = registers.getUW(reg1)
val right = registers.getUW(reg2)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(right==0.toUShort()) 0xffffu
else left / right
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
"%" -> {
2023-05-15 18:33:20 +00:00
if(right==0.toUShort()) 0u
2022-03-23 00:52:01 +00:00
else left % right
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator word $operator")
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
registers.setUW(reg1, result.toUShort())
private fun divOrModConstWordUnsigned(operator: String, reg1: Int, value: UShort) {
val left = registers.getUW(reg1)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(value==0.toUShort()) 0xffffu
else left / value
"%" -> {
2023-05-15 18:33:20 +00:00
if(value==0.toUShort()) 0u
else left % value
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator word $operator")
registers.setUW(reg1, result.toUShort())
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
private fun divModWordUnsignedInplace(operator: String, reg1: Int, address: Int) {
val left = memory.getUW(address)
val right = registers.getUW(reg1)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(right==0.toUShort()) 0xffffu
else left / right
"%" -> {
2023-05-15 18:33:20 +00:00
if(right==0.toUShort()) 0u
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
else left % right
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator word $operator")
memory.setUW(address, result.toUShort())
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
private fun divModWordSigned(operator: String, reg1: Int, reg2: Int) {
val left = registers.getSW(reg1)
val right = registers.getSW(reg2)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(right==0.toShort()) 32767
else left / right
"%" -> {
if(right==0.toShort()) 32767
else left % right
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator word $operator")
registers.setSW(reg1, result.toShort())
private fun divModConstWordSigned(operator: String, reg1: Int, value: Short) {
val left = registers.getSW(reg1)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(value==0.toShort()) 32767
else left / value
"%" -> {
if(value==0.toShort()) 32767
else left % value
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator word $operator")
registers.setSW(reg1, result.toShort())
2022-05-19 21:38:16 +00:00
private fun divModWordSignedInplace(operator: String, reg1: Int, address: Int) {
val left = memory.getSW(address)
val right = registers.getSW(reg1)
val result = when(operator) {
"/" -> {
if(right==0.toShort()) 32767
else left / right
"%" -> {
if(right==0.toShort()) 32767
else left % right
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator word $operator")
memory.setSW(address, result.toShort())
private fun arithFloat(left: Double, operator: String, right: Double): Double = when(operator) {
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
"+" -> left + right
"-" -> left - right
"*" -> left * right
"/" -> {
if(right==0.0) Double.MAX_VALUE
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
else left / right
"%" -> {
if(right==0.0) Double.MAX_VALUE
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
else left % right
2022-05-19 20:54:50 +00:00
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("operator word $operator")
private fun InsEXT(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-07-08 21:05:03 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, registers.getUB(i.reg2!!).toUShort())
IRDataType.WORD -> throw IllegalArgumentException("ext.w not yet supported, requires 32 bits registers")
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsEXTS(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-07-08 21:05:03 +00:00
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.setSW(i.reg1!!, registers.getSB(i.reg2!!).toShort())
IRDataType.WORD -> throw IllegalArgumentException("exts.w not yet supported, requires 32 bits registers")
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsANDR(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getLogicalOperandsU(i)
val value = (left and right).toInt()
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
statusbitsNZ(value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsAND(i: IRInstruction) {
val value: Int
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
value = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt() and i.immediate!!
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
value = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt() and i.immediate!!
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
statusbitsNZ(value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsANDM(i: IRInstruction) {
val value: Int
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-05-20 17:43:21 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val left = memory.getUB(address)
val right = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)
value = left.toInt() and right.toInt()
memory.setUB(address, value.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val left = memory.getUW(address)
val right = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)
value = left.toInt() and right.toInt()
memory.setUW(address, value.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-05-20 17:43:21 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-20 17:43:21 +00:00
private fun InsORR(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getLogicalOperandsU(i)
val value = (left or right).toInt()
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
statusbitsNZ(value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsOR(i: IRInstruction) {
val value: Int
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
value = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt() or i.immediate!!
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
value = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt() or i.immediate!!
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
statusbitsNZ(value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsORM(i: IRInstruction) {
val value: Int
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-05-20 17:43:21 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val left = memory.getUB(address)
val right = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)
value = left.toInt() or right.toInt()
memory.setUB(address, value.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val left = memory.getUW(address)
val right = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)
value = left.toInt() or right.toInt()
memory.setUW(address, value.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-05-20 17:43:21 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-20 17:43:21 +00:00
private fun InsXORR(i: IRInstruction) {
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getLogicalOperandsU(i)
val value = (left xor right).toInt()
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
private fun InsXOR(i: IRInstruction) {
val value: Int
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
value = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt() xor i.immediate!!
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, value.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
value = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt() xor i.immediate!!
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, value.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
statusbitsNZ(value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsXORM(i: IRInstruction) {
val value: Int
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val left = memory.getUB(address)
val right = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)
value = left.toInt() xor right.toInt()
memory.setUB(address, value.toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val left = memory.getUW(address)
val right = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)
value = left.toInt() xor right.toInt()
memory.setUW(address, value.toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
statusbitsNZ(value, i.type!!)
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
private fun InsINV(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).inv())
IRDataType.WORD -> registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).inv())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsINVM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> memory.setUB(address, memory.getUB(address).inv())
IRDataType.WORD -> memory.setUW(address, memory.getUW(address).inv())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:08:22 +00:00
private fun InsASRN(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
val (left: Int, right: Int) = getLogicalOperandsS(i)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
statusCarry = (left and 1)!=0
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.setSB(i.reg1!!, (left shr right).toByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> registers.setSW(i.reg1!!, (left shr right).toShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsASRNM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
val operand = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt()
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val memvalue = memory.getSB(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (memvalue and 1)!=0
memory.setSB(address, (memvalue shr operand).toByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val memvalue = memory.getSW(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (memvalue and 1)!=0
memory.setSW(address, (memvalue shr operand).toShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsASR(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = registers.getSB(i.reg1!!).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 1)!=0
registers.setSB(i.reg1!!, (value shr 1).toByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = registers.getSW(i.reg1!!).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 1)!=0
registers.setSW(i.reg1!!, (value shr 1).toShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsASRM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = memory.getSB(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 1)!=0
memory.setSB(address, (value shr 1).toByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = memory.getSW(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 1)!=0
memory.setSW(address, (value shr 1).toShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLSRN(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-03-25 19:22:41 +00:00
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getLogicalOperandsU(i)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
statusCarry = (left and 1u)!=0u
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, (left shr right.toInt()).toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, (left shr right.toInt()).toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLSRNM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
val operand = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt()
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val memvalue = memory.getUB(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (memvalue and 1)!=0
memory.setUB(address, (memvalue shr operand).toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val memvalue = memory.getUW(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (memvalue and 1)!=0
memory.setUW(address, (memvalue shr operand).toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLSR(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 1)!=0
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, (value shr 1).toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 1)!=0
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, (value shr 1).toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLSRM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = memory.getUB(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 1)!=0
memory.setUB(address, (value shr 1).toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = memory.getUW(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 1)!=0
memory.setUW(address, (value shr 1).toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLSLN(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-03-25 19:22:41 +00:00
val (left: UInt, right: UInt) = getLogicalOperandsU(i)
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
statusCarry = (left and 0x80u)!=0u
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, (left shl right.toInt()).toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
statusCarry = (left and 0x8000u)!=0u
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, (left shl right.toInt()).toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLSLNM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
val operand = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt()
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val memvalue = memory.getUB(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (memvalue and 0x80)!=0
memory.setUB(address, (memvalue shl operand).toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val memvalue = memory.getUW(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (memvalue and 0x8000)!=0
memory.setUW(address, (memvalue shl operand).toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLSL(i: IRInstruction) {
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 0x80)!=0
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, (value shl 1).toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 0x8000)!=0
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, (value shl 1).toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsLSLM(i: IRInstruction) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = memory.getUB(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 0x80)!=0
memory.setUB(address, (value shl 1).toUByte())
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val value = memory.getUW(address).toInt()
statusCarry = (value and 0x8000)!=0
memory.setUW(address, (value shl 1).toUShort())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsROR(i: IRInstruction, useCarry: Boolean) {
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
val newStatusCarry: Boolean
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
val orig = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)
newStatusCarry = (orig.toInt() and 1) != 0
val rotated: UByte = if (useCarry) {
val carry = if (statusCarry) 0x80u else 0x00u
(orig.toUInt().rotateRight(1) or carry).toUByte()
} else
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, rotated)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
val orig = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)
newStatusCarry = (orig.toInt() and 1) != 0
val rotated: UShort = if (useCarry) {
val carry = if (statusCarry) 0x8000u else 0x0000u
(orig.toUInt().rotateRight(1) or carry).toUShort()
} else
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, rotated)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't ROR a float")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
statusCarry = newStatusCarry
private fun InsRORM(i: IRInstruction, useCarry: Boolean) {
val newStatusCarry: Boolean
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val orig = memory.getUB(address)
newStatusCarry = (orig.toInt() and 1) != 0
val rotated: UByte = if (useCarry) {
val carry = if (statusCarry) 0x80u else 0x00u
(orig.toUInt().rotateRight(1) or carry).toUByte()
} else
memory.setUB(address, rotated)
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val orig = memory.getUW(address)
newStatusCarry = (orig.toInt() and 1) != 0
val rotated: UShort = if (useCarry) {
val carry = if (statusCarry) 0x8000u else 0x0000u
(orig.toUInt().rotateRight(1) or carry).toUShort()
} else
memory.setUW(address, rotated)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't ROR a float")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
statusCarry = newStatusCarry
private fun InsROL(i: IRInstruction, useCarry: Boolean) {
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
val newStatusCarry: Boolean
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
val orig = registers.getUB(i.reg1!!)
newStatusCarry = (orig.toInt() and 0x80) != 0
val rotated: UByte = if (useCarry) {
val carry = if (statusCarry) 1u else 0u
(orig.toUInt().rotateLeft(1) or carry).toUByte()
} else
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, rotated)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> {
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
val orig = registers.getUW(i.reg1!!)
newStatusCarry = (orig.toInt() and 0x8000) != 0
val rotated: UShort = if (useCarry) {
val carry = if (statusCarry) 1u else 0u
(orig.toUInt().rotateLeft(1) or carry).toUShort()
} else
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, rotated)
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't ROL a float")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
statusCarry = newStatusCarry
private fun InsROLM(i: IRInstruction, useCarry: Boolean) {
2023-04-09 13:06:40 +00:00
val address = i.address!!
val newStatusCarry: Boolean
when (i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val orig = memory.getUB(address)
newStatusCarry = (orig.toInt() and 0x80) != 0
val rotated: UByte = if (useCarry) {
val carry = if (statusCarry) 1u else 0u
(orig.toUInt().rotateLeft(1) or carry).toUByte()
} else
memory.setUB(address, rotated)
IRDataType.WORD -> {
val orig = memory.getUW(address)
newStatusCarry = (orig.toInt() and 0x8000) != 0
val rotated: UShort = if (useCarry) {
val carry = if (statusCarry) 1u else 0u
(orig.toUInt().rotateLeft(1) or carry).toUShort()
} else
memory.setUW(address, rotated)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't ROL a float")
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-04-08 22:49:23 +00:00
statusCarry = newStatusCarry
private fun InsMSIG(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val value = registers.getUW(i.reg2!!)
val newValue = value.toInt() ushr 8
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, newValue.toUByte())
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> throw IllegalArgumentException("msig.w not yet supported, requires 32-bits registers")
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
private fun InsCONCAT(i: IRInstruction) {
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
when(i.type!!) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
val msb = registers.getUB(i.reg2!!)
val lsb = registers.getUB(i.reg3!!)
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, ((msb.toInt() shl 8) or lsb.toInt()).toUShort())
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
IRDataType.WORD -> throw IllegalArgumentException("concat.w not yet supported, requires 32-bits registers")
IRDataType.FLOAT -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid float type for this instruction $i")
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
private fun InsFFROMUB(i: IRInstruction) {
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toDouble())
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFFROMSB(i: IRInstruction) {
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, registers.getSB(i.reg1!!).toDouble())
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFFROMUW(i: IRInstruction) {
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toDouble())
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFFROMSW(i: IRInstruction) {
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, registers.getSW(i.reg1!!).toDouble())
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFTOUB(i: IRInstruction) {
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!).toInt().toUByte())
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFTOUW(i: IRInstruction) {
registers.setUW(i.reg1!!, registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!).toInt().toUShort())
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFTOSB(i: IRInstruction) {
registers.setSB(i.reg1!!, registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!).toInt().toByte())
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFTOSW(i: IRInstruction) {
registers.setSW(i.reg1!!, registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!).toInt().toShort())
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFPOW(i: IRInstruction) {
val value = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
val exponent = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, value.pow(exponent))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFSIN(i: IRInstruction) {
val angle = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, sin(angle))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFCOS(i: IRInstruction) {
val angle = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, cos(angle))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFTAN(i: IRInstruction) {
val angle = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, tan(angle))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFATAN(i: IRInstruction) {
val angle = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, atan(angle))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFABS(i: IRInstruction) {
val value = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, abs(value))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFLN(i: IRInstruction) {
val value = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, ln(value))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFLOG(i: IRInstruction) {
val value = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, log2(value))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFROUND(i: IRInstruction) {
val value = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, round(value))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFFLOOR(i: IRInstruction) {
val value = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, floor(value))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFCEIL(i: IRInstruction) {
val value = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
registers.setFloat(i.fpReg1!!, ceil(value))
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun InsFCOMP(i: IRInstruction) {
val left = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg1!!)
val right = registers.getFloat(i.fpReg2!!)
val result =
255u // -1
else if(left>right)
registers.setUB(i.reg1!!, result.toUByte())
2022-10-16 16:30:14 +00:00
private fun getBranchOperands(i: IRInstruction): Pair<Int, Int> {
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
return when(i.type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> Pair(registers.getSB(i.reg1!!).toInt(), registers.getSB(i.reg2!!).toInt())
IRDataType.WORD -> Pair(registers.getSW(i.reg1!!).toInt(), registers.getSW(i.reg2!!).toInt())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't use float here")
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
null -> throw IllegalArgumentException("need type for branch instruction")
private fun getBranchOperandsImm(i: IRInstruction): Pair<Int, Int> {
return when(i.type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> Pair(registers.getSB(i.reg1!!).toInt(), i.immediate!!)
IRDataType.WORD -> Pair(registers.getSW(i.reg1!!).toInt(), i.immediate!!)
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't use float here")
null -> throw IllegalArgumentException("need type for branch instruction")
private fun getBranchOperandsU(i: IRInstruction): Pair<UInt, UInt> {
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
return when(i.type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> Pair(registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toUInt(), registers.getUB(i.reg2!!).toUInt())
IRDataType.WORD -> Pair(registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toUInt(), registers.getUW(i.reg2!!).toUInt())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't use float here")
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
null -> throw IllegalArgumentException("need type for branch instruction")
private fun getBranchOperandsImmU(i: IRInstruction): Pair<UInt, UInt> {
return when(i.type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> Pair(registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toUInt(), i.immediate!!.toUInt())
IRDataType.WORD -> Pair(registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toUInt(), i.immediate!!.toUInt())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't use float here")
null -> throw IllegalArgumentException("need type for branch instruction")
private fun getLogicalOperandsU(i: IRInstruction): Pair<UInt, UInt> {
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
return when(i.type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> Pair(registers.getUB(i.reg1!!).toUInt(), registers.getUB(i.reg2!!).toUInt())
IRDataType.WORD -> Pair(registers.getUW(i.reg1!!).toUInt(), registers.getUW(i.reg2!!).toUInt())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't use float here")
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
null -> throw IllegalArgumentException("need type for logical instruction")
private fun getLogicalOperandsS(i: IRInstruction): Pair<Int, Int> {
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
return when(i.type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> Pair(registers.getSB(i.reg1!!).toInt(), registers.getSB(i.reg2!!).toInt())
IRDataType.WORD -> Pair(registers.getSW(i.reg1!!).toInt(), registers.getSW(i.reg2!!).toInt())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't use float here")
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
null -> throw IllegalArgumentException("need type for logical instruction")
private fun getSetOnConditionOperands(ins: IRInstruction): Pair<Int, Int> {
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
return when(ins.type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> Pair(registers.getSB(ins.reg2!!).toInt(), registers.getSB(ins.reg3!!).toInt())
IRDataType.WORD -> Pair(registers.getSW(ins.reg2!!).toInt(), registers.getSW(ins.reg3!!).toInt())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't use float here")
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
null -> throw IllegalArgumentException("need type for branch instruction")
private fun getSetOnConditionOperandsU(ins: IRInstruction): Pair<UInt, UInt> {
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
return when(ins.type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> Pair(registers.getUB(ins.reg2!!).toUInt(), registers.getUB(ins.reg3!!).toUInt())
IRDataType.WORD -> Pair(registers.getUW(ins.reg2!!).toUInt(), registers.getUW(ins.reg3!!).toUInt())
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("can't use float here")
2022-03-27 12:23:01 +00:00
null -> throw IllegalArgumentException("need type for branch instruction")
private var window: GraphicsWindow? = null
fun gfx_enable(mode: UByte) {
window = when(mode.toInt()) {
0 -> GraphicsWindow(320, 240, 3)
1 -> GraphicsWindow(640, 480, 2)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid screen mode")
fun gfx_clear(color: UByte) {
fun gfx_plot(x: UShort, y: UShort, color: UByte) {
window?.plot(x.toInt(), y.toInt(), color.toInt())
fun gfx_getpixel(x: UShort, y: UShort): UByte {
return if(window==null)
2022-07-02 22:41:04 +00:00
else {
val color = Color(window!!.getpixel(x.toInt(), y.toInt()))
2022-07-02 22:41:04 +00:00
fun gfx_close() {
2022-03-28 21:49:44 +00:00
fun waitvsync() {
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().sync() // not really the same as wait on vsync, but there's noting else
fun randomSeed(seed1: UShort, seed2: UShort) {
randomGenerator = Random(((seed1.toUInt() shl 16) or seed2.toUInt()).toInt())
fun randomSeedFloat(seed: Double) {
randomGeneratorFloats = Random(seed.toBits())
internal fun Stack<UByte>.pushw(value: UShort) {
push((value and 255u).toUByte())
push((value.toInt() ushr 8).toUByte())
internal fun Stack<UByte>.pushf(value: Double) {
// push float; lsb first, msb last
var bits = value.toBits()
bits = bits ushr 8
bits = bits ushr 8
bits = bits ushr 8
bits = bits ushr 8
bits = bits ushr 8
bits = bits ushr 8
bits = bits ushr 8
internal fun Stack<UByte>.popw(): UShort {
val msb = pop()
val lsb = pop()
return ((msb.toInt() shl 8) + lsb.toInt()).toUShort()
internal fun Stack<UByte>.popf(): Double {
// pop float; lsb is on bottom, msb on top
val b0 = pop().toLong()
val b1 = pop().toLong()
val b2 = pop().toLong()
val b3 = pop().toLong()
val b4 = pop().toLong()
val b5 = pop().toLong()
val b6 = pop().toLong()
val b7 = pop().toLong()
val bits = b7 +
(1L shl 8)*b6 +
(1L shl 16)*b5 +
(1L shl 24)*b4 +
(1L shl 32)*b3 +
(1L shl 40)*b2 +
(1L shl 48)*b1 +
(1L shl 56)*b0
return Double.fromBits(bits)
2022-04-11 20:39:33 +00:00
// probably called via reflection
2022-06-12 14:15:08 +00:00
class VmRunner: IVirtualMachineRunner {
2022-11-11 22:35:52 +00:00
override fun runProgram(irSource: String) {
2022-09-26 17:03:54 +00:00
runAndTestProgram(irSource) { /* no tests */ }
2022-11-11 22:35:52 +00:00
fun runAndTestProgram(irSource: String, test: (VirtualMachine) -> Unit) {
2022-09-26 17:03:54 +00:00
val irProgram = IRFileReader().read(irSource)
val vm = VirtualMachine(irProgram)
// vm.breakpointHandler = { pcChunk, pcIndex ->
// println(" IN CHUNK: $pcChunk(${pcChunk.label}) INDEX: $pcIndex = INSTR ${pcChunk.instructions[pcIndex]}")
// }
2022-09-24 14:00:25 +00:00